Palaeo - Anthropological Evidences from India - Study Notes
Palaeo - Anthropological Evidences from India - Study Notes
Palaeo - Anthropological Evidences from India - Study Notes
Evidences from
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Settled life which involves the transition from foraging to farming and pastoralism, began in south Asia
around 7000 BC.
By 4500 BC settled life had spread more widely and began to gradually evolve into the Indus Valley
This civilization flourished between 2500 BC and 1900 BC in north west India and was noted for its urban
planning, baked brick houses, elaborate drainage and water supply.
Shivalik Region
Siwalik hills is a range of foothills of the Himalaya extending from northeast Pakistan through northern
India to Southwest Nepal, famous for its rich fossil beds containing extinct apes and other primates.
Fossiliferous sediments in the Siwalik hills are very extensive, measuring several kilometers in thickness.
During the MIOCENE (23-5 million years ago), active uplift of himalaya led to increased erosion, and this
produced massive volumes of sediment that were deposited by floodplains and rivers.
The remains of lower paleolithic (500,000 to 125,000 BP) Soanian culture have been found in Siwalik
The most common and best known fossil ape in the Siwalik Hills is Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus.
Narmada Basin
Narmada basin extends over states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Maharashtra and Chattisgarh.
It is bounded by Vindhyas on north, by Maikal range on east, by Satpura on the south and by the Arabian
sea on the west.
Study of Narmada basin is important because of its geographical location which is very strategic for
migration of animal population from North to South and East to West.
1. It is not only rich in fossil and archaeological sites, but it also has a long history of human
2. Excavations at Narmada basin have yielded evidence of human settlement from the lower
paleolithic period and continued till present times.
2. Bhimbetka
3. Adamgarh
Earliest fossils bearing the traits of hominids are those belonging to genus Ramapithecus. Ramapithecus is
the most important hominid from the Miocene Epoch.
There are at least 2 dozen fossil specimens that have been identified as belonging to RAMAPITHECUS.
Most of these specimens consist of teeth and jaws and they principally come from two areas-
Shivalik in India
He assigned one of the fossils, (an upper jaw), to a new genus and species he named RAMAPITHECUS
Overall characteristics were discovered to differ from dryopithecus and resemble several aspects of early
humans. Evidence can be loosely compared to humans.
1. Name simply means Rama’s ape, Rama being the mythical prince who is the hero of an Indian epic
2. Later evidence suggested Ramapithecus and Dryopithecus sivalensis shared striking similarities,
leading to the two species being combined to form the new genus Sivapithecus (Shiva's Ape).
Incisors and canine are inserted vertically and not in a slight procumbent position as in apes.
Flattened and thick enameled premolars and molars that appear to be adapted for heavy chewing
and processing of hard food stuff.
Before 1977 ramapithecus was considered as a direct ancestor to humans based on the similarity of
the jaws fossil which resembled the human jaw.
But in 1977 after the complete jaw fossil discovery of ramapithecus it was considered to be more
like apes (V shaped) and not humans (Parabolic). Hence removed from direct ancestors to humans.
Ramapithecus fossils were found to resemble those of the fossil primate genus Sivapithecus, which is now
regarded as the ancestral to orangutan.
The belief also grew that Ramapithecus probably should be included in the Sivapithecus genus and is
considered as the female species of the genus Sivapithecus.
Sivapithecus, fossil primate genus dating from the Miocene Epoch and thought to be the direct ancestor of the
Other sivapithecus remains have been found at sites in Turkey, China, Greece and Kenya.
In 1982 DAVID PILBEAM published a description of a significant fossil find, formed by a large part of the
face and jaw of Sivapithecus.
Shape of the wrists and general body proportions suggests that it spent a significant
amount of its time on the ground as well as in trees.
Narmada Man
A subspecies of the extinct homo erectus, known as homo erectus narmadensis, was the Narmada Man.
It is a specimen of a broken skullcap found in the Narmada basin. It is the only skeleton remains of the
lower paleolithic period found in India. This specimen is estimated to be about 1.8-2 million years old.
It was the most ancient human remnant so far discovered in the Indian subcontinent.
In addition to putting India on the global fossil map, the discovery demonstrated that there were early
humans living on the subcontinent and filled a knowledge gap on human evolution.
Physical Characteristics
1. CRANIAL CAPACITY Around 1150 to 1400 cc which is within the range of Homo sapiens.
Cultural Features
The fossil was discovered among a number of stone tools, including cleavers and handaxes that are typical of
Acheulian culture. This is a sign of routine tool use. Broken bones from various animals discovered nearby
indicate that the Narmada man was a hunter.
The age of fossils has long been up for debate. Some believe that the Narmada fossil could be a late Homo
erectus species. Many people think the fossil might represent a female. "The proof isn't even a complete
skull. According to Bhattacharya, it is more like a skull cap with a small amount of orbital roof. The discovery
has undergone scientific analysis and it is believed narmada man to be an early human form that colonized
India around 400,000 years ago.
Fossil research has been negatively impacted by development initiatives including the Narmada dam,
mining and oil drilling operations, intense agriculture, and population pressure. According to Chauhan,
hundreds of prehistoric and stone age sites are being destroyed all throughout the subcontinent.
According to him, paleoanthropology, or the study of human origins, is severely underappreciated in India.
Bhattacharya claims that India still practices paleontology in the antiquated manner of the 18th century.
Even the national institute for paleontology is lacking in the nation. Inadequate, according to Chauhan, are
guidance, experience, and skilled expertise. As in other regions, like Africa, palaeoanthropology is rarely
practiced in its purest form using multi-disciplinary techniques in India. He claims that, with a few notable
exceptions, most research conducted in India has not been systematic or comprehensive.