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Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers

Object of Amendment
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Parts B and D
Rules for High Speed Craft
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Inland Waterway Ships

Reason for Amendment

IACS Unified Requirements (UR) M25 specifies requirements related to astern power of the
main prolusion, including ones for controllable pitch propellers. During a recent review of
the UR, the IACS Machinery Panel identified the need for requirements related to the
verification of the manoeuvring performance of controllable pitch propellers, and discussed
the development of a new UR related to such verification.

As a result, requirements for testing the manouevring performance of controllable pitch

propellers were developed and adopted as UR M83 in October 2023.

Accordingly, relevant requirements are amended based on UR M83.

Outline of the Amendment

Specifies that testing requirements related to the manoeuvring performance of control
systems of controllable pitch propellers intended for main propulsion are based on UR M83.

Effective Date and Application

(1) Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part B, Rules for High Speed Craft,
Rules for the Survey and Construction of Inland Waterway Ships
This amendment applies to ships that fall under the following:
(a) those for which the date of contract for construction is on or after 1 January 2025;
(b) those for which astern testing is carried out in accordance with UR Z18 on or after
1 January 2025.
(2) Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships Part D
This amendment applies to ships for which the date of contract for construction is on or
after 1 January 2025.

ID: DD24-16

An asterisk (*) after the title of a requirement

indicates that there is also relevant information in
the corresponding Guidance.

Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks



2.3 Sea Trials and Stability Experiments 2.3 Sea Trials and Stability Experiments

2.3.1 Sea Trials* 2.3.1 Sea Trials*

1 In the Classification Survey of all ships, sea trials 1 In the Classification Survey of all ships, sea trials
specified in following (1) to (13) are to be carried out in full specified in following (1) to (13) are to be carried out in full
load condition, in the calmest possible sea and weather load condition, in the calmest possible sea and weather
condition and in deep unrestricted water. However, where sea condition and in deep unrestricted water. However, where sea
trials cannot be carried out in full load condition, sea trials may trials cannot be carried out in full load condition, sea trials may
be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition. The noise be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition. The noise
measurements specified in (11) are to be carried out at either measurements specified in (11) are to be carried out at either
the full load condition or the ballast condition. the full load condition or the ballast condition.
((1) to (6) are omitted.) ((1) to (6) are omitted.)
(7) Performance test of automatic and remote control (7) Performance test of automatic and remote control
systems for main propulsion machinery, controllable systems for main propulsion machinery, controllable
pitch propellers, boilers and electric generating sets pitch propellers, boilers and electric generating sets
The tests are to be carried out in accordance with the The tests are to be carried out in accordance with the
following (a) to (e). However, where these tests have following (a) to (e). However, where these tests have
been carried out when the ship was anchored or at been carried out when the ship was anchored or at
dockside, some of these tests may be dispensed with dockside, some of these tests may be dispensed with
at the sea trial. at the sea trial.
(a) The control systems for main propulsion (a) The control systems for main propulsion
machinery and controllable pitch propellers are to machinery and controllable pitch propellers are to
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
be subjected to the following i) to iv). be subjected to the following i) to iv).
i) The main propulsion machinery or the i) The main propulsion machinery or the
controllable pitch propellers are to be controllable pitch propellers are to be
subjected to starting tests, ahead-astern tests subjected to starting tests, ahead-astern tests
and running tests in the whole range of and running tests in the whole range of
output, by means of the remote control output, by means of the remote control
devices in the main control station or the devices in the main control station or the
main control station on the bridge. main control station on the bridge.
ii) In addition to output increase and decrease ii) In addition to output increase and decrease
tests, the operation tests of the main tests, the operation tests of the main
propulsion machinery or the controllable propulsion machinery or the controllable
pitch propellers using the bridge control pitch propellers using the bridge control
devices are to be carried out. Where devices are to be carried out. Where
operation tests were carried out for the entire operation tests were carried out for the entire
output range by the bridge control devices, output range by the bridge control devices,
consideration may be given to reduction of consideration may be given to reduction of
the test items with the exception of the the test items with the exception of the
starting test. starting test.
iii) Where there are two or more control stations iii) Where there are two or more control stations
for main propulsion machinery or for main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers, the test on controllable pitch propellers, the test on
transfer of control is to be carried out while transfer of control is to be carried out while
the ship is running ahead and when it is the ship is running ahead and when it is
running astern. Where the remote devices for running astern. Where the remote devices for
main propulsion machinery or controllable main propulsion machinery or controllable
pitch propellers is in accordance with 18.3.2- pitch propellers is in accordance with 18.3.2-
2(3)(b), Part D, the above-mentioned test 2(3)(b), Part D, the above-mentioned test
may be carried out while the main propulsion may be carried out while the main propulsion
machinery is stopped. machinery is stopped.
iv) After completion of the test on transfer of iv) After completion of the test on transfer of

Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
control specified in iii), a demonstration that control specified in iii), a demonstration that Clarifies that the control
the main propulsion machinery or the the main propulsion machinery or the systems for controllable
controllable pitch propellers can be smoothly controllable pitch propellers can be smoothly pitch propellers intended
operated from the respective control stations operated from the respective control stations for main propulsion are
is to be conducted. is to be conducted. to be in accordance with
Annex 2.3.1-3.
(b) Notwithstanding (a) above, the control systems (Newly added)
for controllable pitch propellers intended for
main propulsion are to be in accordance with
Annex 2.3.1-3 “Testing Procedures for Control
Systems for Controllable Pitch Propellers
Intended for Main Propulsion”
(c) (Omitted) (b) (Omitted)
(d) (Omitted) (c) (Omitted)
(e) (Omitted) (d) (Omitted)
(f) The “electric generating sets specified in 3.2.1-3, (e) The “electric generating sets specified in 3.2.1-3,
Part H” mentioned in (e) above, refer to the Part H” mentioned in (d) above, refer to the
application of 6.2.11-1 and -3, Part H for the application of 6.2.11-1 and -3, Part H for the
ships specified in 6.1.1, Part H. ships specified in 6.1.1, Part H.

Annex 2.1.4 TESTING PROCEDURES FOR (Newly added) UR M83


An1.1 General

UR M83
An1.1.1 Purpose Para.1
The purpose of the tests required by this annex is to
ascertain that the pitch control system of controllable pitch
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
propellers for main propulsion is working correctly.
UR M83
An1.1.2 Application Para.2
This annex applies to all new ships and to all
replacements, modifications, repairs, or re-adjustments that
may affect the pitch control or response characteristics for
main propulsion.

An1.2 Tests

UR M83
An1.2.1 Pitch Response Test Para.3.1
1 A full range of tests is to be carried out to get the pitch
response and verify that it coincides with the combinator curve
of the propeller. The combinator curve is the relationship
between the propeller pitch setting and the propeller speed.
2 The tests are to be carried out for at least three
positions of the control lever in ahead and astern directions
(e.g. dead slow ahead / astern, half ahead / astern and full
ahead / astern).
3 The tests are to be carried out in normal and Emergency operating
emergency operating conditions. In this context, “emergency conditions are not
operation conditions” means operations from those locations intended for operations
from where it is planned to operate the system in an from the bridge but are
emergency. intended for operations
from the engine side
during an emergency.
However, emergency
operations are to be
carried out from the
bridge when the local

Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
emergency operating
control stations are
additionally arranged on
the bridge.
4 Tests that are not affected by the control position may This intends that there is
be carried out from one control position only. to be no differences in
the power or functions of
the propulsion system
due to differences in
operating location.

UR M83
An1.2.2 Test of Fail-to-safe Characteristics Para.3.2
1 A test of the fail-to-safe characteristics of the propeller
pitch control system is to be carried out to demonstrate that
failures in the pitch command and control or feedback signals
are alarmed and do not cause any change of thrust.
2 Such failures are to be clearly identified and included
in the test procedure.
UR M83
An1.2.3 Test Procedure Para.3.3
The test procedure is to be prepared and proposed by
the pitch control system manufacturer or integrator and
approved by the Society.

An1.3 Records UR M83

1 The list of the parameters to be recorded during the
pitch response test within this annex is to be established by the
pitch control system manufacturer or integrator and approved
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
by the Society.
2 The parameters in 1 above are to include at least the
(1) Position of the control handle;
(2) Actual pitch indication (local indications and remote
(3) Rotational speed of the propeller;
(4) Response time between the pitch change order
(modification of the lever position) and the instant when the
pitch and propeller speed have reached their final position;
(5) Propelling thrust variation during the transfer of the
control from one location to another.

An1.4 Test Results UR M83

1 It is to be verified that propelling thrust is not
significantly altered under the following (1) and (2):
(1) Transferring control from one location to another;
(2) Failures in the pitch command and control or feedback
2 The pitch response times measured during the test are
not to exceed the maximum value to be defined by the pitch
control system manufacturer or integrator.


