for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: F2923 − 14
The purpose of this consumer safety specification is to establish nationally recognized safety
requirements and test methods for children’s jewelry.
age 12, is covered by another ASTM standard, Consumer 1.5 The following precautionary statement pertains only to
Safety Specification F2999. the test methods portion of this specification. This standard
does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,
1.3 This specification does not apply to the following:
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this
1.3.1 Toy jewelry or any other products that are intended for
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices
use by a child when the child plays (that is, a necklace worn by
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior
a doll or stuffed animal; novelty jewelry with play value);2
to use.
2. Referenced Documents
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F15 on
Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F15.24 on 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Published November 2014. Originally
approved in 2011. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as F2923 – 11. DOI: For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
10.1520/D2393-14. contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Any product which is predominately used for play value is a toy. Toys are Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
subject to the requirements of Consumer Safety Specification F963-11. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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F2923 − 14
E1613 Test Method for Determination of Lead by Induc- 16 CFR 1500.91 Determinations regarding lead content for
tively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry certain materials or products under section 101 of the
(ICP-AES), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
(FAAS), or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spec- 16 CFR 1500.231 Guidance for hazardous liquid chemicals
trometry (GFAAS) Techniques in children’s products
F963-11 Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety 16 CFR 1501.3 Exemptions
F2999 Consumer Safety Specification for Adult Jewelry 16 CFR 1501.4 Size requirements and test procedure
2.2 CPSC Standards:4
3. Terminology
CPSC-CH-E1003-09 Standard Operating Procedure for De-
termining Lead (Pb) in Paint and Other Similar Surface 3.1 Refer to Annex A1 for Age Determination Guidelines
Coatings, April 26, 2009 for children and adult jewelry.
CPSC-CH-E1002-08 Standard Operating Procedure for De- 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
termining Total Lead (Pb) in Non-Metal Children’s 3.2.1 jewelry—jewelry is a product principally designed and
Products, February 1, 2009 intended as an ornament worn by a person and includes the
CPSC-CH-E1001-08 Standard Operating Procedure for De- following:
termining Total Lead (Pb) in Children’s Metal Products a. Anklet
(Including Children’s Metal Jewelry) b. Arm cuff
CPSC-CH-E1004-11 Standard Operating Procedure for De- c. Bracelet
d. Brooch
termining Cadmium (Cd) Extractability from Children’s e. Chain
Metal Jewelry f. Crown or tiara
g. Cuff link
2.3 European Standards:5 h. Hair accessory with significant decorative elementsA
CR 12471: 2002 Screening test for nickel release from alloys i. Earrings or ear cuffs
and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged j. Necklace
k. Pins (such as tie tacks and trading pins)
contact with the skin l. Ring
EN 1811: 2011 Reference test method for release of nickel m. Body piercing jewelry
from all post assemblies which are inserted into pierced n. Jewelry placed in the mouth for display or ornament
o. Any component of a product listed in a – n.
parts of the human body and articles intended to come into p. Any charm, bead, chain, link, pendant or other
direct and prolonged contact with the skin attachment to shoes or clothing designed to be
EN 12472: 2009 Method for the simulation of wear and removed and worn, alone or attached to an item in a -
n, as an ornament by a person.
corrosion for the detection of nickel release from coated q. Watch in which a timepiece is a component of an
items ornament, excluding the timepiece itself if the
2.4 CFR Standard: timepiece can be removed from the ornament.
r. Jewelry components in craft kits where the final
16 CFR 1500.4 Human experience with hazardous sub- assembled jewelry product is principally designed and
stances intended as an ornament worn by a person. Tools
16 CFR 1500.14 Products requiring special labeling under used to make jewelry are not jewelry.
16 CFR 1500.49 Technical requirements for determining a 3.2.2 body piercing jewelry—Any part of jewelry that is
sharp metal or glass edge in toys and other articles manufactured or sold for placement in a new piercing or a
intended for use by children under 8 years of age mucous membrane, but does not include any part of that
16 CFR 1500.50-53 Test methods for simulating use and jewelry that is not placed within a new piercing or a mucous
abuse of toys and other articles intended for use by membrane. Earrings, unless specifically sold for a new
children piercing, are not body piercing jewelry. Components of chil-
dren’s jewelry that are not in contact with a mucous membrane
are not subject to the requirements of body piercing jewelry but
Available from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), 4330 East are subject to the other applicable requirements of this speci-
West Hwy., Bethesda, MD 20814, http://www.cpsc.gov. All subsequent versions of
these Standard Operating Procedures approved by the CPSC staff satisfy this fication.
3.2.3 children’s jewelry—Children’s jewelry is jewelry de-
Available from European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Avenue
Marnix 17, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium, http://www.cen.eu.
signed or intended primarily for use by children 12 years of age
Many national organizations issue their own versions of these test methods; these or younger. Jewelry shall be considered children’s jewelry
versions will satisfy the requirements of this standard. when:
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F2923 − 14
a. Represented in its packaging, display, promotion or advertising 4.1.2 Whether the product is represented in its packaging,
as appropriate for use by a child 12 years of age or younger. display, promotion or advertising as appropriate for use by the
b. Sold in conjunction with, attached to, or packaged together with
other products that are packaged, displayed, or advertised
ages specified;
as appropriate for use by children 12 years of age or younger. 4.1.3 Whether the product is commonly recognized by
c. Sized for children 12 years of age or younger and not designed consumers as being primarily intended for use by a child of the
or intended primarily for use by consumers 13 and older.
d. Sold in any of the following: ages specified; and
(i) A vending machine. 4.1.4 The CPSC Age Determination Guidelines: Relating
(ii) A retail store, catalogue, or online website, in which a Children’s Ages to Toy Characteristics and Play Behavior (Age
exclusively offers for sale products that are packaged, Determination Guidelines).
displayed, or advertised as appropriate for use primarily by The Age Determination Guidelines were developed
children 12 years of age or younger.
(iii) A discrete portion of a retail store, catalogue,
to identify toy characteristics and play behavior. They are of
or online Internet Web site, in which a person offers for sale most value in evaluating the appropriate age grading of jewelry
products that are packaged, displayed, or advertised as once the jewelry is identified as primarily intended for children
appropriate or intended for use primarily by children
12 years of age or younger.
12 years of age or younger looking at the other factors. Jewelry
e. Labeled in a manner indicating that the product is designed and is not recommended for children under 3 except under close
intended primarily for children 12 years of age or younger (for parental supervision. Annex A1 outlines considerations impor-
example, “For children 3+,” “For ages 4 – 8.”)
tant to determining when jewelry is children’s jewelry for
3.2.4 hazardous magnet—As defined in Consumer Safety purposes of determining age suitability.
