sph final
sph final
sph final
4 Board of Governors
Foundation Board
Alumni Association Board Executive Committee HEAD OF SCHOOL
Kirsten Prettyman Adams
School Administration
SCHOOL HISTORY • Demonstrate sensitivity to boys’ and girls’ individual
St. Agnes (founded in 1924) and St. Stephen’s (founded in differences and needs at all stages of development
1944) became one college preparatory school in 1990, and • Develop a strong spirit of community in all who make
Mrs. Joan G. Ogilvy Holden was named head of school. Mrs. up the school family
Kirsten P. Adams became head of school in July 2014. • Emphasize at every grade level the importance of
moral values and community service.
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School (SSSAS) is one of the six
schools of the Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia. The OUR SCHOOL PRAYER
other member schools are St. Catherine’s, St. Christopher’s,
St. Margaret’s, Christchurch, and Stuart Hall. As a member of
Church Schools, SSSAS continues to serve as an educational Our Heavenly Father,
institution within the Episcopal Church. St. Stephen’s and St. we give you thanks this day for all the blessings
Agnes School is governed by a Board of Trustees and a Board of you have showered upon us—
Governors, a group of local people elected on a rotating basis. our free land, food, shelter,
The Board of Governors is responsible solely for the school, and the ability to work and play without fear.
while the Board of Trustees is responsible for the Church We ask that you will look with compassion
Schools in the Diocese of Virginia. The school is administered upon all children in distress
by the President of Church Schools from the Diocesan wherever they may be.
Headquarters in Richmond. Grant them and us your peace,
in the Name of the Christ Child. Amen.
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School consists of three campuses.
The Lower School, Early Saints through fifth (ES-5) grades,
is located at 400 Fontaine Street; the Middle School, sixth PRINCIPAL QUALITIES OF AN EPISCOPAL SCHOOL
through eighth (6-8) grades, is located at 4401 West Braddock (From the National Association of Episcopal Schools website at
Road; the Upper School, ninth through 12th (9-12) grades, is naes.org)
located at 1000 St. Stephen’s Road.
Episcopal schools are Christian communities whose
MISSION STATEMENT missions integrate spiritual formation into all aspects of
the educational experience. Episcopal schools are most
distinctive when they are true to this mission and when
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School is a college preparatory they do so in the graceful and inclusive manner which is
Episcopal Church school in the Diocese of Virginia the hallmark of the Anglican approach to education over
that educates boys and girls from Early Saints through the centuries. All Christian communities, even the most
twelfth grade. To help our students succeed in a complex ecumenical and diverse of Episcopal schools, are upheld by
and changing world, we seek to inspire a passion for the basic principles of the Baptismal Covenant. As expressed
learning, an enthusiasm for athletic and artistic endeavor, in The Book of Common Prayer, this Covenant maintains
a striving for excellence, a celebration of diversity and that individuals and institutions are called by God to adopt
a commitment to service. Our mission is to pursue certain fundamental disciplines and dispositions in order
goodness as well as knowledge and to honor the unique to embrace fully their basic identities. As embodiments
value of each of our members as a child of God in a caring of the Christian faith, Episcopal schools are created to be
community. communities that honor, celebrate and worship God as the
center of life. They are created to be models of God’s love and
grace. They are created to serve God in Christ in all persons,
In support of the above mission statement, the school will: regardless of origin, background, ability, or religion. They
• Create a Christian environment in which each student are created to “strive for justice and peace among all people
can grow in mind, body, and spirit and [to] respect the dignity of every human being.” These
• Foster intellectual curiosity and guide students to principles are the basis on which identity and vocation are to
acquire knowledge, to master skills, and to think be defined in Episcopal schools.
critically, creatively, and independently
• Actively seek students of character and ability Episcopal schools are populated by a rich variety of human
from diverse ethnic, racial, religious, cultural, and beings, from increasingly diverse religious, cultural, and
socioeconomic backgrounds economic backgrounds. In fact, the intentional pluralism
• Balance a rigorous academic curriculum with broad of most Episcopal schools is a hallmark of their missions. It
extracurricular programs, including the visual and is also a distinguishing characteristic of these schools that
performing arts in both academic and extracurricular they seek to integrate religious and spiritual formation into
programs the overall curriculum and life of each school community.
• Afford each child the opportunity to develop his or her Episcopal schools are clear, yet graceful, about how they
athletic potential and maintain a fully competitive sports articulate and express their basic identities, especially
program in their religious curricula and traditions. They invite
all who attend and work in them—Episcopalians and non- is vital to the school’s pursuit of intellectual and spiritual
Episcopalians, Christians and non-Christians, people of no growth. By adhering to the Code, students learn the value
faith tradition—both to seek clarity about their own beliefs and of honorable conduct and reap the benefits of living among
religions and to honor those traditions more fully and faithfully honorable individuals.
in their own lives. Above all, Episcopal schools exist not
merely to educate, but to demonstrate and proclaim the unique THE HONOR CODE
worth and beauty of all human beings as creations of a loving, As a member of the St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School
empowering God. community, I pledge that I will not lie, cheat, steal,
nor tolerate those who do.
By weaving these principles into the very fabric of the school’s
overall life, Episcopal schools ensure that their missions are
The Honor Code is rooted in the conviction that all students
built on the sure foundation of a Christian love that guides and
must assume responsibility for their own actions, even those
challenges all who attend our schools to build lives of genuine
beyond the stated requirements of the pledge. Therefore, it is
meaning, purpose, and service in the world they will inherit.
taken for granted that a sense of personal honor will direct a
student’s conduct in all aspects of school life, including the
ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS appropriate, ethical use of technology. Students, faculty, and
It is anticipated that students at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes administrators are required to abide by this pledge.
School will grow in responsibility as they progress through
the grades. Students are expected to take initiative and Honor offenses are lying, stealing, and cheating. They are
demonstrate increasing maturity from grade to grade. With the defined as follows:
encouragement, advice, and support of the faculty, students • Lying is deliberately presenting a false impression or
at SSSAS can grow immeasurably in self-awareness, self- giving false information to another person.
confidence, and academic maturity. • Stealing is the taking of another person’s property
without right or prior acknowledgment. A student
Specific academic expectations include the following: should never assume that it is acceptable to “borrow”
1. Regular attendance is a prerequisite to a successful school any item from a community member without
experience at every level. obtaining permission, even in the case of borrowing
2. Students are expected to be prepared for class, to bring all from a friend.
necessary materials to class, and to be on time. • Cheating is deliberately giving or receiving any
3. Students are expected to learn to plan their study time unauthorized information on examinations or
following the advice of faculty and counselors, especially assigned work; in general, cheating is passing off
for long-term assignments. another’s work as one’s own (this includes, but is not
4. Students are expected to avail themselves of opportunities limited to plagiarism from written and/or electronic
for extra help and, in particular, to take advantage of extra sources such as websites and artificial intelligence).
help before and after school and whenever suggested or
requested by faculty. Upholding the Honor Code is central to our school’s life.
5. Students acknowledge and agree that any intellectual Therefore, community members should not tolerate lying,
property created in the scope of the student’s attendance cheating, or stealing. An Honor Code such as ours requires
belongs to the school and, upon request, the student will each community member, at some time, to wrestle with his
sign any assignment or other documentation to effectuate or her conscience. It is in the difficult task of confronting and
and/or confirm the school’s ownership of any such reporting offenses that the code will have a life.
intellectual property.
6. Students are expected to show initiative for makeup work. These definitions must be seen as guidelines for the
At the higher grade levels they should make appointments student’s benefit; they cannot be expected to cover all
to see faculty in order to accomplish this and respond to possible interpretations of honor offenses. If students are
faculty requests and suggestions regarding makeup work. ever uncertain as to what constitutes an honor violation,
7. Students are expected to complete their summer reading. they should ask a teacher or an Upper School Honor and
8. Students are expected to complete all tests, quizzes, and Disciplinary Board member for help. Ignorance of what
written assignments. Incomplete work may adversely affect constitutes an honor offense is never an acceptable excuse.
credit toward graduation.
THE HONOR SYSTEM Since its beginnings in the 1920s, our school has relied
At St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, emphasis is placed not on funds over and above tuition and school fees in order
only upon physical and intellectual development, but also to achieve its vision. This culture of philanthropy at an
upon the development of personal integrity, self-discipline, independent school is a force that affects not only such day-
and dignity through the Honor System, which governs all to-day expenses as classroom supplies, electricity, and faculty
interactions within the school community. At the heart of the salaries, but also such long-term goals as new facilities and
Honor System is the Honor Code. This common commitment fields and a larger endowment. Participation from each
promotes an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect, which member of the community is critical in shaping the resources
that will help us adhere to and enhance our School’s mission. Camps. For more information about Summertimes, you can
We encourage each member of the community to participate, at visit summertimes.org. Registration for Summertimes camps
whatever level they are able, in the culture of philanthropy that and classes typically opens in January. For Upper School
helps shape SSSAS, now and in the future. students who are interested in serving as a counselor for one of
our camps, the application period typically opens in January 1.
While there are many ways for parents to be involved with
the school, The Saints Fund (annual giving) is the most EXTRA HELP FOR STUDENTS
important financial contribution outside of tuition. Like other In keeping with the tradition and common practice of
independent schools, SSSAS does not receive federal or state independent schools, all teachers will spend additional time
aid, and tuition comprises only 88 percent of the school’s with individuals or small groups of students who need more
operating budget. Gifts to the school help to make up the individual attention than regular classroom hours permit.
For more information, please contact our Advancement Office
Students in grades 4-12 take some form of standardized
at 703-212-2715 or visit sssas.org/saintsfund.
testing while at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes. These scores
provide valuable information on each student’s growth and
DEIB is intentionally integrated throughout the Saints
community. Student programming and support, faculty and
staff development, curriculum integration, and policies are
Transcripts are prepared through the office of each division.
mission driven and ensure that each member of our community
Please submit requests for academic records, including
is seen, heard, valued and validated.
transcripts, by visiting sssas.org/transcripts.
NOTE: Please allow two working days to process requests for
We strive to create a learning environment that asks students to
think critically about who they are and their place in the world
while encouraging them to be active participants in a complex
Following graduation each student’s official transcript will be
and changing world. You may read more about our school's
sent to his or her college as soon as all financial obligations to
DEIB efforts on our website.
the school have been met. Similarly, all financial obligations
must be met before a final official transcript can be sent on
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP behalf of any student who will not be returning to SSSAS.
Learn more about our initiatives on our website, and see our
newsletters on the Green Saints page on our Resource Board.
A key element of the school’s Episcopal identity, environmental
Organizations not affiliated with SSSAS may not engage
stewardship guides practices related to energy consumption,
in the solicitation of funds or engage in promotional/sales
waste reduction, efficient transportation systems, and integration
activities on campus, nor may individual students be so
of sustainability in the curriculum.
involved. Advertisements and fliers may not be distributed or
For a quick overview of some steps you can take to support our
environmental stewardship efforts, please refer to this SSSAS
Environmental Quick Guide for Families.
Upon the recommendation of the faculty and appropriate
division director, a contract for the following year may be
St. Stephen's and St. Agnes School is committed to playing
a vital role in our local and global communities. By working
beyond our walls, students build a sense of themselves in the
Discipline is a means of encouraging positive growth and
world and the personal gifts that they have to contribute to it.
development in young people. It should not demean or
Our neighbors come to see us as partners. Service Learning and
condemn; it should enhance the development of sound
Community Engagement brings the school’s mission statement
habits, of an awareness of Christian principles and the need
to life and enables students to see all they meet as children of
for standards of conduct, and of the ability to choose and
God, working beside one another to make the complex and
control one’s own destiny. Whenever necessary, disciplinary
changing world a better place. You may read more about what
measures should help students to learn that all actions do
our school is doing locally and globally on our website.
have consequences and that mature life requires constraints
as well as freedom. The approach to disciplinary actions
SUMMER PROGRAMS should emphasize the objective of helping students to learn
For more than 50 years, St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School’s
from their mistakes.
Summertimes program has been offering camps and academic
classes designed to stimulate curiosity and creativity, develop
The school believes that discipline has lasting value only
talents, and encourage exploration and personal growth. Camp
when it leads to the development of self-discipline, which
offerings include Day Camps, Sports Camps, and Specialty
enables one to live as a productive and considerate member
of any group. Therefore, as it guides students toward maturity, and rules as govern the use of other school equipment,
the school stresses those basic values which are essential to the materials, and information sources. The school explicitly
health, safety, and welfare of a community. regards all forms of digital communication as subject to
the same standards and rules as verbal and print materials
Students are under the jurisdiction of school authorities while (this includes video and photos taken on school grounds,
on school property and during school-sponsored activities and texting, and social media posts). The school emphasizes the
trips. At all times while they are under school jurisdiction, all importance of digital citizenship in the ethical and courteous
students are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous use of technology.
and orderly manner. Additionally, the school’s philosophy of
discipline and implementation of disciplinary actions extends At SSSAS, we expect that all members of our school
to any conduct, whether on campus or not, which is morally community will treat each other with civility and respect.
reprehensible or may constitute a serious criminal offense It is the policy of the school to provide and maintain a
which threatens the health, safety, or welfare of our students learning environment that is free of bullying and any other
and faculty or otherwise damages the reputation of our school verbal or physical misconduct which disrupts the learning
community. The school’s efforts to discourage otherwise environment or makes it unsafe. The school will promptly
impermissible conduct by students beyond school property and investigate any report of bullying. Upon determining that a
school related activities or trips, is an effort to supplement, not case of bullying or retaliation has taken place, we will take
assume, the ultimate responsibility of parents and families for action to stop the behavior and address the safety concerns
the conduct of children, not only as students of our school, but for any member of the community who has been victimized.
also as citizens of our community.
This handbook describes, in general terms, the standards In addition to the Honor Code’s standards regarding lying,
of conduct and rules which govern students. Neither the cheating, and stealing the following rules are extremely
handbook nor the school rules are intended to provide fixed or important for the safety and well-being of the school and all
rigid rules for dealing with all problems that may arise in the its students:
school’s environment; rather, it sets forth a number of defined 1. Students are expected to treat one another with respect;
rules which are subject to modification and interpretation as harassment of any kind is not acceptable. Students may
circumstances may require. This handbook is not intended to not use obscene, profane, or disrespectful language or
serve as a contract or to create enforceable rights on the part actions, including racial, ethnic, homophobic, or sexual
of either students or parents. The school reserves the right slurs. Teasing and joking are not acceptable excuses for
to impose disciplinary actions, including, but not limited to, hurtful comments or behavior.
caution, warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal of any 2. Possessing, using, distributing, consuming, or being
student whose academic achievement or conduct is deemed under the influence of illicit drugs (including alcohol
unsatisfactory in the sole and absolute discretion of the head and drug paraphernalia) is prohibited. Please refer to the
of school or his or her designee. All decisions regarding student Extracurricular Participation Contract on p. 19 for off-
conduct, academic performance, and the enforcement and campus behavioral expectations.
interpretation of the school’s rules shall be vested solely with 3. Leaving the school grounds without proper authorization
the head of school in her absolute discretion. is prohibited.
4. A student may not deface or misuse school property or
SCHOOL RULES (ES-12) the property of others.
These rules apply to all students whenever they are on school 5. (a) A student may not possess knives, weapons, or
property and during school-sponsored activities and trips. firearms of any kind on school property or during any
Where appropriate, these rules also apply to a student’s conduct school-sponsored activity or trip. (b) A student who
prior to his or her attendance at school or a school-sponsored knows that knives, weapons, or firearms of any kind are
activity or trip. either in a student’s possession or located on campus
is obligated to report this information to an adult
Student Honor Code standards and school rules apply to immediately.
the use of technology, whether school-owned or personal, on 6. A threat or act against an individual or the institution is
campus or during school activities, and in the off-campus treated as an issue of safety. School officials will comply
preparation of school assignments. Such technology includes fully with local authorities in such matters.
but is not limited to hardware, software, networks and the 7. While on campus, students are expected to follow all
information created and managed by them. safety protocols as conveyed in the 2023-2024 Medical
Policies and Procedures document.
