Modern Indian Poetry in English Bruce King download pdf
Modern Indian Poetry in English Bruce King download pdf
Modern Indian Poetry in English Bruce King download pdf
The King and the Clown in South Indian Myth and Poetry
David Dean Shulman
A History of Indian English Literature 1st Edition M.K
Modern Indian Poetry in English
Modern Indian Poetry
in English
Revised Edition
liN J Vl!RSI f'i PRESS
Preface to the Revised Edition
llurodth 111111
\II I h l'o 1 In ha I· !,:.zekiel, Ram umjun, Po~Lcl,
Dillll\\ lila, hh Ku111nr 110
ll7.l, ilg udc) l 7
xu hill I lm, Kum tr,
1\ It'
' 7
' 81
lay of Enghsh language poctrv \\ 1th that m the rcgion.11
cap sub cct that need further studv .
., . .
liS tn Cr C.lSIIl g Openn ess .HHi imm f'
Mchrotra' early bhmat mata a I Ct •acy :sa so noticeable in
, )
and the hook~ ha\c the bt:nc.:fu " · InJ 1'a is JHi\attl ·
name and drstrr buuon . n<•t wnr k· MC.l t pocll)' Ill
~ A~ 1 OETR'\ IN £ Gll Ji
tamed aucntton. Jussaw.tlla wa s onlv •wcm
romts1n1• } oun''
ume w ten tnerc were sttll few volume t I d' n
l •~at1un.
t:> poet .1t"
n a.m \:Cr e w h
already spoke th<•languagc of rnodcrn alien~/w~ at~11e tame but
on su -
V rma G S harat an ra
.a • • 2 J a\\ aHa conmbuted a poem. . . were hi~ own. Ezekiel \.:ailed 1 ancl's Fndthe lJonbm rkythbm~ •hat
• uc m 196 Ius'60 Lal s Wraters \X ork hop "'~s a pub~Jshmg .
lashed by a new In d tan poet Sllh:e Moraes'
le~t oo to e pub
1R -
Bv the car> group of 51 gnif1cant v. raters. Ot those ·
l acceptan~c by the Sahitya Akegmnmg
1960 a Isu saw tlc 1, · f E
crntr c for an mcreasmg
ed ts J>arrhasarathv.Ju~sawaII a .m J G . S. . II
as a nauona angu.1ge
anI' the appc;lran~e
H cml o ng 1Ish
ot crc,•at avcwrmngan
·· d
now constder maJOr poe ' 0 I , aJ h h r. .. ·
t Chandra (b. 1938 had appeared on the sc:?~· t _u:rs,. t oug aruc Ies on I n d 1un 1~ ng 1sh wntm,~ in fudiz• 1 ~ ~·
1 cuucd
h av Ma Iak after 1972. A fewn a~.:adcm 1 c' 'JOU' er,uurc
Shan f fj ce were thouglu of suftanent mtercst to be
no• 0 1e s stgnt acan •
__ .... d
h' d ,v ·
b K R s l}·engar m ts 1r1 ltnl " r1tmg m
bv Kes
• .1 I. rna 1s n f 1.:~~ ng1·15 h
da USKU a mo ern ' . . Tl studaes star.tcu w ll~.;h gave s_up~urt to the nev. poetry throu •h
En luh (Furtado, Pr.tdip Sen and Deb Kumar Das). lere were a arttcles,, revaews
I f and the. puhltcauon of a few pocn1), Tl •e L 1tcrary g
nu~ber of foretgn 'asators ro the Workshop, and Mzscellany pub- Half-} ear y, oundcd tn 1960 bv H . H . Anm. h Gowd... b-
1ts hcd poems o f •
... few , 1nduding the New Zealander James Baxter · cary hed 111 I ·tssuc.s poems ll)' Fzckiel, G. S. Sh.uJt Chandn .. , pu (,\
and the Enghsh poet 0. J. Enright. . , . frequent contrtbutor), F. R. Stanley, K. R. Rao, juss.1walla and
The two most agntfi\.:ant early volumes theW nters ~ or~~hop Panhasara[hy, and favomabl) rcv1ewcd Ezekiel's The Unfi11uhe I
pubhshed, md "htch ha\ e a place m the. canon of sagnafJcant Ma~ and Juss.t walla'~ Lmzd's _l mi. Gowda" as very aware uf the
books of poetry, v. ere Ezekiel's The Unfimshed \fan and Wr:u~rs Workshop .tnd wrote 111 support of the new poetry. Ezekacl
walla's Land's End The Unfimshed Man (1960) was the farst proqdcd f urthcr support when he becumt liter.H')' anJ rc..:te\>w s
volume of poetn produced in India of consiste~tly high quality editor t)t .1 new gcncr.ll magazine, 1m punt (I 'l61 ). started bv
and" ith an overall unny of purpose. The attennon to craft, con- A. D. Gorwala, also owner of the andcpcndcnc polatical Journ.ll
astenq of Sf) le and perfeding of an intellectualized ironic tone Opmwn.
whale treating a record of a persona] cnsts in a distanced, rcflec- In 1962 the Amencan poets Allen Ginsberg and Peter OrJo,sky
me manner, brought together characteristics of Ezekiel's earlier ~isited India. After meeting Mal. v Roy Choudhury and the Ucngali
three volumes. Whtle being varied in subject matter and setting, 'Hungrvalist' poets in Calcutta, whom the) puhlici;.rl J in Amet 1~an
ha poems deft!) Implied a location, a personal story about the literary journals, Ginsberg and Orlonky 1110\ ell bndlv tu
dt tllu tonments of marriage, a love affaar, moral choices, and a Bombay where thev read their p• 1ctry on the tcrr:H:c of AlkJzi'
conclu ton about the relauonship of the poet-artist to India. 11 flat; they accused the Bomh;n poets of still writing old-la luoncd
mcluded :;uch poems that ha~e been subsequently anthologized Briti h 'erse and of not havmg found their O\ n \Otce. The !t.tmc
as Emerpnse, 'Marnage' and 'jamini Roy.' These are the earliest year Pengum \1odem Poetry 2 published Dom 1oraes, ,1l?ng
poems that are sull widely anthologized. The importance of the with the British poet l(jngslcy Ami~, anJ Pct,r Poncr, a.n Australt 11!'"e was soon recognized in Davtd McCutchion's 'Examen de The next year Margaret O'Donnell's 1ln Antlmlt~g)' u/ C(Jmmon-
Madt' (MlScellan), 29, 1960) and later m Subhas C. Saha':> explica- wealth Verse (1963), published in London, included I:a.'i, Lal, l lc~cl
tiOn of 'Emerpn e' (MISctilany, 40, 1970). Eunice de Souza's and od1ers it was the first of several British and Amcm. an anthologK"'
excellent notes were added to the second edition of The Urrfimshed tn which the new poets would appear. At home Gorw~a·~ Opmwn.
