Abundance and Prosperity

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Abundance and Prosperity

7 Facet Seichim
Seichim energy systems work with healing and transformation. They were
developed from the original practices of Patrick Zeigler in 1980, after having
stayed overnight in the Great Pyramid. Like Reiki, Seichim energy is drawn from
the limitless source of the Universe.

7 Facet Seichim is also known as renegade Reiki. It attunes you to symbols and
provides you with meditations to connect to Universal energy for healing and
spiritual growth. You will learn a meditation to connect to the living light energy.

Facet One – The Power Level. This level introduces you to experiencing the
Seichim energy. You will be attuned to two symbols and teaches you how to scan
the body to discover the places most in need.

Facet Two – Body and Emotional Integration of the Seichim Energy and
experiencing the dimensional aspects of the Seichim. At this level you are
provided with two more symbols, suggested meditations and suggested healings
and activities using these symbols.

Facet Three – Using Seichim to Empower Inanimate Objects. You will learn a
symbol that can be used to awaken your car, your bed for better sleep, empower
your food or your clothing, your clothing before a job interview or business
meeting, your house or office and much more. A meditation is given for
connecting to the energy of this symbol and you are taught how to use the Cosmic
Healing Bank, a ‘place’ that healings and blessings can be stored.

Facet Four – Experience AngelWings, opening blockages and sealing in energy

AngelWings is the Realization of Potential. It can be used on everything.
Meditating with it frees us to change and grow, and more fully connect with the
Universe. Techniques are given to help remove blockages.

Facet Five – Achieving Balance, Wholeness and Emotional Integration

Everything in creation seeks balance. The symbol for this level expresses a
unification of the parts of ourselves that are dual in nature. It is used to balance
the Masculine and Feminine energies in a person, and to find balance in ourselves
and can also be used in healings.

Facet Six – Align Higher and lower selves. The symbol in this level Aligns the
higher, lower and God self so that they all work together for the highest good of
the individual. It represents the flow of energy from the divine, through our
‘selves’. This Facet is an important cleanse and can bring about big changes in
one’s life. It will bring to the fore ideas and conditionings that you may need to
address as you come more into focus with your life’s plan and mission.
Facet Seven – Becoming the Infinity, Vision and Insight, enlightenment and
mastery. You will be attuned to a symbol that is used to open the Third Eye and
gives Endless Inner Sight. It allows you to see through the veils of illusion and
enhances psychic sight, and enhances your ability to scan the body. Another
symbol of this facet represents the Great Shining Light that Seichim is.

There are no prerequisites to receive this system but you must be a Usui or
Seichim Master to attune others.

Founders: Patrick Zeigler, T’Om Seaman and Ken Lowry

999 Divine Feminine Light

Of Prosperity
The 999 Divine Feminine Light of Prosperity Essence connects you to the Divine
Feminine luminous light and the prosperity connecting you to:

 The Shekhinah, the supernatural, sovereign presence of the Divine Eternal

Sacred Feminine Essence of God.
 The Divine Mother Mary, who is the supernatural essence of love of the
Divine Mother Essence.
 Quan Yin, Who is the essence of the Great Mother Goddess Essence aspect in

This system allows you to be both a receiver and a channel and invokes the Divine
Feminine prosperity energy, liberating and aligning you with all areas of prosperity
flow in your life. It helps you to connect to Shekhinah, Mother Mary and Quan Yin’s
light, flowing easily to provide you with nourishment and renewal so prosperity
transformation can be reached and magnified in all areas of your life.

The 999 Divine Feminine Light of Prosperity Essence restores wellbeing, supports
you, and brings blessings and mother’s love to you. It assists with relighting the
fires of passion within your soul that are in alignment with your path in this
lifetime, bringing fruitfulness and creativity gifts to you.

You may work with this system for yourself, or others with their permission

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Master Teacher authorizes you to share this system with others. You will need to
purchase the Personal Use Manual in addition to Master Teacher if you intend to
share it with others for Personal
999 Light Of Shekhinah
The 999 Light of Shekhinah Essence connects you to the luminous Light of
Shekhinah, the quintessence of the Divine Eternal Sacred Feminine Essence of
God. This energy allows you to be both a receiver and a channel of the
transmission of the essence of Shekhinah in the amplified frequency of 999.

This energy facilitates you in maintaining a foothold on the Earth realm while
experiencing the infinity within. It propels the brilliance of the Divine Feminine
Spirit of luminosity to liberate and align, unclutters the chakras and allows blocked
kundalini to rise, assisting the way for Shekhinah to liberate your soul from
experiences while you are incarnated on Earth.

Shekhinah has the compassion of a Mother God and the power of the Queen of the
Heavens. She is strong and fierce; her sovereign divinity protects as the
enlightened energy of her holy spirit dwells within you.

The 999 Light of Shekhinah Essence helps your connection so that Shekhinah’s
essence flows easily, providing nourishment and renewal, allowing transformation
to take place. You can call upon her for restoration of wellbeing, support, blessings
and a mother’s love. These energies can be used for self treatment, or streaming
a 999 meditation session.

Shekhinah can relight the fires of spiritual passion within you.

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Master Teacher authorizes you to share this system with others. You will need to
purchase the Personal Use Manual in addition to Master Teacher if you intend to
share it with others for Personal Use only.

999 Silver Ray Abundance

999 Silver Ray Abundance Energy is in the high frequency of 999. The energetic
fields of this system penetrate through any resistance and other forms of lower
though forms to raise your natural vibration. You literally rise up to meet the
higher forms of abundance energy so that you can accelerate the flow of positive
abundance in your life.

The Abundance in your life is determined by the energy you are aligned with.
When your energy is low it’s difficult to raise your abundance level. Ascended
Master El Morya give this energetic system in order to assist humankind to rise
above limitations of the mind and Earthly planes.

The energy of 999 Silver Ray Abundance Energy is extremely high. It is a powerful
energy to help you overcome the energetic dimensional level you are stuck in. As
you work with these energies, your thought forms change and become of a higher
level and you can experience positive abundance in the physical realm.

With this system you will be attuned to a symbol to assist you in using the
energies of 999 Silver Ray Abundance Energy.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf

Absolute Infinitely
Abundant Universe
The Divine Source gives us the Absolute infinitely Abundant Universe
Empowerment to remove states of fear and lack, and to empower us to ask for
what we want and believe that we deserve to receive. Ridding us of the tendency
towards focusing on what we don’t have, we will be energized with conviction and
belief that what we are asking for WILL be granted.

In truth, after we make our request known and believe absolutely that as a result
of our intention our request is already manifesting in the INFINITE field of PURE
POTENTIAL. We must trust that it will manifest!

What we focus on is what we will attract into our lives. This empowerment will
help us trust that whatever we need will be provided in the Divine Moment we
need it and this will bring a profound sense of inner peace.

We will live our lives with an attitude of calmness, accepting that we are always
safe and will be provided for and have the inner knowing that here is ALWAYS
more than ENOUGH for EVERYONE.


desire is ours for the taking.
Abundance is an energy in and of itself and has the POWER to ATTRACT whatever
we DESIRE into our lives. With the use of this empowerment we ill experience
newfound attitudes of joy and gratitude for what we have as well as what we
KNOW is coming!

We will live as the ABUNDANT BEINGS we were created to be.

Benefits Of Using The Absolute Infinitely Abundant Universe Empowerment:

• Attract Abundance in all forms
• Manifest inner most dreams and desires
• Think bigger
• Experience attitudes of joy and gratitude
• Live as Abundant beings
• Release lie of scarcity
• Act Absolutely Infinitely Abundant
• Experience increase in generosity, goodwill, charity
• See the More of what IS
• Magnetize good luck, fortune, prosperity and abundance
• Attain an infinite number of good ideas
• Be freed from states of fear and lack
• Experience feelings of safety and peace knowing that all our needs will be
provided for
• Release more from the habit of seeing limits

Abundance Affinity
Quan Yin is the personification of the Great Mother Goddess that many call to for
help and healing. She personifies the gentlest and most empathic side of the
Great Goddess. Her law is unconditional and boundless love. Her commandment
is mercy. Her gift is compassion.

Quan Yin is known as a “Bodhisattva” or a being devoted to the enlightenment of

all beings. She offers support and guidance to those who which to let go of their
ego attachments and embrace her compassionate way.

The Abundance Affinity Attunement is an energy healing modality the that doesn’t
need any previous experience or energy work to be able to use it. It helps you to
clear and heal attachments and resistance, thereby inspiring you so you are able
to manifest positive change in your life. Attachments come in many forms but
essentially it is our conscious attention that creates an energetic link to things.
Affinity suggests an understanding and relationship and that is what we look for
when it comes to successful manifesting work. It’s important that we match the
nature of Source if we wish to see its gifts manifested in the world around us.

Quan Yin’s passive, receptive and unconditionally loving nature provide the
blueprint for the inner peace that the Abundance Affinity Attunement inspires –
the sense of peace that is our connection to The Source even in the face of painful

When we are connected to Source we exist in a state of spiritual communion,

connected to the natural flow of life, and are more able to perceive the sacred in
the world around us. This system creates a space within us for the Soul to
breathe. It helps us to eliminate the restrictions of ego-attachment and open
ourselves to our full potential!

Founder: Anna Louise May (Maya)

Abundance And Success

Empowerment Reiki
The Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki attunement connects you to the
higher frequency energies of Spirit, putting you in harmony with positive
abundance and success. This will help you to clear any blocks to your abundance
and success. When you are in harmony with this vibration opportunities will
present themselves to you; books, teachers, money and people who may help you
will drawn to you by the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like.

This attunement will speed up your transcendence and help you to achieve your
goals and follow your dreams, by raising your vibration and connecting you to the
energies of abundance and success. The more you work with the energies, the
stronger they will become.

We may have been conditioned to believe there is limitation to our having enough
or fearing that we will lose what is ours. This is a false perception. In truth there is
no such thing as lack or limitation, except what we create ourselves. In order to
free yourself you must release these negative thoughts and beliefs by letting go
things that no longer serve you.

Abundance and Success Empowerment Reiki helps you to work with Universal
Laws. The Law of Rhythm governs ebb and flow. Know that if things are a little
hard right now, they will get better.
The Law of Polarity says that poverty and prosperity are just different degrees or
the same thing. So if you are experiencing less than you should, then decide with
certainty that you will experience more.

The Law of Cause and Effect says that you must set things to action to achieve the
results that you want. It is important to takes steps toward achieving your goals.
What matters is always moving toward what you want to achieve.

The Law of Reversal says that you cannot achieve different results by doing the
same old thing over and over. To bring different results you must make changes in
your thoughts, feelings and actions.

The energies of this attunement help you to remove negative thought patterns
and bring positive energies to help put you in harmony with Abundance and

You will be attuned to two symbols that help you to connect to Abundance and
Success Empowerment Reiki. The first helps to release negativity and the second
is the Abundance and Success symbol. You will also learn a Fast Cash Money Spell
to work with these energies.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Abundant Purpose
Attunements 1-9
Abundant Purpose Attunements 1-9 is a series of attunements designed to help
you get n touch with your true purpose and mission in life, and to be supported
while doing it. Support may come in the form or money and financial success or in
the form of other people supporting you so you can focus on your life’s work. This
energy will help you get in touch with what your purpose is and what your best
career path at this time may be. It is an energy that can break through indecision
and lack of focus in regards to career, business and life path.

Be open to however this energy shifts things for you. Give the changes some time,
for some they could take six months to a year or even longer to fully manifest. For
others changes may be immediate. It depends on where you are and whether it’s
in your highest and best interest to move fast or slow.

There is at least a one day period between receiving attunements.

Founder: Stephanie Brail

Abundantia Abundance
While fulfilling our life’s mission, we may need material support. The spirit world
is very happy to contribute to this support, if we ask them. Abundantia is a
powerful and nurturing Goddess who can help you to become a gracious receiver.
She can give you the confidence to follow your dreams and aspirations. She is a
beautiful Goddess of success, prosperity, abundance and good fortune. She is
also a protector of savings, investments and wealth.