Students are expected to be aware that the Honor Code 8. All members of our school community must remain
and school rules apply to the use of technology (equipment, committed to our safety policies and procedures.
software, networks and the information created and managed
by them) in school as well as off-campus use for school related OTHER SCHOOL RULES
purposes. The school explicitly subjects use of technology 1. A student may not be absent from school, class, study
tools and resources to the same rigorous standards of conduct hall, chapel, classroom period, or other required
meetings without proper authorization. Dismissal is a permanent expulsion of a student from the
2. Students may not misuse, destroy, or intercept official school and it may be effected only by the head of school.
school communications. Although extremely difficult for all concerned, such action
3. A student may not disrupt a class, study hall, chapel, sometimes is a necessary means of helping a student learn
library, or other group meeting. that standards for acceptable behavior must be seen as real
4. A student must observe the school dress code. and meaningful. The school is committed to the principle
5. A student may not misuse fire-protection or safety that every case must be evaluated on an individual basis,
equipment. and extenuating circumstances always receive consideration.
6. A student may not use or possess tobacco, e-cigarettes or Nonetheless, the school will expel a student at any point
vaping materials at any time, in any place, on the school during the year when the head of school, in consultation
property. with the appropriate advisory group, concludes that the best
7. A student may not use school equipment (i.e., telephones, interests of a student, and/or of the school as a whole, require
office equipment) without the specific permission of a such action. When a student is expelled, he or she may not
member of the school staff. return to campus or attend school functions for at least the
8. A student may not loiter in the parking lots, in cars, in the remainder of the academic year.
restrooms, or in any of the wooded areas on campus during
school hours or during a scheduled school activity. SCHOOL LIFE
9. An unlicensed driver may not drive any vehicle on school
10. A student may not use technology resources in an 7:45 a.m.–3:45 p.m., normal office hours
inappropriate manner. As a general rule, teachers do not monitor their voice mail
11. A student may not possess or use a laser pointer. during vacation periods or throughout the summer.
The school supports transgender students, students who The student’s failure to abide by transportation rules and
are transitioning, and students who are questioning expected conduct may result in the following disciplinary
their gender identity. The school will work with students measures, in addition to consequences assigned by the
seeking institutional support and, in partnership with their appropriate division:
families, construct a plan to support each student. For more • Verbal or written warning to both the student and the
information, please read this statement about full inclusion of parents
transgender persons from the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia. • Suspension from riding the bus for a period of time
For additional information about how to support your child, • Expulsion from the bus
please reach out to the appropriate division director.
CHAPLAINS Before being admitted late to a class, the student must check
The Chaplains are available to all members of the school in with the appropriate division office.
community, students and parents, as well as faculty and staff
who wish to talk about ethical or spiritual issues or personal ABSENCE
relationships. Such conversations are conducted in strict Please see the 2023-2024 Medical Policies and Procedures
confidentiality. Our school chaplains are: for a complete description of our procedures and absence
Lower School: The Rev. Grace Pratt (ext. 2919) policies.
Middle School: The Rev. Sarah Moses (ext. 2872)
Upper School: The Rev. Sean Cavanaugh (ext. 2770) and The Students are expected to attend all classes, assemblies,
Rev. Elizabeth Rees (ext. 2759) chapels, and morning meetings promptly. Failure to attend
these required commitments is considered an absence that
SCHOOL TRIPS must be accounted for by the student.
Each student is covered by the school’s blanket online
permission form, which is part of the Magnus Health record. If The school recognizes that parents have the right to excuse
this standard form is not completed prior to a field trip, it must their child from school. The parents and student must realize
be signed and submitted before the student embarks. that the school also has the right not to accept an excuse
which interrupts the continuity of its educational process and
Overnight trips require that students follow closely the challenges the integrity of the St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes
guidelines set forth by the chaperones. On all trips of one or community.
more nights, it is mandatory that the student attends school the
first school day after the trip unless he or she presents a signed School policy is to excuse students only for illnesses, doctors’
statement from a physician. Failure to follow the guidelines appointments, pressing family emergencies, or religious
as set forth by the faculty sponsor, or failure to attend school observances. If parents allow students to be absent for other
as noted, will mean that the student will not be permitted to reasons, they assume responsibility for any academic work
participate in such activities in a subsequent year. missed and cannot expect teachers to provide make-up work
or tests. Parents also run the risk of encouraging the student
On any school-related trip, all students must be transported by to establish bad habits regarding classroom attendance,
school vehicles. Any request for exceptions must be in written which may damage his or her academic record, or diminish
form and approved by the division director. the importance, in the mind of the student, of meeting
his or her obligations. Parents should not undermine the
BUSES school’s efforts to teach honesty and to enforce attendance
While commuting on school buses and vans, students are and lateness policies by failing to be forthright and accurate
expected to conduct themselves in a quiet, safe, and courteous in the excuses they provide. When no explanation or
manner at all times for the safety of all of those on board. information is provided regarding an absence, either in
Students are expected to abide by all of the school rules as stated writing or over the phone, school personnel will inquire about
by the respective divisions. In addition, the following conduct is the nature of the absence. An absence for which no specific
prohibited on the buses: explanation is provided will be recorded as an unexcused
• Standing or sitting on seat backs absence. Please refer to each section for specific divisional
• Moving about the vehicle while it is in motion policy.
• Opening windows without permission or putting any
object out of windows DRESS
• Throwing any objects Each division has an appropriate dress code, which is
• Defacing or damaging the vehicle in any way printed in the division section. However, all students should
• Occupying more than one seat be neat and clean, and they should dress in an appropriate
• Any physically aggressive behavior (e.g. hitting or fashion that complements the students as individuals and
pushing) representatives of the school. A violation of the dress code
• Using inappropriate language may result in disciplinary action.
• Shouting or making excessive noise
• Eating and drinking, unless given permission by the OFF-CAMPUS PARTIES AND ACTIVITIES
driver All school-sponsored activities for students must have
administrative approval and chaperones; participants in THE DISPATCH WEBPAGE: SSSAS.ORG/DISPATCH
school-sponsored activities must observe all of the regular The other main source of information for parents, Middle,
school rules. Students are not permitted to use school meeting and Upper School students is our weekly school newsletter
time to plan or announce activities that are not subject to (updated every Thursday afternoon), the Dispatch. This
school regulations and school chaperones. In addition, no page on the Resource Board has been specially designed as a
invitations to private parties may be issued at school. single source for all your SSSAS news, events, and divisional
information. You will receive an email each Thursday when it
USE OF LOCKERS, DESKS, AND BOOKS is ready for viewing.
Students are encouraged to keep all books, notebooks, and
other personal property in lockers when not in use. Personal ATHLETICS OFFICE INFORMATION
articles should not be left in desks, corridors, in the cafeteria, or Website: sssas.org/athletics
outside the building. School faculty and administration retain Up-to-date information for our athletics can be found on
the right to inspect a student’s locker at any time. Faculty may the website, including directions to athletic venues, athletic
check lockers from time to time. Also, students should not go to schedules, cancellations, and tournament information.
lockers during any class period unless sent by a teacher.
SCHOOL STORE As stated in the student enrollment contract, the school is
The School Store has locations on the Lower and Upper School authorized to use a student’s image, voice, and/or likeness
campuses with the following days and times of operation under in connection with school-related communications. This
normal circumstances: authorization is continuing until revoked by the parent in
Lower School: Thursday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. writing to the school. Please see the student enrollment
Upper School: Monday- Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. contract for further details.
Additionally, there are occasional store pop-up at the Middle Class meetings may be recorded. Recordings will be
School campus. available to students enrolled in this class. This is intended
to supplement the classroom experience. Students are
The school recommends that parents/guardians talk with their expected to follow appropriate school policies and maintain
child about their expectations regarding the use of a charge the security of passwords used to access recorded lectures.
account at the School Store. Recordings may not be reproduced, shared with those not in
the class, or uploaded to other online environments. Doing
You may also visit our online School Store at sssasstore.com. so may constitute a breach of the Honor Code. If the teacher
plans any other uses for the recordings, beyond this class,
STUDENT YEARBOOK: “TRADITIONS” the parents of students identifiable in the recordings will be
The school publishes a school yearbook, “Traditions,” for notified to request their consent prior to such use.
grades ES-12. The yearbook is an Upper School student
publication, including concepts, content, and design. Each EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS
year families are given the option to purchase the yearbook and The safety of our students and school community is our
must opt out if they do not want one. top priority. We have in place comprehensive crisis and
emergency procedures on each of our three campuses.
STUDENT PROPERTY Additionally, our school’s security team maintains a
Students are advised to mark all their possessions, particularly partnership with the Alexandria City Police Department and
coats and blazers, and report missing articles to the appropriate receives prompt notification of any important information
divisional office immediately. Parents are asked to advise that affects our community’s safety.
students to leave sums of money and valued possessions at
home. School faculty and administration retain the right to EMERGENCY CLOSINGS
inspect personal belongings, to include, but not limited to, In an emergency the school will communicate with families
backpacks, lockers, cubbies, vehicles, technology, and sports using a mass notification system that allows us to send
bags. The school does not accept responsibility for personal updates and emergency alerts through emails, phone calls,
belongings. and texts. Information about school closures, delayed
openings, or early dismissals will also be available on the
OUR PASSWORD-PROTECTED COMMUNITY WEBSITE: MYSSSAS.ORG school website (sssas.org) and by calling the main school line
The password-protected part of our website, MySSSAS, is the at 703-212-2700.
main source of information for students and parents. It is
important that you log in and familiarize yourself with all the SNOW DAYS/INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY
sections. If you click on the drop down by your name (top right SSSAS will make independent decisions regarding closures,
of the screen) and click on “Getting Started,” you can take a delays, early dismissals, and afternoon/evening activity
tour of the internal site. Of particular interest is the “Resources” cancellations due to inclement weather. We will preserve
tab, where you can access a wide variety of information easily. the wonder of the season’s first snow day, and will not hold
Report cards, assignments, and schedules for students can also classes. After the first snow day, teachers will shift to a
be found in MySSSAS. distance learning schedule for their classes. The structure of
this distance learning will vary from division and division.
SSSAS will make most decisions about school-day delays and MEDICAL EMERGENCIES AND HEALTH CARE
closures by 5:30 a.m. All weather-related schedule changes will In the event of serious injury or other types of medical
be posted on our website (sssas.org) and on NBC4 television emergencies, the school will send a student to the emergency
(WRC-TV) and WTOP radio (103.5 FM and 820 AM). An room of the local hospital, while trying to reach the parents
email will be sent to all parents, faculty, and staff notifying or their designated representative(s) as specified in the Vital
them of the schedule change, and emergency text notifications Health Record. Parents are responsible for reviewing and
will be sent to those who have elected to receive them. making any changes to their emergency contacts on their
profile in the Magnus Health system.
The safety of our community is the school’s first priority. If
school is open and weather conditions in your area are such The school requires all students to have a current annual
that you feel it is unsafe to travel to school, please make the best physical examination and up to date immunization record.
decision for you or your family. The school will be flexible and The resulting physical form must be updated in the Magnus
support your decision. Health system every 12 months and should be current at
all times. The Vital Health Record and permission to treat
When school is closed or dismissed early due to weather, all forms must be reviewed and resubmitted by the first of July
activities planned for that afternoon and evening are canceled. every year, and the student’s vaccination record must be
When after-school and evening activities are canceled, resubmitted for all rising sixth grade students.
Extended Day/After Care will not hold normal programming,
and parents are asked to pick up children as soon as possible All required forms must be submitted to Magnus Health
when school is dismissed. before the student may:
• Register for classes
When inclement weather occurs on a non-school day, decisions • Begin classes
about activities will be made on a case-by-case basis and • Begin preseason sports practices in mid-August
communicated directly by the organizers to the participants.
Each faculty member in a supervisory position with pre-
If there need to be any make-up days, the head of school will school age children has been certified by a practicing
notify the school community. physician or physician assistant to be free from any disability
which would prevent him from caring for children under his
STUDENT RELEASE supervision.
If you wish to pick up your child before the release time
or wish them to be able to drive home themselves or with
another parent, please use the SchoolPass app to indicate this
change of plan. If you are unable to use the SchoolPass app
to indicate the change, please contact the Division Office to
It is the aim of the Athletic Department to offer ample
give your permission. No student will be allowed to leave the
activities to cover the interests and capabilities of all
campus before the release time unless a parent has provided
team at the outset of the season. Additional gear (shirts, shorts, students and employees can study and work in an open
etc) may also be charged to the student’s account. atmosphere, unhampered by bullying, hazing or harassment.
It is essential for the School to be a safe and supportive
GYM/ATHLETIC FACILITIES environment that cultivates learning and personal growth.
An enormous amount of time, energy, and money has been Bullying, hazing, harassment and sexual misconduct
expended to create this facility for the benefit of our school interfere with this goal. The School will not tolerate any
community. Our pride must manifest itself in the common form of bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual misconduct
effort to maintain this fine complex. The abuse of any part of the of any student, employee, parent, vendor or community
athletic area will be considered a serious breach of discipline. member by another student, employee, parent, vendor or
community member, whether on or off campus and whether
Some specific guidelines follow: online, orally or in writing. Such acts undermine the School’s
1. Food and drink are prohibited in the locker rooms and gym. standards of its community and contribute to a negative
2. Personal articles are to be kept secure in the locker at all educational and developmental environment. The School, at
times; when not in immediate use, lockers must be closed its sole discretion, determines whether conduct rises to the
and locked. level of bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual misconduct
3. The good condition and appearance of team locker rooms is under this policy. The School will take appropriate action
the responsibility of each team member. to prevent and address conduct that violates this policy,
4. Students are not allowed in the gym, weight room, or locker including disciplinary action and other consequences. Any
rooms without proper supervision. violation of the School’s bullying, hazing, harassment and
5. Students must make every effort to get in and out of the sexual misconduct policy by a parent will be considered
locker room area in a reasonable amount of time; no a violation of the School’s behavioral expectations of its
horseplay and/or loitering in the area is allowed. parents and may be grounds for discipline of the offending
parent’s child(ren), up to and including dismissal from the
A student who has been absent for a portion of the school day is
generally ineligible to participate in practice and/or interscholastic A. Definitions
competition, and may only do so at the discretion of the
appropriate athletic director. Bullying. Va. Code § 22.1-276.01 defines bullying as
“any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to
In the Upper School, a student is unable to participate in harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real
extracurricular activities after school, including rehearsals and or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or
athletic practices/games, if a student cuts class or misses a portion aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes
of the official school day due to illness, fatigue, or the completion severe emotional trauma. Bullying includes cyber bullying.
of academic assignments at home. If a student misses a portion Bullying does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay,
of the school day because of a medical appointment, the school argument, or peer conflict.” The School also considers
requires confirmation of this appointment from a parent or unwanted behavior that involves written, verbal or electronic
guardian, and may request a note from the doctor. communications, or physical acts or gestures, directed by
one or more individuals to another to be bullying under this
CHURCH SCHOOLS IN THE DIOCESE OF VIRGINIA UNIFORM policy when those incidents cause physical harm to person or
property, cause emotional distress, interfere with educational
opportunity or employment or disrupt School operations.
Bullying may take the form of one event or a series of events.
I. CSDV Non-Discrimination Statement.* The School is
Bullying may be motivated by an individual’s association
a member of Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia, Inc.
with another individual and that individual’s characteristics,
(Church Schools). Each of the Church Schools admits students
behaviors or beliefs. Examples of bullying include, but are
of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights,
not limited to, pressuring another to do something they do
privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or
not want to do, pressuring others to be mean to or ignore
made available to students at the School. The School does not
another person, teasing or name-calling, spreading rumors,
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic
threatening, taunting, embarrassing someone in public,
origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions
assault and battery, extortion and intentionally taking or
policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other
breaking someone’s property. Cyber bullying is a form of
School-administered programs. As a related organization of
bullying conducted through phones, computers, email, text
the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and the Episcopal Church,
message, social media or other electronic systems or media.
