On Vo-Tech Board
f C o n tin u e d fro m P a g e 2 - 4 )
cannot be prevented - - rather
we must continue to ensure
/' t a i g a T i
that what growth we ex
perience be well managed and Description of office:
allow for the preservation of
• i year term
Andover’s unique character. • No salary Question
* the best campaign da;
• There are seven members: one Asked The ry disposal site, that v
Much of Andover’s open and from Andover, three from
residential quality can be at Candidates: mversation have becon
Lawrence, one from North An
tributed to the willingness of dover. This regional school What services does the Vo- where the candidates
the Townspeople to invest in board has all the powers and Tech provide for Andover s and discuss the issu
open space and to support the duties of a local school board and do you see these ex
dos tola.
concept of cluster develop conferred upon it by state panded?
ment. This quality deserves statute but for this particular
our protection. school.
Industry, as a means to
ease our tax rate and provide
economic opportunities for
our area, is and should be en
Susan T. Poore couraged in the areas we have
provided for i t . . . when com
Susan T. Poore patible with the' total com
(Mrs. Gates M . Poore) munity.
Address: Hobby Horse Farm The many viable boards and
Occupation: Housewife commissions which exist in
E d u c a tio n : A .S . B rad fo rd J r . this town are a testimony on
College (now Bradford College) the part of the citizens to An
B.S. in Education , . . Lesley dover’s future. I join them in
College. that com m itm ent. . . for it is
G row th in a “ m agnet” the future of Andover that we
community such as Andover must consider.