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Tawheed (Belief in Oneness of Allah)

➢ Introduction
o The belief in oneness of God is the first article of faith.
o Tawheed is the fundamental teaching of Islam and the foundation of faith.
o One cannot be considered Muslim without believing in it.
o Surah Ikhlas explains the nature of Tawheed as it says "Say He is Allah the One and Only.
Allah the Eternal and Absolute. He does not give birth and He is not born and there is
none like unto Him".
Three Aspects of Tawheed

1. Oneness of Lordship (Rubobiyah)

➢ Meaning of Rubobiyah
• In Arabic the word used to describe this creator-sustainer quality is ‘Rubobeyah’ which is
derived from the root "Rabb" (Lord).
➢ Requirement of faith
• The main statement that every Muslim makes is ‘la ilaha illa Allah’, means ‘there is no God but
Allah’ and this statement is required to enter the folder off Islam.
➢ Allah as lord, creator and sustainer
• This category is based on the fundamental concept that Allah alone caused all things to exist
when there was nothing; He sustains and maintains creation without any need from it or for
it; and He is the sole Lord of the universe and its inhabitants without any challenge to His
➢ Allah has all the powers
• According to this category, since God is the only real power in existence, it is He who gave all
things the power to move and to change. Nothing happens in creation except what He allows
to happen.
• In recognition of this reality, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to often repeat the exclamatory
phrase "La hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah" (There is no movement nor power except
by Allah's will)

2. Oneness in Worship of Allah (Uloohiyah)

➢ Meaning of Uloohiyah
• The second type of Tawheed related to Worship. It is called Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah because
Muslims associate it to Allah only.
• It is also called Tawheed al- ‘Ibadah because it is attributed to the forms of worship and to
worshiping Allah the Almighty.

➢ Requirement and way of worshipping Allah

• This is the type of Tawheed in which the defects and the most problems took place.
• This is why Allah has sent the Prophets and the Messengers, peace be upon them, so that
they would clarify this to their people and bring them back from darkness to the light.
• Through this form of Tawheed, those who followed the messengers will be successful and
those who didn’t, failed and will go to Hell.
• The Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, If you ask in prayer, ask only Allah, and if
you seek help, seek it only from Allah. [ At-Tirmidhee]
• Worship ('Ebaadah) in the Islam, includes more than just fasting, paying Zakaah, Hajj and
animal sacrifices. It includes emotions like love, trust, and fear, all of which have degrees
which should only be directed to God. "Put your trust in Allah if you are truly believers."
(al-Maa'idah, 5:23)
➢ Purpose and goal of creation
• All forms of worship must be directed only to Allaah because He alone deserves worship, and
it is He alone who can grant benefit to man as a result of His worship. Furthermore, there is
no need for any form of intercessor or intermediary between man and God.
• Allah emphasized the importance of directing worship to Him alone by pointing out that this
was the main purpose of man's creation and the essence of the message brought by all the
• Allah states: I did not create the Jinn nor Mankind except for My worship.
[Adh-Dhaariyaat 56]
➢ Forbidden acts in worship
• The confirmation and belief in Tawheed Al-Uloohiyyah necessitates the denial of all forms of
intercession or association of partners with Allah such as praying or making any supplication
to a dead or living person, or to an inanimate object for any reason.
• The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) confirmed the concept of unity of worship saying, "If you ask
in prayer ask only Allah, and if you seek help, seek it only from Allah." (at-Tirmidhee)

3. Oneness of the Names & Attributes (Asma o Sifaat)

• Belief in oneness of Allah means one must not name or qualify God except with what he and
his Messenger have named or qualified him with.
• None can be named or qualified with the names or qualifications of God.
• Muslims must believe in all the qualities of God which he has stated in his Book or mentioned
• through his Messenger; Muslims believe in the divine attributes of God; these attributes are
only inherent in God and this belief is integral to Islam.

