UPS STATIC, 33655031_Spec_2022-02_A00

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Copyright Shell Group of Companies. No reproduction or networking permitted without license from Shell. Not for resale

IOGP S-702 and IOGP S-740,



February 2022




© 2022 Shell Group of companies

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, published or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner or Shell Global Solutions International BV

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DEP (Design and Engineering Practice) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication, of Shell Global Solutions
International B.V. (Shell GSI) and, in some cases, of other Shell Companies.
These views are based on the experience acquired during involvement with the design, construction, operation and
maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where deemed appropriate DEPs are based on, or reference international,
regional, national and industry standards.
The objective is to set the standard for good design and engineering practice to be applied by Shell companies in oil and
gas production, oil refining, gas handling, gasification, chemical processing, or any other such facility, and thereby to help
achieve maximum technical and economic benefit from standardization.
The information set forth in these publications is provided to Shell companies for their consideration and decision to
implement. This is of particular importance where DEPs may not cover every requirement or diversity of condition at each
locality. The system of DEPs is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual Operating Units to adapt the information
set forth in DEPs to their own environment and requirements.
When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use DEPs, they shall be solely responsible for such use, including the quality
of their work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those requirements not
specifically covered, the Principal will typically expect them to follow those design and engineering practices that will achieve
at least the same level of integrity as reflected in the DEPs. If in doubt, the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without
detracting from his own responsibility, consult the Principal.
The right to obtain and to use DEPs is restricted, and is typically granted by Shell GSI (and in some cases by other Shell
Companies) under a Service Agreement or a License Agreement. This right is granted primarily to Shell companies and
other companies receiving technical advice and services from Shell GSI or another Shell Company. Consequently, three
categories of users of DEPs can be distinguished:
1) Operating Units having a Service Agreement with Shell GSI or another Shell Company. The use of DEPs by these
Operating Units is subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the relevant Service Agreement.
2) Other parties who are authorised to use DEPs subject to appropriate contractual arrangements (whether as part of a
Service Agreement or otherwise).
3) Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under 1) or 2) which
requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed on behalf of the said users comply
with the relevant standards.
Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users, Shell GSI disclaims
any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death) suffered by any company or person whomsoever
as a result of or in connection with the use, application or implementation of any DEP, combination of DEPs or any part
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All administrative queries should be directed to the DEP Administrator in Shell GSI.

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PART I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 6
1.1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 6
CONSIDERATIONS........................................................................................... 6
1.3 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................... 7
1.4 CROSS-REFERENCES .................................................................................... 7
1.5 SUMMARY OF MAIN CHANGES...................................................................... 8
1.6 COMMENTS ON THIS DEP .............................................................................. 8
1.7 DUAL UNITS ...................................................................................................... 8
1.8 NON NORMATIVE TEXT (COMMENTARY) ..................................................... 8
PART II. GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 9
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS (UPS) S-701 .................................10
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 10
1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 11
2 Normative references ...................................................................................... 12
3 Terms and definitions, acronyms and abbreviations .......................................12
3.6 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................... 12
5 Electrical conditions, performance and declared values .................................13
5.1 General ............................................................................................................ 13
5.2 UPS input specification .................................................................................... 14
5.3 UPS output specification .................................................................................. 14
5.6 Communication circuits .................................................................................... 14
7 Constructional requirements ............................................................................ 15
7.1 General ............................................................................................................ 15
7.2 Enclosure ......................................................................................................... 15
7.3 Accessibility and maintenance safety .............................................................. 15
7.4 Components ..................................................................................................... 16
7.5 Internal wiring & terminals ............................................................................... 17
7.6 Earthing ............................................................................................................ 17
7.7 Ventilation ........................................................................................................ 18
7.8 Additional requirements for offshore (fixed and floating) installations .............18
7.9 Battery isolator box .......................................................................................... 19
8 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 19
8.1 Rectifier ............................................................................................................ 19
8.2 Inverter ............................................................................................................. 21
8.3 Static and maintenance bypass ....................................................................... 21
8.4 Measurement, protection and control .............................................................. 22
9 Packing, handling, preservation and storage ..................................................26
Annex A (informative) Uninterruptible power system (UPS) configurations ..................26
Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 28
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS (UPS) S-702 .................................29
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 29
1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 30
2 Normative references ...................................................................................... 31
3 Terms and definitions, acronyms and abbreviations .......................................31

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3.7 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................... 32

5 Electrical conditions, performance and declared values .................................32
5.1 General ............................................................................................................ 32
5.2 DC UPS input specification .............................................................................. 33
5.3 DC UPS output specification ........................................................................... 33
5.6 Communication circuits .................................................................................... 33
7 Constructional requirements ............................................................................ 34
7.1 General ............................................................................................................ 34
7.2 Enclosure ......................................................................................................... 34
7.3 Accessibility and maintenance safety .............................................................. 34
7.4 Components ..................................................................................................... 35
7.5 Internal wiring & terminals ............................................................................... 36
7.6 Earthing ............................................................................................................ 36
7.7 Ventilation ........................................................................................................ 36
7.8 Additional requirements for offshore (fixed and floating) installations .............37
7.9 Battery isolator box .......................................................................................... 37
8 Functional requirements .................................................................................. 38
8.1 Charger ............................................................................................................ 38
8.2 Measurement, Protection and Control ............................................................. 40
9 Packing, handling, preservation and storage ..................................................43
Annex A (informative) DC UPS configurations .............................................................. 43
Bibliography ..................................................................................................... 44
PART V. SPECIFICATION FOR BATTERIES (IEC) S-740 ...........................................45
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 45
1 Scope ............................................................................................................... 46
2 Normative References ..................................................................................... 47
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................... 47
4 Environment and safety ................................................................................... 47
4.1 ......................................................................................................................... 47
4.2 ......................................................................................................................... 47
4.3 ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.4 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5 Design and performance ................................................................................. 48
5.1 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.2 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.3 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.4 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.5 .........................................................................................................................48
5.6 ......................................................................................................................... 48
5.7 ......................................................................................................................... 48
6 Battery construction ......................................................................................... 49
6.1 Cell container ................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Cell terminals ................................................................................................... 49
7 Battery sizing ................................................................................................... 49
8 Battery testing .................................................................................................. 49
9 Battery accessories.......................................................................................... 49
9.1 Interconnecting links and covers ..................................................................... 49

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9.2 Tools and tackles ............................................................................................. 50

10 Battery installation............................................................................................ 50
10.1 Battery rack design .......................................................................................... 50
10.2 Cabinets and enclosures ................................................................................. 51
10.3 Additional requirements for electrical batteries installed on ships ...................52
10.4 Additional requirements for electrical batteries installed on fixed and
mobile offshore units ........................................................................................ 52
10.5 Markings .......................................................................................................... 52
10.6 Documentation ................................................................................................. 52
11 Battery handling, packing transportation and storage .....................................53
11.1 ......................................................................................................................... 53
11.2 ......................................................................................................................... 53
PART VI. REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 54

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This DEP specifies requirements and gives recommendations for static AC and DC
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units and batteries. This DEP does not apply to
applications using North American standards; refer to DEP‑Gen. for
North American applications.
The DC UPS comprises of a rectifier and battery whereas AC UPS comprises of a rectifier,
battery, inverter, static bypass switch and maintenance bypass switch.
These units serve as a secure (uninterruptible) source of power to vital instrumentation,
monitoring and safeguarding systems in continuously operating plants. For a battery
charger used for auxiliary power supply for switchboards, refer to Appendix A of
This DEP contains mandatory requirements to mitigate process safety risks in accordance
with Design Engineering Manual (DEM) 1 - Application of Technical Standards.
Part III of this DEP replicates, and contains Shell amendments to,
the International Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) document S-701: Supplementary
Specification to IEC 62040-3 AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS).
Part IV of this DEP replicates, and contains Shell amendments to, IOGP document
S 702: Supplementary Specification to IEC 62040-5-3 DC Uninterruptible Power Systems.
Part V of this DEP replicates, and contains Shell amendments to, IOGP document
S-740: Specification for Batteries (IEC).
This is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2021; see (Part I, 1.5)
regarding the changes.
Unless otherwise authorised by Shell GSI, the distribution of this DEP is confined to Shell
companies and, where necessary, to Contractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers nominated
by them. Any authorised access to DEPs does not for that reason constitute an
authorisation to any documents, data or information to which the DEPs may refer.
This DEP is intended for use in facilities related to oil and gas production, gas handling, oil
refining, chemical processing, gasification, distribution and supply/marketing. This DEP may
also be applied in other similar facilities.
When DEPs are applied, a Management of Change (MOC) process shall be implemented;
this is of particular importance when existing facilities are to be modified.
If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements could be more
stringent than in this DEP, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the
requirements are the more stringent and which combination of requirements will be
acceptable with regards to the safety, environmental, economic and legal aspects. In all
cases, the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the requirements of
this DEP which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the Authorities concerned, the objective
being to obtain agreement to follow this DEP as closely as possible.

