Tropism is a growth movement whose direction is determined by the direction from which the
stimulus strikes the plant. In other words, it is the growth of plants towards the direction of
stimuli. Examples of the stimuli are, water, gravity, light, and chemicals. The growth movement
can be categorized into two and described below;
• Positive tropism = the plant, or a part of it, grows in the direction from which the
stimulus originates.
• Negative tropism = growth away from the stimulus
Types of tropisms
The plants below show phototropism
The growth of the shoot towards light exposes the leaves to light for photosynthesis.
• Growth towards a light source is a positive phototropism, while growth away from light
is called negative phototropism (or Skototropism).
• Most plant shoots have positive phototropism, while roots usually exhibit negative
phototropism, although gravitropism may play a larger role in root behavior and growth.
• Some vine shoot tips exhibit negative phototropism, which allows them to grow towards
dark, solid objects and climb them.
Geotropism (Gravitropism)
This is a turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. In most plants
the roots show positive geotropism while most stems exhibit negative geotropism. That is, roots
grow in the direction of gravitational pull (i.e., downward) and stems grow in the opposite
direction (i.e., upwards). However, they are other plants like the one below where by its stem
shows positive geotropism.
Example of Gravitropism; A roman villa in the Archeologic Park in Baia, Italy
It helps the plant to absorb water and other nutrients from the soil by using the roots.
Plant hormones in Tropism
Plant hormones are chemicals that regulate plant growth. They are sometimes called ‘plant
growth substances'. These hormones are produced by the plants themselves. However, the plant
is able to regulate the rate at which it is produced. Since the plants do not contain glands as in
animals, each cell is capable of producing hormones. It should be noted that hormones are not
In summary, plant hormones shape the plant, affecting seed growth, time of flowering, the sex of
flowers, senescence of leaves, and fruits. They affect which tissues grow upward and which
grow downward, leaf formation and stem growth, fruit development and ripening, plant
longevity, and even plant death. Hormones are vital to plant growth, and, lacking them, plants
would be mostly a mass of undifferentiated cells.
The hormones move from one part of the plant to the other through the following methods.
There are different kinds of hormones and the notable ones are auxins, ethylene, gibberellins,
abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins.
They affect cell elongation by altering cell wall plasticity. They stimulate cambium, a subtype of
meristems cells, to divide and in stems cause secondary xylem to differentiate.
This is the process by which glucose is broken down to release energy in the cells.
Types of respiration
i. Aerobic respiration
This is the type of respiration which uses oxygen to breakdown glucose to release energy. The
reaction in which glucose is combined with oxygen is called oxidation. The energy which is
produced is in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). The ATP are large molecules that are
used for energy storage.
Food substances like carbohydrates and fats contain chemical energy which is converted into
ATP during respiration. The energy stored in ATP is used for the following;
− Muscles contraction
− Active transport
This is the type of respiration which breaks down glucose to release energy in the absence of
oxygen. In this type of respiration less energy is released ie 210kJ. When it occurs in plants the
by products are Ethanol and Carbon dioxide. When it occurs in animals muscle cells the by
products is lactic acid.
Breathing in man
− Breathing is the taking of air in and out of the lungs.
− During breathing, oxygen is taken into the lungs to be used in respiration while carbon
dioxide produced during respiration is taken out.
− The gaseous exchange is important because it ensures supply of oxygen and removal of
carbon dioxide.
− Nasal cavity; this is the passage of air from outside. It has got hairs which filter the air
by trapping germs and the dust. It also has cells that produce moisture which moistens the
air. The cells also supply heat which makes the air to be come warm.
− Trachea; this is a tube that is connected to the nasal cavity. It is joined to the mouth
cavity. The top part has got a soft and a flap of cartilage called the epiglottis which
prevents food being swallowed from the mouth from going into it. The trachea is made
up of rings of cartilage which always keep it open. The inner lining has got which
produces mucus which traps germs and dust. There is also presence of cilia which always
beat upwards to remove the dust and germs.
− Bronchi; these are two tubes which branch from the trachea. Each bronchi goes into each
lung. These are also made up of ring of cartilage which makes them to remain open all
the time. They also have cilia and mucus which filters the air.