Specification F963-11.
4.2 It is recommended that children’s jewelry include an age
3.2.5 hazardous magnetic component—As defined in Con- label to provide point-of-sale guidance to consumers about the
sumer Safety Specification F963-11, except that chains with a selection of appropriate jewelry for children of average abili-
length greater than 6 in. are exempt from the definition of ties and interests as to safety-related aspects of children’s
hazardous magnetic components. jewelry, based on the manufacturer’s design and intent, where
3.2.6 functional sharp point—Any accessible, potentially such labeling is feasible and appropriate.
hazardous sharp point included in the product that is essential
4.3 When children’s jewelry is age-labeled, the label should
for the intended function of the product.
be placed in a location likely to be seen by the purchaser under
3.2.7 button cell battery—A battery having a diameter typical retail conditions. For children’s jewelry that is
greater than its height. packaged, it should appear in a location on the package where
3.2.8 suction tongue stud—A small bead with an opening on it is likely to be seen by the purchaser, since the type of
one side only, which acts to create a vacuum and is intended for package, form and format may differ. Some children’s jewelry
use as jewelry on the human tongue, without the need for is sold with a small price tag (3⁄4 × 3⁄8 in. in size) attached. Age
piercing. labels and any other required warnings could appear on the
3.2.9 direct and prolonged skin contact—direct contact with back of price tags attached to individual items of unpackaged
the skin for 1 h or more a day. children’s jewelry. Earrings are often sold on earring cards,
where the side of the card facing the consumer is covered by
3.2.10 normal use—use as designed and intended.
the earring itself. The back of the card typically includes
4. Age-Labeling pricing and other information. The age label could be placed on
4.1 Jewelry often features decorative motifs such as the back of the price tag or earring card, or could appear in a
animals, flowers, insects, initials or names, characters, as well retail location, such as a retail shelf card, where it is likely to
as bright colors, beads and other materials. Because jewelry be seen by the purchaser.
with these motifs can be designed and intended primarily for 4.4 Many children’s jewelry items are sold in an unpack-
adults or can be designed and intended primarily for children, aged form, displayed on T-Bar or similar displays, or laid out
manufacturer age labels, marketing, advertising, distribution, in cases or special display stands. Items may or may not
size and retail store placement must be considered in deter- include individual price tags and price information may be
mining whether jewelry is children’s jewelry. In evaluating available at a bin, container, case or display area. For jewelry
when jewelry is primarily intended for children 12 years of age that is not packaged, the age label or other warnings may
or younger, the following factors should be considered: appear on the individual price tag or may be presented in the
4.1.1 A statement by the manufacturer about the intended form of a retail shelf card or display card in a size and form
use of the product, including a label on the product if such reasonably calculated to be seen by the purchaser. Age labels
statement is reasonable; for children’s jewelry sold in print catalogues or online stores
TABLE 1 Lead Content Limits for Children’s Jewelry
Materials Covered (Except as Excluded per Table 2) Maximum Total Lead Limits (ppm) in Children’s Jewelry
All substrates 100 ppmA
Paint or surface coating 90 ppm
This limit will not apply to 1) any material for which the CPSC makes a finding that meeting a 100 ppm limit is not technologically feasible, and 2) any material for which
an exemption from such limits has been approved by the CPSC. If the U.S. Congress adopts different standards or schedules for lead content in children’s products, this
standard will conform to those limits.
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F2923 − 14
TABLE 2 Materials Excluded from Lead Limits in Children’s Jewelry
Stainless or surgical steel within the designations of Unified Numbering System UNS S13800 – S66286, not including the stainless steel designated as 303 Pb
(UNS S30360), provided that no lead or lead-containing metal is intentionally added
Precious metals: gold (at least 10 karat); sterling silver (at least 925/1000); platinum; palladium; rhodium; osmium; iridium; ruthenium; titanium
Semiprecious gemstones and other minerals, provided they are not based on lead or lead compounds, excluding aragonite, bayldonite, boleite, cerussite, crocoite,
ekanite, linarite, mimetite, phosgenite, samarskite, vanadinite and wulfenite
Paper and similar materials made from wood or other cellulosic fiber, including, but not limited to, paperboard, linerboard and medium, and coatings on such paper
that soak into the paper and cannot be scraped off the surface
Textiles (excluding after-treatment applications, including screen prints, transfers, decals or other prints) consisting of:
1) Natural fibers (dyed or undyed), including, but not limited to, cotton, kapok, flax, linen, jute, ramie, hemp, kenaf, bamboo, coir, sisal, silk, wool (sheep), alpaca,
llama, goat (mohair, cashmere), rabbit (angora), camel, horse, yak, vicuna, qiviut, guanaco or
2) Manufactured fibers (dyed or undyed), including, but not limited to, rayon, azlon, lyocell, acetate, triacetate, rubber, polyester, olefin, nylon, acrylic, modacrylic,
aramid, spandex
Other plant-derived and animal-derived materials, including, but not limited to, animal glue, bee’s wax, seeds, nut shells, flowers, bone, sea shell, coral, amber,
feathers, fur, leather in its natural state not treated in any way to add lead
CMYK printing process inks (excluding spot colors, inks that are not used in the CMYK process, inks that do not become part of the jewelry substrate, and inks
used in after-treatment applications, including screen prints, transfers, decals or other prints)
Provided it is not treated in any way to add lead.
should be displayed with the item or, if all children’s jewelry 5.2.3 Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1001-08, Standard Operat-
available for sale in the area or section of the catalogue or ing Procedure for Determining Total Lead (Pb) in Children’s
online store is subject to the same age recommendation, the age Metal Products (Including Children’s Metal Jewelry)
label may be displayed in a size and form reasonably calculated
to be seen by the purchaser and understood to apply to all 6. Exclusions from Lead Content Testing Requirements
children’s jewelry in the group. in Children’s Jewelry
6.1 The materials listed in Table 2 are excluded from testing
5. Specification for Lead in Children’s Jewelry
for total lead content in any component of children’s jewelry.
5.1 Accessible components6 of children’s jewelry shall meet Any additional exclusions approved by CPSC are automati-
the lead content limits of Table 1 unless the component is cally incorporated by reference into this list.
excluded per Table 2. Paint and surface coatings on children’s
jewelry shall meet the lead content limits of Table 1. 7. Specification for Children’s Body-piercing Jewelry
5.2 References: Tests for total lead content shall be con- 7.1 Children’s body-piercing jewelry shall be made exclu-
ducted in accordance with the requirements of the Consumer sively of the materials listed in Table 3.
Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA).
5.2.1 Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1003-09 – Standard Oper- 8. Specification for Antimony, Arsenic, Barium,
ating Procedure for Determining Lead (Pb) in Paint and Other Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, and Selenium in
Similar Surface Coatings Paint and Surface Coatings of Children’s Jewelry
5.2.2 Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1002-08, Standard Operat- 8.1 Surface-coating materials applied on or to children’s
ing Procedure for Determining Total Lead (Pb) in Non-Metal jewelry shall not contain compounds of antimony, arsenic,
Children’s Products barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, or selenium, of which
the metal content of the soluble material of these substances is
Where components are made of the same material, only one component is
in excess of the levels by weight of the contained solids
subject to any chemical test references in this standard. (including pigments, film solids, and driers) given in Table 4.
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F2923 − 14
TABLE 4 Maximum Soluble Migrated Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury and Selenium from Paint and Surface
Coating of Children’s Jewelry
Element Antimony Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Mercury Selenium
(Sb) (As) (Ba) (Cd) (Cr) (Hg) (Se)
Maximum soluble element (in mg/kg or ppm) 60 25 1000 75 60 60 500
in paint or surface coatings
of children’s jewelryA
Due to interlaboratory variability, Consumer Safety Specification F963-11 establishes the following analytical correction factors (in %): Sb, As and Se: 60%; Hg: 50%; Ba,
Cd, and Cr: 30%.
The analytical results obtained should be adjusted in accor- 9.2 Exclusions from Cadmium Substrate Requirements in
dance with the test method in 13.3 prior to comparing them to Children’s Jewelry—Only metal or plastic/polymeric compo-
the values in Table 4 to determine conformance. The soluble nents are subject to cadmium substrate testing. All other
level shall be determined by dissolving the contained solids materials are excluded from screening or testing, or both. Other
(dried film including pigments, film solids, and driers) as materials may be added should data or information regarding
specified in 13.3. An alternative test method may be used if it potential exposure risks to children from cadmium in other
meets the requirements of Annex A2. materials become available.
8.2 Reference—Consumer Safety Specification F963-11. 10. Specification for Nickel in Metal Components of
Follow recommended instructions and shield the test material Children’s Jewelry
from light.
10.1 Migration of nickel in any post assemblies of chil-
NOTE 1—It has been shown that the extraction of soluble cadmium can dren’s jewelry which are inserted into pierced ears and other
reveal a two-fold to five-fold increase when extraction is conducted in the pierced parts of the human body shall not exceed 0.2 µg/cm2/
light rather than the dark. Consumer Safety Specification F963-11, 8.3.4,
week (migration limit).
Note 7.
10.2 Migration of nickel in metal components of jewelry
9. Specification for Cadmium in Certain Substrate intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the
Materials of Children’s Jewelry skin8 shall not exceed 0.5 µg/cm2/week. Items covered include:
9.1 Accessible metal or plastic/polymeric components of (1) components of earrings (other than post assemblies),
children’s jewelry shall be screened for total cadmium content. (2) necklaces, bracelets, chains, anklets, finger rings,
Covered components of children’s jewelry containing 300 ppm (3) wrist-watch cases, watch straps and tighteners
or less total cadmium do not need to be tested for migratable 10.3 Where the components used in items listed in 10.2
cadmium. (See Note 2.) Covered components of children’s have a non-nickel coating such coating shall be sufficient to
jewelry that exceed this 300 ppm total content screening level ensure that the rate of nickel release from those parts of such
and which are small parts as defined in 16 CFR 1501.4 shall be articles coming into direct and prolonged contact with the skin
tested for soluble cadmium using an acid extraction test. The will not exceed 0.5 µg/cm2/week for a period of at least two
soluble level shall be determined by using the method and years of normal use of the article.
limits specified in 13.4 where the component is a plastic or 10.4 Precious metals listed in Table 2, and stainless or
polymeric material, and by using the method and limits surgical steel grades 304, 316 and 430, are expected to comply
specified in 13.5 where the component is metal. Covered with the requirements of 10.1 through 10.3 and do not require
components that are not small parts as defined in 16 CFR further testing for nickel migration.
1501.4 shall be tested using a saline extraction test using the
method and limits specified in 13.6. An alternative test method 10.5 Reference: EN 1811: 2011; CR 12741: 2002; EN
may be used in lieu of any of these methods if it meets the 12472: 2009.
requirements of Annex A2. 11. Liquid Filled Jewelry Requirements
NOTE 2—This cadmium screening level is based on evaluation of data 11.1 Liquid Screen—Children’s jewelry should not contain
on total versus migratable materials in metals developed by the Consumer any materials listed in 16 CFR §1500.231 or materials which
Product Safety Commission (CPSC) (See Staff Report, Cadmium in Metal
Jewelry, October, 2010) and on research sponsored by the Fashion Jewelry
would require special labeling under 16 CFR §1500.14 Per-
and Accessories Trade Association (FJATA). The research suggests that mitted liquids in liquid filled children’s jewelry should be
plated metal components containing 2000 ppm or less total cadmium are screened to eliminate potential hazards in accordance with
unlikely to result in exposure to more than a fraction of the recommended Consumer Safety Specification F963-11.
target level of 200 µg cadmium, but the screening level is based on
adoption of additional safety factors for calculation purposes. Data 12. Mechanical Requirements for Children’s Jewelry
sponsored by Cookson Precious Metals involving jewelry materials or
components containing low total cadmium (from 1 ppm to 1580 ppm) all 12.1 Magnets—This requirement is intended to address
passed EN 71-3: 1994 testing, and modified EN 71-3: 1994 testing at 4, 8 ingestion, inhalation and attachment hazards associated with
and 24 h (1).7
Jewelry designed to be worn on clothing (exclusive of detachable charms or
items that could be added to bracelets or other items or pin backs likely to touch the
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of skin), the face of a pendant, or the tongue of a box clasp, are examples of jewelry
this standard. components not likely to be in prolonged contact with the skin.
