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Welcome to another NLT Media Game.

This will be a hand-held walkthrough written guide. This guide will be a step-by-step guide

through each of the updates of Symphony of the Serpent.

The guide will be broken down by updates and will be updated as each chapter of the game is

released by NLT on the 2nd and 15th of every month.

Within each section, I will be posting a link to TDavy’s YouTube video walkthrough of the

update. So, that way if you need some vision aid you can watch his video of the update.

Like my walkthrough guides that I have done for ToN and TGO
The Kamasutra pages will be in Purple Text

Chests and Chest Keys will be in Gold Text

Side Girls Sex Scene and Hearts will be in Red Text

All other key items that are either given to you by characters or found will be in Bold Black Text

If needed I will be updating and or adding different color text for certain items as the game is


This game has three different difficulty settings Easy, Normal, and Hard.

Easy = The enemies get weaker after you die

Normal = The enemies get weaker after you die 4 times, but then they get weaker
slower as you win more.
The enemy's strength goes down only as you need it and then returns.

Hard = The enemies never get weaker.

The difficulty setting will also affect the hints of the game, for example,

Easy = "Go to the church"

Normal = "It's a good day to be holy"

Hard = "Someone is waiting for you in a dark quiet place"

Hard also disables some of the GPS markers

Pick up random piles of money as you see them throughout the game.

There is also an auto-save in this game, but I recommend also saving from time to
time yourself. Don’t rely on auto-saving.
The scene counter total on the menu within the game counts both the Main Story Scene and the
Side Girls Scenes, numbers below are the current count for both.

Main Story Scenes = 20 Side Chick Scenes = 13 Booty Call Scenes = 2

Total Scene Cout = 33 Moan Zone = 5
With all that being said let's get started with Symphony of the Serpent.

Start of V.00073 (6 Scenes)

Once you have downloaded the game and installed it go ahead and open the game and click on

New Game.

The opening scene of the game will be played.

Scene 1

After the opening scene is played, the MC (you) gets into a fight with two gang members. The

gang members will have arrows around them that are Red, Yellow, or Green. During these fights

throughout the game, you want to try your best to hit the enemies from either the yellow or green


Hitting enemies from the green angles will result in damage done to them and none to you. Yellow

angles result in damage done to them but also to you and red results in the enemies doing damage

to you.

Each enemy will also have a number above their head, which tells you their HP (Health Points),

or in simple terms how many hits it will take for you to defeat them.
As you move the enemies will move, so move around so you can hit them from either the yellow

or green angles, preferably the green angles since this will result in no damage done to you.

There will be different environmental pieces that you can use against enemies, for example in this

first flight a trash bag that you can kick into enemies to cause damage.

Keep an eye out for Shield Juices that you can pick up throughout the game. These Sheild Juices

will keep your HP up and prevent you from dying. You can only be holding one at a time, so if you

currently have one you will not see other bottles to be picked up. So, as you use them be sure to

keep a lookout for one to replace it throughout the game.

After the fight, you will faint (Supposed to happen).

You will be taken to and wake up in the hospital. You will meet the Millers along with Nurse Lucy.

It is at this point that you can choose to rename the MC or go with the given name of Ethan.
Grace will give you an Unknown Item.

Once you have control again, pick up your Phone before you leave the exam room.

As in other games, your phone is where you can save/load your game as well as change the

difficulty setting from East, Normal, and Hard if you so wish.

(Some aspects like the map and scene player are not yet ready in this update.)

Once you have your phone, follow the green arrow out of the exam room.

Once you leave the exam room follow the other green arrow down the hallway, this will lead you

into the lobby of the hospital. You will see the Millers, go talk to any member of the family.
You and the Millers will leave the hospital and run into several protesters.

A Government employee named Alexander Brooks will show up.

Alexander will give you a Business Card.

You and the Millers will leave the hospital and head to their home in Wood Stead.

Once inside Grace and Mr. Miller will show you to the guest room.

As Grace and Mr. Miller leave, you are now free to explore the Miller’s house. Leave your guest

room, head upstairs, and check the bathroom (Take a Peek)

Scene 2

After peaking in, you can head back down to your room and go to bed for the night, by clicking

on the bed.