• Muslims are unable to describe God; however, the existence of God can be realized through
his indicators and through his attributes as told by his messengers.
• Allah has 99 names which must be considered in the absolute sense, free from human
deficiencies of interpretation. Only Allah has the certain names.
• Like; Al- Khaliq (the Creator), Al- Raziq (the Provider), Al- Ahad (the One), Al-Muhyi wal
al Mumeet (the Giver and Taker of Life), Al- Amir (the Commander)

• And Quran mentions the attributes of all at various places such as,
• “and to Allah belongs the most beautiful names, so call upon him using them” (7:180)
• “There is nothing like Him and He is hearer and seer of all” (42:11)
• Say to them (O Prophet!): "Call upon Him as Allah or call upon Him as al-Rahman; call
Him by whichever name you will, all His names are beautiful. Neither offer your Prayer
in too loud a voice, nor in a voice too low; but follow a middle course." 17:110)

➢ Conclusion
• Tawheed is the core of Islam.
• There is no faith without believing in the Tawheed and its aspects. Surah Fatiha talks about all
aspects of Tawheed.
• One cannot be considered Muslim and a slightest weakness in this faith one can commit shirk
which is the major sin in Islam and it will not be forgiven

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Importance of Tawheed in Muslims life

A Muslim must understand the deep meaning of Tawheed. Accepting Allah as the One and Only
God means that we accept our obligations toward Him. When we know Tawheed, then we focus
on listening to Allah’s commands. That brings us closer to Him, which should be the ultimate aim
of every Muslim.

➢ Broad-Mind Set:
A believer in this Kalima can never be narrow-minded or shriveled in outlook. He believes
in a God who is Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Master of the East and the
West and Sustainer of the entire universe. He looks upon everything in the universe as
belonging to the same Lord whom he himself belongs to. He is not biased in his thinking
and behavior. His sympathy, love, and service do not remain confined to any particular
sphere or group. His vision is enlarged, his intellectual horizon widens, and his outlook
become liberal and as boundless as is the Kingdom of God. Such practical example can
be seen when a Jew won a case against the caliph Ali (RA) and got impressed by
unbiased attitude and converted to Islam

➢ Self-Respect and Self-Esteem:

This belief produces in man the highest degree of self-respect and self-esteem. The
believer knows that Allah alone is the possessor of all power, and that none besides Him
can benefit or harm a person, or provide for his need, or give and take away life, or use
authority or influence. This conviction makes him indifferent to, and independent and
fearless of, all powers other than those of God.

➢ Modesty and Humbleness:

Along with self-respect this belief also generates in man a sense of modesty and
humbleness. A believer never becomes proud, haughty or arrogant. The boisterous pride
of power, wealth and worth can have no room in his heart, because he knows that
whatever he possesses has been given to him by God, and can take away just as He
can give. In contrast to this, an unbeliever, when he achieves some worldly merit,
becomes proud and conceited because he believes that his merit is due to his own worth.
In Islamic history, example of Uthman bin Affaan is the most prominent that despite
having the title of ‘Ghani’ he was most humble and modest.

➢ Virtuous and Upright

This belief makes man virtuous and upright. He has the conviction that there is no other
means of success and salvation for him except purity of soul and righteousness of
behavior. He has perfect faith in God who is above all need, is related to none, is
absolutely just, and none has any hand or influence in the exercise of His divine powers.
This belief creates in him the consciousness that, unless he lives rightly and acts justly,
he cannot succeed.

➢ Profound Confidence:
The believer does not become hopeless and broken-hearted under any circumstances.
He has firm faith in God who is the Master of all the treasures of the earth and the
heavens, whose grace and bounty have no limit and whose powers are infinite. In this
world he might meet with rejection from all doors, nothing herein might serve his ends,
all means might, one after another, desert him; but faith in and dependence on God never
leave him; and upon their strength he goes on struggling. Such a profound confidence
can result from no other belief than belief in one God.