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1.3.1 General definitions
The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering,
procurement, construction, commissioning or management of a project or operation of a
facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and
services to perform the duties specified by the Contractor.
The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for it. The Principal
may also include an agent or consultant authorised to act for, and on behalf of, the
The word shall indicates a requirement.
The capitalised term SHALL [PS] indicates a process safety requirement.
The word should indicates a recommendation.
The word may indicates a permitted option.
1.3.2 Specific definitions
The following definitions are specific to this DEP.

Term Definition

Maintenance A manually operated transfer switch incorporated into the UPS unit to
Bypass Switch provide supply to the load after bypassing the major electronics in the UPS,
so the UPS can be serviced without power interruption.

Mean Time Total operating period divided by number of faults that have resulted in
Between Failure outages (hours).

Mean Time to Total time to repair and return to service divided by number of faults that
Repair (MTTR) have resulted in outages (hours).

Vital Service Service which, if failing in operation or when called upon, can cause an
unsafe condition of the process and/or electrical installation, jeopardise life,
or cause major damage to the installation.

Where cross-references to other parts of this DEP are made, the referenced section or
clause number is shown in brackets ( ). Other documents referenced by this DEP are listed
in (PART VI).

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This DEP is a revision of the DEP of the same number dated February 2021. This revision
is a complete re-write to endorse the use of IOGP S-701, S-702 and S-740 to leverage and
improve industry standardisation. The following are the main, non-editorial changes.

Section/Clause Change

Overall DEP Complete rewrite of this DEP incorporating the IOGP S-701, S-
702 and S-740 standards

Part III, 5.1.7, Shell upgrades this IOGP S-701 requirement to a SHALL [PS]
Item 1 statement

Part IV, 5.1.7, Shell upgrades this IOGP S-702 requirement to a SHALL [PS]
Item 1 statement

Part V, 1 Shell provides a scope exclusion to IOGP S-740


Comments on this DEP may be submitted to the Administrator using one of the following

Shell DEPs Online Enter the Shell DEPs Online system

(Users with access to at
Shell DEPs Online) Select a DEP and then go to the details
screen for that DEP.
Click on the “Give feedback” link, fill in the
online form and submit.

DEP Feedback System Enter comments directly in the DEP

(Users with access to Feedback System which is accessible from
the Technical Standards
Shell Wide Web)
Select “Submit DEP Feedback”, fill in the
online form and submit.

DEP Standard Form Use DEP Standard Form‑Gen.

(other users) to record feedback and email the form to
the Administrator at

Feedback that has been registered in the DEP Feedback System by using one of the above
options will be reviewed by the DEP Custodian for potential improvements to the DEP.
This DEP contains both the International System (SI) units, as well as the corresponding
US Customary (USC) units, which are given following the SI units in brackets. When agreed
by the Principal, the indicated USC values/units may be used.
Text shown in italic style in this DEP indicates text that is non-normative and is provided as
explanation or background information only.
Non-normative text is normally indented slightly to the right of the relevant DEP

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1. Part III of this DEP is the full adoption, including Shell amendments, of the IOGP
supplementary specification to IEC 62040-3 AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
2. Part IV of this DEP is the full adoption, including Shell amendments, of the IOGP
supplementary specification to IEC 62040-5-3 DC Uninterruptible Power Systems
(UPS) S-702.
3. Part V of this DEP is the full adoption, including Shell amendments, of the
IOGP specification for Batteries (IEC) S-740.
4. Standard Requisition DEP‑Gen. shall be used for the specification of
Shell adopts the IOGP data sheet template with clarifications and default selections.
Shell has assigned the number DEP‑Gen. to the IOGP datasheet- this
number represents the data sheet that existed prior to the IOGP publication.
5. Standard Requisition DEP‑Gen. shall be used for the specification of
Shell adopts the IOGP data sheet template with clarifications and default selections.
Shell has assigned the number DEP‑Gen. to the IOGP datasheet- this
number represents the data sheet that existed prior to the IOGP publication.
6. Standard Requisition DEP‑Gen. shall be used for the specification of
Shell adopts the IOGP data sheet template with clarifications and default selections.
Shell has assigned the number DEP‑Gen. to the IOGP datasheet- this
number represents the data sheet that existed prior to the IOGP publication.
7. Refer to Section 3.9.4 of DEP‑Gen. for battery autonomy times for onshore
and offshore applications.

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The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of requirements for
the procurement of AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) in accordance with
IEC 62040-3, Edition 2.0, 2011, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of
specifying the performance and test requirements for application in the petroleum and
natural gas industries. This specification follows a common document structure comprising
the four documents as shown below, which together with the purchase order define the
overall technical specification for procurement.

JIP33 Specification for Procurement Documents

Supplementary Technical Specification
This specification is to be applied in conjunction with the supporting data sheet, quality
requirements specification (QRS) and information requirements specification (IRS) as
IOGP S-701: Supplementary Specification to IEC 62040-3 AC Uninterruptible Power
Systems (UPS)
This specification defines the technical requirements for the supply of the equipment and is
written as an overlay to IEC 62040-3, following the IEC 62040-3 clause structure. Clauses
from IEC 62040-3 not amended by this specification apply as written to the extent
applicable to the scope of supply.
Modifications to IEC 62040-3 defined in this specification are identified as
Add (add to clause or add new clause), Replace (part of or entire clause) or Delete.
IOGP S-701D: Data Sheet for AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) (IEC 62040-3)
The data sheet defines application specific requirements, attributes and options specified
by the purchaser for the supply of equipment to the technical specification. The data sheet
may also include fields for supplier provided information attributes subject to purchaser’s
technical evaluation. Additional purchaser supplied documents may also be incorporated or
referenced in the data sheet to define scope and technical requirements for enquiry and
purchase of the equipment.


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IOGP S-701Q: Quality Requirements for AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

(IEC 62040-3)
The QRS defines quality management system requirements and the proposed extent of
purchaser conformity assessment activities for the scope of supply. Purchaser conformity
assessment activities are defined through the selection of one of four generic conformity
assessment system (CAS) levels on the basis of evaluation of the associated service and
supply chain risks. The applicable CAS level is specified by the purchaser in the data sheet
or in the purchase order.


IOGP S-701L: Information Requirements for AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

(IEC 62040-3)
The IRS defines the information requirements, including contents, format, timing and
purpose to be provided by the supplier. It may also define specific conditions which invoke
information requirements.


The terminology used within this specification and the supporting data sheet, QRS and IRS
follows that of IEC 62040-3 and is in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 as
The data sheet and IRS are published as editable documents for the purchaser to specify
application specific requirements. The supplementary specification and QRS are fixed
The order of precedence (highest authority listed first) of the documents shall be:
a) regulatory requirements;
b) contract documentation (e.g. purchase order);
c) purchaser defined requirements (data sheet, QRS, IRS);
d) this specification;
e) IEC 62040-3.
1 Scope
Add to second paragraph
This specification also specifies the UPS manufacturing requirements of the rectifiers,
inverters and static switches, and functional requirements related to measurement,
protection and alarms. Packing, handling, preservation and storage requirements are also

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2 Normative references
Add to clause
IEC 60076-1, Power transformers – Part 1: General
IEC 60076-11, Power transformers – 11: Dry-type transformers
IEC 60076-12, Power transformers – Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power
IEC 60085, Electrical insulation – Thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60092 (all parts), Electrical installations in ships
IEC 60529, Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60947-2, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2: Circuit-breakers
IEC 60947-4-1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4-1: Contactors and
motor-starters – Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
IEC 61000-2-4: 2002, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – 2-4: – Compatibility levels in
industrial for low-frequency conducted disturbances
IEC 61892 (all parts), Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations
IEC 62040 (all parts except part 3), Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
IOGP S-560, Supplementary Requirements to IEC 61439-1 & 2 LV
Switchgear & Controlgear
Replace IEC 62040-1:2008 with
IEC 62040-1:2017, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 1: Safety requirements
3 Terms and definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
Add new term