The next morning you wake up and join the Millers for breakfast.
As the Millers leave for church you are free to explore.

Leave the Millers’s house by following the green arrow, you will be on the map of Wood Stead.

Head to the Church.

Once you have entered the church, head straight ahead to enter the main chapel area.
After the Millers leave, take some time to explore the church.

Scene 3

After meeting Mother Margaret Abbott, you can leave the church and go out of Wood Stead.

To leave Wood Stead, follow the green arrow on the map of Wood Stead.
Keep following the green arrow on this screen, this will take you to the overall world map of the

On the world map, you will see a green GPS marker on the Red-Light District (depending on the

difficulty you’re playing on, this may not be showing up if you're playing on Hard.)

Head over to the Red-Light District.

As you enter the Red-Light District, you will walk over to the area in which you got attacked.

Nia and Leila will come out and see you and invite you to lunch.

After leaving Big Tits & Food, head over to the Velvet Club next door.

Once inside the Velvet Club, you can talk to and meet Kelli (side girl).

You will also meet Lola.

Scene 4

After the dance from Lola, you leave the private room and be in the main area of the club. Time

for another flight against two more gang members. (Remember what you have learned).

After the fight, you will meet Tony, he will give you a Dump Gate Key.

Now, leave the Velvet Club and leave the Red-Light District.

Back on the World Map, you be guided to give Alexander Brooks a call. To do this open your

inventory (you can do this by left-clicking the mouse or the menu icon in the upper right corner of

the game) and click on the business card that you have, you will call Alexander Brooks.

After calling Alexander, you will have a GPS marker over Amira’s Mansion.

Head to Amira’s Mansion.

Scene 5
Alexander will give you a Minimum Security Badge.

After you leave Amira’s Mansion, head to the City Dump.

You have the key and the badge to open the gates.

Enter the dump and the guard will approach you.

After talking to the guard, enter the dump by following the green arrow.
The relic you have reacts to something in the area.

As you take a couple of steps into this area you automatically notice something in the sane, a Stone

Icon, and then you learn of Tony’s Drop Box. (Located outside his club in the Red-Light District.

Continue to explore the area. You will find some money $20 and $5 and an Unknown Artifact.

After you find the artifact, three gang members appear, time for another fight. Don’t forget to use

the environmental piece to help you take down the enemies.

You can use the tires to bounce on and attack the enemies from a greater distance.

After you defeat the three, a large group of enemies will appear and take the artifact you found

from you.

Go after the enemies by following them deeper into the City Dump.
Pick up the Mind-looking icon, this will let you learn more advanced fighting techniques.

Time for another fight. You can now bounce twice on each tire to attack enemies.
After defeating the group of four enemies, you will pick up the Unknown Artifact again.

A larger group of enemies will appear, and you will take off running.

Scene 6

End of V.00073

TDavy’s YouTube video walkthrough for this update.




Start of V.01074 (2 intel points, 1 Side Girl


(Mini maps and Screen Plater are still not ready as of this update)

At the start of this update, you want to start by heading over to the Ankh Life Hospital.

In the lobby, you will see a male nurse with a green marker above him. He will have a question for

you about another name for high blood pressure A. Hypertension.

After answering that question, move to the hallway. There is another nurse with another question.

What is the largest organ of the body? A. The Skin.

After answering the second question, head to the break room of the hospital.
The two nurses will come and thank you for helping them out.

You will gain your First Intelligence point.

Next, you will want to head to the Church within Wood Stead. You will find four different Pages

of Knowledge about the church.

First Page of Knowledge.

Second, Page of Knowledge.

Third, Page of Knowledge.

Fourth, Page of Knowledge.

After you have the four pages, make your way to the City Dump. Just after the gates to the left,

you will see a Scroll. This scroll is for the Book of Knowledge.
Now you can craft your first item of the game. To do this open the menu, in your inventory, you

will see Scrolls. Click on Scrolls and then click on Scroll – Book of Knowledge.