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➢ Determination, Patient Perseverance, and Trust:
This belief produces in man a very strong degree of determination, patient perseverance,
and trust in God. When he makes up his mind and devotes his resources to fulfill the
Divine Commands in order to secure God’s pleasure, he is sure he has the support and
backing of the Lord of the universe, this certainty makes him firm and strong like a
mountain, and no amount of difficulties, impediments, and hostile opposition can make
him give up his resolution. One of the practical examples is of Hazrat Bilal Ibn Rabba
(RA) that how he remained determined to the belief of oneness of Allah that even during
severe torture he used to say ‘Ahad’ ‘Ahad’ and no force could deviate from his belief.

➢ Bravery:
This declaration inspires bravery in man. There are two things which make a man
(i) fear of death and love of safety, and
(ii) the idea that there is someone else besides God who can take away life and that
man, by adopting certain devices, can ward off death.
Belief in La ilaha illallah purges the mind of both these ideas; because he knows that his
life and his property and everything else really belong to God. A time has been ordained
for him, and all the forces of the world combined cannot take away anyone’s life before
that time. It is for this reason that no one is braver than the one who has faith in God.
History has shown that Muslims warrior overcame the forces double of their strength due
to their power of belief and trust in Allah, such as battle of Badr and Muata.

➢ Peace and Contentment:

The belief in La ilaha illallah creates an attitude of peace and contentment, eliminate
jealousy, envy and greed and keeps away the temptations of resorting to base and unfair
means for achieving success. The believer understands that wealth is in God’s hands,
and He apportions it out as He likes; that honor, power, reputation and authority -
everything – is subjected to His will, and He bestows them as He will; and that man’s
duty is only to endeavor and to struggle fairly.

➢ Obey and Observe God's Law:

The most important effect of La ilaha illallah is that it makes man obey and observe
God’s Law. One who has belief in it is sure that God knows everything hidden or open
and is nearer to him than his own jugular vein. If he commits a sin in a secluded corner
and in the darkness of the night, He knows it; He even knows our thoughts and intentions,
bad or good. We can hide from everyone, but we cannot hide anything from God; we can
evade everyone, but it is impossible to evade God’s grip. The example of hazrat Ibrahim
(AS) is a guidance for Muslims that how observation can help them understand Alllah
and his attributes.

➢ Conclusion:

Allah says in Surah an-Nisa that He does not forgive the association of partners with
Him, but forgives everything besides that. If Muslim understand the consequences of
disobeying Allah, then they will always try out best to obey His teachings to the fullest.
Correct belief about Allah improves lives and day to day affairs in a many of ways.

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Shirk (Associating Partners with Allah)

Introduction of ‘Shirk’
• The word Shirk comes from an Arabic word generally meaning, ‘to share.’ In the context of
Religion, it means giving Rights of Allah to someone other than Allah (God). Shirk is the act of
ascribing a partner or rival to Allah in Lordship (Ruboobiyyah).
• In the Holy Qur’an, one that engages in Shirk is referred to as a ‘mushrik’ or ‘mushrikeen’ (in
its plural form) One that takes part in Shirk and plots against Islam. The Holy Quran refers to them
as the enemies of Islam.
• Only God has the right to be worshipped or venerated. One who believes that anyone other than
Allah created him or believes there is an entity worthy of worship besides Allah (God), is
committing the grave sin of Shirk. Shirk is often translated to mean the practice of polytheism.The
act of Shirk includes failing to worship God, denying His Existence, and sharing or
associating a partner with Him; whether the partner is a prophet, an idol, the sun, the
moon, orany other being or thing.
• Shirk is regarded as the serious sin in Islam. Shirk nullifies all of one’s good deeds and denies
one the rewards of the hereafter. “And it was already revealed to you and those before you
that if you should associate [anything] with Allah, your work would surely become
worthless, and you would surely be among the losers” (Quran 39:65)