3.1.33 supervisory control and data acquisition

overall site integrated process automation, control and/or monitoring system.
Add new term

3.2.33 soft start

function to control the gradual increase of the input a.c. current within a specified time when
the UPS starts or restarts.
3.6 Acronyms and abbreviations
HMI human machine interface
MCB miniature circuit breaker
MCCB moulded case circuit breaker
MCT multi cable transit
THD total harmonic distortion

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5 Electrical conditions, performance and declared values

5.1 General
5.1.2 Markings and instructions
Replace second sentence with
Markings and instructions shall be in accordance with IEC 62040-1 , Clause 6.
Add to subclause
The nameplate shall include the item serial number, month and year of manufacture.
Add to subclause
Caution, danger and warning labels shall display information in English and another
language, if specified.
5.1.4 Electromagnetic compatibility
Replace subclause with
The UPS shall conform to the electromagnetic emission and immunity levels in IEC 62040-2
for the specified category level.
Add new subclause

5.1.5 Noise
The sound pressure level, measured at a distance of one metre from the UPS in any
direction, shall not exceed the specified value, at load conditions ranging from no load to
the rated load.
Add new subclause

5.1.6 UPS design basis

The operational life of the UPS and its components at the rated load shall be in accordance
with Table 5.
Add new table
Table 5 – UPS operational life

Components Minimum operation life


Rectifier unit, inverter unit and static 20

switch unit
Cooling fans 5

DC Capacitors 10

Add new subclause

5.1.7 Availability
Irrespective of its configuration, the UPS shall achieve reliability integrity level 1 (RIL 1) in
accordance with Table K.1.
Shell deletes this clause.
Shell replaces the clause with the following:
1. The AC UPS systems used to supply vital service SHALL [PS] have a reliability
integrity level 1 (RIL-1) as per IEC 62040-3, Annex K.

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Add new subclause

5.1.8 Overload capability
The UPS shall have a minimum overload capability of 125 % of the rated output current for
ten minutes.
The UPS shall have a minimum overload capability of 150 % of the rated output current for
one minute.
The inverter section of the UPS shall deliver the specified short circuit current.
The design value for inverter short circuit shall be 200 % of rated current for 0.1 second, if
no value is specified.
NOTE Battery sizing is independent of the output overload capability of the UPS.
5.2 UPS input specification
5.2.1 Conditions for normal mode operation
Add to the beginning of list item f)
“for public low voltage networks,”
Add new list item h) after NOTE 4
h. for industrial networks, total harmonic distortion (THD) of voltage ≤ 8 % as per class 1
compatibility levels, with a maximum level of individual harmonic voltages in
accordance with IEC 61000-2-4, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. Refer to IEC 61892-1
for offshore installations.
5.3 UPS output specification
5.3.4 Performance classification
Add to subclause
The UPS shall comply with the requirement of the specified performance-based
classification code.
5.6 Communication circuits
Add to subclause
The UPS shall be provided with communication hardware compliant with the specified
interface media and protocol.
Add to subclause
Cable distance limitations for the selected protocol shall be specified.
Add to subclause
A list of mapping addresses of the data communication and signalling circuits intended to
be exchanged with the information technology equipment
(e.g. SCADA system, local area networks or telecommunication networks) shall be

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Add new clause

7 Constructional requirements
7.1 General
The design of the UPS shall minimize the mean time to repair by using self-diagnostics,
comprehensive alarm descriptions, and easy accessibility to components and circuits.
Components, printed circuit boards, connectors and terminals, and the associated locations
of these items shall be identified with labels in accordance with IEC 62040-1.
Components requiring periodic replacement shall be listed in the spare parts list with the
recommended replacement frequency.
An obsolescence management plan in accordance with an industry recognized system
(e.g. IEC 62402 ) shall be provided for all UPS assembly components.
An installation manual, maintenance manual, operational manual and manufacturing record
book shall be provided with the equipment.
The AC distribution board, if integral to the UPS, shall be in accordance with IOGP-S-560.
7.2 Enclosure
The UPS shall be installed in steel cabinet enclosures that are:
– floor mounted, free-standing and self-supporting; or
– wall mounted.
The enclosure shall have a minimum degree of protection of IP31 in accordance with
IEC 60529.
The battery bank shall be integrated in the UPS cabinets or placed separately, as specified.
Undrilled removable gland plates or multi cable transits (MCT) shall be used for cable entry.
Gland plates for single core cable entries shall be of non-magnetic material.
7.3 Accessibility and maintenance safety
Access for operation and maintenance shall be from the front only.

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The location and grouping of components and auxiliary equipment shall permit identification
and access for operational, maintenance and repair purposes, without interruption of power
supply to the load.
Protection devices that malfunction due to vibration or impact and cause the UPS to trip
shall not be mounted on the door.
Live components and parts accessible with the compartment door open shall be protected
by enclosures, barriers or shrouds to a degree of protection of at least IP2X.
The maintenance bypass switch and isolation transformer shall be mounted internally in a
common compartment (integral) or separately in an adjacent compartment, as specified.
Live parts of the integral maintenance bypass shall be protected by barriers to provide a
minimum ingress protection of IP2X.
Isolating switches enabling the maintenance bypass mode of operation shall have a facility
for padlocking in the open position.
Terminals shall be provided in the maintenance bypass compartment for wiring to and from
the rectifier/inverter/static bypass compartments, enabling complete isolation of the
rectifier/inverter/static bypass compartments.
Document holders shall be provided inside the enclosure, if specified.
7.4 Components
Main circuit switches, miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) and moulded case circuit breakers
(MCCBs) shall have a facility for padlocking in the open position.
Mechanical type main circuit switches shall be in accordance with IEC 60947-3.
Main circuit switches shall comply with utilization category AC22 and DC22 for AC and DC
switches respectively in accordance with IEC 60947-3.
Main circuit breakers and isolation switches shall be manually operated and air-break type
for uninterrupted duty.
MCBs and MCCBs shall comply with IEC 60947-2.
Contactors shall be rated for uninterrupted duty in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1.

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Contactors shall comply with utilization category of AC-1 and DC-1 for AC and DC
contactors respectively in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1.
Transformers and reactors used for input and output isolation shall be air-cooled type in
accordance with IEC 60076, parts 1, 11 and 12.
Transformers shall be in accordance with IEC 60076-11.
Transformers shall have copper or aluminum windings.
Transformers shall have a high grade silicon steel core.
Transformers shall be an air-cooled type design.
The transformer insulation material shall have thermal class 180 (H) rating in accordance
with IEC 60085.
The UPS shall display the single line diagram and status indication, as specified.
7.5 Internal wiring & terminals
Insulation material of internal wires shall be zero halogen, flame retardant and have a
low smoke index.
Wiring shall be labelled with alphanumeric characters located adjacent to the terminals.
Wiring for external connections shall be routed to individual terminals on an accessible
terminal block.
The separation distance between the gland plate and the connection terminals within the
cabinet shall permit stress free orientation of the cable cores and avoid mechanical stress
on the connection terminals.
7.6 Earthing
A main protective earthing arrangement shall be provided inside the enclosure in close
proximity to the cable entry location.
NOTE The main protective earthing arrangement can be a copper bar, conductor or
terminal, as appropriate.
The cubicle shall be bonded to the main protective earthing arrangement in accordance
with IEC 62040-1.

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All exposed, non-current carrying parts of the UPS inclusive of the enclosure, components
and doors shall be bonded to earth.
The gland plates or MCTs shall be earthed to the main protective earthing arrangement.
If neutral is required for the AC output distribution system, the inverter output and bypass
transformer neutrals shall be connected to the main protective earthing arrangement by a
removable link within the enclosure.
7.7 Ventilation
The cooling system design of the UPS shall be convection cooling or fan assisted forced
air cooling.
Cooling fans shall be installed with a redundant (N+1) configuration.
Fans shall be equipped with monitoring facilities to provide an alarm in the event of a fan
Cooling air filters shall be replaceable while the UPS remains in service.
Cooling fans shall be replaceable while the UPS remains in service, if specified.
If a cooling fan is out of service, the UPS shall continue to deliver the rated load without the
maximum continuous temperature of components exceeding the designed limits.
If a cooling fan is out of service, the UPS shall continue to deliver the rated load without
switching to bypass mode.
7.8 Additional requirements for offshore (fixed and floating) installations
For offshore installations, the UPS and associated equipment and components shall be in
accordance with the general requirements of IEC 62040 (all parts) and:
– the requirements of IEC 61892 (all parts) for mobile and fixed units; or
– the requirements of IEC 60092 (all parts except 301, 305, 306, 501, 502 and 503)
for electrical installations in ships.
If the requirements according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
International Association of Classification Societies Ltd. (IACS) or other applicable
classification societies contradicts or conflicts with the requirements of the IEC standards,
the more stringent shall be applied.