− Bronchioles; these arise from the bronchi. They also branch repeatedly and end up into
smallest spaces in the lungs called alveoli. The bronchioles are so numerous that they
reach each and every space called the alveolus.
− Alveolus; this is the smallest cavity in the lungs where gaseous exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide takes place with the blood. It has a very thin wall and is surrounded by a
network of blood capillaries. Gaseous exchange occurs through diffusion. Oxygen is
picked up by haemoglobin on the red blood cells. Carbon dioxide is transported by the
− A thin layer of moisture; the inner lining has got a layer of moisture into which oxygen
diffuses. The oxygen is therefore brought very close to the alveolar wall for easy
diffusion across the wall.
− Maintenance of diffusion gradient for oxygen and carbon dioxide;
Breathing mechanism
Breathing is regulated by the medulla oblongata. It works in conjunction with the hypothalamus
which detects the level of carbon dioxide in the blood.
One breath is made up of inhalation (breathing in) and exhalation (breathing out)
When breathing in the external intercostals muscles contracts therefore pulling then ribs up and
outwards. This increases the volume of the chest cavity. The diaphragm also contracts and moves
downwards thereby increasing the volume of the chest cavity. Due to the increase in the volume
of the chest cavity, the air pressure in the lungs decreases. Air from outside rushes into the lungs.
When breathing out, the internal intercostals muscles contract and pull the ribs down inwards.
The diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards. These cause the volume of the chest cavity to
decrease. Due to the decrease in the chest cavity, the air pressure in the lungs increases. As a
result air rushes out of the lungs to the atmosphere.
Lung capacity
The total volume of the lungs when fully inflated is about 5.0 litres in an adult. An adult can
have 5.0 litres of air in the lungs when there is deep breathing in.
− Tidal air; this is the small amount of air that is breathed in and out when at rest or asleep.
− Complemental air; this is additional air which is breathed in during deep breathing.
− Supplementary air; this is the additional air which is breathed out during deep breathing.
− Residual air this is the amount of air which is always left in the lungs during deep
− Vital capacity; this is the additional amount of air that is breathed in and out during
physical exercise.
Breathing rate
− This is the number of breaths per minute. At rest breathing is low and shallow
while when conducting physical exercise it becomes deep and fast.
− Fast breathing removes as much carbon dioxide from the lungs as possible and
also supplies as much oxygen to the lungs as possible.
− Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated by giving the patient a lot of air and by
conducting mouth to mouth resuscitation.
− Smoking in pregnant mothers makes the babies born to have stunted growth.
Respiration in fish
− Fish is an example of an organism which live in water. They also require oxygen for
energy production. They get the oxygen from the water that dissolves in it from the
atmosphere. Fish extract the oxygen from the water by using the gills.
− Gill bar (gill arch); this is a bony structure that supports the gill.
− Gill rakers; these are thick projection found on the inner part of the gill bar. They trap
the solid particles taken together with the water. The particles are then swallowed as
− Gill filaments (lamellae); these are thin projections found on the outer part of the gill
bar. This is a place where gaseous exchange occurs in fish.
− Operculum; this is bony structure which covers the surface of the gills. It protects the
gill from external damage.
− They have a very good supply of blood capillaries. These maintains diffusion gradient of
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
− They are always moist so that they do not stick to each other.
During breathing in water is drawn into the mouth cavity while during breathing out water is
drawn out. The water that is drawn in has the following functions;
− It supplies oxygen to the gills as the water flows over the surface of the gills.
− It takes carbon dioxide away from the fish as it flows over the gills.
Respiration in insects
Gaseous exchange in insects takes place by using the tracheole system. Insects have got
openings called spiracles on the segments in the thorax and abdomen. Each segment has got a
pair of spiracles.
Each spiracle opens into a tube called the trachea. The trachea is made up of a ring of chitin.