This is a short manual that will connect you to the energy of Goddess Abundantia.

Founder: Elaine Nickens

Abundantia Demeter
This is a short manual that will connect you to the energy of Abundantia, the
Roman Goddess of Plenty. Sometimes light workers are better at giving than
receiving, which can cause blockages and imbalances in this area. The manual
discusses the history of this Goddess and what she can help you with in your life.
Abundantia is a beautiful Goddess of success, prosperity and good fortune.
Demeter was ancient Goddess beloved for her service to mankind in giving the
gift of the harvest. The manual includes an affirmation to help show your faith
and readiness to be helped.

These Goddesses are celebrated during Mabon, or the Autumnal Equinox.

Founder: Jens Seborg

Amethyst Fairy Orb

As Nicole Lanning shares in the manual, “If you can see with a child’s eye there is
a world full of color, joy and wonder to be seen. The fairy realm reminds us to
keep this joy and creativity alive. Each cave and hollow tree has a doorway to
another world. Every flower, leaf and blade of grass has a story to tell. Streams
sing and the winds whisper ancient secrets into the ears of those who will listen.”

The gentle Amethyst Fairy is the Fairy Queen. She is calm and relaxed and
possesses spiritual healing gifts. This attunement connects the energies and
magic of the faeries and the power of amethyst to help in your daily life.

The manual includes a description of fairies and how to locate them as well as the
properties of amethyst. These energies can be used for:
Abundance Money

Prosperity Success

Knowledge Wisdom

Insight Perception

Intelligence Understanding

Love Romance

Treasure of Mother Earth Dealing With Suffering

Dealing With Loss Healing From Emotional Issues

Healing From Physical Issues Healing With Spiritual Issues

Bringing Happiness Into One’s Life Help With Growth and Development

There are no prerequisites for this system but basic knowledge of energy work is

Founder: Nicole Lanning

Ancient Wisdom –
Ancestors Reiki
Ancient Wisdom—Ancestors Reiki connects you to higher source energy and to
your ancestors. It works to help draw in the ancient wisdom of ancestors.

In days gone by the old ones knew how to survive, how to thrive in nature, and
how overcome obstacles. In many circumstances the information and wisdom of
the ancient ways are still beneficial to us today. Though much has been lost, and
forgotten, the connection to ancestors may help you have a much more clear
understanding of the past and of the important and helpful things that are helpful
in our lives once again. Though much has been lost and forgotten, the connection
to ancestors may help you to have a much more clear understanding of the past
and of things that can be helpful once again. You can connect to the ancestors for
protection, healing and wisdom in any area of your life. The energies of this
attunement are very loving as the ancestors want to see you succeed in your

Call upon the Ancestors to teach you the old ways of wisdom, knowledge of nature
and to lend power to any spell or ritual. They can offer new wisdom and
knowledge of healing, facing challenges, relationships and bringing abundance.

This is a high energy infused system. You will be attuned to a symbol to help you
with connection to Ancient Wisdom – Ancestors Reiki.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Angelic Aqua Aura

Essence Energy
Archangel: Raguel

Some Uses: harmonizes and aligns the chakra system; imparts assertive energy;
stimulates the throat chakra, improving communication; increases psychic skills
and awareness; assists with meditation, telepathy and psychic healing; helpful for
distance spiritual energy healing; attracts success and prosperity; psychic
protection; activates sluggish chakras; smoothes the aura after a healing
treatment; clears and opens pathways of inter dimensional communication; helps
with throat problems, stress-related illness, immune system deficiencies and the
thymus gland.

Founder: Gabriela Yasmine Szafman

Angelic Citrine Essence

Deity: Archangel Gabriel

Some uses: promotes success and abundance, especially in business and

commerce, promotes optimism, helps acquire and maintain positive wealth,
enhances the body’s healing energy, opens the conscious mind to intuition, helps
in adapting to process changes, aids voice projection, directs creative energy into
the physical body, builds self-esteem, aids the digestion of all emotions,
eliminates fear, prevents nightmares, ensures a good night’s sleep, helps in
eliminating self-destructive behaviors, raises self-esteem, helps align with the
higher self, protects the aura.

Founder: Gabriela Yasmine Szafman

This attunement is sent by chi ball only.

Angels of Ceres Energy

The Angels of Ceres are the Angels of the Great Mother. They are very interested in the
great principle of unconditional love. They support the principles of sharing and care,
working with the energies of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine.

These Angels will help with (Gifts):

Unconditional Love
Universal acceptance
Healing of children and animals
Protection of women
Find lost children and animals
Crop protection
Expansion and fruiting

The Angels of Ceres Protect in the Following Professions:

Charity institutions
Animal handlers
All professions related to children and maternity

Founder: Maria Joao Sereno

Ascended Masters
This is set of 13 attunements to the Ascended Masters. Everyone
can call upon the Ascended Masters, but by having these Ascended Masters attunements
will bring the energies of the Masters much closer to you, allowing them to better work in
your etheric background.

The following are Ascended Masters you will be attuned to:

*Master Kuthumi – helps with centering, devotion, focus and relaxation

*Master Moses – helps with, living in the now, clear communication, trustfulness and
leadership qualities

*Master Buddha – helps with, peace, joy, spiritual growth and understanding

*Master Sanat Kumara – helps with, protection, clearing from low energies, healing work,

*Master Jesus – helps with, divine guidance and instruction, forgiveness, healing,

*Goddess Abundantia – helps with abundance in all areas

*Master Maitreya – helps with joy, peace and compassion

*Goddess Mary – helps with parenting, children, caring and nurturing

*Goddess Quan Yin – helps with compassion, kindliness and mercy

*Master Merlin – helps with alchemy, crystals, psychic abilities, healing and wisdom

*Master Saint Germain – helps with protection, clearing, healing, inspiration and braveness

*Master Padre Pio – helps with healing, forgiveness, spiritual growth and clairvoyance

*Master Seraphis Bey – helps with personal and global peace, ascension, overcoming issues
and artistic and creative projects

Founder: Ole Gabrielsen

Aurora Butterfly of Peace

The Aurora Butterfly of Peace diamond collection is an artwork consisting of 240 natural,
fancy colored diamonds, weighing a combined total of 167 carats. This butterfly-shaped
diamond mosaic was created over a period of twelve years by Alan Bronstein and Harry
Rodman. The diamonds were collected and assembled one stone at a time. The Aurora
Butterfly of Peace was conceived by the artists as an eternal icon of love, beauty, energy,
nature and peace. it symbolizes a spiritual connection to earth for all mankind.

The Aurora Butterfly of Peace Empowerment will help you with:

Spiritual connection to earth
Ground energies
Balance all chakras
Clean the subtle body
Increase levels of energy
Connect you with your Divine Inner-self
Enhances inner vision
Increases healing ability
Develops awareness
Stimulates Clairvoyance and Telepathic Communication
Balances polarity
Love nature
Manifest abundance
Manifest prosperity

The energies of this system can be used with Reiki or separately.

Prerequisite: 3rd Level Reiki

Brighid’s Healing Waters

Brighid’s Healing Waters Empowerment connects you to the Goddess Brighid and her waters
of the sacred well for healing and empowerment. Brighid’s Healing Waters are sacred and
known to possess great healing energies and more. The energies of this system can
enhance your ability to heal yourself and others, as well as plants, animals and the Earth. It
teaches you to make empowered water for use with healing, blessing, manifestation and
projection rituals. You will be filled with pure love and compassion, as well as the inspiration
of Goddess Brighid.

The manual includes a symbol for use in making Brighid’s Healing Waters that can be used
for many purposes including but not limited to the following list. You can also ask Spirit to
guide you in other ways to use the Waters.

Healing of people, animals and plants

Chakra healing to be used prior to meditation

Aura healing





Founder: Linda Colibert

Celestial Abundance

During your attunement to Celestial Abundance Encoding you will receive an ethereal crystal
imprinted into your energy field. Ethereal crystals subtly shift your energy field to contain
the properties, spirit and natural vibrations of a specific crystal. The Ethereal Citrine used in
Celestial Abundance Encoding is a citrine that has been programmed with a specific energy
“message” that came from a tribe of Celestial Light Beings known as the Pleiadians. The
Pleiadians are highly evolved spiritual beings that provide support for us on our ascension
journey and help to accelerate our spiritual evolution. The Pleiadians have been on Earth in
the past, particularly during the time of the Lemurians. This helps them to understand the
issues we face during our physical incarnations.

The Celestial Citrine is activated for abundance, prosperity and success to help you draw
these vibrations to yourself, creating favorable energy vibrations within your aura. You will
learn to activate the energies of the citrine by a very simple method to create changes in
your energy field. It is a very energizing energy. Once your vibrations are changed to
include this energy, you may share the effect with others both in person and at a distance.
It can be used to enhance many kinds of abundance including financial, love, health,
happiness and peace, and may be used in combination with other healing modalities.

Celestial Moon
The Celestial Moon Attunement is a powerful tool that can used for its inward healing rather
than physical healing techniques. Some of the benefits of this attunement are:

Helps to connect you with your personal dreams: you may find the power to bring your
intentions to life through recognition and visualization of your goals. The Celestial Moon can
be helpful at the start of projects or the beginning of times of change in your life. It helps
you to intensify your skills of looking forward and healing.

Gives us a profound sense of self-awareness: Celestial Moon can stimulate your ability to
learn and develop mentally, tapping into ancient wisdom and deep awareness. Your
enthusiasm may be stimulated for new adventures, getting started on new projects, seeing
alternatives and grasping new ideas instead of falling back into old habits, thus becoming
more fully in yourself. This attunement can help with clearing and cleansing, helping you to
grow and expand by connecting with universal wisdom.

Offers us youthful energy and exuberance: this attunement can stimulate sensuality, sexual
joy and creativity. This power and energy can be used for personal exuberance and fertility.
It helps you to welcome growth and change in your life and can reconnect you to your own
spirit and thus help you on your path.

Take us to a pace of emotional calm and tranquility: The Celestial Moon can help us to see
our many accomplishments, growth and changes we have made in our lives. Being in touch
with your abundance can support you on your spiritual path. It can help you to let go of
things that are no longer helpful to you at the moment, so that you feel more balanced and
peaceful during busy times.

Stimulating to all positive purpose and particularly protective in times of stress: The
Celestial Moon can help to air old problems and issues within your family and friends so you
can lay them to rest through contemplation of your emotional health and affirming your
connection to earth and experiencing the joy of being alive.

Bring us to the Wisdom: Celestial Moon can help you to find the balance and gratitude to
create your inner security and comfort, moving beyond ties of the past and clearly seeing
the way forward. It can support you in releasing old emotions that block your sense of
comfort and safety as you proceed on your journey in life. With clarity of vision you can
make the right choices with confidence.
Helps to rejoice, to recognize our own prosperity, it stimulates your dreams – helps us to see
further, and it stimulates the Bardic voice, so that we can speak our truth: this attunement
can support you when contemplating resolution of schemes and considering further
development in your projects, working both on inner and outer levels. You may want to
reach out more socially to participate in shared activities.

Helps us to release old patterns, prejudices and negative feelings, leaving us feeling buoyant
and full of Hope: Celestial moon can help with finishing projects and ending relationships.
You may see where you need to pause before continuing. It can also be useful when things
are going very well in your life by reminding you of the need for deep introspection, finding
what needs to be released from our subconscious.

Brings us to a place of tranquility, of inner and outer stillness: Celestial Moon is associated
with the love of family and clan, of home and community, affirming the bonds that help us
feel protected. During quieter times of less activity, when between jobs, relationships and
projects it reminds you of the value of anticipation, of being grounded and learning to just

Gives us a sense of completeness, providing the healing and wholing that we need to banish
negativity, and bringing us to a place of spiritual realignment: during these times of
evolution and transformation, preparation and awakening are vital for our Higher Self
Metamorphosis. Fear and uncertainty can be overcome as you are enabled to move forward
on your path, bringing fruition to your goals and plans.

This system is activated by intention both for yourself and others, both in person and at a

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

Colors of Tara Activations

The Colors of Tara Activations were channeled to infuse the essence of the colors of Goddess
Tara to assist you with your needs, dreams and desires.

