Simcenter 3d for Multiphysics Simulation Sg 77927 d12

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Simcenter 3D for multiphysics

Leveraging the use of industry-standard solvers for a full range of applications

Complex industrial problems require But when there is stronger coupling

Solution benefits solutions that span a multitude of between physics they cannot be
physical phenomena, which often treated separately and a more
Enables users to take advantage of
industry-standard solvers for a full can only be solved using simulation tightly coupled solution is required.
range of applications techniques that cross several engi- In that case, a complex algorithmic
neering disciplines. This has signifi- basis with advanced coupling
Makes multiphysics analysis safer,
more effective and reliable cant consequences for the computer- schemes are required to run the
aided engineering (CAE) engineer. different physics solutions
Enables product developers to
In the simplest case, the physics may simultaneously which is often
comprehend the complicated
behavior that affects their designs be weakly coupled and it is accurate referred to as cosimulation.
and easy to chain the different
Promotes efficiency and innovation
in the product development process physics solutions. The response re-
sults from the first solution provides
Provides better products that fulfill
data to be used as load input by a
functional requirements and provide
customers with a safe and durable second physics solution. Because of
solution weak coupling, the second physics
does not affect the first physics.

Simcenter 3D
for multiphysics simulation

One-way data exchange Two-way data exchange (co-simulation) Integrated coupled

Structure Acoustic Thermal Flow Structure/acoustic
Thermal Structure Thermal Structure
Flow Thermal Thermal EM
Flow Structure
Flow Acoustic
Thermal EM
EM Vibro/acoustic

Increasing level of interface

Simcenter™ 3D software streamlines multiphysics simulation Enabling multiphysics analysis

through a common engineering desktop that is used for pre- Realistic simulation must consider the real-world interactions
and postprocessing of multiple disciplines. Through this inte- between physics domains. Simcenter 3D brings together world-
grated platform, you can more easily perform multiphysics class solvers in one platform, making multiphysics analysis
simulations such as thermal-fluid, thermo-mechanical, safer, more effective and reliable. Results from one analysis can
fluid-structure interaction, vibroacoustics, aero-vibro-acoustics, be readily cascaded to the next.
electromagnetic-thermal, and electromagnetic-vibro-acoustic.
Various physics domains can be securely coupled without
Simcenter 3D also supports both weak and strong coupling
complex external data links. You can easily include motion-
depending on the physics types involved.
based loads in structures and conduct multibody dynamic
One integrated platform for multiphysics simulation with flexible bodies and controls, vibro-acoustic
Simcenter 3D combines all CAE solutions in one integrated analysis, thermomechanical analysis, thermal and flow analysis
platform and enables you to take advantage of industry-stan- and others that are strongly or weakly coupled. You can let
dard solvers for a full range of applications. This integration simulation drive the design by constantly optimizing multiple
enables you to implement a streamlined multi-physical devel- performance attributes simultaneously.
opment process making multiphysics analysis safer, more
Quickening the pace of multiphysics analysis
effective and reliable.
With the help of Simcenter 3D Engineering Desktop, multiph-
This enables product developers to comprehend the compli- ysics models are developed based on common tools with full
cated behavior that affects their designs. Understanding how a associativity between CAE and computer-aided design (CAD)
design will perform once in a tangible form, as well as knowl- data. Any existing analysis data can be easily extended to
edge of the strengths and weaknesses of different design address additional physics aspects by just adapting physical
variants, promotes innovation in the product development properties and boundary conditions, but keeping full associa-
process. This results in better products that fulfill functional tivity and reusing a maximum of data.
requirements and provide target customers with a safe and
durable solution.

Simcenter Digital Industries Software 2

Solution guide | Simcenter 3D for multiphysics simulation

Industry applications • Powertrain/driveline

Simcenter 3D multiphysics solutions can help designers from – Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines, transmis-
many industries achieve a better understanding of the complex sions and exhaust systems
behavior of their products in real-life conditions, thereby – Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in cooling and
enabling them to produce better designs. exhaust systems

Aerospace and defense – Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustic for EM noise

• Airframe – Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motor perfor-

mance analysis
– Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermal stress for
skin and frame Marine
– Vibro-acoustics for cabin sound pressure stemming from • Propulsion systems
turbulent boundary layer loading of the fuselage – Vibro-acoustics for radiated noise from engines, transmis-
– Flow/aero-acoustics for cabin noise occurring in climate sions and transmission loss of exhaust systems
control systems – Flow/acoustics to predict acoustic radiation due to flow
– Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in ventilation induced pressure loads on the propeller blades
– Curing simulation for composite components to predict – Thermal/flow for temperature prediction in piping systems
spring-back distortion – Hull stress from wave loads

