Robotics and Automation (23BCS11642).2
Robotics and Automation (23BCS11642).2
Robotics and Automation (23BCS11642).2
Submitted by
Submitted to
Ms. Priyanka Sachdeva(E12005)
Bachelors of Engineering
Computer Science
Chandigarh University
February - May2024
Table of Contents
Cover Page……………………………………………………………………………………..1
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………...2
Introduction ……………………………….…………………………………………………..3
Technology, the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of
human life or, as it is sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the
human environment.
Emerging technologies encompass a fascinating realm where innovation and
potential collide. These technologies, whether freshly introduced or recently
harnessed, hold the promise of reshaping our world. Let’s delve into this
captivating domain
Some emerging technology trends that are shaping various industries are:
1. Artificial intelligence
2. Robotics
3. Cyber Security
4. Cloud Computing
5. Internet of Things
6. Machine Learning
7. Quantum computing
8. 5G
9. Block Chain
In this case study we are going to discuss about an exciting frontier that is shaping our
future – The field of Robotics. As we stand on the brink of technological revolutions, it is
the advancements in robotics that often capture our imagination and push the
boundaries of what’s possible.
Robotics And Automation
Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that
produces machines, called robots, that replicate or substitute for human
actions. Robots perform basic and repetitive tasks with greater efficiency
and accuracy than humans, making them ideal for industries like
manufacturing. However, the introduction of artificial intelligence in robotics
has given robots the ability to handle increasingly complex situations in
various industries
Robotics and automation have become integral parts of various industries,
from manufacturing to healthcare. One of the popular programming
languages used in this field is C++, thanks to its powerful object-oriented
programming (OOP) capabilities
In recent years, robotics and automation have seen significant advancements and
breakthroughs across various fields. Here are some notable developments:
MILITARY ROBOTS: Military robots are autonomous robots or remote-
controlled mobile robots designed for military applications, from transport to
search & rescue and attack.
These robots are ideal in use for military emergency response where
a situation is way dangerous for a human to go.
Military uses bomb disposal robots and drones among other
whereas emergency research team uses aerial, underground,
ground rescue robots.
Robots can replace soldiers in dangerous missions such as crawling
through caves or in the streets during wars, they can reduce the
AGRICULTURAL ROBOTS: An agricultural robot is a robot deployed for
agricultural purposes. The main area of application of robots in agriculture
today is at the harvesting stage.
Emerging applications of robots or drones in agriculture include
weed control, cloud seeding, planting seeds, harvesting,
environmental monitoring and soil analysis.
These robots handle repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, allowing
the farmers to save there energy and time more efficiently.
Robots in agricultural sector can also be used to supervise on the
green house by monitoring the crops and keeping an eye on them.
MEDICAL ROBOTS: Robots are also used in the field of medical science
and the most common type of robot you will see is the surgical robots that
are used to perform very delicate medical procedure.
The first known medical robot utilized by the medical industry was
in 1985, when the robot PUMA 560 placed a needle for a brain
biopsy using CT guidance
1. Cost and Time Efficiency:
Robots save both time and money. Unlike human workers, they don’t
require extensive training or benefits.
Their continuous operation ensures efficiency and helps meet
While robotics and automation offer numerous benefits, they also present several
challenges that need to be addressed:
Job Displacement: One of the most significant challenges is the potential
displacement of human workers by automation. As robots and AI systems
become more capable, there's a concern that they will replace human
workers in various industries, leading to unemployment and economic
disruption. Addressing this challenge requires strategies for reskilling and
upskilling workers to adapt to the changing labor market.
Future Outlook:
Integration with AI and Machine Learning: Robotics will become more intelligent
and autonomous, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence and machine
learning. This will enable robots to learn from experience, adapt to dynamic
environments, and perform complex tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy.
Expansion into New Domains: Robotics and automation will continue to expand
into new domains and industries, including healthcare, agriculture, construction,
and retail. From surgical robots assisting in delicate procedures to autonomous
drones monitoring crops, the potential applications are vast and diverse.
Global Impact: Robotics and automation will have a profound impact on the
global economy, reshaping industries, creating new job opportunities, and driving
economic growth. However, there will also be disparities in access to these
technologies, with implications for social inequality and economic development.
In conclusion, the road ahead for robotics and automation is paved with innovation. As
we embrace these emerging technologies, let’s remember that robots are not our
adversaries; they’re our partners in progress, amplifying our capabilities and shaping a
brighter future.
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Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing, 33, 3–11.