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(Founded in 1949 & registered under the Societies Registration Act XXXI of 1860 Reg. No. 22157/138 of 2005-2006;
under rule 21 of the Society Act 1860, Reg. No. 1688 of 2002 & Society Act of 1863, Reg. No. 669 of 1953-54)
Pathology & Microbiology : The basis of disease, the foundation of cure, the essence of medicine

Vol. 63 No. 02 2014 April - June 2014 Website : www.iapm.org.in

Professor Manoj Singh
MD, FRCPath, FICPath Dear Friends,
Department of Pathology Greetings from Delhi. How time flies! Before you know,
All India Institute Med. Sciences
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029 half the year is over and we are already preparing to go to Pune
Mobile: 09868850304 in December! While the future ahead is approaching fast, it is
Email : makusi@hotmail.com also a good idea to keep track of the immediate past and the
Vice-President present, in other words, what we, each one of us, has
Professor Siddhartha Datta Gupta accomplished since Aurangabad. I would remind you of the
Department of Pathology
All India Institute Med. Sciences discussions last time, that information about all activities pertaining to IAPM, ICP,
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi 110029 IAP-ID or the regional chapters should be centralized immediately on completion.
Mobile: 09968721233 I request all to try to do this, so that the Secretary’s job in preparing final reports
Email : sdattagupta@gmail.com etc is simplified.
Pradeep Vaideeswar In this context, I would like to inform about the midyear teaching
Professor (Additional) symposium of the IAP-ID, which was organized by the Dept of Pathology, AIIMS
Department of Pathology on 14th & 15th June, 2014. This was entitled “THE DISEASE PROCESS; FROM
Seth GS Medical College PATHOGENESIS TO PROGNOSIS”, and was an attempt at giving a new spin by
Parel, Mumbai 400 012
Mobile: 09833509435 moving away from the usual organ based or technique based symposia. This was
Email: shreeprajai@yahoo.co.in an attempt at explaining causative factors in various diseases and trying to define
Joint Secretary known or prospective prognostic factors, and their impact on therapy. This was
Dr. Sharada Rane attended by about 200 people, and was highly appreciated by the audience.
Senior Associate Professor
Department of Pathology I would like to reiterate here that we should now, as a group, start
BJ Medical College focusing more and more on distance and virtual discussion and teaching, to
Pune 411 001 circumvent the need for travelling long distances, and the other hassles and
Mobile: 09422081682
Email: sharadarane22@gmail.com problems of organizing traditional conferences. Other specialties like Radiology
etc have gone far ahead of us in this, and we should catch up. Already a start
Prof. Maya Nanda is visible, like exchange of images on Pathoindia and other groups. I look forward
IAPM House, Chahata to receiving feedback from all on these issues.
Bidanasi, Cuttack-753014
Mobile: 09437015188
Email: treasureriapm@gmail.com
Joint Secretary IAPM HQ
Dr. Asaranti Kar Dear Members
IAPM House, Chahata, Bidanasi,
Cuttack-753014 “Time and tide wait for no man” and we are already racing
Mobile: 09437170442 towards the forthcoming annual conference of IAPM scheduled to
Email: iapmhousekatak@gmail.com be held at Pune from 4th to 7th December 2014. I am sure that the
Editor-in-Chief organizers, headed by Brigadier V. Srinivas are leaving no stone
Prof. Vatsala Misra unturned to make the session a memorable one. All the information
MD,FICPath,MAMS,MNASc is being provided in the conference web-site (www.
Professor and Head APCON2014.com). This news bulletin carries all the announcements for APCON
Department of Pathology 2014 and 2015. Requesting all the members to go through it and email all
MLN Medical College suggestions. I look forward to your continuing support.
Allahabad-211001, Uttar Pradesh
Email: vatsala.m@rediffmail.com
4th December 2014

8.30 am to 9.00 am Inauguration (Main Hall)

9.00 am to 10.00 am Guest Lecture - Main Hall (Speaker and Topic to be updated)
10.00 am to 10.30 am Tea
10.30 am to 12.30 pm Slide Seminar - “Recent Advances in Soft Tissue Tumors, including Relatively Newer
Diagnostic Entities, Novel Markers and Concepts.” Moderator: Dr.Bharat Rekhi, Mumbai
12.30 pm to 1.30 pm Lunch
1.30 pm to 2.30 pm Slide Seminar (To be updated)
2.30 pm to 4.30 pm Symposium - “IgG4 Related Disease”
Moderator: Dr. KP Aravindan, Calicut, Kerala
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm General Body Meeting of IAPID
5.30 pm Meeting concludes and Tea