Tara manifests in many forms. In this attunement she reveals herself in green, red, white,
black, yellow and blue.

GREEN TARA: Repel obstacles and help in time of need

Green Tara represents the collective power of Tara in all of her manifestations. She provides
help in time of need, rapidly repelling the obstacles standing in the way of success, conveys
speedy dispositions, grants wishes and helps to eliminate problems while providing safety
and protection.

RED TARA: Attraction and enchantment

Red Tara raises authority and the ability to enchant, convince, influence and charm. She
provides environments conducive to helping yourself and others. She also lends persuasive

WHITE TARA: Compassion, healing and wellbeing

White Tara represents the energy of a mother’s compassion and provides healing in all
areas. She counteracts and absorbs negative energy and disease, promoting long life. She
also bestows wisdom and good fortune.

BLACK TARA: Power and invincibility

Black Tara brings power and helps you to expand your personal power. She also subdues
evil spirits, and stops opposition to your spiritual aspirations, causing your intentions to be
invincible and fulfilled. She removes obstacles and doubt.

YELLOW TARA: Increase and good wealth karma

Yellow Tara is the Goddess of Abundance and Auspiciousness. She helps to increase
prosperity, brings good wealth karma and protects and increases assets. Call on her to
increase your spiritual power, life force and wisdom.

BLUE TARA: Removal of danger and luck increase

Blue Tara is the remover of danger, dark spells and hostility. She helps you to subdue
difficult people and cope with unfavorable situations. She also increases luck, helps with
spiritual awakening and destroys learning hindrances.

Founder: Zabrina

Compassion and Gifts of

Goddess Kuan Yin

The energies of this attunement connect you to the Goddess Kuan Yin and help with
compassion and forgiveness as well as the blessings of abundance. Kuan Yin can help you
to focus on goodness and to be less judgmental of both yourself and others. You can
connect to Kuan Yin to have her pour her healing waters over you and shower you with her
many gifts. Kuan Yin is a Bodhisattva who helps to end suffering of all humanity.
There is one symbol in this attunement. It also includes a nice ceremony for you to connect
with the energies and blessings of Kuan Yin.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Cowry Spirit Essence

The Cowry symbolizes the dominion and strength of the ocean and
the power of destiny. Cowry Spirit Essence is the infusion of ocean and the powerful Ocean

Cowry’s are carried or worn as magical amulets. This system boosts healing, love and
prosperity, infusing your energy field with its essence to magnetize your powers of love,
success, prosperity and fame.

Yellow cowries are linked to Goddess Lakshmi and are offered to please her. They can
enhance the money energy of your office or home with yellow cowry energy to insure an
effortless money flow. A yellow cowry can be infused with Cowry Spirit Essence to carry in
your pocket, to place on your computer, or to put in your cash box or wallet to increase
money, wealth and luck.

• Cowry Associations:
• Divination
• Opportunity
• Ocean Goddess Link
• Love
• Fertility
• Luck
• Destiny
• Wealth
• Mother of Water Protection
• Prosperity

Founder: Manuela Marques

Crystalline Reiki
Crystalline Reiki was developed to add a higher vibrational energy
that will give you a positive dimension to your existing Reiki healing work, as well as to your
everyday life. This attunement blends the scientific, technical, spiritual and metaphysical
aspects of crystals, alongside a balanced knowledge of intuitive knowing.

You do not need any crystals to start working with this attunement but as you delve more
deeply into this system you may find yourself wanting to build a crystal collection based on
your own personal needs, and those that you feel will benefit your clients as well. This
system is designed to work with etheric crystals equally as well as it does with physical

Crystals have been used in sacred rituals, healing and protection spells for hundreds, if not
thousands of years.

Reiki used on its own is an effective modality for healing body, heart and mind. Crystalline
Reiki moves you forward to expand your consciousness and gives you a unique energy tool
for healing both of self and others. During a Crystalline Reiki session, you can better focus
your intentions on a specific condition or complaint to be addressed. Crystal healing for pets
is another wonderful way to work with this system.

This extensive 238 page manual covers the following:

• Crystal Colors
• Cleansing Crystals
• Cleansing and Recharging spray
• Storing Crystals
• Charging Crystals
• Crystal Programming
• Crystal Deprogramming
• Etheric Crystals vs Physical Crystals
• Crystalline Reiki and Pets
• The Animal Chakra System
• Using Crystals for Personal Growth & Spiritual Development
• Crystalline Reiki and Self Care
• The Art of Inner Peace
• Meditation, including Meditation Practices
• Zen
• Be Kind to Yourself
• Life Balance – Work and Play
• Crystals for Sleep
• Spirituality and Personal Growth
• Crystals and Crystal Healing
• Crystals for Peace and Calm
• Stress Relief and Stress Management
• Crystals for Creativity
• Crystals for Weight Loss
• Crystals for Starseeds
• Crystals for Self Confidence
• High Vibrational Crystals
• Crystals for Psychic Abilities and Intuition
• Crystals for Personal Transformation
• Crystals for Hope and Faith
• Crystals for the Seasons
• Going Through Rough/Tough Times
• Crystals for Empaths/Hypersensitives
• Psychic Vampirism
• Crystals for Fear, Worry & Anxiety
• High Vibrational Crystals
• Crystals for Pain Relief
• Crystals for Lucid Dreaming and Dreamwork
• Crystals for Astral Projection
• Crystal Grids/Information, Examples, Templates
• Clearing the Chakras and Chakra Information Including Meditations
• Crystalline Reiki and the 3 Nadis: Ida, Pingala & Sushumna
• Atlantian Jewels – The Crystal Skulls of Atlantis
• How to Work with This System
• How to Create an Etheric Crystalline Reiki Orb
• Attunement Process
• Grid Master Symbol, Master Symbol
• Reiki Light Code Symbol
• Consent Form for Crystalline Reiki Healing Session
• Client Intake and Consent Form

Crystalline Reiki has 2 Levels – Practitioner and Master. Please leave at least 3 days between
each attunement.

Divine Mother Healing

Empowerment System

The energy of the Divine Mother Healing Empowerments is lent to us from Mother Mary,
Mary Magdalene, Kwan Yin, Lady Portia and Lady Nada, in their highest compassion and love
for humanity. Receiving this energy is a most blessed sacred, peaceful, loving and powerful

It offers the most profound healing to all who receive it as the Divine Mothers collectively
minister to you in the areas where you most need healing, wherever it is needed in mind,
body, soul or spirit.

During these attunement ceremonies the Divine Mothers will unfold their Mother light in the
pink petals of the rose of each of their hearts comforting you and showering you with
Motherly love and nurturance of mind, body and spirit. For those who wish to experience
deep, profound, healing love from the Divine Mother’s collective energy these
Empowerments are perfect for you. The Divine Mothers will sooth any source of spiritual,
emotional, physical and mental pain or problems.

The Six Empowerments included in the Divine Mother Healing Empowerments System:
The Mother Mary Empowerment
The Mary Magdalene Empowerment
The Kuan Yin Empowerment
The Lady Nada Empowerment
The Lady Portia Empowerment
Divine Mother Healing Empowerment

As you receive the empowerments the pristine healing light of the Divine Mothers will
nurture your spirit, your very soul, the core of your being, as well as your inner child. The
Divine Mothers will cradle and comfort your inner child, delivering the most powerful healing
imaginable, healing unresolved issues and trauma of childhood as well as negative patterns
that you have adopted as a result. Running this energy will resolve these past childhood
experiences, healing inner child issues so they no longer consciously or unconsciously
control your present behavior.

The Divine Mothers will honor you in Divine Light and Illumination for how much you have
grown as a person and in spirit giving the child within you the deserved acknowledgement
for all the baby steps you have made along your journey before and after you hit your adult
stride. The light of these loving Divine Mothers will clothe you in Divine Motherly Love
allowing your heart to blaze forth with Christ light as their unconditional love, compassion
and peace are poured upon you.

Activating the energy enables the Divine Mothers to hold you most close to their hearts in
Divine Love and Service, helping you to anchor more light and love from the Divine Heart as
well as healing the wounded aspects of your soul. You can feel the Divine Mothers’ presence
as you receive the energy. You will be able to feel the comfort, experience the etheric wiping
away of any tears and the cleansing of any sorrow held within you. You will certainly feel
their comforting, ministering, and healing presences as you receive and work with the Divine
Mother Healing Empowerments.

Using this system enables you to stand firm, facing and conquering any current difficulties. If
you are facing a difficult season to your soul the Holy Mother’s energies will help you to
endure this season by giving you strength and courage needed, assisting you in coping in
ways that serve your Highest God and bringing you peace at the same time.

The Divine Mothers will assist you in transmuting karma, raising your consciousness,
removing fear and doubt, releasing the cosmic Mother flow of Love for healing on all levels.
They send you the flame of transmutation and freedom to transmute the cause, effect,
record and memory of negative karma, melting hardness of heart, balancing old karma and
freeing you from baggage that you have carried around in this and other lifetimes. Negative
thoughts and painful memories, old hurts and wounds will be transmuted or healed.

The Divine Mothers’ energy supports you in loving and accepting yourself unconditionally as
well as loving and accepting others unconditionally. The altar of your heart will be cleared.
The Divine Heart within you will be magnified through working with this energy. The energy
will enter the inner altar, your heart of hearts, the sacred space, the chamber of the heart,
balancing and aligning, cleansing, clearing, healing this area so that your Divine Spark, the
threefold flame within the Secret Chamber is burning brightly, operating as it should be,
balanced completely as a requirement for the ascension.

This beautiful Divine Mothers’ aggregate Divine Light will flow into your being expanding the
center of your heart, the core of your heart, the heart chakra, and all its many chambers,
releasing any less than loving energies and balancing the entire heart region. Any energies
within your Sacred Heart that interfere with your ability to be in alignment with the Divine
Plan will be removed.

During activation of the energies your heart will be infused with the heart energy of Lady
Nada, Lady Portia, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Kwan Yin so that your heart and their
heart are one, experiencing a heart to heart connection to each of these beautiful Ascended
Masters. This will bind the love of your hearts together so that you experience the bliss of
the Divine’s loving embrace and presence within you. This allows you to have the heart of
these loving and compassionate Ascended Masters and their virtues, characteristics,
dispensations and divine qualities instilled in your heart. The love vibrations of your being
will increase.

The energy of these empowerments will profoundly support heart health. They will allow you
to walk your path in beauty and grace, and strengthen your faith and belief in the Divine for
Healing. The Four lower bodies will be balanced, making all things right in Divine love. As
you activate this energy you are healing your body, mind, soul and spirit, and restoring your
soul to balance and wholeness. Blocks in your energy flow will be cleared and released.
Therefore, any problematic issues in any area of your life, including but not limited to health,
money, financial issues, career/vocation, and relationships will no longer come from blocks
to the flow of your vital life force. Any blocked energy will be released.

Your Spiritual body will be cleansed completely. Any blocks to your spiritual gifts will be
removed so that all your spiritual gifts, abilities, wisdom and enlightenment within your soul
and spiritual body may be accessible as well as integrated into your mind.
Unneeded/Unwanted/Intrusive Negative Energy and emotions will be cleared so that only
positive emotions remain. Impurities, negative energy, stagnant energy, toxic energy and
any and all blockages will be released from your Etheric body so you anchor the higher
vibration energies from the Divine Source. All negative thought patterns, belief systems and
limiting/false beliefs/thoughts will be dispersed from your mental body.

Cleansing of the entire being, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, energy systems,
meridians, mind, body, spirit, chakras, aura, energy fields and soul will take place, dissolving
negativity of any kind with the highest vibrations of loving energy from the Divine Source.
Healing on all levels will be given. The energy will help you to develop Divine vision and to
hold the Highest Vision no matter what the situation.
Experience the Love of the Divine Mothers today! Share this love and compassion with All
and draw more love and compassion within you that you can give away, crating a new cycle
of Motherly Love and Healing to all of Humanity.