Man (1~69), which was meant for use by university students. with Kersey Katrak as I[S poeuy ad\lsor, mncd publ! lung lnc!Jan
Ezekiel, who recommended poets to Lal knew Jussawalla's English poetry. Jn 1964 The:. Ccmury, .1 New Delha ~ublacauon
famtly and met Adil Jussawalla durmg one ~f his return trips to whtch had st.lrted two year earlier, .tlso bcg.111 pub II htng pcJctrY.
I>IAN POETR~ IN I N\,l.ISU I .. l 21
20 rains. It seemed to C(.lllapse the thstance bet d
b 19,. 2) tht> ltterary editor, had brought rCf h · d" . ween poet n
etn the ac'>t cllc 1st iln~.;mg at which 1 al an 1 E k ~.J
Laurence Bantle~an Lx,k ".~h the Writers \'Vorkshop, Gmffir, PO '
.... d wh 1ch was common
u ze 1e1 ann~."
to manv Bnush and Amcrtc.u1 poets dunng ·
out several promtSmg d \" ,.,,·5 Fall-out (1964). WJth Bartho- .... h
the f1r.,t halt ol l 1s century. Inste.ld, Das sccmetl to have her own
Workshop l.lrdc in N('w D e ll u' f rm11
M 'c f \l 0 n ''om..
J%2) an d an , er ion of the contempoa ary cnnfessional mode pracuscd smce
lomew he caned h ruers ctall mtere ted m eA-perimcntal writ-
the J;ue 1950s by such Ame~1can poctc; as Robert Lowell and
1964 to 1967 whJc whas esp ga,cn a poetl'}' award bv the Asian Syh 1a Plath. In her~ erse a H~ndu woman• longing for Kn hna
K mala Das, " o "a
mg. a bhshed re ularh tn 7he Century. was prc.scnt along wtth the gualt at fleshly desires she had learned
PEN, Mantla, pu g nods of modern Indian verse began '" her Cathohc schools: Her second book, The Descendants
One of thhe mhost ebxi~Jtltnlognp:f Dom Moracs's ]olm 1\ obody and (1967), showed tendencacs to~ards depressiOn, sclf-consc•ous-
1965 Wit t e pu ICa
D A K Ramanu1an, N1ssam • • Ezc k' I c·
·ae, 1Jcve
books bv Kama1a as, . f man\ mtcrestmg . but un f ortunate Iy ne!>S and flamboyance as despa1r .1\tcrnated with 'lelf assertion.
Patel and t he appearan Ce O d. Tl . , I• A parallel breakthrough can be seen in Tbe Ex tel Namc(l965),
. d I' oumals such as Poetry In Ill. us was t lc
shon- IIVC nerary J .. older generauon • h' I h d d . Ezekiel's hft~l boo~, .md the last \'Oiumc of verse he was to publish
w ac 1 a starte m wuh the \'X'nters \X orkshop. Many of the poems were in a new
fjJnt fJ owenng 0 f th ... h r· . f
Mand s Illustrated Wukly and Quest' and t e lrst as~ en tOn? a manner. 'N•ght of the Scm pion' spoke of his tamily lile and the
y tto wh 1ch added an often zany expenmcm.1hsm conllicts bt:tw~o:en what a modern Indian bclic\cd .md fdt.
younger genera 11 . · 1·
to modern n JI d an V"rse
.. •
making it more
• •
m contrast
1 Moreover it was unrhymed and writtell fnr the sp<'akmg \Ou.:e, tl)
to the formal, logical English poeul tradJUOn that was t 1c be rcau aloud. The 'In India' poems were :Wiles of llLi\1 soci.ll
departure pomt of the ftrst generauon of modern poets .. manners .md beha,·iour. \Vhile Ezekiel bad in his carlv books
Although Kamala Das had been pubhshing since she was tou~een, u-.c I free verse as well as traditional prosody, m The Er11 t 1\amc
Summer m Calcutta (1965) her first book, was self-published ther c i a gre,lter fluidity of cadence, a closer approximatiOn of the
wtth a forev.ord by Sophia Wadia, editor of Indian PEN and a speakang \OlCC than jn the past. The poem'> cxpres cd Indian life
fnend of Kamala\ mother, her elf a famous Malayalam poet. The wtthout self-conscious or artifit:iallndianncss. Although Fzck1el
f1fty poems in Summer m Calcutta, mcluding such now famous had always been an urban poet-in contrast to the lnd1an bnd
pte e as 'The Dance ofthe Eunuchs', 'The Freaks', 'Words', 'M) scape painung of the pre-independcnle poets-Bombay ha?
Grandmother's House•, 'An Apology to Goutama' and 'Forest been cl svmbohc cay of modern dissatisfaction whereas nO\\' at
Fue , caught the attentiOn of many for their frank confe.s~ion of had become a place where there were people,
the dt ~ausfacuons of an arranged marriage and the intensity of and pleasures. The Exact Name wa~ re\'lewed m 7 he Literary
exual de ire. The tradition of Indian love poetry seemed re- Cruer1on, Vll. 3 (Winter 1966) and m the lmlwn /'~N(May 1%6).
m\ agorated bv a contemporary 'oice far from the sentimentality A. K. Ramanuian's The Strider.' (I Y66) \\ ds hrst. sulllllltt~d to
whach had been inherited from English Villorian ver~e and which Oxff..lrd Umversit}' Press in Indict which, not havm~ pub!tsheJ
was still characterasuc of Lal and many of the Writers Workshop ~ny local poetry ~ent the manuscript tO Engl.wd wh~.:re It "'~ 5
poets. a~.:~..:cpted b,, Oxf, 1rd .md rc~OtnlTIL'Illled to ItS members by t c
Rather than _finding salvatton in art, Kamala Das's poeuy 11oetry Book · Soctetv. . RamanuJ.lll· •s poum , 11.1J ·1 hwhly• t?
spoke of fanta.s•es, many lovers and the continuing dis.tppnint- . 1
pIIS 1e d 1 d. ·
u rH cr.s ta tc prcctscncss .uu c 1 'C<Jnomy . ol st,\tement,
mems of love. More nnponam than its themes was the use ot an , · '· h L , lormalllY of strll ture
':i)'mbol and n.Jrrauve. \V'n out ,111 on' tnus • f ·I · •
lndtan English~ 1thout the concern for correctness and precision J J h d a 'HH'C 0 lCC lllllfUt:
t hcv cemcd pedecdy forme ~llll s owe •· r;o h ·
v. htch chara tenzed ?"ost earlier modem verse. Instead it appean:d . d' E •I" 1 try It was a tee n&-
beyond that of any prcv1ous In •an ~ng 15 1 P0 f~: ld. K d, and
unpremcdatated, a dtrcct expression of fcehngs as it shifted errati- . df I. dv o o er anna "
que RamanuJan had learne rom us .stu , bl led Indian
caUy thr~ugh unpredictable emotions, creaung its own form Tam1l verse and the modern Kannada poets w 11 Clll °
through Jts cadences and repeuuons of phrases, symbols and
\ '1~ ~~~
,.. .. ..,
<·'"' ,..,. I'Ol':TR\ I N UNl.l ISp~
!NI)I"'"" "r•U"liSI'IN"
t-ttSTOR'\ ANv u • " CIR Cl US 23
22 modds anto ne" form c •
He shov.