6.30 pm onwards Inauguration


8.30 am to 9.30 am Dr BK Aikat Memorial Oration – Dr. Manoj Singh, President IAPM (Main Hall)
9.30 am to 11.15 am Plenary Session (Includes Dr KC Basu Mallick & Best Paper Award) - Main Hall
11.15 am onwards Poster Display, Stalls Inauguration by IAPM Office Bearers
11.15 am to 1.15 pm Parallel CMEs in Three Halls
1. Pathology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Dr. Prasenjit Das, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi
2. Vascular tumors - Recent Developments: Lt Col Tanushri Mukherjee, Command
Hospital Eastern Command, Alipore, Kolkata
3. Ancillary Techniques in Diagnostic Cytopathology: Dr. Palash Mondal, Siliguri

1.15 pm to 2.00 pm Lunch

2.00 pm to 3.30 pm Parallel Symposia in Two Halls
1. Dr. Gaya Prasad Memorial Pathology Symposium
Maternal Death: Pathology lessons learnt from Autopsies.
Moderator - Dr. Kusum Jashnani, TN Medical College, Mumbai
2. Dr. Usha Hardas Microbiology Symposium
The continuing challenges of leprosy
Moderator - Dr. Asaranti Kar, SCB Medical College, Cuttack
3.00 pm to 4.30 pm Parallel Oral papers
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm Poster Review
5.30 pm to 6.00 pm Corporate Session
5.00 pm to 6.00 pm Editorial Board Meeting of IJPM
6.00 pm to 8.00 pm Executive Committee Meeting of IAPM
8.00 pm onwards Dinner

IAPM NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 63 No.02 2014

8.30 am to 9.30 am Parallel Oral papers

9.30 am to 10.30 am ICP Oration – Dr. Roshan Chinoy
10.30 – 11.00 am Tea
11.00 am to 1.00 pm Parallel CMEs in Three Halls
4. Lymphoid neoplasms of gastro-intestinal tract (Classification, clinical inputs,
immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, differential diagnosis and recent advances): Wg
Cdr Prateek Kinra, Command Hospital Air Force, Bangalore
5. Pathology of Joints and Orthopaedic Reconstructive Surgery: Dr.Shantveer Uppin,
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
6. Lung Carcinoma: Morphology to Molecular Genetics: Dr. Satyakam Sawaimoon,
Tata Medical Center, Kolkata

11.00 am to 1.00 pm ICP – Executive Committee Meeting

1.00 pm to 2.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm to 3.30 pm Parallel Slide Seminar/Symposium in Two Halls
1. Slide Seminar: Endobronchial mass Lesions
Dr. Ashim Das, PGI, Chandigarh
2. Hematology Symposium: Cytogenetic and molecular genetics have changed the
way we diagnose and treat acute leukemias: how far we must go
Dr. Mayur Parihar, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
2.00 pm to 3.00 pm ICP – General Body Meeting
3.00 pm to 4.30 pm Parallel Oral papers
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm Poster Review
5.30 pm to 6.00 pm Corporate Session
6.00 pm to 8.00 pm General Body Meeting of IAPM
8.00 pm onwards Dinner


8.30 am to 9.30 am Selected Poster Presentations

9.30 am to 10.30 am Tamil Nadu-Puducherry Oration (To be updated)
10.30 – 11.00 am Tea
11.00 am to 12.15 pm Practising Pathologists’ Session: Automation vis-a-vis
Manual Reporting: Interpretation of errors and Discrepancies “
Dr. Ranjan Agarwal, Bareilly
12.15 pm to 1.00 pm Online Quiz session
1.00 pm to 1.30 pm Valedictory Function
1.30 pm onwards Lunch


