Family vocabulary and possessive s “47 mins”
Present simple (I- we-they-you) “41 mins”
Break “15 mins”.
Verbs with noun phrases “29 mins”
Q& A “15 mins”.
Key map
Blue highlighter → general note S - Ss → one student speaking to the TL → Target Language
whole class
Yellow highlighter →important note PTV → Pre-Teaching Vocabulary
S - Ss - T → one student speaking to the
Red highlighter → critical note whole class and the teacher
P4: Ss might ask about some words that are not taught in pre-teaching stage.
S4: Prepare visuals and definitions for them.
P6: Ss might be confused between adding possessive s with plural regular nouns and irregular.
S6:T should highlight this by highlighting the form.
1. PPT
2. HOs
3. PC
4. White board
5. Cutting edge starters, 3rd edition, SB, p.36, 37,38,39,40.
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, the SS will have developed an understanding of the MPF for “family vocabulary” in the
context of ‘’home & family”.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, the SS will have been introduced to the possessive s in the context of home & family.
They will also practice speaking for fluency and accuracy in the context of home and family.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
Warmer/Lead-in T shows ss 2 pictures.
To set lesson context T asks ss to discuss some questions about these pictures.
and engage students
PPT 3–5
1. Do you know them?
2. Do you like them? Why?
3. What do you know about them?
T provides content feedback.
Clarification T covers the MPF of the family words.
To clarify the Meaning:
meaning, form and - T uses pictures and asks CCQs as highlighted in L.A. PPT
pronunciation of the Pronunciation: WB 8 – 10
target language - T drills the words in sentences individually, chorally, and in groups. Markers
- T highlights that all the words today are nouns.
Controlled Practice T asks ss to do ex. 1.b p.36. Cutting edge T-S 5-7
To concept check and starters, 3rd
prepare students for edition, SB, p.36
more meaningful
practice Instructions:
- Put the family words under male\ female or both.
- T clarifies the meaning of male and female.
- T demonstrates the first and the second word with ss.
T monitors and provides help if needed.
T asks ss to check their answers together.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
T provides ss with key answers.
Exposure: T asks ss to do ex.1 p.37.
To draw students'
attention to the
target language
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
more meaningful
- Write s in the correct place.
- T demonstrates the first with ss.
T monitors and provides help if needed.
T asks ss to check their answers together.
T provides ss with key answers.
Free Practice T asks ss to talk about 5 people in their family.
To provide students Instructions:
with free practice of - Choose 5 people in your family.
the target language - Write some notes about them. T-S
- (name\age\job) S 8 – 10
- T gives ss preparation time. WB S-S
- T demonstrates with ss.
T monitors well and takes notes of the ss errors.
T provides content & language feedback
Main Aims
Created with English Lesson Planner © www.englishlessonplanner.com
Name: Esraa • 03 Jan 2023 •
By the end of the lesson, the SS will have developed an understanding of the MPF for “present simple with I\We\they positive, negative and questions” in the context of
‘’home & family”.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will practice speaking for fluency and accuracy in the context of home and family.
By the end of the lesson, ss will practice reading for specific information in the context of home and family.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
Exposure: - T asks ss to read the text in p.38 and do ex.1
“ To orientate
students to the
overall content of
the text’’
Cutting edge T-S
starters, 3rd S 5-7
Instructions: edition, SB, p.38 S-s
- Read the article and say who said these sentences.
T monitors and provides help if needed.
T asks ss to check their answers together.
T provides ss with key answers.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
3. Are you going to use the verbs in the box? Yes.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
- Ask each other these questions.
- Give complete sentences when you answers.
- Asks each other more questions.
- Are you going to give complete sentences? Yes.
- Are you going to ask each other more questions? Yes.
T monitors well and takes notes of the ss errors.
T provides content & language feedback.
Main Aims
By the end of the lesson, the SS will have developed an understanding of the MPF for “some verbs with noun phrases” in the context of ‘’home & family”.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, ss will practice speaking for fluency and accuracy in the context of home and family.
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
Test #1 T asks ss to do ex.1a p.39.
To gauge students'
prior knowledge of
the target language
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
Check students' use
of the target
language again and
compare with the
first test
- Make the sentences true for you.
- Do we have one correct answer? No.
T monitors and provides help if needed.
T asks ss to share their answers together.
T provides content feedback.
Free practice 1. T asks ss to do ex.3a in p, 39. -Cutting edge T-Ss 10-12
To provide students starters, 3rd
with free practice of edition, SB, p.39.
the target language -WB
2. Choose two people you know.
3. Write 5 sentences about them using the new expressions.
4. Are you going to speak about one person? 2 people.
5. How many sentences are you going to write? 5 sentences.
Created with English Lesson Planner © www.englishlessonplanner.com
Name: Esraa • 03 Jan 2023 •
Stage Procedure Materials Time Comments
6. Are you going to use the new expressions? Yes.
T monitors well and takes notes of the ss errors.
T provides content & language feedback.