1. The effective date of the amendments is 1 January


Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
2. Notwithstanding the amendments to the Rules, the
current requirements apply to ships for which the
date of contract for construction* is before the
effective date and astern testing is carried out in
accordance with UR Z18 before the effective date.
* “contract for construction” is defined in the latest
version of IACS Procedural Requirement (PR)

IACS PR No.29 (Rev.0, July 2009)

1. The date of “contract for construction” of a vessel is the date on which the
contract to build the vessel is signed between the prospective owner and the
shipbuilder. This date and the construction numbers (i.e. hull numbers) of all
the vessels included in the contract are to be declared to the classification
society by the party applying for the assignment of class to a newbuilding.
2. The date of “contract for construction” of a series of vessels, including
specified optional vessels for which the option is ultimately exercised, is the
date on which the contract to build the series is signed between the prospective
owner and the shipbuilder.
For the purpose of this Procedural Requirement, vessels built under a single
contract for construction are considered a “series of vessels” if they are built
to the same approved plans for classification purposes. However, vessels
within a series may have design alterations from the original design provided:
(1) such alterations do not affect matters related to classification, or
(2) If the alterations are subject to classification requirements, these
alterations are to comply with the classification requirements in effect on
the date on which the alterations are contracted between the prospective
owner and the shipbuilder or, in the absence of the alteration contract,
comply with the classification requirements in effect on the date on
which the alterations are submitted to the Society for approval.
The optional vessels will be considered part of the same series of vessels if the
option is exercised not later than 1 year after the contract to build the series
was signed.
3. If a contract for construction is later amended to include additional vessels or
additional options, the date of “contract for construction” for such vessels is the
date on which the amendment to the contract, is signed between the prospective
owner and the shipbuilder. The amendment to the contract is to be considered
as a “new contract” to which 1. and 2. above apply.
4. If a contract for construction is amended to change the ship type, the date of
“contract for construction” of this modified vessel, or vessels, is the date on
which revised contract or new contract is signed between the Owner, or
Owners, and the shipbuilder.

This Procedural Requirement applies from 1 July 2009.
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks




18.3 Automatic and Remote Control of Main 18.3 Automatic and Remote Control of Main
Propulsion Machinery or Controllable Pitch Propulsion Machinery or Controllable Pitch
Propellers Propellers

18.3.2 Remote Control Devices for Main Propulsion 18.3.2 Remote Control Devices for Main Propulsion
Machinery or Controllable Pitch Propellers* Machinery or Controllable Pitch Propellers*
1 General 1 General
(Omitted) (Omitted)
2 Transfer of Control 2 Transfer of control
Remote control devices for main propulsion machinery or Remote control devices for main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers are to comply with the following controllable pitch propellers are to comply with the following
requirements with respect to transfer of control: requirements with respect to transfer of control:
(1) Each control station for main propulsion machinery or (1) Each control station for main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers is to be provided with controllable pitch propellers is to be provided with
means to indicate which of them is in control. means to indicate which of them is in control.
(2) Remote control of main propulsion machinery or (2) Remote control of main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers is to be only possible controllable pitch propellers is to be only possible
from one location at a time. from one location at a time.
(3) Transfer of control is to be only possible with orders (3) Transfer of control is to be only possible with orders
from the serving station and acknowledgement by the from the serving station and acknowledgement by the
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
receiving station except for the following cases: receiving station except for the following cases:
(a) Transfer of control between a local control (a) Transfer of control between a local control
station for main propulsion machinery or station for main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers and the main control controllable pitch propellers and the main control
station or sub-control station; and station or sub-control station; and
(b) Transfer of control during a stoppage condition (b) Transfer of control during a stoppage condition
of the main propulsion machinery. of the main propulsion machinery.
(4) In cases where the main propulsion machinery or (4) In cases where the main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers is controlled from the controllable pitch propellers is controlled from the
navigation bridge or the main control station on navigation bridge or the main control station on
bridge, the transfer of control is to be possible from a bridge, the transfer of control is to be possible from a
local control station for main propulsion machinery or local control station for main propulsion machinery or
controllable pitch propellers to the main control controllable pitch propellers to the main control
station or the sub-control station even if no order of station or the sub-control station even if no order of
the transfer of control from the navigation bridge or the transfer of control from the navigation bridge or
the main control station on bridge has been given. the main control station on bridge has been given.
(5) Means are to be provided to prevent the propelling (5) Means are to be provided to prevent the propelling
thrust from being significantly altered when control is thrust from being significantly altered when control is
transferred from one location to another. transferred from one location to another, except for Harmonisation with the
when the transfer of control is as described in (3)(a) SOLAS II-1/31.2.5 and
and (4).
(-3 and -4 are omitted.) (-3 and -4 are omitted.)


