Business Address-
Affix Recent Passport Size
Photograph Attested by a
Gazetted Officer
Pin Code-
Phone No-
3. 3. Particulars of the fee deposited:
1) Name of Treasury _______________________________________________________________________________
2) Amount in Rs._______________________________________Date:_______________________________________
4. Whether attested three specimen signature by the Gazetted
officer of the below mentioned is supplied:
(i) Individual Contractor holding wireman permit
5 Whether a contractor licence has been previously granted in the
same name? If yes, give details thereof.
6. Whether a contractor Licence has been issued under this name by any
Date of issue-
9. Library:
Whether the following books are in his/her possession (yes/No)_____________________________________
SR. No. Name of Books
I.S.: 732-1963 Code of practice for electrical wiring installation (System Voltage not
1 exceeding 650 Volts)
3. Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation,
I have read and understood the conditions and documents required to be attached with application for
grant of Electrical Contractor Licence Class “C‘ and relevant documents are attached in chronological
I I hereby declare that I have in my possession a copy of the Electricity Act 2003, Central Electricity
Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation, 2010 v as well as relevant
codes of Practice and Standards of Indian Standards Institution relating to Electrical Installations. I fully
understand the terms and conditions under which an electrical contractor licence is granted, a breach of which
I hereby also agree to maintain such registers and records as may be prescribed by the Board in the
I do solemnly affirm and declare that the facts submitted in the application are true and correct to the
I are fully aware that this self declaration has the same validity as duly sworn statement of fact in a
court of law and any false information provided by me through this application shall be liable for punishment
Dated:- Signature
Form of Declaration
dated_________) /will give notice to her/him/them of my intention to leave the service under her/him/them
3. I shall intimate the Licensing Board as well as_______________________ under whom I am working at present.
4. I also hereby affirm that I shall abide by the provisions of the Electricity Act and Regulations as well as of
the State Licensing Board Himachal Pradesh Rules and with all circulars/instructions which are issued by the
Self Attested
Of C-Class Electrical Contractor License)
Sr. Name of Instruments Make Sr. No. of In working Original Cash Book Copy of test
N Instruments order/Defective No. and date certificates
1. Name of Books:
I.S.: 732-1963Code of practicefor
electrical wiring
installation (SystemVoltage
not exceeding 650 Volts)
Name of Wireman and full Wireman Permit Period of Date of Signature of Signature of
Sr. address No. validity appointment Wireman the Contractor
a. Applicant should have passed Matriculation examination from a recognized Board/ University
(attach copy).
b. The Applicant who have passed I.T.I. in the Trade of Electrician and having a valid wireman
permit renewed up to date (attach copy)
c. The Applicant who have passed the matriculation examination and having a valid wireman
permit renewed up to date (attach copy).
d. The applicant who tends to obtain the C-class wiring contractor license should not have any
employment under any Contractor/firm/Government or Semi-Govt. Department/any other
e. Applicant should be citizen of India (proof of Nationality be attached).
2. COST OF FORM: Cost of Form amounting to Rs. 100/- be paid through Treasury challan in the Head
of Account given below and the original receipted challan be sent with the application form:
Head of Account:
Class ‘C’ Electrical Wiring Contractor shall be granted to the applicant who
himself/herself is a licenced wireman and having passed the I.T.I. in Electrician/Wireman
Trade and having one year experience under “A” or “B” Class Electrical Wiring
Contractor after obtaining the wireman permit
To such person who himself/herself is a licence wireman and have passed Matriculation examination
and have two years experience under “A” or “B” Class Electrical Wiring Contractor after obtaining
the wireman permit
The experience certificate as per the Annexure -A‘ should be attached with the application form.
The Applicant should have following ISI approved Instruments in his possession and the original cash
memo/bills thereof should be attached with the application form:
7. FEE:
The fee for the grant of C-class license amounting to Rs. 2500/- shall be charged
subsequent to the case file approved by H.P. State Licensing Board. The applicant in this
regard shall be intimated separately.
Three passport size recent identical photographs and Two self addressed envelops of size
25x12 cms. duly stamped for Rs. 27/- be enclosed with the application form.
9. Certification:
All the photocopies attached with application form in support to grant the license should have
self certified or original shown in this office.
10. Proof of Authenticity: The applicant who intend to obtain C-class license must have to
produce/attach copy of GST number in proof of their authenticity either at the time of
grant of license or renewal /up gradation of his license.
11. Last Date of Receipt of Application Form:
Application Form for the grant of C-class license complete in all respects should reach in
the office of Chief Electrical Inspector, Block No. 29, SDA Complex, Kasumpt, Shimla (HP)
171009 fifteen days before the proposed date of meeting of the state licensing board .
The incomplete application form shall not be entertained and automatically stand cancelled.
No correspondence shall be done in this regard.
The applicant who fulfill the above conditions shall have to attend the office of Chairman
Licensing Board-cum-Chief Electrical Inspector, Block No. 29, SDA Complex, Kasumpti-171009
(H.P.) in person along with requisite instruments, Books their original billsand original Wiremen
Permit for verification. The date for which will be intimated later on.
Verified By Verified By