This extensive manual covers descriptions, Divine Qualities, and Dispensations of the Divine
Mothers. The Healing energies of this system may be used on yourself and for others. The
Empowerments can be used to heal, protect, restore, renew, purify, cleanse and clear any
area of focus in need, whether it is a part of the body, aura, situation, etc. They can be
activated individually or collectively. There are no limitations to use of this system.

For the first Empowerment you can receive the energies either in real time or by chi ball.
The remaining 5 Empowerments are sent by chi ball, one per day.

DNA 4 Success

DNA contains the genetic instructions of all known living organisms.

Its main role is the long-term storage of information and is often compared to a set of
blueprints or a recipe or a code, because it contains the instructions needed to construct
other components of cells. DNA 4 Success (can be read as DNA For Success) has benefits to
activating and healing your DNA. It increases physical health, body metabolism and immune
system, speeds up recovery after illness, etc. It can attract prosperity and good fortune and
increase creativity. It can attract others to love you more and make you happy. It can
change negative habits into positive ones, help with positive thinking and increase your

DNA 4 Success Meditation and a symbol are included in this system, and it also comes with
audio as well.

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

DNA Activation Series, 12

Strand, 24 Strand, 36
12 Strand DNA Activation

Your current DNA contains two active strands wrapped around each other in a double helix.
12 Strand Activation activates 10 more additional strands. You will be become a conscious
lightworker and will have heightened awareness, heightened psychic abilities, regeneration
of cells, a strengthened immune system, a greater connection to spirit guides, the angelic
realms and other dimensions, and much more.

Founder: Rosemary Noel


DNA contains the master plan of the Divine capabilities for your life and your purpose on
Earth. With 24 Strand DNA Activation you will progress toward a higher consciousness and
activation of additional dormant DNA strands and multi-dimensional integration will occur.
Your physical and spiritual lineage will be more defined. Your divine blueprint becomes
clearer and your brain capacity increases. You may receive more abundance and prosperity,
have more unconditional self-love, more clarity and increased brain capacity, find
understanding and fulfillment of your life purpose and so much more.

Prerequisite: 12 Strand DNA Activation.

There is a minimum seven day wait between levels.

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Dragon Force Infusion

Dragon Force Infusion infuses you with dragon energy and creates a strong
connection between you and the dragon. It is extremely powerful in all
dimensions, creating and aura of the dragon and activating the power of dragon
charisma. It gives a magnetism around your auric fields to attract what’s
beneficial for you, and repels what is harmful.

Dragon Force Infusion will unlock your wealth, health and self-esteem. It fills your
life with power and opportunities.

This system cleanses and purifies your energetic bodies from all negativities,
diseases any anything harmful… and also protects you from all of them.

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

Dragons of Light and

Empowerment Reiki

Dragons of Light and Empowerment Reiki connects you to the spirit of Dragons and creative
source. These Dragons seek to assist you with wisdom, healing, love and abundance. The
energies are fun, filled with love, and help you seek your power within. The Dragons are
powerful, and when you connect they will always be near and ready to assist you in your
time of need. Their soul light brightens your energies and lifts you with courage to be who
you truly are.
Dragons are very wise. They are fierce protectors of those they love and anything they have
been put in charge of. They guard the wisdom of the ages, revealing magick and the arts
only to those who will understand the powers they are working with and use it wisely.

Dragons bring good luck and good fortune. They never forget any good and kindness shown
to them, and they certainly never forget any harm or unkind thing you ever do to them. They
are very fair in the judgments and are very tolerant.

A symbol and a meditation are included it the manual to help you connect to the energy of
Dragons of Light Empowerment.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Eagle Of Light Brigade

Eagle Of Light Brigade is a beautiful and powerful physical and energetic experience. The
Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras are attuned by the Eagle Of Light Brigade’s energy
during the initiation, potentially to increase wealth and vitality. It enhances courage, brings
passion and physical strength, and allows these attributes to be tempered with mental
clarity and a joyful outlook. As a power Eagle Of Light Brigade has a wonderful reputation for
attracting wealth, money and luck. It also has some spiritual uses. The movement of light
makes it an excellent tool for vision or divination work.

Eagle Of Light Brigade is also a healing, too. It can help the flow of energy thought the body
which makes the energy very helpful in stress related illnesses. It is useful in slowing down
the third chakra and flushing out excess energy, and is an emotional balancer that softens
stubbornness and gives clear insight. It will ground and center, thus strengthening the
connection with will and personal power.

This system can also bring about a balance of energy between mental and physical health
because it works on the first, second and third chakras. It can help those who constantly
worry about their health, preventing hypochondria and psychosomatic illnesses. The energy
can also bring calm to stressful environments.

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

Earth Force Activation

Earth Force Activation is a great force that builds a powerful fortress
to protect us from physical harm and attacks of all sorts. It also protects from negative
entities. It grounds and neutralizes any negativities, also banishes negative sprits that
disturb you, your home, your office, factory, plantation, land, etc.

Activating this Earth Force will also infuse positive energy and blessings from Mother Earth
to you or your properties, and then make you or your properties become an abundance and
prosperity magnet.

A meditation is included in the manual to help you to use the energies of this system.

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

Energetic Alignment
Attunements 1 – 7

The Energetic Alignment Attunements are a series of seven energetic

empowerments designed to align you to the highest good in your life, gently
removing blockages and helping you to more easily create what you want in life.
Because the results of working with this system vary from one individual to
another, the energy is not meant as an instant fix although you may see a
remarkable improvement in a short period of time if you have experience in
working with energy and done a lot of clearing work.
The Seven Attunements and What They Work On:

1. Emotional body – emotional issues and energetic blockages.

2. Physical body – creating space for optimal physical health and well-being.

3. Energetic body – aligning subtle bodies and energies.

4. Relationship energy – helping relationships in the individual’s life to expand to

their highest potential.

5. Environmental influences – helping create positive space (home, work, office)

that support the individual’s success and well-being.

6. Work and purpose – guiding the individual to the right work and/ or life activities
that support their higher purpose.

7. Money and material well-being – providing space for positive money flow from
positive sources.

A symbol is provided for each alignment to assist you in working with the energy.

Founder: Stephanie Brail

Energetic Clearing Reiki

Energetic Clearing Reiki is a unique, powerful and effective method of releasing blockages in
the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy bodies. These blocks hold us back from
achieving success, happiness, love, health and abundant flow in all areas of our life. This
system also helps to clear the energetic spaces in our aura and electromagnetic energy

Energetic Clearing Reiki is also a powerful energetic shield that originates form our Higher
Self, runs throughout all our bodies and is grounded with the Earth. It permanently shields us
from all outside negative energies so that once the protection is fully established we cannot
be interfered with at any level. It protects us from low frequency, outside negative energies
and compliments or assists any other high energies we work with to further our spiritual
Some benefits of Energetic Clearing Reiki:
Clearing Energetic Spaces of Anger, Rage and Resentment
Clear the Aura and Electro-Magnetic Energy Field
Remove all Blocks to Abundance
Remove all Blocks to Self-Love
Clears the Central Channel
Clears the Central Nervous System
Clears the Chakras, Meridians, Nadis and All Other Energetic Systems
Remove any negative emotions (Depression, Hopelessness and Despair)
Clears the Emotional Body
Clears negative entities
Heal our relationships (Family, friendships, personal/intimate)
Clears the Mental Body
Clears the Monad
Clears and heals our Personal Finances
Clears the Personality/Multiple Personalities/Split Personalities
Clear and heal our Sexuality and Sexual Behavior and Expression

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

nergy Transference

Energy Transference LightWork connects you to your Higher Self and Spirit for
empowerment and raising your vibration. With these magickal energies you will learn how
to improve your life, enhance your psychic abilities and strengthen your healing energies.
This powerful attunement helps to speed spiritual growth, and protects so that only positive
energy transferences are allowed within your energy fields.

Energy transference is the moving of energy from one person, place or thing to another. It
can be done both consciously when you intend to, or unconsciously when it happens without
your intention. These are not spiritual energies, but instead are those that come “from
within you”, such as feelings of unconditional love. If we don’t cleanse ourselves of negative
energies they could also be transferred. With this attunement you will learn to transfer
negative energies in several ways so that they are not transferred to others, such as placing
them into a stone, and then either cleansing it or disposing of it, or by sending them into
Mother Earth for healing and transmutation into positive energies.
Two symbols will assist you in working with the energies of this system:

The Energy Transference LightWork Program Symbol:

This symbol can be used to send healing to people, places, things, animals, plants, etc., or to
transfer energies into an item such as a candle or a crystal. Once an item is charged with
any intention you program into it, you can then give it to another person to provide them
with a continuous flow of healing, or for prosperity, blessings or many other uses.

The Energy Transference LightWork Program Protection Symbol:

This symbol can protect you from negative energy transferences sent to you either
consciously or unconsciously to prevent them from entering your energy field or attaching to
you in any way.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Etheric Detoxification

Etheric Detoxification Flush is a powerful high energy that helps to

clarify thoughts, aids in detoxification and mental rejuvenation. It has a calming effect, is
useful for aura cleansing, performing body healing and speeds the recovery of all disease,
assisting in cancer curing, improving stamina, increasing body energy, increasing the power
of self-healing, slimming process to a healthy weight and heals physical energy blockages.

Etheric Detoxification Flush also has the ability to attract help, money, wealth and
prosperity. It cleanses your energy pathways and removes blockages. It helps to alleviate
anxiety, stress and depression

Founder: Argandini Titisari

Fairy LightWorker Program

Fairies are magickal being that are multidimensional. They
can move in and through the physical realm and their knowledge of quantum
physics allows them to move in and out of different dimensions. We rarely see
fairies with our physical eyes but we sense them, feel their presence and very
often can communicate with them psychically through telepathy or visions. This
Reiki System strengthens and connects you to specific Fairies so that you can
easily call for assistance with healing, abundance, magick, guidance, protection,
fertility, transformation, transition, strength, love, happiness and beauty.

There are 11 attunements for the Fairy LightWorker Program:

Greenman: The Greenman is a Nature Spirit that lives within plants. You may see
him peering out from vines, bushes, or trees, moving in the flash of an instant. He
is concerned with healing the Earth, Abundance, Prosperity, Fertility, and the use
of both Magickal and Medicinal Herbs. The Greenman will help your garden grow,
produce more flowers, greenery, fruits and vegetables, and help to heal sick
plants. The Greenman can help with healing for yourself and others, including
animals. This attunement includes:

Communication With Plants

To Heal Plants

To Make Healing or Magickal Herbs More Powerful For Your Use

Dryad: The Dryad is a Nature Deva, a Spirit of Nature. She is the Lady of the
Forest, protecting it and all of its creatures. She appears as a beautiful woman.
Because the Dryad must stay grounded she will become a tree at the time of the
full moon. The Dryad is a beneficial Nature Spirit who can cloak the wild animals,
plants and the entire forest if need be. She can help you with transformations in
your life and can protect you from harm. She works in Nature to preserve life and
restore balance and harmony to Nature, helps with healing yourself, others
including animals and plants, saving wildlife, endangered species and rainforests.
She can help you with grounding, remaining practical and adjusting to changes in
your life. This attunement incudes:

Moon Energizing

Dryad Glamour Magick


Woodland Nymph: The Woodland Nymph is a slender and shorter Fairy that lives
in the woods and can change into a plant, flower or bush in the blink of an eye.
They are sensual, agile and love to dance, all of life is a celebration to them. They
can help you with love and relationships, bringing love into your life, enhancing
your sensuality, joy and celebration of life and music and dance. This attunement

To Enhance Sensuality


Gnomes: Gnomes will protect your property, guard your trees, flowers and crops,
even during storms. They are very grounded to Mother Earth. They live in dead
wood, trees and stumps. They will protect your home, theirs and those of animals
and plants. The Gnomes love children and will help to protect them too. Call on
the Gnomes to guide you with gardening and planting crops as well as assistance
with abundance prosperity and learning to ground yourself. They will assist you
with your work and guide you towards good jobs and careers. Included in this