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7.9 Battery isolator box

The battery isolator box shall be suitable for wall, frame or pedestal mounting.
The battery isolator shall be lockable in the open position using padlocks.
The battery isolator box design shall be in accordance with the location of installation and
the environmental conditions specified.
The battery isolator box with closed doors shall have a minimum degree of protection of
IP31 in accordance with IEC 60529.
The battery isolator box enclosure type shall depend on the area classification assigned to
its specified location of installation.
The battery isolator box enclosure shall have undrilled, removable gland plates.
The battery isolator shall be a switch fuse unit or MCCB.
The battery isolator shall be selected for the rated DC voltage and DC current rating.
The auxiliary supply for the MCCB control element (under voltage coil or shunt trip coil)
shall be nominally rated equal to the battery bank voltage.
Potential free status contacts of the battery isolator shall be wired to the terminals,
if specified.
Add new clause

8 Functional requirements
8.1 Rectifier
8.1.1 Rectifier components
The rectifier unit of the AC UPS shall have an input transformer to galvanically isolate the
AC and DC sections.
The rectifier unit and components on the input side of the UPS shall be sized to supply the
rated output and simultaneously boost charge the battery at the highest permissible current
If a UPS system with a bi-directional rectifier is specified, it shall be provided with an on-line
battery capacity discharge test feature by feeding the power back to the power source.

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The UPS shall have an automatic or manual feature to perform on-line battery capacity
testing by discharging of the battery into the load.
The UPS shall integrate with the on-line battery monitoring system to continuously assess
individual cell condition of the battery bank, if specified.
If an on-line battery monitoring system is specified, the UPS shall generate an alarm if the
battery parameters are outside the set limits.
The total AC ripple at the battery terminals, including that generated by the inverter and
load, shall not exceed the tolerance limits specified by the battery manufacturer.
8.1.2 Operation
The rectifier unit shall operate according to the constant voltage, current limiting and soft
start philosophy.
The rectifier unit shall restart automatically upon restoration of the input power supply
following a power interruption.
The rectifier unit shall be rated to recharge the battery to a specified nominal value of
AH capacity following a discharge at rated load for the specified autonomy time,
simultaneously meeting the inverter input requirements while the inverter is delivering the
rated output.
Depending on the type of battery selected for energy storage, the rectifier shall perform
battery charging at float, boost and equalization charge, or float and equalization charge.
The float or boost charge voltage shall be adjustable while the UPS is in operation.
Upon restoration of input power supply following a power interruption, the rectifier unit shall
initiate the boost charge cycle if the rectifier is in auto mode.
NOTE Boost charge initiation depends on the state of charge or type of battery
selected for energy storage.
The duration of the boost charging shall be controlled by:
– automatic timer; or
– feedback of the battery current and voltage indicating that the required adequate
battery charge has been achieved.

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The rectifier unit shall revert automatically to float charging upon completion of the boost
charging or equalization charging.
The rectifier unit shall have provision for terminating the boost charging using an external
signal (e.g. ventilation failure or H2 detection within the battery room).
The rectifier unit shall have provision for accepting temperature compensation input for
batteries to control the battery charging voltage with an accuracy of ±1 %.
The UPS shall permit a black start, delivering power to the load at the rated output with only
the batteries providing the input power, if specified.
The UPS shall permit an ESD override feature, if specified.
The rectifier shall restrict the battery charging current to a safe value specified by the
battery manufacturer, depending on the mode of operation.
Manual initiation of float and boost modes of operation on the rectifier shall be provided.
The return from boost mode to float mode of operation for the battery shall be automatic.
8.2 Inverter
The inverter shall be short-circuit proof with a current limiting design.
The output voltage regulation shall be maintained within ±1 % of the rated output voltage
while operating in non-synchronous conditions.
The waveform of the output voltage of the UPS shall be sinusoidal with a THD not
exceeding 5 % for linear and non-linear loads.
8.3 Static and maintenance bypass
The switching devices of the static bypass unit at the inverter output and the bypass path
shall be sized for a continuous current rating equivalent to the rated output of the UPS.
The static bypass circuit shall have a short time current rating of:
– 1 000 % of the UPS current rating for 50 milliseconds; and
– 150 % of the UPS current rating for 60 seconds.

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The protection device used in the static bypass circuit shall permit short time rated currents.
The protection device used in the static bypass circuit shall prevent damage to the static
switch if the overcurrent persists for longer than the specified time.
The UPS shall be provided with the facility to initiate a manual transfer from the inverter
supply to the bypass supply and vice-versa.
An overall maintenance bypass shall be provided across the UPS for servicing purposes.
8.4 Measurement, protection and control
8.4.1 General
The UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to provide the required data
The UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to generate the required indications
and alarms.
The UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to initiate protection measures to
mitigate the consequences of internal/external faults, and component or control circuit
8.4.2 Indication and display
The UPS shall have a real time interactive operator interface using a microprocessor based
human machine interface (HMI) mounted on the front door.
The HMI shall indicate the UPS operation status.
The HMI shall accept operational input commands.
The HMI shall monitor operating parameters and display alarms, events and fault

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The following statuses shall be displayed on the HMI or by LED signalling lights located on
the UPS front panel:
– AC input power supply healthy;
– bypass power supply healthy;
– rectifier ON;
– inverter ON;
– battery breaker ON;
– load on inverter;
– load on bypass;
– inverter/static bypass synchronized;
– battery discharging;
– common UPS alarm (LED signalling light).
The HMI display shall have a mimic diagram representing the power flow path as a single
line diagram of the UPS and status of components.
Failure of the HMI display or indicating equipment on the UPS shall not compromise the
operation of the UPS.
The HMI shall have password protected multiple levels of access:
– for viewing, by the operator;
– for settings, by trained operating personnel;
– for service, by the manufacturer's personnel.
The HMI shall have storage for retaining:
– historical data;
– event/alarm logging with time and date stamping;
– historical trending for assisting troubleshooting and failure analysis.

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The UPS shall have communication facilities as specified for remote monitoring and
Software and hardware shall be provided for monitoring, review and control of settings on
the UPS on-line or off-line, if specified.
8.4.3 Measurements
The following measurement data shall be displayed on the HMI or by discrete measuring or
display instruments located on the front panel of the UPS:
– UPS input voltage per phase;
– UPS input current per phase;
– DC voltage;
– battery current (charging);
– battery current (discharging);
– UPS output voltage per phase;
– UPS output current per phase;
– UPS output frequency;
– remaining autonomy time of the battery (percentage or minutes).
8.4.4 Alarms and protection
The alarm and protection functions shall be identified on the operator interface HMI by
indicators with a first failure feature.

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Alarm and trip functions shall be provided in accordance with Table 6 as a minimum.
Add new table
Table 6 – Minimum alarm and trip functions
Trouble description Alarm Rectifier trip Inverter trip

AC input power supply - undervoltage ✓ Offa b

Rectifier failure ✓ ✓

DC overvoltage ✓ ✓

DC undervoltage ✓ ✓

Battery discharging ✓

Battery breaker off / battery disconnected ✓

Battery temperature high (VRLA batteries only) ✓

Cooling fan failure ✓

Inverter failure ✓ ✓

Inverter overcurrent ✓

Inverter Output voltage deviation ✓ ✓

Inverter/bypass unsynchronized ✓

Power module overtemperature ✓ ✓

aI n case the AC input power supply falls below allowable limits, the rectifier shall shut down.
bWhen the AC input power supply resumes and remains within allowable limits, the rectifier shall start
automatically and no reset is required.
Alarms associated with trip functions shall be reset manually, locally or remotely, except for
the AC input power supply alarm (see Table 6).
The UPS shall have two programmable output relays, with two potential free contacts per
relay, a normally open contact and a normally closed contact, wired to a terminal block for
remote interface.
Alarms and changes in operation modes shall be time stamped and stored chronologically
in a non-volatile memory of the HMI in a “first in – first out” rolling manner.
8.4.5 Controls
The settings and threshold limits of parameters shall be adjustable on-line without requiring
the outage of the UPS.