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F2923 − 14
children’s jewelry that contain a hazardous magnet. Magnets information necessary to describe the potential hazard associ-
used in children’s jewelry in applications such as: earrings or ated with each product.
brooches to attach across earlobes or through cloth; closures or 12.2 Breakaway features and releases. This section is in-
fasteners in necklaces or bracelets; attaching interchangeable tended to address the potential hazards associated with chil-
charms on bracelets or necklaces; attaching pendant pairs; or dren’s jewelry attached around the neck of a child, which may
locket closures on necklaces or rings must comply with the catch on objects in the child’s environment resulting in
following requirements. entanglement or strangulation.
12.1.1 Children’s jewelry shall not have an as-received 12.2.1 Children’s jewelry intended to be attached around the
hazardous magnet or an as-received hazardous magnetic neck shall release, either by designed breakaway feature,
component, with the exception of children’s jewelry that attachment design or physical properties of the material, when
complies with 12.1.3. subjected to 15 lb of tension in accordance with the breakaway
12.1.2 Children’s jewelry shall not liberate a hazardous tension test described in 13.1.
magnet or a hazardous magnetic component after being tested No hazardous magnets or hazardous magnet com-
in accordance with the magnet use and abuse testing as ponents shall be released during the tension test unless the
specified in 13.2. product is intended for children 8 and older and the product is
12.1.3 Children’s jewelry intended for children 8 years of labeled in conformance with 12.1.3.
age or older consisting of earrings, brooches, necklaces or No hazardous sharp points or hazardous sharp
bracelets which contain loose as-received hazardous magnets edges shall be observed during the tension test if the children’s
or loose as-received hazardous magnetic components, as well jewelry is intended for children 8 and under.
as their instructions, if any, shall include a warning statement 12.2.2 Looped children’s jewelry which by reason of con-
which contains the following text or substantially equivalent struction do not fit around the test fixture, having a circumfer-
text which clearly conveys the same warning. ence less than 9.4 in., shall not be subject to the requirements For Earrings: WARNING Contains small mag- of this section.
nets. Swallowed or inhaled magnets can attract through and 12.3 Sharp Points, Sharp Edges, Use and Abuse—
squeeze intestines or other body tissue, causing serious injury Children’s jewelry shall be tested in accordance with 16 CFR
or death. Seek immediate medical attention if swallowed or 1500.48-53 mechanical requirements for children’s products
inhaled. Use only on ears. Prolonged wearing can form a hole up to 8 years of age and not present any hazard(s).
in body tissue. Change earring position regularly to release 12.3.1 Any functional sharp point on children’s jewelry is
pressure. Do not keep on overnight. exempt from 16 CFR 1500.48. An example is pin stems for For All Other Jewelry: WARNING Contains small pins or brooches.
magnets. Swallowed or inhaled magnets can attract through
and squeeze intestines or other body tissue, causing serious 12.4 Small Parts—Children’s jewelry is subject to the ap-
injury or death. Seek immediate medical attention if swallowed plicable exemptions of 16 CFR 1501.3.
or inhaled. 12.5 Other Recommended Cautionary Labeling—It is
strongly recommended that the manufacturer consider the risk
NOTE 3—Manufacturers of children’s jewelry containing strong mag-
nets should be aware that magnetic fields can affect the function of of earring components becoming embedded in the ear over
pacemakers or other implanted electronic medical devices. Consideration long term wearing. This risk is increased with first time
of additional warnings should be given. piercing, common with children, due to the healing process and An equilateral triangle with an exclamation point potential for infection. Mechanical design such as larger
shall precede the signal word. The height of the triangle shall backings or use of protective washers which increase the
be equal to or exceed the height of the letters of the signal word surface area can help prevent such incidents. If mechanical
“WARNING” and separated from it by a distance at least equal means are not implemented a warning notifying the consumer
to the space occupied by the first letter of the signal word. The of the risk of embedding from continuous use, and to inspect a
height of the exclamation point shall be at least half the height piercing regularly for potential embedding of earring
of the triangle, and be centered vertically in the triangle. The components, is suggested.
warning statement in and must appear in a 12.6 Children’s Jewelry Containing Batteries:
location where it is reasonably likely to be seen by the 12.6.1 For all children’s jewelry with batteries, batteries that
purchaser at the time of purchase, in accordance with 4.3 or fit completely within the small parts test cylinder as specified
4.4. Signal words shall appear in all capitals. The cautionary in 16 CFR 1501.4, Fig. 1 shall not be accessible, before or after
statement shall appear in conspicuous and legible type which is testing in accordance with 16 CFR 1500.50-53 (as applicable),
in contrast by typography, layout, or color with other printed without the use of a coin, screwdriver, or other common
matter. Where color is the primary method used to achieve household tool. Testing is performed using the recommended
contrast, the color of the cautionary statement shall be in sharp batteries installed.
contrast with the color of the background on which such a 12.6.2 Battery-Operated Children’s Jewelry—For children’s
statement appears. jewelry that use more than one replaceable battery in one The labels of products that contain more than one circuit, the instructions or the product shall be marked with the
item subject to the requirements of 12.1.3 may combine following (or equivalent) information.
information, if the condensed statement contains all of the Do not mix old and new batteries.
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F2923 − 14 Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or 13. Test Methods
rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries.
13.1 Breakaway Tension Test—Using a 1.5- 6 0.1-in. radius
12.6.3 Children’s Jewelry Containing Batteries—Children’s
free pulley (Fig. 1), apply 15 lb force to the looped jewelry,
jewelry with non-replaceable batteries that are accessible with
with the other end looped around a 0.170 6 0.01 in. radius
the use of a coin, screwdriver, or other common household tool
shall bear a statement that the battery is not replaceable. If the fixed rod. Apply the 15 lb force over 5 s and hold for 10 s.
manufacturer determines that it is impractical to label the NOTE 5—The orientation of the test fixture can be vertical or horizontal,
product, this information shall be placed on the packaging or in on a track. The weight of the free pulley may need to be accounted for if
the instructions. it is free hanging as shown in Fig. 1.
12.6.4 Unintentional Charging—Battery-operated chil- 13.1.1 The looped jewelry shall be oriented with any clasp,
dren’s jewelry shall be designed so that it is not possible to breakaway or other feature in the most onerous position for
charge any non-rechargeable battery. This can be achieved
testing, requiring the highest tensile force for release. Possible
through physical design of the battery compartment or through
positions may include the apex of the pulley, in the free length
the use of an appropriate electrical circuit design. This applies
of chain or at the apex of the fixed rod. Loops with multiple
to situations in which a battery may be installed incorrectly
(reversed) or in which a battery charger may be applied to strands shall be tested using all strands, as it would be worn by
jewelry containing non-rechargeable batteries, or both. This the user.
section does not apply to circuits having one or two non- 13.2 Magnet Test Methods—Magnets in children’s jewelry
rechargeable batteries as the only source of power. Children’s shall be evaluated in accordance with the magnet use and abuse
jewelry having a circuit powered only by button cell type testing as required in Consumer Safety Specification F963-11.
batteries are not subject to this requirement.