Protection For Your Property

Finding a Job or Achieving a Goal

Sylph: Sylphs are Air Fairies, usually female who are messengers of Spirit. They
carry messages on the winds, often appearing as a butterfly to carry a message
from those who have crossed over. If you are in need of guidance, or want to
communicate with someone who has crossed over the Sylph will help you and
offer guidance. Sylphs will also help you with transformation and inspiration, bring
you comfort and guidance in was to may gentle and easy changes to transform
your life, enhance your creativity, and open the way for improved intuition, and
psychic abilities. Included in this attunement:

Psychic Meditation

Star Fairy: The Star Fairy often appears as a glowing star or orb of light, mostly
seen at night. The Star Fairy can also appear in human like form with flowing
wings in any size. She brings hope and faith, encourages you to believe in magick,
believe in yourself and to follow your dreams. She will help you with self-esteem,
worthiness issues, give you the courage to reach for the stars and is a beacon of
hope and encouragement. If you have a setback the Star fairy will help you to try
again, her magick words are “I can. I can. I CAN!” Included in the attunement:

Courage and Strength

Pixies: The Pixies are the ones to call on for help with joy, happiness, curiosity,
and releasing the inner child. They will come into your home and take something
they like, something the love the energies of. If they are borrowing it and
intending on returning it they won’t leave anything, but if they are planning on
keeping it they will leave something in its place as fair payment for an exchange.
Although they are fun they can be quite a handful sometimes, playing tricks on
you, but they are always harmless and fun. As lovers of fun they won’t let you
rest until you have released the playful side of yourself and have some fun.
Included in this attunement:

To Dispel Depression

Stone Fairy: The Stone Fairies live in crystals and stones. You can feel a unique
energy coming from these stones. They do not mind you using the energies of
these stones and will happily help and enhance your healing or magickal work. If
you look closely you might see a glimpse of one looking back at you from inside
your crystal. The Stone Fairy is a healer and also offers wisdom. Included in this

Crystal or Stone Meditation – Information Extraction

Ice Fairy: Ice Fairies are very creative, good natured and full of fun, creating the
masterpieces of artwork you see in snowflakes and frost. They will help you with
beauty, love, creating and with freezing situations that are getting out of hand.
They will inspire you, open your eyes to beauty and grace, teach you to take the
time to enjoy the small things in life and fill your heart with laughter if you let
them. The Ice Fairies are fond of children who appreciate the slippery ice to slide
on and building snowmen. Their energies can be used to cool fevers, slow the
progression of some diseases and work to heal them. They can also cool down
any heated argument, dispute or disagreement. Included in this attunement:

To Stop Gossip

Water Sprite: The Water Sprite is the cousin of the Mermaid and can be seen as
sparkles of white dancing light on the water. They will move fairly close to you if
they sense that you are a kindred spirit. Sometimes they will send you a gift of
Nature such as a shell or a piece of driftwood. They can help you with purification,
releasing negativity, cleansing, recharging your energies and the blessings of
abundance and happiness. Included in this attunement:

Cleansing or Removing Negative Energies

River Queen – Coventina: Coventina is The River Queen, a Fairy Goddess known
to grant wishes to those who ask. She is a Goddess of peace, love, prosperity,
abundance, healing and Nature. A Dragonfly is sacred to her and she can appear
as one or any other form if she chooses. She protects and cares for the rivers,
streams and lakes, and all of the animals and plants that live there. She will
cleanse your aura, heals animals, calms restlessness and puts your mind at ease,
helping you through emotional trials and surrounding you with a soothing peace.
Coventina will bring you harmony, unconditional love, great prosperity and
happiness if you will accept these gifts. Included in this attunement:


Founder: Linda Colibert

Fertility and Joy of the

Rabbit Empowerment

Fertility and Joy of the Rabbit Empowerment quickly connects you to the spirit of the Rabbit
and creative source energy for healing and increased fertility in all its forms, and joyful
empowerment. The energies of fertility help with conceiving – birth, ideas, etc., and also with
increasing crops, abundance and yields of rewards in any area of your life. The energy of this
system enhances spiritual, physical and emotional healing.

The fertility that the Rabbit brings can be in any area of life. They are connected to the earth
element and bring abundance when you work with those energies. Rabbits are very
adaptable and have learned to survive in cities as well as in the wilderness. Their energies
teach us that the Earth is a fertile home and we are encouraged to take care of it.

One symbol is included in the manual to help you to connect to Fertility and Joyo of the
Rabbit Empowerment.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Gaea Goddess of Seasons,
Abundance, Fertility &
Love Empowerment

Gaea is Mother Goddess of the Seasons, Abundance, Fertility, Love, Healing, Empowerment
and Enrichment. She is credited with creating the Universe. In Greek mythology Gaea gave
birth to both the first race of gods (the Titans) and the first humans. She nourishes and cares
for Her children, and brings rich blessings. As a Goddess of the Earth, She was also an
Underworld Goddess who brought all her creations back to Her and destroyed as well as
created. Gaea as the ever-present Earth was invoked in oaths as a witness, and as one who
being All, knew all. She presides over marriages and oaths and was honored as a

The manual for this system includes:

Physical Characteristics
Divine Feminine Teaching
Chakra Advancement
Spiritual Life Lesson
Divine Alignment
Higher Service
Superhuman Powers

Goddess Gaea Will Help You With:

Enhancing your mystical powers in energy works
Bringing life essence to your life and of others
Giving great power in healing
Enhancing your telekinetic power
Enhance your energy treatments
Enhance your femininity
Fertility problems
Solving relations and love problems
Bringing love into your life
Enhancing clairvoyance for tarot reading and in dreams
Be more in contact with nature
Abundance and prosperity for yourself, business and others
Protection for yourself, children, house and business

Founder: Gabriela Yasmine Szafman

Gems of Hestia and Vesta

Hestia and Vesta, Goddesses of Hearth and Home can be called upon to bring domestic
happiness and home blessings, clearings and cleansings. They lend us their inner gems of
hearth and home bringing health and strength, blessing us with love, nurturance,
nourishment, warmth, abundance, well-being, wholeness, bountifulness, warm welcome,
safety, protection, ability to increase romance, harmony and unity among others and resolve

There are so many gems of Spirit that these loving Goddesses lend to us. The energies of
this system will bring out our forgiving and non-judging, unconditionally loving and
accepting, caring and helpful natures so that we can create more love and trust in our
relationships with others.

The Goddesses can be invoked to aid us in meditations and help us focus our attention
inward. They are Goddesses of meditation and a balanced lifestyle. They can help us find
ways to express the exalted aspects of love.

These Goddess energies bring us self-control and self-discipline, the ability to control our
thoughts and to think before we speak or act. They bring us the ability to be self-sufficient
individuals who get our sense of self from within rather than without or within others.

As we bring out our innate Goddess like virtues of mildness, gentleness, forgiveness,
peacefulness, sereneness, dignity, calmness, security, stability, and balance and
centeredness we allow our whole Goddess self to emerge and bless the world with an
abundance of goodness.
Some of the Gems we find within these energies are our unique female energy, our true
feminine aspect. These Goddesses encourage us to receive information from within us. They
can help us to observe what is unworthy within ourselves and allow their fires to purge us of
these things. Hestia and Vesta share their warm, comforting, nurturing and welcoming
energies with us through this healing system so that our souls can be soothed and feel at
perfect peace.

The 35-page manual includes a ritual for house clearing, cleansing and blessing to remove
negative energies, entities, and spirits, from your home. This ritual can be used in your
home, office or any building. There is a meditation for clearing, cleansing self of negative
energies and a ritual for programming a special gem from the Goddesses. This system uses
one symbol and is a master level attunement.

Founder: Tracey Loper

God’s Blessings With

Archangel Barakiel

Archangel Barakiel is the Angel of Blessings who stands before God

or those in need. He will intercede for you or your loved ones behalf.

There is no need to small for Barakiel’s intercession. Send him your prayer requests. Call on
Barakiel for help with success when success seems impossible. Call on him for abundance,
luck, gaming, protection from lightning in storms, joy and positivity.

Barakiel is said to be the commander-in-chief of all the guardian angels. He will intercede
and operate alongside your personal guardian angel for manifesting a blessing for you.

When your energy field is infused with God’s Blessings With Archangel Barakiel energy you
turn on the light switch to blessings from heaven.

Founder: Manuela Marques

God’s Loosening Power

God’s Loosening Power energy system conveys to you the energetic support for Angels to go
forth and fight your behalf to loosen the bonds of wickedness in your life. This system brings
you the sanctioning to “bind the strongman”, loosen the deceptive holds and destroy the
magical enchantments from others that surround you.

You can petition God’s loosening Angels to enfold their wings around you when attacks are
shot like arrows. They will position themselves around you to keep you sheltered from the
attacks of your enemies and loosen the enemy’s ability to initiate the onslaught. This system
facilitates revealing the deceiving and destroying spirits of the enemy and brings
restoration, grace and mercy.

God’s Loosening Power energy and your loosening angels provide formidable light filled
assistance to loosen abundance, seemingly unmovable career paths, faith, disease,
relationships, sickness, depression, hopelessness, confusion and pain.

Invoke this energy where there is a need to purify and clear negative entities, astral
parasites and the hooks of your enemies.

Founder: Manuela Marques

Goddess Aeracura

Goddess Aeracura is a Celtic and Germanic Goddess who multitasks as an Earth Mother,
Fairy Queen and a bridge between life on earth and the hereafter. She is especially fond of
assisting artists and inventors. Her role is to help us put our goals and challenges into
Aeracura is a Goddess devoted to blossoming, reminding us that the journey and
manifestation are parts of the adventure. Her message is: “You are just getting started, so
have patience with yourself and the process and do not give up on yourself.”

Call upon Goddess Aeracura for:


The manual includes correspondences for Aeracura.

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Goddess Aine

The Celtic Goddess Aine is best known as the Fairy Queen of Munster. She is a
fairy healing Goddess, a moon Goddess and a love Goddess. She encourages love
in humans, knowing to fix a hopeless couple when called upon. She an be invoked
for love spells, fertility, fairy, magick, abundance, prosperity, punishing sex
crimes, keeping magical vows, revealing faeries, bearing magical children and
elaving unsuitble mates. She is connected with the sun and the moon, and is
sometimes celebrated during the Summer Solstice. Goddess Aine is the patroness
of crops and cattle.

Goddess Aine is a triple Goddess. In her Maiden aspect she has the ability to
reward her devotees with the gift of poetry. As a Mother Goddess she is
associated with lakes and wells with great powers of healing. In her third aspect of
the Dark Goddess she has the ability to appear to mortal men as a woman of
great beauty to spellbind them.
The manual includes correspondences, tales and legends of Goddess Aine.

Founder: Elizabeth (Midnightowl) Hibel

Goddess Auset Ankh

Energy Matrix

Goddess Auset – Ankh Energy Matrix was channeled to connect you to the energy of the
ankh and Egyptian Goddess Auset. Goddess Auet (Iset, Aset, Eset, Isis) is the Egyptian
Queen of Heaven and Mistress of Magic and an Ankh Goddess. She is proficient in divination,
healing, power and wisdom.

The Ankh is the key to life, eternal life and rebirth. Mirrors in Egypt were fashioned into the
shape of an Ankh. These were said to give the owner the spiritual gift of intuitive sight to see
into other worlds.

Goddess Auset – Ankh Energy Matrix may be used to energize your life force and to
supercharge your spiritual powers. It can be used for protection and healing.

This system strengthens your connection with the Divine and Mother Earth to surround your
life with good fortune, abundance and rebirth, to allow you to move forward with power.

Goddess Auset – Ankh Energy Matrix will bless our life with expansive spiritual power and
Divine knowledge.

Founder: Ferry Puthut Handoko

Goddess Fortuna
Goddess Fortuna bestows fertility upon lands, seeds, humans and your endeavors.
She will teach you how to use Her energy of fertility in life. She can be called upon
to bring Feminine Divine Fortune to positively influence your health and monetary
condition. Goddess Fortuna brings you a deep filling energy that causes your cells
to vibrate in alignment with fortune so that you attract all you want in life! Her
energy strengthens you and brings benefit to arrive from any situation.