IAPM NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 63 No.02 2014
Nominations are invited by the Honorary Secretary for the · The above research work should have been published
election to the following posts to be elected through postal/ in the preceding two years
electronic ballot. The principal author shall submit a Covering letter
1. President (one post), tenure of one year indicating the IAPM Membership number, Certificate from
2. Vice President (one post) , tenure of one year all authors certifying that this research work has been
carried out in India and this work has not received any
The duties of the above posts are provided in the Bye-
other award, along with Certificate from the co-authors (if
Laws of the Association. Every candidate for the post of
any), attesting and supporting the candidature of the
President and Vice President should have at least 10
principal author. In case the applicant is a postgraduate or
years standing as Life Member (without interruptions) and
senior resident, there should be letter from Head of the
have served the Association in one or more ways by being Department/Dean stating that the applicant is eligible for
an office-bearer, or being a member of the council or the award. Pdf format of the published paper is to be
Chapter/Chairperson or participating in Symposium/Seminar submitted to the Secretary IAPM with the biodata of the
at the Annual Conference or as an Organizing Secretary/ applicant.
The publication will be judged by a panel of three
Nominations are to be made on plain paper duly proposed judges to be appointed by the President/Honorary
and seconded by Members who do not owe any Secretary, IAPM. The award may be shared by more than
membership dues (such as Life Members). The nominated one paper if so adjudged or no prize may be given if no
member, proposer and seconder should provide their IAPM entry is found suitable. The prize carries a certificate that
Membership Numbers and sign the nomination. The will be distributed during APCON 2015.
nominated candidate shall provide a letter of consent and b) Smt Kunti Devi Mehrotra Award
a copy of their bio-data (not exceeding one A4 size page)
The Smt Kunti Devi Mehrotra Award is another prestigious
Last date for receipt of nominations is 31st August 2014. award given annually for published research work. The
Last date for withdrawal of nominations is 25th September award is open to all members fulfilling the following criteria:
2014. Ballot Papers will be dispatched by 30th September • The applicant should be below 50 years of age on
2014. Ballot papers will be dispatched only to those 31st July 2014 (age proof to be provided)
members who have cleared all dues by 30th June 2014 as
• The research work submitted should have been
notified by the Honorary Treasurer. If possible, electronic
carried out in India
ballot will be introduced. Last date for receipt of Ballot
papers is 15th November 2014. • The above research work should have been published
by the contesting member as the first author in the
The Association shall not be responsible for any delays/ preceding two years
non-receipt of ballot papers due to incorrect address/postal
The principal author shall submit a Covering letter
delays or similar circumstances beyond its control.
indicating the IAPM Membership number, Certificate from
Note: Under no circumstances the candidates should all authors certifying that this research work has been
canvas for elections by any means. carried out in India and this work has not received any
IAPM ANNOUNCEMENTS 2014 other award, along with Certificate from the co-authors (if
1. IAPM Awards Session: Applications from IAPM any), attesting and supporting the candidature of the
members are invited for the Dr VR Khanolkar Prize, Smt. principal author.
Kunti Devi Mehrotra Award, Prof KC Basu Mallick Award, The publication will be judged by a panel of three
and Best Paper. The applications, complete in all respects judges, one nominated by the family of Smt. Mehrotra and
should reach the Honorary Secretary by the 31st August two by the President/Honorary Secretary, IAPM. The award
2014. may be shared by more than one paper if so adjudged or
no prize may be given if no entry is found suitable.
a) Dr V R Khanolkar Prize: The Dr VR Khanolkar Prize
is one of the most prestigious awards of IAPM for published c) Prof KC Basu Mallick Award
research work. The contest for this prize is open to all This award is given to the best paper presented
members fulfilling the following criteria: during the plenary session of the Annual Conference of
IAPM. The award is open to all members fulfilling the
• The contest is open to those below 45 years of age
following criteria:
on 31 July 2014 (age proof to be provided)
• There is no age restriction,
• The research work submitted should have been
carried out in India • The research work should have been carried out in
IAPM NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 63 No.02 2014
The Principal author shall submit a statement from c) Ancillary Techniques in Diagnostic Cytopathology -
his/her co-authors (if any) supporting his/her candidature Dr. Palash Mondal, Siliguri (drpalash04@yahoo.com)
for the award. All candidates should submit a full-length d) Lymphoid neoplasms of gastro-intestinal tract
text of the research work to be presented in the form of a (Classification, clinical inputs, immunohistochemistry,
manuscript for publication for the Indian Journal of Pathology flow cytometry, differential diagnosis and recent
and Microbiology. The paper shall be scrutinized by a
advances) - Wg Cdr Prateek Kinra, Command Hospital
panel of referees selected by the President/Secretary IAPM
Air Force, Bangalore (09945277110, pkinra_in@yahoo.com)
and a maximum of five papers will be selected for
presentation. The time allotted for presentation is generally e) Pathology of Joints and Orthopedic Reconstructive
10 minutes only. The judges for the Plenary Session shall Surgery - Dr. Shantveer Uppin, Nizam’s Institute of Medical
be appointed by the President/Honorary Secretary Sciences, Hyderabad (09866231933,
maintaining strict confidentiality. If none of the presentations drsguppin@yahoo.co.in)
are found suitable no award may be given. Certificate will f) Lung Carcinoma: Morphology to Molecular Genetics:
be distributed during APCON 2015. Dr. Satyakam Sawaimoon, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
d) Best Paper Award (09920200896, satyakam.sawaimoon@tmckolkata.com)
