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Section 4: Compliance Checks —_————— 1._SYSTEM INSPECTION Perform the following checks to verify system integrity Correct any discrepancies before turning the unit on, 1. Check the power cable for damaged insulation, brakes, frays, or other obvious damage. Check the ‘connector housings for cracks or damage. Check that ‘both ends connect property. x Check the transparent radiation shield for cracks, scratches, or other damage. Check the frame for dents, cracks, deformities, or other damage. Verify that the shield opens completely and closes the door interlock switch. ‘3. Check the Control Console and C-arm for loose panels or hardware, dents, scratches, and broken, missing. or jammed switches. Check all accessories for cracks, dents, scratches, or other damage. Check the entire unit for cleanliness, 1.1 Inspection - Interchangeable Apertures Standard equipment of the mammography unit includes ‘an Auto-Aperture for large and small formats using the large focal spot. Additional interchangeable apertures for small focal spot formats (18 cm x 24 cm), spot, and cconed-down applications are also included. Perform the following checks to verify the integrity of the ‘Auto-Aperture and various Fixed Apertures. 1. Check each fixed aperture, and the internal Auto- ‘Aperture for loose or missing hardware. Check each fixed aperture faceplate for dents, scratches, and damage 2. Check the lead lining of each fixed aperture, and the internal Auto-Aperture for dents, scratches, nicks, or other damage. ‘8. Verify that the aperture “flag” (fixed apertures only) is securely fastened to the aperture frame and that each aperture faceplate is labeled. 2._C-ARM FUNCTIONAL CHECKS ‘The following checks verify the functions of the 7-button keypads and the 3-button keypad on the C-arm, 24° Function - C-arm UP & DOWN Switches Press and hold a C-arm UP key to move the C-arm up. Verify that the C-arm drive stops automatically at its upper travel limit. 2. Press and hold a C-arm DOWN key to move the C-arm down. Verify that the C-arm drive stops automatically at its lower travel limit. 3. Repeat this test for the remaining 7-button keypads, and the 3-button keypad. Confirm that no error ‘messages appear on the screen when any of the C- arm UP/DOWN keys are pressed. 2.2 Function - C-arm Rotation Release Switches |. Switch the unit's power OFF. Confirm that the (C-arm’s rotational position is fixed and cannot be rotated. 2. Switch the power back on and re-enter the RUN MODE. Confirm the C-arm's position is still fixed and cannot be rotated. 3. Press a C-arm Rotation Release button and rotate the C-arm first to the left, then to the right. Verify that releasing the key will lock the C-arm in position. 4. Repeat this test for the Rotation Relesse keys on the remaining 7-button keypads, and the 3-button keypad. 2.3 Function - C-arm Angle Display 1. Press and hold a Rotation Release Key and rotate the C-arm from full clockwise to full counterclockwise. ‘Verify that while rotating the C-arm, the Rotation Readouts on the vertical column change. 2. Rotate the C-arm clockwise o each detent positon. Verify that the Rotation Readouts, andthe Rotation ‘Angle data line (on the monitor), display the proper angles. Detents are felt at 0°, 245°, £90, 135°, and +180", eee cee eee Mlll Mammography System Service Manual Revision - 15 Page 4-1 Section 4: Compliance Checks 24 Function - Motorized Compression System 1. Mount a cassette holder on the image receptor support. Install a compression paddle onto the compression carriage. If necessary, change the RUN MODE Compression Release data line to “MANUAL”. 2. Enter the USER OPTION mode and select menu item #7, Set the motorized pre-compression force to its maximum setting. Exit to the RUN MODE screen, 3. Place some compressible material (i.e, rolled up towel) on the cassette holder. Press one of the COMPRESSION DOWN keys to drive the compression carriage onto the material 4. Confirm that the compression carriage stops automatically, and that no upward movement occurs after it stops. Check that the handwheels do not rotate (upwards) after the carriage stops. 5, Press a COMPRESSION RELEASE key and verify that the compression carriage moves upward for approximately 2 seconds, then stops automatically 2.5 Function - Manual Compression 4. Press a COMPRESSION DOWN key to run the compression paddle onto the material on top of the cassette holder. 2. After the compression device automatically stops, rotate the compression handwheel, fist slighty in the upward direction, and then downward against the breast material 3. Verify that the handwheel is hard to turn upward, and ceasier to turn downward. Confirm that, after turning the handwheel to apply more force, no upward slippage of the compression carriage occurs. 2.6 Function - Compression Thickness Display ‘1. With the cassette holder in place on the image receptor support, press a COMPRESSION DOWN button and verify that the reading on the COMP ‘THICKNESS data line decreases. 