I have provisionally given the name allergic cation. The impression given by these patients
object relationship to the kind of relationships is by no means misleading, and their identifica-
encountered in patients suffering from well- tion with the physician can only facilitate his
known allergic conditions, especially asthma or understanding of them.
eczema. The fundamental nature of such The understanding of the object due to
relationships, being specific as well as frequent, merging with it seems thus to result from real
places them in the same category of theoretical confusion on the part of the subject: from the
and practical importance as other systems of outset he is unable to delimit the boundaries
object relationships, such as those recently which actually distinguish, separate, and differen-
described by Bouvet. tiate him from his object. Therefore, one could
The allergic object relationship, which clearly speak of a 'host-guest' object." The subject
distinguishes it from typically neurotic relation- dwells in the object as the object dwells in
ships, lies in the subject's incessant endeavour to him.
come as near as possible to the object until he , I like to be stroked', said a woman patient,
merges with it, as it were in an indistinct mass. adding: 'That is certainly why I love cats,' I
The allergic object relationship comprises two remarked that in that case it would be she who
active phases: first the finding of the object, and liked to stroke. She replied: 'Yes, but cats rub
secondly the control of it. themselves and stroke you when you stroke
The taking up and utilizing of the object is them.' Here again the massive process of
immediate, complete, and violent, and bears the identification includes the projection.
mark of a most archaic character. It is a deep The patient seems unable to keep himself
and boundless identification of the subject with separate from his object. His fusion with it is
his object; an undifferentiated confusion. inevitable. This feeling, analogous to a sponge
During the first minutes of the interview the which absorbs and retains, was expressed by a
allergic patient often makes a series of slips young woman patient: 'I always want to be
which show that he is confusing the physician's part of my surroundings', she said. 'I want to
personality with his own. He will say for feel that I belong where I am,'
instance: 'I have come to see you because you Thus, while the analyst is in contact with
are suffering from asthma,' Here we apparently these patients, his every newly perceived trait is
have a mechanism of projection of which the adopted by them: they lose themselves, as it
effect is incomparably more extensive than that were, in the analyst's personality and visibly
with which we are familiar in the neuroses and enjoy doing this.
psychoses: it is more than just a part of a It follows that the patient's understanding of
complete identification with the object. The the object depends on the circumstances. Every
patient, who is generally keenly intuitive, object he encounters, be it human, animal,
quickly gets to know what the physician wants vegetable, or inanimate, is cathected in a very
and does his best to supply it in a phase of short time as a 'host-guest' object. It can,
triumphant identification. In a sentence such however, be as quickly de-cathected and
as 'You certainly wish me to tell you about abandoned for another 'host-guest' object,
your mother', the slip 'your mother' is a depending on the degree in space and time of
projection which is part and parcel of a process the interruption and restoration of contact.
of participation essentially pertaining to identifi- A woman suffering from eczema says: 'I
1 Paper read before the 20th Congress of the Inter- • In French ' hote ' means both • host' and ' guest'
national Psycho-Analytical Association, Paris, July- (Translator's note.)
August, 1957.
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concerns, even necessitates, deep identification at least, into a 'host-guest' object, which
or fusion with a maternalized object. 'I am so constitute the characteristic allergic traits of the
dependent on you,' said a patient, 'that I am clinical picture. Although these traits may be
you.' very concealed they appear in a sufficiently
In regressing, however, the allergic patient clear manner in the relationship established
slips into behaviour which looks truly psychotic. during the interview between patient and
This precedes de-personalization, often con- physician, and they reveal the fundamental
currently with the symptom, or sometimes even character of this structure.
after the symptom appears. I speak of psychotic The allergic object relationship, however,
appearance because the investigation of states appears to be so similar to certain forms of the
of depression or of pseudo-paranoid delusions hysteric's relationship that the question could be
encountered in allergy brings out the fragile raised whether there exist transitory forms
nature of what could be mistaken for a deep between these two types. In certain patients
pathological structure which, however, yields to one might meet with a mixed symptomatology,
the appeal of a new object as by a miracle. even at the somatic level. Yet at a deeper level-
The psychotherapist himself can also be this this difference being perhaps the decisive one-
provisional object which facilitates the return of the allergic patient does not avoid a passive
the subject to more mature emotional levels. object, whereas the hysterical patient con-
As found by Fain, I have observed in the fronted by the same object would recoil from it
allergic patient these amazing possibilities of owing to his projections of badness on to the
rapid and complete reconstruction and regres- object.
sion accompanying the vicissitudes of his I now wish to speak briefly about the treat-
objects. It could be said, without restricting it ment of allergic states.
to the clinical material available, that allergic The problem of the distance between analyst
patients are always as near to de-personalization and patient arises as in neuroses, although in an
as they are to ' re-personalization '. inverted way. For the analyst will always try
But when the psychotherapist (a particularly to handle by interpretation the patient's
appropriate object) is absent and when the tendency to merge with him regardless of the
preceding, now impossible, cathexes are very reality situation. Roughly speaking the thera-
intense (the reasons for this impossibility have peutic process consists of a gradual separation
been outlined) and the objects become quite or cleavage instead of being a gradual move-
unsuitable and the fixations on them are too ment of approach. Nevertheless, the qualities
centred, then the symptom bursts into full force of flexibility required from the analyst during
and the somatic syndrome thus becomes therapy, which should remain rigorously classic,
established for a more or less long period. are exactly the same.
That the emotional defence is a regressive In spite of their theoretically weak egos
substitute for an object relationship in allergy is a allergic patients are well able to lead a good life,
fact of great importance for the psychosomatic to be happy and socially useful. But for this
conception of the illness. I shall not, however, they must cathect stable and valuable objects,
go into this today. I shall only say that it which becomes possible through the diminishing
implies a very archaic and, in my opinion, a of their neurosis.
prenatal level of fixation. It may also be, as I By clarifying the neurosis psycho-analytical
have shown, that the system of object relation- treatment alerts the patient against choosing
ship in allergic conditions is rooted in the same and controlling objects which may turn out to
deep level of fixation. . be dangerous for him. In this way psycho-
I have not referred to every aspect of allergic analytical treatment often prevents most of the
regression, but have only given a general idea of regressive events which bring about the symptom
the subject, sufficientto clarify the diagnosis and and considerably reduces the extent of it, both
prognosis. In acute episodes (confusional ones, quantitatively and qualitatively.
for instance) or in sub-acute states, or again in Yet in my opinion psycho-analysis does not
chronic depressive, and delirious states, it is the affect the structural allergic basis, and it leaves
persistence of the appeal of the object as well as intact the inevitable tendency to possess the
the capacity the patient has maintained for a object.
rapid possessing of the object for cathecting, The intensity of the prenatal fixation, of which
controlling and transforming it, provisionally I am convinced but which remains hypothetical,
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