• Aero-engine – Electromagnetic/thermal analysis for electric propulsion

– Thermal/mechanical temperature and thermal stress/
distortion for compressors and turbines Consumer goods
– Thermal/flow for temperature and flow pressures for • Packaging
engine system – Thermal/flow for simulating the manufacture of plastic
– Flow/aero-acoustic for propeller noise components
– Electromagnetic/vibro-acoustics for electric motor (EM) – Mold cooling analyses
noise in hybrid aircraft
– Electromagnetic/thermal for the electric motor Electronics
• Electronic boxes
• Aerospace and defense
– Thermal/flow for component temperature prediction and
– Satellite: Thermal/mechanical orbital temperatures and system air flow in electronics assemblies and packages
thermal distortion – Flow/aero-acoustics noise emitted from cooling fans due to
– Satellite: Vibro-acoustic virtual testing of spacecraft integ- flow-induced pressure loads on fan blades
rity due to high acoustic loads during launch
– Launch vehicles: Thermal/mechanical temperature and • Printed circuit boards

thermal stress for rocket engines – Thermal/mechanical for stress and distortion

Automotive – ground vehicles

• Body
– Vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to engine and road/tire
– Flow/vibro-acoustics for cabin noise due to wind loading
– Thermal/flow for temperature prediction and heat loss in

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| Title
| Simcenter
of solution
for multiphysics
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Making multiphysics simulation

more effective and reliable

Using Simcenter 3D enables you to map results from

one solution to a boundary condition in a second
• Make multiphysics analysis more effective and reliable by
solution. Meshes can be dissimilar and the mapping
using a streamlined development process within an
operation can be performed using different options.
integrated environment

Key features
• Create fields from simulation results and use them as a
boundary conditions: a table or
reference field, 3D spatial at single time step or multiple
time steps, scalar (for example, temperature) and vector
(for example, displacement)
• Use pressure and temperature results from Simcenter 3D
Thermal Multiphysics in Simcenter Nastran analysis
• Leverage displacement results from Simcenter Nastran
for acoustics finite element method (FEM) and boundary
element (BEM) computations
• Employ pressure and temperature results from Simcenter
STAR-CCM+™ software for aero-vibroacoustics analysis
• Exploit stator forces results from electromagnetics simu-
lation for vibro-acoustics analysis
• Results from third-party solvers can also be used for
mapping: ANSYS, ABAQUS, MSC Nastran, LS-DYNA

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Coupling multiphysics simulation

with flow and thermal problems

Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics is a powerful

and comprehensive solution for computational fluid
• Gain insight through coupled thermo-fluid multiphysics
dynamics (CFD) problems. Seamlessly combining
the capabilities thermal and flow solvers, you can
investigate a wide range of multiphysics scenarios • Achieve faster results by using a consistent environment
involving strong coupling of fluid flow and heat that allows you to quickly move from design to results
transfer. This environment delivers a consistent look Key features
and feel for performing multiphysics simulations, so • Consider complex phenomena related to
the user can easily build coupled solutions on the conjugate heat transfer
same mesh using common element types, proper-
• Thermally connect disjoint and dissimilar mesh faces and
ties and boundary conditions, as well as solver
controls and options.
• Connect dissimilar fluid meshes at interfaces between
complex assemblies
• Speed up solution time with parallel calculations
• Couple 1D to 3D flow submodels to simulate complex

• Easily include mechanical effects with Simcenter Nastran

to perform coupled thermal-fluid-
structural simulations using the same model
• Live results post-processing and solver
parameters control during solve

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| Simcenter
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Coupling multiphysics simulation of

mechanical, thermal, and flow problems

Simcenter 3D Multiphysics leverages the structural

physics of Simcenter Nastran with the thermal and
• Extend the mechanical, thermal and flow solution capabil-
flow physics of Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics.
ities in Simcenter 3D to simulate complex phenomena
Simcenter Nastran is an industry standard solver for with a comprehensive set of modeling tools
linear, nonlinear, and dynamic structural solutions. • Reduce costly physical prototypes and product design risk
Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics is a powerful with high-fidelity thermal-mechanical simulation
and comprehensive solution for thermal and compu-
• Gain further insight about the physics of your products
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) problems.
• Leverage all the capabilities of the Simcenter 3D inte-
With Simcenter 3D Multiphysics users have a single grated environment to make quick design changes and
easy-to-use environment for setting up solutions that provide rapid feedback on thermal performance
couple any of combination these three physics –
structures, thermal, and flow. The environment Key features

delivers a consistent look and feel for performing • Advanced simulation options for coupled thermome-

multiphysics simulations, so the user can easily chanical analysis of turbomachinery and rotating systems

build coupled solutions on a single mesh using • Tightly-coupled thermomechanical analysis with
common element topologies, properties and bound- Simcenter Nastran for axisymmetric, 2D, 3D, and mixed
ary conditions, as well as solver controls and options. 2D-2D axisymmetric-3D representations
• Combines Simcenter Nastran multi-step nonlinear solu-
You can build the solution by systematically consid-
tion with industry-standard Simcenter 3D thermal and
ering single physics first to validate their perfor-
flow solvers
mance, and then adding other physics to build to
the desired tightly coupled cosimulation solution. • Easily include flow effects with the integrated CFD solver
inside Simcenter 3D Thermal Multiphysics to perform
The solution has a wide range of control capabilities coupled thermal-fluid structural simulations using the
to consider steady-state and transient effects. With same model
the structural solution, you can span the range of
• Live results post-processing & solver parameters control
basic linear elastic solutions to fully nonlinear with
during solve
contact, plasticity, and large displacement effects –
all of which can be coupled with the thermal and
flow effects inherent in the system.

