QA SOP 017-02 Process Validation
QA SOP 017-02 Process Validation
QA SOP 017-02 Process Validation
This Standard Operating Procedure is intended to provide the science and risk based process
validation life cycle approach for collection and evaluation of data from the process design stage
through commercial production that establishes scientific evidence that a process is capable of
consistently delivering quality product during routine commercial production.
2.0 SCOPE:
2.1 This Standard Operating Procedure is applicable to process performance qualification (Stage-II)
and continued process verification (Stage-III) of drug products manufactured at M/s Brassica
pharma pvt Limited,.
3.1 Quality Assurance (QAD):
3.1.1 Preparation of Process Validation Protocols and Reports.
3.1.2 To perform sampling as mentioned in Process validation protocol.
3.1.3 To monitor the Process validation activity.
3.1.4 To provide Protocol base training on process validation protocol to concerned personnel
before execution of the Validation activity (whenever required).
3.1.5 Investigation of deviation, OOS or failures if any.
3.2 Formulation Research Development (FRD):
3.2.1 Carry out Process Design (Stage-I).
3.2.2 Head/ Designee Review Process validation protocol and report.
3.2.3 To monitor the Process validation activity.
3.2.4 To provide information related to Critical Process Parameter, Critical Quality Attributes
and technical support during validation activity.
3.2.5 To support for Investigation of deviation, OOS, or failures if any.
5.1 Definitions:
5.1.1 Process Validation: Process validation is defined as the collection and evaluation of
data, from the process design stage through commercial production, which establishes
scientific evidence that a process is capable of consistently delivering quality product.
5.1.2 Process Design: Defining the commercial manufacturing process based on knowledge
gained through development and scale-up activities.
5.1.3 Process Qualification: Confirming that the manufacturing process as designed is
capable of reproducible commercial manufacturing.
5.1.4 Capability of a Process: Ability of a process to produce a product that shall fulfil the
requirements of that product.
5.1.5 Performance Indicators: Measurable values used to quantify quality objectives to
reflect the performance of an organization, process system.
5.1.6 Concurrent Release: Releasing for distribution a Batch/lot of finished product,
manufactured following a qualification protocol, that meets the Batch/lot release criteria
established in the protocol, but before the entire study protocol has been executed.
5.1.7 Quality: The degree to which a set of inherent properties of a product, system or process
fulfills requirements.
5.1.8 Critical Process Parameter (CPP): A process parameter whose variability has an
impact on a critical quality attribute and therefore to be monitored and controlled to
ensure the process produces desired quality
5.1.9 Critical Quality Attribute (CQA): A physical, chemical, biological, or microbiological
property or characteristic that should be within an appropriate limit, range or distribution
to ensure desired product Quality.
5.1.10 Continued Process Verification: An approach in which manufacturing process
performance is continuously monitored and evaluated.
5.1.11 Exhibit Batch: Exhibit batches which are taken in GMP approved facility, to generate
manufacturing analytical and stability data required for regulatory filling in countries
such as USA, UK and other countries based on regulatory requirements.
5.1.12 Sampling plan: A specific plan that describes where (locations/time intervals) and how
the samples to be taken from the batch and the number of samples taken from each
5.3.4 Each Process validation must comply with local regulatory requirements, customer
requirement and export country regulatory requirements and confirm to the principles
identified within those guidelines.
5.3.5 CPPs and CQAs shall be identified based on the development data/process knowledge.
The acceptance criteria shall be documented in the process validation protocol and the
results of same shall be concluded in the report.
5.3.6 The process validation batches shall be closely monitored by responsible personnel of
FRD, PRD, Quality Assurance team and the data obtained shall be reviewed to assess if it
meets the “Acceptance Criteria”.
5.3.7 If a batch failed during the course of validation, Investigation shall be initiated to find out
the assignable cause for failure. Based on the investigation and assessment, number of
batches shall be decided for further Validation.
5.3.8 In case a product is validated earlier in a set of equipment with specific batch size,
manufacturing formula and process, the same product is manufactured in other area
having like to like set of equipment. Process validation is not applicable based on
equivalency report/assessment/Justification.
5.3.9 Overall sequence of process validation, involves series of activities taking pale during the
life cycle of product which is depicted in Annexure-I
5.4.3 Process design experiments shall be performed by Formulation research and development
5.4.4 Based on the process knowledge (developmental study reports and optimization/design
study reports) the FRD shall provide the Master formula Records (MFR), Component
Specifications, Critical Control Parameters etc.
identified risk. The level of monitoring and testing should be sufficient to confirm
uniform product quality throughout the batch. As a base line consecutive three batches shall be considered for PPQ however it may
be extended based on the product or process complexity to collect the sufficient data
for evaluation.
