DBMS unit 1
DBMS unit 1
DBMS unit 1
Introduction to DBMS
Dr.Sunil Kumar
DataBase Management System has evolved from a specialized computer application to a
central component of computing environment. Database system plays a vital role in
organizing data about a particular enterprise. Consider an example of a company which
stores data about following:
Employees (Employee No., Name, Address, Salary).
Departments (Department No., Name, Location)
Project (Name, Project No., Department No.,
Location) Which may have following relations :
An Employee works in a Departments.
An Employee works on many Projects.
A Department handles many Project.
Therefore, a system is needed which can effectively organize the data and also use it to
analyze and guide operations of the company.
Now–a–days, the amount of information to be stored is increasing tremendously and thus
the need of flexible and powerful system is also increasing day–by–day which has the
ability not only to effectively organize or maintain large collection of data but also
provides easy access to data.
The user of the DBMS is provided the following facilities among others:
• Adding empty files to the database.
• Inserting new data into the existing files.
• Retrieving data from the files.
• Updating data in the files.
• Deleting data from the files.
• Removing existing files from the database.
Therefore, DBMS can be used for different purposes besides data storage which are as
(i) Efficient access to data.
(ii) For avoiding data redundancy and inconsistency.
(iii) For providing security of data.
(iv) For enforcing different integrity constraints.
(v) For providing access for data to multiple users concurrently.
Figure 1.1 One to one correspondences between applications and data files