• h"
. lndJ iun bhat, a_n d A'-LJra1l am B..... nJamm
· · o { ['\ t •
• pnmstonc College, !itartcd a
and European b od m and" ork from" tt tnt ~•r own lfC· ntagozmc called B_o!nbd)' Duck ( 1964 ). An early tssuc was han ned
~t ~.:ould b< n
,..--- th em e 0 f 1....
prectSIOn ,."gu~uc
and mtagc and the l:Onci c bv coIIegc aut}10£1 t ICs• because 0 f an arttc · 1e quoting Henry M"•ller.
·- • uadtaons
hI te h h
t t etr u nprcd "ctable
1 changes m diredion • b
Pradhan .1nd BcnJamm. egan Dwnysrus (1965), whicl1 tncludcJ
n ot ea htdsneb' " a omewha•' O'"t "' ' unre' erberant,
d r
sometimes work by Kolat k ar, Ch nrc an d the eduors. The combined second
V~tre mat~.- d , 01ce that sugge re a comp tcatcd and third number was confiscated by the police as obscene
-::J o o:~.u~l~~~~7.;d~nre than \\'aS ~atd Ef~ki~l d-d Partha·
d Ramanu an as the best o c n tan poets
because of a prose fantasy by the ednors called 'The Ritual-The
'fnal'. Panhasara~hy was also involved with /Hunt (1967-8),
sarath\ oon r h ch que" a hss use of hts southern Indian whach lasted two Issues.
A mp rt.ant
Brahman te net, ~,;ontrasnng his liteh in America
r t 2 a :;ourc d } (where One n f t h e unexpected p Iaces t 11c new poetry took root wa<> in
he had t ken up re dcn~.;e farst a a researc. Tru ~~t, \;en as a Allahabad where, ~fter receiving ~rom an u.nclc m Amenca copies
t er at the Una,er •n of Chtcago wtth hts anu u~r· nn.gang of conte~po~ary IHcrary _magazmes, Anut and Aluk Rai, along
2 ntemporan altenauon set Ill speca •c llua wJth their newhbour Arvmd Mchrotra, started stencilling d11mn
f Co 0
tJ n Th J , aded hcntage, Ind1an and \X estern_, 0 f I 11 d"l.ln poet!.
to create amage < you. a m.lgazine of tbe m·ts, in imiration l>f the American publica-
had not before bn!n handled o subtl) and wnhout self-cons- ·uon h4ck }'ott: ,t magaziHe o[tht.! arts. They .1lso began \.:Xch:mg-
ciOusnes . l' [> ( 1ng wpies of dtumz you for foreign magazmes and ,-.,piJly became
Anorher sagmfl~..ant , olume "as G1eve Pate ~; oems ~ 966), a temporary outpost ot the American and European avant-g:.udc.
the first and onl} book tssued b) Ezektel as part ot a proJected Th 1s v. as not the first introduction of Indian poets to the con-
enes meant offer an ahernau\e w the Writers ·workshop. A temporary avant-garde as publications were available in the
prec• e, cconom 1 al, unmetaphoric poet, Patel often shows. a urban centres after independence, before exchange controls made
mmd reflecung upon actual nuauons he has observed or m it more difftcult. 4lnd several ol the e.arly Writers Workshop poets
"hu.:h he has paruc•pated. A mcdtcal doctor. he is conscious of were ccrtainlv familiar with avant-ga•de literature, as were poets
both the bod)' "'eakness and tt~ res1lience. His are dense 10 such regional languages as Mar at hi and Oriy.t. But tlamn you
nd b aque an texture and meamng, and seem purposely to avoid began at a time when the new internation.ll counu.•t-culture. was
p uc grac and enument . Even such a poem as 'On Killing a begmning to be received sympathetically among young lndaan ·
free, \\hach could be anterprctecl as about human hfe, pro\ ides Arvind Mehrotra had unusual energy as a promoter, whale soon
no analogae or metaphon word<> to suggest that 1t IS about any- showing talent as an excellent poet who, .the~ 1970, appca~ed
than more than" hat It ays. Patel's compressed manner, distrust regularly in leading Amencan liter.1ry magaz1nes, once bcang
of enuments, ph) teal awareness and the wav he v. rites from ancluded among th\! San Francisco poets.
pers nal exp nenc , w htJc guardmg h1mself ;ga.inst emononal After Jomg a BA in English at the ,UniHISity of. Allalubad,
lnvoh ement, wa al o new to Indian poetry. where he ftrst published poem~ in the um">er lty rn tg.mne, Mehro-
After E:zekicl becam~.: Professor of Engl1sh at MtthJbhai College, tra w~nt w Bombay to study for an MA. He soon rnct Kolatkar,
Bomba) (19&1_ • Panhasarathy, who had appeared in Qzu stand Chttne, Patd, Ezekiel, P.uth.lsnrathy and Jus a\\:~lla. whn had
wa then teachmg at another Bombay college, joined the depart- braefly returned ro 1ndia from F ngland. 1\csidcs ed•.un~ damu you
ment. E?eklel Introduced Jussawalla LO Panhasarathy, and (1965 H) whit:h first prinred KolatkM's 'the bo.ttndc' Mchro~ra
through the latterjussa\\'alla came to know S. V. J> rau·•h an. Ju:lsa- began t w" ' othet stenct. 11 cd Journa
· 1s, t'Z"'·
.....1 , ,·..,1gr•U tn1lWl.Zmc:
., ": ~
walla was at the poetrv readmg during wh1ch the Beats read thetr (1967 71) and (t1k1r ( 1968), which published Clutrc s tr.msi.Hwn
workdbebfore F7ektel and Parthasarathy. In the mood of rebellion of Tuk.1ram in ·its only tssuc. lIe published a nunibL'r uf p.Ull~hkt
B b Y the 'tSit of G 10 b erg an d 0 r 1ovsky to Calcutta an d o f 1n d"'' .adu.\1 poets, .anc1ud"tng 1liS
· own ( om 1 .."tC poems '.15 l oems 11
1 1 6
om a}' Panhasarathy, along with Pradhan, who taught at Mithl /tom the Good Surrealist and bb,rr.mnut-'1: 11 pmyc ( )(, )· lC
appeared 1n Tomado. 11\e . 'lndtan Rena tS'>an e , num b cr o f
Sam e k sa (M ad ra • 1967)
mcludcd Clutrc an d Ko • tr ns
l ated b· ) Ch ttre f rom ~~1arath 1 ' .md poems by 1, art h a arat h y Th e
Amencan JOUrnal hzt7cpzd publtsh d m pnng 1968 ·ectal
'Th tssue "luch mcluded Mchrotra' blJaratmat_a, Chp atrc'
e larst Ftve Breakfasts' • an umuled poem of Kolatkar 'al ng
v. tth poem by Pnu h N andy, Kamala Das and e.. era) t s "'ell
known poets who had been published hv Mchrotr 1chr0lra,
Chttre, Patel, Kolatkar and Jussa\\ aJia a) o appeared m the
Bomba) annual Pusbp mJail, ~hach tan d m 1965 and whtch for
c1 tame had Clmre as poet(") edaor.
