Course Policy_MTI

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Course Policy <Course Name>

Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management & Engineering

School of Technology Management and Engineering

Course Policy Document

Course Name - (Code):

Program and Semester: MBA Tech / All

Pre-requisite Course: None
Branches / Sem IX

2 0 0 2 30
Academic Year: 2024-25
Credit Details:

Faculty associated with the course: -

1.Dr. Abhishek Kumar Sinha
Contact No. Ext- 124857
Office:Mumbai Office Hours: As per timetable
2. Dr. N. Aparna Rao
Name of Course Faculty: Dr. Abhishek Kumar Contact No.
Sinha Email:
Program:MBA Tech Office:
Contact Details:Ext- 124857 3.Course Faculty 4: Dr. Kumar Rohit Contact No. &
Office Hours:As per timetable Office:Mumbai . Office Hours: As per timetable
4.Prof. Shreekant Chincholikar
Office:Mumbai . Office Hours: As per timetable

Pre-Course Activity:

Course link: Portal Link

MS Teams Link

1. Introduction to the Course

1.1 Importance of the Course

In the present day and age, technology is integral to the growth story of every aspect of
human life, society, organisations, businesses and start-ups. How technology creates
competitive advantage and thereby creates wealth is fundamental to any business. A
business has to grapple with multiple waves of technologies on various fronts, and how
these technologies co-exist, and behave in the local, national and global market context
is crucial to any business. Developing or acquiring technology is another important
business decision. Innovation and inventions resulting from R&D are key to developing
technology and often have roots and science. This course covers all these facets.
Course Policy <Course Name>

1.1.1 Domain Relevance: This domain equips future leaders with the skills to
navigate technological advancements, foster innovation, and drive
competitive advantage in their organizations. By learning how to
strategically manage technology, students can identify new opportunities,
improve operational efficiency, and lead transformation initiatives. This
knowledge is crucial for adapting to dynamic market demands and ensuring
long-term business success in a tech-driven world.
1.1.2 Industry Relevance: This discipline empowers future leaders to effectively
integrate emerging technologies, drive innovation, and maintain a
competitive edge. Understanding how to manage technological
advancements and Innovation allows students to identify industry trends,
improve operational processes, and spearhead digital transformation efforts.
This expertise is critical for adapting to the evolving demands of industries,
ensuring organizations stay ahead in an increasingly competitive and
innovation-focused marketplace.
1.2 Objectives of the Course:
1.2.1 To identify the role of innovation in societal problems
1.2.2 To understand technology life cycle development and adoption
1.2.3 To appraise, plan, acquire, and assimilate technology
1.2.4 To design tools and frameworks for technology transfer amongst business

2. Course Outcomes (CO), Mapping with Program Outcomes (PO), and

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
2.1 Course Outcomes
2.1.1 CO1: Classify technology and its management at different levels and Life
2.1.2 CO2: Analyze the planning, acquisition, assimilation, and exploitation of
2.1.3 CO3: Design measurement and analytical tools/frameworks to assess a
given technology and its transfer & create innovative solutions for real-life
problem statements from Firms / NGOs /Society/ Experience/Observation
2.2 Program Outcomes(PO) the course contributed to:
Course Policy <Course Name>

1.1.1 PO-1: An understanding of global practices impacting organizations

1.1.2 PO-2: Critical thinking skills

1.1.3 PO-3: Global Exposure and Cross-Cultural Understanding-

1.1.4 PO-4: Social Responsiveness and Ethics-

1.1.5 PO-5: Effective Communication

1.1.6 PO-6: Leadership and Teamwork

CO-PO Mapping

Business Critical Global Social Effective Leadership

Environmen thinking, Exposure and Responsivene Communication - and
t and Business Cross-Cultural ss and Ethics- Teamwork
Domain Analytics, Understanding-
Knowledge Problem
Solving and
Solutions -