Chitin is a tough substance which prevents the trachea from collapsing when the insect body
contracts. As the trachea gets deeper into the body it divides further into small tubes called
tracheoles. These tracheoles lead the air directly into the tissue cells. This is where gaseous
exchange occurs through diffusion. Tracheoles have no chitin instead they have a thin wall and
moisture for oxygen diffusion
Diagram of a tracheal system
Insects suck in air by relaxing muscles of the abdomen which leads to the increase in volume of
the trachea system. Air is pushed out when the abdomen contracts to squeeze the air out.
Note; insect blood has got no haemoglobin hence it does not transport oxygen. Oxygen diffuses
directly into the cells. The blood transports digested food substances.
Excretion in plants
During the process of photosynthesis, glucose and oxygen are produced. The plant then uses the
glucose and oxygen in different ways such as respiration but also the general growth of the
plants. The excess oxygen is removed from the plants through the stomata. This removal is
called excretion.
Excretion in animals
Unlike plants animals are very complicated organisms. In the body of multicellular animals such
as people different organs carry out the process of excretion. The table below summarises the
organs and the products that they excrete.
Excretory Organs
The kidneys
These are bean shaped and are found in the body of most multicellular animals such as people.
The inside of the kidney has three regions namely; the outer cortex, the inner medulla and the
pelvis. Urine is made in the cortex and the medulla and then collects to the pelvis before moving
into the ureter on its way to the bladder.
✓ It ensures osmo regulation; osmoregulation is the management of blood water and salts
concentration. The kidneys adjust the water salt content in the blood.
✓ It also helps in adjusting the pH of the blood by eliminating excess acids and bases.
After absorption in the small intestines the amino acids are carried to the liver via the hepatic
portal vein. Only enough amino acids carries on while the excess one is deaminated by the liver.
Deamination is the removal of amino group from amino acids. After deamination urea is sent to
the kidneys for excretion.
✓ Food processing
As already stated the kidney has three parts namely, the outer cortex, medulla and the pelvis.
Urine is made in the cortex and the medulla and collects in the pelvis to ureter. The functional
unit of the kidney is the nephron. It should be noted that they are millions of these nephrons. A
nephron is simply defined as a single glomelurus with renal capsule, renal tubule and blood
Urine formation
a. Ultrafitration
b. Selective re absoption
c. Secretion
Urine formation begins with the process of ultrafiltration, which takes in the cortex of the
kidneys. As blood courses through the glomeruli, much of its fluid, containing both useful
chemicals and dissolved waste materials, soaks out of the blood through the membranes (by
osmosis and diffusion) where it is filtered and then flows into the Bowman's capsule. The water,
waste products, salt, glucose, and other chemicals that have been filtered out of the blood are
known collectively as glomerular filtrate. The glomerular filtrate consists primarily of water,
excess salts (primarily Na+ and K+), glucose, and a waste product of the body called urea. Urea
is formed in the body to eliminate the very toxic ammonia products that are formed in the liver
from amino acids. Since humans cannot excrete ammonia, it is converted to the less dangerous
urea and then filtered out of the blood. Urea is the most abundant of the waste products that must
be excreted by the kidneys.
✓ Water, glucose, amino acids, salts urea and uric acid are small hence they easily pass
through the cells of the glomelurus and the Bowman’s capsule. Blood cells and proteins
are large substances hence they are not filtered.
✓ Pressure that is exerted by the pumping heart, creates pressure in the glomelurus hence
causing substances to diffuse from the blood in the Bowman’s capsule. Furthermore the
vessel from which the blood is coming is bigger than in the glomelurus.
2. Selective reabsorption
This is the movement of substances out of the renal tubules back into the blood capillaries
located around the tubules. Substances that are reabsorbed are water, glucose and other nutrients,
and sodium (Na+) and other ions. Reabsorption begins in the proximal (first) convoluted tubules
and continues in the loop of Henle, distal (second) convoluted tubules, and collecting tubules.
The process of selective reabsorption is necessitated by three other process namely osmosis,
diffusion and active transport.
Note. There are other substances that are not reabsorbed; these include urea.