12.6.5 Polarity Marking—Children’s jewelry shall be 13.3 Method to Dissolve Soluble Matter in Paint and
marked permanently on the battery compartment or on the area Surface Coatings—Soluble elements in paint and surface
immediately adjacent to the battery compartment to show the coatings of jewelry should be tested for compliance with the
correct battery polarity using the polarity symbols “+” and “−”. requirements of Section 8 in accordance with the method to
Additional markings located on the jewelry or in the instruc- dissolve soluble matter in paint and surface coatings of toys in
tions must indicate the correct battery size and voltage. These Consumer Safety Specification F963-11. Consistent with Con-
markings are not required for non-replaceable batteries or for sumer Safety Specification F963-11, if the sample weight of
rechargeable battery packs that, by design, can only be inserted surface coating materials is less than 10 mg, the sample is not
in the correct orientation. Battery compartments for button cell tested for soluble heavy metals in coatings.
batteries are not subject to this requirement.
13.4 Method to Determine Cadmium Availability in Chil-
NOTE 4—The battery compartment door is considered part of the dren’s Plastic Jewelry Components—Plastic components of
battery compartment. children’s jewelry that exceed 300 ppm total cadmium shall be
12.7 Suction Tongue Studs—Suction tongue studs are pro- tested for migratable cadmium in accordance with Consumer
hibited as children’s jewelry. Safety Specification F963-11.
FIG. 1
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13.5 Method to Determine Cadmium Availability in Chil- based on CPSC Standard Operating Procedure for Measuring
dren’s Metal Jewelry Components—Metal components of chil- Lead in Children’s Metal Jewelry, February 3, 2005, Section II,
dren’s jewelry that exceed 300 ppm total cadmium shall be modified as follows:
tested for migratable cadmium in accordance with CPSC-CH- Suspend the children’s jewelry item in a flask or
E1004-11, as adjusted for interlaboratory variability in accor- beaker using insulated wire so that the item does not touch the
dance with 13.5.1. bottom or edge of the flask/beaker, but will be submerged by
13.5.1 Extracted cadmium shall not exceed 200 µg. The the saline solution.
analytical results as determined in 13.5 shall be adjusted by Add a volume in millilitres of 0.9 % saline (NaCl)
subtracting the assumed inter-laboratory analytical correction solution equal to 50 times the mass in grams of the jewelry
item. Record the volume added.
factor of 30 %. Extraction is conducted for 6 h at 37°C in the Example 1—The analytical result for cadmium is shaker bath.
230 µg; the correction factor is 30 % (0.30). Adjusted analytical The extracted solution is analyzed for cadmium
results = 230 − (230 × 0.30) = 230 − 69 = 161 µg. The result content using an ICP spectrometer. Analysis procedure is based
does not exceed the allowed value for migratable cadmium and on methodology found in Test Method E1613.
is therefore acceptable. Extracted cadmium shall not exceed 18 µg. Example 2—The analytical result for migratable 13.7 Tests for Cleanliness and Preservative Effectiveness:
cadmium is 300 µg; the correction factor is 30 % (0.30). 13.7.1 Cleanliness of Materials—The cleanliness of Adjusted analytical results = 300 − (300 × 0.30) = cosmetics, liquids, pastes, putties, gels, and powders used in
300 − 90 = 210 µg. The result exceeds the allowed value for children’s jewelry (excluding art materials) shall be determined
migratable cadmium and is therefore not acceptable. using the methods in Consumer Safety Specification F963-11.
13.7.2 Preservative Effectiveness—The formulations of cos-
13.6 Saline Extraction Procedure for Plastic and Metal
metics used in children’s jewelry shall be evaluated for the
Components of Children’s Jewelry:
potential microbiological degradation, or they shall be tested
13.6.1 The saline extraction simulates exposure to metal or for microbial control and preservative effectiveness using the
plastic components of children’s jewelry that are not small methods and limits in Consumer Safety Specification F963-11.
parts but may be mouthed. The analysis is generally performed
on an intact item or component unless the component is too 14. Keywords
large. In that case a representative homogeneous sample may 14.1 batteries; body piercing jewelry; cadmium; children’s
be cut from the item. The procedure for the saline extraction is jewelry; lead; magnets; migration; nickel
(Mandatory Information)
Distinguishing between jewelry designed and intended for children 12 and younger and jewelry
designed and intended for adult consumers (13 and older) can be challenging for those not involved
in the jewelry industry. The CPSIA defines children’s jewelry as jewelry designed and intended
primarily for children 12 and younger. Many factors must be considered in this evaluation. Potential
appeal of jewelry to a child or ability to physically wear an item is not determinative. Labeling,
advertising and marketing, distribution venues, manufacturer records such as design documents and
brand plans indicating age, are factors to consider. These jewelry age determination guidelines provide
guidance on distinguishing between children’s jewelry and adult jewelry.
A1.1 Purpose and Scope A1.2 Guidelines for Identifying Jewelry Designed and In-
A1.1.1 The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of tended Primarily for Children 12 and Younger
2008 (CPSIA) defined a “children’s product” as a product A1.2.1 Children’s jewelry can be identified by examining
designed and intended primarily for children 12 and younger. the totality of the circumstances, considering the following:
Determining the primary intended user requires an analysis of (1) Design drawings and brand or marketing plans indicat-
the totality of the circumstances. These guidelines provide ing that the manufacturer’s primary intended target is children
information on factors to consider in identifying and distin- 12 and under signify that the product is children’s jewelry.
guishing children’s jewelry from adult jewelry.