CO1 2 1 2

CO2 1 2 2 2

CO3 2 1 2 2

Mapping Levels: 1- High, 2-Medium, 3-Low

3. Teaching-learning methodology
3.1 Instruction Plan

Unit Description Duration

1 Introduction - Innovation - What is innovation? 2

Course Policy <Course Name>

Definitions and classifications of Technology,

Management of technology at firm level and at national

Text Book (TB3)- Chapter 1 (pp. 1-20); The Future is

Faster than you Think - Peter Diamandis, Presentation
and Talk - Peter Diamandis | The Future Is Faster Than You Think |
Global Summit 2018 | Singularity University

CO-1, CO-2

2 Project Work allocation : 1

- Allocation of an Industry to each Team (5-6 members)

- General discussion on expectations and outcomes

(milestone #1 and #2)

See: Project Process Document

3 Technology Life Cycles 4

The S-curve of technological progress, Multiple-

generation technologies, Technology and market
interaction, Product life cycle, Competition at different
phases of technology life cycle, Diffusion of technology,
Diffusion-communication-channel relationship

TB1 – Chapter 5 (pp. 102-122)

TB3- Chapter 11 (pp. 153-158)

RB2- Chapter 3 (pp. 50-62)

CO-1, CO-2

Mid-term 1 (9th to 14th Oct, 2024)

Course Policy <Course Name>

4 Technology Planning 3

Forecasting technology, Technology audit, Planning

according to technology life cycle

TB1 – Chapter 9 (pp. 270-303)

CO-2, CO-3

5 Project Presentation #1: 2

- Industry Overview and its main players

- Key Technologies (2 to 3)

- Life-cycle of each technology and their overlap

CO-1, CO-2

6 Acquisition and Exploitation of Technology 3

Methods of acquiring technology, Factors affecting

technology exploitation decisions, Stages of technology
development, Technology portfolio and industrial R&D,
Justification of R&D expenditures, Global management of

TB1 – Chapter 10 (pp. 330-350)

CO-1, CO-2

7 Technology Transfer 3

Definitions and classifications, Channels of technology

flow, International technology transfer, Intra-firm
technology transfer

TB1 – Chapter 11 (pp. 375-382)


Mid-term 2 (20th Nov to 25th Nov)

Course Policy <Course Name>

8 Innovation beyond High Technology 4

The Importance, Scope & Types of Innovation, The

Importance of Innovation, Key Aspects of Innovation,
innovation Management

RB2- Chapter 3 (pp. 43-50)

TB2- Chapter 1 (pp. 1-4)


9 Innovation as a Core Business Process 4

Services and Innovation, Contingency Model of the

Innovation Process, Evolving Models of the Process,
Learning to Manage Innovation, Building the Innovative
Organization, Shared Vision, Leadership, Appropriate
Organizational Structure, High Involvement in
Innovation, Roadmap for Innovation, Effective team

TB2- Chapter 3 (pp. 70- 77)

TB2- Chapter 3 (pp. 90-100)

*TB2- Chapter 5 (pp. 166-190)

Course Policy <Course Name>

10 Developing an Innovation Strategy 2

Different types of Innovation Strategies, The Dynamic

Capabilities of Firms, Exploiting Technological
Trajectories, Developing Firm-specific Competencies,
Sources of Innovation and Search Strategies, Innovation
networks & Decision making under uncertainty

TB2- Chapter 4 (pp. 116-145)

TB2- Chapter 6 (pp. 215-220)

TB2- Chapter 8 (pp. 277-285)

TB2- Chapter 9 (pp. 304-310)


Final Project Presentation [Milestone #2] :

11 2
- Report submission

- PPT Presentation (defence)

- Q&A

CO1, CO-2, CO-3

Total 30

Prescribed Textbooks:

1. Tarek Khalil, Management of Technology, 2/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013 (TB1)

2. Joe Tidd, John R. Bessant, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological,

Market and Organizational Change, 6th Edition , 2018 (TB2)