Church Schools respects the applicable policies and governing
All bullying is prohibited by the School.
principles of the Episcopal Church pertaining to non-
Hazing. Va. Code § 18.2-56 defines hazing as “to recklessly
or intentionally endanger the health or safety of a student or
II. Bullying, Hazing, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct.*
students or to inflict bodily injury on a student or students in
The School is committed to being a socially diverse community
connection with or for the purpose of initiation, admission
that values mutual respect, human dignity and individual
into or affiliation with or as a condition for continued
differences, and that sustains a school environment in which
membership in a club, organization, association, fraternity, working or educational environment.
sorority, or student body regardless of whether the student or • Sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation is taking non-
students so endangered or injured participated voluntarily in consensual, unjust or abusive advantage of another
the relevant activity.” For purposes of this policy, hazing need in a sexual or intimate context. Sexual exploitation
not involve pressure or acts relating to a formal School club includes, but is not limited to: engaging in, permitting,
or group. Hazing may assume numerous forms, including reproducing or facilitating non-consensual viewing,
any type of physical activity that may adversely affect the photographing, video-recording or audio-recording
mental or physical health or safety of the community member, of obscene, pornographic, sexual or intimate activity
physical brutality, any activity that may intimidate or threaten (such as nudity, sexual contact, sexual conduct,
a community member, verbal abuse or social pressure. In sadomasochistic abuse, dressing, showering, toileting
Virginia, depending on the severity, hazing could rise to the or similar activity); prostituting another person; or
level of criminal activity. All hazing is prohibited by the School. knowingly infecting another person with a sexually
transmitted infection or disease.
Harassment. Harassment refers to conduct or behavior that • Stalking. Stalking is a course of conduct directed toward
has the effect of impairing morale, interfering with a student’s a specific person that is unwanted, unwelcomed or
educational performance or an employee’s employment or unreciprocated and would cause a reasonable person
creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational to fear for their own or a third party’s safety, security
or work environment. Harassment can assume numerous or wellbeing, or feel material emotional distress due to
forms and may include verbal, written, visual and physical repetitive contact or the perception of such conduct.
conduct. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: making Stalking behaviors may include: non-consensual
disparaging statements, telling jokes or using epithets, slurs, communication by any means; use of surveillance in-
stereotypes, insults or labels based on classifications identified person or via social media or other electronic means
by this policy; threats of physical harm; intimidating conduct, without obtaining consent; collecting information about
such as unwanted touching of a person or a person’s property; a person’s routine, friends, family or co-workers without
and assault or blocking or impeding a person’s movement. their consent; and uninvited visits to a residence,
Harassment may include comments on a person’s appearance, workplace, classroom, place of worship or other locations
including dress or physical features, dress consistent with where an individual is commonly found.
gender identification or making jokes or inappropriate • Dating abuse. Dating abuse is a pattern of behaviors
comments focusing on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual one person uses to gain and maintain power and
orientation, gender identity, status as a veteran, marital status, control in a personal relationship. Dating abuse
pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions including can include emotional and verbal abuse, isolation,
lactation, age, disability or genetic information, whether manipulation, abuse through digital media, written or
communicated in-person or electronically. All harassment is oral communications, stalking and more.
prohibited by the School.
All sexual misconduct is prohibited by the School.
Sexual Misconduct. Sexual misconduct is a broad term
encompassing any behavior of a sexual nature that violates this B. Reporting Bullying, Hazing, Harassment and Sexual
sexual misconduct policy or Virginia law. The School will not Misconduct. If a student, parent or community member
tolerate any form of sexual misconduct, whether occurring on witnesses or otherwise becomes aware of bullying, hazing,
or off campus and whether occurring online, in writing or in harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind, or feels they are
person. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the a victim of bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual misconduct,
following: they should report this information to any employee of the
School with whom they are comfortable. The employee will
• Sexual assault. Sexual assault is non-consensual sexual then report the matter to the Head of School. Under state law,
penetration or sexual contact of one person by another. School employees have mandatory child abuse and neglect
• Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome reporting obligations, which may apply based on the nature
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other of the report. Any report of bullying, hazing, harassment or
visual, verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual sexual misconduct should be specific and include all relevant
nature when: information so that the School may conduct an appropriate
• submission to such conduct is an explicit or implied investigation.
term or condition of an individual’s employment,
educational or School-related opportunity; When the School receives a report of bullying, hazing,
• submission to or rejection of sexual conduct by harassment or sexual misconduct, the School will strive to
an individual is the basis for any employment, protect the identity of the reporting party, if appropriate under
educational or School-related decision affecting that the circumstances, and, to the best of its ability, conduct an
individual; or investigation of the alleged misconduct brought to its attention.
• such conduct has the purpose or effect of Students considering reporting misconduct to the School,
unreasonably interfering with an individual’s and their parents, should understand that the School can
work, educational or School-related performance conduct an investigation into alleged misconduct only upon
by creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive the information it has received about the incident. While the
School does not limit the time period for reporting, immediate report of misconduct was substantiated such that the School
reporting is important, as the School may not be able to fully found the act to have violated School policy, whether the
investigate or consider as wide a range of corrective actions School found no violation of School policy to have occurred
the more time has passed between the alleged misconduct and or whether further investigation is warranted. If the Head of
the report. The passage of time impacts the effectiveness of an School or their designated alternate determines that bullying,
investigation. hazing, harassment or sexual misconduct has occurred, the
Head of School or their designated alternate will determine
Interim measures. Upon receipt of a report of alleged what remedial action, if any, is needed to end the misconduct,
bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual misconduct, the School remedy its effects and prevent recurrence, as well as determine
may request additional information and conduct an initial appropriate disciplinary action against the perpetrator and any
inquiry to determine whether the report alleges a potential other involved party, up to and including dismissal.
violation of policy. The School may meet with the individual(s)
who made the report, the individual(s) who were reportedly No retaliation. The School prohibits retaliation against
subjected to the misconduct and others. If the School anyone who, in good faith, complains or participates in the
determines that the report pertains to behavior that may violate reporting or investigation process under this policy, regardless
this Bullying, Hazing, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct of the outcome of the investigation. Retaliation may result in
policy, the School will undertake an investigation related to the disciplinary or other corrective action. Retaliation includes, but
reported conduct. is not limited to, taking sides against an individual, spreading
rumors about or shunning an individual or making real or
The School may provide appropriate interim support and implied threats of intimidation toward an individual because
reasonable protective measures, if and as needed based on the that individual reported bullying, hazing, harassment or
particular circumstances of a report of misconduct, to protect sexual misconduct or participated in an investigation related
against further acts of misconduct or retaliation, to provide to a report of misconduct. In addition, anyone who knowingly
a safe educational environment and to protect the integrity makes a false claim of bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual
of an investigation. The School reserves the right to suspend misconduct will be subject to discipline, up to and including
a student accused of bullying, hazing, harassment or sexual dismissal.
misconduct on an interim basis if deemed appropriate by the
School based on considerations such as ongoing safety risks III. Mandatory Abuse and Neglect Reporting.* All School
to others and the extent of the School’s ability to separate the employees must follow Virginia’s mandatory reporting
alleged victim and accused during any investigative process. obligations for suspected child abuse and neglect. Any School
The School will, in its sole discretion and judgment, determine employee who, in their professional or official capacity, has a
the necessity and scope of any interim measures, including reason to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child
whether and when to contact the parents of the alleged victim, must immediately notify the Head of School or the Head of
the accused, a witness or others. School’s designee [list designee name and contact information,
who will then take responsibility for immediately reporting
Investigation process. The School’s investigation into alleged that suspicion of abuse or neglect. If the School employee with
misconduct includes one or more investigators who may meet the suspicion of abuse and neglect is, for any reason, unable to
with the alleged victim, the accused, witnesses and other escalate their suspicion to the Head of School or the Head of
relevant individuals and gather information about the reported School’s designee, that employee must report their suspicion of
misconduct. In the School’s sole discretion, and depending abuse or neglect to the local department of social services where
on the conduct alleged, the investigator may be the Head of the child resides or to the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
School, a School employee designated by the Head of School or (1.800.552.7096) within 24 hours. Any School employee who
an outside investigator. Students and parents must cooperate makes or receives a report of suspected child abuse and neglect
in any investigation, including meeting with the investigator must inform the Head of School or their designee the day they
and truthfully answering any questions posed to them by the make or receive the report. In compliance with the law, a notice
investigator, providing all relevant information and omitting outlining child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in
none. Any individual who is interviewed during the course of Virginia is posted in the School.
an investigation is prohibited from discussing the substance of
the interview, except as otherwise directed by the investigator Va. Code § 63.2-100 defines an abused or neglected child as
or the Head of School or as required by law. Any individual who any child under 18 years of age:
discusses the content of an investigation or who otherwise fails
to cooperate with the investigation may be subject to discipline. • Whose parents or other person responsible for their care
inflicts or threatens to inflict a non-accidental physical or
At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator will mental injury;
issue a written recommendation concerning the allegations. • Whose parents or other person responsible for their care
The Head of School or their designated alternate, in their has a child present during the manufacture or attempted
ultimate discretion, will determine if the alleged misconduct manufacture of a controlled substance or during the
amounts to a violation of School policy. The School will unlawful sale of such substance where such activity would
then communicate to the reporting party, the accused party constitute a felony violation;
and their parents or guardians, if possible, as to whether the • Whose parents or other persons responsible for their
care neglects or refuses to provide care necessary for the such a situation arise, the School may require the student to
child’s health, including adequate food, clothing, shelter, be placed on medical leave. A medical leave of absence is not
emotional nurturing or healthcare; a punishment; it is intended to be a caring, interventional
• Whose parents or other person responsible for their care response and an attempt to help a student get necessary
abandons the child; treatment so that they can return to full participation in School
• Whose parents or other person responsible for their care, programming, if and to the extent possible.
or an intimate partner of such parent or person, commits
or allows to be committed any act of sexual exploitation Placing a Student on Medical Leave. Whether a student is
or any sexual act upon a child, including incest, rape, placed on medical leave is at the sole discretion of the Head
indecent exposure, prostitution or allows a child to be used of School or their designated alternate. In making such
in any sexually explicit visual material; a determination, the Head of School or their designated
• Who is without parental care or guardianship caused alternate may consult with medical care providers, including
by the unreasonable absence or the mental or physical those who are treating the student, School counselors and
incapacity of the child’s parent, guardian, legal custodian faculty members as deemed appropriate, as well as parents
or other person standing in loco parentis; and caretakers of the student. Circumstances which may
• Whose parents or other person responsible for their care warrant a medical leave of absence include but are not limited
creates a substantial risk of physical or mental injury to attempted or threatened suicide, severe depression or
by knowingly leaves a child alone in the same dwelling mood dysregulation, self-harming behavior, signs of alcohol
with a person, not related by blood or marriage, who has or drug addiction, eating disorders, emergency medical
been convicted of an offense against a minor for which care, surgery, serious physical injury or any other situation
registration is required as a violent sexual offender; or requiring immediate or extended medical, psychological or
• Who has been identified as a victim of sex trafficking or psychiatric care. The School reserves the right to temporarily
severe forms of trafficking as defined in the Trafficking or permanently prohibit any individual from School property
Victims Protection Act of 2000 and in the Justice for or activities, including students who are deemed an imminent
Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015. threat of harm to themselves or others or whose medical,
psychological or psychiatric needs exceed the School’s
IV. Sexual Intimacy.* The School recognizes that romantic capabilities.
relationships and sexuality are important aspects of adolescent
development and identity formation. The School also While on Medical Leave. Typically, a medical leave of absence
recognizes that its students and community members are of lasts at least the majority of one grading period, but may be
all ages and levels of development and maturity. The School longer or shorter, at the School’s ultimate discretion, depending
strives to protect the safety and wellbeing of all members of on the nature of the medical leave and student progress. A
its community. All student sexual activity, including kissing, student on medical leave may only visit campus or attend a
sexual touching, intercourse, oral sex or any other sex act School activity with the prior written consent of the Head
whether involving students, parents or others, is therefore of School or their designated alternate, and then, only when
prohibited on School premises or during any School activity. accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students on medical
When students are found to have engaged in sexually intimate leave may be required to undergo medical, psychological or
behavior, responses may include, but are not limited to, psychiatric evaluations in order to assess their condition and
conversations with the students involved, referral to School readiness to return to School. To maintain enrollment, parents
health professionals, parental notification and discipline. of students on medical leave must sign release of information
Some sexually intimate behaviors violate state laws, and forms with non-School affiliated medical care providers in
School personnel may be required to report such instances to order to facilitate communication between the Student’s
mandatory reporting agencies. medical care providers and the School. While students are on
medical leave, they are still members of the School community
V. Medical Leave of Absence.* The School cares deeply and bound by the School’s Code of Conduct and other policies.
about the wellbeing of its students. It is important that School If appropriate, students on medical leave may be expected to
students be able to function effectively and participate fully in complete assigned schoolwork, and in those circumstances,
all School programming. Occasionally, illnesses or injury may students will generally be expected to keep current on
require a student to take time away from School obligations. schoolwork.
In those situations, a medical leave of absence will enable
a student to receive medical, psychological or psychiatric Re-Entry Procedure. When a student is ultimately permitted
treatment away from School and officially remain an enrolled to return to School following a period of medical leave, and
student. Medical leave may be considered when a student any condition upon which a student may be allowed to return
is unable to fulfill their academic obligations as a full-time to campus following a period of medical leave, is at the sole
student of the School as a result of a diagnosed medical issue. discretion of the Head of School or their designated alternate.
In some situations, parents will request that the School place In making such a determination, the Head of School or their
their child on medical leave. In other situations, a student’s designated alternate may consult with medical care providers,
medical condition or behavior may create undue disruption in including those who are treating the student, School counselors
the classroom or School community or may cause the student and faculty members as deemed appropriate, as well as the
to be a threat to the safety of themselves or others. Should student, parents and caretakers of the student. Prior to a
student’s return to school from a medical leave of absence,
Students are under the jurisdiction of school authorities while on school property and during school-sponsored activities and trips. At
all times while they are under school jurisdiction, all students are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and orderly manner.
Additionally, the school’s philosophy of discipline and implementation of disciplinary actions extends to any conduct, whether on
campus or not, which is morally reprehensible or may constitute a serious criminal offense which threatens the health, safety or
welfare of our students and faculty or otherwise damages the reputation of our school community. The school’s efforts to discourage
otherwise impermissible conduct by students beyond school property and school related activities or trips, is an effort to supplement,
not assume, the ultimate responsibility of parents and families for the conduct of children, not only as students of our school, but as
citizens of our community.
Not only is student use of alcohol and other drugs illegal, it disrupts the educational and extracurricular program of a school and
undermines the morale of the entire school community.
In light of the prevalence of alcohol and drug use in today’s adolescent culture, St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School recognizes the
need for the following policy:
A) Possessing, using, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of illicit drugs (including alcohol) is prohibited. Any
student in violation of these rules is subject to disciplinary action by the school including expulsion.
The school reserves the right to administer an alcohol breath test or to require drug testing without any further notice or
consent. This is a “zero tolerance” policy such that any level of alcohol blood content will constitute “being under the influence
of an illicit drug.”
B) Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege afforded to St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School students. Students
who represent St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School in extracurricular activities, such as elected school or class offices, on
athletic teams, in musical ensembles, in theatre productions, or as participants in activities such as Model U.N., Model O.A.S.,
Normandy Scholars, or in any other capacity in which the student is officially representing the school, are expected to adhere
at all times to the school’s rules concerning drug and alcohol use. Students and parents are expected to sign a contract stating
that the student agrees to abstain from any substance use at all times (on or off campus). Students who violate the terms of this
contract will be subject to the following consequences:
• The student will be suspended from all extracurricular activities for three weeks.
• The student will lose any leadership role in extracurricular activities, including athletic captaincy and/or elected positions
for the remainder of the academic year.
• The student will be expected to cooperate fully with the recommendations of the school’s counseling program.