Large amounts of water (more than 178 liters per day) are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream
from the first convolution because the physical forces acting on the water in these tubules
actually push most of the water back into the blood capillaries. In other words, about 99% of the
180 liters of water that leaves the blood each day by glomerular filtration returns to the blood
from the proximal tubule through the process of passive reabsorption.
The nutrient glucose (blood sugar) is entirely reabsorbed back into the blood from the first
convolution. Normally none of this valuable nutrient is wasted by being lost in the urine.
However, even when the kidneys are operating at peak efficiency, the nephrons can reabsorb
only so much sugar and water. Their limitations are dramatically illustrated in cases of diabetes
mellitus, a disease which causes the amount of sugar in the blood to rise far above normal. As
already mentioned, in ordinary cases all the glucose that seeps out through the glomeruli into
the tubules is reabsorbed into the blood. But if too much is present, the tubules reach the limit of
their ability to pass the sugar back into the bloodstream, and the tubules retain some of it. It is
then carried along in the urine, often providing a doctor with her first clue that a patient has
diabetes mellitus.
3. Secretion
This is third important process in the formation of urine. Secretion is the process by which
substances move into the distal (second convolution) and collecting tubules (duct) from blood in
the capillaries around these tubules. In this respect, secretion is reabsorption in reverse. Whereas
reabsorption moves substances out of the tubules and into the blood, secretion moves substances
out of the blood and into the tubules where they mix with the water and other wastes and are
converted into urine. These substances are secreted through either an active transport
mechanism or as a result of diffusion across the membrane. Substances secreted are hydrogen
ions (H+), potassium ions (K+), ammonia (NH3), and certain drugs. Advantage of secretion is
that plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's acid-base balance.
As blood passes the brain, the hypothalamus detects the concentration of water. If the
concentration is high it directs the pituitary gland to produce less ADH. Less ADH travels in the
blood to the kidneys and they absorb less water. In so doing, more urine is produced and the
water level of the blood decreases. In other words, the kidneys excrete the excess water through
the process of ultrafiltration removes the excess water.
When the concentration of water is low in the blood, a message is sent to the pituitary gland
which releases more ADH into the blood. More ADH the travels in the blood to the kidneys and
make them to reabsorb more water. This result in less urine to be produced and the water level in
the blood increases. After this the person feels thirsty and drinks more water.
Kidney problems
Kidneys encounter different problems which may cause it not to function normally. Some of the
causes of the problems are;
✓ Age
✓ Accidents
Remedies to problems of the kidneys
1. Kidney transplant
This includes transplanting a working kidney from a donor. The damaged kidney is replaced by
the working kidney.
There should be a perfect match of the kidneys to prevent rejection. Rejections means that the T
lymphocytes treat the antigens in the kidney as foreign materials and destroys them.
In summary, there should be a perfect match in the blood group and Rhesus factor (Rh)
2. Dialysis machine
A dialysis machine is also called an “artificial kidney” because it carries the work of the kidney
in ensuring osmoregulation by getting rid of the waste substances.
How the machine works
The blood is taken from an artery and passes through an artificial capillary into the dialysis
machine. In the dialysis machine the diffusion gradient are set so that:
✓ As in kidneys, the blood cells and proteins are held back because they are large to pass
through the dialysis membrane.
CHAPTER FOUR: Coordination
− Coordination is the linking together of various processes in the body
− It is brought about by the nervous system and the endocrine system
− Coordination brought about the nervous system is called nervous coordination while
coordination that is brought about by the endocrine system is called chemical (hormonal)
The nervous system
It is made up of three parts namely;
i. The central nervous system (CNS) it is made up of the brain and spinal cord.
ii. The autonomic Nervous System (ANS). This is made up of nerves that link all internal
organs to the brain and the spinal cord.
iii. The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS); it is made up of a network of nerves linking the
brain and the spinal cord to all parts of the body.
The central Nervous System (CNS)
The brain
− It is located in the head in the skull which protects it from external forces.
− It is surrounded by three membranes called meninges. These membranes protect it from
− The meninges are separated by a fluid called cerebrospinal fluid which brings nutrients
to the brain
The brain is the organ that controls most of the activities in the body. It is divided into three
a. Cerebrum
− It is the largest part of the brain.