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(2) A product label stating “For children 3 and older,” “For for adults. For example, jewelry items featured in an online
Ages 4 – 8,” or similar language indicating that the jewelry is store with a shopping area for adult “collectibles” would be
primarily designed or intended for use by children 12 and deemed primarily intended for adults, not children, as would
under. items sold at a jewelry counter at a department store. Jewelry
(3) A product represented in its packaging, display, featuring nostalgia or holiday characters are typically designed
promotion, or advertising as primarily designed or intended for and intended primarily for general consumer use.
use by children 12 years of age or younger is a children’s (9) Jewelry sold in vending machines is designed or
product. This includes any explicit statement on a package or intended primarily for children 12 and under.
display or in advertising about the suitability for use by (10) Jewelry for children and for adults is sold at a wide
children 12 and under (for example, “For age 3+” or “Kids variety of price points. While price is a factor to consider in the
Club”). Graphics and text on jewelry packaging or displays totality of the circumstances, it is not a determinative factor in
reflecting child-oriented themes also may indicate that the identifying jewelry designed and intended primarily for chil-
product is designed and intended primarily for children 12 and dren 12 and under, and there is no single price or cost that can
under; however, the mere appearance of a brand or licensed be used to distinguish children’s jewelry from adult jewelry.
character on a package or display does not automatically
signify that the product is primarily designed and intended for A1.3 Guidelines for Identifying Jewelry Designed and In-
children since characters often have broad appeal to all ages. tended Primarily for Consumers 13 and Older
(4) Jewelry advertised to audiences comprised primarily of A1.3.1 The factors below may be used to identify jewelry
children 12 and under in any media is likely primarily designed designed or intended primarily for teens and adults.
or intended for use by children 12 and under. Advertising or (1) Design drawings and brand or marketing plans indicat-
marketing jewelry through an online store or print catalogue ing that the manufacturer’s primary intended target is adults or
that exclusively advertises children’s products indicates that teens signify that the product is not a children’s product.
the jewelry depicted in the online store or print catalogue is (2) Product specifications indicating that the product
primarily designed or intended for children 12 and under. should comply with requirements for non-children’s products,
Similarly, advertising or marketing jewelry in discrete sections for example, limits on lead in adult products in California and
of an online store or catalogue which offers products for Minnesota, indicate that the product is designed and intended
children 12 and under (for example, sections marked “Kids,” primarily for adults. Products that meet lead standards for
“Children’s Products,” “Pre-teens,” or “Tweens”) indicates that non-children’s jewelry sold and distributed in areas intended
the jewelry depicted and sold in that section of the online store for adults are viewed as designed and intended primarily for
or catalogue is primarily designed or intended for children 12 adults. Such jewelry may be labeled “Meets CA and MN
and under. standards for adult jewelry”; this would also indicate that the
(5) Jewelry sold in conjunction with, attached to, or pack- jewelry is not designed or intended primarily for children 12
aged together with other products packaged, displayed, or and under.
advertised as primarily designed and intended for children 12 (3) Jewelry labeled “Not intended for children 12 and
and under indicates that the jewelry is primarily designed or under” or with similar language is presumptively not designed
intended for use by children 12 and under. An example would or intended primarily for children 12 and under. Such a label
be a bracelet intended for personal use packaged and sold with may be deemed unreasonable under the totality of the circum-
a doll. (A doll’s bracelet would be a toy, not an item of jewelry.) stances if the item is sold in venues targeted to children 12 and
(6) Placement of jewelry in stores or departments of stores under or with other items (for example, a doll or child’s dress)
(including an online store) featuring products for children or intended for children.
tweens indicates that the jewelry is primarily designed or (4) Many adult collectors enjoy collecting character- or
intended for use by children 12 and under. Occasional mis- holiday-themed jewelry. Jewelry sold as “Collectibles” in areas
placement of a jewelry item in a children’s department or area of online stores or print catalogues intended for collectors are
does not indicate that the product is designed and intended not designed or intended primarily for children 12 and under.
primarily for children 12 and younger. This includes character-based or holiday-themed items. A
(7) Size is a key element used to identify jewelry for young holiday-themed pin advertised in a catalogue directed to adult
children (for example, younger than age 7). Child-sized jew- women or sold at the general jewelry counter of a department
elry (for example bracelets that are 2 in. in diameter, 6 in. or store is an adult item.
less in length; 12-in. necklaces, excluding chokers, versus the (5) Placement of jewelry in a teen or women’s store or teen
standard 15 in. length) is generally assumed to be children’s or women’s department of a store indicates that the jewelry is
jewelry. Many jewelry items are small, so size alone is not a not primarily designed or intended for use by children 12 and
factor that always permits identification of an item as either under, regardless of theme. Jewelry sold at the jewelry counter
“children’s” or “adult” jewelry. of a department store is not designed or intended primarily for
(8) Jewelry that depicts a celebrity, animated or other children 12 and under unless it is in an area marked as
character developed primarily to appeal to children is pre- “Children’s Jewelry.”
sumed to be designed or intended primarily for children 12 and (6) Jewelry packaged or promoted as adult items are
under unless labeling, advertising, or marketing, or a combi- presumed to be primarily designed and intended for adults. An
nation thereof, indicates that the item is a primarily intended adult-size bracelet distributed with an adult item such as a
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candle is not a children’s product. A pin given as a thank-you (8) Jewelry for adults and for children is sold at a wide
gift to donors to a breast cancer charity or public television variety of price points. While price is a factor to consider in the
station is primarily designed and intended for adults. totality of the circumstances, it is not a determinative factor in
(7) Advertising or marketing jewelry through online stores identifying jewelry designed and intended primarily for adults,
or print catalogues that exclusively advertise products for teens and there is no single price or cost that can be used to
or women indicates that the jewelry depicted in the online store distinguish adult jewelry from children’s jewelry.
or print catalogue is not primarily designed or intended for
children 12 and under. Similarly, advertising or marketing A1.4 Checklist for Age-Labeling of Children’s Jewelry
jewelry in discrete sections of online stores or catalogues
A1.4.1 See Table A1.1.
which offer products for teens (for example, sections marked
“Teens” or “Women”) indicates that the jewelry depicted in A1.5 Checklist for Identifying Adult Jewelry
that section of the online store or catalogue is not primarily
designed or intended for children 12 and under. A1.5.1 See Table A1.2.
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TABLE A1.2 Checklist for Identifying Adult Jewelry
• Does the product or product packaging include or represent a nostalgia or holiday character developed to appeal primarily to teens and adults?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is likely adult jewelry unless other factors suggest that placement, advertising and display reflect an intent to primarily target children; if no, continue
• Is a teen or adult expected to be the primary user of the product?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Is the jewelry sized for adults (2 5/8 inch circumference bangle bracelet; 15 inch necklace)?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Do customer specifications or requirements indicate that the product is intended primarily for teens or adults?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Does the product packaging include graphics or copy indicating the jewelry is primarily designed or intended for teens or adults?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Will the product be supported by advertising directed primarily to teens or adults?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Will packaging, advertising or marketing materials show teens or adults wearing the product?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Will the jewelry be displayed and sold in a store or department (including an online or offline catalogue or store) which features products primarily for teens and
adults (women’s or junior’s department, general jewelry counter or department, etc.)?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Will the jewelry be packaged, displayed with or advertised in conjunction with another product designed or intended primarily for adults (a women’s dress, candle,
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry; if no, continue analysis
• Are teens or adults as likely as children 12 and under to wear the product?
