To study the role of firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs) in providing security to shared public networks
such as the Internet.
A network security device that observes and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic, adhering
to the security policies defined by an organization. Essentially, it acts as a protective wall between a
private internal network and the public Internet.
Firewalls are network security systems that prevent unauthorized access to a network. It can be a
hardware or software unit that filters the incoming and outgoing traffic within a private network,
according to a set of rules to spot and prevent cyberattacks.
A firewall router is a specially programmed router that sits between a site and the rest of the network. It is
a router in the sense that it is connected to two or more physical networks, and it forwards packets from
one network to another, but it also filters the packets that flow through it.
There are multiple types of firewalls based on their traffic filtering methods, structure, and
functionality. A few of the types of firewalls are:
Software Firewall
Hardware Firewall
Packet Filters
Stateful Inspection Firewall
Application Layer Firewall
Next-generation Firewall
Circuit-level gateways
Cloud Firewall
Functions of Firewall:
The most important function of a firewall is that it creates a border between an external network and the
guarded network where the firewall inspects all packets (pieces of data for internet transfer) entering and
leaving the guarded network.
Once the inspection is completed, a firewall can differentiate between benign and malicious packets with
the help of a set of pre-configured rules.
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A virtual private network (VPN) adds security and anonymity to users when they connect to web-based services
and sites, it hides the user’s actual public IP address and “tunnels” traffic between the user’s device and the
remote server.
This makes it more difficult for third parties to track the activities online and steal data.
The encryption takes place in real time.
Working of VPN:
A VPN hides your IP address by letting the network redirect it through a specially configured
remote server run by a VPN host.
This means that if you surf online with a VPN, the VPN server becomes the source of your data. This
means your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and other third parties cannot see which websites you visit
or what data you send and receive online.
VPNs utilize a concept called an IP tunnel, a virtual point-to-point link between a pair of nodes that are
actually separated by an arbitrary number of networks.
The virtual link is created within the router at the entrance of the tunnel by providing it with the IP address
of the router at the far end of the tunnel.
Whenever the router at the entrance of the tunnel wants to send a packet over this virtual link, it
encapsulates the packet inside an IP datagram. The destination address in the IP header is the address of the
router at the far end of the tunnel, whereas the source address is that of the encapsulating router.
1) Create a New Project:
• Start OPNET IT → File → New → Select Project → Name the project <name >_VPN, then
• Click Quit on the Startup Wizard.
2) Create and Configure the Network:
Initialize the network:
Open the Object Palette dialog box. Make sure that the internet_toolbox item
is selected from the pull-down menu on the object palette.
Add the following objects from the palette to the project workspace.
Application Config, Profile Config, an ip32_cloud, one ppp_ server, three
thernet4_slip8_gtwy routers, and two ppp_wkstn hosts.
Rename the objects you added and connect them using PPP_DS1 links.
Configure the nodes:
1. Right-click on the Applications node → Edit Attributes → Assign Default to
Application Definitions attribute.
2. Right-click on the Profiles node → Assign Sample Profiles to Profile Configuration
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3. Right-click on the Server node → Assign All to the Application: Supported Services
4. Right-click on the Sales A node → Select Similar Nodes.
a. Right-click on the Sales A node →Check the Apply Changes to Selected Objects
b. Expand the Application: Supported Profiles attribute → Set rows to 1
→ Expand the row 0 hierarchy → Profile Name = Sales Person .
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b. From the Object palette, use two PPP_DS1 links to connect the new router
to the Router C (the firewall) and to the Server.
4. Rename the IP VPN Config object to VPN.
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Thus, the role of firewalls and virtual private networks (VPNs) in providing security to shared public networks
such as the Internet have been configured successfully.
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