Sandhya Dasegowda,+TMA Feb 2022-89-92
Sandhya Dasegowda,+TMA Feb 2022-89-92
Sandhya Dasegowda,+TMA Feb 2022-89-92
The purpose of this study is to examine the importance and functioning of money market in India. The
economic reform affects the financial sectors and money market in India. This study uses secondary
data in the form of financial reports BSESENSEX, NSESENSEX, Call Rate, 91 Days gilt, 1year gilt,
5 Year gilt and 10 Year gilt data. The results and analysis of the descriptive statistics shows that
variation in BSESENSEX 4.022251749% and NSESENSEX 95.11545397% and among money market
instruments fluctuation is 12.03829558% maximum for call rate and minimum 1.038118569% for
5 year gilt age bond.
INTRODUCTION marketable manner.
triving towards a vibrant economy, India is at
the forefront of developing nations even with an SIGNIFICANCE OF MONEY MARKET
agile economic situation imminent from the end The financial market of a country is composed of two
of 2007. With the influx of new economic policy, markets; one is money market and the other is capital
money markets constitute an important imperative to short- market. This is outlined in brief as follows.
term loan market in the Indian financial system. Money 1. Very Narrow and Specific Sense: The market is
market is an instrument and quick device for ensuring, meant for trading of money on call with notice or without
providing and rearing easy funding arrangement comprising notice for short-term corporate funding where lenders are
treasury bill market (T-Bills), Central Government securities mainly commercial banks and borrowers are firms and
(Gilt-edged securities), call money market, commercial money brokers.
papers, certificate of deposit market, commercial bill 2. Liquid Assets: The market is mainly for call money
market, interbank participation, term loan, interest rate market and certificate of deposit market which deals
swaps, money market mutual funds and re-purchase with money trading for a period of overnight to several
agreement market. With the organised money market and months notice in fulfilling short-term requirements of
developed call money financing market, India veils herself funds by commercial banks and money brokers that plays
into a matured and well-shaped structured economy over the an important role both in supplying funds and borrowing
globe. Indian money market exhale into an imponderable money for very short periods for maintaining cash reserve
character of stock market consisting of apex regulatory ratios.
Sum Sq. Dev. 3.97E+10 4884226. 18.90357 0.615600 0.407455 0.307923 1.338647
Observations 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION bond, that of 5-year gilt-age bond is 1.0381185 per cent and
1. Arithmetic Mean (Average): From the above lastly for 10-year gilt-age bond the volatility is 1.260481
descriptive statistics table, the average values of money per cent. The relative fluctuation of BSE Sensex-30 from
market call rate for 47 days study period is 5.325106 per its average index is 4.022251749 per cent during the forty-
cent. Similarly, the central values of 91 days T Bill are 7.39 seven days study period and that of NSE Sensex-50 is
per cent. Again, the arithmetic mean of 1-year gilt rate is 95.11545397 per cent.
7.466596 per cent and for 5-year gilt age rate is 7.881277 5. Median Centred Money Market Volatility [Risk
per cent and 10-year gilt rate is 7.771064 per cent. Lastly, Factor (Regarding Median)]: The call money market
the average index of BSE Sensex-30 is 30879.84 and that volatility strength is 11.24652632 per cent for forty-seven
of NSE Sensex-50 is 8101.206. days study period, 91-days treasury bill is 1.55907 per
2. Median Statistics: The median values of money cent, 1.26328859 per cent for 1-year gilt-age bond, that
market call rate are 5.7 per cent, 7.42 per cent for 91 days of 5-year gilt-age bond is 1.036970849 per cent and lastly
Treasury bills, 7.45 per cent for 1-year gilt-age bonds, 10-year gilt-age bond volatility is 1.2663288591 per cent.
7.89 per cent for 5-year gilt-age bonds and 7.76 per cent The relative volatility of BSE Sensex-30 from its median
for 10-year gilt-age bonds. Similarly, the average median index value is 4.099294875 per cent during the forty-
index of BSE Sensex-30 is 26218.91 and that of NSE seven days study period and that of NSE Sensex-50 is
Sensex-50 is 7948.95. 112.0241078 percent.
3. Standard Deviation (SD): The dispersion value of
money market call rate is 0.641052 per cent; that of 91-days
Treasury bill is 0.115683 per cent; 1-year gilt-age bond is (FOR FORTY-SEVEN DAYS DAILY DATA)
0.094115 per cent; for 5-year gilt-age bond is 0.081817
per cent and lastly for 10-year gilt age bond is 0.170590
per cent. Similarly, the deviation of BSE Sensex-30 from
its average index is 29371.50 and that of NSE Sensex-50
4. Mean Centred Money Market Volatility [Risk
Factor (Regarding Mean)]: The call money market
volatility strength is 12.03829 per cent for forty-seven
days study period, variability of 91-days treasury bill is
1.565399 per cent, 1.260481 per cent for 1-year gilt-age