− It occupies the anterior part of the brain.
− It has grey matter outside and white matter outside.
− It is highly folded on the surface to increase the surface area.
− It is divided into two halves by a deep fissure which runs from the front to the
− The two halves are called hemispheres or lobes i.e. therefore there is a left
lobe/hemisphere and the right lobe/hemisphere joined together by a bundle of
nerves called the corpus collosum.
Functions of the cerebrum
− It controls memory, thinking and emotions. These three makes up intelligence.
− It also controls reasoning
− It interpret sensory messages e.g. sight, taste, smell, touch and pain.
b. Cerebellum
− It is the second largest part of the brain.
− It is located behind or just below the cerebrum.
− It is less folded hence has a smaller surface area.
− It also has grey matter outside and white matter inside.
− Maintains muscle tone for balance.
− Controls muscular co ordination during walking, dancing, running etc.
− It controls posture.
c. Medulla Oblongata
− It is the smallest part of the brain.
− It is located below the cerebellum.
− It has got white matter and grey matter.
− It is not folded on the surface hence has got a very small surface area.
− It controls most of the vital processes in the body such as breathing, heart beat,
blood pressure, regulation of body temperature, etc. therefore any damage to the
medulla oblongata leads to death.
Spinal cord
• It arises from the base of the brain (medulla Oblangata). It runs through the vertebrae up
to the last bone in the pelvis.
• In the spinal cord there is white matter out side and grey matter inside.
• At the centre of the spinal cord there is a hole called the central canal which contains
cerebrospinal fluid.
• The spinal cord is joined to nerves that link various part of the body.
• The nerves enter through the Dorsal root and leave through the ventral root.
• On the dorsal root there is a swelling called “The Ganglion” which is made up of cell
bodies of the nerve cells.
− To conduct impulses from the sensory nerves to the brain.
− To control reflex actions of all organs below the head.
− To conduct impulses from the brain to motor nerves linking organs below the
− A nerve is a thread like structure which conducts impulses in the body.
− Nerves that carry impulses from sensory organs to the central nervous are called sensory
− Nerves that carry impulses from the central nervous to the muscles or organs that carry
out a response are called Motor Nerves.
− In the brain and spinal cord there are nerves that link the sensory nerve to the motor nerve
these are called Association or relay Nerves.
− Each nerve fibre is made up of small units called Nerve cells or Neurones.
Structure of a Neurone
Functions of the parts of a neurone
i. Dendrites; these are structures that radiate from the cell body. Their function is to trap
impulses crossing the synapse. Once trapped the impulses is transported to the cell body.
ii. Cell body; this receives impulses from the dendrites. It coordinates them and send them
out to the axon. It contains a nucleus which controls all the activities of the neurone.
iii. Axon; it is an elongated structure that is joined to the cell body. It carries impulses away
from the cell body.
iv. Myelin sheath; this is a layer of fat cells that cover the axon. Its function is to provide
insulation to the axon so that impulses are not conducted by other body cells. This
insulation also helps to increase the speed at which the impulses are conducted.
v. Node of Ranvier; this is a gap between myelin sheaths. It is used as a point where food
and oxygen are supplied to the axon.
vi. Dendron; this is the longest dendrite. It carries impulses towards the cell body.
How impulses Cross a Synapse
− A synapse is a gap between neurones.
− Impulses travelling through a neurone have to cross a synapse to reach another neurone.
− When impulses reach the end plate of an axon, a liquid called the Neurotransmitter
(acetylcholine) is secreted into the synapse. Acetylcholine is a good conductor of
− Therefore the impulses are transported across until they are picked up by dendrites of the
next neurone. After impulses have crossed the synapse, the Acetylcholine is later
destroyed by enzymes.
Reflex actions
A reflex action is a rapid and automatic response to stimulus.
Most reflex actions are carried out to protect the body from injury.
They are usually carried out before the brain could interpret the impulses. Interpretation of the
impulses involved in a reflex action occurs after the response has been carried out.
Examples of reflex actions are blinking of the eye, knee jerk, withdrawal of a hand from a hot
object, sneezing.
