Direction: In this warm-up activity, illustrate how you would imagine yourself and the society
without all the media instruments we have today.
For Modular, submit your output on an A4- sized bond paper and be ready with a brief
explanation of your illustration below. For Online DL Students, submit your work with a brief
explanation of your illustration online via respective Google Classrooms.
What I Know
PRE-TEST Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct
3. Businesses will always be connecting with customers, both actual and potential
ones, and social media enable for a faster and __________ mechanism.
a. Cost-efficient c. Hassle
b. Amazing d. Challenging
4. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes
a. Modular c. Mobile Education
b. Distance learning d. Summer class
5. The media assists the working of a __________ system through facilitating free
speech and unrestricted public debate .
a. Unfair c. Balanced
b. Dictatorial d. Democratic
6. Refers to ABS-CBN’s citizen journalism arm.
a. Ipaglaban Mo! c. Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo!
b. It’s Showtime! d. TV Patrol
7. Media, as a vehicle of these targeted contents, brought about action and
a. True c. False
b. Maybe d. Doubtful
8. The Philippine media revolution calling to oust politicians connected to Pork barrel
a. Libyan Revolution c. Arab Spring
b. Ukrainian Revolution d. Million People March
9. Who was the Philippines President when the Million People March was actualized?
a. Erap Estrada c. Gloria Arroyo
b. Benigno Aquino III d. Rodrigo Duterte
10. Refers to using business and marketing techniques to encourage people in
adopting certain behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and
eventually to wide-scale social change.
a. Social Marketing c. Business Marketing
b. Advocacy/ Promotions d. Protests
What’s In
Today the World Wide Web is at the forefront of information providers given its
multimedia format which have “enriched information through synergy of text, audio,
image, and video (Liquigan, 2016).”
Aside from the Web, one of our most accessed sources of information is social
media. Study the table below for the challenges and opportunities that you as a netizen
face during your engagement with social media (Liquigan, 2016).
In terms of Content • Main objective of content • While major content
communities communities is the sharing communities have rules in
of media content between place to ban and remove
users such illegal content, it is
difficult to avoid popular
• Exist for a wide range of
videos being uploaded only
different media types
hours after they have been
including text, photos,
aired on television
videos, and PowerPoint
presentations • On the positive side, the
high popularity of content
communities makes them a
very attractive contact
channel for many firms.
• From a corporate
viewpoint, content
communities carry the risk
of being used as platforms
for the sharing of copyright-
protected materials
Source: Media and Information Literacy (Liquigan, 2016)
On the other hand, still because of all the information and data right at the
audience’s disposal, Cybercrime has also been one of the greatest challenges in
media and information. According to the Department of Justice, Cybercrime is “a
crime committed with or through the use of information and communication
technologies such as radio, television, cellular phone, computer and network and
other communication device or application.”
According to the 2001 Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, criminal offenses
in cyberspace include:
1. offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
computer data and systems;
2. computer-related offenses;
3. content-related offenses; and
4. offenses related to infringements of copyright and related rights
Economic - Due to the impact of social media as a new medium, the relationship
(Business and between brands and consumers have changed a lot. Now, through social
Marketing) media marketing, business owners can connect with their target consumers
for free through using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., and
can significantly lower their marketing costs.
- However, its opportunities are also its disadvantages. First, because
connection to customers is put on a priority, you may have to spend more
time being active in social media answering queries. Competitors may also
be lurking around studying your business.
Educational - Media and information have made a radical impact on education (Gonzales,
2016).Today, learning has never been easier and faster.
-At present, the advancement in media tools and information dissemination
has made learning and education resources more open and freer for public
- One of the growing trend in education is distance or online learning where
students need not attend classes physically, instead, register to online
courses or programs and attend in such even in the comfort of their homes.
- The term MOOC was coined during the course "Connectivism and
Connective Knowledge" by Dave Cormier, from the University of Prince
Edward Island (Canada). This is an nline course aimed at large-scale
interactive participation and open access via the web.
Political (Politics -Through media and more information provided to the public, a bigger
and Governance) platform for political discussions has also been opened. This validates that
“the media assist the working of a democratic system through
facilitating free speech and unrestricted public debate (Coxall, et al,
- On the other way around, politics can also influence media as, at times,
although not explicitly, powerful political figures and even the government can
manipulate or influence media’s content.
- In example of this is what we call propaganda, a communication that is
primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda thus,
information may be made incomplete, twisted, or presented selectively
Social (Citizen - Citizen Journalism trends is brought about by advancements in technology
Engagement and and the fast and widespread dissemination of information. As defined by
Social Change) Encyclopedia Britannica, citizen journalism is “journalism that is conducted
by people who are not professional journalists but who disseminate
information using Web sites, blogs, and social media.”
-There is also a call for social change. Social marketing refers to using
business and marketing techniques to encourage people in adopting certain
behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and
eventually to wide-scale social change.
What’s More
My experience: Fill in this table with your personal view and experience regarding
the opportunities and challenges of media and information in the following aspects:
What I Have Learned
Instructions: Analyze the cartoon below and answer the guide questions that follow
Guide questions:
1. What is the message in this cartoon?
2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines?
Why or why not? _________________________________________________
3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or an opportunity? Why do you say so?
What I Can Do
Understanding the opportunities and challenges of media and information is best done
by reflecting on how it exists in your life. With this, in the table below, write what you
think are the opportunities (positive effects) or challenges (threats or negative effects)
brought by media (new and traditional) and information citing personal experiences or
Opportunities Challenges
Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer.
3. Businesses will always be connecting with customers, both actual and potential
ones, and social media enable for a more fast and __________ mechanism.
a. Cost-efficient c. Amazing
b. Hassle d. Challenging
4. This refers to the kind of education where students need not attend classes
a. Modular c. Distance learning
b. Mobile Education d. Summer class
5. The media assists the working of a __________ system through facilitating free
speech and unrestricted public debate .
a. Unfair c. Dictatorial
b. Balanced d. Democratic
6. Refers to ABS-CBN’s citizen journalism arm.
a. Ipaglaban Mo! c. It’s Showtime!
b. Bayan Mo Ipatrol Mo! d. TV Patrol
9. Who was the Philippines President when the Million People March was actualized?
a. Erap Estrada c. Benigno Aquino III
b. Gloria Arroyo d. Rodrigo Duterte