Muliplexing and multiple access
Muliplexing and multiple access
Muliplexing and multiple access
Specific objectives
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:
i) Define multiplexing as applied in data communication
ii) Describe different types of multiplexing
iii) Describe application of different types of multiplexing
Multiplexing is a technique through which one or many signals are transmitted
concurrently over a single data link. A multiplexed system consists of a number devices
that share the capacity of a link, so a link means multiple paths can have multiple
Many devices pass their transmission streams to multiplexers which are all merged into
a single stream. And a single stream on the receiver is directed to the de-multiplexer
which is then transmitted to the component transmission and sent to the integrated
Multiplexing is sending process of multiple signals or streams of information over a
circuit at the same time in the form of a single, complex signal and then recovering the
separate signals at the receiving end.
Types of Multiplexing
The basic type of Multiplexing involves frequency division. (FDM), time division
(TDM), and wavelength division (WDM), with TDM and WDM Optical circuits are
being widely used by telephone and data service providers. Multiplexing is usually
divided into four parts.
The WDM assigns unique frequencies of light having certain bandwidth to different
optical signals. The multiplexed wavelengths are transmitted over single fiber. At the
de-multiplexer end, these signals are selected using tuner of desired bandwidth.
WDM enables bi-directional communication and multiplies signal capacity. Each laser
beam is modulated by separate set of signals. Since wavelength and frequency have an
inverse relationship (shorter wavelength means higher frequency), the WDM and FDM
both contains the same technology in them. At the receiving end, Wavelength-sensitive
filters, IR analog of visible-light color filters are used. The first WDM technique was
conceptualized in the early 1970s. Later, Wave division multiplexing (WDM) systems
were able to handle 160 signals that will expand a 10 Gbit/second system with a single
fiber optic pair of conductors to more than 1.6 Tbit/second (i.e. 1,600 Gbit/s). The first
WDM systems were two-channel systems that used 1310nm wavelengths. Shortly
afterwards came multi-channel systems that used the 1550nm region – where the fiber
attenuation is lowest.
Wavelength division multiplexing systems can combine signals with multiplexing and
split them apart with a de-multiplexer. WDM systems are popular with
telecommunications companies because they allow them to expand the capacity of the
network without laying more fiber by using WDM and optical amplifiers. These two
devices work as add-drop multiplexer (ADM), i.e. simultaneously adding light beams
while dropping other light beams and rerouting them to other destinations and devices
and this type of filtering of light beams were made possible with e talons, devices called
Fabry-Perot interferometers using thin-film-coated optical glass.
In general, WDM systems use single-mode optical fiber (SMF) in which only a single ray
of light having a core diameter of 9 millionths of a meter (9 µm). Other systems with
multi-mode fiber cables (MM Fiber) which are also called as premises cables have core
diameters of about 50 µm. Present modern systems can handle up to128 signals and can
expand a basic 9.6 Gbps fibre system to a capacity of over 1000 Gbps. It is mostly used for
optical fiber communications to transmit data in several channels with slight variation in
wavelengths. WDM can increase the total bit rate of point-to-point systems.
As shown in figure, wavelength division multiplexing in optical fiber, the input signals
are assigned a wave length that are combined on one fiber for transmission and
separated before receiving.
In this technology, another fiber is not required and because of DWDM, single fibers have
been able to transmit data at up to 400 GB/s of speed. This technology offers excellent
performance characteristics including narrow channel separation and wide channel
bandpass in the range of frequencies which are passed through a filter.
Thus, the technology of sending signals through different wavelengths of light into
fibers is nothing but wave length division multiplexing in fiber optic communication. In
this, multiple optical carrier signals are multiplexed on a single optical fiber using
different wavelengths of laser light to different signals.
Thus, it can be seen that station z has received data from only station y while neglecting
the other codes.
Advantages of multiplexing
1. Multiple signals can be sent simultaneously over a single communication channel.
2. Effective use of channel bandwidth
3. Multiplexing reduces cost
4. Multiplexing reduces circuit complexity
Applications of Multiplexing
1. Communication system
2. Computer memory
3. Telephone systems
4. TV broadcasting
5. Telemetry
6. Satellites
Fig 5.10 (a) FDM, (b) TDM, (c) CDM (d) Statistic
T-carrier and E-carrier systems comparison
Note 1: The designators for T-carrier in the North American Digital multiplex hierarchy
correspond to the designators for the digital signal (DS) level hierarchy.
Note 2: T-carrier systems were originally designed to transmit digitized voice signals.
Current applications also include digital data transmission.
Note 3: Historically, if an "F" precedes the "T", optical fiber cables are utilized at the same
Note 4: The North American and Japanese hierarchies are based on multiplexing 24 voice-
frequency channels and multiples thereof, whereas the European hierarchy is based on
multiplexing 32 voice-frequency channels and multiples thereof. See table below.
Note 5: Will be directed to this table by certain Network+ books. See table below.
Note 1: The DS designations are used in connection with the North American hierarchy only.
Strictly speaking, a DS1 is the data carried on a T1 circuit, and likewise for a DS3 and a T3.
Multiple Access Techniques
In wireless systems, just like wired systems, the users of channels need special
mechanisms to avoid interference and collisions. The three mechanisms used most
commonly are frequency division multiple access (FDMA), time division multiple access
(TDMA) and code division multiple access (CDMA).
Before going into the details, an example may help. Suppose you are in a party where multiple
people want to talk to each other. In an FDMA scheme, the different groups will break up into
small subgroups and each subgroup will communicate in parallel. In a TDMA scheme, the people
who want to talk to each other will take turns (i.e., use time slices). In CDMA, everyone will start
talking at once, but only some people will understand each other because of a code. For example,
people speaking Spanish will be tuned to Spanish only, French to French, etc.
The three multiple access techniques (FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA) are illustrated in
Figure 1.
In an FDMA scheme, the different cellular users are assigned different frequencies
and each user communicates in parallel on a different frequency.
In a TDMA scheme, the users take turns, i.e., they are assigned different time slices.
In CDMA, everyone talks at once by using a code. For example, a user u1 uses code
c1, u2 uses c2, etc. In this case, the listener has to know the code of the sender,
otherwise she gets a background noise signal.
FDMA is used in older 1G systems but TDMA and CDMA are competing in the 2G and
3G systems, with CDMA being favored for 3G.
In cellular phone systems, the communication is divided into 6 millisecond (ms) frames,
each divided into 1 ms time slots for 6 users. Each time slot has a header and data. Errors
may corrupt headers and cause loss of time slots. In some cases the whole frame is lost.
Call quality of TDMA is similar to FDMA but it can handle more calls. Several extensions
of TDMA have been proposed and implemented (it can support 15 users per voice
CDMA and its variants are at present very popular and are targeted as the core
technologies for the 3G wireless systems.
Although the TDMA-versus-CDMA debate continues, CDMA is taking a clear lead in
future cellular networks, as the 3G and 3G+ systems are almost exclusively based on