Types of reflex actions
There are two types of reflex actions
a) Cranial reflexes; these are reflex actions that are carried out by organs in the head
region. Examples of cranial reflexes are blinking and sneezing. Cranial reflexes are
controlled by the brain.
b) Spinal reflexes; these are reflex actions that are carried out by organs below the head.
They are controlled by the spinal cord. Examples include; knee jerk and withdrawal of a
hand from a hot object.
Reflex arc
This is a path that is followed by impulses in a reflex action. The reflex arc is made up of the
following components.
Receptor; this is sensory organ that detects the stimulus. When the stimulus has been detected,
nerve impulses are produced and are carried by the sensory Neurones.
Sensory neurones; these are nerve cells that carry impulses into the brain and the spinal cord.
Association Neurones; these are found in the brain and the spinal cord. They pick up impulses
from the sensory neurones. Instead of sending impulses straight to the brain for interpretation the
impulses are sent to the motor neurones.
Motor neurones; these pick up the impulses from the association neurones. They send the
impulses to the effectors.
Effectors; An effector is an organ or tissue that carries out a response. Examples of effectors
include muscles.
A diagram showing a simple reflex arc
Conditioned reflexes
These are reflex actions which come about after a period of learning or training. In most cases
conditioned reflexes, the responses are not related to stimulus. Examples are, fear of white
gowned nurses by children, fear of the lizard, riding a bicycle etc. Conditioned reflexes usually
develop into behaviour.
Steps that are involved in a conditioned reflex
Hallucinogens; these are drugs that causes hallucinations or illusions when taken. A
hallucination is an imagination of something that may be felt but does not exist. Examples are
cannabis and marijuana.
Dangers of drugs
− They may impair the person’s judgement and make him/her clumsy. A persons takes
longer to respond e.g. alcohol.
− They may injure the body by damaging cells. E.g. alcohol kills cells in the brain and
liver. Marijuana kills cells in the brain.
− They may make a person to become addicted. A person can not do without taking the
This is a type of coordination that is brought about by hormones. Hormones are chemicals that
are produced by the endocrine glands and transported by the blood to target organs where they
produce an effect. Endocrine glands are also called ductless glands because they do not have
tubes that link them to the blood vessels.
Endocrine glands
1. Pituitary gland
This is located in the head if the base of the brain. It is small in size, the size of a pea. It produces
the growth hormone, Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH) and a group of other hormones called
Trophic hormones.
− Growth hormone; this is a hormone that controls growth in a person. When the
hormone is produced in excess a person becomes a giant and if the hormone is
under produced a person becomes dwarf.
This is the ability by the body to defend itself against infections. Infections are caused by germs
which feed on the body or produce toxins which affect the body.
• It neutralises toxins.
Types of immunity
There are two types of immunity namely; natural and artificial immunity.
a. Natural immunity
This is the defence that the body develops against infections on its own. The body has got ways
and mechanisms that it uses to defend it self against infections. These ways and mechanisms
form the first line defence. Below are some of the first line defence of the body;
− The skin; it prevents the entry of germs into the body because it is water proof.
The dead cells on the skin surface are softened by sebum produced by the
sebaceous glands. This oil also prevents multiplication of germs on the skin.
Blood clotting on the wound on the skin also prevents entry of germs into the
− The nose; it has got hair which traps germs. It produces mucus which also traps
germs. In the trachea there are cilia (hair like structures) which continually beat
out the germs. All this is done to prevent germs from entering the lungs.
− Digestive track; germs taken together with food are killed in the stomach by the
hydrochloric acid produced by the gastric wall. Pepsin also digests the germs.
− Tears; these are used for cleaning the eye surface. The front part of the eye is
exposed to dust and germs. We blink in order to remove the germs and dust. Tears
keep the eye surface moist and it also contains an enzyme called lysonzyme
which kills germs in the eye.
− Ear wax; Sebaceous glands in the ear produce ear wax which traps and kills
germs in the ear.
Once in the body germs are attacked by the second line of defence. This is made up of
lymphocytes and phagocytes.
