Khan’s Mind Maps
Khan’s Mind Maps
Khan’s Mind Maps
Ex. Radium-226 into Radon-222 (Z-2)(A-4) (Helium-4 ion) is emitted α particle Alpha decay
Atomic mass number A (protons+neutrons)
Ex. Nitrogen-13 into carbon-13 Proton into a neutron (z-1)(same A) β+ particle (positron), neutrino
1. Basic de nitions from atomic Number of neutrons in atom N
Ex. Cobalt-60 into nickel-60 Neutron into a proton (z+1)(same A) β- particle (electron), neutrino Beta decay structure
Atomic|molecular mole contains 1 NA =
6.022x10^23 atom/mol | molecule/mole
Ex. Berillum-7 into lithium-7 Proton into a neutron (z-1)(same A) Electron Capture ~ neutrino
Conserved physical quantities in nuclear 3. Multi-electron atom
Charge transformation:
Atomic number
Nucleaons are bound to the nucleus with
the strong force.
Atomic mass number
Atomic & Nuclear 4. Nuclear structure The strong force between two particles is a
The total energy of particles released from
Q = {M(P) — [M(D)+m]}c^2 transformation is Structure very short rang force.
Occurs when a parent nuclide P is
bombarded with thermal neutrons in a Mass number.
The conserved physical quantities in a
nuclear reactor.
nuclear reactions are:
5. Nuclear Reactions Linear momentum. (p = mv)
Cross section for the nuclear reaction.
Probability for it to occur is governed by: 7. Activation of Nuclides Mass-energy. (E=mc^2)
Neutron fluency rate.
Ex. 59Co (n, γ) 60Co
Energy difference between the quantum
state of the parent P and the quantum
state of the daughter D.
Decay Energy Q
Electromagnetic radiation.
Emit in form of:
Kinetic energy of the reaction products.
Decay constant λ.
Radioactive Processes
Is the time required for a nuclei to decay to
half of the initial value.
Half life (T1/2)
MSc. ELHAM BARNAWI λ = ln2 / t1/2
Interactions of photon with nuclei: Interaction between the photon and the
electrostatic eld of the nucleus (pair
μ is proportional to Z^4/(hv)^3 Photon scattered The scattered photon has a lower energy &
Atomic attenuation coefficient A photon with energy hv interacts with a k- the energy excess is transferred to light
shell orbital electron. Photoelectric effect. charged particle (electron).
they use τa some times why?!
Delbrück scattering.
Users Opinions
Ex. Providing remote afterloaders, which
4. Equipment Speci cations minimise radiation exposure to the
Bid Specifications
(p.378) 2. Equipment workers. That allows better nursing care or
Brachytherapy Sources optimising source placement.
Final Evaluation
Radiographic Simulator
Quality Assurance tables can be generated by the computer
or manually by interpolation of the
measured data.
CT Simulator
5. Acceptance Testing (p.379) 1. Central Axis Depth Dose Tables The measured data and the computer-
generated depth dose distributions for all
clinically used depths and eld size should
agree with -+2% or (-+1%).
Remote Afterloaders
Isodose curves should agree within -+2% in
the central part of eld (1 cm inside the eld
8. Risk Assessment in RT
Within about 2 mm in the penumbra
region (between 90% & 20% decrement
Input the beam data into the treatment- 2. Isodose Curves lines).
Linear Accelerator
planning computer. Check for the
computer-generated dose distributions. Same carteria apply to the wedge isodose
Cobalt-60 Unit Linear Accelerator Table 17.7 P. 406 curves.
Radiographic Simulator 7. Periodic QA (p.395) Calculate how many MUs needed to deliver
a certain dose at a point at depth on the
Simulator central axis.
(a) Chick the patient positioning lasers. Checking the accuracy of image from the The light field edges.
CT scanner and the alignment of the Rotate the collimator through 180 degrees
simulation hardware: 13. Simulators (Table 17.5) then check the coincidence of:
(b) Check couch alignment under typical The intersection of diagonals and the
load conditions. position of cross-hair images.
Optical distance indicators. If the two axis’s are missed, that woul create
4. Mechanical isocenter an uncertainty in the position of the
Field size indicator. isocenter.
All lines should intersect or pass within 2
The tennis racket insert. mm-diameter circle. It could be stricter in
Treatment Table stereotactic radiosurgery’s unit
5. Radiation Isocenter
All lines should intersect or pass within 2
Check the wedge angle by using wedge Gantry mm-diameter circle.
isodose distribution for 10 x 10-cm eld.
See chapter.11
Linearity of monitor chambers is an C) Displacement in the collimator rotation
Total body irradiation. important requirement and should be axis or the gantry rotation axis.
checked as a function of dose rate and for
Total skin irradiation. special operating conditions, such as:
The alignment checks described in (2&6) Leaf Speed: The maximum speci ed speed
8. X-Ray Beam Performance must be done on the newly installed MLC. should be veri ed.
(p.386) 7. Multileaf Collimator
Transmission: Transmission of radiation
through leaves, between leaves, and
beneath the leaves and jaws combined
should be measured.