The tx 1ssues of Poetry lndta (1966-7), edncd b Ezekiel, \\ere
one of the htgh moments of modem lndaan poetry and a lmk an
th hne of senous places of publtcation th:u tartcd wnh Mand)'
Illustrated\~ eckly Beside' Partha .'lrath) (\\ ho "'a a\\ arded the
Ulka Annual Poetry P:rz.e for the besr poem m l· nghsh h\ a oung
Indtan poet pubbhcd m Poetry !ndut), Patel, Gauri Pant (b. 1920),
K ki Daruwalla (b. 1937), H. 0. ~azareth (b 1944). K. 0 Katrak.
Kamala Das, AnmJ Mehrotra, Saleem Peeradma (b. 1944) and
Adtl Ju J\\ alia, Ezek.ie1 publi hed tranSlation from lndaan l.mgud:!CS
b\ Kolatk r, RamanuJan, Vina\' Jha, Patel, Chttre. La.l, SuJH. nd
Meenak ht MukherJee), along -w tth re\ te'-' sand ana~les on English
and Jnda n-Iangua e poetrv. The quality'' as extremely htgh and
a man o the arucles, revu~\\ s and translauon con~emed
mod m poetry Lhe magaune prm 1ded during tt hort hfe .tn
mfunnt:d ~omparauve \ aev. of\\ hat had been happcmng m Indian
p try dunng retc.:nt de~.:ade It attempt to tre t nticall poctl")
m the man) Jndtan language along "tth I ngltsh "as notable;
v. hile later tmit:ttcd h\ other JOurnal Poetry• !nd.a has rcmaaned
an tts scnoume sand judgement unique. Re\!tCWS were ofhagh
st.mdard. The farc;t i sue \\as peda~,;ular, "uh tran I uons of
Vcdtc h) mno; b) L.1!, of Tukaram and M:udheker from ~1aratht
bv Kolatkar and Chttre, of Tam1l lo\ e h n s b) R lmamiJan, of
Amnta Pntam from Puniabi b the New Zcal:md poet Chotrl~:~
Brasch, along\\ 1th 1 nghsll-l:~nguage poCtl) b) P.uel and Panlla
aratlt) There\\ ere also poems b) ThomJs Blackburn, Howard
Sergeant and Ro) }~ullcr from England. I or t" o) cars lncl1a h:lll a
poetry rnaga11ne of the lughe t mremational standard . AI o
important were the affmates that were found between modern
vcr sc m the many I ndtan language ; the Engli h ). nguagc poel
ttl 'l("'R'I f\NP 1'Uilii'>II1N(, CIRCll
f E:rcktcl, Pnrtha ;~rat h). K.unala lhs • Jm aw II a ar 1d 01 1
0,,~t l COl'f
ommmm ctt It JJ f'm~ts ( 196';) "as foll
} d\ lcr
-r J , ( 1')t-7) tn\ e 1y Commo,1
1l I P . f I 0 I Utllf) v , e \ OICCS o{•J (
• JL nmmonu ill1
( 1968) anJ Ill 1970•· 'crrg.mwn l'oc•tt CJ f>o ~n 'rom 1 d l' a
k I d0 b .. .J J' tl Ia ,am.muJa.n
p,ut I1 •, 1 z.c tC an c Kumar Da ) · D :usy A 1ucn' 1 '
Ameracan allll10l ogy o f Poems ]rom lndUJ was publ h--1lee\ t IlC arne
ear ( 1969) as t I1C pee aal 8 oo k·s Abroad issue on lnd tan 1tteratur .
1 he cxpcrnnc n tau on oft he sec nd h' If of tltc 'll 0 ' wa t ken up
b-. Prmsh Nandy (b. 1 1947),·J.n C.'l\tlernelv 1,rohfic ,vn•··r • up ro mmcr
.... an·l
wuh an eye ror mscO\ cnng . . . others but "ho c O\\ n talent u{fcr;
fronl l k o f. M.: l{ cnttcl-.~11. Gnod irn. ge O\:Cllr 111 the ul)
poems 111 the tm~tst lll .1 bcwah.~ctmg outpour mg of, erln gc, ultc·n
wath n0 ths~.;crntblc. ~,;ot~t~nt. l· xa~,;tl) \\hat N. nd) had 1n mull\ an
wriung c;uch \ crsc 1s d11ftcu h tn ._,\ 1 but lw .tppl' u s to In~ c 1mi
tated tltt' l)bs-:urity, obliqucnc~~ .md t:l.l\1cal JUXt.lfH>!;llinn •>I
avant gat de pncll y withO\It ha' inh a dc.u· n··'"""' lor su(\t l'"-Pl'''
mentation. But it N.1nJ\''' cMI) pm·tq tlll\\ ,tppcal s supctltcl.llh
modert'IIStiC, it w,\!\ wtd<:ly publi~hcd hy nb \,;ut t.: fowgn 1m" n,,\s
and the :.n .mt-gardc Ri' cr Run Pre s ol Nc\\ '\or\ Nand) \\ ,\s
tncndh with ht fellr>" Cakuuan P. 1 .tl "hu cncou1 :~ged lm
arl) work. The \Vritcrs Wot kslmp pruned lm larst Htlumt, Of
Gotls mrd Olives ( 1967), with its Mnhtcrr.wc.u\ cdngm s md
amagcf), and n Ertbcr rdc of Anogancr ( 1%!\), '' h1lc 1 uhly',
own Dtaloguc Publac.uions baou~ht out/lfmu/l 011"' 7um H)
Neblmk \~ reatb (1968); w itlun the! 1\{'Xl fc\\ \cats N.u\d \ ~<.·ro;c•,
along with thl: l:Ountcr cuhme, moved iuto tt pnl111c ll. an~.t pctl1ap
best phase, .1 ccn 111 his t\\ o wt•ll kno" n poem 'Nc 1r De h~
pnya P.u k tht:)' found him .nl.1st' Jnd ' 1kutta tl •ou mu t cxtlc
me' N.tnd tricd w bring to Fngli h-l.111gutgc p11ct1 till'
and politi~,;al mvnh c:mcnt whid1 \\',\S ~.;\~,;tcn~tt~.; ol ~lllllt: ,,t the
· 1 \' 11 • 1 N \II 1 ' ~'Ill\\ 111'' ~.;ck·
rcgtona -l.mgu.tge HcratUJt'S • .JI?~.;.lU"c o · t
bnt~ t.llus his bollks h.ul t.u tl'd to be dt~lt tbliLCtl "'d then
o n
) K N Dnruw.1lla
d h. 1937) h. d oubl,
'sl1ecl ·11\ ("'l
< IICst ( 19£,4)
/CJttJ'") In '''• .Dz
, rloguc.
