Interpenetrated Gel
Interpenetrated Gel
Interpenetrated Gel
Silicon Anodes in Lithium-ion Batteries
Jiangxuan Song, Mingjiong Zhou, Ran Yi, Terrence Xu, Mikhail L. Gordin, Duihai Tang,
Zhaoxin Yu, Michael Regula, and Donghai Wang*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 1
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269
2 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269
Figure 1. (a) The chemical structure and illustrative interaction between crosslined PAA-PVA and silicon particles; (b) FTIR spectra of PAA, PVA, PAA-
PVA gel binder, and silicon/PAA-PVA composites.
and PVDF binder were prepared as control electrodes by fol- cyclability with a high capacity of 1830 mAh/g remaining
lowing the same approach as the PAA-PVA binder. after 300 cycles, which corresponds to 68.6% capacity reten-
As seen in the voltage profiles of the silicon electrode made tion and only 0.1% capacity loss per cycle. The excellent battery
with PAA-PVA binder (Figure 2a), the first cycle lithiation
potential showed a plateau profile at 0.1−0.01 V, consistent
with the behavior of crystalline Si.[28,49] The cycling stability and
Coulombic efficiency of both the electrode and control elec-
trodes, cycled at a current density of 400 mA/g, are shown in
Figure 2b and c, respectively. For non-functional PVDF binder,
the cell shows fast capacity fading (180 mAh/g after 50 cycles)
with a very low initial Coulombic efficiency of 70.8%. The Si
anode with functional NaCMC binder showed an initial capacity
of 3282 mAh/g and a better cycling stability (1178 mAh/g after
100 cycles) compared to PVDF binder. Noticeably, the Si anode
with the PAA-PVA binder exhibited an excellent battery perfor-
mance. A specific capacity of 3616 mAh/g was achieved in the
initial cycle by using novel interpenetrated gel polymer binder,
which is about 86% of the theoretical capacity (4200 mAh/g).
Furthermore, this cell also gave an excellent cycling stability,
with a capacity of 2283 mAh/g remaining after 100 cycles.
Moreover, this novel binder also showed a relatively high initial
Coulombic efficiency of 83.9%, which increased to ∼97.7% at
the third cycle, and finally stabilized at ∼99.3% in subsequent
cycles. The high Coulombic efficiency of the silicon anode
made with this interpenetrated gel polymer binder indicated
a relatively stable SEI layer on the silicon particles, which pre-
vents the loss of some irreversible lithium storage sites. This
will also make the PAA-PVA gel binder more promising for the
application of full-cell configuration that requires high Cou-
lombic efficiency of both anodes and cathodes to advance the
overall energy density and cycle life.
The fast charge/discharge further validates the reliability of
the binders during a rapid substantial expansion and contrac-
tion for silicon nanoparticles.[50,51] Thus, we further evaluated
the silicon electrode with the PAA-PVA binder at a rather high
Figure 2. (a) The initial charge/discharge voltage profiles of the silicon
current density of 4 Ah/g as shown in Figure 3a. A high capacity anode using PAA-PVA gel polymer binder; (b) the cycling performance
of ∼2660 mAh/g was obtained at this high current density of 1C and (c) Coulombic efficiency of Si electrodes with PAA-PVA, NaCMC, and
(1C = 4000 mA/g). More importantly, the cell exhibited excellent PAA binders. Note that the specific capacity is calculated based on silicon.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 3
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269
Figure 4. The surface morphology of silicon electrodes before and after 100th cycle using different binders. Scale bars in the images are 1 µm.
4 © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014,
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269
Figure 5. Cross-sectional SEM images of the silicon electrodes with gel-polymer binder (a)before cycling; (b) at the end of the 5th discharge and (c) at
the end of the 5th charge; (d) proposed working mechanism of interpenetrated gel binder for silicon anodes.
nor microstructural failure was found for the electrode with binder after the cycle is due to the three-dimensional interpen-
the PAA-PVA binder, even after 100 deep cycles. Thus, the SEI etrated network of PAA-PVA binder which allows the revers-
layers on the silicon particles with PAA-PVA binder is believed ible deformable change upon the volume change of Si during
to be thinner and more stable than those formed when using cycling.
