Oedipus Slides
Oedipus Slides
Oedipus Slides
(likely original title)
(ancient manuscript title, to distinguish it from Oedipus at Colonus)
I. Sophocles
•Born c. 495 BCE in the deme Colonus
•(about 25 years younger than Aeschylus,
15 years older than Euripides)
??? Ajax
??? Trachiniae
??? Electra
??? Ajax
??? Trachiniae
??? Electra
In the Iliad:
I saw
fine Epicaste, Oedipus’ mother,
who did a dreadful thing in ignorance:
she married her own son. He killed his father,
and married her. The gods revealed the truth
to humans; through their deadly plans, he ruled
the Cadmeans in Thebes, despite his pain.
But Epicaste crossed the gates of Hades;
she tied a noose and hung it from the ceiling,
and hanged herself for sorrow, leaving him
the agonies a mother’s Furies bring.
Seven Against Thebes
Sphinx (satyr play)
Only two lines from the first two plays of the trilogy survive
in a marginal note to an ancient manuscript of Oedipus
“[Sophocles’ Oedipus] portrays the gradual discovery of the deed of Oedipus, long
since accomplished, and brings in slowly to light by skillfully prolonged inquiry,
constantly fed by new evidence; it has thus a certain resemblance to a course of
(Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams)
Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony
Dramatic Irony
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
σαφής (saphēs)
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
Sight, Blindness, and Knowledge
σαφής (saphēs)
“Would you rather be Ion of Chios or Sophocles?
Ion and Bacchylides are impeccable, uniformly
brilliant writers in the polished manner; but it is
Pindar and Sophocles who sometimes set the
world on fire with their vehemence, for all that
their flame often goes out without reason and they
collapse dismally. Indeed, no one is his senses
would reckon all Ion’s works put together as
equivalent of the one play Oedipus.”
(Longinus, On the Sublime 33. Trans. Russell)
IV. Aristotle and Freud
Aristotle’s Poetics is a short lecture on the subject of poetry: “both
poetry in general and capacity of each of its genres; the canons
of plot construction needed for poetic excellence; also the number
and character of poetry’s components, together with the other
topics which belong to the same inquiry.” (1447a, trans. Halliwell)
The majority of the work is spent discussing tragedy:
•unity of action
•unity of time
•unity of space
Adherence to these rules characterizes the
neo-classicism of playwrights like Corneille,
Racine, and Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors
“There must be something which makes a voice
within us ready to recognize the compelling force
of destiny in the Oedipus…. His destiny moves us
only because it might have been ours—because the
oracle laid the same curse upon us before our
birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us,
perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards
our mother and our first hatred and our first
murderous wish against our father. Our dreams
convince us that it is so.”
(Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams)
“There must be something which makes a voice
within us ready to recognize the compelling force
of destiny in the Oedipus…. His destiny moves us
only because it might have been ours—because the
oracle laid the same curse upon us before our
birth as upon him. It is the fate of all of us,
perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards
our mother and our first hatred and our first
murderous wish against our father. Our dreams
convince us that it is so.”
(Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams)
ca. 5th-4th c. BCE. Freud Museum, London.
ca. 5th-4th c. BCE. Freud Museum, London.
Dir. Woody Allen, “Oedipus Wrecks” from New York Stories, 1989.
•Structuralist interpretation
•Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009)
•Myth as mode of communication
•Binary structures
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
• The libretto to Oedipus Rex (1927)
was written by Jean Cocteau, then
translated into Latin by Jean