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The rectifier unit shall permit battery boost charge operation for vented batteries and partial
gas recombination nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries, in manual and automatic modes.
After a period of battery discharge, if the boost-charge cycle is in auto mode, boost charging
shall be initiated and continued until the batteries are fully recharged.
NOTE Boost charge initiation depends on the state of charge or type of battery
selected for energy storage.
The internal control supply of the UPS shall be available provided any of the power sources
to the UPS are present.
The inverter unit shall control the output of the UPS to maintain synchronism with the
bypass voltage during variations in input frequency, within the specified tolerance limits.
If variation in the input frequency exceeds the defined synchronization limits, the inverter
shall revert to free-running (non-synchronous) operation.
Add new clause

9 Packing, handling, preservation and storage

The UPS and associated equipment and components shall be packed to protect against
damage during transportation.
Annex A (informative) Uninterruptible power system (UPS) configurations
Shell adds the following commentary:
Refer to Shell Standard Drawings S 67.006, S 66.225 and S 66.236 for typical Shell

Replace Figure A.2 with

Figure A.2 – Simplified single UPS with bypass

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Replace Figure A.3 with Figures A.3A and A.3B

Figure A.3A – Simplified parallel UPS with common bypass and common output

Add new figure

Figure A.3B – Simplified parallel UPS with common bypass and separate output

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Replace Figure A.6 with

Figure A.6 – Simplified dual bus UPS with bypass

Add to bibliography
IEC 62402, Obsolescence management

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The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of requirements for
the procurement of DC uninterruptible power systems (UPS) in accordance with
IEC 620405-3, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 5-3: DC output
UPS - Performance and test requirements, Edition 1.0, 2016-10 for application in the
petroleum and natural gas industries. This specification follows a common document
structure comprising the four documents as shown below, which together with the purchase
order define the overall technical specification for procurement.

JIP33 Specification for Procurement Documents Supplementary Technical

This specification is to be applied in conjunction with the supporting data sheet, quality
requirements specification (QRS) and information requirements specification (IRS) as
IOGP S-702: Supplementary Specification to IEC 62040-5-3 DC Uninterruptible Power
Systems (UPS)
This specification defines the technical requirements for the supply of the equipment and is
written as an overlay to IEC 62040-5-3, following the IEC 62040-5-3 clause structure.
Clauses from IEC 62040-5-3 not amended by this specification apply as written to the
extent applicable to the scope of supply.
Modifications to IEC 62040-5-3 defined in this specification are identified as
Add (add to clause or add new clause), Replace (part of or entire clause) or Delete.
IOGP S-702D: Data Sheet for DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)
The data sheet defines application specific requirements, attributes and options specified by
the purchaser for the supply of equipment to the technical specification. The data sheet may
also include fields for supplier provided information attributes subject to purchaser’s
technical evaluation. Additional purchaser supplied documents may also be incorporated or
referenced in the data sheet to define scope and technical requirements for enquiry and
purchase of the equipment.


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IOGP S-702Q: Quality Requirements for DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

The QRS defines quality management system requirements and the proposed extent of
purchaser conformity assessment activities for the scope of supply. Purchaser conformity
assessment activities are defined through the selection of one of four generic conformity
assessment system (CAS) levels on the basis of evaluation of the associated service and
supply chain risks. The applicable CAS level is specified by the purchaser in the data sheet
or in the purchase order.


IOGP S-702L: Information Requirements for DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

The IRS defines the information requirements, including contents, format, timing and
purpose to be provided by the supplier. It may also define specific conditions which invoke
information requirements.


The terminology used within this specification and the supporting data sheet, QRS and IRS
follows that of IEC 62040-5-3 and is in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 as
The data sheet and IRS are published as editable documents for the purchaser to specify
application specific requirements. The supplementary specification and QRS are fixed
The order of precedence (highest authority listed first) of the documents shall be:
a) regulatory requirements;
b) contract documentation (e.g. purchase order);
c) purchaser defined requirements (data sheet, QRS, IRS);
d) this specification;
e) IEC 62040-5-3.
1 Scope
Add to second paragraph
This specification also specifies the DC UPS manufacturing requirements of the rectifiers
and switches, and functional requirements related to measurement, protection and alarms.
Packing, handling, preservation and storage requirements are also defined.

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2 Normative references
Add to clause
IEC 60076-1, Power transformers – Part 1: General
IEC 60076-11, Power transformers – 11: Dry-type transformers
IEC 60076-12, Power transformers – Part 12: Loading guide for dry-type power
IEC 60079-0, Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements
IEC 60079-1, Explosive atmospheres – Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof
enclosures “d”
IEC 60079-7, Explosive atmospheres – Part 7: Equipment protection by increased
safety "e"
IEC 60085, Electrical insulation – Thermal evaluation and designation
IEC 60092 (all parts), Electrical installations in ships
IEC 60529, Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60947-2, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 2: Circuit-breakers
IEC 60947-3, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 3: Switches, disconnectors,
switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
IEC 60947-4-1, Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-
starters – Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
IEC 61000-2-4: 2002, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – 2-4: – Compatibility levels in
industrial for low-frequency conducted disturbances
IEC 61892 (all parts), Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations
IEC 62040-3: 2011, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 3: Method of specifying the
performance and test requirements
IEC 62040 (all parts except 5-3), Uninterruptible power systems (UPS)
IOGP S-560, Supplementary Requirements to IEC 61439-1 & 2 LV
Switchgear & Controlgear
Replace IEC 62040-1 with
IEC 62040-1:2017, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 1: Safety requirements
3 Terms and definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
Add new term

3.2.20 supervisory control and data acquisition

overall site integrated process automation, control and/or monitoring system
Add new term

3.3.14 soft start

function to control the gradual increase of the input a.c. current within a specified time when
the UPS starts or restarts

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3.7 Acronyms and abbreviations

HMI human machine interface
MCB miniature circuit breaker
MCCB moulded case circuit breaker
MCT multi cable transit
5 Electrical conditions, performance and declared values
5.1 General
5.1.1 DC UPS configuration
In first paragraph, add to list
– operator access or restricted access classification in accordance with IEC 62040-1.
NOTE 1 See IEC 60950-1 for the definition of operator access or restricted access.
5.1.2 Markings and instructions
Add to subclause
Markings and instructions shall be in accordance with IEC 62040-1, Clause 6.
Add to subclause
The nameplate shall include the item serial number, month and year of manufacture.
Add to subclause
Caution, danger and warning labels shall display information in English and another
language, if specified.
Add new subclause

5.1.3 Safety
The DC UPS shall comply with the safety requirements in IEC 62040-1.
Add new subclause

5.1.4 Electromagnetic compatibility

The DC UPS shall conform to the electromagnetic emission and immunity levels in
IEC 62040-2 for the specified category level.
Add new subclause

5.1.5 Noise
The sound pressure level, measured at a distance of one metre from the DC UPS in any
direction, shall not exceed the specified value, at load conditions ranging from no load to
the rated load.
Add new subclause

5.1.6 DC UPS design basis

The operational life of the DC UPS and its components at the rated load shall be in
accordance with Table 5.

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Add new table

Table 5 - DC UPS operational life
Components Minimum operation life (years)
Rectifier unit / DC power module 20

Cooling fans 5

Add new subclause

5.1.7 Availability
Irrespective of its configuration, the DC UPS shall achieve reliability integrity level 1 (RIL 1)
in accordance with IEC 62040 3, Table K.1.
Shell deletes this clause.
Shell replaces the clause with:
1. The DC UPS systems supplying vital service SHALL [PS] have a reliability integrity
level 1 (RIL-1) as per IEC 62040-3, Annex K.
5.2 DC UPS input specification
5.2.1 Conditions for normal mode operation
Add to beginning of list item f)
"for public low voltage networks,"
Add new list item h) after NOTE 3
h. for industrial networks, total harmonic distortion of voltage ≤ 8 % as per class 1
compatibility levels, with a maximum level of individual harmonic voltages in
accordance with IEC 61000-2-4, Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. Refer to IEC 61892-1
for offshore installations.
5.3 DC UPS output specification
5.3.4 Performance classification
Add to subclause
The DC UPS shall comply with the requirement of the specified performance-based
classification code.
5.6 Communication circuits
Add to subclause
The DC UPS shall be provided with communication hardware compliant with the specified
interface media and protocol.
Add to subclause
Cable distance limitations for the selected protocol shall be specified.
Add to subclause
A list of mapping addresses of the data communication and signalling circuits intended to
be exchanged with the information technology equipment
(e.g. SCADA system, local area networks or telecommunication networks) shall be