You will see that you have needed items for the item. Click on Craft Book of Knowledge, you craft

the item, and it will be placed in your inventory.

Now, from your inventory, click on the Book of Knowledge to read the book.

By reading the book you gain your Second Intelligence point.

Head to the Red-Light District.

Outside of the Velvet Club, you will see a green marker, this is Tony’s Drop Box.

You can deposit Icons and Idols that you will find throughout the game and get money for them.

Next, you will want to go into the Moan Zone Theater and head into the Gift Shop area.
In the Moan Zone Gift Shop, you want to buy a Scented Candle ($100).
(You may need to go to the City Dump and find more Idols/Icons and sell them at Tony’s Drop

Box until you have the money that is needed.)

After buying the Scented Candle, head back to the Ankh Life Hospital to the break room where

Lucy is.

You want to talk to Lucy, then Flirt with her, after flirting, click on gifts and give her the Scented


After talking to her, flirting with her, and giving her the gift of the scented candle you should earn

Lucy’s first Heart.

This will enable you to select Lucy’s sex option.

Lucy's first sex scene

TDavy’s YouTube Video Walkthrough for this update.


End of V.01074


V.02081(2 Strength points, 2 Charisma points,

1 Side Girl Scene)

At the start of this update head to the Apartments.

You will see a Snatcher gang member. You can fight him; he will call some friends to help. Total

of four enemies. After the fight is won you will gain your first Strength Point. The enemies will

also drop some money you can pick up.

Next, head to the Red-Light District.

Head into the Moan Zone Theater.

In the lobby, you can pick up a bomb in the top left corner. The bomb is one of many combat aids

in the game. You can use it during fights to help win battles.

Now, there is a guy in the middle of the lobby that you can fight.

You can use the bomb to help, but also there is a trick to this fight. You can hang out to the left of

the sign which will prevent the tough guy from jumping toward you, and you hit him from the

back until defeated.

Winning this fight gets you $100 as well as your Second Strength Point.

After the fight, head into the X-Rated Theater.

You can buy the First Moan Zone Clip ($20).

Next, head into the XXX Gift Shop within the Moan Zone Theater and buy a Scented Candle


Now head to Lotus Quay.

Speak to the security guard, he will tell you that there are some hooligans around that are causing

problems, and if you deal with them, he will give you $100. There are three enemies around the

area. You can do this as many times as you wish if you want to build some cash, but you really

don’t need to grind this as you don’t need much cash at this time.
After winning the fight and picking up the $100, you can leave Lotus Quay.

Now head to Emerald Ridge.

Talk to the guy in the upper right corner of the area.

His lost Cross Pendant is located between the palm trees. You will notice your artifact will glow

brighter (lower left corner) the closer you get to it.

Return the Cross Pendant to the guy, you will gain your First Charisma Point.

Next, head over to the LongdDong Emporium.

Inside you will see a lady in the middle of the store. Talk to her, she is looking for an item. Give

her the Scented Candle (that you should have brought earlier) and in return, you will gain your

Second Charisma Point.

Notice that the LongDong Emporium is where you can buy different Weapons or Combat Aids

that you can use during fights.

Before leaving buy the Skull Ring ($100) or The Red Wine ($10) and Black Candle ($10).

Now head to the Red-Light District.

Outside of The Velvet Mirage, you can meet and talk to Autumn (Side Girl)

Follow her inside and talk to her again.

When you talk to Autumn again, flirt with her this will max out her Attraction, next gift her either

the Skull Ring (Max out her Appreciation) or the Black Candle (Half Appreciation) and Red Wine

(Half Appreciation).

Autumn’s First Heart.

This will enable you to choose Autumn’s sex option.

Autumn’s First Sex Scene.


In Miller’s bathroom, you can find an energy drink.

At the Apartments, you can find a chest that contains money.

At the City Dump, you can find another chest that contains a Boomerang.

At the Scrapyard, you can find a chest that contains money.

TDavy’s YouTube Video Walkthrough for this update.


End of V.02081



Start of V.03083 (4 Side Girls Scenes, 1 Strength, 1

Intel, and 1 Charisma point.)