2. Press a COMPRESSION UP button and verify that the reading on the COMP THICKNESS data line increases. 38. Repeat this test using the manual compression hhandwheels. Figure 4-1: C-arm 7-Button Keypad Service Manual Page 4-2 Neill Mammography System Revision - 15, Section 4: Compliance Checks TEESE 2.7 Function - Auto Compression Release |- Move the compression device down onto the material fon the cassette holder. Change the COMP RELEASE data line to Automatic and the EXP ‘MODE data line to Manual. Set the exposure parameters for 0.1 seconds, 22 kV. a ! WARNING Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure, ———— ‘2. Install the Auto-Aperture into the aperture slot in the tubehead. Step behind the radiation shield and press the X-RAY button to make an exposure. » Confirm that, when the exposure ends, the compression carriage automatically moves upward for approximately 2 seconds, then stops. 2.8 Function - Compression Footswitch(es) ‘Make sure at least one footswitch is connected to the Jack near the left front wheel. 2 Press the Compression DOWN footswitch and verify that the compression carriage moves toward the image receptor support, Release the footswitch and ‘verify that the compression carriage stops. 8. Press the Compression UP footswitch and verify that the compression carriage moves toward the behead Release the switch and verify that the compression cartiage stops. 2.9 Function - Light Field Lamp 1. Press a Light Field switch on the C-arm and verify that the light bulb inthe tubchead illuminates, 2. Verify that after approximately 30 seconds the light goes out. Repeat this test forthe other Light Field switches. M-IIl Mammography System Revision - 15, 3, INTERLOCKS ‘Three conditions will place the unit into an interlock fault condition: when the C-arm encounters an obstruction during downward travel, when an aperture is notin place, ‘or when the radiation shield is not completely open. Interlock fault conditions change the “Ready” status indicator on the screen to “Standby”. The unit will remain in “Standby” until the operator clears the interlock fault, during which time x-ray generation is not possible. ‘When the status changes to “Standby” an appropriate ‘error message will also appear in the RUN MODE Message Area. 3.1 Interlock Check - C-arm Safety Switch 1. Press up on the bottom end panel of the C-arm and Confirm that the status in the Message Area changes to “Standby”. Verify that the appropriate error ‘message also appears in the Message Area. 2. Press cach C-arm DOWN key and verify that they are inoperative. 3. Press cach C-arm UP key and confirm that they can raise the C-arm. Release the switch, then press the Enter key to clear the error condition. 3.2 _Interlock Check - Fixed Aperture 1. Pull the fixed aperture out from the slot in the tubehead. Confirm that the status in the Message ‘Area changes to “Standby”. Verify that the appropriate error message also appears in the Message Area, 2. Re-install the interchangeable aperture and confirm that the machine's status returns to “Ready” 3.3 _Interlock Check - Radiation Shield 1. Close the Radiation Shield and verify that the Message Area changes to “Standby”. 2. Open the Radiation Shield and confirm that the ‘machine's status retums to “Ready”, Service Manual Page 4-3 Section 4: Compliance Checks 3.4_ Interlock Check - C-arm Movement 1. Insert a piece of cardboard into left-side Mag Stand slot (on the C-arm) to simulate an installed StereoLoc device. Position the cardboard so that it blocks both internal photo-sensors. Verify that the following C-arm functions are inoperable: C-arm UP, C-arm DOWN, COMPRESSION RELEASE. 3. Reimove the cardboard from the MAG Stand slot ‘Verify that the following C-arm functions operate properly: C-arm UP, C-arm DOWN, COMPRESSION RELEASE. 4. ACCESSORY DETECTION & RECOGNITION ‘Testing the detection and recognition functions of the unit requires that different accessories be mounted, and correct, machine responses observed. The accessories necessary are: Cassette Holder 18cm x 24 em Cassette Holder 24em x 30 em Bucky Device 18cm x 24cm Bucky Device 24cm x 30cm Magnification Stand Localization Tray (perforated 4-inch) 4.1_Detection Check - Image Receptor 1. Tum the unit ON and enter the RUN MODE when prompted. Install the Auto-Aperture into the slot in the tubehead. 2. Slide an 18em x 24cm cassette holder onto the image receptor support. Press the Light Field switch on the ‘C-arm and confirm that the aperture switches to the 18m x 24em format. : 3, Remove the 18cm x 24em cassette holder and mount a 24cm x 30cm cassette holder in its place (use the 2dem x 30cm Bucky device if the larger cassette holder is not available). Press the Light Field switch (on the C-arm and confirm that the aperture switches to the 24cm x 30cm format. 