• The student will not be allowed to attend school-sponsored events for three weeks.
Any subsequent breach of the school’s alcohol and drug policy will result in the student’s suspension from participation in any
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes extracurricular activities for the remainder of that academic year.
In the Middle and Upper School, concerns regarding student alcohol use should be directed to the Upper or Middle School
dean of students. The dean of students will be in immediate and direct contact with the parents of the student in question to
verify if the student has violated the participation contract. After the dean of students seeks verification from the parent of any
student reported to have violated the school’s alcohol and drug use policy, the dean of students will make such further inquiries
and investigation as he or she deems appropriate under the circumstances. The case will then be referred to the administrative
council that will make a recommendation to the head of school with respect to any disciplinary action. The decision of the head
of school with respect to a student’s conduct will be final. The school’s policy is not intended to replace the jurisdiction of law
enforcement agencies and the judicial system. Rather, any investigation will be conducted in a fair and equitable manner and
based upon the most reliable information available to the school. The school cannot act on the basis of rumors or on information
received anonymously. The school will take such action as it deems appropriate under the circumstances without further review
or appeal.
C) At the discretion of the school, students who need help to overcome substance use, abuse, or dependency will be supported
without penalty. The student may ask for help voluntarily, or others may ask for help on his/her behalf if there is an indication
of a chemical problem. In each case, the school will make recommendations to the student’s parents regarding the need for
professional evaluation and the implementation of any treatment recommendations.
(This contract is reviewed by Middle and Upper School students and their parents or guardians
and signed online prior to the start of school.)
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School (School) strongly encourages participation by the student body in extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities include participation in elected School or class office, athletic teams, musical ensembles, theatre
productions, Model U.N., Model O.A.S., Normandy Scholars or any other activity in which the student is representing the School.
Participation in such programs is not required by the School; therefore, each student chooses to be a member in extracurricular
activities at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, if offered a position in the activity.
The opportunity to represent the School in extracurricular activities is a privilege. By choosing to participate in an offered
extracurricular activity, each student and his or her parent or guardian must be informed of and acknowledge the commitment and
responsibilities of the student being a member of the given activity. A high standard of personal conduct is expected of the students
representing St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School in extracurricular activities. Students will be held accountable for their behavior
throughout the duration of the activity.
The School requires that each student participating in any extracurricular activity be aware of and commit to this Acknowledgment
and to the following:
1. The student, as a representative of St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, will abide by all applicable School policies during his or her
participation in any extracurricular activity, whether on or off School property.
2. The student is prohibited from possessing, using, distributing, consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs
at all times, whether on or off School property, including during his or her participation in any extracurricular activity.
3. The student, if found to be in violation of a School policy concerning drug and alcohol use, will be subject to discipline, up to and
including suspension and expulsion from the School. Discipline will also include the following:
• Suspension from all extracurricular activities for three weeks;
• Prohibition from all School-sponsored events for three weeks;
• Loss of any leadership role in extracurricular activities, including athletic captaincy and elected positions for the
remainder of the academic year; and
• Full cooperation with the recommendations of the School’s counseling program.
4. Any subsequent breach of the School’s policies, including its alcohol and drug policy, may result in the student’s suspension from
participation in any School extracurricular activity for the remainder of the academic year.
As a student at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, I have read the above Extracurricular Participation Acknowledgment, understand
the expectations of being a representative of the School in an extracurricular activity and acknowledge the above policy and that
discipline and sanctions may be imposed for violations of School policy.
This online form currently requires the signature of the student and of one parent or guardian
character traits of responsibility, compassion, honesty, and
ABSENCES AND LATE ARRIVALS? Previous Lower School students named specific examples of
Classroom Teacher, Lara Schwoebel
how these traits should be affirmed and lived out:
• Tell the truth and take responsibility for their actions
Classroom Teacher, LaNessa West, Jeremy Hark, Skylé Pearson (ES-K) • Show good manners looking people in the eye and
saying “please” and “thank you”
ACADEMIC SUPPORT? Kate Roessler • Do what is right no matter who is around
• Treat others the way they want to be treated
EXTENDED DAY? Mary Kelley • Be a good role model for others, especially younger
COUNSELING? Susan DeLaurentis • Follow the rules/directions throughout the day
• Keep track of their materials; take care of community
spaces and classrooms
Classroom Teacher, Marilyn W. Bryant, Lara Schwoebel
• Help, comfort, and stand up for those in need
DRESS CODE? LaNessa West, Jeremy Hark • Admit mistakes and apologize for them
• Listen carefully to teachers and classmates
LIBRARY? Julie Esanu
Students also created a list of behaviors that do not affirm our
LOST AND FOUND? Marilyn W. Bryant (ES-1), Lara Schwoebel (2-5) character traits:
• Lying, cheating, or taking things that do not belong to
• Not listening to others and not being supportive
SCHOOLPASS? Colleen McNeil, Lara Schwoebel
• Teasing others based on how they look, what they
SCHOOL STORE? Kim Speed wear, or how they act
• Using inappropriate language and calling people
STUDENT BILLING? Susan Hamon names
• Being overly physical, which can often harm others
SUMMER PROGRAMS? Keith Swadlo • Not being cooperative or not working well with others
• Not taking care of the community
• Acting rudely by gossiping about others, laughing at
people, or rolling one’s eyes
• Not stopping people who are picking on someone else
LOWER SCHOOL PROGRAM • Blaming others or not taking responsibility for their
• Excluding others from conversations, lunchroom
tables, activities, or games
The Lower School academic calendar is divided into three
trimesters. Students’ work and progress is assessed and
In the Lower School, students are introduced to the St.
evaluated during each trimester. Students are evaluated on
Stephen’s and St. Agnes Honor Code which states, “As
their academic and social-emotional growth. Classroom
a member of the St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School
teachers provide feedback through parent-teacher
community, I pledge that I will not lie, cheat, steal nor
conferences and report cards. Report cards are completed
tolerate those who do.” The Honor Code and character traits
for first through fifth grade students each trimester, and for
are presented to Lower School students in a developmentally
kindergarten and junior kindergarten during the second and
appropriate manner, and greater understanding of their
third trimesters. Early Saints students receive an end-of-
meaning develops as students progress through the Lower
year narrative report. Specials teachers’ assessments of first
through fifth graders include skills checklists. Classroom
teachers provide students in Early Saints through fifth
Students are expected to be aware that the Honor Code
grade with a checklist that evaluates students in academic
and school rules apply to the use of technology (equipment,
and social-emotional areas. Checklists indicate if students
software, networks and the information created and
need support, are approaching expectations, are meeting
managed by them) in school as well as off-campus when
expectations, or are surpassing expectations. Learning for
using technology for school-related purposes. The school
our students is on a continuum and our evaluation system
explicitly subjects use of technology tools and resources to the
recognizes that students are still developing and growing in
same rigorous standards of conduct and rules as govern the
knowledge, levels of understanding, and independence.
use of other school equipment, materials, and information
sources. The school explicitly regards all forms of digital
communication as subject to the same standards and rules
Lower School students are expected to behave with the
as verbal and print materials. The school emphasizes the
importance of digital citizenship in the ethical and courteous later than 2:00 pm. More information about SchoolPass can
Dress Down Day Attire of their enrollment at SSSAS. Charges may be incurred for
During the school year, some days are designated as “Dress loss or failure to return these items.
Down Days” and students can wear casual attire and not the
daily dress attire. Sometimes these days are themed or include STUDENT LIFE
Saints spirit wear.
P.E. Attire The school offers a variety of after-school activities on a
Students at every grade level should wear proper shoes for trimester basis. The optional after-school activities are
physical education classes including shoes that have laces that organized by the after-school enrichment coordinator.
tie and are typically designed for running and active play.
Special Attire We know that many families enjoy spending time on the
There may be occasions where students are asked to wear Lower School campus after the school day ends. Although
special attire, such as for Lessons and Carols or Fifth Grade the playgrounds are open for use by our Lower School
Recognition Day. families after school, please be aware that there may be
occasions when no playgrounds will be available after school
HOMEWORK for families due to After-School Enrichment Class activities,
Students begin receiving homework and long-term assignments use by Extended Day students, or other circumstances.
in the second grade. However, there is an expectation that Families must use the age-appropriate playgrounds and
students in the younger grades will read at home regularly. In properly supervise their children in order to ensure the
third through fifth grades, students receive homework on a safety and well-being of all our students. Please share this
daily basis; homework for these grades will be posted on the information with any caregivers who may be picking up
website each day. children from school.
RESPONSIBLE USE POLICY (RUP) Students are not allowed to play on the playgrounds
SSSAS encourages students to use a variety of technologies unattended before or after school.
to enhance learning. To ensure the privacy and safety of
our students and to protect data and our resources, we ask BIRTHDAY RECOGNITION
parents and students to become familiar with the policies and Students enjoy having their birthday recognized at school,
regulations that have been established for the use of school and they may bring treats to distribute to their classmates.
devices and systems. Failure to abide by these guidelines may Special lunches for a class are discouraged for a birthday
result in consequences including temporary loss of device recognition. Individual birthday party invitations may not be
privileges and/or disciplinary action. Each student in grades passed out in school.
3-5 is required to sign the Responsible Use Policy (RUP) form.
Parents are asked to co-sign the form. This signed form must PERSONAL MOBILE DEVICES (CELL PHONES, WATCHES, ETC.)
be returned to the classroom teacher before students may take All personal mobile devices, including phones and smart
laptops or iPads home from school. watches, should be stored in backpacks for the school day. Any
student having a cell phone or other non-school electronic
The RUP covers the following topics: device out or “on” during the school day will have the device
• Students respecting and protecting their own privacy collected by the teacher. At the end of the day, the student may
and the privacy of others retrieve the device. Parents will be informed and if more than
• Students respecting and protecting the integrity, one transgression occurs, a student may lose the privilege of
availability, and security of all electronic resources bringing the device to school in the future. In the event a child
• Students respecting and protecting the copyrighted/ needs to reach a parent during the school day, he or she may
intellectual property of others reach out to the parent with support from an adult using a
• Students respecting and practicing the character traits school phone in the classroom or the office. E-readers may be
of the Lower School: respect, responsibility, honesty, and used at school at teachers’ discretion. They may only be used
compassion to access the device’s digital library.
Fourth and fifth grade students are given access to school— CHAPEL/WORSHIP
based Gmail accounts, which are limited to internal school use Chapel is held each Thursday beginning at 8:35 a.m. It
only. Students and parents in these grades also sign the Student is a joyful, reverent service for the entire Lower School
Responsible Use Policy which outlines the protocols and community including teachers and students. Parents are
expectations for responsible use of these accounts. Please note welcome to attend chapel and most often do so when their
that student laptops and iPads remain the property of school. child is speaking, making a musical offering, or being
They may be required to stay on campus for maintenance acknowledged for their birthday with the traditional birthday
purposes at any time without advance notice. Students must prayer. The worship is distinctly Christian and broad enough
return devices brought home the following school day fully to respect all faith traditions. Chapel is participatory and
charged. Students must return school-provided devices, everyone’s voice is heard, whether in simple songs offered, in
carrying cases or covers, and chargers to the teacher at the end readings from the Bible, through prayers, or from responses
with the refrain to the day’s psalm. Students from Early Saints, as providing a small snapshot of students’ overall academic
junior kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade take part in potential and abilities.
groups, and students in second through fifth grade may serve
individually, although individual participation is not required. EVENT SUPERVISION
Chapel behavior is expected from all, including paying close If Lower School students wish to attend an event, such as
attention to the reader or speaker. Often a musical prelude is a varsity game or the Spring Festival, at any of the SSSAS
played by a student. campuses outside of school hours, they must be under the
direct supervision of a parent or caregiver.
Holy Communion
Throughout the school year, Holy Eucharist (communion) EXTENDED DAY PROGRAMS: MORNING CARE AND AFTER CARE
is celebrated during chapel. All are welcome to receive the Lower School Extended Day Programs include Morning Care
consecrated bread (only adults at the altar receive the wine). starting at 7:00 a.m., and After Care until 6:00 p.m., with
Families are encouraged to help their children make the several pick-up time options available. To learn more about
decision that is right for them. Children who practice the these programs, pricing, and policies please visit the Lower
Roman Catholic faith, for instance, usually wait until they School Extended Day page on the Resource Board. Drop-in
make their First Holy Communion in their own churches care is available on a limited, reservation-only basis. Requests
before receiving at school. Those who will be receiving the for drop-in care must be emailed 24 hours in advance to
bread hold out crossed hands to the person administering, and Mary Kelley at mkelley@sssas.org. Students who are not
those who would rather not receive the bread will cross their picked up by 3:30 p.m. from carpool due to unforeseen
arms in an X across their chest and receive a blessing. Religion circumstances will be sent to Extended Day and their student
teachers prepare students before each communion service, account will be charged a fee. Please contact Mary Kelley at
especially the first of the year. mkelley@sssas.org or 703-212-2758 with any questions.
MEDICAL CONDITIONS AND EMERGENCIES cause, students or staff may attend or remain in school with
Please see the 2023-2024 Medical Policies and Procedures proper documentation from a medical provider.
for a complete description of our procedures and absence
policies. If you have questions or concerns about student health
management, please contact Lower School Nurse Kim Brown
Our Lower School nurse supports the well-being of our at 703-212-2752 or kbrown@sssas.org.
community members through illness/injury prevention,
chronic condition management, and assessments of ill/injured SCHEDULE
students. Her collaborative efforts with students, families, and
faculty/staff assure our safe and healthy school environment. In-Person
Student health information is managed electronically through School will begin at 8:20 a.m. and will end at 3:00 p.m.
Magnus Health. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are asked to maintain After the daily morning meeting in each class, the schedule
current information in this system including: emergency will include blocks of time dedicated to classroom-based
contacts, annual physical, immunization records, permission to curricula (Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies) and
dispense non-prescription medication, and condition-specific other blocks dedicated to specials curricula (Music, Art,
action plans and medication consent forms (when applicable). P.E., Science, World Languages, Religion, Technology, and
At the discretion of the division director and nurse, late or Library).
missing forms may prevent a student’s participation in P.E.
class, field trips, or the school day. The Lower School will follow a 6-day rotation this school year
beginning with Day 1 on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Each
Medications stored or administered at the Lower School day will be numbered one through six, to allow for classes to
must be provided in original packaging with the prescription not be missed on Monday and Friday school closures.
label. Medications must be accompanied by the appropriate
medication authorization form. Parents or guardians must Distance Learning
transport and deliver medication to the office and medication Distance Learning days may be necessary in the 2023-2024
should not be sent with the student to deliver to the office. school year during snow emergencies or unexpected closures.
As the expiration date of medication approaches, parent(s)/
guardian(s) will be contacted to provide replacement At the Lower School, we have affirmed the following tenets of
medication. Students are not permitted to self-carry or self- our philosophy on distance learning:
administer medication (including over-the-counter medication) • Accessible for students, families, and caregivers
without written authorization provided by the parent/guardian • Designed for the home environment
and the health care provider (when applicable). This written • Developmentally appropriate
authorization must be submitted to the nurse who will review • Maintaining connectivity and sense of comfort with
and subsequently approve the permission to self-carry. our students through voice, video, or live sessions
• Designed by our teachers using a shared/group
In the event of an accident or other medical emergency, approach
the student will be sent to the emergency department of a • All grade-levels: direct instruction, extension,
hospital via ambulance. School staff will attempt to contact exploration, expeditions, re-exposure, and practice
the parent(s)/designated guardian as stated in Magnus Health • Specials: direct instruction, extension, exploration,
emergency contacts. Families of students who are absent due to expeditions, and appropriate practice
significant illness are encouraged to contact the nurse to assure
seamless support in the student’s return to classes. SCHOOLPASS ATTENDANCE AND DISMISSAL MANAGEMENT
At the Lower School we use a dismissal management system,
To ensure the health and safety of our school community, called SchoolPass, to enhance student safety and ensure a
students can return to school after an illness adhering to the speedier and more efficient afternoon dismissal. With this
below guidelines: system, classroom teachers are notified when designated cars
• Active vomiting or diarrhea: 48 hours since last episode come onto the campus. The car’s position in the queue is
• Fever (greater than 100.0): 24 hours fever-free without logged by detecting a license plate or RFID tag.
the use of fever-reducing medications
• After 24 hours on antibiotics for a variety of bacterial Parents also have access to the SchoolPass app and/or
causes SchoolPass web interface to make arrival and dismissal
• Health care provider/physician’s note of clearance for changes including the following: reporting an absence,
various student-specific medical conditions. reporting an early pickup, riding the bus to either the Middle
• Symptoms of COVID-19 or a known household or School or Upper School campus, or allowing another family
close contact exposure may require a rapid antigen test to pick up a child. This system will automatically notify the
prior to returning to school. The Saints medical team appropriate school office personnel, the classroom teacher(s),
will make this determination based on the individual and any other parents in the carpool (if applicable).