At the start of this update, if you are on the world map of the city the screen will fade to black and

you will get a previously cut scene of the MC running through the desert.
After the cutscene, you and Empusa will have a chat. After a short cutscene, you have control,

click on the snake icon. You will gain an HP (Hit Point) to help you in fights.

After some more chatting with Empusa, she will jump back into the Oracle that you are carrying.

Empusa is now your “Hint Girl”.

Now, start making your way of the desert by moving to the top right corner.
On the next desert screen, you will see two Wild Dogs defeat them in a fight.

After defeating the Wild Dogs, your stone will start to glow, there is an item nearby. In the bush,

you will find a Holy Stone.

Now, keep heading to the top right corner again and you will be back on the world map of the city.

From here head into the City Dump, and you will find a Nut.
From here head over to Emerald Ridge. You will find another Nut.

Next, head over to the LongDong Emporium, outside of the store you will find the Scroll -Seed

of Strength.
Now, head into the LongDong Emporium and buy a bottle of Testosterone ($100).

You now have the four items needed to craft a Seed of Strength. After crafting the seed of Strength,

eat it and you will gain your Third Strength Point.

Next, head into WoodStead and to the Church. On the grounds of the Church, you will find another


Next, head over to the Apex. You will see a group of protesters outside. Talk to each one, and they

will ask you questions the answers are as follows, starting right to left.

Basic Reproduction Number (RO)

Asymptomatic Spread


%70 - %90
Answer all the questions right and you will gain your Third Intelligence Point.

Next, head to the Luxuria Plaza. In the lobby, there is a guy needing help.
Talk to him and he will explain he needs help with a drone delivery. He will give you a Delivery


Back on the world map will now see numbers across the up and left sides of the screen. Use these

numbers to find a matching set of one of the four sets you see when you open the Delivery Device.

The easiest spot is as follows.

Head to the Apartments, when you enter the Apartments screen, do not move from where the MC

is standing.

Open your inventory and select the Delivery Device. Select West 18 North 9. After selecting that

set, a drink should drop from the sky, Bubble Tea.

Once you have the Bubble Tea, return to the Luxuria Plaza. Give the guy his drink, and in return,

he will give you some money and you will also gain your Third Charisma Point.
Now head to the LongDong Emporium time to buy some gifts. Buy the following gifts.

2 Amethyst (purple gem) ($10, each)

2 Stuffed Animals ($10, each)

3 Chocolate Truffles ($10, each)

And 1 Black Candle ($10)

Now head to Ankh Life Hospital. Outside, you will see a new Nurse, Nora (side girl). Talk to her.

She will head inside, follow her inside, and talk to her again. Flirt with her, this will fill her

Attraction bar, next give her a stuffed animal and chocolate truffles, this will fill her appreciation


Nora’s First Heart.

This will enable you to choose Nora’s sex option.

Nora’s First Sex Scene.

Next, head to the Red-Light District.

You will see two girls, Divya and Madison (side girls)

Talk to them both, they will both head inside BT&F. Go inside BT&F. Talk to Divya again. She is

standing in the main room by the bar.

Flirt with Divya, this will fill her Attraction Bar, next give her an Amethyst and a black candle this

will fill her Appreciation Bar.

Divya’s First Heart.

This will enable you to choose Divya’s sex option.

Divya’s First Sex Scene.

Next, enter the door near the back of the bar, you will enter the kitchen where Madison is.

Talk to Madison and flirt with her, this will fill her Attraction Bar, next give her two Chocolate

Truffles, and this will fill her Appreciation Bar.

Madison’s First Heart.

This will enable you to choose Madison’s sex option.

Madison’s First Sex Scene.

Next head into the Velvet Mirage Club and talk to Kelli.

Flirt with Kelli, this will fill her Attraction Bar, next give her the Amethyst and Stuffed Animal

this will fill her Appreciation Bar.

Kelli’s First Heart.

This will enable you to choose Kelli’s sex option.

Kelli’s First Sex Scene.

Lastly, head to the Mone Zone Theatre.