. man)' . Anlc. rt~:an
• n\'[;"
" ·• tncs, anu"' w.ts one'
ot llC
I •P''Cl rq;ul.lrl
0 l } 1 (_ .ts:.oct.Hnl \\ tth O nmwn
in 1llt· Iat e '60 s.m~l
~ar 1'I 7 s .11r C1 >u_ on (I 970) .md lppamum m \prrl ( 1Q7l ), ,15
l c.-ku:ol s;ud Ill hts re\'Jl'\~'' • rC\'l'.llcll .\ tn .l tnr po('t " itb un unu slu l-
1 hru.tlt l'<lll!;l', ol tc~o.l~mquc .mtl.1 ~ ubst .mt i,tl boJ v ol ,, Mk, lli-;
puetry ts huth tmnu·,h.Hely lndi.m in rcf~.· rclh:t• and univets,11in its
~.;l\n~.;t:rn ' ' ith lo' c, ~.kuh, dnmin.u ion, selt -t.:liiHrnl, sd t- hctrly.\l
md the 011UJ"ll0l l' t hm ll'Stth r, om oci,,l ,\nd P''lttic.11 ,\ \.':Wmmo·
rl:mon . 1hc! C ts "fu·n ~ kni fc-<'d g~.·to D.u u\\,,11,,\ tone l.lnd .m
Jllt;l \, s.ni11 p e 1s p~.·di' <' tll n ki nd hnd ll l)t been heatd befure
m modern lnd1an P' etn. His nl.lst ~n ,,, both u~dtti~;h1.t.l prosody
:md 1 r ' ( rsc, ~.;I c l ti\Hl o l n " s t nn7 .uc ll,Olh wd mt t ure ot
\:( nu ol1 rl narr:ttl\ c \\at h loo~ch ·''~ lc.'l.ll d ,., em . ho" cd a
\ lendmh of th mctho . .ts of ~.;nntempornn J\mcncan ''eoe "1th
th l:ut: nmctccnth ccntun and ca1h '" ·nti<'th cen tun• tr.lJi-
tl~lll (lt Bu1\\ nm~. llopk1 n . l·ro~t .md l a" rcn c. If ~1ehrotra,
M.1hap lll a, N. nd , Kol.nk r and 'lum· 'ugge-aed th.ll the
dn d (urnul, logi~..alh cu g<ull cd poett"\ " b bemg rcplil~ed b}
nwr c penmt' , radh. al method~. D:u u'' all a ~ho" cd "'•' s m
\\ t tdl trJOitlOn.ll kmd<i l,f p~ etr ...:ould he nl.lde ~llntcmporan '.n
uh1c t matter nd ~" le I h' l;t: .u1d d1cuon ate paru-
luharh , ·~mou m ltmm~.: rli.tte. \\ lul( the p ('Ill that npp~.ared
m tht: ( uh \olunte' !lr ll· tmpu:: siH: than' ight'-'t the Jackals',
' H "k' nnd othct, Ill the r 1"1118 o{ Rtt P .llld Kcepfr oj hthdr
· 1 "' , 1Pntfic:ull f'l'd •'
1)thI \tlhtm~.:s,the\ ' ctca 1~1\'l.ll~'' f t l•e \-" 1
" lmh.ln lf
et, ol 1 c anu. 1 a
1\1 1\ ed • \\ nh a shu p -'" . :u en 1 o 1 nc(i , aluc I lcre ".t
l p11.ll , IC\\ d O~o'l t an t l pr l\. \II m lndt.lll h C tnUO\liC1\
m l m "h appcJt d to nO", nort k l
d tt1 n ph\ stCJl es:t tence.
but ho JC'~.ted bt:~l• m and P l t' \.l" uet d t•ph' 1cal
J m ) f'nt 11\C' "
ln u nfn nt~U m "at elt 1 trtt'r ;\
h d
.. p JA H p f T Jl Y I N t N <.> I 1 ll
unt a Ezekiel and those a sociated wnh him ind d E ·
de Souza and Saleem Peeradina, began to app, ly r:o mg. umce
__. th h d L__ rc rrgorou
onue2l standaws an a occn common in the e:arly '60 . A gmwin
dafferencc m per p~ctJ,•e between those sull defendmg the , al~
dtt of wraung I ndaan poetrv 111 l:.nglish and those "'ho felt the
1 ut had been uperseded by the need to make crnacal d1 nma
nauons between the good ami the bad account for the oomro
., r y that erupted over P. Lal's Modem bzduw Poetry m Englulr
An Anthology and a Credo. Lal' massive coltccuon of over a
hundred poetS was meant to show how wade pread lhe new .,.. nung
had become. The lack of !>electi\enest>, unfortunate\) reflected 10
some of I al's introductory comments on the poets, brought a
final break between those insiHing on mat c ngurous tanrlards
and La!' open-door poli~y. Lal tclt that it was tmportalll to
encourage the writing anJ publication of poetrv if HooJ poet
wen: to be founLl; hili LritiLs felt that a mass of bad poetry would
pollute, making it unlikely th.u ~ood poct1y would be
w rtttcn 01 apprct:J.ned .