− Phagocytes; these are white blood cells which defend the body by swallowing
(engulfing) germs. They move on their own, hence they are found in areas where there
are large numbers of germs. They are also mostly found attached to lymph nodes in
readiness to engulf germs that have been filtered
Types of antibodies
i. Lysins; these are antibodies which dissolve the coat of the germ. The germ breaks down
and then dies.
ii. Agglutinins; these antibodies make the germ to stick together. They therefore fail to
move and reproduce. They are then easily swallowed by phagocytes.
iii. Opsonins; these are antibodies which cover the surface of the coat of a germ. They make
it to become inactive and are easily swallowed by phagocytes.
iv. Antitoxins; these are antibodies which neutralize the poisons produced by germs.
b. Artificial immunity
This is a kind of immunity which is brought about by the activities of man. The body is
stimulated to produce antibodies which can fight against infections. Artificial immunity can be
produced by using vaccines and ready made antibodies.
• Vaccines
• Ready made antibodies
Ready made antibodies from some animals or people are introduced into the body of a
person to protect them from infections. The body fails to produce antibodies to fight
against tetanus. As such ready made antibodies from serum of a horse are administered
into the body of a person. Pregnant women are vaccinated against some diseases. The
mother’s body produces antibodies which are passed on to the child to protect it from
infection before it can begin to produce its own antibodies. This type of immunity is
called passive artificial immunity.
Blood groups
Blood groups in human beings are determined by the type of protein present on the red blood
cell. The protein present on the red blood cell is called antigen. There are two types of antigens,
namely antigen A and antigen B. blood is therefore divided into four groups depending on the
type of antigen present on the red blood cells. The table below shows the four blood groups;
The blood plasma contains antibodies which fight against antigens on the red blood cell. A
person with A antigen has antibody, Anti B in the plasma, one with B antigen has Antibody Anti
A. These antibodies cause agglutination when different types of blood are mixed with different
A A Anti B
B B Anti A
AB AB None
• Compatible blood groups are blood groups which do not agglutinate when mixed during
blood transfusion.
• Incompatible blood groups are blood groups which agglutinate when mixed together
during a blood transfusion.
• Universal donor; this is where one blood group can be given to all blood groups without
causing an agglutination. Blood group O can be donated to all the other blood groups
without an agglutination. This is because it has got no Antigens on its red blood cells.
• Universal recipient; this is a blood group that receives blood from all other blood groups
without agglutination. Blood group AB is a universal recipient because it has got no
antibodies in its plasma.
Rhesus factor
This is another protein which is either present or absent in the blood. If the factor is present, the
person is Rhesus positive (Rh +ve) while if the factor is not present the person is Rhesus
negative (Rh –ve)
Blood transfusion is the act of giving blood to a person who has lost blood through an injury or
an infection. There are many factors that need to be considered before blood transfusion. Some
of them are explained below:
• ABO blood groups; Blood of the donor and the recipient are tested in the laboratory to
make sure that it is compatible. Incompatible blood is not transfused to avoid death of the
recipient through agglutination.
• Rhesus factor; the presence or absence of the factor is established because presence of
the factor in the donor’s blood may trigger the production of antibodies in the recipient
which can cause agglutination.
• Infections; the blood of the donor is screened for infections. This is done to prevent the
recipient from getting diseases from the donor. Examples of infections that are screened
include HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Hepatitis etc.
• Anaemia; this is the shortage of red blood cells in the body. A donor who has less than
the normal amount of red blood cells is not allowed to donated blood.
Meaning of cancer
The body cells and tissues are repaired once damaged. This means that new cells are produced
by cell division. The process of cell division is controlled. Sometimes the process of cell division
may occur without apparent reason and also without being controlled. The new cells will then
accumulate to form a ball of cells called a tumour. These tumours are categorised into two
depending on the rate at which they multiplying. Some tumours are slow growers and often stop
after a while, meaning that they do not invade and affect the surrounding tissues or cells. This is
called benign. Another category of tumour is called malignant or cancer. These tumours never
stop growing and often take over important organs, preventing them from working properly.