You can buy the Second Mone Zone Clip ($100).

TDavy’s YouTube Video Walkthrough for this update.


End of V.03083
Start of V.04091 (4 Scenes)

At the start of this update head over to The Velvet Mirage Club and talk to Tony.

Tony will give you the Emerald Ridge Pass.

Now head back to the Miller’s Home in Woodstead.

Grace is fighting with her brother about the boomerang that is stuck on the roof, move the

trampoline close to the roof so you can use it to bounce up and get the boomerang.

You will pick up the boomerang and then follow Grace to her room.

Scene 7

After the scene, you can go back into Grace’s room and pick up some Sugar Rush Candy.
Leave the Miller’s house to the map of Woodstead then renter the Miller’s house.

Head to your room and go to bed for the night.

You will wake up to Alexander calling you.

Head over to Amira’s Mansion and head inside.

You will be greeted by Olivia and Amira.

Before heading down the hallway at the top of the screen, pick up the Cabinet Key.
Head into the bathroom.

Use the Cabinet Key on the cabinet.

You will find some Snake Oil, an Elixir, and a Love Potion along with some other pills.

Now exit the bathroom.

Scene 8

After the scene, Olivia will give you her Business Card.

You will run out of Amira’s Mansion, and you will be taken to Emerald Ridge.

But before going inside you will need an item that is sold at the Longdong Emporium, head over

there and buy the Lighter ($100). It will be under the quest items.

After buying the Lighter, head back to Emerald Ridge and head inside, talk to the guard at the top

of the screen. He won’s let you in, so time to find another way.

Head down the hallway to the right.

Move the Trash Can so it is under the smoke detector.

Light the Trash Can on fire.

The path is now clear to enter the game.

Scene 9
After the scene head back down the hallway to the bathrooms, enter the women's bathroom, and

grab the Shampoo.

Exit the women’s bathroom, you will cause one of the guards to slip on the shampoo.

Reenter the women’s bathroom and exit out the back.

Now enter the men’s room.

Exit out the other side, you will be on the other side of the guards and free to enter the Sauna.

Scene 10
End of V.04091

Start of V.05092 ( 3 Side Chicks Scenes, 2 Strength

points, 2 Charisma Points, 1 Intel Point, 1 Photo, 1

Moan zone)

At the start of this update head to the Church in WoodStead.

In the chapel, you will find a note that says to check out Shelf 4 – Book 2.
Head to the hallway and click on the bookshelf, and enter shelf 4, book 2. You will find information

on a demon and collect a Photo (1st).

Leave the Church, on the map of Woodstead, there new area you can go to in the lower right corner.
In this area, you will find a Snakehead (HP point added to health), a Nut, which you can find in

the tree line along the top of the area, and a guy you can fight that gives you your Fourth Strength

Point. The is a practice area for you to practice weapons and overall fighting skills.

At the Lotus Quay, you can find a Net,

And a Holy Stone, in a chest.

After finding the Holy Stone, you can head over to the Longdong Emporium and buy a bottle of

Testosterone ($100). Also buy a Cup Cake ($100), for later.

You can now craft another Seed of Strength and eat it for your Fifth Strength Point.

Now head over to Emerald Ridge.

There will be a security guard who asks you: What is the term for a serve that the opponent can’t

touch in Tennis?

Answer: Ace
After giving the security guard the answer, you will need to head to the women restroom in

Emerald Ridge and exit out the back into the hallway (pictured below), the guard will come up to

you and you will receive your Fourth Intelligence point.

Now head over to the Red-Light District, and you will see a man, who wants some food. Give him

a cupcake. You will receive your Fourth Charisma Point.

At Amira’s Mansion, there is a guy in the foyer who needs some pain meds, you can give him

Snake Oil, in return you will gain your Fifth Charisma Point.
Random Weapons you can find throughout the areas.

In the City Dump areas


Rat in a Box

In the South Outskirts.

Time Bomb
Net and Flash bomb

In the Moan Zone Theater, you can buy the Third Clip ($200).

Over at the Velvet Mirage Club.