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Add new clause

7 Constructional requirements
7.1 General
The design of the DC UPS shall minimize the mean time to repair by using self-diagnostics,
comprehensive alarm descriptions and easy accessibility to components and circuits.
Components, printed circuit boards, connectors and terminals and the associated locations
of these items shall be identified with labels in accordance with IEC 62040-1.
Components requiring periodic replacement shall be listed in the spare parts list with the
recommended replacement frequency.
An obsolescence management plan in accordance with an industry recognized system
(e.g. IEC 62402) shall be provided for all DC UPS assembly components.
An installation manual, maintenance manual, operational manual and manufacturing record
book shall be provided with the equipment.
The DC distribution board, if integral to the DC UPS, shall be in accordance with
IOGP S-560.
7.2 Enclosure
The DC UPS shall be installed in steel cabinet enclosures that are:
– floor mounted, free-standing and self-supporting; or
– wall mounted.
The enclosure shall have a minimum degree of protection of IP31 in accordance with
IEC 60529.
The battery bank shall be integrated in the DC UPS cabinets or placed separately, as
Undrilled removable gland plates or multi cable transits (MCT) shall be used for cable entry.
Gland plates for single core cable entries shall be of non-magnetic material.
7.3 Accessibility and maintenance safety
Access for operation and maintenance shall be from the front only.

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The location and grouping of components and auxiliary equipment shall permit identification
and access for operational, maintenance and repair purposes, without interruption of supply
to the load.
Protection devices that malfunction due to vibration or impact and cause the DC UPS to trip
shall not be mounted on the door.
Live components and parts accessible with the compartment door open shall be protected
by enclosures, barriers or shrouds to a degree of protection of at least IP2X.
Document holders shall be provided inside the enclosure, if specified.
7.4 Components
Main circuit switches, miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) and moulded case circuit breakers
(MCCBs) shall have a facility for padlocking in the open position.
Mechanical type main circuit switches shall be in accordance with IEC 60947-3.
Main circuit switches shall comply with utilization category AC22 and DC22 for AC and DC
switches respectively in accordance with IEC 60947-3.
Main circuit breakers and isolation switches shall be manually operated and air-break type
for uninterrupted duty.
MCBs and MCCBs shall comply with IEC 60947-2.
Contactors shall be rated for uninterrupted duty in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1.
Contactors shall comply with utilization category of AC-1 and DC-1 for AC and DC
contactors respectively in accordance with IEC 60947-4-1.
Transformers and reactors used for input isolation shall be air-cooled type in accordance
with IEC 60076, parts 1, 11 and 12.
Transformers shall be in accordance with IEC 60076-11.
Transformers shall have copper or aluminium windings.
Transformers shall have a high grade silicon steel core.

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Transformers shall be an air-cooled type design.
The transformer insulation material shall have thermal class 180 (H) rating in accordance
with IEC 60085.
The DC UPS shall display the single line diagram and status indication, as specified.
7.5 Internal wiring & terminals
Insulation material of internal wires shall be zero halogen, flame retardant and have a
low smoke index.
Wiring shall be labelled with alphanumeric characters located adjacent to the terminals.
Wiring for external connections shall be routed to individual terminals on an accessible
terminal block.
The separation distance between the gland plate and the connection terminals within the
cabinet shall permit stress free orientation of the cable cores and avoid mechanical stress
on the connection terminals.
7.6 Earthing
A main protective earthing arrangement shall be provided inside the enclosure in close
proximity to the cable entry location.
NOTE The main protective earthing arrangement can be a copper bar, conductor or
terminal, as appropriate.
The cubicle shall be bonded to the main protective earthing arrangement in accordance
with IEC 62040-1.
All exposed, non-current carrying parts of the DC UPS inclusive of the enclosure,
components and doors shall be bonded to earth.
The gland plates or MCTs shall be earthed to the main protective earthing arrangement.
7.7 Ventilation
The cooling system design of the DC UPS shall be convection cooling or fan assisted
forced air cooling.
Cooling fans shall be installed with a redundant (N+1) configuration.

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Fans shall be equipped with monitoring facilities to provide an alarm in the event of a fan
Cooling air filters shall be replaceable while the DC UPS remains in service.
Cooling fans shall be replaceable while the DC UPS remains in service, if specified.
If a cooling fan is out of service, the DC UPS shall continue to deliver the rated load without
maximum continuous temperature of components exceeding the designed limits.
7.8 Additional requirements for offshore (fixed and floating) installations
For offshore installations, the DC UPS and associated equipment and components shall be
in accordance with the general requirements of IEC 62040 (all parts) and:
– the requirements of IEC 61892 (all parts) for mobile and fixed units; or
– the requirements of IEC 60092 (all parts except 301, 305, 306, 501, 502 and 503)
for electrical installations in ships.
If the requirements according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International
Association of Classification Societies Ltd. (IACS) or other applicable classification societies
contradicts or conflicts with the requirements of the IEC standards, the more stringent shall
be applied.
7.9 Battery isolator box
The battery isolator box shall be suitable for wall, frame or pedestal mounting.
The battery isolator shall be lockable in the open position using padlocks.
The battery isolator box design shall be in accordance with the location of installation and
the environmental conditions specified.
The battery isolator box with closed door shall have a minimum degree of protection of IP31
in accordance with IEC 60529.
The battery isolator box enclosure type shall depend on the area classification assigned to
its specified location of installation.
The battery isolator box enclosure shall have undrilled, removable gland plates.
The battery isolator shall be a switch fuse unit or MCCB.

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The battery isolator shall be selected for rated DC voltage and DC current rating.
The auxiliary supply for the MCCB control element (under voltage coil or shunt trip coil)
shall be nominally rated equal to the battery bank voltage.
Potential free status contacts of the battery isolator shall be wired to the terminals,
if specified.
8 Functional requirements
8.1 Charger
8.1.1 Charger components
The charger unit of the DC UPS shall have an input transformer to galvanically isolate the
AC and DC sections.
The rectifier unit and components on the input side of the DC UPS shall be sized to supply
the rated output and simultaneously boost charging the battery at the highest permissible
current rating.
If a DC UPS system with a bi-directional rectifier is specified, it shall be provided with an
online battery capacity discharge test feature by feeding the power back to the power
The DC UPS shall have an automatic or manual feature to perform on-line battery capacity
testing by discharging of the battery into the load.
The DC UPS shall integrate with the on-line battery monitoring system to continuously
assess individual cell condition of the battery bank, if specified.
If an on-line battery monitoring system is specified, the DC UPS shall generate an alarm
when the battery parameters are outside the set limits.
The total AC ripple at the battery terminals shall not exceed the tolerance limits specified by
the battery manufacturer.
8.1.2 Operation
The charger unit shall operate according to the constant voltage, current limiting and soft
start philosophy.
The charger unit shall restart automatically upon restoration of the input power supply
following a power interruption.

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The charger unit shall be rated to recharge the battery to a specified nominal value of
AH capacity following a discharge at rated load for the specified autonomy time while
simultaneously delivering the rated output.
Depending on the type of battery selected for energy storage, the charger unit shall perform
battery charging at float, boost and equalization charge, or float and equalization charge.
The float or boost charge voltage shall be adjustable while the DC UPS is in operation.
Upon restoration of input power supply following a power interruption, the charger unit shall
initiate the boost charge cycle if in auto mode.
NOTE Boost charge initiation depends on the state of charge or type of battery
selected for energy storage.
The duration of the boost charging shall be controlled by:
– automatic timer; or
– feedback of the battery current and voltage indicating that adequate battery charge
has been achieved.
The charger unit shall revert automatically to float charging upon completion of the boost
charging or equalization charging.
The charger unit shall have provision for terminating the boost charging using an external
signal (e.g. ventilation failure or H2 detection within the battery room).
The charger unit shall have provision for accepting temperature compensation input for
batteries, to control the battery charging voltage with an accuracy of ±1 %.
The DC UPS shall permit a black start, delivering power to the load at the rated output with
only the batteries providing the input power, if specified.
The DC UPS shall permit an ESD override feature, if specified.
The charger unit shall restrict the battery charging current to a safe value specified by the
battery manufacturer, depending on the mode of operation.
Manual initiation of float and boost modes of operation on the charger unit shall be
The return from boost mode to float mode of operation for the battery shall be automatic.