Parents are asked to review and update SchoolPass
If symptoms are due to a previously diagnosed non-COVID profiles by the end of the day on Friday, September 1. More
information on how to manage the family profile in SchoolPass challenges during the first trimester. Parents or teachers may
is available on the SSSAS internal website (MySSSAS), under request conferences throughout the year.
SERVICE LEARNING AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT; DIVERSITY, EQUITY, Professional Days for faculty growth and development are
INCLUSION, AND BELONGING; AND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP scheduled throughout the year. There is no school for students
The Lower School embraces the model of service learning on these days.
in which students help others while engaging in a process of
reflection, self-discovery, and social responsibility. Students in HALLOWEEN PARADE
the Lower School learn about needs inside and outside of our All students in Early Saints through fifth grade are invited
school community. Adults in the community identify needs to participate in Halloween festivities at school by wearing
that emanate from the social studies curriculum, religious a costume to school or changing into a costume at school.
curriculum, and successful service projects completed in Guidelines will be shared for each grade-level.
previous years. Our goal is for students to develop empathy,
broaden their perspectives, develop a lifelong passion for service, In an effort to keep this event safe, inclusive, and enjoyable,
and gain an understanding of why and how our Episcopal we have the following guidelines:
identity and school mission call our community to value and • Students should bring their costumes in a bag and
practice service. Additionally, students are supported in gaining dress at school.
an understanding of the critical importance of racial justice, • Students should not bring weapons of any type as
combating racial injustices, and being environmental stewards. accessories including swords, guns, or knives.
• Students should not wear masks that impair the ability
ACADEMIC SUPPORT to see and walk safely.
Teachers differentiate instruction to provide students with the • Inflatable costumes are permissible as long as the
optimal level of academic support and challenge. In addition to student is able to walk safely.
the differentiation that teachers provide in the classroom, the • Students should not wear costumes or masks that are
Director of Lower School Academic Support, learning specialists, ghoulish, frightening, or involve frightening elements
and Director of Lower School Mathematics are an integral (such as blood).
part of this effort. They consult with the classroom teachers • Costumes should be respectful and in keeping with
and recommend strategies that include appropriate classroom the school’s character traits: respect, responsibility,
accommodations as well as activities for academic enrichment. honesty, compassion.
They also help teachers identify and support the individual needs • Students should plan for individual costumes and not
of our students and implement best teaching practices. plan group costumes.
• Students should also keep in mind that not everyone
The learning specialists work with students who need direct, in our school community celebrates or dresses up, and
ongoing support based on their learning profiles. Students it is important to respect those who do not celebrate
are seen at least two times per week, mostly in small groups Halloween.
of up to three students with similar needs. Areas of support
include early literacy and language skills, reading and spelling, ES-12 THANKSGIVING SERVICE
reading comprehension, written expression, math skills, and The entire Lower School attends a Thanksgiving service at
executive functioning. The learning specialists, administrators, the Upper School. Due to space limitations, we are unable to
and classroom teachers utilize outside evaluations or internal extend an invitation to parents.
screenings to make decisions regarding which students may
benefit from this program. LOWER SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM
The Lower School Lessons and Carols Service/Christmas
EVENTS Concert is traditionally held in Daniel Gym and parents/
family members are invited.
Back-to-School Night will be held during the month of LOWER SCHOOL BOOK FAIR
September. The sessions typically feature presentations by the The librarians and parent volunteers hold a Book Fair for
Head of School and Director of Lower School and provide an all students in the Lower School in the spring. The book fair
opportunity for parents to hear from homeroom and specials runs for a week and the library is closed for book circulation
teachers. and scheduled class visits. All profits from this event are used
to purchase new resources for the library.
Teachers offer “hopes and dreams” conferences at the beginning GRANDPARENTS AND SPECIAL FRIENDS’ DAY
of the school year. Parent-teacher conferences are held towards This day is a special occasion on the Lower School campus.
the end of the first trimester in lieu of narrative comments on Grandparents and other special guests begin the day with
the report card. This is an opportunity for both parents and musical performance by all Lower School students followed
teachers to discuss a student and to summarize achievements and by guided visits to the students’ various learning spaces
throughout the campus, including their classroom. Due to
space limitations, parents may not attend this event unless is crucial to the effectiveness of the Lower School
they are volunteering. A dress rehearsal on the day before the program.
performance is open to parents.
Field Day is held during the last weeks of school. The P.E.
Department selects games and activities that students enjoy.
Parents are welcome to volunteer.
Susan DeLaurentis, Lower School counselor, is available for
private consultation to students and parents. During the year,
a variety of informational programs are offered for students
and parents. Ms. DeLaurentis can be reached at sdelaurentis@
sssas.org or 703-212-2780.
Due to privacy issues, we do not permit students to be observed
in their classes by evaluators for psycho-educational testing or
tutors not affiliated with St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School.
Our teachers are able to talk to or meet with evaluators or tutors
about an individual child’s educational needs and progress.
Here are some suggestions about ways to help your child be
successful, content, motivated, and responsible in the Lower
• Have your child go to bed at a reasonable hour in the
evening and come to school on time. Children need to
start the school day relaxed and ready for class work,
activities, and play.
• Help your child acquire personal responsibility for
himself or herself and personal belongings. Throughout
the school day, students are given opportunities to
care for their school work and materials they need for
work and play. When students know expectations and
routines, they become confident and self-reliant. Provide
your child with responsibilities at home to encourage the
development in this area
• Pay as much attention to the process of a child’s
assignments as the final products. Tasks and activities
that focus on process help cultivate a love of learning.
• Join us in encouraging and valuing good character
as much as good grades. In the classroom, on the
playground, and in chapel, we help students to act with
regard to the feelings and the conditions of others. This
requires time, effort and modeling from the adults in
their lives.
• Participate in special events throughout the year and
communicate information with your child’s teachers
about school and home when topics of concern or
changes arise. The school, child, and family partnership
WHO CAN HELP WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT... classroom, in tandem with the classroom teacher, to enhance
with teachers, Academic Center specialists, and families to notification is sent electronically by pushpage.
respect, and shared values. Therefore, students are expected to: administrative team. Students who receive three formal
• Treat all members of the school community and their infractions for dress code violations will receive a detention.
property with respect
• Be honest and show integrity at all times Infractions for tardiness will also be handled electronically.
After a first tardy infraction, students are invited to speak
In the interests of safety and the maintenance of an effective with the dean of students or the associate dean. After the
educational environment, all students are also expected to: second infraction for tardiness, students are required to
• Honor and respect all members of the community at all speak to one of the deans. Three infractions for tardiness will
times lead to a detention.
• Be where they are expected to be at all times
• Follow directions given by an adult DETENTIONS
• Observe the dress code If behavior previously addressed by a formal infraction is
• Turn off and put away all phones and smart watches/ repeated, the infraction will likely result in a detention.
devices during the school day and use other electronic Detentions may also be assigned without a prior formal
devices in a responsible manner that accords to our rules infraction notice at the discretion of any member of the
faculty, particularly when the misbehavior poses a safety risk
Minor disciplinary issues will be handled by the adult in charge or involves disrespect toward faculty, other students, or their
by such measures as a conversation, some form of restitution, a property. The following will also likely result in a detention:
formal infraction, or various consequences that suit the offense. • Disregard of school expectations
• Disrupting a class, chapel, or assembly
TAGGING UP • Abuse of technology (see Technology Responsible Use
One common method of handling minor disciplinary Policy)
infractions is Tagging Up. If a student is struggling to positively
participate in class despite attempts from the teacher to help Students who receive a detention are also asked to meet
redirect the behavior, he or she might be asked to Tag Up. This with the dean of students or the associate dean, and parents
means that the student will briefly leave class to fill out a form are notified any time their child is assigned detention.
on an iPad outside of the dean of students’ office. The purpose Detentions are served during the next lunch period following
of this is to give the student a few minutes to think about his or the infraction, unless extenuating circumstances require the
her behavior and to keep the dean of students informed about dean and the student to arrange for another time shortly
behavioral issues. Tag Ups are not reported to parents, but if a thereafter. Students are expected to spend a portion of their
trend emerges, there will likely be follow up conversations with lunch period in detention; they will eat lunch in another part
the dean of students, the student, teachers and parents. of the period. An accumulation of three or more detentions
by any student in a school year represents a pattern of
FORMAL INFRACTIONS misbehavior that may be reason for further disciplinary
We seek to instill in our students a sense of responsibility actions, such as a disciplinary warning or suspension.
and respect for others. Faculty members can assign a formal
infraction to a student for misbehavior or noncompliance with DISCIPLINARY WARNING
a rule. A formal infraction alerts students that their behavior Formal infractions and detentions should result in improved
was inappropriate and provides an opportunity to consider how behavior. If misbehavior continues after being addressed
they could handle the situation better in the future. This will by multiple formal infractions and detentions, this raises
provide students an opportunity for a learning conversation a higher level of concern. Disciplinary warnings may be
and a chance to take responsibility for the behavior. Students issued in these situations. A disciplinary warning involves
will be notified by the faculty member that they have received a conference with the student, parents, and administration,
a formal infraction at the time of the incident, and a digital and a letter is mailed to families that summarizes the content
notification will later be sent to their school email address of the conversation. Disciplinary warning conferences may
and to parents. Conversation will happen with the assigning also be arranged to address Honor Code violations or other
teacher or with the dean of students. significant disciplinary infractions. The purpose of these
meetings is to convey the severity of the concern, to build a
Formal infractions for dress code will be sent electronically to strong partnership with parents, and to outline any necessary
the dean of students. Faculty members will not speak directly to steps to prevent future misbehavior and disciplinary action.
students regarding the infraction, as there is rarely opportunity
during class or passing periods for private, thoughtful SUSPENSIONS
conversation around this potentially sensitive topic. With the In addition to the major school rules noted in the general
first offense, students are invited to have a conversation with section of this handbook, the Middle School faculty considers
the counselor or a member of the Middle School administrative the following behaviors to be among the most damaging to
team if they have questions or concerns regarding the the spirit of trust and mutual support we endeavor to create
infraction. Parents are not notified after the first offense, and may result in a suspension:
but they are notified of subsequent dress code infractions. • Deliberate verbal cruelty or demeaning remarks,
After a second dress code infraction, students are required to including the use of racial, ethnic, homophobic, or
have a conversation with or a member of the Middle School sexual insults
• Physical intimidation and angry fighting Chronic unexcused late arrival at school, class, or school
• Targeted or repeated physical, verbal, or emotional events is a serious concern that will be treated with
intimidation or harassment of another person commensurate disciplinary consequences.
• Deliberate attempts to make another person feel unsafe
• Disrespect toward school faculty and staff or any person The school policy is to excuse students for illness, doctor’s
or in our community appointments, religious observances, pressing family
• Honor Code violations and other infractions following a emergencies, or other unique and extenuating circumstances.
disciplinary warning Typically, we ask students to take responsibility for missed
• Unexcused absence from class, athletics, assemblies, etc. work, taking the initiative to communicate with teachers
about absences in advance (when possible) and to take
We hold students to high standards of behavior. In order the lead in making sure all work is completed. The school
to encourage all students to be mindful of the feelings and recognizes extenuating circumstances that require excused
perspectives of others, we judge remarks and other actions by absence, and the school will work closely with students
how they were received, as well as how they were intended. and families to support the child’s health, well-being, and
academic progress.
Any student who has been suspended during the year may All students who arrive late are asked to go to the front office
be placed on disciplinary probation. Students on disciplinary to sign in as soon as they arrive on campus. Students leaving
probation may not be offered a re-enrollment contract. school early—even if they plan to return to campus before
Violation of a school rule during disciplinary probation could the end of the day—need to be picked up in the front office.
result in dismissal. An adult needs to sign a student out in person (in addition to
completing the SchoolPass App.)
In cases of late opening, the regular schedule picks up after a
brief Advisory period followed by a revised schedule. During
Students arrive at school from 7:45-7:55. All students are
a snow day students are expected to check the website.
expected to be in their advisories by 8:00. Students who are not
Teachers will post any new work or assignments by noon.
in their advisory by 8:00 will be given a formal infraction for
Snow days may shift to Distance Learning.
being tardy unless there is a documented reason from a parent
or guardian.
Middle School Study Club offers students the opportunity
to complete homework, receive study assistance, and relax
Sixth grade students are dismissed at 3:15 from the Middle
in a supervised study hall setting after school. The service
School campus. Except on Tuesdays, seventh and eighth
is available on a trimester basis from 3:15 until 6:00 p.m.
grade students are dismissed at 3:30 from the Lower, Middle,
Middle School families may choose to sign up their student
or Upper School campus, depending on the location of the
from 3:15 to 4:30 p.m. or 3:15 to 6:00 p.m. From 3:30 to
student’s athletic practice or game. On Tuesdays, all students
4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, a math
are dismissed from the Middle School campus at 3:15.
teacher will be available to assist students with any questions
Dismissal locations may change making it important for
they may have regarding math concepts. To learn more about
families to pay close attention to communication from coaches
this program, pricing, and policies please visit the Middle
and from the school regarding end-of-day schedules. Families
School Study Club page on the Resource Board.
are asked to pick up students as promptly as possible after
school and at the conclusion of trips, programs, athletic events,
practices, dances, and other similar activities. Students not DRESS CODE
picked up 15 minutes after the stated ending or return time will
go to Extended Day and their family will be charged for this DRESS—REGULAR SCHOOL DAY
TARDIES AND ABSENCES The purpose of this dress code is to provide guidance to
Please see the 2023-2024 Medical Policies and Procedures students, parents and the school community regarding
for a complete description of our procedures and absence appropriate attire for school and any school function. The
policies. dress code is also a means of teaching students a life skill in
how to present themselves while they embody the culture of a
For both on-campus learning and Distance Learning, please larger community.
use the SchoolPass app to alert the school of absences, tardies,
and early dismissals. Students are expected to arrive at school General Rules (these apply for all situations)
and attend all classes, assemblies, chapel services, and all- • All attire should be in good repair with no rips,
school meetings promptly. Unexcused absences from these shredding, or holes, even if manufactured that way.
required commitments will lead to a disciplinary consequence. • Tops and dresses should cover the full torso, front and
back, and one inch of the shoulders. • Uniform attire available for purchase through Lands’
• Clothing must cover the body from the armpit to where End. Please note the section for formal/chapel attire,
the thumb hits the thigh (midriff must be covered) and please be sure to order sizes that allow skirts to
• Undergarments may not be visible. adhere to the dress code.
• Head coverings (including hats and hoods) may be • Formal sweaters may be worn over all of the above
worn during the school day only outside or for religious options. No denim jackets of any color.
purposes. • Appropriate formal footwear includes dress shoes,
• Attire must be in keeping with our school mission. dress boots, or dress sandals. Informal footwear (such
Clothing with inappropriate, suggestive or derogatory as sneakers, Doc Martens, Vans, UGGs, Birkenstocks,
pictures or phrases may not be worn. slippers, and flip-flops) is not permitted.
• Any non-SSSAS clothing should not have any graphics,
• Any non-SSSAS logo must be small enough to be fully
Philosophy covered by a closed fist.