PVDF and NaCMC binder. The formation of the thin and To further evaluate the effect of PAA-PVA binder on Si
stable SEI could be attributed to the novel polymer binder composite anodes, the electrochemical properties of a silicon-
which accommodates the large volume change because of the graphite (Si-G) composite were also studied. The composite
deformable feature of the polymer network; furthermore, the composed of silicon and graphite with a mass ratio of 6:4 was
enhanced adhesion stemming from strong chemical bonding used as the active material. The electrode was fabricated using
between PAA-PVA and silicon nanoparticles should assist in an industrially used coating technique with the active mate-
constructing a stable SEI for Si electrodes. This bonding is sim- rial (Si-G composites), carbon black, and binder ratio of 90:5:5
ilar to the hydrogen bonds of reported functionalized polymer (weight ratio). Here, only 5% binder was used to achieve max-
binders for Si anodes.[33,39] The stable SEI is anticipated to play imum energy density for practical applications. Figure 6 shows
an active role in the cycle life and Coulombic efficiency, which the cycling stability of Si-G composite electrodes at a current
directly lead to the excellent capacity retention with Coulombic
efficiency over 99% of the Si anode with the PAA-PVA binder,
as mentioned before (Figure 2).
The thickness variation of the silicon electrode using PAA-
PVA binder with high silicon loading (∼2.4 mg/cm2) was fur-
ther measured to validate the ability of the binder for accom-
modating large volume changes during cycling. Figure 5a–c
show cross-section SEM images of electrodes before cycling, at
the end of the 5th discharge, and at the end of the 5th charge,
respectively. The thickness of discharged electrode (Figure 5b)
increased to ca. 85.3 µm from its origin state (ca. 64.5µm) after
lithiation, which is a ∼32% volume change. Upon charging, the
expanded silicon nanoparticles shrink as lithium is extracted;
the final thickness of the electrode (67.4 µm) almost returns
to its origin thickness with a volume variation of ∼4.5%. By
contrast, Figure S3 shows that the thickness of the silicon elec-
Figure 6. The cycling stability of silicon-graphite (Si-G) composite anode
trodes after cycling with PVDF and NaCMC binder increased (Si:Graphite = 6:4, mass ratio) using NaCMC and PAA-PVA gel polymer
by ∼19.7% and ∼16.5%, respectively, which are ∼4 times higher binder. The electrode was composed of Si-G composites (90%), super
than the increase with PAA-PVA gel polymer binder. The P (5%), and polymer binder (5%). Note that the specific capacity is
minimal thickness change of the electrodes with gel polymer calculated based on silicon.
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 5
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269
density of 400 mA/g. The PAA-PVA binder shows a high utili- Electrochemical tests were performed by using 2016 coin-type half
zation of active composites (Si-G) with a reversible capacity of cells assembled with lithium metal as the counter electrode in Argon
1880 mAh/g at the first cycle and a good capacity retention of filled glove box. The electrolyte consisted of 1 mol/L LiPF6 in a mixture
of ethylene carbonate, diethyl carbonate and dimethyl carbonate (EC:
70% after 70 cycles. In contrast, the cells using NaCMC binder DEC: DMC, 1:1:1 by volume) and fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC,
only show a capacity retention of 25%, much lower than PAA- 10 vol%). The FEC additive can increase the cycling efficiency of silicon
PVA. This result further demonstrated that the water soluble, anodes, due to the formation of a more stable SEI layer. Galvanostatic
interpenetrated gel polymer binder has a good compatibility cycling test was carried out at different constant current densities
with commercial Si-graphite mixture-based anodes, which between 0.01 and 1.5 V vs Li/Li+ on a BT2000 battery testing system
makes it more promising for practical application. (Arbin Instruments, USA). The specific capacity was calculated on the
basis of the weight of the active materials.
3. Conclusion
Supporting Information
We have developed an interpenetrated gel polymer binder Supporting Information is available from the Wiley Online Library or
for high performance silicon anodes by using a facile in-situ from the author.
thermal-crosslinking technique based on the low-cost water
soluble poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
precursors. By having the advantages of a deformable polymer
network and strong binding between Si and the binder, this
designed binder can effectively accommodate the large volume J. Song and M. Zhou contributed equally to this work. This work was
change of silicon anode upon lithiation/delithiation, resulting supported by the Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable
in an excellent cycling stability (1663 mAh/g after 300 cycles) Energy, Office of Vehicle Technologies of the U.S. Department of Energy
under Contract No. DE-EE0006447.
and high Coulombic efficiency (99.3%) even at a high current
density of 4 A/g. Furthermore, high-areal-capacity of 4.3 mAh/ Received: April 20, 2014
cm2 with good cycling stability was demonstrated at electrode Revised: June 2, 2014
level using the silicon anode based on the PAA-PVA binder. Published online:
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DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201401269