3. Technology Management: Activities and Tools, D. Cetindamar, R. Phaal, D.

Probert. Palgrave Macmillan. (2nd Edition ), 2017 (TB3)

4. The Management of Technology and Innovation .Margaret White & Garry D.

Bruton. 3rd Edition ,2023. (TB4)

Reference Books:
Course Policy <Course Name>

1. Robert A. Burgelman, Clayton M. Christensen, Steven C. Wheelwright.

Strategic Management of Technology & Innovation. McGraw-Hill (Indian Edition),
2009 (RB1)

2. Melissa Schillings, Ravi Shankar. Strategic Management of Technological

Innovation, Sixth Edition Paperback. McGraw-Hill (Indian Edition), 2019 (RB2)

4. Assessment and Evaluation Scheme

Assessment of ICA comprises of the following components.

1. Class Test 1 and 2

a. Two class tests will be conducted as per the academic calendar.

b. It should be conducted offline for 100 marks each (Scaled down to 10 )

2. Project - Understand and analyze an Industry and its segment and compile
a report for all its main technologies that are currently in use or likely to
emerge in near future.

(20 marks)

a. Faculty will make group of 5 or 6 students

b. Faculty will allot a firm to every group

c. Assessment will be based on milestones as follows :

i. Identify main (2 to 3) technologies that are crucial and

fundamental to the Industry.

ii. Using Data from the company websites, annual reports,

market news, etc., draw Technology life-cycle curves
(S-curves) for each technology. [Milestone #1]

iii. Understand Innovation related aspect of each Company

with regard to each technology and give view-points
about whether innovation in a particular technology will
happen within or outside the Industry.

iv. Make a report (Word/PDF) and a PPT for final

presentation that summarizes the report. [Milestone #2].
Course Policy <Course Name>

v. The template of the final report to be submitted is as per

following guidelines


The report will have four sections that are described below together with the desired
contents under each section.

I. Technology [ 5 marks ]

a. Describe Technology – 300 words.

b. Draw a technology or product block diagram with a 3-5 lines explanation

of each block.

c. List the firms who have made a big investment in this technology and the
investment size.

d. Define the technology’s position on S-curve, Market Growth Curve, and

your interpretation.

e. Multiple Generation of Technologies

f. Position the technology on the Gartner hype cycle and your interpretation.

g. How were technology planning and audit activities carried out in a

company for a particular technology?

Tools that can be used: S-Curve, Technology Curve, Market Curve, Technology
Audit checklist.

II. Intellectual property [ 5 marks ]

a. Who holds how many intellectual properties (patents/ trademarks /…)?

b. Who holds the crucial intellectual properties (patents/ trademarks /…)?

c. Who has been able to establish a standard?

d. What is the value of these patents/standards in the short and long term?

e. What technology licensing or acquisition deals happened. What was the

size of the deal?
Course Policy <Course Name>

Tools that can be used: Patent Analysis

III. Market [ 5 marks ]

a. History of firms in the market

b. List of firms that entered.

c. List of firms that closed or pivoted.

d. List of firms that got acquired.

e. What strategies are they following?

f. Market adoption of products based on the technology – innovators, early


g. Do you see a chasm in market adoption? i.e., has the market for this
technology slowed down or not growing as expected?

h. Number of start-ups / bigger firms

i. How do you / the company perceive market and technology

requirements 5 years from now?

Tools that can be used: Road mapping.

IV. Commercialization strategies [5 marks]

a. Provide examples of companies, major deals, and valuations

b. Technology diffusion model used.

c. What strategies do you see –

i. Technology owners entering the market on their own.

ii. Patent / IP licensing deals

d. Highlight the innovation model/strategies that were used.

e. Highlight how an organization learns to manage innovation.

Course Policy <Course Name>

f. Mergers and acquisitions – what valuations e.g., Google bought

Motorola Mobility (17000 patents) for $12.5 billion to protect its
Android OS from rivals.

g. How are these companies establishing competitive advantage, creating

entry barriers to others, and achieving customer lock-in?