Flirt with Autumn her Attraction Bar will fill up, and gift her two Black Candles and a Red Wine.

Autumn’s Second Heart


Autumn’s Second Sex Scene.

Head over to Big Tits & Food.

Flirt with Divya her Attraction Bar will fill up, also gift her two Black Candles and an Amethyst.

Divya’s Second Heart


Divya’s Second Sex Scene.

Head over to Ankh Life Hospital.

Flirt with Lucy her Attraction Bar will fill up, also gift her one Chocolate Truffles a two Red Wines.

Lucy’s Second Heart


Lucy’s Second Sex Scene.

End of V.05092 ( 3 Side Chicks Scenes, 2 Strength

points, 2 Charisma Points, 1 Intel Point, 1 Photo, 1

Moan zone)

TDavy’s YouTube Video Guide Link.

V.06101 (3 Scenes)

At the start of this update, head over to the Red-Light District.

Tony will approach you as you take a few steps into the area.

Tony will give you $2,000 and a Listening Device as you two chat.

After chatting with Tony, leave the Red-Light District and head to the Luxuria Plaza.

You will find Lola in the Lobby area.

Next head over to The Velvet Mirage.

Inside the Velvet Mirage, there is a guy who will give you a map of the West Outskirts if you give

him a drink.

Head over to the Longdong Emporium and buy a Red Wine. Return to the Velvet Mirage Club and

give the guy the Red Wine, in return, he will give you a Quicksand Map.
Once you have the quicksand map, head over to West Outskirts.

Use the map to navigate the quicksand pit. (I found it easier to move and navigate this if you put

the speed on slow.

Once on the other side of the quicksand (increase the speed if you wish) head to barrel and click

on it to blow it up, this will enable you to just walk by the quicksand. So, you don’t have to keep

taking the path through it.

Now, head to the South, you will find Lola.

Click on the green option to “Go Along with Lola” (if you want the scene with her).

Scene 11

After the scene with Lola, you get some more story content.

After Tony helps you out you will have control again. You can head back to the South and find a

Timebomb in a box.

Next, click on Olivia’s business card that is in your inventory, you will call her and she will tell

you to stop by her office.

Head to the Apex building.

The police will not let you inside, but you will need an item to help you.
Head over to Emerald Ridge and make your way to the Men’s bathroom. You will find a Banna

Peel on the floor. You can also find another Banna Peel in the courtyard of Amira’s Mansion under

a palm tree to the left.

Now, head back to the Apex building. You will use one of the Banna Peels to cause a scene that

will help you get the police to enter the building.

Once inside the Apex, go down the hallway that it straight ahead and you will meet with Olivia.

Scene 12

After the scene and as you leave the Apex, you will bump into Leila.

You and she will chat for a while and see a couple of familiar faces.

After talking with Leila, leave the Apex and head to WoodStead.

Head to the Miller’s Home, and you will see Julia on the front lawn.
Chat with Julia once.

After the first chat, and if you have an energy drink on you, chat with her again. If you don’t have

an energy drink on you, go buy one at the Longdong Emporium and then return to chat with her


You will drink the energy drink and then you and Julia will go Jogging.

Scene 13
Magnet - Apartments

End of V.06101

TDavy’s YouTube Video walkthrough


V.07102 (1 Photo, 1 Charisma, 1 Chest/Key, 1 KS

Page, 2 Side Girls Scenes)

At the start of this update head over to Velvet Mirage Club and speak with Tony.

You receive your Apartment Key, from Tony.

After leaving the club you can find another Banna Peel in the street of the Red-Light District.

Head into the Moan Zone Theatre to buy the 4th Moan Zone Clip ($400).

Head back to the Miller’s and up to the 2nd floor. Go to Grace’s room for a chat with her.

You will get Grace’s Contact Information.

You can swing by Julia’s bedroom and find a Photo (2nd).

Head to the Outskirts West, go past the quicksand pit and head to the area to the north.
In this area, you will find Grace’s 1st Chest Key.

Deeper in the same area you come across a fight with three Coyotes. This fight can be somewhat

difficult, so I suggest using weapons against them.