Classroom attire guidelines exist to create learning
environments that are comfortable while also embodying the DRESS DOWN DAY GUIDELINES
positive culture of the school.
Students may wear:
Dress Down Day guidelines exist to recognize that certain
• Collared shirts or dressy tops such as blouses or tunic
events and gatherings take place which allow for a more
style tops
relaxed attire. In addition to the options available with
• Sweatshirts or sweaters over collared shirts or dressy tops
classroom or formal attire, casual attire options also include:
such as blouses or tunic-style tops (All may be solid-color,
• Attire with graphics and logos larger than a closed fist
striped, patterned, or official SSSAS gear; no t-shirts)
are allowed
• Dresses
• Blue denim bottoms (pants, shorts, and skirts)
• Jackets (denim included) that meet the above General
• Athletic style of pants, shorts, and skirts (drawstrings
Rules are permitted.
allowed). Shorts length should be in keeping with the
• Non-athletic style of pants, shorts, and skirts (including
length of shorts sold in the SSSAS bookstore.
corduroys, khakis, or colored denim; not blue denim)
• Long tops (which should not cover shorts or skirts).
• Leggings may not be worn in academic settings.
• Informal footwear like slippers, slides, foam shoes, or
• Uniform attire available for purchase through Lands’
flip-flops are permitted.
End. Please be sure to order sizes that allow dresses,
skirts and shorts to adhere to the dress code.
Additional specific guidelines may be communicated for
• Formal or informal footwear with the exception of
certain occasions (school spirit, holiday spirit, etc.).
slippers, slides, foam shoes, rubber flip-flops, or shower
shoes (or the like) are permitted.
• Any non-SSSAS clothing should not have any graphics, TRANSPORTATION & CARPOOLS
images, or text. To ensure smooth drop off and pick up, please use the triple
• Any non-SSSAS logo must be small enough to be fully lane in the access road and drive as far forward as possible in
covered by a closed fist. the circle. Please follow all signage that designates where and
when students will be dropped off and picked up; for safety
CHAPEL DRESS GUIDELINES reasons, children should be dropped off and picked up only
in designated areas. Please drive slowly on campus, adhere to
all traffic rules in the neighborhood, and follow the guidance
of our carpool staff at all times.
Chapel Dress guidelines exist to recognize that certain events,
gatherings, and ceremonies take place which require a more
reverent and respectful attire than outlined in our classroom MIDDLE SCHOOL MESSENGER
attire guidelines. Each Thursday afternoon the Middle School Messenger will
be posted on the Dispatch page on the Resource Board, and
you will receive an email when it is ready for viewing. This
Students may wear:
page is the main source of communication from the Middle
• Formal slacks, formal pants, or formal skirts (no denim
School and includes important information and links to the
bottoms of any color)
morning report and assessment calendar. We do not publish
• All of these may be worn with:
advertising or the results of events not sponsored by the
• Collared button down shirts (tucked in) with a tie and
blazer. The blazer may be removed after chapel; shirt
must remain tucked in.
• Blouses
• Dresses
limit trash and waste. In choosing snack and lunch packaging, day of classes in each class. It is an important responsibility of
we ask families to be mindful of our institutional priority of each student to obtain all proper supplies as soon as possible.
environmental stewardship.
Lunch and recess are generally an hour, allowing ample time The Babyak Library is the heart of the Middle School and
for students to eat, play, attend clubs, see the nurse—and provides a welcoming environment for all members of the
generally attend to personal business. We encourage students community. Classes visit the library for information literacy
to use this time wisely, which includes allowing for ample time instruction, research, and to learn about and select books for
for play. independent reading. Throughout the year, the library hosts
visiting authors and provides opportunities for students to
SCHOOL CHAPLAIN connect with one another through reading, including book
The Rev. Sarah Moses is available to provide pastoral care for club discussions and informal book chats. The library offers
all members of the Middle School community (students and a quiet space to work and read, browse for reading material,
families, faculty, and staff ), including conversation about and engage in maker and other activities. In addition to our
ethical and spiritual questions and personal relationships. physical collection, a host of digital resources are available,
All conversations are conducted in strict confidentiality.The including ebooks and audiobooks, databases, and other
chaplain’s pastoral ministry is helped by online subscriptions.
parental communications regarding family upset, death,
hospitalization, or other issues. Students are invited to visit the library independently during
lunch, STAT and break periods. Materials may be borrowed
SERVICE LEARNING for a lending period of 14 (ebooks and audiobooks) to
The Middle School students help others while engaging in 21 (physical items) days. Email notifications for overdue
a process of reflection, self-discovery, and skill building. We materials are sent weekly, but there are no fees assessed for
focus on awareness building of needs in our communities—in late returns. Families will be charged the cost of replacement
our school, city, nation, and world. Our goal is for students to for damaged items and items not returned by the end of the
develop empathy, broaden their perspectives, develop a lifelong school year.
passion for service, and gain an understanding of why and
how the Episcopal identity and Mission of the school call our LOST AND FOUND
community to value and practice service. We strive to have our Lost items will be placed in the Lost and Found. Items
service learning embedded in and connected to our curriculum. of value may be claimed in the Middle School Office.
Periodically, unclaimed items in the Lost and Found will be
STUDENT GOVERNMENT—THE COUNCIL donated; therefore, it is important for students to check for
The Middle School Student Council Association (“The missing items in a timely fashion.
Council”) serves to provide leadership opportunities for
students. The Council will meet regularly and include GUIDELINES FOR SPECIAL ACTIVITIES
representatives from each grade as well as a faculty advisor and All families are asked to sign a blanket permission slip at the
the dean of students. The Council plans Middle School social beginning of the year that allows a child to participate in the
events, sponsors Middle School service projects, and serves as usual array of classroom trips. Students must have specific
leaders of the Middle School. written permission from parents or guardians for riding
in any kind of private car, and for any out-of-the-ordinary
CUBBIES, TEXTBOOKS, AND SUPPLIES activity such as swimming, boating, or outdoor education
All books, notebooks, and other personal property should be activities. Trips of this nature require the presence of trained
kept in cubbies and/or backpacks. Books and articles of clothing certified personnel. We also seek a family’s permission for any
should not be left in classrooms, the cafeteria, hallways, or special event for which parental discretion seems warranted.
outside the buildings. Students generally leave backpacks in their No invitations to private parties may be issued at school. If
cubbies and take to class just necessary materials. Students may students wish to attend a non-Middle School event at SSSAS,
carry their backpacks with them to classes if the backpacks are a they must be under the direct supervision of a parent.
manageable size to carry and to keep under their desks.
Students purchase most of their textbooks through our online While on campus, students are expected to follow all safety
vendor. A few textbooks are given out to students at the protocols as conveyed in the 2023-2024 Medical Policies
beginning of the year or as needed during the year. Students are and Procedures document.
charged for all texts, and families are billed for any additional
texts, such as English book club books. All members of our school community are expected to
practice proper hand hygiene and must remain committed to
Student planners are provided for all students and charged to our safety policies and procedures.
students' accounts. Planners are tailored to our school program
and are a powerful organizational tool for many students.
The medical professional dispenses over-the-counter Students are evaluated on the basis of their effort, skill,
medications and all prescription medications. In the event of development, and ability to work with others. Every student
an accident or other medical emergency, we will send a student must receive a passing grade in athletics every trimester.
to the emergency room at Alexandria Hospital via ambulance,
while trying to reach the parents or designated guardian as noted While on the athletic fields, students are to be properly
on the Emergency Card in the Magnus Health system. Parents dressed for the activity. Each student is to have sweatshirts
are responsible for notifying the school in writing of any changes and pants for outdoors in cold weather.
in emergency contacts, phone numbers, etc., as well as updating
their contact information in their school profile and in the EQUIPMENT
Magnus Health system. Seventh and eighth grade students: Equipment needs and
costs for each sport varies. A detailed letter will be sent to
EARLY DEPARTURE DUE TO ILLNESS families before each season with specific sport information.
Please see the 2023-2024 Medical Policies and Procedures Team athletic uniforms and some equipment are supplied by
for a complete description of our procedures and absence the school, and will be charged to the student’s account if they
policies. are not returned as required.
If a student becomes ill they will be evaluated by the medical Sixth grade students: Parents are asked to purchase a P.E.
professional. If the student needs to go home, the medical uniform. The school will be supplying most of the equipment
professional will contact the student's parent or guardian. needed.
The parent will be asked to pick the student up immediately.
The medical professional will be in communication with the USE OF THE GYMNASIUM AND LOCKER ROOMS
parent or guardian for return to school procedures. In cases The following rules apply to the gymnasium and locker rooms:
where the school cannot reach the student’s parent or guardian, • Food or drinks are not permitted in the locker rooms.
the student may not be permitted to leave. Parents must sign • Students are not allowed to be in the gym, weight room,
students out in person prior to the students leaving school. For or locker rooms without supervision.
the below illness, please follow these guidelines: • Keep lockers closed and locked when not in use.
• Active vomiting or diarrhea: 48 hours since last episode • The good condition of the locker rooms is the collective
• Fever (greater than 100.0): 24 hours fever-free without responsibility of all members.
the use of fever-reducing medications • Students are expected to behave properly and
• After 24 hours on antibiotics for a variety of bacterial respectfully.
• Health care provider/physician’s note of clearance for TRANSPORTATION AFTER GAMES
various student-specific medical conditions. The school provides transportation after away games to the
• Symptoms of COVID-19 or a known household or Middle School campus. Students may be picked up directly
close contact exposure may require a rapid antigen test from games both home and away. Once the team returns to
prior to returning to school. The Saints medical team the Middle School after an away game they should be picked
will make this determination based on the individual up within 15 minutes.
If symptoms are due to a previously diagnosed non-COVID
cause, students or staff may attend or remain in school
with proper documentation from a medical provider or in
consultation with the Saints Medical Team. Ms. Karen Kunz is available for consultation to all members
of the school community. All meetings are considered
confidential. During the year a variety of programs will be
offered to students and adults. Our counselors have a direct
It is the aim of the Athletic Department to offer activities that
number that will be published with all the school phone
cover the range of interests and abilities of Middle School
students. Each student participates regularly in athletics. The
goals of the program are the development of skills, team play,
Due to privacy issues, we do not permit students to be
good sportsmanship, and exposure to sports that offer lifelong
observed in their classes by evaluators for psycho-educational
testing or tutors not affiliated with SSSAS. Our teachers are
available to talk to or meet with evaluators or tutors about an
If a student attends school, he or she is expected to attend
individual child’s educational needs and progress.
athletics unless a doctor’s or parent’s note is brought to school
and given to the Middle School Office. A student who misses
school for any reason may not participate in games or practices HELPING A CHILD DO WELL IN SCHOOL
that day. Skipping athletics is equivalent to skipping a class Becoming motivated and responsible is an important
and will be handled accordingly. If a student cannot attend developmental task for a Middle School child. Though no two
athletics, they should contact their coach in advance. families or children are alike, some general suggestions can be
made about how to help a child be motivated and responsible:
SERVICE PROJECT (SERVICE LEARNING AND COMMUNITY one-credit course. In the case of a failed second semester, the
ENGAGEMENT) second semester grade becomes the final grade for the course.
In order to graduate, students must complete a service project EXAMPLE: If a student makes a 65 for the first semester and
that reflects commitment to their local or global community. a 57 for the second semester, the yearly average is 57.
During this project, students must complete a minimum of
40 hours of community service between the first day of their GRADING SCALE
freshman year and the first day of their senior year. Five Feedback about student performance is provided in part
hours may be completed in service to our school community, by the assigning of letter grades. While they are a useful,
and students may ask for approval for more. Students that concise way to indicate some aspects of a student’s progress,
spend more than 80 hours in service to their community they do not give a complete picture of student achievement.
may be eligible for a Distinction in Service (see the Service Numerical grade equivalents are as follows:
Learning page on the Resource Board for more information). 97-100 = A+
93-96 = A
Starting in 2023-2024, students will log their hours through 90 -92 = A-
an app called Mobile Serve. This app will allow students to 87-89 = B+
log their hours and see opportunities available to them. An 83-86 = B
orientation on this service will occur in the fall of 2023. 80-82 = B-
77-79 = C+
If students seek more information on Service Learning and 73-76 = C
Community Engagement, they should consult the Resource 70-72 = C-
Board under “Service Learning.” If they have questions 67-69 = D+
on anything related to Service Learning or Community 63-66 = D
Engagement, they should contact the Director of Service 60-62 = D-
Learning and Community Engagement, Mr. David Yee 59 and below = F (Failing)
(dyee@sssas.org) or the Upper School Service Learning
Coordinator, Ms. Brianna Meyer (bmeyer@sssas.org). NOTE: A year-end grade of C- or below in a modern or classical
language or a mathematics class may require additional study
ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM at that level for continuation to the next sequential level.
The school participates in the Advanced Placement (AP)
program of the College Board. Following College Board GRADE REPORTING
guidelines, the school offers courses in almost every The Upper School operates on a semester system. There are
discipline that prepares the student for the AP exams, which two semesters during the academic year: the fall semester
are given in May. Depending upon their performance on the and the spring semester. Communication about student
tests, students may be placed in advanced undergraduate progress during each semester is provided to parents by
courses when they enter college, or they may earn college regular progress reports and an end-of-semester grade.
credit for their AP work. Ordinarily, students take AP courses Written comments by teachers for all students will be
in their junior and/or senior year(s). If a ninth grade student provided at the second progress report of the fall semester
wishes to take an AP class, approval must be granted by and the first progress report of the spring semester. Students
the director of Upper School. The faculty members of each have access to their academic progress using the on-line
department select students for the AP courses offered by that gradebook on the mySSSAS learning management system.
department on the basis of departmental criteria. Since AP All information regarding student progress is shared through
courses make considerable demands on a student’s time and the SSSAS website. Dates for the release of grades and
energy, each student will receive guidance from the College comments are published on the on-line school calendar on
Office about the number of AP courses they should take in a the mySSSAS website. Parents and students should contact a
given year. student’s teacher with any questions about grades.
All AP students are required to attend and provide their best SUPPORTED STATUS AND ACADEMIC PROBATION
effort for the entirety of the AP exam in May. Failure to do so A student who earns a single grade in the D or F range on the
may impact the student’s final grade in the course. Similarly, mid-semester or end-of-semester grade report will be invited
as completion of the AP exam is a requirement to complete to be part of Our Saints Supported (OSS) on Supported Status
a given course, students who do not take the AP exam may by the associate director or director of the Upper School.
have their transcript changed to reflect the change in course Students in OSS are placed in a supervised study hall and
status. Please note, there is a fee for each exam a student required to complete a weekly academic report that will be
takes. shared with parents as instructed by the associate director of
the Upper School.
A passing grade in Upper School courses is 60 (D-). Upper Similarly, a student who earns two grades of “C-” or below
School students must earn a minimum yearly average of 60 may warrant placement on Supported Status. Students on
in order to pass a one-credit course. They must also earn Supported Status may be placed in a supervised study hall
a minimum average of 60 for the second semester of every
during the academic day and may be required to consistently ADDING OR DROPPING COURSES
meet with specific teachers during STAT. During the first two weeks of the school year, a student
who wishes to make a schedule change must complete the
If a student enrolled in OSS or on Supported Status does schedule change request form. The schedule change request
not show significant improvement, they may be placed form can be found on "The Daily" section of the Resources
on Academic Probation. Any restrictions imposed during Board. No course can be added after the first two weeks of the
the period of OSS and Supported Status will continue. In start of the class.
addition, the student must show significant improvement to
return to good standing academically and remain in school. After the first two weeks of the school year, a student who
wishes to make a schedule change must initiate the request
A student on Academic Probation should plan to maintain with the advisor. The student is to follow the original
the support system put in place for them and may have their schedule until receiving notification of the change from the
work reviewed regularly, and, as applicable, may lose the director of scheduling. A student may drop a course only with
privilege to take part in after-school or evening activities, at their parent’s permission and within the following timetable:
the discretion of the director of the Upper School.