In the Januar)' 1972 i'isliC of Quest (74), Jc,l>ted to Conttmpo-
rary Poetry m Engl~>h: Au A.nrs.smt'Tlt a11d $dcctton, cdite~ by
Salet:m Pecradina (b. 1944) and co-publtshetl a" a hook b} ~1ncnull.m,
1 al's antholot;) was criticazcd ,tnd 1 igoruu tandanl applied lO
th poet 'I PecraJina had dtOSl'll. This was ~lae f~, t scr&<lU atH'IllJH
at d 1stmgua hang who were the bcner I· n •la.,h poet~. thctr
haroa tcrastl sand f. ults. So that the anthnlot;) ould be usetll>y
rudcnt<> n mcludcd hort aitical eso;a • mtroducang the pod
Th dc~uon 1c.. ca1 how a group uf igntfaLotnt pod had dc\e
top d uound I zek1cl (" ho Ill 1972 \\as appointed Rc.aJcr at the
Una-. r u) of Bomba) ) or had been rt:I.Og017Cd h hinl on .1ftcr
th u far t app~.= ranee in print. Most had bn n publlshetlm Poe~ry
lt1dr Gaun l>cshpandc and t\\amta Kaha (b 1940) were an~.;~
drd b •-;tde I• Z.\:kJd, Ramnnui:m, Kolatkar, [>:utha ar:uhy. ~, tnt '
Mehrmr;\ l)aru\\ alia, Ju sa\,. all , Patt•l, Kamala Da
1 cckrt
• · d · I n to l11s \Vtll I
dana Whtlc I al i al P 10 luJe , the ant roc uClLl n h
• uc~ de Sol 11 ,1 crlltliZitlg l c
n g.:au\c: nml there 1s an c •1)' b \ \II d 111 V K ( kak' fhe
1 ck of cl ~.:• ,, u v •n La I' .mt h ,Jog) • 11 'r Jlll • .,
I p ( 1970) cernt m.t 11111 '
c; lei " rrc .HH"\ of Indo A11g um ocrry
. ' . umllickn'
d -• b N d , oetl"\ 'umn•c•csung' '
ucu m ucs n e ·'" } P ., 1 al and other n ma.t
and wuhuut menuonang name'i, cnuc•deed Xa' 1er's College,
1 d wnh ham Peer;~dtna lumself had MU
•1 ~ t ho\\cd ha~ p<>cm
8 )mba and done an iA at the Una,er ttY c
41 0 A IJ I' I I I H I t l 1 1• ( 1 1
fA Ol RY I IH I Ill
was Imtiaz Dharkar's Purdah. B1bhu Padha (b. 19c; I) has publ1 hed
his first volume of v r e, Gomg to rhe Temple (t _988). Some remark-
ably gooJ poetry is bcmg wnuen by lndmns hvmgabroad. A. K. 1. SOCIAL BACKGROUND ANI) CAREhRS
Ramanu 1an, whose Second S1gbt (1986). has been published b)
Oxford Unl\ersity Press, Agha Shah1d Ala (b. 1949), whose rccem Who are the Indian Fnglish poets? The percentage of poets from
publa auon!i are The H.tlf-lnch Hzmalayas ( 1987) and A Walk Hindu family backgrounds (Shctty. Kamala Das, Rayaprol,
Through the ) ellow Pages ( 1987), Mecna Alexander (b. 1951 ), Bibhu Padht, Shiv Kumar, Honnalgerc, Mchrotra, P. Lal, Seth,
G S Sharat Chandra, Deba Patnaik (b. 1936) and Vikrarn Seth Kolatkar) ts abollt equal to that ot all the: other communal groups
(b. J952) unul has recent return to India, mtght collectavely be combined. Ramanujan and Parthasarathy were raised in Hindu
regarded as an O\erseas colony of Indian literature, evolving in its Sriva1snava families . Several come from either rci ormist or modcm-
own way an re ponse to American condinons. Seth lu rapidly azmg Hindu group~. Sharat Chandra's family is l in1;.ty.u. Chitre's
nsen to promanem:e wJth \-fappmgs (1982). The Numb!" Adminis- family <ltC agnostics of Hindu descent, while Malik 's p.uents .tre
traror' Garden ( 1985) and Tht Golden Gate ( 1986), the latter a Arya SanlaJist. Only two cstahlisht><f poets arc from fsl.tmic families-
WJtty novel in verse. SuJata Shan (b. 1956), who lives in GeJm,lO)', Agha Sh.thid Ali .md Pcerndina. An unusu.tlly large pt.•rccntagl'
has published Brmuzcm ( 1988) in I· ngland. That manv of the new are of the Parsi Zoroastri.m, Oaruwalla,
poets were born after 1947 means that Indian J• nglish poetry 15 Patel,Jussawall.t, Coopcr.HH.i Jimmy Avissa. Rom.m Catho~ic:» of
likdv to dc\ic10p m unexpected ways, as can be seen from Seth's Goan dcslcnt include M o t'.lCS, de Sou:t.l, Silg.1rdo, Rodn~ucs,
tongue m-chcck sense of humour and his use of tradational poetics Nazareth, .md R.wl d 'G<trna Rose. ~teen a Alt!xam.ier's parent
as a defence agam tv. hat he ces as the self-destrucuve imrospcc 2re from the ancit·ut Svrian Christian community; the f.uuilics of
t10n of romamic1sm and modernism. Mahap;atra and Patn:tik were Christi.ln converts in re~~tll gu en
Funher C\ idence rhat lnd1an English poctl') has a recognized tions. Randhir Kh.trc comes from .1 f.unily o~ huropl'.m
and expandmg role m contemporary Indian culture mdudcs: the and Indian StO-.:k. Ezekid 's parents \HrC jc\\'> . Oi thml frorn
Padma Shn AwaTd h\ the President of lndia to I· zckiel for hi:. non Hmdu backgrounds, Parsis ;tnd (Jo.m ~.alwho .uc
contnbuuvn to literature in l·ngli~h, the establishment ol Kav)a htghly prominent. It .1 repr\ c group of thu ty tO forl)
Bharatr A Revle'w of lmi~au Poetry (Madurai, 1988); thl' foundin~ poets is listed in t)rdcr of biath or ,Kent ding tn when they hef"n
of Pruas Press m Bombay, which has already published second publishing there is no dear pattern ot .1 changing onmlun.t 01
volumes of poetry byE un~ee de Sou1.a and Manohar Shl·tty~ thl' soCla1 ongan. · ·r·tcnnt Lh ·1t the ) 11ungcr
• ·' It may, howt'\'cr, bc s•gnt ·
appearance of a maJ~n new anthology of b1dzan Lt1ghsh Put.: try smc' writers born sancc
· · 1 : It t.llll I
1944 wclud c on .,, two P0 c.·rs
1950~ rdated by Valas Sarang; and the unexpe~,.;tcd .md power farruhes. While halt the Indian l·nglish pm't" lome lrolll co,m-
ful return tO the Indian poetry scene b\i Dom Moracs w1th his mu natles
· . to the Hmdu
margmal . · · amoa 1,. dw.,c ol nn w ·
maJonry, l_'l •
Collected Poem5 1957 1987 dox H'andu descent Shetty .md Shav . . K um.1r ,lppc.:., u rebds .t~.un-;t
_~. M 0 1>1 R N IN f) I 1\ N I'<) I rl{ \ IN 1 N ( l tH
I' O fi 1 S, I I I C I R R I A 01 R S AN 0 1 II 1 M A
RK I I )~
" I It
~ air., did not\\ .ur .mt further rqmnung, th~ set ics 1s expand Ill ot hc
r uni .. crs•tics, it offers one Indian and one C
1.1 I~ l \ ommonwcaltl1
\ r ra ;alt 111 the Common\\ calth \..ountr1cs \\ l11.:rc I· zck 1cl ue rat ure cou rsc. 1c art · · 1asa1 at 1v and 1 aruwall
d . a aml1o1ogac
0 Iare u cJ at most t~~IVCl'St\;cs an l~zcktcl, Kamala Dac;, Ramanu-
lnJ 1an p etr J mdud don n J ngl1sh 'llabus ma) not he Jarg r
but he' r t ad' ~nd hciJ to keep the ~cr1e ah' c Jafl Kolat kar am1f Baru:a a app~r to ,b.c the mo t srudtcd author
Dl mbuuon ha b en m JOr problem for lndi.m poets and 1bc Un•vcrstl)' o olm ay .st.lrt~. teal.c ung lndaan ltteraturem i97S
JOUrnAl OxtorJ ha" go d dHanbuuon and I al ha!ii oUJit up ht and has one opuona papca Ill no tan tterature at the MA level, us1n
o•n ~hann Is. Clcmng House and Nt:\\ ground depend on ma~ 10
Ia publ 1cm through fncnd 111 Bomba) JOUrnalism and pub)
D ~,..,walla's anthology,
sarathy's l.>OO
k Tl U .