After the fight, you can pick some money and a Coyote Pelt.
Now head to the Outskirts South. You will find another Coyote Pelt and Grace’s 1st Chest in this

area. Open the chest and Receive Grace’s 1st Kamasutra Page: Handy Helper.

Head over to the Apex Build and up to the second floor. Speak to a guy, and eventually, you give

him the two Coyotes Pelts you have, and you will receive your Sixth Charisma Point.
Head over to the Long Dong Emporium. You should have a good amount of money now so you

can buy the $100 Emerald and a $100 Cupcake as gifts for the side girl scenes in this update. But

if you want to be cheap and do more clicking then you can buy the cheaper gems and food items

as well.

Head over to Big Tits & Food.

Talk to Madison and flirt with her, this will fill her Attraction Bar, next give her the cupcake,

and this will fill her Appreciation Bar.

Madison’s Second Heart.

This will enable you to choose Madison’s sex option.

Madison’s Second Sex Scene.

Next Head over to the Velvet Mirage Club.

Talk to Kelli and flirt with her, this will fill her Attraction Bar, next give her the Emerald which

will fill her Appreciation Bar.

Kelli’s Second Heart.

This will enable you to choose Kelli’s sex option.

Kelli’s Second Sex Scene.

Now head to the Apartment building.

Head inside and to the left,

Welcome to your Apartment.

Call Grace from your Phone, under the Booty Call section.
Go out to the hallway and meet Grace

Booty Call Scene 1.

TDavy’s YouTube Video Guide


End of V.07102

V.08111( 3 Main Story Scenes)

At the start of this update, you will want to head to the Lotus Quay. Here you will find a Scroll for

a Pickaxe.
Next, you will want to head to the Kitchen at the Miller’s house, here you will find the first

Fastening Bracket.

At your apartment, you will find the second Fastening Bracket, inside the plant that Grace gave

to you.
At the Scrapyard, you will find the Pickaxe Head.

Now head to the Long Dong Emporium, where you can buy two items that will be needed. The

first is the final piece of the Pickaxe, a Wooden Handle ($500). You can also buy the Razor

($300) which will be needed later.

Now, go ahead and craft the Pickaxe.

Now you will want to head to the Outskirts West, go past the quicksand, and head to the North.

You will want to click on the weak part of the ground and use your pickaxe.
You will get a good amount of story content.

Scene 14

Once you have control again, you will need to find a way out of the underground temple you and

Celo are stuck in.

The first thing you want to do is move the boulder toward the rocks that are blocking your path.

Once that is done, grab that Pillar, once you have it click on the boulder and you will move one

of the rocks enough that you and Celo can escape.

Once you have Celo in your apartment, you will want to head to the Ankh Life Hospital. Once in

the lobby, head south. You will see a guy exit from a room. You will want to click on the door

where it exited from and select investigate.

Select leave your listening device.

Now, leave the area and return, you will see the guy leave the room again. Select investigate

again, and then select the listening device to pick it up and listen to the tone.

The door code is 3312.

Inside the room, there are several items to pick up. Snap Print Camera, Scroll for Aphrosia

ID, and a hint to the code for the computer.

Number of outdoor trash cans = 4

Microwaves = 2

Water coolers = 3

The Computer Code is 423.

You will print out a Type-C Aphrosia.

Now go to the Apex Building, in the lobby you will find Lamination Paper.

Go to the Red-light District, inside of Big Tits and Food, and speak to Nia.

After talking to Nia, head to your apartment and speak with Celo.

After speaking to Celo, leave the apartment building and meet Nia in the parking lot area.

Scene 15

After the scene, you will sleep and wake up the next morning where you will craft the Aphrosia

ID for Celo.

Now you and Celo will head to Woodstead and go to the church to speak with Margaret.

Scene 16
Tdavy’s YouTube Video Guide Link


End of V.08111

V.09112 (2 Side Chick scenes, 1 Photo, 1 Moan

Zone, 1 KS Page, 1 Booty Call)

At the start of this update, you first want to head to the Apex building.

On the first floor, you will find a guy who will ask you some questions about caring for plants.