Full year classes dropped before the second progress report
EXAMINATIONS (Progress Report 2) of the fall semester are not included on
There are two exam periods in the Upper School. Fall official transcripts. Full year classes dropped after the second
semester exams in December and spring semester exams progress report (Progress Report 2) of the fall semester are
in late May and early June. Seniors are excused from spring recorded on the transcript as "d" (to indicate a dropped
semester exams, unless they are failing a class. Seniors may course).
also be required to take a spring semester exam if they have
demonstrated a significant decline in academic performance Fall semester classes dropped before the second progress
in the spring semester leading up to the final exam. During report (Progress Report 2) of the fall semester are not
the examination period, students come to school only for included on official transcripts. Spring semester classes
their scheduled examinations. dropped before the second progress report (Progress Report
2) of the spring semester are not included on official
In grade nine, exams may count for up to 20 percent of the transcripts. Classes dropped after these dates appear on the
final grade; in grades 10, 11, and 12 exams may count for transcript as "d" (to indicate a dropped course).
up to 33 percent of the final grade. If a student fails a course
because they fail the examination, a re-exam may be granted. All requests for course drops after these deadlines must be
approved by the director of the Upper School.
Students must be present for all scheduled semester
examinations. Make-up examination days are provided only COURSE LOAD
for students who are ill (a doctor’s note will be required) or All Upper School students must be enrolled in a minimum of
have an unexpected family emergency. Students who have six classes and a maximum of seven classes each semester.
two exams at the same time will work with the associate All students must maintain one unscheduled period in their
director of Upper School to arrange for alternate testing. A course schedule each semester. It is expected that students
student who misses a scheduled examination for any other will have no more than two unscheduled (or free) periods
reason may not take an exam without the approval of the without the approval of the director of the Upper School.
director of Upper School.
PLEASE NOTE: Possessing or accessing a cell phone or related At the end of each semester, students with an A average of 93
device during an exam period results in a failing grade on and above and with no course grade lower than a B+ (87) will
that exam and is a violation of the Honor Code. be placed on the Head’s List. Students with a B+ average (87)
and no course grade lower than a B- (80) will be placed on
No Upper School student is expected to take or submit more
than two tests or major assignments on the same day. Quizzes At the end of the year, several departments award special
are not included. However, it is the student’s responsibility recognition to students whose work has been particularly
to inform the third teacher who has assigned the test or distinguished. The valedictorian and salutatorian honors are
major assignment that the student now has three major awarded to the highest academic ranking members of the
academic obligations on the same day and that the third graduating class.
must be rescheduled individually. The student must inform
the teacher of this conflict when the test or major assignment
NOTE: According to SSSAS school policy, class rank is not
is assigned (not on the test day or the day the assignment
published or provided.
is due) or the student loses the right to have it rescheduled.
Students are responsible for regularly checking their class
websites for due dates of tests and major assignments.
The Cum Laude Society is a national organization for
recognition of high academic achievement. Selection is
based on the top 10 percent (cumulative GPA for tenth guardians are encouraged to call the Advisor for general
and eleventh grade) for juniors, and the top 20 percent questions and concerns.
(cumulative GPA for tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades) for
seniors. Students are expected to be in good standing with The Advisory group meets weekly at the Upper School.
the school in order to be considered. Advisory sessions may involve unstructured conversations
and relationship building time or can be dedicated toward
INCOMPLETE WORK more focused conversations related to a school initiatives
Students receiving an “Incomplete” at the mid-semester or (e.g., Digital Citizenship, Study Strategies, etc.).
end-of-semester reporting period must submit the missing
work to the teacher within two weeks. A student who is Several times each semester, the Advisory group will engage
incomplete may lose the privilege to take part in after- with our DEIB Advisory program in partnership with another
school or evening activities until the work is complete, at the Advisory group. During the DEIB Advisory session, students
discretion of the director of the Upper School. A failing grade learn the important dialogue skills of listening, speaking,
may be recorded for work not received by this deadline. (In responding, and reflecting, which are essential transferable
the case of extenuating circumstances, the faculty member skills that will help students navigate a complex and
must consult with the director of the Upper School in order changing world.
to extend the deadline.) In situations where extended illness
was the cause of the incomplete, the director of the Upper COLLEGE COUNSELING
School may make an exception. The mission of the College Office is to educate and support
students and families through all portions of the college
OVERNIGHT TRIPS AND STUDY ABROAD application process. Above all, we seek to find the “right fit”
The school supports the interests of students who wish in a college or university for each student and family.
to study away from the school campus or take part in an
overnight trip. School criteria for students include the Each year, the College Office hosts several information
following: a high level of maturity, strong self-reliance, strong sessions for students and parents at grade appropriate levels.
academic work, self-motivation, good school citizenship, These will be listed in the all-school calendar and families
good representation of the school, and good relationships will be notified in advance by email.
with students and adults at SSSAS. The student’s reasons for
studying away from campus should be in the best interests of Due to the ever-changing nature of college admissions, the
the school. The school also considers the following criteria College Office will send out an updated electronic version of
in regard to the program with which the student wishes to the SSSAS College Handbook to Upper School families prior
affiliate: the program should be comparable to the one at our to the first day of school each year.
school, well organized, and academic in nature. The Honor
Code, as well as all school rules, apply when a student is
participating in a school sponsored trip. The school reserves
The academic year is divided into two semesters: a fall
the right to deny participation for a school trip for the above
semester and a spring semester.
reasons, and reasons that may not be outlined above.
August 31 Ninth Grade Orientation
September 1 Welcome Day and Orientation Day for
Only a limited number of students are eligible for these
Grades 9-12
programs, and the program must be approved by the director
September 5 First Day of Classes (Fall Semester Begins)
of the Upper School and the head of school. Students
December 12-15 Fall Semester Exams
interested in study away should initiate the process by
January 19 Fall Semester Ends
consulting with the director of the Upper School by March 1
January 23 Spring Semester Begins
to discuss program guidelines and contractual obligations.
May 6-17 Advanced Placement Exams
May 29 Spring Semester Ends
ADVISORY June 1 Upper School Commencement
Each student in the Upper School is assigned to an Advisory May 30-June 4 Second Semester Exams for Grades 9-11
group which is led by an Upper School Faculty member who
serves as the Advisor. The Advisor helps students navigate
academic and social dynamics at school and serves as a
The Upper School day begins with the first class at 8:20 a.m.
liaison between the family and the school. The Advisor takes
and ends at 3:15 p.m. Regardless of when a student’s first
a special interest in the lives of their Advisees and helps
class of the day may begin, all students are expected to arrive
to develop a warm, supportive, and caring Advisory group
at school by 8:20 a.m. Seniors with free period privileges are
exempt from this requirement. Students who do not have a
class during the first period of each day are required to sign
The Advisor is the contact person for parents who are
in with the attendance manager, Ms. Creque, prior to 8:20
concerned about their child’s academic standing. The
a.m. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary consequences.
Advisor is also a contact and advocate for students. If parents
have academic concerns, the classroom teacher is the
Students should not arrive before 7:30 a.m. The school
parent’s first point of contact; the Advisor is second. Parents/
cannot be responsible for students who arrive early. After student’s benefit; they cannot be expected to cover all
3:15 p.m. students are not under school supervision unless possible interpretations of honor offenses. If a student is ever
they are participating in a school-sponsored activity. uncertain as to what constitutes an Honor Code violation,
However, administrative personnel are present and available they should ask a teacher, an administrator, or an Honor and
if needed until 5:00 p.m. Disciplinary Board member for guidance. Ignorance of what
constitutes an Honor offense is never an acceptable excuse.
Individual class schedules will vary from student to student
and by each day of the week. It may be helpful to post the DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS FOR ACADEMIC DISHONESTY
student’s individual schedule at home for reference purposes. The disciplinary response to academic dishonesty includes:
Letters of Caution, Disciplinary Warning, and Suspension/
HONOR CODE Probation.
At St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School, emphasis is placed
not only upon intellectual and physical development but • Letters of Caution are not counted as first offenses,
also upon the development of personal integrity. The Honor but instead serve as an educational intervention as a
System centers around the Honor Code, which all students student adjusts to the Upper School. These are issued
pledge adherence to at the beginning of each academic year. for minor offenses in the first half of the year for
This common commitment promotes an atmosphere of trust Freshmen and for upperclassmen who are new to the
and mutual respect, vital to the school’s pursuit of intellectual school. When a student receives a Letter of Caution
and spiritual growth. By adhering to the Code, all students on summative school work a grade of 0 will be entered
learn the value of honorable conduct and reap the benefits of into the gradebook until the student has re-done the
living among honorable individuals. work. When the work is completed, the teacher will
grade this work and the student can earn back 60% of
The Honor Code their earned grade. Formative work will receive a zero.
As a member of the This same policy is in place when a student shares
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School community, their completed work.
I pledge that I will not lie, cheat, steal, • Disciplinary Warning is reserved for most first
nor tolerate those who do. offenses. When a student receives a Disciplinary
Warning on summative school work a grade of 0 will
The fundamental principle of the Honor Code is that all be entered into the gradebook until the student has
students must assume responsibility for their own actions, re-done the work. When the work is completed, the
even those beyond the stated requirements of the Code. teacher will grade this work and the student can earn
Therefore, it is expected that a sense of personal honor back 60% of their earned grade. Formative work will
will direct a student’s conduct in all aspects of school life, receive a zero. This same policy is in place when a
including the appropriate, ethical use of technology. student shares their completed work.
• When a student has a second academic dishonesty
Honor offenses are lying, cheating, and stealing. They are incident, they will receive a Suspension and Probation,
defined as follows: and that work will receive a 0%, and where possible
• Lying is deliberately presenting a false impression or and appropriate is to be re-done by the student. This
giving false information to another person. Evasiveness same policy is in place when a student shares their
falls under the category of lying. completed work.
• Stealing is the taking of another person’s property • In first time offenses where a student has persistently
without right or prior acknowledgment. A student lied, they are likely to receive a Suspension and
should never assume that it is acceptable to “borrow” Probation and the grading policy for Disciplinary
any item from a community member without obtaining Warning will be applied.
permission, even in the case of borrowing from a friend.
Stealing may be considered grounds for dismissal. UPHOLDING THE HONOR CODE
• Cheating is deliberately giving or receiving any Upholding the Honor Code is central to this school’s life.
unauthorized information on examinations or assigned Therefore, community members should not tolerate lying,
work; in general, cheating is passing off another’s cheating, or stealing. The strength of the Code and the trust
work as one’s own (this includes, but is not limited to within the school community depend on each individual’s
plagiarism from written and/or electronic sources such cooperation. An Honor Code such as ours requires each
as websites and artificial intelligence). Collaboration, community member to, at some time, wrestle with their
which is not permitted on any assignment unless a conscience. It is in the difficult task of confronting and
teacher explicitly states otherwise, is a form of cheating. reporting offenses that the Code will have a life.
A student who violates the Honor Code will receive a
failing grade on the work in question, may be given an In determining what action to take after witnessing or
official warning, and could be suspended and placed on hearing about a possible Honor Code violation, one
probation. Repeated offenses could lead to dismissal. should remember that the main purpose of the Honor and
Disciplinary Board is not to punish students but to sustain
These definitions must be seen as guidelines for the an atmosphere of honor in the school and to help individuals
learn. The best way to ensure that an atmosphere of honor The HDB handles, confidentially, any potential honor or
exists is not to tolerate violations of the Honor Code. This major school rule offense. The dean of students, or their
may be done in many ways, one of the most effective of designee, meets with any student who potentially has broken
which is consulting with a teacher, a member of the Honor the Honor Code or a major school rule. The dean of students,
and Disciplinary Board, or the dean of students. While it is or their designee, will then call the student’s parents,
understood that reporting a friend or peer may be difficult, it with the student present when possible and appropriate.
is often what is best for that student and for our community. Usually, two out of three teams of the HDB will meet with
Clearly, the preservation of the Honor Code depends on the the student. When appearing before the HDB, the student
willingness of each community member to step forward and may choose a faculty or staff member, or a fellow student,
be willing to not tolerate Honor Code violations. to accompany them to the meeting. This person is present
to support the student, but may not speak on behalf of the
THE HONOR PLEDGE student or take an active role in the proceedings. Before the
In addition to pledging adherence to the Honor Code at the formal HDB meeting begins, the dean, or their designee,
beginning of each school year, students are required to write will describe the incident to the board members. Once the
the Honor Pledge upon completing every test, quiz, paper, or student joins the meeting, they will have the opportunity to
assignment which requires the individual to present his or explain what happened, and to answer questions posed by
her own work. The Honor Pledge states that “I have neither the board members. The student may be asked in advance
given nor received any unauthorized information pertaining of the HDB meeting to prepare and/or present a written
to this (test, quiz, paper, assignment).” Writing the Honor statement or to answer written questions. At the conclusion
Pledge and signing one’s name after it provides a reminder to of the question and answer period of the HDB meeting, HDB
each student to obey the Honor Code at all times. Whenever will excuse the student and their advocate from the meeting,
a student writes the pledge, they affirm the commitment to discuss the situation, and then make a recommendation to
obey the Honor Code, a pledge which should not be taken the director of the Upper School. The final decision as to
lightly. Not only is it dishonorable to “pledge” an assignment the consequences as a result of the situation will be made
on which unauthorized information has been given or by the director of Upper School, after reviewing the HDB’s
received, falsely writing the pledge is also considered lying recommendation and conferring with the head of school, or
and thus constitutes a serious breach of the Honor Code. their designees.
without proper authorization. The school emphasizes the
A student’s status on disciplinary caution, warning, or importance of self-discipline in the ethical and courteous use
probation does not limit a student’s school activities or of technology resources.
their attendance at school events. However, junior and
senior privileges are not extended to students who are on Major School Rules: In addition to the Honor Code’s
disciplinary warning or probation. In addition, students on standards regarding lying, cheating, and stealing, the
disciplinary warning or probation may be restricted from following rules are extremely important for the safety and
holding student leadership positions. Violation of a major well-being of the school and all its students.
school rule during a disciplinary probation may result in 1. Students are expected to treat one another with respect;
dismissal. harassment of any kind is not acceptable. Students may
not use obscene, profane, or disrespectful language or
When suspended from school, students are responsible actions, including racial, ethnic, homophobic, or sexual
for meeting all deadlines for academic work (including slurs. The use of derogatory slurs is likely to result in
homework), which is to be turned in to the teacher. If a dismissal. Teasing and joking are not acceptable excuses
student is scheduled to take a quiz or test on the day of a for hurtful comments or behavior.
suspension, it is expected that the student will take the test or 2. Possessing, using, distributing, consuming, or being
quiz the day they return to school. under the influence of illicit drugs (including alcohol
and drug paraphernalia) is prohibited. A student may
ADMINISTRATIVE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE not use or possess tobacco, e-cigarettes or vaping
At the sole and absolute discretion of the head of school in materials at any time, in any place, on the school
consultation with the director of the Upper School and the property. Violations in this category are likely to result in
dean of students, the Administrative Disciplinary Committee suspension and could lead to dismissal. Students should
(ADC) may meet in place of the Honor and Disciplinary make every effort to separate themselves, and may be
Board. The ADC is composed of administration and the held accountable for accompanying students, from the
faculty elected to serve on the HDB. The ADC meets use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and/or vaping. Please
with a student if they are on probation at the time of their refer to the Philosophy of Discipline and Extracurricular
infraction, or if the alleged infraction places the student Participation Contract beginning on page 15.
in jeopardy of being expelled or if the student’s personal 3. Leaving the school grounds without proper authorization
circumstances should not be shared with other students. This is prohibited. (Standard Penalty: a one-day suspension
group acts in place of the Honor and Disciplinary Board, and disciplinary probation.)
meets with the student involved to discuss the infraction, 4. A student may not deface or misuse school property or
and makes a recommendation as to possible consequences to the property of others.
the director of Upper School and the head of school, or their 5. (a) A student may not possess knives, weapons, or
designees. The student will also meet separately with the firearms of any kind on school property or during any
director and the head of school if the student is in jeopardy of school sponsored activity or trip. (b) A student who
being dismissed. knows that knives, weapons, or firearms of any kind are
either in a student’s possession or located on campus
MAJOR SCHOOL RULES is obligated to report this information to an adult
These rules apply to all students whenever they are on school immediately.
property and during school-sponsored activities and trips. 6. A threat or act against an individual or the institution is
Where appropriate, these rules also apply to a student’s treated as an issue of safety. School officials will comply
conduct prior to their attendance at school or a school fully with local authorities in such matters.
sponsored activity or trip. 7. All members of our school community must remain
committed to, and uphold, our health and safety policies
Students are expected to be aware that Honor Code and procedures.
standards and school rules apply to the use of technology,
whether school-owned or personal, on campus or during OTHER SCHOOL RULES
school activities, and in the off-campus preparation of school 1. A student may not be absent from school, class,
assignments. Such technology includes but is not limited to study hall, chapel, advisory period, or other required
equipment, software, networks and the information created commitment without proper authorization. Students
and managed by them. The school explicitly subjects use who fail to report to an adult during the time in question
of technology tools and resources to the same rigorous may receive a detention and are subject to loss of
standards of conduct and rules as govern the use of other privileges.
school equipment, materials, and information sources. The 2. Students may not misuse, destroy, or intercept official
school explicitly regards telecommunications (including, school communications.
but not limited to, email, online chat, use of electronic 3. A student may not disrupt a class, study hall, chapel,
bulletin boards, file uploading and downloading, and library, or other group meeting.
videoconferencing) as subject to the same standards and 4. A student may not misuse fire-protection or safety
school rules as verbal and print communications. Therefore, equipment.
no audio or video recordings may be made on school grounds 5. A student may not use school equipment without the
specific permission of a member of the school staff. no adult will be present may only be held in classrooms
6. A student may not loiter in the parking lots, in cars designated for this purpose. No matter where students
(whether parked on campus or in the neighborhood), choose to eat lunch, they should make sure to clean up
in the restrooms, or in any of the wooded areas on any after themselves and dispose of all trash in the appropriate
campus during school hours or during a scheduled receptacles. A student who violates this policy will be
school activity. reported to the dean of students.