Therefore cancer is referred to abnormal multiplication of cells.
Causes of cancer
• Some chemicals which make the cells to begin multiplying abnormally. These chemicals
are called carcinogens.
Types of cancer
• Lung cancer
• Liver cancer
• Prostate cancer
• Breast cancer
• Competition for nutrients; the increase in number of cells due to abnormal multiplication
causes competition in the body between cells.
• Malfunctioning of organs; the cancer cells may block some of the organs to functions
• Cancer may lead to death.
Substances that are capable for causing cancer are called carcinogens
• Smoking
• Some chemicals
• Avoid smoking
• Exercises
Usually treatment begins as soon as the cancer has been diagnosed. Some of the treatments
• Surgery
• Radiotherapy
This is the use of radiation to destroy the cancer cells. It should be noted that most cancer cell are
sensitive to radiations such as X rays. This treatment is painless but can have side effects such as
red itchy skin.
• Chemotherapy
This is the use of strong drugs such as cytotoxic drugs which destroys the rapidly dividing cells.
These drugs do not kill the normal cells because they only target the cells that divide rapidly. The
side effects include; nausea, tiredness and sometimes hair loss
Chapter seven: Evolution
It refers to the adaptation of organisms to change in the environment through natural selection.
Charles Darwin is the most famous biologist and the father of evolution. He is the one who came
up with the theory of evolution by natural section. He used different materials he collected and
observations he made while travelling around the world on his HMS Beagle. His work was then
published in 1851 in a book titled “Origin of species”.
i. All organisms produce a large number of off springs than actually can survive. Most of
the off springs die or get killed. For example, a frog lays 2000 eggs, but only few of these
will end up mature adult frogs.
ii. The individuals or organisms that are best adapted to the environments survive. He called
this as survival of the fittest.
iii. Population numbers tends to remain constant over a long period of time
iv. Sexual reproduction ensures that all the off springs are slightly different from each other.
This is called variation.
It states that all living things evolved from common ancestors over along period of time.
Evidence of evolution
• Fossil records
Fossils are the preserved remains of dead organisms. In this case the scientists are able to
study the fossils that were buried millions of years ago. But due to the movement of the
earth these fossils are exposed for the scientists to study them.
• Comparative anatomy
This looks at the skeletal make up of different organisms. So far the forelimb of some
organisms is described as pentadactyl (five fingered). Examples include the legs of
reptile, the legs of the extinct dinosaurs, the human arm, the bat wing and even the
flippers of the whale. This shows that the organisms have evolved from a common
ancestor. The modification occurred in order to adapt to different modes of locomotion
• Embryology
The embryos of many organisms such as chickens, fish, man and turtle are similar. This
suggests that these organisms originate from a common ancestor. But as they keep on
growing the genes took over control making them to differ.
• Geographical distribution
Natural selection
The genes are classified as dominant and recessive. In an environment the weak genes fails to
survive. In other words they are eliminated while the stronger ones will be able to survive.
Therefore the process where by weak organisms are eliminated and strong organisms are able to
survive is called selection. But in cases where the selection has occurred naturally it is called
natural selection. Due to industrial revolution humans have also come up with artificial selection
in plants and animals.
Peppered moth
At first, the peppered moth had an excellent camouflage on the bark of trees. This was before the
industrial revolution in the late eighteenth centuary. During this time it was hard for birds to spot
the moths. But during the industrial revolution, pollution from factory chimneys turned the bark
of the tree almost black meaning that the moths were no longer camouflaged and were likely
eaten by the birds. However, the black one survived and produced and some of the off springs
were black
Drug resistance
When different drugs are used to kill different organisms,
Speciation is the formation of new species. A species is a group of living organisms which are all
similar to one another and which can be interbred successfully with one another.
According to the theory of evolution all the species that exist have all originated or evolved from
already existed species.
Sometimes a species may get separated into two groups. The main cause is the physical barrier
such as sea, mountain ranges or deserts. Once this occurs, natural selection ensures that these
groups evolve independently. Therefore, two new species will be produced when the two groups
changes to an extent that they can not reproduce with each other. However, this process is