After each question, he will move locations, so just follow him to answer the questions. The

answers are as follows.

1. Check the moisture level in the top inch of the soil.

2. Near a South or east-facing window.

3. The leaves are turning yellow, and the soil is constantly wet.

After you answered the three question you will gain your 5Th Intel Point.
While you’re on the second floor of the Apex Building you can also pick up Grace’s 2nd Chest

Now, head into the Outskirts West, past the quicksand, and head to the south. In this area, you

break apart some rocks with your pickaxe and open a chest that holds some cash.

Now head to the north of the quicksand and enter the underground area where we found Celo in

the last update. You can use your pickaxe again to break some rock, you will find and open

Grace’s 2nd Chest and Receive Grace’s 2nd Kamasutra Page Good Eats.
You can now to the Outskirt South area to find another chest that holds some cash, and once

again use your pickaxe to break the rocks that surround it.

Next, you can head to the Red-Light District, into the Moan Zone Theater where you buy the 5th

Porn Clip.

Next, enter the Velvet Mirage club, toward the back of the club, you can pick up the 3rd Photo.
Now you can head over to the Ankh Life Hospital, in the lobby talk with Nora.

Flirt with Nora, which will fill her Attraction Bar. If you have to give her gifts, give her some

Stuffed Animals.

Nora’s Second Heart.

This will enable you to select Nora’s sex option.

Nora's Second sex scene

In the break room of Ankh Life Hospital, talk to Lucy.

Flirt with Lucy, which will fill her Attraction Bar. If you must give her gifts, give her some drinks.

Lucy’s Third Heart.

This will enable you to select Lucy’s sex option.

Lucy's Third sex scene

Tdavy’s YouTube Video Walkthrough


End of V.09112
V.11121 ( 4 Main Story Scenes )

At the start of this update, you should head to the Red-Light District. There, you will have a

conversation with several people.

Next, head over to Amira’s Mansion.

After your interview, you will want to head to the Ankh Life Hospital. You will find a Mask by

one of the rooms.

Now, head to the Apex Building and up to the second floor where you will meet with Leila.

Scene 17

After Leila leaves the lab, you can pick up the Broken Neural Sensor.

Head into the room where you and Leila were and pick up the Bio Suit.
Next, pick up the Face Shield which is in the lab room.

Next, head into the main lab section.

You will initially be turned around, but then you put on the Bio suit and get past the guard.

Once you are given the Sensular Lab Documents and the sample of the New Love Potion, return

to Amira’s Mansion and give her the items.

Scene 18

Amira will also give you her contact information.

Now you will want to head to the Luxuria Plaza Building.

Take the elevator up to the second floor and speak to the security guard to the right.
The guard will ask you to take a photo of the girl to confirm that it is his girlfriend. You will want

to move towards the girl, and you will take a photo of her. After taking the photo, talk to the guard


Move back towards the girl, and you will plant the listening device that you have to see what is

being said. You will go back down to the lobby, take the elevator back up, and pick up the listening


Once you have the listening device talk to the other guard once again and let him listen to what

was said.

Once he leaves his post, walk down the hallway and you will meet up with Anya.

Scene 19

Leave Luxuria Plaza and you will call Grace.

Head over to the Miller’s House. You will need to help Grace clean the house before you and her

can head out to the Red-Light District.

You will need to find seven pieces of trash and five dishes that are around the house.

First Piece of Trash

First and Second Dirty Dish, and Second Piece of Trash.

Third Piece of Trash.

Fourth Piece of Trash.

Fifth Piece of Trash.

Sixth Piece of Trash, and Third Dirty Dish.

Seventh Piece of Trash, and Fourth and Fifth Dirty Dish.

Now click on the sink to clean the dishes, head outside to the front yard, and click on the trash can

to throw out the pieces of trash.

Once you have done that, head back inside and into Grace’s room and talk to her.

You and Grave will head over to Red-Light District now.

Scene 20

You will also be given Lola's Contact Information.

Tdavy’s YouTube Video Guide Link


End of V.11121 ( 4 Main Story Scenes )

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