7. A student may not use technology and computer
facilities or services inappropriately. FOOD DELIVERY SERVICES
8. No gambling (including online gambling) is allowed on Students may not use food delivery services before, during,
campus. or after the school day. Failure to adhere to this policy will
9. No audio or video recordings may be made on result in confiscation of the food as well as disciplinary
school grounds without proper authorization by the consequences. Students who plan to stay at school into
administration or the teacher involved. the evening hours to attend school related events and
10. Students are not to be in restricted areas of the school programs may ask for permission from the Upper School
after 6:00 p.m. administration to utilize food delivery services.
Students leaving or returning to campus for any reason must absence that the parents may have authorized but the school
sign in and out using the attendance system located in the does not excuse.
office of the attendance manager, Ms. Creque. If a student
fails to sign in or sign out, it is considered an unauthorized LATE ARRIVALS TO SCHOOL
absence and may result in discipline. Additionally, the When students arrive late to school, they must report directly
school expects students to honestly report their intended to the attendance manager’s office to sign in. Usually, traffic is
destinations. A failure to do so would be in violation of the not considered as an excuse for lateness.
Honor Code. The school cannot be responsible for students
once they have signed out, if they fail to sign out, or if they TARDY TO CLASS
have left campus without permission. The school strongly A student who is late to class will be marked as tardy. Each
encourages parents to actively engage with their child around tardy is worth one infraction point. Two infraction points
the use of off-campus privileges. will be issued for any single tardy of 10 minutes or longer.
Students who are repeatedly tardy may lose privileges and/or
ABSENCES free periods.
Generally, students are excused only for illness, doctor’s
appointments, pressing family emergencies, religious ABSENCE AND EARLY DEPARTURE NOTIFICATION PROCESS
observances, and family events such as weddings and When a student knows in advance they may be absent for all
graduations. All absences are considered unexcused unless or part of a school day, their parent or guardian should enter
a call or note from a parent has been received within two it into SchoolPass. A parent or guardian may also telephone
days; medical or dental appointments require a note from the (703-212-2747) or email the Upper School attendance
doctor or dentist. If parents allow a student to be absent for manager to discuss a student’s possible absence from school.
other reasons, they run the risk of encouraging the student
to establish bad habits regarding classroom attendance, When no explanation or information is provided, in
which may damage their academic record, or diminish the SchoolPass, email, or over the phone, regarding an absence,
importance, in the mind of the student, of meeting their school personnel will inquire about the nature of the absence.
obligations. While the school recognizes that parents have An absence for which no specific explanation is provided
the right to excuse their child from school, the parents and will be recorded as an unexcused absence. In cases where the
student must realize that the school also has the right not absence is not excused, the dean of students or an associate
to accept an excuse which interrupts the continuity of its dean will notify the student and parent/guardian.
educational process and challenges the integrity of the
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes community. (See unexcused Unless prior notification to the attendance manager, parents
absences below.) or guardians are requested to enter absence information into
SchoolPass, or call by 8:30 a.m. on each day a student is
PLANNED ABSENCES absent from school. Parents leaving a message on voicemail
Planned absences that will result in several missed school or email should provide the name of their child and an
days need to be approved by the director of the Upper School. explanation for the absence. Please note that the school must
Parents and students are asked to complete the planned receive parental permission for absences. In other words,
absence form in advance of their departure. The planned students may not excuse themselves from classes or other
absence form can be obtained from the attendance manager. required school obligations.
EARLY DEPARTURE DUE TO EXTRACURRICULAR COMMITMENTS With these principles in mind, the following guidelines
a dress, all worn with boots, shoes, or sandals. Length and STUDENT LIFE
St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes Georgetown Prep The Rev. Sean Cavanaugh and The Rev. Elizabeth Rees are
Episcopal Landon available to all members of the Upper School community
St. Albans Bullis (students and parents, faculty and staff ) who wish to talk
about ethical or spiritual issues or personal relationships.
RESOURCES: SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR STUDENTS Such conversations are conducted in strict confidentiality.
The chaplain’s pastoral ministry would be helped by
FACULTY ADVISORS parental communications regarding family upset, death,
Academic Advisors serve as the point of contact for parents hospitalization, or other issues.
and guardians who are concerned about their child’s
academic situation including work missed due to illness. COUNSELING
Advisors also serve an advocacy and support role with their Ms. Susan DeLaurentis, the director of counseling, and
advisees. The advisor meets regularly with the advisory group Ms. Susannah Harrison, the Upper School counselor, are
to discuss academic progress, study skills, the importance of available to all members of the Upper School community. All
the Honor Code, and other elements of our advisory program meetings are considered confidential.
STUDENT-TEACHER APPOINTMENT TIME (STAT) The Academic Center is available to help all students develop
The STAT time provides an opportunity for students to better study and organizational skills and to give specific
meet with teachers for extra help, academic support, and support to students with diagnosed learning needs. The
to complete make-up work. STAT is an important element learning specialists, Ms. Elise Canfield, Ms. Anne Sellon,
of our college prep program and represents a model for the and Ms. Paige Russell work with students enrolled in the
office hours system students will experience at the post- academic center class. Students who are not enrolled in
secondary level. the Academic Center class are encouraged to make an
appointment during STAT to meet with a learning specialist
All ninth grade students will be assigned to a study hall STUDENT TUTORS PROGRAM
during their free periods. Any student can be required to Through the Student Tutors program, students participate
attend study halls if deemed necessary by the director or in collaborative learning. The program is available to all
associate director of Upper School. students who need additional academic support. The Student
Tutors hold sessions during shared free periods, lunch or
THE LIBRARY STAT and offer more general support during Study Hall and
The Upper School librarians are available to work with midterm/final exam periods.
scheduled classes or with individual students who are
welcome to use the library to read, study, or research during APPENDIX: DEPARTMENTAL HONOR CODE POLICIES
their free time. The librarians teach students to refine
techniques for gathering, evaluating, and interpreting MODERN AND CLASSICAL LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT
information using the library collection of books, periodicals, The Honor Code. All students are expected to comply
videos, online databases, and other Internet resources. The with the SSSAS Honor Code. All work is to be pledged
librarians also encourage individuals to read for pleasure and and completed by the student without assistance from
provide reader advisory assistance. classmates, advanced Spanish/French/Chinese/Latin
students, native speakers, or applications, unless otherwise
Books from the circulating collection may be borrowed indicated by the instructor. Tutors or other students may
for three weeks at a time, with renewal possible. Students answer specific questions after a student has completed their
can download e-books and audiobooks from the Overdrive work independently. Any violations of the Code in or outside
collection on their personal devices. Periodicals and class will be brought to the attention of the administration for
reference books may be checked out from the end of one appropriate action.
school day until 8:00 a.m. the next school day. Students
check out their own materials on the honor system; checking The following are examples of violations of academic
out materials to someone other than oneself or leaving the integrity guidelines:
library with library materials that have not been checked out • Help from other students and/or native speakers
are violations of the Honor Code. • Translation of entire phrases or sentences or more
• Plagiarism of any kind
Students will be notified if materials become overdue. The • Sharing your work with another student
library does not charge overdue fines, but students are
expected to pay for lost or damaged materials. Families will SCIENCE DEPARTMENT HONOR POLICY
be billed at the end of the year for any outstanding materials. While collaboration is an essential part of science, in
a science course, as you are assessed on your personal
understanding, there are times when your work should be
strictly your own.
Obviously, all quizzes, tests and test corrections should material stored on the calculator is an Honor violation. The
represent your own work. Laboratory tends to be done in math department may inspect your calculator and clear its
groups. Unless clearly indicated in writing, the following memory, if deemed appropriate.
expectations apply:
• No falsifying data! 5. Phones and Smartwatches
• All labs must be pledged. You cannot access your cell phone and smartwatch during
• During lab you can be talking/taking notes. assessments. You will be asked to store them in a designated
• Lab reports must be original work; unless specifically location.
allowed by your teacher, no one should be copying any
part of another student’s lab report. When in doubt, 6. Make-up Assessments
please ask. You may not talk about the assessment to another student
• Once you leave the classroom you should not be until the papers are returned.
discussing the material unless otherwise indicated by
your teacher. If you are allowed to work together, you ENGLISH DEPARTMENT POLICIES
should only be working with your assigned partner(s).
• You should not be comparing or sharing lab analyses. Late Assignments:
• Bring all questions to teachers. • No late papers will be given full credit without prior
• All borrowed data must be attributed (e.g. if you were arrangement. If a student is ill or has an emergency,
absent, your teacher may allow you to use another the student must e-mail to notify the teacher that the
group’s data). paper will not be submitted on time. Assignments will
be docked 10% per day late. If a student submits a paper
Your teacher may allow you to collaborate on certain more than three days late without having notified the
assignments. Be sure that you pay attention to whether that is teacher, the highest possible grade is a 59%. After the
permitted. teacher is notified that the paper will be late, the student
must make arrangements with the teacher as to when the
In no cases should materials from previous years in the paper will be submitted.
course be used. Additionally, with the exception of directed
research, the Internet is not a place for looking up answers to Honor:
your assignments. • Plagiarism: If the HDB finds a student guilty of
plagiarism, the student will receive a failing grade on
Failure to meet these expectations will result in disciplinary the assignment. Plagiarism equates to the three honor
action. offenses listed in the Honor Code: lying, stealing, and
cheating. Unless otherwise specified in the assignment,
MATH DEPARTMENT HONOR POLICY students should not be consulting any outside sources
(including internet sites) or working with others.
1. Homework • Turnitin.com: All major written assignments must
You may work with classmates on your homework unless be submitted to Turnitin.com. Late submissions on
the directions on the assignment state otherwise. However, Turnitin, regardless of whether a hard copy has also been
you may not copy someone else’s work (including solutions submitted, will accrue deductions in accordance with the
found on the Internet), and submit it as your own. Copying English Department Late Assignment policy.
is cheating, and it is a direct violation of the Honor Code. • Study Aids: All students must read the assigned texts.
Allowing someone to copy your work is also cheating. No online summaries or criticism may be used at all.
Instead, the student should consult with the instructor
2. Assessments and the Academic Center. In writing critical essays,
In no cases should you use assessments in the course from students may NOT consult any outside sources unless
previous years or from other sections of the course. You directed to do so by the instructor.
should not ask another student for information about an • Independent Work: Homework, essays, research
assessment that you have not yet taken, and you should not papers, and other projects are to be done independently.
give out information about an assessment to a student who Teachers will notify students when collaboration is
has not yet taken it. allowed.
• Parent/Tutor Support: A student working with a
3. Take Home and Online Assessments tutor must notify the teacher, giving the tutor’s name,
You must follow the directions on the assessment pertaining telephone number, and email address. Students may
to collaboration and sources of help, and you must pledge discuss assignments with parents and tutors, but parents
that you have followed these directions. and tutors may not compose, revise, or copy-edit work for
the student. Students are expected to type, proofread,
4. Graphing Calculator Usage and spell-check their own written work.
You may not use or store any unauthorized information or
programs in your calculator, because using unauthorized Materials:
E-Books: Students are required to purchase physical copies
of assigned books for their English class. E-books are work you submit furthers your personal understanding of the
acceptable only in consultation with the instructor and/or the concepts taught in class.
Academic Center. • Students are expected to follow the SSSAS Honor
Code. All violations will be brought to the attention of
HISTORY DEPARTMENT POLICIES the administration for appropriate action.
As stated in the Honor Code, academic honesty is a serious • Unless otherwise stated, collaboration on assignments
matter. The teacher will report honor violations directly to is not allowed. When collaboration is allowed, each
the dean of students and the Honor and Disciplinary Board. student is expected to understand all work that is
submitted. It is also required that you cite whom you
Your character, attitude, and integrity are more important collaborated with.
than any single assignment. • Quizzes and tests are always to be completed
What is academic honesty in history class? • Use of assessments or homework solutions from
Academic honesty in history class means relying on your own previous semesters or other sections of the course is a
ideas and words, and always providing a reference when you violation of the Honor Code.
use the ideas and/or words of others. • Allowing someone to copy your work is a direct
violation of the Honor Code.
Avoiding plagiarism and cheating: • Certain assignments may allow for the use of
• All work is individual unless otherwise stated. Copying generative AI platforms (such as ChatGPT). The use of
the work of another or allowing your work to be copied such platforms is only allowed when explicitly stated
by another is considered cheating. This includes work in the directions for the assignment. In assignments in
that you have completed for another class or a previous which generative AI is permitted, you must cite which
history class. platform you used and how you used it. Failure to do
• Materials from previous years in a course should never so is a violation of the Honor Code.
be used. • Late homework policies are found in the syllabus for
• All students are expected to make up tests and quizzes each course.
in a study hall room or under the supervision of a
faculty member.
• Collaboration on assignments is not permitted unless
otherwise stated by your teacher. If you are permitted
to collaborate, you should use your own words and cite
the ideas of classmates in your work.
• Peer editing: refer to school document / teacher
• Laptop guidelines: when using laptops during
assessments no other tabs should be opened and no
outside sources should be consulted.
• Cite when:
▫ You are using the exact words of another person.
Place ALL such phrases within quotation marks.
▫ You are paraphrasing another person’s words.
▫ You are using another person’s idea.
• There is no need to cite if the information is common
knowledge, i.e. George Washington was the first
president of the United States. If you’re not sure
whether the information is common knowledge or not,
cite it.
• Consult the teacher if you are not sure how or when to
cite or if there are any questions regarding the honor
Faculty Meeting Faculty Meeting Faculty Meeting Faculty Meeting Faculty Meeting Faculty Meeting
Time Time Time Time Time Time
8:20-9:30 1st Period 1st Period 1st Period 1st Period 1st Period 1st Period
9:40-10:50 2nd Period 2nd Period 2nd Period 2nd Period 2nd Period 2nd Period
Lunch Lunch
11:15-12:05 Lunch Lunch Lunch Assembly
(11:30-12:20) (11:30-12:20)
PARENT ORGANIZATIONS OVERVIEW Schools, but also through concessions sales and Encore