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| Simcenter
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Coupled multiphysics simulation

involving dynamics and acoustics

The Simcenter Nastran software Advanced Acoustics

module extends the capabilities of Simcenter
• Easily perform both weakly and fully coupled vibro-
Nastran for simulating exterior noise propagation
acoustic simulations
from a vibrating surface using embedded automati-
cally matched layer (AML) technology. Simcenter • Simulate acoustic problems faster and more efficiently
Nastran is part of the Simcenter portfolio of simula- with the next-generation finite element method adaptive
tion tools, and is used to solve structural, dynamics order (FEMAO) solver
and acoustics simulation problems. The Simcenter Key features
Nastran Advanced Acoustics module enables fully • Simulate acoustic performance for interior, exterior or
coupled vibro-acoustic analysis of both interior and mixed interior-exterior problems
exterior acoustic problems.
• Correctly apply anechoic (perfectly absorbing, without
reflection) boundary conditions
• Correctly represent loads from predecessor simulations:
mechanical multibody simulation, flow-induced pressure

Electromagnetics Structural dynamics Acoustics

loads on a structure and electromagnetic forces in elec-
tric machines
• Include porous (rigid and limp frames) trim materials in
both acoustic and vibro-acoustic analysis
• Request results of isolated grid or microphone points at
any location
• Define infinite planes to simulate acoustic
radiation from vibrating structures close to reflecting
ground and wall surfaces

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Simcenter 3D

This product supports creating aero-acoustic sources

Module benefits
close to noise-emitting turbulent flows and allows
• Derive lean, surface pressure-based aero-acoustic sources
you to compute their acoustic response in the
for steady or rotating surfaces
environment (exterior or interior); for example, for
noise from heating ventilation and air conditioning • Scalable and user-friendly load preparation for aero-vi-
(HVAC) or environmental control system (ECS) bro-acoustic wind-noise simulations
ducts, train boogies and pantographs, cooling fans • Import binary files with load data directly into Simcenter
and ship and aircraft propellers. The product also Nastran for response computations
allows you to define wind loads acting on structural
Key features
panels, leading to vibro-acoustic response; for
• Conservative mapping of pressure results from CFD to
instance, in a car or aircraft cabin.
the acoustic or structural mesh
• Equivalent aero-acoustic surface dipole sources
• Equivalent aero-acoustic fan source for both tonal and
broadband noise
• Wind loads, using either semi-empirical turbulent
boundary layer (TBL) models or mapped pressure loads
from CFD results

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| Simcenter
of solution
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Simcenter 3D

Simcenter MAGNET™ Thermal software can be used

Module benefits
to accurately simulate temperature distribution due
• Achieve higher fidelity predictions by taking temperature
to heat rise or cooling in the electromechanical
effects into account in electro-
device. Simcenter 3D seamlessly couples with the
magnetic simulations
Simcenter MAGNET solver to provide further anal-
ysis: You can use power loss data from Simcenter • Leverage highly efficient coupling scenarios
MAGNET as a heat source and determine the impact Key features
of temperature changes on the overall design and • Simulates the temperature distributions caused by speci-
performance. fied heat sources in the presence of thermally conductive
Each solver module is tailored to different design materials
problems and is available separately for both 2D and • Couples with Simcenter MAGNET solver for heating
3D designs. effects due to eddy current and
hysteresis losses in the magnetic system

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| Simcenter
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Capabilities chart

Types of
General capabilities Solvers

Simcenter 3D Acoustics

Simcenter 3D Thermal

Simcenter STAR-CCM+
Simcenter 3D Motion

Third-party solvers
Simcenter Nastran

Simcenter FLOEFD
(Structures and
FEM Acoustics)

Simcenter 3D
• = type of coupling S = structural/mechanical


supported E = electromagnetics
V = vibration FX = flexible body
A = acoustics MBD = multibody dynamics/
F = flow motion
T = thermal C = controls

Supported analysis types

Vibro-acoustics (V-A) • • V-A A V V

Thermal-mechanical (T-S) • • S T
Flow-thermal (F-T) • • T-F F F
Fluid-structure interaction (F-S) • S F F
Thermal-fluid-structure interaction • • S T-F F
Aero-acoustics (F-A) • A F F
Aero-vibro-acoustics (F-V-A) • • V-A A F F, V
Thermal-electromagnetics (T-E) • • T-E
Vibro-acoustics - electromagnetics (V-A-E) • V-A A E E, V
Flexible multibody dynamics (FX-MBD) • FX MBD FX
Motion-control simulation (MBD-C) • MBD C C

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