Description of each type of Shirk

1. Shirk in the Existence of God would constitute assigning partners to God or saying that there is
more than one Creator. Shirk in the existence of Allah is considered Major Shirk (Shirk Al-Akbar)
is very serious and takes one out of the folds of Islam. Major Shirk is ascribing to someone other
than Allah. Something that belongs Only to Allah, the Glorious, such as Lordship (ruboobiyyah),
Divinity (uloohiyyah)
It is also a shirk to declare God to be the father or son of someone. As Quran says, ‘He does not
beget, nor is He begotten.’ This is the most unforgivable sin and should never be committed as
God has said in several places in the Qur’an e.g. ‘Allah forgives not that partners should be
set up with Him, but He forgives anything else to whom He pleases.’(Al- Nisa 4:48)

2. Shirk in the Worship of God can be committed by praying invoking or asking for help from any
other than God and by offering sacrifice or slaughtering in the name of any other than God.
Muslims should therefore only ask God for the fulfilment of their wishes or needs as that power lies
only with him. Only He should be invoked.

3. Shirk in God’s Attributes means to ascribe qualities which are unique to God to some other
being. It means to believe that some being other than God has the power to create, or make
something perish or has the same knowledge as God or the same divine power. Muslims should
therefore be careful to not commit this grave sin. “There is nothing like Him, and He sees and
hears all things.” (Quran 42:11) Anyone who denies some or all of Allah’s names and attributes
has committed shirk in this area. It is imperative to believe in all of the revelation: all of the
revealed names of Allah that belong to Him, as well as all of the attributes that have been
revealed, without denying anyone of them. Denying even one attribute is like denying them all,
and this constitutes disbelief.
All three kinds of shirk should never be committed ‘Whoever joins other gods with Allah, Allah
will forbid him from the garden and fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be
no one to help.’ (Al- Maidah 5:72)

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Belief in Angels of Allah -Second Article of Faith

➢ Introduction
o The Arabic word for angel is Malak. Believing in angels is an essential part of Muslims’ faith.
o Faith of Muslim cannot be considered completed without having belief on angels of Allah.
o This belief link with all articles of faith as is mentioned in the Quran,
o “It is righteous to believe in God, and the last day and the angels and the books and the
Messengers.” (2:177, Al-Baqarah)

➢ Nature and Characteristics of Angels

o Muslims believe that angels are created from light.
o Angels are completely obedient creation of Allah (SWT). They have no free will as ours.
o “They do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, but do as they are commanded.
“[Qur'an 66:6]
o Angels do not get hungry, thirsty, tired or bored.
o They do not have gender.
o They know as much as Allah teaches them.
o They like to listen to the Qur'an.
o They dislike unpleasant smell and dirtiness.
o The number of angels is known to Allah (SWT) only.
o As they are made by the divine light (Noor) and can appear in human form and there are some
who have specific roles, including guardian angels.
o According to the Qur'an, angels have wings.
o Allah says: "All praise is to Allah, the creator of the heavens and earth. The One who has
made the angels messengers with wings two, three and four. He increases in His
creation whatever He wants. Allah surely has power over everything." [Qur'an 35:1]

➢ Duties of Angels
o Angels are the divine agencies through which Allah ensures the perfect functioning of the
universe. Angels have various functions and duties.
o The most significant duty of the angels was to bring Allah's message to the Prophets.
o They worship and glorify Allah and prostrate before Him.
o Angels send salat o Salam upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
o They record the deeds of the people.
o They also console and comfort righteous people and bring them glad tidings.
o Some angels will welcome the righteous believers on their entering heaven.
o They appeared in human form before Ibrahim (AS) to give him the glad tiding of the birth of a
son and before Lut (AS) to warn him of the impending doom of his wicked people.
o Angels also descend upon believers while fighting in the way of Allah so that they may gain
victory over their enemies, such as battle of Badr.