This award is given to the best paper presented 5. Free papers and Posters
during the plenary session of the Annual Conference of a) The presenting authors for the free paper or poster
IAPM. The rules are similar to the Prof KC Basu Mallick session should be members of IAPM. Only registered
Award except: delegates can send the abstracts. Each member can
• Age below 35 years on 31st December 2013 (age present only one paper (either paper or poster and not
proof to be provided) both).
• A maximum of four papers will be selected for b) The First Page should contain the following details:
presentation Name of the Presenting Author, IAPM Number, Address for
2. Symposia: The following symposia are scheduled to be correspondence, Delegate registration number (if already
held during APCON 2014: available), Mobile number, Email, Choice for presentation
a) Dr. Gaya Prasad Memorial Pathology Symposium (whether oral presentation or poster) and the appropriate
on “Maternal Death : Pathology lessons learnt from sub-specialty.
Autopsies” - Dr. Kusum Jashnani, Professor (Additional) c) If you are a non-member and wish to present paper or
TN Medical College, Mumbai (09820764979, poster, then kindly apply for IAPM membership in advance
kusumjash@hotmail.com) and indicate acknowledgment number provided by the
b) Dr. Usha Hardas Memorial Microbiology Symposium Honorary Treasurer’s office in the space provided for ‘IAPM
on “The continuing challenges of leprosy” – Dr. Asaranti membership number’.
Kar, Associate Professor, SCB Medical College, Cuttack d) The delegates may choose the following sub-specialty:
(09437170442, asarantikar@yahoo.co.in) Autopsy Pathology, Bones/Joints/Soft Tissue Pathology
c) Hematology Symposium on “Cytogenetics and Cytopathology, Dermatopathology, Endocrine Pathology,
molecular genetics have changed the way we Gastrointestinal Pathology, Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic
diagnose and treat acute leukemias : how far we Pathology, Laboratory Medicine (includes Biochemistry,
must go.” - Dr. Mayur Parihar, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata Clinical Pathology, Immunology and Hematology),
d) Practising Pathologists’ Symposium on “Automation Lymphoreticular Pathology, Microbiology, Neuropathology,
vis-a-vis Manual Reporting : Interpretation of errors Pediatric Pathology, Thoracic Pathology, Uro-genital &
and discrepancies” - Dr Ranjan Agrawal (09412291009, Breast Pathology, AND Others.
drranjan68@gmail.com) e) The abstract should be provided in the second page. It
3. Histopathology Slide Seminar on “Endobronchial should include: the Title, Authors’ names (presenting
mass Lesions” - Dr. Ashim Das, Professor, PGI Chandigarh author’s name should be underlined), and Institutional
(ashim126@gmail.com) Affiliations. The abstract is restricted to a maximum of
4. CMEs: The following CMEs are scheduled to be held 250 words.
during APCON 2014: f) For a free paper, the abstract should include: Objectives,
a) Pathology of Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Dr. Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Key words. Please
Prasenjit Das, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New check for grammar and spelling mistakes. The number of
Delhi (09873898110, prasenaiims@gmail.com) cases/patients for a free paper should be more than ten,
b) Vascular tumors - Recent Developments - Lt Col otherwise it will be relegated to the poster category, unless
Tanushri Mukherjee, Command Hospital Eastern Command, the cases are unusual or rare.
Alipore, Kolkata g) For a poster, the abstract should include: Objectives,
(08697980702, tanujamukherjee@yahoo.com) Case Report, Conclusions, and Key words. Those who
IAPM NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 63 No.02 2014
are presenting posters should bring with them the electronic
version of the poster for presentation if selected for the
plenary session on the third day of the conference. The
1. Invitation for Executive Committee Meeting of IAPM
presentation will be for five minutes (three minutes for
on 5th December 2014
presentation and two minutes for discussion).
All Executive Council members (all elected office bearers
h) All abstracts are peer reviewed, and the IAPM reserves
of IAPM, past Presidents of IAPM and State IAPM Chapter
the right to assign it as oral or poster presentation. The
Chairpersons) are cordially invited to attend the Executive
abstract therefore should not be casually written and due
Committee meeting. They are all requested to forward points
care should be taken to ensure its contents. No
for inclusion in the agenda before 15th November 2014
correspondence regarding a change in the presentation
shall be entertained and all members are requested not to 2. Invitation for General Body Meeting of IAPM on 6th
contact the Conference Secretariat or the Honorary December 2014
Secretary in the matter. All the honorable IAPM members are cordially invited to
i) All the abstracts are to be uploaded using online attend the General Body meeting of our association in
registration at the conference web-site. There is no need large numbers. Kindly plan to participate actively in different
discussions for which you are requested to provide matters
to send hard copies by post or by CDs. This is meant for
that may be included in the agenda. Please, write or email
the non-award papers only.
to the honorary secretary before 15th November 2014 so
j) The cut-off date will be 30th September 2014. No that the final agenda will be circulated to the executive
abstracts will be taken after this deadline. Abstracts may council members at the venue.
be withdrawn by a written communication via email to the
3. All the State Chapter Chairpersons are requested to
Secretary by 15th October 2014. Accepted abstracts will
inform the Joint Secretary the complete contact details
be listed on the conference web-site by 31st October 2014.
(including mobile numbers and email) of the current office
6. On-Line Quiz: Contributions are invited for the online bearers. They are also requested to send in their annual
quiz on 7th December 2014, conducted by Dr. Sharada report (1st September 2013 to 31st August 2104) to the
Rane, Joint Secretary (09422081682, Joint Secretary (preferably a soft copy) for future publication
sharadarane22@gmail.com). The contributors will be in the Newsletter. Not more than two high-resolution
acknowledged. pictures are permissible.