1. The effective date of the amendments is 1 January

2. Notwithstanding the amendments to the Rules, the
current requirements apply to ships for which the date
of contract for construction is before the effective
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks



2.3 Sea Trials and Stability Experiments 2.3 Sea Trials and Stability Experiments

2.3.1 Sea Trials* 2.3.1 Sea Trials*

1 In the Classification Survey of all craft, sea trials 1 In the Classification Survey of all craft, sea trials
specified in following (1) to (11) are to be carried out in a full specified in following (1) to (11) are to be carried out in a full
load condition, at the calmest possible sea and weather load condition, at the calmest possible sea and weather
conditions and in deep unrestricted water. However, where sea conditions and in deep unrestricted water. However, where sea
trials cannot be carried out in a full load condition, sea trials trials cannot be carried out in a full load condition, sea trials
may be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition. may be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition.
((1) to (6) are omitted.) ((1) to (6) are omitted.)
(7) Performance test of automatic and remote control (7) Performance test of automatic and remote control
systems for main propulsion machinery or the systems for main propulsion machinery or the
controllable pitch propellers, boilers and electric controllable pitch propellers, boilers and electric
generating sets. However, the control systems for generating sets.
controllable pitch propellers intended for main
propulsion are to be in accordance with Annex 2.3.1-
3 “Testing Procedures for Control Systems for
Controllable Pitch Propellers Intended for Main
Propulsion”, Part D of the Rules for the Survey and
Construction of Steel Ships.
((8) to (11) are omitted.) ((8) to (11) are omitted.)
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks



2.3 River Trials and Stability Experiments 2.3 River Trials and Stability Experiments

2.3.1 River Trials* 2.3.1 River Trials*

1 In the Classification Survey of all ships, river trials 1 In the Classification Survey of all ships, river trials
specified in following (1) to (9) are to be carried out in full specified in following (1) to (9) are to be carried out in full
load condition, in the calmest possible water and weather load condition, in the calmest possible water and weather
condition and in deep unrestricted water. However, where condition and in deep unrestricted water. However, where
river trials cannot be carried out in full load condition, river river trials cannot be carried out in full load condition, river
trials may be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition. trials may be carried out in an appropriate loaded condition.
((1) to (4) are omitted.) ((1) to (4) are omitted.)
(5) Performance test of automatic and remote control (5) Performance test of automatic and remote control
systems for main propulsion machinery, controllable systems for main propulsion machinery, controllable
pitch propellers, boilers and electric generating sets. pitch propellers, boilers and electric generating sets
However, the control systems for controllable pitch
propellers intended for main propulsion are to be in
accordance with Annex 2.3.1-3 “Testing Procedures
for Control Systems for Controllable Pitch Propellers
Intended for Main Propulsion”, Part D of the Rules

Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships.
((6) to (9) are omitted.) ((6) to (9) are omitted.)
(-2 to -5 are omitted.) (-2 to -5 are omitted.)


1. The effective date of the amendments is 1 January

2. Notwithstanding the amendments to the Rules, the
current requirements apply to ships for which the
date of contract for construction* is before the
effective date and astern testing is carried out in
accordance with UR Z18 before the effective date.
* “contract for construction” is defined in the latest
version of IACS Procedural Requirement (PR)

IACS PR No.29 (Rev.0, July 2009)

1. The date of “contract for construction” of a vessel is the date on which the
contract to build the vessel is signed between the prospective owner and the
shipbuilder. This date and the construction numbers (i.e. hull numbers) of all the
vessels included in the contract are to be declared to the classification society by
the party applying for the assignment of class to a newbuilding.
2. The date of “contract for construction” of a series of vessels, including specified
optional vessels for which the option is ultimately exercised, is the date on which
the contract to build the series is signed between the prospective owner and the
For the purpose of this Procedural Requirement, vessels built under a single
contract for construction are considered a “series of vessels” if they are built to
the same approved plans for classification purposes. However, vessels within a
series may have design alterations from the original design provided:
(1) such alterations do not affect matters related to classification, or
(2) If the alterations are subject to classification requirements, these alterations
are to comply with the classification requirements in effect on the date on
which the alterations are contracted between the prospective owner and the
shipbuilder or, in the absence of the alteration contract, comply with the
classification requirements in effect on the date on which the alterations are
Amended-Original Requirements Comparison Table (Manoeuvring Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers)
Amended Original Remarks
submitted to the Society for approval.
The optional vessels will be considered part of the same series of vessels if the
option is exercised not later than 1 year after the contract to build the series was
3. If a contract for construction is later amended to include additional vessels or
additional options, the date of “contract for construction” for such vessels is the
date on which the amendment to the contract, is signed between the prospective
owner and the shipbuilder. The amendment to the contract is to be considered as
a “new contract” to which 1. and 2. above apply.
4. If a contract for construction is amended to change the ship type, the date of
“contract for construction” of this modified vessel, or vessels, is the date on
which revised contract or new contract is signed between the Owner, or Owners,
and the shipbuilder.

This Procedural Requirement applies from 1 July 2009.


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