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The charger unit shall permit adjustment of output parameters to suit the type of battery
selected for energy storage.
The DC UPS shall permit parallel operation with more units of the same nominal DC output
voltage, irrespective of whether or not its individual input power supplies are synchronized.
8.2 Measurement, Protection and Control
8.2.1 General General
The DC UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to provide the required data
measurements. General
The DC UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to generate the required
indications and alarms. General
The DC UPS shall be equipped with necessary equipment to initiate protection measures to
mitigate the consequences of internal/external faults and component or control circuit
8.2.2 Indication and Display
The UPS shall have a real time interactive operator interface using a microprocessor based
human machine interface (HMI) mounted on the front door.
The HMI shall indicate DC UPS operation status.
The HMI shall accept operational input commands.
The HMI shall monitor operating parameters and display alarms, events and fault
The following statuses shall be displayed on the HMI or by LED signalling lights located on
the DC UPS front panel:
– AC input power supply healthy;
– charger ON (float);
– charger ON (boost);
– battery breaker ON;
– load on battery;
– charger Fault;
– common DC UPS alarm (LED signalling light).

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This HMI display shall have a mimic diagram representing the power flow path, as a single
line diagram of the DC UPS and status of components.
Failure of the HMI display or indicating equipment on the DC UPS shall not compromise the
operation of the DC UPS.
The HMI shall have password protected multiple levels of access:
– for viewing by the operator;
– for settings by trained operating personnel;
– for service by the manufacturer’s personnel.
The HMI shall have storage for retaining:
– historical data;
– event/alarm logging with time and date stamping;
– historical trending for assisting troubleshooting and failure analysis.
The DC UPS shall have communication facilities as specified for remote monitoring and
Software and hardware shall be provided for monitoring, review and control of settings on
the DC UPS, on-line or off-line, if specified.
8.2.3 Measurements
The following measurement data shall be displayed on the HMI or by discrete measuring or
display instruments located on the front panel of the DC UPS:
– DC UPS input voltage per phase;
– DC UPS input current per phase;
– DC output voltage;
– DC output current;
– battery voltage;
– battery current (charging);
– battery current (discharging);
– remaining autonomy time of the battery (percentage or minutes).
8.2.4 Alarms and protection
The alarm and protection functions shall be identified on the operator interface HMI by
indicators with a first failure feature.

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Alarm and trip functions shall be provided in accordance with Table 6 as a minimum.
Add new table
Table 6 – Minimum alarm and trip functions
Trouble description Alarm Charger trip

AC Input power supply - undervoltage ✓ Offa b

Charger failure ✓ ✓

DC output overvoltage ✓ ✓

DC output undervoltage ✓

Battery discharging ✓

Battery breaker off / battery disconnected ✓

Battery temperature high (VRLA batteries ✓


DC earth leakage detection ✓

Cooling fan failure ✓

aIn case the AC input power supply falls below allowable limits, the rectifier shall shut down.
bWhen the AC input power supply resumes and remains within allowable limits, the rectifier shall
start automatically and no reset is required.
Alarms associated with trip functions shall be reset manually, locally or remotely, except for
the AC input power supply alarm (see Table 6).
The DC UPS shall have two programmable output relays, with two potential free contacts
per relay, a normally open contact and a normally closed contact, wired to a terminal block
for remote interface.
Alarms and changes in operation modes shall be time stamped and stored chronologically
in a non-volatile memory of the HMI in a “first in – first out” rolling manner.
8.2.5 Controls
The settings and threshold limits of specific parameters shall be adjustable on-line without
requiring the outage of the DC UPS.
The charger unit shall permit battery boost charge operation for vented batteries and partial
gas recombination nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries, in manual and automatic modes.

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After a period of battery discharge, if the boost-charge cycle is in auto mode, boost charging
shall be initiated and continue until the batteries are fully recharged.
NOTE Boost charge initiation depends on the state of charge or type of battery
selected for energy storage.
The internal control supply of the DC UPS shall be available as long provided any of the
power sources to the DC UPS are present.
The following controls (push buttons, switches and analog/digital settings) shall be provided
on the DC UPS:
– AC input power supply circuit breaker;
– charger float voltage adjustment;
– charger boost voltage adjustment;
– charger boost current adjustment;
– charger output current limit adjustment;
– auto/manual mode selection;
– float control;
– boost control;
– lamp test control;
– battery breaker control;
– output circuit breaker.
NOTE The controls listed above will vary in accordance with the project
requirements and type of battery selected.
Add new clause

9 Packing, handling, preservation and storage

The DC UPS and associated equipment and components shall be packed to protect against
damage during transportation.
Annex A (informative) DC UPS configurations
Replace Figure A.1 with
Figure A.1 – Simplified single DC UPS

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Replace Figure A.3 with

Figure A.3 – Simplified parallel DC UPS with common output bus

Replace Figure A.5 with

Figure A.5 – Simplified dual DC UPS with independent output bus

Add to bibliography
IEC 62402, Obsolescence management

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The purpose of this specification is to define a minimum common set of requirements for
the procurement of batteries for application in the petroleum and natural gas industries.
This specification follows a common document structure comprising the four documents as
shown below, which together with the purchase order define the overall technical
specification for procurement.

JIP33 Specification for Procurement Documents Technical Specification

This specification is to be applied in conjunction with the supporting data sheet, quality
requirements specification (QRS) and information requirements specification (IRS) as
IOGP S-740: Specification for Batteries (IEC)
This specification defines the technical requirements for the supply of the equipment.
IOGP S-740D: Data Sheet for Batteries (IEC) The data sheet defines application specific
requirements, attributes and options specified by the purchaser for the supply of equipment
to the technical specification. The data sheet may also include fields for supplier provided
information attributes subject to purchaser’s technical evaluation. Additional purchaser
supplied documents may also be incorporated or referenced in the data sheet to define
scope and technical requirements for enquiry and purchase of the equipment.


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IOGP S-740Q: Quality Requirements for Batteries (IEC)

The QRS defines quality management system requirements and the proposed extent of
purchaser conformity assessment activities for the scope of supply. Purchaser conformity
assessment activities are defined through the selection of one of four generic conformity
assessment system (CAS) levels on the basis of evaluation of the associated service and
supply chain risks. The applicable CAS level is specified by the purchaser in the data sheet
or in the purchase order.


IOGP S-740L: Information Requirements for Batteries (IEC)

The IRS defines the information requirements, including contents, format, timing and
purpose to be provided by the supplier. It may also define specific conditions which invoke
information requirements.


The terminology used within this specification and the supporting data sheet, QRS and IRS
is in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The data sheet and IRS are published as editable documents for the purchaser to specify
application specific requirements. The specification and QRS are fixed documents.
The order of precedence (highest authority listed first) of the documents shall be:
a) regulatory requirements;
b) contract documentation (e.g. purchase order);
c) purchaser defined requirements (data sheet, QRS, IRS);
d) this specification.
1 Scope
This document specifies the minimum requirements for batteries and battery installations.
In general, the requirements and definitions are specified for lead-acid and nickel-cadmium
This specification covers most of the applications for which batteries are purchased in the
oil, gas and petrochemical industries, namely:
— AC and DC uninterruptible power systems (UPS);
— navigational aids;
— rotating machinery auxiliaries;
solar photovoltaics (PV);
diesel and gas engines (controls, run down systems and engine start and
cranking applications).
Shell excludes solar photovoltaics and diesel and gas engine battery applications
from the scope of this DEP.

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2 Normative References
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the references document
(including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60092 (all parts), Electrical installations in ships
IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60622, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes
– Sealed nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
IEC 60623, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes
– Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
IEC 60896-11, Stationary lead-acid batteries – Part 11: Vented types – General
requirements and methods of tests
IEC 60896-21, Stationary lead-acid batteries – Part 21: Valve regulated types – Methods of
IEC 60896-22, Stationary lead-acid batteries – Part 22: Valve regulated
types – Requirements
IEC 61427-1, Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy storage – General
requirements and methods of test – Part 1: Photovoltaic off-grid application
IEC 61892 (all parts), Mobile and fixed offshore units – Electrical installations
IEC 62259, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
electrolytes-Nickel-cadmium prismatic secondary single cells with partial gas recombination
IEC 62485-1, Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery
installations – Part 1: General safety information
IEC 62485-2, Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery
installations – Part 2: Stationary batteries
IEEE 485, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary
IEEE 1115, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Nickel-Cadmium Batteries for
Stationary Applications
IEEE 1184, IEEE Guide for Batteries for Uninterruptible Power Systems
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
4 Environment and safety
The safety requirements for batteries shall be in accordance with IEC 62485-1 and
IEC 62485-2.
When multiple cells are supplied with connection links, they shall be a fully insulated design
or provided with IP2X insulated covers for protection against direct contact in accordance
with IEC 60529.