4.2 Detection Check - Bucky Device 1 2 Remove the 24cm x 30cm cassette holder and mount the 18cm x 24cm Bucky Device in its place. Confirm that the Status Column GRID TYPE data line indicates: BUCKY. Also verify that the ‘Auto-aperture switches to the 18m x 24om format. Repeat the test using a 24cm x 30cm Bucky Device, if available. Confirm that the system recognizes the Bucky, and that the Auto-aperture switches to the. ‘24em x 30cm format. 4.3 Detection Check - Magnification Stand 1 3. Raise the compression device to its upper travel limit. ‘Mount the Magnification Stand into the slots on the front of the C-arm. Confirm that the Status Column MAG TRAY data line indicates: IN. Verify that the SPOT SIZE data, line in the Setup Column automatically changes to ‘SMALL. ‘Remove the Magnification Stand. Confirm that the Status Column MAG TRAY data line changes back to: OUT. 4.4 Detection Check Localization Paddle 5. Lower the compression carriage below the slots in the CCarm. Mount a 4-inch perforated Localization Paddle on the compression carriage. Confirm that the Setup Column COMP RELEASE data line changes to: LOCKED OUT. Press one of the COMPRESSION RELEASE keys. Verify that the compression carriage does not move. Remove the Localization Paddle and install the 4- inch compression paddle (not perforated) in its place. Confirm that the Setup Column COMP RELEASE data line changes back to MANUAL or AUTO. (whichever is the default setting). Service Manual Page 4-4 M-IIt Mammography System Revision - 15 Section 4: Compliance Checks 5._EXPOSURE CHECKS 5.1 Performance Check - Half Value Layer ——Sneck Half Value Layer This compliance test measures the quality of the x-ray beam. The test verifies the modification of x-ray tube performance by the filter in the tubehead. —_————— ————_ ! WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. 1, In the RUN MODE, set the Filter data line to MO. Place a radiation probe Sem above the image receptor support device. Position the probe 2cm from the chest wall edge, and center it laterally with respect to the left an right edges of the LR.S.D. Select exposure in milliroentgens on the instrument's function switch, 2. Install the 10cm compression paddle upside-down on the compression carriage. Raise the compression device completely. BE SURE that the readout / logic ‘module is positioned so that it can be read from behind the unit's radiation shield, 3. Tum the system ON. Set the unit fora MANUAL ‘mode, LARGE focal spot exposure. Insert the Auto- Figure 4-2: aperture into the tubehead slot. Set the technique Halt Value Layer Setup factors to make an exposure at 30kV, for 1.0 seconds. Make-an exposure and record the milliroentgen readin. 4. Place a 0.3mm aluminum filter (99.9% pure aluminum) on the surface of the compression paddle, directly beneath the x-ray tube port (see Figure 4-2), Using the same technique factors as in step #3, make ‘another exposure and record the milliroentgen reading. 5. Multiply the result obtained in Step 6 by 1.9. The product must be larger than the Step 5 reading, 6 Set the Filter data line to RH, then repeat the Half Value Layer check. Mill Mammography System Service Manual Revision - 15 Page 4-5 Section 4: Compliance Checks SS 6.2 Performance Check - Reproducibility & Linearity (Manual) ‘The following tests verify that the x-ray system, including the controls and x-ray tube, is operating consistently. Refer to Figure 4.3, ——————— WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. 1, Setthe radiation probe module to read exposure in nillioentgens. Using fixturing, set the probe Sem above the LR.SD. Position the probe 2cm from the chest wall edge, and center it laterally with respect 10 the left and right edges of the IR.S.D. Figure 4-3: Reproducibility & Linearity Check Setup 2, Tum the system ON. Iluminate the light field. Limit the beam to approximately the size of the probe hhead. Reposition the probe head to center its detector in the beam. Align the surface of the probe so that it stays perpendicular to the beam Service Manuat Page 4-6 3. 4 6. 12. 13. 14, Set the uit for a MANUAL mode, LARGE focal spot exposure. Set the technique factors to 25 kV and 06 seconds. Make an exposure and record the rillrcentgen reading, Change the technique factors for both KV and EXP ‘TIME, then return them to 25 KV and 0.6 seconds. ‘Again, make an exposure and record the rilliroentgen reading. Continue to randomly change the technique settings for KV and EXP TIME. Return to 25 kV and 0.6 seconds, then make an exposure and record the rlliroentgen reading. Repeat this process for ten individual exposures. ‘Compute and record the average milliroentgen reading. Subtract each actual reading from the average, and square each difference. Add the squares ‘and divide the sum by 9. Then take the square root of the result Divide the number calculated in Step 6 by the average milliroentgen reading to obtain the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation ‘must be less than 0.05. Leave the configuration on the image