Qualities of Goddess Fortuna’s energy:

Feels full and invigorating
Supports you from the inside out, giving you the inner strength to move forward
Is the vibrational positioning of being fortunate meaning having more than you
need and the health to enjoy it
Fortifies your energy field so you can use the cosmic laws of attraction
Opportunities will arrive to you
Causes you to look at situations with new eyes and from the perspective of a
person wise beyond your years
Installs confidence to step forward and humility to ask for help upon your path
Shifts possibilities to your benefit
Assists lands to become fertile, lakes to be healthier for fish, streams and rivers
self clean their water

Goddess Fortuna is a feminine personification of Divine Bounty. She attends to the

fertility of land, spores, seeds, beans, and eggs of fish, fowl, animal, amphibian,
human, reptile and other life forms on Earth. Her message for you is about
fertility. “Fertility is both the potential and ability to grow, transform and become
all that you are to be. I bring you fertility of thought brought manifest into your
physical reality. I bring you fertility of your inner being to overcome pain and
wounds so you can do the work to fulfill your responsibilities to you and yours. I
bring you fertility of spirit so ye be in flow with Divinity, full of LOVE.”

Founder: Mariah Windsong Couture

Goddess of Pure Potential

The Goddess of Pure Potential Empowerment connects you to the

Goddess of personal power and your creativity that exists within. The very essence of all
that ever has been, is now, or ever will be, exists deep within your heart and is nestled in the
seat of your soul. The energies of this attunement connect you to the very source of pure
potential, the Goddess of life that keeps the fires of passion burning, to bring form to
thoughts, ideas, and desires, through creativity. The Goddess of Pure Potential comes
forward to empower you to create your life as you wish it to be. “Find your passion,” She
whispers, “and give it life through love and joy.”

The Goddess of Pure Potential lives within you. She touches your heart, sparks the magick in
your soul, and lights the fire of passion within. She is Goddess of Earth, Sea, Sky, and Flame.
The Goddess of Pure Potential breathes life into your dreams and desires, and works her
Magick to draw Success to you. It is She, who whispers truth into your ear, and it is She, who
inspires your visions of the wonders that can be.

The Goddess of Pure Potential is the feminine aspect of your being, and her connections to
the elements increase the energies of any work you may choose to do. She encourages you
to move with grace, with purpose, and with confidence. If there is an issue to deal with, it is
the Goddess of Pure Potential, which opens the path and presents all choices so that you can
see clearly every direction. You only need to ask for Her guidance to receive the answer and
know clearly your path of power.

The Goddess of Pure Potential can open the way for you to increase your income, start a
successful business, and do the work that you enjoy. She can guide you to the steps
necessary for bring family harmony, peace of mind, and love into your life. She can teach
you the way to joy and laughter, and she can inspire you to heal your body, mind, and spirit.
The Goddess of Pure Potential lives within you, and She lives in all that is. She is life! She is
love! She is abundance, good health, and light. She is everywhere you look, in everything

You have unlimited potential. What is your vision of the person you wish to be?

One symbol is included in this system to help you to connect to the energy of the Goddess of
Pure Potential

Founder: Linda Colibert

Gold and Silver

This attunement is part of a series that includes:

Purple Prosperity Reiki
Gold and Silver Abundance
Joyful Wealth Reiki

The easy to use energies of the Gold and Silver Abundance Reiki system connect you to the
creative source for empowerment, help you to ascend into abundance consciousness, and
help you to draw abundance of good things in all areas of your life. It assists you to draw
positive opportunities and guidance in what actions to take to manifest the Abundance in
financial, relationships, health, and protection areas of your life that you desire to improve.
The energies help in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual expansion that allow you to be
ready to receive the Abundance in life that you desire.

Although these three systems can be used separately for powerful results, they will all work
together to enhance the energies of each of them if you choose to use them together to help
difficult money issues to resolve and heal more quickly, bringing positive prosperity and
abundance faster than it would normally take.

In pagan spirituality Gold represents God and Silver represents Goddess, male and female
energies, yang and yin to balance and create all that you desire in a positive way for your
highest good. These are the energies you will be connected to by Gold and Silver
Abundance Reiki, helping you to draw the opportunities of abundance into all areas of your
life. In order to use all three systems in Wealth Trilogy Reiki you must be attuned to each

There is one symbol included in the Gold and Silver Abundance attunement.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Gold and Silver

This attunement is part of a series that includes:

Purple Prosperity Reiki
Gold and Silver Abundance
Joyful Wealth Reiki

The easy to use energies of the Gold and Silver Abundance Reiki system connect
you to the creative source for empowerment, help you to ascend into abundance
consciousness, and help you to draw abundance of good things in all areas of your
life. It assists you to draw positive opportunities and guidance in what actions to
take to manifest the Abundance in financial, relationships, health, and protection
areas of your life that you desire to improve. The energies help in physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual expansion that allow you to be ready to receive
the Abundance in life that you desire.

Although these three systems can be used separately for powerful results, they
will all work together to enhance the energies of each of them if you choose to use
them together to help difficult money issues to resolve and heal more quickly,
bringing positive prosperity and abundance faster than it would normally take.

In pagan spirituality Gold represents God and Silver represents Goddess, male and
female energies, yang and yin to balance and create all that you desire in a
positive way for your highest good. These are the energies you will be connected
to by Gold and Silver Abundance Reiki, helping you to draw the opportunities of
abundance into all areas of your life. In order to use all three systems in Wealth
Trilogy Reiki you must be attuned to each system.

There is one symbol included in the Gold and Silver Abundance attunement.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Gold Dust Reiki

The energy of Gold Dust Reiki works on many levels. Its energizing and amplification abilities
are truly a gift from the spirit.

Use Gold Dust Reiki to:

 Draw wealth
 Balance chakras
 Attract happiness
 Project beauty
 Remove depression
 Stabilize emotions
 Boost energy
 Heal nervous system disorders
 Open third eye – psychic abilities
 Amplify the energy of other systems
 Benefit Gullian-Barre, Multiple Sclerosis, Migraines & Cluster Headaches, Parkinson’s
Disease, Spinal Cord Injuries and Seizures.
 Help with heart and vascular disease, arthritis and skin disorders

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Golden Sun Star

Golden Sun-Star opens a blocked or unawakened third eye. It heals
the third eye and soma chakras after psychic trauma or restrictions. This energy facilitates
visualization, grounds spiritual vision and connects to higher spiritual forces. Golden Sun-
Star is uplifting to the spirits and imparts the ability to face life’s challenges. It disperses
dark moods and brings emotional balance. It unites base, sacral and solar plexus chakras
blocked by criticism and disapproval.

This system imparts abundant energy and stabilizes the link between the physical and
subtle bodies, enhancing sexuality and enters every cell of the body, recharging and
invigorating cell functions, imparting physical and psychological strength. The energy
enhances ones physical vitality and brings more energy into the auric field. It is an energy
pattern of the new consciousness when the great transformation of humanity takes place.

It is stimulating to the auric field and meridians, acting as a prism for soul-level energy,
infusing the aura with a rainbow spectrum of light. During healing this energy enhances and
strengthens the energy of other modalities and provides protection from electromagnetic
fields created with electronics and computers.

Golden Sun-Star brings mental and emotional balance. It has been used to provide contact
with the “fairy kingdom”, bringing openness and receptivity to tranquility and abundance
and can favorably influence the outcome of lawsuits, petitions and judgments. It directs
energy to where it is needed most to stimulate, heal, recharge, and re-motive. It imparts an
energy of sovereignty and eliminates self-sabotage. It is a manifestation energy and
increases the flow of abundance into your life.

Golden Sun-Star aids the digestive system, fortifies the nerves and stimulates the immune
system. it supports and oxygenates the blood, liver, and spleen, and overcomes anemia. It
brings the body into balance and is excellent for soothing burns. It is an excellent energy for
those prone to nervous exhaustion or physical depletion. This energy increases vitality, is
highly programmable and can amplify our intention in any area especially those inspired by
love and compassion. It uplifts your mood and puts you into a state of serenity and peace,
allowing you to perceive and receive the love energies of higher planes. It is beneficial for
emotional trauma and hurt, and multi-dimensional cellular healing.

It is very simple to use the energies of this system. It can be activated by intention or with
use of the symbol provided in the manual. You can use Golden Sun-Star in a standard Reiki
session or send it via distant healing. The energy can guide you to an area of the body
where an old wound may be stuck. You will also learn to activate the Golden Sun-Star
Energy shower, which is the primary technique of this modality. The shower has all the
benefits of the system
Golden Unicorn Healing
and Empowerment Reiki

Golden Unicorn Healing and Empowerment Reiki connects you to

the unicorns in general, and specifically to the Golden Unicorn. The loving energies bring
great healing in all areas of your life – physical, mental and spiritual. The sacred healing
ceremony included in the manual will walk you through a powerful meditation healing that
can be used to help yourself and others. The symbol given will help you to connect quickly
and easily so that you can use the energies anywhere, whenever you need a boost of loving,
healing energy to get you through the day or trying situations.

This system can also be used for guidance and prosperity and money issues.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Green Trilogy

There are three levels in this attunement. Each level has one symbol associated
with it.

Level one: Greenman:

The Greenman energies are connected to Nature Devas. The Greenman is an
Earth Spirit, a wild and raw energy of Nature. He often appears to those he trusts,
in the form of a Tree or Bush. His blessings are fertility and bountiful crops. The
symbol can help you to communicate with plants. This level helps with fertility,
gardening, healing Mother Earth, prosperity and joy.

Level two: Green Fairy

The Green Fairy is a Nature fairy that is able to meld in and out plants. The
magickal Green Fairies can help you with healing yourself, animals and others as
well as connecting you to the energies of youthfulness, happiness and laughter.
The Green Fairy can also help you to clear your aura. The symbol at can help to
increase the energies of your magickal workings and a ritual is provided to assist
with your endeavors.

Level three: Power of the Green

This level connects you to the magickal energies of the Plant Kingdom and Mother
Nature. These energies can assist you with healing, magick, love and abundance.
A basic list of herbs and plants is discussed that correspond with various magickal

The energies of each level of this system can be used separately or together for
power healing, magick and joy!

Founder: Linda Colibert

Greenwoman – Sacred
Mother of the Woods

Greenwoman – Sacred Mother of the Woods brings positive energies for healing,
fertility, abundance and free spirit joy. The Greenwoman is the Lady of the Forest
and Guardian of the plants and animals. The energies of this attunement connect
you quickly to the Greenwoman and to your higher self for empowerment and joy.

The Greenwoman is one with all that grows in the forest. She protects all in her
woods and brings forth fertility of flowers, trees and animals. She may appear to
those who ask of pure and gentle heart. She is able to transform herself into
plants and on rare occasions may appear as an animal.

The Greenwoman will help you with healing, as plants are healing and often life
sustaining as food, medicine and energy. She will help you with fertility and
abundance of reproduction and growth of animals, plants and people. She will
assist you with bringing playfulness into your life. If you are taking things too
seriously, Greenwoman will lighten your oppression and bring laughter to you for
healing and joy.

A symbol is included in this system to help you to connect to the energies of

Greenwoman – Sacred Mother of the Woods.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Heart Of Gold 999

Heart of Gold 999 removes blockages about money. It was received from a Being
of Light from the Pleaides. After your initiation the energy bridge opens to
money’s power with a strong magnetic effect. The energy gives you money,
valuable things and wealth with regular activation.

When ever you are in need of using this system communicate with it and sit in
meditation. The results will come quickly as in the Universe and parallel universes
is connected. Desires linked to money will be realized. Your desires are already
fulfilled in a parallel reality. With the help of the energy of Heart of Gold, your
energy and power of imagination help your desire to become implemented.
This is an energetic, magnetic bridge to parallel facts that you create at a time
when you dream and wish for something. Using visualization and the energy of
Heart of Gold 999 brings your dreams and wishes to you.