Mx: Module number.
PV: Stands for Process validation.
Y: P- Stands for Protocol & R-Stands for Report.
AABB: Indicates the alpha numerical Product code, where AA – Drug Code & BB – serial
number for that Drug Code irrespective of strength/percentage/ particle size variation etc
starts from 01 onwards .
XXX= Stands for Protocol serial number starting with 001,002 and so on.
ZZ= stands for Revision Number of the Protocol (Starts from 01 Onwards).
5.6.2 Process validation protocol number shall be entered in the register Format No.:
QAD/017/F03 prior to Approval.
5.6.3 The Interim report shall have the same number as the validation report except that the
alphabets PVR shall be replaced with the alphabets PVR-I- and a provision shall be made
in the Interim report number to include the serial number of the interim report starting
from 01. e.g. the first interim Process validation report number shall be
Mx/PVR-I/AABB/XXX/ZZ/01 while the second report number shall be
second exhibit batch of drug product, any one of the exhibit batch of drug product shall be
manufactured using a combination of two API lots/batch if needed and/or single API lot/batch.
API LOT/Batch Exhibit Batches
API lot/Batch 1 Batch 1
API lot/Batch 2 Batch 2
API lot/Batch 3 or 1 or 2 or a mix of 1&2 Batch 3
5.7.17 If any additional test or Process needs to be added and whenever required in the batch
shall be routed through addendum. Addendum shall be prepared using same format
number as used for Process validation Protocol.
5.7.18 The Addendum shall have the same number as the validation Protocol with A and a
provision shall be made in the addendum to include the serial number starting from A01.
e.g. the first addendum to Process validation Protocol number shall be
Mx/PVP/AABB/XXX/ZZ-A01 while the second addendum number shall be
Mx/PVP/AABB/XXX/ZZ-A02. Addendum shall be Prepared by QAD and reviewed by
FRD/PRD/QCD (as applicable) and Approved by QAD head/ Designee. Content and
objective of the addendum may vary as per requirement.
5.8.7 Conclusion: If the validation data meets the acceptance criteria, the process shall be
declared as “VALIDATED”. If the validation data does not meet the acceptance criteria,
the process shall be declared as “NOT VALIDATED”.
5.8.8 Recommendation: Upon completion of the review, recommendations shall be made on the
extent of monitoring and the in-process controls necessary for routine production. Based
on the final outcome, related documents like MFR, BMR etc. shall be revised as applicable
and same shall be followed for commercial batches.
5.8.9 Not executed all validation batches as per validation protocol interim validation report
shall be prepared.
5.8.10 Once validation study completed report shall be signed off by QAD personnel as
mentioned in the Format No.: QAD/017/F02.
5.10.4 Conclusions about a commercial manufacturing process can only be made after the
PPQ/Process validation protocol is fully executed and the data are fully evaluated.
5.10.5 Concurrent release batch shall be inclusion in stability program, it is important that
stability test data be promptly evaluated to ensure rapid detection and correction of any
5.10.6 Any complaints on such concurrently released products should be subjected to expedited
investigations and root cause analysis.
5.10.7 The PPQ stage for a process shall be considered closed, post successful completion of the
Process Qualification stage and evidence that, the process is observed to be reproducible
and product meets pre- determined quality attributes is demonstrated.
5.11 Failure Considerations:
5.11.1 If any PPQ/Process validation batch fails to meet the acceptance criteria, the failure must
be formally investigated through an investigation to determine the root cause. The
validation committee shall confirm the failure in any of the following categories.
5.11.2 Type-I: Where the root cause, reveals that the failure is attributed due to an ‘Non-Intrinsic
causes” such as, equipment/utility failure or faulty raw material. In such cases (i.e) Type I
failure, the validation activity can be substituted with another batch in lieu of the failed
5.11.3 Type-II: Where the investigation is unable to identify the root cause or the identified root
cause reveals that the failure is attributed due to an ‘Intrinsic causes” (i.e) CPP failure. In
such cases (i.e) Type II failure, PPQ/Process validation study is deemed to be unsuccessful
and the study should be repeated, only after taking necessary CAPA and other remedial
5.12.2 The significant changes to items/systems that may affect product quality or the reliability
of process to control shall be evaluated for its validation requirements as part of the change
control systems.
6.1 SOP : Standard Operation Procedure.
6.2 PPQ : Process Performance Qualification.
6.3 CPV : Continued Process Verification.
6.4 CQA : Critical Quality Attribute.
6.5 CPP : Critical Process Parameters.
6.6 QAD : Quality Assurance.
6.7 FRD : Formulation Research and Development.