Production and Operations Management
Production and Operations Management
Production and Operations Management
Course Production & Operations Management
Mumbai Campus: Dr. Akshay G Khanzode, Dr. Rose Antony; Dr. Ashu Sharma; Dr.
Darshan Pandya, Prof. Jigar Shah
Credit 3
Program MBA & TRIM III
me &
Pre- N/A
CLOs – (in bracket state the PLOs to map)
CLO 1) Analyze and interpret the impact of production and operations management concepts
on productivity and competitiveness within regional and global contexts. (PLO1b)
CLO 4) Evaluate business scenarios critically to demonstrate and enhance analytical and
reflective skills. (PLO4d)
1. Students will critically analyze and interpret how production and operations
management practices influence an organization's efficiency and its competitive
Learning edge in a variety of contexts, ranging from local to global markets. (CLO1)
Outcome 2. Students will develop the capacity to break down complex business issues into
s their component parts and synthesize these parts to formulate a comprehensive
(Must be strategy, addressing the overall complexity of business challenges. (CLO2)
connected 3. Students will apply quantitative techniques and established business models
to effectively to propose and justify solutions for complex, real-world business
Learning problems. (CLO3)
Objectives 4. Students will engage in the critical evaluation of business scenarios using
) analytical models, demonstrating and further developing their analytical and
reflective thinking skills. (CLO4)
Management students venturing in the domain of operations keep on looking for what and
how exactly operations influence various business decisions. This field has evolved over a
very long period. However, more mathematical models have been developed since the World
War II. Every day of the today’s technological age is pushing the limits of the traditional
Course models of production and operations management. This precisely puts in perspective the
Descripti modern day needs of the business which operations managers through their technical prowess
on can deliver efficiently and effectively. This course will specifically prepare modern day
production and operations managers who will decisively and in an informed way handle
various crucial and critical business decisions. The course brings in a blend of variety of cases
and simulation exercises that would help students gain a demonstrable ability to use them in
practical scenarios.
Specific 3 AOL CLO 1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4
assessment Cre Instrumen
methods dit ts
Test 15 Embedded 15
(Session-1 to Questions
Test 10 Embedded 10
(Session-11 Questions
to Session-
Project 25 Rubrics 10 10 05
Class 10
Evaluatio Participation
n Pattern Final Exam 40 Embedded 10 10 10 10
Total 100 25 20 20 25
Participants will be
to basic concepts of
Participants will get oriented
towards the purpose of the
operations management in a
broad perspective with some
real-life examples.
Operations Strategy Read Chapter 2 page 41- 52 What are the various
measures through which we
Productivity Concepts, Methods of improving Productivity can assess productivity?
single factor, multi-
Read Chapter 2 page 53- 62 Are there any drawbacks
factor and total
productivity Operations Management by associated with these
William Stevenson 14e; productivity measures?
Productivity Measures
in Manufacturing Asynchronous Reading: What strategies could be
deployed to ensure better
Measuring Productivity: OECD productivity?
Differences between
strategy, tactics?
Process Selection for Read Chapter 6 page 244- 280 Class Discussion
better Productivity
Operations Management by Discussion on strategic
Introduction to Process William Stevenson 14e; importance of process types
3 LO:
Job Shop, Batch Shop,
Repetitive Process, Three primary questions that
Continuous Process influence process selection.
performance of the four
plants making Release-ease?
Need for Location To be shared as a part of the course Discussion on why location
Decision compendium. decisions are important
Applying techniques to
problems for evaluating
location alternatives
Capacity Planning Simulation: Class Discussion:
Cellular Layout (Group design/redesigning of
Technology). layouts for efficient
utilization of space
Periodic Review
Inventory Control
Queueing Theory Operations Management by Class Discussion
William Stevenson 14e;
Measures of Waiting LO:
Line performance Chapter 18: Pg: 786 to 799
Students will be able to make
11 Queueing Models: use of queueing theory for
Infinite Source making managerial decisions
Single Server,
Exponential Service
Time, M/M/1
Single Server, Constant
Service Time, M/D/1
Queueing Theory Operations Management by Class Discussion
William Stevenson 14e;
Multiple Servers, LO:
12 M/M/S Chapter 18: Pg: 799 to 810
Students will be able to apply
Queueing Model- Finite some of the advanced
Source queueing models to business
Simulation Introduction to Management Class Discussion
Science by Anderson etal. (2015);
Inventory Simulation LO:
13 Chapter 12: Pg: 799 to 810
Queueing Simulation Students will be able to
understand the power of
simulation in making
business decisions.
Project Management Operations Management by Class Discussion
William Stevenson 14e;
AON/ AOA Network LO:
Diagrams Chapter 17: Pg: 732 to 740
Students will know the
Critical Path Method basics of project
19 Group Project
20 Group Project
Sticker for date of receipt and attachments, rubric and project guidelines