and one at the BA level u 1 , n h g
f • ng ~-arr a
1e navcrsny o Poona began tcachmg lndtan
rc dm~ b' the poct Nand 1s good at ac.hertj~ing himself. Ave~ literature 111 1978 and now hao;; .a . total of s1x cmester courses an
tcw poet , u h a Kharc, 1-Ht\C produced dtcJr own books and don Jndtan an d Commonwea It l1 ~·nung at the MAt vel.
well He sold 3000 cop1cs of h1 second book through the m:ul and Onlv a taf~h tn a_ quarter oi 1ndian universttics offer courses in
lnd 1an Engbsh wrmng; novel~ ar~ set texts far more often than
at publtc rc;admgs.
poetry. ~.more detailcd.cxamination.ol the sctt('xts would reveal
Although Indtan "titers compl.un that there is no re.llicrslHp for surpnstng ~.:onservansm; Aurnlnndo, Toru Dutt, Samjini
poetn an ~ngli h the ales CL'mpan· f••,. urably with poetry publi'ih 3
Natdu ,1nd even Tagore are often the main po~..:t.~ studied. My
ed m the rcglle~nallunguagcs and al~"' with poc.:trv in other I ng· impression is that the mor<' vigorous, proJu~;tivc, bctter-qu. li-
It h pcakmg countnt:s. 11H: rl!ndct .. hip for modern verst in most lted de pat tmesns teach Indian .wJ Commonwt:alth literature.
Jndaan ]anguagcs as siHl\\ n b' iou1 and b~)ok sales appear Se,eral professors of English told me that th<:)' would like to
Its th n m I ngl1 h. It 1 u cful to conualil the 7li0 to 1000 optc muodu\:.t: the tea~.:hing of lndi:m litctaturc m their department
sold by lc;u ing Hou c and Nc'' ground with the 300 l opu.• but they lacked trained staff. A course may depend on one lectu-
\\ ht h far L book of poems nught dlunhc United States orthe rer and wtll not be given when that leClUJ cr is on leave. This iruation
1000 to 2000 copu~ of an c tablt hed poet. In New Z~a~and Will change as more dissertations arc written on Indian lnerature.
"ha h 1 thou~ht to ha' can unusual number of scnous book pur' Whtle it is pleasing to ee that a growing number of hnghsh
cha er and reader of poeu , a\Crage printmgs arc 300 to 1000 departments teac.:h modet n lndian poetry, unul more gi' ecour~cs
f r 'olumc of' r c. B} v. o~ld standards the sale of poetry book at both the BA and the MA le' cis a profitable m.1rkct for Indaa!1
an lnd1a • good. Ti1c maan d1fferencc from other countries i that F. ngli b poetry is unlikely to de\ elop. Such·'. umverstty markcltS
no one ltkch to achie' c 'ery large ales and there arc no well ne dcd af Indian poeti] is to be self- ~stamtng md no longer
paymg hterary JOurnab; o far there are at bc.:st small fees for dependent un :1 few enterpnsing publtsher ami syrnp,uheuc
r palubl11.:auon m and10logics and textbooks. The umvcrsuy market
IS o tlll mall for poets JOUrnals.
Uu ... rnt) Cours
, . bl tS helmpcwuy,
l- I'ltcr.n), :.u;,l\t:t
. I, lll.L, intcllrLtual.utd
1octrytspu. . Wl 'l ~ 1.
A U courses
dh U} . in Ind tan 1· ng I'I 11 wr ·aung
· app.mmtly bl~gan nt ~cncral ma~azmcs
·c 11 lttwn of laHlall
n ra m-.:ct It\ a.s part of the MA curriculum when K R Sri111 · . ·11 '-' ·w e 'II~;IIbt· (uum •
1alH)lll t 1lt:.
\.l.Q 1\Cngar ~as Pmfes.,or and H i f h . . 1ltcrary anll cultural magazm~!)
. . 'art\,'S,. It11WI Is With:~ . . •
lt.:w cxccp
mc.-m ~fEn hsh B , . ca&.:. o t e Post-graduate Depart· 1 .~. t
C 0 N g hJ 1955 the Umversny of Mysore, under Profe;~or
ame as that of many foretgn JOl na ·
Lion 500 is a usual print run Hgu• es I hav~.: f01 older ::lllC r(c~;.n
, , . d 1 \~est (500 copies
opened ~e;_~ ai·~•l], of~ercd an MA paper. Since 1958, when al firSt 10urnals that print poetry inclu ~ amsold) anll [)utluguc
tn•• poetn. ng asn m H)'derabad has been teach
m '-A'Otr.u nstttut.e ot E 1· ' ·
pnntcd), M1scellml)' (500 copac pnntcd, 200 ' · as docs
c -J m us courses Karn
teachmg Ind a ·. · ata k U mvers1ty
· (Dharwad) b eg:u, (500 to 1000). Gra)' Book printed 300 ~ 0 50
~0 \;OP'f
10 1
'l~tc '60s
1970 two M~ n wrnm.g tn 1964. Osmanaa Umvcrslty offered Ill Chandrabhaga. The obscure stencJllc.:d I mnac l e
courses 111 lndtan hterature; since 1976, like SC\ c.:rnl
pliJS, JJ\IIH RJAI)ltl':i ANU Till r,.
111 1A~Kl 1 57
c 11ght r
111 11
1111 up I\• 3000 rupee ' or • supp\lscdlv the
1' 1 J
unccn\\l)Ju. tOp
)l • 11 r
Ill Rl 01 K.S
,u 111111 g th. t pth:b H:ad poet~ the career of t ho e tn luded
n ul' IJJ gc :uH lll) l og\ 11H~ Ill b e an lfldl auon 0 f h d r h1
,- 1I II t c rc.t
,f (nd• 1n I ng •~ 1 poctl'. tc \.:Ontnbutt r ar\.: nl ost 1YIll cducaP
n•. ,pccaall ' I ng I1 l1 tl.: l~.Ih' mg, tn the other "'n • tn \ii\fJOU
011 , of \.:onunum ....uwns ( rauto cnpt \\ rittnl't:~' JOun1a1
1 m,ad\\:f-
u JOI'
), "1t 1 1 a 1 epr c emauon o f :tdmm• unon; •
artd b u n..: smen
h rl 1 c' ·~en\;;c, hm' "' er, that the normal rcadt·r.,h 1p tor lndm~
tn 1 nctthc• lWCt" nor I nghsh tc.1chers.