Suggested Industries for the Project are as follows. Students or faculty can propose
similar new Industries or Domains of their interest:

1. Automobile (Car) Industry IC Engines and EV car makers

2. Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) HLL, Colgate, Patanjali,


3. Grocery Retailers in India Dmart, Big Basket, Reliance,

4. Telecom and Telecom Service providers Airtel, Jio, Voda, BSNL etc

5. Real estate for housing and commercial Lodha, Suntech, L&T reality,
space Prestige

6. Mobile phones (who make in India) Apple, Samsung, Oppo,

7 Airlines AI+Vistara, Indigo, Spice

8. City Commute by rental Cabs Ola, Uber, Meru/Mahindra,

9. QSR and food delivery eco-system Zomato, Swiggy, Dunzo?

10. Short-term stay (hotels and AirBnB, OYO, fab, tribo etc

11. Online and Tele shopping Flipcart, Amazon, NapTol,..

12. Over-The-Top (OTT) based Netflix, Hotstar, etc.

Entertainment Industry
Course Policy <Course Name>

3. Class Participation (05 marks)-

Students would be required to respond to questions asked during the class, and also
voluntarily participate in discussions on the topic of the class.

4. Quiz / Viva (05 marks)

The faculty will conduct a series of quiz questions randomly during the sessions to
gauge the application of knowledge gained by students.

5. Class Participation and Quiz/Viva may be combined for assessment purposes

then marks out of 10 may be given jointly.

Assessment Policy for Term End Examination (TEE)

A written examination of 50 marks for 2 Hours duration will be conducted for the
course as per the Academic Calendar.

Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) (50 Marks)

Class Tests (20 Marks) Term-work (30 Marks)

Assessment Class Test-1 Class Test-2 Report class Viva/PPT

Component Submission participation
Marks 10 10 20 5 5

4.1 Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) – 50 marks

4.2 Term End Examination (TEE) – (50 marks)

4.3 Course Passing Criteria

Course Policy <Course Name>

4.4 Assessments and Mapping to Course Outcomes

Internal Continuous Assessment (ICA) Term End


Course CT-1 CT-2 Report Class Viva/PPT TEE

Outcomes Submission Participation

CO-1 10 20

CO-2 10 20

CO-3 20 5 5 10

5. Laboratory details

6. Tutorial Plan


7. Course Material
References and PPTs would be uploaded on MS Teams.

8. GenAI Usage
8.1 Pre-class Activity: Before attending class, students can use ChatGPT to get a high-
level overview or summary of the upcoming topic. This helps familiarize themselves
with key concepts, frameworks, and terminologies, making class discussions easier to
Students can use ChatGPT to review prerequisite concepts (e.g., basics of innovation
management, disruptive technologies, or business model frameworks) before
class.Students can use ChatGPT to generate thoughtful questions based on the
upcoming topic, allowing them to engage more deeply in class discussions.ChatGPT
can be used to simulate mini-case studies or provide real-world examples on topics
like technology strategy, innovation, and emerging technologies.
Course Policy <Course Name>

8.2 In-Class Activity: Students can use ChatGPT during in-class discussions to quickly
generate ideas on topics such as emerging technologies, innovation strategies, or
technology adoption.ChatGPT can help students analyze cases in real-time by
offering insights or alternative approaches.Use ChatGPT to gather multiple
perspectives on various topics.

9. Academic Integrity Statement

Original work is expected from students for all of the assigned assessment work. Copying
in any form is not acceptable and will invite strict disciplinary action. Evaluation of the
corresponding component will be affected proportionately in such cases. Plagiarism
detection software will be used to check plagiarism wherever applicable. Academic integrity
is expected from students in all components of course assessment.

* - Only Teaching Method in the Instruction Plan for the course may vary
for different faculty teaching the course,rest of the Course Policy
Document will not change.

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