Set 1
Set 1
Set 1
Knowledge Level K1: Remembering K2: Understanding K3: Applying K4: Analysing K5: Evaluating K6: Creating
C201.1 Explain intelligent agent frameworks.
C201.2 Apply problem solving techniques.
C201.3 Apply game playing and CSP techniques.
13 K3/C20X.1
12 b. Evaluate BFS algorithm for given example.
13 K3/C20X.1
13 a. Examine A* search algorithm for given graph with suitable algorithm. 13 K4/C20X.2
13 b. Simplify Best first Search algorithm for given example.
13 K4/C20X.2
13 K4/C20X.3
15 b. Explain CSP in detail. 13 K2/C20X.3
Recommended Distribution
UG 50% - 60% 30% - 50% 10% - 15%
of Marks (%)
Checklist of Mark Distribution:
Date: Signature