July 06, 2011
July 06, 2011
July 06, 2011
The purpose of this standard is to define the requirements for Parallel operation of
transformers for various vector groups applicable for SEC Transmission substation which
are specified in Table 02- 6 of TES-P-119.02. Power Transformer shall meet all the
requirements specified in 53-TMSS-01 and 53-TMSS-02.
3.1.2 The same voltage ratio with some tolerance and similar tapping range;
3.1.3 The same relative short-circuit impedance – with some tolerance. This also
means that the variation of relative impedance across the tapping range
should be similar for the two transformers.
3.1.5 The same power rating preferably. However mismatch of relative loading of
not more than 10% between transformers of non-identical design shall be
regarded as reasonable per clause 6.0 of IEC 60076-8.
3.1.6 Specified and guaranteed ratio and impedance parameters are subject to
tolerances, according to table 1 of IEC 60076-1. However in special cases
such as when the transformer is to be paralleled with existing transfomer etc.,
narrower impedance tolerance shall be specified in the Scope Of Work and
Technical Specification (SOW/TS).
It is important that Scope Of Work and Technical Specification for new transformer
which is intended for parallel operation with a specific existing transformer shall
contain the existing transformer Technical Data. The following shall be considered:
TESP11936R0/KSM Date of Approval: July 06, 2011 PAGE NO. 3 OF 7
3.2.3 Any mismatch data shall be checked properly such as the tapping voltage.
Also whether the staggering steps permit reasonable operation of
transformer in parallel shall also be checked.
The common three-phase transformer connections are shown in figure 36-01. In each
block, one or two clock numbers are indicated by permutation. This means, for
example, that if the secondary terminals of a transformer with clock number 1 were
quite simply re-named by cyclic permutation (II becomes I, III becomes II and I
becomes III), then the phase displacement is changed by 120 electrical degrees to
clock number 5. Consequently, transformers with connection clock numbers
differing by 4 or 8 can be connected in parallel after cyclic permutation of the
connections to the line on either side of the transformer.
Parallel connections of Dyn and Yzn are not recommended because of different zero
sequence impedance properties.
As already stated in clause 3.1.2 transformer to be paralled shall have the same
voltage ratio.If two transformers with slight different ratios are energized this will
result in circulating current between the transformers. The magnitude of current is
derived as follows:
The difference between the induced no-load voltage U1 and U2 expressed as fraction
of "p" of the average voltage is given by :
(U U 2 )
p (U 1 U 2 ) / 1
U U2
= 1 (Eq.36-1)
Where: P = Fraction of rated voltage
U1 = Induced no-voltage for Transformer No. 1
U2 = Induced no-voltage for Transformer No. 2
Ur = Rated Voltage
Ic Q p
c (Eq. 36-2)
I r1 S r1 S
Z 1 r1 xZ 2
Ic Q ( p)
c (Eq. 36-3)
I r2 Sr2 S
Z 2 r 2 xZ1
S r1
Where :
p = Fraction of average voltage
Ic = Circulating Current
Ir1 = Rated Current for Transformer No. 1
Ir2 = Rated Current for Transformer No. 2
Sr1 = Rated Power for Transformer No. 1
Sr2 = Rated Power for Transformer No. 2
Z1 = Short circuit Impedance of Transformer No.1
Z2 = Short circuit Impedance of Transformer No. 2
If both power transformers have the same rated power and the same short circuit
impedance the expression will be as follows:
Ic p
± (Eq. 36-4)
Ir 2Z
Where :
Z = Short circuit impedance of each transformer.
Ir = Rated cirrent for each Transformer
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