__ Yes
__ No
→ If yes, it is adult jewelry
→ If the answer to these questions is yes, the item is likely designed and intended primarily for teens or adults. The totality of the circumstances must be reviewed.
For example, the mere appearance of a cartoon or licensed character or themes that might be appealing to children are not determinative, as these features are
often equally appealing to general users. The product or product packaging may include an age label reflecting the primary intended user for whom the product is
designed and intended, or a warning that the product is not intended for children. An age label such as “Not for children 12 and younger” is not determinative if
unreasonable under the totality of the circumstances.
A2.1 For purposes of determining compliance with the procedures other than those in Section 13, if such alternate test
requirements contained in this safety specification, “reasonable is as stringent as, or more stringent than, the tests in Section 13.
and representative tests” shall be used. Reasonable and repre- An alternate test is considered to be “as stringent as, or more
sentative tests could be either the tests contained in Section 13, stringent than” a test in Section 13 if, when testing identical
or alternate tests which utilize apparatus or procedures, or both, specimens, the alternate test yields failing results as often as, or
other than those in Section 13. The following paragraphs sets more often than, the test in Section 13. Any person using such
forth the conditions under which alternate tests with apparatus an alternate test must have data or information to demonstrate
or procedures other than that described in Section 13 or that the alternate test is as stringent as, or more stringent than,
elsewhere in his specification will be considered reasonable the test in Section 13. For example, XRF screening could be
and representative. used and determined to be a more stringent test method to the
extent applicable for the material tested.
A2.1.1 Persons and firms determining the compliance of
materials subject to the requirements contained in this A2.1.2 The data or information required by A2.1.1 to
specification, including Sections 5, 8, and 9, may base those demonstrate equivalent or greater stringency of any alternate
determinations on any alternate test utilizing apparatus or test using apparatus or procedures other than those in Section
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13 must be in the possession of the person or firm desiring to 13 must be retained for as long as that alternate test is used to
use such alternate test before the alternate test may be used to support determinations of compliance against the requirements
support a determination of compliance against the require- contained in Section 13, and for one year thereafter.
ments contained in Section 13.
A2.1.3 The data or information required by A2.1.1 to
demonstrate equivalent or greater stringency of any alternate
test using apparatus or procedures other than those in Section
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Exclusions from Lead Content Testing Require- compounds takes place in the intestine, with an environment of higher pH
ments in Children’s Jewelry (pH 5.0-7.5). The bioavailability in the intestinal phase can be considered
to be lower for these elements than in the stomach environment due to
X1.1.1 Exclusions are based on data indicating that these their dependence on the pH (Oomen et al., 2004a; Oomen et al., 2003b).”
materials will meet applicable total lead limits per a CPSC (Emphasis in original.) (See Ref (3).)
determination by rule. See 16 CFR 1500.91.
X1.3 Specification for Cadmium in Certain Substrate
Materials of Children’s Jewelry
X1.2 Specification for Antimony, Arsenic, Barium,
Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, and Selenium in X1.3.1 Although incidental mouthing or handling and
Paint and Surface Coatings of Children’s Jewelry touching of products are more reasonable and likely exposure
pathways for heavy metals in jewelry, just as it is for toys,
X1.2.1 Consumer Safety Specification F963-11 establishes
accidental ingestion of a product containing an element repre-
limits on soluble heavy metals in paint and surface coatings of
sents the most health conservative (worst-case) scenario and is
toys and procedures for assessing compliance with those limits.
therefore considered in developing screening levels. Screening
The limitations of migration or solubility tests, and possibility
levels use worst case assumptions derived from CPSC studies
of inter-laboratory variation, are well known and have resulted
on total and migratable cadmium in components of children’s
in adoption of correction factors for soluble heavy metals.
jewelry, and adding additional safety factors as described
Based on evaluations of results for migratable heavy metals in
paint, it is accepted that shape, size and mass can affect the
results since these factors influence exposure to material in the X1.3.2 CPSC has concluded that “soluble cadmium migra-
test solution. tion is not generally proportional to cadmium content” and that
X1.2.1.1 The method and limits of Consumer Safety Speci- “product composition factors such as element content and
fication F963-11 are based on the assumption that exposure of coatings have a larger effect on cadmium migration than does
young children to chemicals in toys may not exceed a certain total cadmium content” (4). This conclusion is consistent with
health-based level (Tolerable Daily Intake, or TDI in mg/kg other studies.9 Consequently, this standard adopts a total
bw/day). The risk assessment calculation by which the limits content screening limit, with migration testing to be conducted
were derived is predicated on an assumed weight of a very where covered items exceed the screening level.
young child weighing 7.5 kg. See Note X1.1. The test X1.3.3 Under an accidental ingestion scenario, it is highly
procedure involves exposure to simulated stomach acid, also a implausible that 100 % of a given element in an item will be
conservative approach likely to result in an overestimation of released and available for uptake in the body. In fact, available
exposure to bioavailable material since absorption of com- CPSC data suggests that the mass loss of metal in even an
pounds principally takes place in the intestine, where the pH is aggressive acid test where test items are subjected to constant
higher than in the stomach. See Note X1.2. agitation for 24 h in a 0.07 N hydrochloric (HCl) acid solution
NOTE X1.1—This is a very conservative assumption, and the referenced is quite low. CPSC data on cadmium migration from metal
weight assumes a child under 1 year. Jewelry is by nature small and thus jewelry components with total cadmium content ranging from
is not typically recommended for children under 3 without parental 285 ppm to 99 % suggest that migration of cadmium is, on
supervision. Note that based on the Center for Disease Control and average, 0.38 % (6). This average migration rate was found to
Prevention’s (CDC) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES) data (1999-2002) the mean body weights for U.S. girls age
two to six are: 13.3 kg; 15.2 kg; 17.9 kg; 20.6 kg; and 22.4 kg, 9
Tests of jewelry samples were conducted by an independent third-party
respectively. Boys are slightly heavier. (See Ref (2).) laboratory accredited by the CPSC to conduct testing for heavy metals (lead) in
NOTE X1.2—A 2008 report prepared by the Netherlands National metal jewelry and in paint, Mutual Cornel. Tests were sponsored by FJATA. To
Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) explained: “The assure control, samples containing 1, 5, and 10 % cadmium in typical jewelry shapes
present methodology of EN 71-3[: 1994] to determine the bioavailable and sizes were created, then plated with an economy or a quality plating. Samples
amount of an element from a toy is probably an overestimation of the were exposed to a hydrochloric acid solution for 24 h under constant agitation
actual bioavailable amount after ingestion of the toy matrix. Absorption of conditions, similar to tests conducted by CPSC (5).
