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4ASelectman Two Seek Opening y M o r n i

On Vo-Tech Board
f C o n tin u e d fro m P a g e 2 - 4 )
cannot be prevented - - rather
we must continue to ensure
/' t a i g a T i
that what growth we ex­
perience be well managed and Description of office:
allow for the preservation of
• i year term
Andover’s unique character. • No salary Question
* the best campaign da;
• There are seven members: one Asked The ry disposal site, that v
Much of Andover’s open and from Andover, three from
residential quality can be at­ Candidates: mversation have becon
Lawrence, one from North An­
tributed to the willingness of dover. This regional school What services does the Vo- where the candidates
the Townspeople to invest in board has all the powers and Tech provide for Andover s and discuss the issu
open space and to support the duties of a local school board and do you see these ex­
dos tola.
concept of cluster develop­ conferred upon it by state panded?
ment. This quality deserves statute but for this particular
our protection. school.
Industry, as a means to
ease our tax rate and provide
economic opportunities for
our area, is and should be en­
Susan T. Poore couraged in the areas we have
provided for i t . . . when com­
Susan T. Poore patible with the' total com­
(Mrs. Gates M . Poore) munity.
Address: Hobby Horse Farm The many viable boards and
Occupation: Housewife commissions which exist in
E d u c a tio n : A .S . B rad fo rd J r . this town are a testimony on
College (now Bradford College) the part of the citizens to An­
B.S. in Education , . . Lesley dover’s future. I join them in
College. that com m itm ent. . . for it is
G row th in a “ m agnet” the future of Andover that we
community such as Andover must consider.

types of industry, business

and residential homes can be
located, and the subdivision
control law which requires James A. Booth John P. Childs
certification of approval by
the Planning Board of any John P. Childs
proposed subdivision within
James A . Booth
the Town, Andover has exer­ Address: 11 Theodore Avenue Address: 135 North Street
cised control over its growth. Occupation: Vocational Education Occupation: Carpentry Instructor
In addition, such wetlands Consultant. & D ep artm ental C h a irm a n , (M o d era to r)
preservations law s as the Education: B .S . in Vocational Shawsheen V a lle y R egion al
Hatch A ct, percolation tests E d u ca tio n , F itch b u rg State V o c a tio n a l T e c h n ic a l High
where applicable, the Conser­ College, 1956. M .E . in School Ad­ • School, B ille rica , Mass.
vation Commission and the m in is t ra t io n , S a le m S tate Education: Methuen High School,
H isto rica l Commission a ll College, 1963. W entw o rth In s tit u t e , B .S .
play a role in determining T h e R e g io n a l S c h o o l Vocational Education Fitchburg
whether growth in any par­ presently provides the town of S ta te C o lle g e , M .E d . O c ­
ticular area is proper and Andover instructional ser­ cupational Education Fitchburg
desirable. Superimposed on vice s in the re g u la r day State College.
Atty. Lawrence J. Sullivan top of this are national, state school for 32 m ajor skill dis­
The Vocational School is a
and town codes that must be ciplines in addition to the ac center for Vocational Educa­
Lawrence J. Sullivan complied with in respect to ademic subjects of social tion for full-tim e student,
Address: 13 Florence Street plumbing, e le ctrica l com­ s t u d ie s , E n g lis h ,
part-tim e industrial entry,
Occupation: Attorney ponents, health, sewerage and mathematics, science, health
and evening school for ob­
Education: St. Augustine and An­ engineering which ensure that and physical education. All
taining, updating and im ­
dover Public School systems; what is built meets the stan­ students are afforded, on a
proving skills.
graduate of the Jonathan Dayton dards of quality that the Town required basis as w ell, the
S ch o o l: B . A . in P o lit ic a l has set for such structure. related technology subjects of
trade math, trade science, At the present time the
S c ie n c e fro m M e r r im a c k
Growth does not equate trade drawing and blue-print Vocational School supplies to
College; J . D. from Suffolk
w ith p ro g re s s . P la n n e d reading, and trade processes. 126 v o c a t i o n a l l y an d
University Law School.
growth is needed to guarantee T h e re are 121 students t e c h n i c a lly o r ie n t a t e d
Andover’s growth is con­
a balance and harmony so enrolled in the day program students of Andover a full­
trolled. Through the operation
that Andover can retain its and th e g ro w th f a c t o r time balance of academic and
of the zoning by-law with
characteristics and identity. between the 12th grade and v o c a t io n a l e d u c a t io n
respect to w here c e rta in
9th grade as of October 1, programs for developing a
1975, is indicated at 60%. specific skill to obtain gainful
The Cooperative Program employment and to become a
Q u e s t io n C n T h e B a llo t is based on guidelines that productive member of the ihi (S c h o o l C om m ittee
p ro vid e e q u a lity fo r a ll community.
“Shall an act passed by the General Court In the year 1975 entitled ‘An act ex­
empting certain engineering positions in the Department of Public Works on seniors and 90% of the seniors .. A vailability of skilled per­
the Town of Andover from the provisions of the civil service law ’ be accepted.” were involved. Approximate­ sonnel attracts new industry
ly, the sum of $1,000,000 was and is a supplier to the ex­
earned by 272 seniors, the isting. These are all good and
E x p la n a t io n : most of which represents buy- serve the community very
in g p o w e r in G r e a t e r well but we are entering a
The Town Manager recently secured permission from Town Meeting to go to Lawrence. new era and the school should
the Legislature to have this act passed and now it must go to the voters for ap­ Andover enjoys 13% of the expand fro m v o c a tio n a l
proval. It involves a difficulty in filling the position of Town Engineer, Asst. evening school services, a education, train in g fo r a
Town Engineer and two summer temporary jobs under the requirements of the very formidable share of the specific job; to occupational
civil service system. It does not affect the incumbent. It is consistent with the total of 2469 for 1975. Andover e d u c a tio n , to t r a in fo r
wish of Town Meeting to take certain positions out of civil service. had 30 group functions in 1975. employment; and to career
As fa r as expanded ac­ education, awareness of oc­
tivities for Andover or any of cupations. At the present
I. the other communities might time, 80% of students do not
than differences. Antagonism be co n ce rn e d , we m ust re ce ive any occupational
S ch o o l ra th e r than co o p eratio n remember that the facilities training.
results in waste of tim e, have reached a plateau where /
i a very serious review is ap­ There should be expansion
C o m m it t e e . money, and talents.
propriate. In view of cost im­ of the afternoon program, by
(4) P L A N N IN G : School
(C o n tin u e d fr o m P a g e 3 - 4 ) plications and possible reduc­ giving credit for occupational
C om m ittees should avoid
(3) U N IT Y : Deteriorating crises by anticipating likely ed enrollments in the next ten programs for the student who
r e la t io n s b e tw e e n the problems and analyzing possi­ years, we should examine the wants to stay at his own high
teachers and School Com­ ble solutions. The more time plans of development for each school p art-tim e fo r the
mittee is a serious problem. wasted, the less options re­ of the local communities im­ academic program. Also oc­
The Committee, the teachers, main, the higher the costs, mediately. I would hope to cupational education should
-and the com m unity have and the s a tis fa c to ry the use my experience in this be expanded to the com­ n (S c h o o l C o m m ittee J
solutions. regard. prehensive high school.
many more goals in common

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