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➢ Muslims Belief about the Role of Angels in Human life
o They take care of people by defending against devils. Quran says, “But verily over you
(are appointed angels) to protect you.” (Al-Infitar 82: 10)
o They record everything a person does, and this information is used on the Day of
o They Make Dua for them and ask for forgiveness for humans
o They welcome Muslims into Paradise and also supervise the pits of Hell.
o Angels constantly beg God’s mercy for him. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “And the angels
celebrate the praises of their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for all beings on the
earth.” (Al-Shura 42:5)
o Each person has been assigned two recording angels, constantly guarding and recording.
o Other angels visit human beings to witness the prayer and listen to recited verses of the

➢ Prominent Angels.
There are some prominent angels as mentioned in Holy Quran and hadiths.
The prominent angels are Jibrael (AS) Mikael (AS) Izrael (AS) Israfil (RA) and other
prominent angels are Rizwan, Kiraman Katibin, Munkir and Nakeer.
o Jibrael (AS) is considered an archangel who was responsible for revealing the Quran to
Muhammad (SAW), verse by verse and he is considered as the most respectable in all the
angels. The main duty of Jibrael (AS) was to convey the message of Allah Almighty to all the
prophets. The Angel Jibril also appeared to Maryam (AS), who in Christianity is known as
Mary. Quran also says that on Lailatul Qadar in Ramazan, Jibrael comes on earth with the
message of Allah to humankind. Quran says, “In this night, the angels & Rooh descend
with the permission of their Lord.” (Qadr 97:4)

o Mikael (AS) is in charge of all the weather on the earth. In the whole world whenever we
see any wind blowing or slow or heavy raining, it is done and controlled by Mikael (AS). Till
the day of judgment, he will be in charge of all these activities. Allah says in the
Quran, “Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles to Jibrail and
Mikael Lo! Allah is enemy those who reject faith,” (Al- Baqarah 2:98).

o Izrael (AS) has to take souls out of the body at the time of death.
o Israfil (AS) is an angel which will perform the duty of blowing the trumpet (Soor) on the
day of judgment. All of the living things on the earth will die with the sound of the trumpet.
Then he will below the trumpet again so that all of the dead creatures will be alive again.
o Rizwan (AS) is another angel who is the in charge of heaven.
o Kiraman Katibin are two angels which are related to all of the humans as a writer of their
sins and goodness. These writings will be shown to us on the day of judgment.
o Munkir and Nakeer are the two angels which come in the grave to ask questions from all of
the buried bodies.

➢ Conclusion
Belief in angels inspires believers to obey Almighty Allah and spend the worldly life according to
the commandments Furthermore, it keeps Muslims alert from committing any evil deed as "The
Respected Writers' record all the actions. It also urges believers to praise Allah, send Durood
upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and help the true believers in difficulties.

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Importance of belief in Angels in Muslims life

➢ Introduction
Angels are creation of Allah Almighty. They are immortal, are made of light and have wings.
One of their characteristics is their lack of bodily desires, they never get tired, do not eat or
drink, and have no anger. Believing in angels is an essential part of Muslims’ faith.
Faith of Muslim This belief link with al articles of faith as is mentioned in the Quran,
“It is righteous to believe in God, and the last day and the angels and the books and the
Messengers.” (2:177, Al-Baqarah)
Iman cannot be considered completed without having belief on angels of Allah. According to
our faith, they are made by the divine light (Noor) and they can’t do anything as per their own
will and they are considered a sin-free creature of Allah Almighty.

➢ Muslims Belief about the Role of Angels in Human life

Duties of Prominent Angels
• Kiraman Katibin
These two angels which are related to all of the humans as a writer of their sins and
goodness. These writings will be shown to us on the day of judgment. Each person has
been assigned two recording angels, constantly guarding and recording, other angels visit
human beings to witness the prayer and listen to recited verses of the Qur’an.

• Jibrael (AS)
He comes on earth with the message of Allah Almighty to humankind on Lailatul Qadar in
Ramazan. Quran says, “In this night, the angels & Rooh descend with the permission
of their Lord.” (Qadr 97:4)

• Mikael (AS)
He is in charge of all the weather on the earth. In the whole world whenever we see any
wind blowing or slow or heavy raining, it is done and controlled by the Mikael. Till the day of
judgment, he will be in charge of all these activities. Allah says in the Quran, “Whoever is
an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles to Jibrail and Mikael Lo! Allah is
enemy those who reject faith,” (Al- Baqarah 2:98).