1. Proposals are invited for APCON-2015 Conference by email on or before 15th November 2014 for the following:
a) Gaya Prasad Memorial Pathology Symposium
b) Dr. Ananthanarayan Microbiology Symposium
c) IAPM Histopathology Slide Seminar
d) Hematology Symposium
e) Six parallel CMEs (in all sub-branches of pathology including molecular pathology and pathology education)
f) Practising Pathologists’ Symposium
Members with valid membership status are requested to send proposals to the Honorary Secretary. While
proposing to moderate for various sessions, members are requested to keep in mind that these topics have not figured
in the program of past three APCON Conferences, are contemporary and of current importance. As a principle, to
give wide scope to members from all over the country, proposing members should not have moderated a session in
the past one year. Members may propose for not more than two topics.
2. Nomination is invited for the Tamilnadu & Pudduchery Chapter Oration during APCON 2015 Conference from the
TN & Pudduchery chapter of IAPM by 15th November 2014.
3. Guest lectures: Members are requested to propose names of overseas faculty for guest lectures during APCON
2015. Distinguished overseas Indian faculty may be preferred or approached for gracing the 2015 conference. The local
hospitality will be provided to the guest faculty. Suggested names may be forwarded by 15th November 2014.
Note: For organizational discipline members are requested to adhere to the date by which the proposals have to reach.
The proposals are initially discussed and shortlisted in the IAPM Executive Committee before being ratified in the
General body Meeting. No fresh proposal will be entertained during the conference or while the GBM is in progress.

For private circulation only amongst members of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (IAPM) Edited and Published by Pradeep
Vaideeswar, Honorary Secretary IAPM for and on behalf of IAPM and printed at Graphic Art Offset Press, Nuapatna, Mangalabag, Cuttack-753001.
IAPM NEWS BULLETIN Vol. 63 No.02 2014

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