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The recommended ventilation flow rate in m3/hr shall be specified for each battery.
Caution, danger and warning labels shall display information on the rack or cabinet of the
battery bank in English, and an additional specified language if applicable.
5 Design and performance
Batteries shall have capacity to supply power within the defined voltage tolerance in
accordance with the specified load profile for the specified autonomy time.
The battery technology shall be in accordance with Table 1.
The battery performance shall meet the requirement of number of repeated cycles of
charging and discharging for its service life.
The battery performance shall meet the requirements of continuous float-charge operation
until the end of its service life.
Table 1 — Battery technology

Battery technology In accordance with IEC standard

sealed nickel-cadmium IEC 60622

vented nickel-cadmium IEC 60623

nickel-cadmium partial gas recombination IEC 62259

valve-regulated lead-acid IEC 60896-22

vented lead-acid IEC 60896-11

Single blocks with multiple cells having inter-cell connections outside the container shall be
in accordance with the configurations defined in Table 2.
Table 2 Multiple cell configuration
Battery Configuration

nickel-cadmium maximum 10 cells per block

lead acid maximum 6 cells per block

The maximum permissible ripple current from the charger equipment, causing no reduction
in the battery life or the number of complete discharge cycles, shall be specified.
For photovoltaic off-grid applications, batteries shall be in accordance with IEC 61427-1.

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6 Battery construction
6.1 Cell container
Cell containers shall be made of flame-retardant, heat-resistant, shock-resistant plastic.
The container and the cover shall be leak-proof.
The electrolyte level in containers of vented, flooded cells shall be visible through the
material of the container.
The containers of vented, flooded cells shall have minimum and maximum level markings
on the front (visible) side of container.
Valve and vent plugs shall include spray-proof and flame-arresting features.
6.2 Cell terminals
Cell terminals shall have current carrying capacity to meet or exceed the Ah rating of the
7 Battery sizing
The battery sizing calculations shall be performed in accordance with IEEE 1184,
IEEE 1185 and IEEE 1115.
8 Battery testing
The battery testing shall be in accordance with the IEC standards specified in Table 3.
Table 3 Battery testing requirements
Battery technology IEC standard
(clauses related to testing)

nickel-cadmium partial gas IEC 62259:2003 (clauses 7 to 10)

sealed nickel-cadmium IEC 60622:2002 (clauses 4 to 7)

vented nickel-cadmium IEC 60623:2017 (clauses 7 to 10)

valve regulated lead-acid – AGM IEC 60896-21:2004 (clauses 5 and 6)

valve regulated lead-acid – Gel IEC 60896-21:2004 (clauses 5 and 6)

vented lead-acid IEC 60896-11:2002 (clauses 13 to 20)

9 Battery accessories
9.1 Interconnecting links and covers
The batteries shall be supplied with insulated inter-cell connectors made of tin or
lead-plated copper bus bars or cables using stainless steel 316 hardware for fixing.
Connectors shall be sized for carrying fault currents and the continuous rated current.

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Connectors and terminals shall be insulated and have provision to measure voltage, with a
test lead pin, without removing the terminal insulation.
The terminal cells shall be supplied with connectors
(terminal plates and terminal compression type lugs) for termination of cables as specified.
9.2 Tools and tackles
The following tools and instruments suitable for the battery technology and battery voltages
shall be supplied if specified:
— an insulated spanner or wrench for tightening the connection hardware of the
— a digital voltmeter for measuring the cell voltage at the terminals;
— a chemical resistant face shield;
— a chemical resistant apron;
— electrically insulated and chemical resistant gloves.
For flooded electrolyte battery types, the following tools and instruments shall be supplied if
— a densimeter or hydrometer for the electrolyte of lead-acid batteries only;
— a vent plug thermometer for the electrolyte;
— a jug and a funnel for pouring the electrolyte;
— a rubber bulb electrolyte dropper.
A battery terminal protector coat spray or gel shall be supplied to prevent the terminals from
When the individual cell weight exceeds 25 kg, a battery lift or removal tool shall be
supplied if specified.
10 Battery installation
10.1 Battery rack design
The arrangement of the cells on the rack shall not cause damage to adjacent equipment,
components or cells due to leakage of electrolyte or emission of gaseous products.
The rack design shall provide space around the battery cells on the rack to have an even
temperature distribution and ease of replacement.
The minimum vertical spacing between two tiers of the batteries on the rack shall be as

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The rack design shall ensure that the height from the top of battery on the top tier to the
floor does not exceed the value specified.
Battery racks with a depth greater than 1000 mm shall have access from front and rear.
For racks designed for flooded batteries, a chemical resistant spill containment system
sized to contain the electrolyte volume from a cell shall be provided at the base of the rack if
Non-insulated galvanized steel racks shall be provided with earthing lugs on the sides of the
10.2 Cabinets and enclosures
Materials used for the construction of cabinets and enclosures shall be corrosion resistant
with respect to the type of electrolyte used.
The cabinet or enclosure design shall prevent accumulation of a flammable atmosphere
inside the cabinet or enclosure.
Cabinets shall have natural or forced ventilation as specified.
The ventilation fans shall be installed with a redundant (N+1) configuration.
Within the cabinet or enclosure, batteries shall be accessible to permit inspection and
maintenance of cells without any safety risk to personnel.
The cabinet or enclosure design shall permit withdrawal of the cells.
For cabinets designed for flooded batteries, a chemical resistant spill containment system
sized to contain the electrolyte volume from a cell shall be provided at the base of the
cabinet if specified.
Moving metal parts of the cabinet shall be securely connected to the main earth bus bar
within the cabinet by flexible copper connections.
For cabinets, a main earth bus bar shall be provided with a facility for external earthing
For metallic enclosures, an external earthing boss shall be provided.

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10.3 Additional requirements for electrical batteries installed on ships

In addition to the general requirements of the applicable IEC rules, the battery banks and
associated components to be installed on ships shall be designed, tested and certified to
the relevant requirements in the IEC 60092 series of rules for electrical installation in ships.
10.4 Additional requirements for electrical batteries installed on fixed and mobile offshore
In addition to the general requirements of the applicable IEC rules, the battery banks and
associated components to be installed on mobile and fixed offshore units
(FPSO and FSO platforms) shall be designed, tested and certified to the relevant
requirements in the IEC 61892 series of rules for electrical installation on mobile and fixed
offshore units.
10.5 Markings
The rack, cabinet or enclosure of the battery shall be provided with a corrosion resistant,
permanent name and rating plate.
The following information shall be inscribed on the name and rating plate:
— equipment tag number;
— purchase order number;
— year of manufacture;
— name of manufacturer;
— type of battery;
— battery voltage;
— number of cells;
— nominal Ah capacity with its discharge rate.
Labels with the sequential cell numbers shall be fixed on the rack or cabinet shelf and the
10.6 Documentation
The test results as per the factory acceptance procedure shall be submitted as part of the
manufacturing record book.
The following shall be provided with the equipment:
— installation manual;
— maintenance manual;
— operational manual; and
— manufacturing record book.

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11 Battery handling, packing transportation and storage

An instruction label on the outer wrapping shall state the storage conditions and the date
beyond which the product cannot be stored without remedial actions.
The cell shall be shipped according to the charge state as specified.

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In this DEP, reference is made to the following publications:
Unless specifically designated by date, the latest edition of each publication shall be used,
together with any amendments/supplements/revisions thereto.

DEP DEP feedback form

DEP IOGP S-701D Data Sheet for AC Uninterruptible Power Systems

DEP IOGP S-702D: Data Sheet for DC Uninterruptible Power Systems

DEP IOGP S-740D: Data Sheet for Batteries (IEC)

DEM1 Shell HSSE & SP Control Framework, Design Engineering Manual

(DEM) 1 – Application of Technical Standards


S 66.225 Typical AC UPS system

S 66.236 Typical Tie-in Connections of AC UPS

S 67.006 Typical instrument electricity supply system with static components


IEC 62040-3 Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 3: Method of

specifying the performance and test requirements

IOGP S-701 AC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) (IEC 62040-3)

IOGP S-702 DC Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) (IEC 62040-5-3)

IOGP S-740 Batteries (IEC)

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