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TABLE X1.1 Calculated Assumed Migration of Cadmium from Plated Metal Jewelry Components Using Worst-Case Assumptions
Total Cadmium Assumed Migration
Component Weight (g) Estimated Exposure (µg)
Content (ppm) Rate (%)
0.1 300 3 0.9
3 300 3 27
5 300 3 45
10 300 3 90
20 300 3 180
be similar in industry-sponsored tests of samples containing 1, will fall below the CPSC’s toxic endpoint for acute exposure.
5 and 10 % cadmium conducted by an independent third party Migration rates of polymerica materials are expected to be
testing laboratory accredited by CPSC, Mutual Cornell (5). In lower due to the nature of the material and its behavior in
both these tests and the CPSC tests, jewelry components simulated stomach acid, and the bulk of migration is expected
containing around 1.35 % cadmium or less resulted in non- to occur within the 2-h test timeframe of Consumer Safety
detectible or low migratable cadmium.10 Specification F963-11. Consequently, 300 ppm is a reasonable
X1.3.4 Thus, for purposes of developing a screening level, screening limit based on conservative migration assumptions
an average migration rate of 0.5 % is a very conservative derived from testing of jewelry samples. This standard requires
assumption, recognizing that cadmium migrates from certain testing of jewelry components that exceed the recommended
alloys (for example, zinc) at an even lower migration rate screening limit. Testing depends on the type of material and
(typically an order of magnitude less) than others, such as tin. whether it may be an ingestible small part.
However, for screening purposes the highest rate of migration X1.3.7 Metal or polymeric components with total cadmium
identified in the CPSC and Mutual Cornell tests was consid- content of 300 ppm or less do not need to be tested for
ered. In tests of samples conducted by Mutual Cornell, the migratable cadmium. Data from the CPSC indicates that plated
highest rate of migration (for an unplated sample) was 1.1 %. metal containing even relatively high cadmium concentrations
The highest rate of migration in CPSC’s 24-h tests was 2.349 may result in very little actual exposure under aggressive test
% (no information is available as to whether samples were conditions. Consequently, metal components which are small
plated or unplated, or the relative quality of the plating). For parts as defined in 16 CFR 1501.4 that exceed this screening
purposes of developing a screening level, based on the avail- limit are compliant if tests for migratable cadmium conducted
able technical data, a worst-case assumed migration rate is 3 %. in accordance with 13.5 yield less than 200 µg cadmium. An
Based on this data, a very conservative level for screening inter-laboratory variability factor of 30 % should be applied,
purposes is 300 ppm. consistent with inter-laboratory variability of other migration
X1.3.5 Weight of jewelry components in children’s jewelry tests, such as EN 71-3: 1994, until additional inter-laboratory
can range from approximately 0.1 g to a maximum of 10 g, data from round-robin studies is available to substitute a more
with jewelry components at the high end extremely rare in accurate variability factor. Plastic or polymeric jewelry com-
children’s jewelry. Jewelry components weighing 20 g are ponents which are small parts as defined in 16 CFR 1501.4 that
unknown in children’s jewelry. More typically, in children’s exceed this screening level are compliant if tests for migratable
jewelry a charm or pendant weighs between 2 and 4 g, with a cadmium conducted in accordance with 13.4 yield less than 75
3 g item often used as an average weight. Using the suggested ppm cadmium. Metal or plastic/polymeric components which
300 ppm screening level, and an assumed 3 % migration rate are not small parts as defined in 16 CFR 1501.4 that exceed this
(which is an order of magnitude above the average migration screening level are compliant if tests for migratable cadmium
rate), the chart below provides an overview of maximum conducted in accordance with 13.6 yield less than 18 µg
anticipated cadmium exposure demonstrating that exposure to cadmium.
harmful levels of cadmium is not anticipated, recognizing that X1.4 Exclusions from Cadmium Substrate Requirements
actual migration data on jewelry components do not suggest in Children’s Jewelry
that migratable cadmium will approach these worst-case as-
X1.4.1 The CPSC’s research has identified only metal and
sumed migration levels. See Table X1.1.
plastic or polymeric substrate materials as posing a potential
X1.3.6 This demonstrates the health-protective nature of risk of exposure to cadmium. The CPSC’s research has not
this cadmium screening limit, since calculated exposure in identified other materials used in jewelry likely to pose a risk
even the heaviest sample representative of a typical weight of exposure to cadmium based on either cadmium content or
metal jewelry component (10 g) is less than half of the CPSC’s migration rates.
toxic endpoint for acute exposure. The table above also shows
that extrapolated to an unrepresentative weight of 20 g, results X1.5 Specification for Nickel in Metal Components of
Children’s Jewelry
A wafer sample unrepresentative of typical jewelry shapes yielded higher
X1.5.1 Some individuals are known to be sensitive to
cadmium results, but was tested principally to assess migration rate in comparison nickel. This specification is consistent with internationally
to other types of components. Migration rates were similar. accepted requirements.
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(1) Cookson Precious Metals, Cadmium Overview Comments, April 19, Cadmium Migration from Materials, June 3, 2010, contained in
2010. Consumer Product Safety Commission Staff Report: Cadmium in
(2) Ogden, C., Fryar, C., Carroll, M., and Flegal, K., “Mean Body Weight, Children’s Metal Jewelry, October, 2010, p. 55.
Height and Body Mass Index, United States, 1960 – 2002,” Advance (5) Exponent Technical Report, Evaluation of Cadmium in Metal Jewelry,
Data for Vital Health and Statistics, Number 347, Center for Disease November, 2010.
Control, October 27, 2004, available at http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ (6) Memorandum to Kristina Hatlelid from Ian A. Elder, Assessment of
ad/ad347.pdf. Cadmium Migration from Materials, June 3, 2010, contained in
(3) Chemicals in Toys, RIVM Report 320003001/2008, p. 67. Consumer Product Safety Commission Staff Report: Cadmium in
(4) Memorandum to Kristina Hatlelid from Ian A. Elder, Assessment of Children’s Metal Jewelry, October, 2010.
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