Founder: Melanie Kirana Fisher

Heaven-Earth Essence

Heaven-Earth Essence was channeled to clean or purify you from any negatives and
negative karma from the past and present time which has become blockages for blessings
and positive things to flow to your life. The main purpose of this Essence is after we are
cleansed and purified, the blessIngs from Heaven and Earth can flow freely in your life.

Positive energy will always fill and surround you to attract good luck, abundance and
prosperity from all directions. Heaven-Earth Essence also helps to accelerate your success in
business by opening many new possibilities and opportunities to expand and grow.

Founder: Hari Andri Winarso

High Dolphin Healing

High Dolphin Healing Frequency is channeled to help us to
bring joy, movement, creation, love, abundance and an opening of heart as never
before. It serves as a bridge to All That Is, that we, and our Divine Self co-create
our experience with the energy and consciousness of the dolphins. Dolphins are
related to the flow of consciousness of the Ocean of the Universe.

This system of miraculous healing energy is useful in reducing psychological

problems and developmental disabilities. It is good for dealing with depression,
has had positive results with autistic children and others with ‘special needs’,
balances our emotions and mood, increases our intelligence and energizes our life
in a positive manner either for our self or within social interaction.

High Dolphin Healing Frequency increases our regenerative ability that is helpful
to recover from wounds or injuries. It helps to relieve pain and is anti-bacterial or

This high frequency of Dolphins helps us to learn:

Greater self-love and acceptance
Healing on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
Deep inner peace
Profound inner joy
Permission to PLAY!
Harmonious relationships
Increased self-responsibility – the strength and trust to speak your truth and to
stand on your own two feet in the world
Increased connection to the natural world
More freedom; less fear in life
Manifestation of your deepest heart’s desires

A meditation is included in the manual to help you connect to the energy of High
Dolphin Healing Frequency.

Founder: Jalu Wasonoadi

High Leap Business

High Leap Business Empowerment helps you in creating a high leap in your business, and
you will be helped to prepare all your necessary measures. This energy helps you to start
moving actively in strengthening the basis of your business in order to always be able to
benefit and to use sufficient time to improve your knowledge so you can adapt quickly in
varied conditions and environmental changes. You are helped to be able to bequeath the
properties and code of ethics, spirit and a noble purpose in workers or your colleagues in
order to collect support and energy to flow in a positive direction. This large energy vortex
can attract a lot of positive possibilities and helps encourage you to bring forth the evolution
of your business.

The energies of this system empower you to do cleaning, healing and treatment for yourself
and your place of business and may also be used for others. You also will be able to activate
High Leap Business Empowerment for your office or business. A meditation given in the
manual helps you to further connect to the energies.

Founder: Jalu Wasonoadi

High Magnetic Abundance

Booster Infusion
High Magnetic Abundance Booster Infusion system increases the
influx of income for all lightworkers who are boldly and fearlessly pursing the path intended
for them this lifetime. Specifically this system is for magnification of abundance and wealth
arriving to you and your web store, business, home business, charity or group.

High Magnetic Abundance Booster Infusion does not focus on manifesting money alone,
which may possibly limit the abundance channels that the universe releases. Abundance is
a loftier aspiration than money. It arrives once you are open to all of the possible potentials
the universe can provide to you rather an attachment to a particular outcome. Once you
release attachment to an outcome, you free up Source to create the highest Divine supreme
form of plenty for you.

According to the founder of this system, Rosemary Noel, the magnetic force of the
abundance booster infusion energy was initially created by momentum from Earth’s
powerful magnetic field. Next, this momentum was expanded to draw from all the galaxies
and dimensions in the Universe.

High Magnetic Abundance Booster Infusion also removes any blocks to abundance,
prosperity, success and increases creativity and growth.

You may direct this energy wherever you need assistance for yourself, and may also direct it
for others with their permission to their websites, business situations and conditions.

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Isis Unveiled Radiance

Maya, the founder of Isis Unveiled Radiance Healing states in the
manual that she experienced some intense healing spontaneously during her work with
Goddess Isis during the Solstice and Supermoon convergence in June 2013. The profound
effects were still intensely felt days later, prompting her to enter into a period of meditation
and prayer devoted to Goddess Isis in her unveiled aspect. This form of Isis expresses the
deepest feminine lunar currents and is associated with magick, ritual, psychic work,
Women’s mysteries, fertility, abundance and creativity in all forms.

Reconciliation of opposites whereby the one is made whole, is an essential goal of magick
and other mystical traditions. With our conscious acceptance and forgiveness of ourselves
we can attain to higher frequencies and planes on our ascension journey. Honestly
considering any aspects of yourself that you feel hesitant to accept or embrace and working
with the energies of this attunement and meditation can lead to your healing and help your
natural progression to ascension and wholeness.

There are three attunements for this system. The function of each is to reinforce your
paradigm shift on different levels.

1. Imprints the pattern within your mind, setting the stage for your conscious embrace of the
process and commitment to the process.

2. Imprints the same pattern of expression on your body.

3. Imprints the pattern on your Light Body – the etheric energy body that coexists with your
mind and physical bodies and is the gateway to your Higher Self.

Founder: Rev. Dr. Anna Louise May

Journey To The Divine Self

Activations And Clearing
The Journey to the Divine Self Activations and Clearings Program includes ten activations
and clearings designed to help you not only remember the Divine Self but to actually
embody your Divine Self. It will help you to remember who you are and to bring your Divine
Self into your body so that your physical body is transformed into the body of radiant light
you are intended to be. The awesomeness and radiance of your Light will be activated!
These clearings and activations will accelerate your spiritual evolution as a soul, aiding you
in your spiritual enlightenment in such a way that your awareness and consciousness is
expanded beyond the limitations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

This system provides you with an opportunity for accelerated growth and enlightenment.
You can become a stronger pillar of Divine Light and Peace so that you make better choices,
take the highest path,attract positive and loving relationships, commit to self love and care,
recognize the Divine Self in others, open to opportunities and prosperity in your life, and be
free to express your purpose for this incarnation. As a result of working with these energies
you will find that your hopes, dreams and goals will expand because you will be free of old
programming which has limited your ability to succeed and distorted desires of the heart.

You will be able to manifest the desires of your heart more quickly and easily. During the
process of healing you will experience passionate feelings about what you create in life,
greater confidence in your abilities, a new sense of prosperity and flow of abundance, have
greater self -confidence and become your highest expression as a soul. You will be able to
see through the illusions about people and situations that used to trigger feelings of
hopelessness, upset, low self esteem, shame, guilt. This will enable you to make better
conscious choices in your life. You will be empowered to speak truth from the heart and with
love, compassion and respect for All. Clear communication, guidance from the heart and
soul, will allow you to discern what is best for you, your life, path, attention and energy.
Proper heart and soul in sacred union with the mind and ego will be restored.
The Activations and Clearings:

*Heart Clearing – Releases any less than loving, false, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings for self
and others. Releases thoughts, energies, feelings, that impede your ability to hear the voice
of the Divine Self. Clears anything that blocks you from recognizing and knowing your wiser,
Divine Self. Transmutes negative self -images, judgments, criticisms, and thoughts that keep
you stuck in believing you cannot succeed in your life and on your path. Removes old and
constrictive beliefs about yourself and others.

*Heart Activation – Activates the ability to think loving, unconditional thoughts about self
and others. You will be able to hear the voice of your Divine Self and know the wisdom of
the Divine Self. Brings forward positive self- images, affirmations, encouragements, and
thoughts, so that you can succeed in all areas of your life and path. You will be able to
attract more money, abundance, and loving relationships.
*Mind/Mental/Subconscious Body Clearing – Releases illusions and or mental concepts that
keep you from knowing and seeing what your next steps are to be on your path, and what
keeps you from following the higher path. It will free you from thought forms that imprison
you and keep you bound to a life that is less than joyful. You will find the freedom to not
settle for less than what the Divine desires for you. Old patterns of constrictive and addictive
behaviors and thoughts will be dissolved. Past negative and painful memories stored in your
subconscious will be released.

*Mind/Mental/Subconcsious Body Activation – Activates the ability to know instinctively what

your next steps are to be on your journey and path so that you create the highest possible
realities for yourself. You will be inspired to ask the Divine Self to help you so that you can
access the infinite wisdom within the Divine aspect of yourself. As a result, you will open to
opportunities and prosperity your mind filtered out before. Greater mental acuity and clarity
and the ability to make decisions in your life will come forward.

*Emotional Body Clearing – This clearing will dissipate thoughts, feelings, beliefs that stop
you from creating the life you desire and the life the Divine desires for you. It will remove
lower natures such as doubts that keep you from the higher path. It will remove attachments
that keep you recreating the same past mistakes. It will free you from fears of the unknown,
change, risk taking and or simply living as your Divine Self.

*Emotional Body Activation – This activation brings you profound inner peace, clear your
connection to your Divine Self’s guidance, bring you freedom from fear, worry and doubt so
that you can live happily, joyfully and freely. You will feel fresh and lighter as emotional
upsets will become rare. It will deepen your emotional and intimate connection with your
Divine Self so that you have a greater understanding of who you really are, why you are
here, and what you came to the Earth plane to do. Situations that used to feel challenging
will no longer feel stressful. The old programming will be replaced with new expansive
thoughts and choices.

*Spiritual Body Clearing – This clearing will help to release things that are keeping you stuck
in your life path. It will release anything that drains your energy or robs you of your serenity.
It will remove any lesser energies holding you back. It will heal any cause of circumstances
in your life, which are negative so that you do not recreate things that serve as blocks on
your path.

*Spiritual Body Activation – This will allow you to move upward and onward on your path of
purpose in life. It will bring you strength, courage and power. This activation rejuvenates
you, bringing you feelings of peace, serenity, harmony, unity, power and connectedness to
All. It will aid you so that you in discovering the work that is in alignment with your soul’s
purpose and establish a strong connection with your Wise Inner Advisor.

*Physical Body Clearing – This clearing will get rid of stress that is creating physical disease
in your body. It will heal your body and free you of pain.
*Physical Body Activation – This will activate your higher, wiser self into your physical body,
and create an energetic seal that you do not store pain in your body.

The first Activation can be received either as a chi ball (Orb of Life) or in real time. The
remaining Activations and Clearings are sent by chi ball only.

Founder: Tracey Loper

Joyful Wealth Reiki

This attunement is part of a series that includes:

Purple Prosperity Reiki
Gold and Silver Abundance
Joyful Wealth Reiki

Joyful Wealth Reiki connects you to the energies of Spiritual Creative Source and
your higher self. The energies of this attunement help to realign your energies
with happiness and joy in order to bring more wealth into your life. Being joyfully
wealthy means being in harmony with all that you need and following your true
path. When you love what you do and love yourself to take care of yourself joy
comes into your life brining all the wealth you love you need and more. This
system helps you to fulfill your highest potential for the highest good by realigning
your energies to a higher vibration.

Although these three systems can be used separately for powerful results, they
will all work together to enhance the energies of each of them if you choose to use
them together to help difficult money issues to resolve and heal more quickly,
bringing positive prosperity and abundance faster than it would normally take.

Being Joyfully Wealthy is a way of life in which you give and receive, and feel good
about yourself, giving your life value. You must value yourself, your ideas, your
thoughts, your hopes and reams as well as giving and receiving. Feeling worthy is
a part of being truly wealthy because wealth is more than just money, though
having money is a part of it. Compassion, love and kindness are all a part of Joyful

One symbol is included in Joyful Wealth Reiki.

Founder: Linda Colibert

Lakshmi & Lord Vishnu

Lakshmi is the Goddess of Good Fortune. She can take away poverty
and misfortune, bring joy, riches, harvest and children. She power, luxury, beauty, fertility
and auspiciousness.

Lakshmi represents the beautiful and bountiful aspects of nature. She bestows power,
pleasure and prosperity to those who deserve her grace. To realize her, you must respect
the laws of life and appreciate the wonders of existence. As an Earth Goddess she is the
Goddess of means of achieving objectives including prosperity into the lives of mankind.

