Parastomal Hernia Complications
Parastomal Hernia Complications
Parastomal Hernia Complications
Parastomal Hernia Complications
Parastomal hernias (PHs) can cause psychological distress and embarrassment for
patients. The psychological distress stemming from visible bulges around the stoma can
significantly affect a person's body image and self-esteem, as highlighted by Watson et al. (2013)
and Temple et al. (2016). This emotional burden is compounded by the physical complications
that can arise from PHs, such as changes in stoma size and shape, and fragile skin around the
stoma (Lyon et al., 2010, as cited in Smith et al, 2024). The main concern is preventing leakage,
which impacts appliance design, skin health, and psychological well-being (Cowin & Redmond,
2012). Temple et al. (2016) highlighted that PHs not only impact body image but also hinder
incarceration, perforation, gangrene, and sepsis, and other life-threatening issues increasing the
risk of complications and mortality (Baig et al., 2022; Temple, et al., 2016). While PHs rarely
cause strangulation due to their large hernia ring, emergency surgery is required if strangulation
occurs. Symptoms include a non-retracting bulge, fever, redness, sudden or severe pain, and
The complications that arise from PHs, and the potential for serious issues like bowel
strangulation, underscore the necessity for ongoing education and awareness. Such education is
crucial, as highlighted by the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society, which emphasizes
the importance of recognizing warning signs early (Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses
Baig, H., Curry, H., Leiberman, C. P., Al Ani, A. M., & Watson, C. M. (2022). Insidious onset of
Cowin, C., & Redmond, C. (2012). Living with a parastomal hernia. Gastrointestinal
Lou, J. Y., Wu, Y. L., & Wu, D. (2012). Incarcerated internal hernia within a huge irreducible
parastomal hernia with intestinal obstruction: a rare case report of "hernia within
Smith, C., & Cook, N. (2024). Ostomy care nurses’ knowledge and practice related to prevention
Scott Arockia Singh, M., Sabu Jeyasekharan, S., Devaprasath Jeyasekharan, D., Bala Vidyasagar,
P., Nithila, C., & Grifson, J. (2021). Management of obstructed giant parastomal hernia –
Temple, B., Farley, T., Popik, K., Ewanyshyn, C., Beyer, E., & Dufault, B. (2016). Prevalence of
parastomal hernia and factors associated with its development. Journal of Wound,
Watson, A. J., Nicol, L., Donaldson, S., Fraser, C., & Silversides, A. (2013). Complications of
stomas: Their etiology and management. British Journal of Community Nursing, 18(3),
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society Guideline Development Task Force. (2018).
WOCN Society Clinical Guideline: Management of the Adult Patient with a Fecal or