• Munkir and Nakeer

They will come in the grave to ask questions from all of the buried bodies, when human
being dies.

Angels’ Support in Daily Life

Responsible for Protection
• They take care of people by defending against devils . Quran says, “But verily over you
(are appointed angels) to protect you.” (Al-Infitar 82: 10)
• Angels are also responsible for guarding people throughout their lives. Allah has placed
these angels around the human being. Allah says “He (a person) has those (angels) who
constantly surround him – from before him and behind him, protecting him by the
Command of Allaah.” [Surah Ar-Ra’ad: 11] Therefore, so long as Allah has decreed that
this individual will be safe from harms, these angels will protect and guard him, and no
human will be able to harm him.

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Some other Roles of Angels
• They welcome Muslims into Paradise and also supervise the pits of Hell.
• They make Dua for them and ask for forgiveness for humans. Angels constantly beg God’s
mercy for him. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “And the angels celebrate the praises of
their Lord, and pray for forgiveness for all beings on the earth.” (Al-Shura 42:5)
• Muslims belief that they are angels who are in charge of breathing life into the fetus a few
months after conception with the permission of God; an angel then writes the answer to four
questions in this human being’s book of deeds, like; Will it be male or female? Will this
person be happy or sad? How long will his/her life be and will the person perform good or
bad deeds.

• The Status of the Fajr and ‘Asr Prayers amidst the Other Prayers:

• The Prophet  said: “You are constantly being frequented (in successive shifts) by angels at
night and angels during the day. And they gather together during the ‘Asr Prayer and during
the Fajr Prayer.” It is for this reason that these two prayers are the greatest of all prayers.
Allah says: “Verily, the recitation of the Qur’an in the early dawn (i.e., Fajr Prayer) is
witnessed (by the angels).” [Surah Al-Israa: 78]

➢ Muslims Belief about Angels Support to Prophets

• Angels have helped several prophets including the Prophet SAW in battle of Badr and Allah
strengthen the hearts of believers in the battle of Badr with almost 1000 Angels.
• Allah says in the Quran, “(Remember) when your Lord revealed to the angels, "Verily,
I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts
of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their
fingers and toes.' (Verse 8:12)
➢ Angels’ support for Prophet (SAW)
• Angel Jibril also came in human form to Prophet (SAW) in presence of companions to teach
pillars of Islam and Imaan in form of a companion Dahiya Kalbi (RA)
• He escorted Prophet (SAW) during Isra & Miraj and accompanied Prophet (SAW) to
the point of Lute tree.
➢ Angels’ support for Prophet Lut (AS)
• Prophet Lut AS was also protected by angels in the time of need.
➢ Angels’ support for Prophet Maryam (AS) and Isa (AS)
• Angel Jibrail AS brought message to Maryam (AS) about of birth of Isa.
• He took Isa (AS) to Allah Almighty when people tried to kill him.
➢ Angels’ support for Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS)
• When Ibrahim (AS) was thrown in fire he came by the command of Allah and offered him
• It is also said he help infant Ismail (AS) to tap his feet after which Zamzam water appeared.

➢ Conclusion
• Belief in the Angels has a tremendous effect on the life of humans, since if a person is aware
of them, he will indeed be cautious and mindful.

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Belief in Books of Allah - Third Articles of Faith