Lord Vishnu is brings peace. He is a loving preserver of life, righteousness, truth and
Universal shelter. The vehicle of Vishnu is the Garuda Eagle, the king of birds. When he
travels with Lakshmi, together they bring peace and good fortune to all who desire them.
They empower us with the courage and speed to spread peace and knowledge amongst all
and bless us with good fortunes. Combined, they give us wisdom, peace, good fortune and
not greed and blindedness fo things we do not need or desire.

Working with this energy can do the following and more:

Help you to manifest your desires while having peace in every area of your life
Restore peace to your life
Bring beauty into your life
Bring good fortune
Bring fertility
Bring courage
Bring abundance and prosperity into all areas of your life
Bring righteousness and truth into all areas of your life

Founder: Nicole Lanning

Lakshmi Dreams Come

Lakshmi is the Goddess of Bounty, Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth. The Hindu people
believe that anyone who reveres her with genuineness and authenticity will be blessed with
good luck and fortune. She is worshiped by prayer, the yantra, the mantra, the offerings,
chanting or meditating on her likeness.

Lakshmi cannot abide laziness. This attunement helps to remove that.

The manual for Lakshmi Dreams Come True includes a description of Lakshmi’s aspects, or

Good fortune

Founder: Zabrina.

Lakshmi Dreams Come

Lakshmi is the Goddess of Bounty, Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth. The Hindu people
believe that anyone who reveres her with genuineness and authenticity will be blessed with
good luck and fortune. She is worshiped by prayer, the yantra, the mantra, the offerings,
chanting or meditating on her likeness.

Lakshmi cannot abide laziness. This attunement helps to remove that.

The manual for Lakshmi Dreams Come True includes a description of Lakshmi’s aspects, or

Good fortune

Founder: Zabrina

Lakshmi Golden Good

Fortune Activation
Lakshmi is an Indian Goddess of love, good fortune, abundance and prosperity. She provides
the sweetness and satisfaction of meaningful success and her presence manifests deep
healing in all areas of our lives, allowing us to live from a position of greater freedom,
personal power and sovereignty.

Throughout this attunement, Lakshmi connects us with our highest ideals, authenticity and
true potential. Her Golden Good Fortune activation enables us to exceed our limitations and

Regularly working with this activation can align you with the blessings that flow through to
us through the great Goddess Lakshmi, opening your life to a future replete with soul
affirming possibilities, success, joy and golden good fortune.

Founder: Anna May

Lakshmi Power

Lakshmi is the Goddess of material wealth, spiritual wealth, power, money wisdom, luxury,
opulence, fertility, generosity, creativity and courage. She is the embodiment of and
conveys beauty, grace and charm.
Lakshmi Power Benefits:

Complete Happiness and Success

Removal of Wealth Obstacles

Debt Reduction

Victory in New Ventures

Release of Optimum Wealth Potential

Release of Wealth Creativity

Wealth Protection

Development of New Inner Wealth Beliefs

Opulent Living

Wealth Wisdom

Wealth Synchronicity

The extensive manual for this system includes:

Lakshmi – Her Aspects

Star of Lakshmi

Ashtalakshmi and The 8 Wealth Aspects

Lakshmi Mandela


Lakshmi Mantra


Lakshmi Power Yantras

Mahalakshmi Yantra Ritual Information and Procedure

Lakshmi Altar

Yantra Procedure

Founder: Rosemary Noel

Laxmi Reiki

Laxmi is the Hindu Goddess of Beauty and Fortune, Wealth, Luck and Fertility.

Lakshmi evolved from the Milky Ocean, when gods and demons churned it for
amrita, the divine nectar, giving her the title of daughter of Milky Ocean.

Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped by people who wish for wealth or those who wish
to preserve wealth.

It is believed that Lakshmi only goes to houses that are clean and people are
hard-working. It was said that Lakshmi adopted Lord Ganesh. He is the elephant-
headed god of wisdom, prudence and salvation. He is considered a bringer of
good luck and success in all ventures.

Ganesha is the destroyer of all obstacles, sorrows and negative energy. Merely
looking at him is said to bring confidence.

Laxmi Reiki is designed to bring abundance into your life.

In the manual you will learn about The Shree Yantra. This is a powerful and
unfailing instrument that attracts Laxmi, as the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Founder: Victor Glanckopf

Lemuria Star Magic

Magic is the steering of natural energies to effect needed changes.
Everything is imbued with energy; ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds and movements.
Magic is the ability to activate these energies. This magic has nothing supernatural in itself,
it is a natural force which we have forgotten. Magic directs and manages natural energies to
achieve a desired effect. It is something natural, it is a violence-free steering of energies
that can bring about needed changes. Every day we make countless decisions that have
lasting influence on our future and lives. We accept full responsibility for our present and
our past lives. Only when we consciously decide to align our actions to the higher divine
ideas and goals it will draw our magic and life is beautiful and full of joy. The joyous
communion with nature, the earth is a manifestation of divine energy for us. The magical
powers are the energies of life itself. Anyone can practice magic, whether inside or outside
a religious context.

The Star Priesthood

Once at the beginning of all being, there were 12 priests of the stars from the fields of
El’Shaddai of the Divine Thought Field chosen to act with the supreme divine power of LIGHT
– THE STAR MAGIC. These are the 12 priests of the Priesthood Star Light, they are guardians
of the Star Magic. This star magic is the original magic of being. Many priests and
priestesses served in times of Lemurian under the priesthood of the star light. Now the time
has come to waken the guardians and bearers of Star Magic, from the times of Lemuria. The
call was sent from the star priesthood on the planet Earth to awaken the children of star

Lemuria – Star Magic

This activation system is highly energetic and sets your anchor in the 999 ahead of
awakening! In this high-energy activation you will receive initiation into the Star Magic – The
Priesthood of the stars. When your soul is ready Jesus Christ will accompany you to Lemuria
and perform this initiation with the 12 priests of the Star Priesthood. There in the great
crystal temple of Lemuria, you will receive a high-energy ceremony, initiation to a priest of
the cosmic Star Magic. A priest of the stars is wise, thoughtful, quiet and full of energy and
he has a high awareness, combined with all that is.

This work is boundless when it is performed with the intention of love. You may wish for you
and all living beings and the planet Earth, love, peace, health, freedom, happiness, financial
prosperity, healing, etc. You can accomplish healings, anchor Star Light, everything is

Lemurian Indigo
The Lemurian Goddess Amara is a Goddess of the sea, fertility, abundance, love and
nurturing. The sea represents prosperity, birth and rebirth. Goddess Amara is a powerful
guiding force for those drawn to Lemuria in their spiritual development and growth. The
Lemurians are highly evolved spirits who have chosen to return to Earth to assist us in
achieving our spiritual potential. Goddess Amara can help to support and guide us when we
are on our path of spiritual ascension.

In this attunement a series of seven symbols are imprinted into your energy field. Each is
activated through use of a mantra and/or the application of the symbol to the body during
meditation or healing work. These symbols represent different aspects of Universal Energy
that Goddess Amara brings to us. You can use them to help maintain your well-being on all
levels. They can support and nurture you, bring inspiration, peace and comfort and
confidence to you. They provide you with joy and hope that can be very cleansing. You may
be helped when you are in contact with low energy people or in low energy situations. In
healing work and meditation you can be helped to connect with the Universe.

This system can be used both for yourself and others.


Founder: Anna May

Magic Earth Womb

Magic Earth Womb Essential was channeled to provide an incredible connection
with the Mother. It is able to clean your energy and replace unnecessary habits
with awakened skills from deep within.

This system helps to ground your back luck and all the useless patterns within
you. It’s strong energy assists in removing your doubts and your fears when you
are going to start a new journey of wealth expansion. You will feel your faith get
rejuvenated and you Will be reinforced.

Magic Earth Womb Essential will drive your spiritual power and your worldly life
will be fully blessed.

Founder: Ferry Puthut Handoko

Magick & Abundance of

the Pine and Cedar

The Magick and Abundance of the Pine and Cedar Empowerment connects you to the spirit
of these fragrant evergreens to help you become more empowered in the ways that bring in
more abundance and positive energies. The Pine and Cedar trees are often tall and massive
trees that represent abundance and happiness. Working with the spirit of these trees will
draw in the magick of abundance as well as enhance harmony in relationships.

Cedar wood banishes nightmares, attracts money and purifies your home or sacred space.
Burning cedar wood is also good for meditation as its fragrance lifts your mood and
heightens intuition. The leaves of cedar can be carried to draw money. The energies can be
used physically or etherically. With use of this attunement and your focus on the cedar
energies you will find you’re your connection to the spirit of the cedar is quick and the
energies begin working for you immediately. Use of the symbol enhances the powers and
speeds up the results.
Pine is a towering tree that provides food in the form of pine nuts, and shelter in the form of
homes and furniture, and in the wild provides all the animals need to survive for winter. For
us as spiritual beings who feel a love of nature, we see the message of the pine as it
communicates to us through the signs of nature. The message and lesson is to trust that all
we need and more will be provided for us also. The pine brings abundance, healing and

Pine and cedar are sacred offerings to Divinity. Pinecones bring good luck and positive
abundance and prosperity. In winter we find hope in the evergreen as they remind us that
rebirth is near.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Magick & Healing of

Sweet Basil Empowerment

Sweet Basil is an herb that is often not given the credit it deserves for its magickal
properties and its healing energies. The Magick and Healing of Sweet Basil Empowerment
connects you to the energies of the essence of Sweet Basil for empowerment and healing.
You will also learn to use it for Magick to assist you with protection, healing, prosperity, good
luck and love. This sweet little herb is very powerful!

Sweet Basil helps with stomach problems, aids digestion and is helpful for losing weight.
Used in aromatherapy it can help you to rest, relax and have a good night’s sleep.

Sweet Basil can be used magickally for cleansing and clearing of negativity and for good luck
and prosperity. You can activate the energies in many magickal ways including cooking.
This attunement connects you to the etheric energies of Sweet Basil which doubles or
strengthens the power of the physical herb when used fresh or dried.

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Magick & Strength of the
Oak Empowerment

Magick & Strength of the Oak Empowerment connects you to the Spirit of the Oak
Tree. It brings energies of strength to empower you with courage, determination
and the magickal properties of the Oak. The might Oak Tree is well known for
drawing abundance, for its strength, and for its protection. Working with the
energies of this attunement helps to overcome obstacles and draw abundance,
and brings healing to those who seek empowerment.

The Oak Tree inspires us and teaches us how to be strong and endure many
obstacles. It is a strong tree with solid roots in Mother Earth. The Oak is a slow
growing tree, but it is sure and steady. It is sacred to the Oak King in Celtic Lore.
He brings the fertile dance of spring and is a doorway to the future and

Founder: Daelyn Wolf (Linda Colibert)

Magick of the Four

Seasons Lightwork
Magick of the Four Seasons LIghtwork connects you to creative source spirit and to the
energies of all four seasons for empowerment. As the seasons progress through the year,
the energies of each season change, flow and move forward. Always flowing always moving,
always bring progress and empowering you with the most powerful energies of whatever
season is present. Knowing and connecting to the specific energies of each season helps you
to always get the best results and most powerful healing and magick. The energies of the
Magick of the Four Seasons Lightwork is a flowing energy that brings harmony and personal
power in all areas of your life.

Peak Times of the Seasons:

Spring Equinox: the time for rebirth, new beginnings and fresh starts. This is the power time
for beginning new projects, and often is the prime time for meeting new friends and as the
season of romance, for falling in love.

Summer Solstice: the time of joy, happiness and abundance. It is a power time for magicks
of abundance, family gathering and relationships, and the time to experience the beauty,
warmth and happiness of life.

Autumn Equinox: the time to gather your harvest, enjoy the fruits of your labor and to share
your bounty with loved ones. It is also the time for honoring ancestors, giving thanks for all
you have, and heightening relationships with family and friends.

Winter Solstice: the time of joy, expressions of love through gifts, gatherings of love and
friendships, bonding together and celebrations. It is also the time for rest, regrouping, and
getting energized for the coming of new life in spring, and for preparing for the future, new
transitions and regeneration.

The symbol of this system works with your magick for healing, prosperity, loving family
relationships, planning and organization, as well as all the energies of the four seasons.

Founder: Linda Colibert

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