Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer
the questions.
Plants and animals need water to survive. In some
places, there is a lot of rain. In other places, the climate is
very dry. A drought (drout) is a long period of dry weather
that can be harmful to people. If plants cannot grow, then 2._
food is not made. Droughts can last for months or years.
1. Which statement about 3. What is the root word
water is true? in harmful?
cause a drought.
D Water is not necessary 4. Which word means
for plants to grow. almost the same
as climate?
2 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
1. What is the main idea? 3. Which words have the
same vowel sound?
A Water becomes a gas
4._ when it is heated. A melt and gas
B Water becomes a liquid B freezing and heated
when it melts.
C unique and liquid
____ / 4 C Water is unique
D changes and water
Total because it can be a
solid, a liquid, or a gas.
D Ice is water as a solid. 4. What do you know
about the meaning of
the word unique by
2. What happens when reading this text?
water freezes?
A It is about heating and
A It changes to ice. freezing something.
B It changes to a gas. B It describes a liquid.
C It becomes unique. C It describes something
related to water.
D It changes to a liquid.
D It describes something
that is one-of-a-kind.
Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer
the questions.
1. What is causing the ice 3. Which suffix could be
caps to melt? added to the root
word melt? 4._
A The ocean levels
are rising. A –less
B The planet is B –er ____ / 4
getting warmer.
C –s Total
C flooding
D –tion
D The mountains of ice
are freezing.
4. Which of the following
could cause flooding?
2. What are ice caps?
A high water levels
A flooding
B a drought
B frozen oceans
C an earthquake
C mountains of ice
D a full moon
D ice cubes
Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read “The Water Cycle” and then answer
the questions.
5 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
170 #50923—180 Days of Reading for Second Grade © Shell Education