➢ Introduction
• Belief in revealed Books is the third important article of faith.
• Allah says, “But righteous is he who believes in Allah and the Last Day and the
angels and scriptures.” (Al-Baqarah 2:117)
• Believing in these books means that we must believe with certainty that Allah has
someBooks that He revealed to His worshipers with the clear truth.
• These books consist of Allah's speech in which He spoke to mankind the way He wanted to.
➢ Purpose of Divine Scripts
▪ Significance
These Books were revealed to messengers who were sent at different times to different
nations with significant content and purpose.
▪ Source Of Communication To Messengers
• Revelation is spiritual communication between Allah and His apostles.
• The apostles of Allah received the Divine Books from different channels. Allah, in the Quran
mentions various means of communicating. It says that He communicated with them to send
down His laws by means of inspiration, sounds or through Jibrael (AS)
• It’s mentioned in Quran, "It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him
except by inspiration, or from behind a veil or by sending a Messenger to reveal
with Allah's permission what Allah wills. (Surah Shura - 42:51)
▪ Source Of Guidance For Mankind
• These Books were the major source and, chief way in which humans know Allah's will for
them. The messengers conveyed them to mankind in order to enlighten them for their
spiritual nourishment by heavenly laws.
• Different books were meant for different communities just like different messengers were
sent to different nations. The messengers on whom the particular books were revealed
proclaimed the message of Allah to their nations.
• The Qur’an states, “For each [community to which a Messenger was sent with a Book]
have We appointed a law and a practice.” (Al-Ma’idah, 5:48)
➢ Similar Teachings in all Divine Books
• Different books were sent on different communities yet the content of all was the same.
They all invited man towards the belief in the sole existence of Allah and His Unity in all
• Quran says, “We have explained in the Quran for the benefit of mankind.” (Az-
Zumar 39:2)
• It is Allah's speech to His mankind so all divine books have same teachings such as belief in
Tawheed, Prophets, Day of Judgment, accountability of deeds, Prayers, Zakat, Fasting
and social obligations like respect of other human being.
• All previous books declared Satan as avowed enemy. “For Satan is a vowed enemy of man
“. (Yusuf 12:5)

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➢ Divine Books/Scriptures
Some books which were sent to prophets are mentioned in the Quran
1. The Zabur revealed to Dawood (AS)
2. The Tawrah revealed to Musa (AS)
3. The Injil revealed to Isa (AS)
4. The Suhuf revealed to Ibraheem (AS)
5. The Quran revealed to Prophet (SAW)
• All divine books had code of morality & justice but not as comprehensive as Quran.
• All the books which were sent for different communities were destroyed, altered,
changed or corrupted.
• The people who received the laws of Allah changed them as per their will and
• For example, the doctrine of trinity corrupted the original religion of Isa (AS) and
the content of the Bible.
• Therefore, we believe that none of the previous texts is available in its true form
except the Holy Quran.

➢ Significance of Holy Quran

▪ Uncorrupted content
• Muslim believe that the Quran is perfectly in the form as it was revealed and is free
from any corruption or changes. As the responsibility of preservation of Quran is taken
by Allah Himself that He would protect the content of this book till the end of time.
• Allah (SAW) says, “We have without; doubt revealed the reminder and we will
guard it (from corruption).” - Al- Hijr 15:9
▪ Universal Teachings
• The texts which were revealed before Holy Quran were limited in scope and
commandments whereas, the Quran is universal in scope and is sent for the whole
▪ Complete code of life
• It is also a comprehensive and complete Book of guidance unlike other books. Hence,
the teachings of Quran actually sum up all the teachings in the previous books.
• The Quran deals with every aspect of human life, social economic, legal, and moral, etc.
▪ Confirmation of previous scriptures
• The Qur’an says, “And We have revealed to you the Book with the truth,
confirming the books before it and with final authority over them. (Al-Ma’idah,
▪ Proven Facts
• The scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Quran 1400 years ago are proven by
scientists today such as concept of water cycle, embryology, senses in skin etc.
▪ Our duty towards Quran
• Muslims must read it, recite it and ponder its verses and must also reflect on its spiritual
guidance, statements and stories and take it as a criterion in lives.

➢ Conclusion
• The belief of the Muslims in the ‘Books of Allah’ refers solely to the ‘original guidance’
received by their prophets, and not to the present-day version of these Books. Islam
claims that the teachings of the Qur’an are complete, perfect and eternal. These
teachings are fully capable of guiding mankind in all ages.
• Moreover, the belief in revealed books lead to the concept of belief in Prophets as it is
the Prophets on whom these books were revealed. Negating this would automatically
negate the concept of belief in Prophets.

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