receptor support the same. Change the technique settings to 25 KV and 0.2 seconds. Make an exposure and record the milliroentgen reading and the mAs value ‘on the screen, Repeat Step 8, changing the EXP TIME to 0.6, 1.0, 1.5,2.0, 25,3.0, 40, and 5.0 seconds. Record nillitoentgens and mAs at each setting. Divide each milliroentgen reading by its corresponding mAs value. For each pair of successive tests (0.2 and 0.6 seconds; then 0.6 and 1.0 seconds; and so on), calculate the difference between each corresponding Step 10 result. For each pair of successive tests, calculate the sum of each Step 10 result. Divide each Step 11 difference value by each Step 12 sum value, If the result for any pair exceeds 0.10, the testis considered failed. Repeat Steps 8 - 13 using the Small Focat Spot. If the unit fails any part of the above test, first recheck. all calculations, then repeat the tests (Failure to meet these performance standards indicates the need to check the calibration of the HV Generator or the x ray tube), ‘M-ill Mammography System Revision - 17 Section 4: Compliance Checks ance Checks 3 Performance Check 5.4 Performance Check - Reproducibility in Auto-Time Mode Reproducibility in Auto-kV Mode ————— ! WARNING ! I WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. Xray exposure. —————— 1+ Pie 24.3 centimeter acrylic phantom on an empty 4. Placea 4.3 centimeter acrylic phantom on an empty ‘assette on the image receptor support. Position the ‘assette on the image receptor support. Position the 10 square centimeter x-radiation probe on top of the 10 square centimeter x-radiation probe on top of the phantom. Align the probe position with the AEC Phantom. Align the probe position with the AEC sensor at front center on the image receptor support, sensor at front center on the image receptor support, and using the light field switch, collimate the x-ray and using the light field lamp, collimate the x-ray field so thatthe probe is covered. field so that the probe is covered. 2. Setthe unit for an exposure with the following Set the unit for an exposure with the following factors: 5.0 second BACKUP TIME, AUTO-TIME. factors: 5.0 second BACKUP TIME, Auto-kV exposure mode, LARGE focal spot, and 25KV. Make ‘exposure mode, LARGE focal spot. Make ten ten exposures. Record millitoentgen and mAs ‘exposures and record the Milliroentgen and mAs readings for each exposure. readings for each exposure. 3. Calculate the average Millioentgen reading and ‘8. Calculate the average Milliroentgen and subtract each actual reading from the average. subtract each actual reading from the average. Square each difference. Add the squares and divide Square each difference. Add the squares and divide their sum by 9. Take the square root of the result. their sum by 9. Take the square root of the result, ‘4: itide the number obtained in Step 3 by the average 4. Divide the number obiined in Step 3 by the average nilliroentgen reading. The quotient, called the Milliroentgen reading. The quotient, called the coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05. coefficient of variation, must be less than 0.05, 5. Ifthe coefficient of variation is greater than 0.05, 5. If the coefficient of variation is greater than 0.05, check the calibration of the Automatic Exposure check the calibration of the Automatic Exposure Control System. Control System. M-Ill Mammography System Service Manual Revision - 17 Page 4-7 Section 4: Compliance Checks 6._X-RAY FIELD CHECKS 6.1_Check - Light Field illuminance Intensity and consistency of the Light Field is checked by performing the following procedure. 4. Insert the Auto- Aperture into the slot in the tubehead. Place alight meter probe at position “A” (Figure 4-4) ‘on the image receptor support with its sensor facing up. 2. ‘Take a background light reading (Light Field lamp OFF) and record the results. Take a light reading with the Light Field lamp ON and record the results. 3. Convert both readings to lux values (use the conversion table on the meter or in the meter manual). Subtract the background lux value from the Light Field lux value. Record the difference. 4, Repeat this illuminance test for the remaining positions (“B", “C”, and “D” in Figure 4-4) 5. Ifthe difference in any quadrant i less than 200 lux, the Light Field Iuminance Test is considered failed. Refer to Section 7 for corrective action. Figure 4-4: Probe Locations - Light Field Iluminance Service Manual Page 4-8 6.2_Check - X-Ray Beam Alignment — WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. —_———— Install the Auto-Aperture into the tubehead slot. Place a loaded 18cm x 24cm cassette in a cassette holder and mount it onto the image receptor support. 2. Set the unit for a MANUAL mode, LARGE focal spot, 25 KV, 1.0 second exposure. Step behind the radiation shield, and make the exposure. 