An Introduction On: Indi An Fi Nancial Sy Stem
An Introduction On: Indi An Fi Nancial Sy Stem
An Introduction On: Indi An Fi Nancial Sy Stem
1. Financial institutions;
2. Financial markets;
3. Financial instruments;
4. Financial services.
Components of Formal Financial System
Financial Services
1. Fund intermediation:
2. Liquidity facility:
3. Payment mechanism:
4. Risk management:
5. Financial engineering is the application of
mathematical methods to the solution of problems
in finance. It is also known as financial
mathematics, mathematical finance, and
computational finance.
Functions of a Financial System
1. Treasury bills;
2. Call money;
3. Notice money;
4. Term money;
5. Commercial papers (CP);
6. Certificates of deposits(CD);
7. Commercial bills (CB);
8. Collateralized borrowing and lending obligations
Money Market Instruments
Direct instruments :
Reserve requirements;
Limits on refinance;
Administered interest rates;
Qualitative and quantitative restrictions on the
Indirect instruments:
Open market operations
Money Market Instruments
1. Mobilization of savings;
2. Provides risk capital to entrepreneurs such as equity and quasi
3. Encourage broader ownership of productive assets through
equity participation;
4. Lower cost of transaction and information;
5. Improve efficiency of capital allocation through competitive
pricing methods;
6. Enable quick valuation of the financial assets i.e. share and
7. Provides insurance against market risk;
8. Increases the width of market by enabling wider participation;
9. Provide operational efficiency;
10. Develop integration among different sectors and participants.
Components of Capital Market