Clearing House has a list of 1ts
o • f firsr 350 subscribers and t he
It Ull' .ttctfllltll'flllI d11....1t1on~... therokofth cmmed 1aanJof
,the• .u tt~ts ,\~ th~ readers ot poetrv. Approxmutt:h one-fifth uf
the: Jnm:tl ~ub . . ~..r tbers '' t•re other wnte1 s. \"\ 1th educator and
nnu :u was tormmg tbe second and thard large.: t groups. A
1rt detallt.:d brc1kdo" n of the ubscnber ho" the then, and
l bh ~onttntnnt;. 1.1 k of ~up port of the poets b) the Engh h
d c tJbh lml('nt • t un1' e1 ,ine~. Although one o the four
eduo of Clearmg Hou e i a um\'erSlt} Reader an English,
~nd \\ h1lc one of the other editors lectures part ume m English
rud1e • there "ere only fi, e English teacher among the ident.i-
able ub nber:~ for the first four Clearing House pubhcauons,
onh m• lndun ltbral} planJ an ord r Ten educators in
' ld , uch a unn cr it\ profc: or o Educauon, BuJiog'
Gcmun. and me chool teacher "t re ub cnbcr' F1fteen
mHlll sub ·nbers "ere patnter . arn t , falm-m.akers and
r 1" he ub' nbt:r ''ere 1ournahst . film ..:nuo Jfld
pic ell\ t' m the publishing busme . There" ere fi, c mcdJ~.:al
n I ps' chtatn t , s1 men and admuu trat r
l c.: Hnt\ odd,ub ~...nber Icantdrnuh.t"O"t:rcum,er-
t d nt • It c m th t the readt:rslup of lnd1an Fn ·h h
'"'-ln 1 t o 1ho e an' oh ed m the n and th m J, nd
th b u d culrural mtere t amon th p fe nal .md
I al ng "nh th e m ' 1n ,u d edu c<1ttl1 h
e F v. a pl'of n lh 1 ' ed th E
t tal the n n J Cle nn H u
n a
d the\..r au\ nd p rf
I N I 1 R A
M Ill R
Toward .. a Can 11
6 <it A. NO
as a d1rt"Ct replv to P. Lal' mas J\e Afoden1 Indr..m p
Effglish. By contra t Peeradma's seJed&on 1 meant to eoet')
cntical tandards. Each elccuon of a poet 1 pt efaced b tab)
mtroducnon, often of a udgcmental nature, an"' b&ch th' ash
worthv ts u ualh balanced. at umes over-balanced .....
.. ehpra.
l c
etsm The an tho log) 1 the start of a canon a 1t 1 meam n
sundards of euluanon to lhe tud of l ndtan Engh h poeto l)
pcxts represented are JUmanujan. Ezektel. Mehrotra, Ju:lv.
Katrak Kolatk r. Patel, Parmasarath\. Daruv. alia and p
Kamala Das shares a secnon of women writer \\'lth M:ra
and Gaun D hpande Althou0 h P. Lal i represented the t.1 d
non to h1 "ork i highh cnucal and there i al o a , el) ~~f,
rable revte\\ of LaPs antholof'\ and Gokak's Golden T:
Jd A l e; reus t
o- ng um Pottry. Lal "as a pmblem; as one ot the on
arde of modem .Ind&an English-language poers, and as the t-
hsher of man) of the" ~ters, he~ as regarde-d as omeone "'h:h
g~ne tra Peeradm s sele non appears influenced b, E k
~ o as m luded among the cnti along ·w•th Peeradina and de e
1be Peeradma antholog} proposed a list of the oet to
;:m de;'" hj; nm< "hen the numb r of writers h~d in ere
ludo~ de smba orcle of the earh 1950s. The status of Ramanu
R".a '
of poetn. Ramanu an Ez kb) t he pu blicanon
een confirmed · o f hts rn o >OO
n the chOJce ot
alp "'&th odd
m 11 P, etry 9 [>0
~~br. ~:m~ar;::u-aHth'
m owar
hadd appea
rg t
re utanon v. as also
1 ~rry J rom Indta ( 1970). Kamala D
]\& av. aHa's b the ~ ~ tabh hed. a had been Patel'
although recent lta&dr b&r t ook . Daruv. alia's first n' o book
e-t e\\s b) Ezekiel een '' Jde}
nifi 1 pratse
. d , recenmg fa,
th tg
ra ~, P~radina and K k team nc\\ names\\ ere .Mehrotra. Part
m the Little magazme 0 1at ar. The latter two had been a u
out v.ere not v. tdeh k \.ene both in India and the United tat
oets , except to reade
1 no\\fn 1n h lnd'sa outs1'de the circle of Bomb
sarath> had pubhshed ~ ~ e shon~li, ed Poetry Ind1 • Panh
£ nouceable that b •de 1 d) m Enghsh and in Indian 1ournal I
oun~ no place for Dom ~ unfa, ourable "1ew of Lal the ed1t
M I 1\t 71
f'ffR l \F
M't:OIIIW1DC aesthettclSm-even echoing Pater-and ha pre- the vacws of Daruwalla, de Souz~ and Reuben are part .of
M.I..,.JI'O.I poetry whtch u metaphorac, melod10us, moral (see his developed in India by Ezekael, I do not neces~anly
11t Colkcttd Poems of P La/, 1977, p. 9) and umro· were directly mfluenced. I sug~est that the mo~al enous-
dern mtellectual conscJousncs ' tcchm\;al compe-
• mt h"~h standards and precmon of language thcv
readm wall feel Daruwalla's 'Introduction' to Two
r,J.., Poetry IS more accurate where It IS daamed that ~o;~;~mt~~~ced into Indtan criucal thought by l· zcktt:l and
A agt anaugurated a new era of Ind1an poetry by
nunc of the demands of the present-day world, bringmg Into ~..a. h1m spread to and de\l eloped by others. f d. I
~· )' • f1 ce can been cc.:n m the kind o a \tee 1e
pia a modem en abality confronnng the confusion, bewalder Part of Ezekie ·~ ilie ~;~Os when he wa a ub editor on the ll/u -
man and di •llus•on of the tame, wh1le using a modem adaom others early 1 dD Morae that the danger to ,l p\.lCl an
w thout the u h11sms and Janglmg rhyme schemes of the earlier trWtffl Weekly. He w.ame . om utauon could be gained~ he read
poets Wh1le Daruwalla' descraptaon of Ezekiel reflects h1s own India was the ease wnh whu.::h a rep d. La! has commented on
.,_,_, · ts querymg every wor • • · •L(
work, t hows how far off the mark Lal was. The very tnle, A NIV1U\ s manuscnp . , . f Quest rcwrncd a poem r c.:
T~ to Ch;cngt belle Lal's maddle-brow, genteel hedonism As lhe arne when Ezekael, then edato~ o rk 'chided obv• lll'i poet 1-
Daruwalla ays, the tade poem shows a 'life of loose untied ends' mlted me for usmg an exclamauon ma ' l' c.:rv"tion at the:
~ and sentimental relterauon. . ' ' A p
h fCl: I sc tl
, ('A h'w Words'.
I ••