3. Remove the cassette and develop the film. Check the film on the left, right, and rear edges for white space (coinimum mm, maximum 3mm). If the white space con the left, right, or rear edges do not meet these specifications, perform the X-ray Beam Alignment procedure in Section 7 to adjust the small retractable aperture, otherwise continue to step #4. 4, Reload the cassette and insert it into the cassette holder. Back cassette holder off so that it extends approximately 3em past the front edge of the image receptor support. 5. Accurately mark the front edge of image receptor ‘support with straight pieces of solder. Expose the film using the same technique factors from step #2 Remove the cassette and develop the film. 6. Measure the overshoot past the solder mark and verify that itis less than, or equal to 6 mm. Ifthe chest wall overshoot is greater than 6mm, adjust the leading edge of the Auto-Aperture Section 7), otherwise continue to step #7. 7. Install a loaded 24cm x 30cm Bucky device onto the image receptor support. Expose the film using the same technique factors from step #5. Remove the cassette and develop the film. 8, Check the film on the left, right, and rear edges for white space (minimum Imm, maximum 3mm). If the white space on the left, right, or rear edges do not meet these specifications, perform the X-ray Beam ‘Alignment procedure in Section 7 to adjust the left, right, and rear edges ofthe Auto-Aperture, otherwise continue to step 49. : ‘Mil Mammography System Revision - 15 9. Set the unit for an exposure using the SMALL Focal Spot, 25 kV, 1.0 seconds. Install the !8em x 24cm ‘Small Focal Spot Aperture into the tubehead slot. Install a loaded 18cm x 24cm cassette in an 18cm x 24em cassette holder. 10. Exposure the film, remove the cassette and develop the film, Check the film on the left, right, and rear edges for white space (minimum Imm, maximum 3mm). Ifthe white space on the left right, or rear ‘edges do not meet these specifications, perform the X-ray Beam Alignment procedure in Section 7 to adjust the 18cm x 24em aperture, otherwise continue Section 4: Compliance Checks ‘17. Reload the cassette, position the cassette holder, and remark the image receptor support edge. Change that focal spot to LARGE, make the exposure, then Temove the cassette and develop the film. 18. Check that the chest wall edge of the film exceeds the solder marks by less than 12mm. If adjustment is necessary, perform the X-ray Field Alignment procedure (Section 7). If the chest wall edge for the SMALL focal spot requires adjustment, and there is still room inside of !2mm for the LARGE focal spot, adjust to expand the overlap (make sure that 12mm is ‘not exceeded with the Large Focal Spot). tostep #11 19. Repeat steps #14 through #18 forall special 11, Reload the cassette and insert it into the cassette procedure apertures. holder. Block the outermost accessory detector on the image receptor support with a piece of tape 10 Drevent the retractable aperture from entering the x- ray field. Install the cassette holder, then back it off 0 that it extends approximately 3cm past the front edge of the image receptor support. f+— tre Min, Sam Max 12. Accurately matk the front edge of image receptor support with straight pieces of solder. Expose the film using the same technique factors from step #9. ‘Remove the cassette and develop the film. 13, Measure the overshoot past the solder mark and Verify that it is less than, or equal to 6 mm. Jf the chest wall overshoot is greater than 6mm, adjust the front edge of the 18cm x 24cm aperture (Section 7), otherwise continue to step #14, 14. Insort the Coned-Down aperture into the tubehead slot. Remove the tape from the sensor on the image Teceptor support, then place a loaded 18cm x 24cm cassette in the 18cm x 24cm cassette holder. Mount the cassette holder onto the image receptor support, then back it off approximately 3em past the front edge of the support. Figure 4-5: Specification - X-ray Field Alignment 15. Accurately mark the front edge of image receptor support with straight pieces of solder. Expose the film using the same technique factors from step #9. Remove the cassette and develop the film. 16. Check the chest wall edge of the film and verify that the imaged area reaches, or exceeds, the solder ‘marks. DO NOT make any adjustments yet. M-il! Mammography System Service Manual Revision - 15 Page 4-9 Section 4: Compliance Checks LS 6.3 _Test- Light Field Alignment ! WARNING 1 Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. —————— 1. On the Image Receptor Support, block the outermost accessory detect sensor with a piece of tape, This ‘will prevent the auto-aperture from retracting when a large Bucky is mounted. 2. Install a loaded 24cm x 30cm cassette in a Bucky device and mount it onto the image receptor support. Slide the Auto-Aperture completely into the tubehead slot. Press the Light Field button to project the lighted area onto the cassette holder (Figure 4-6). erie ‘mm Min, 3mm Max Service Manual Page 4-10 . Accurately mark the edges of the field on the Bucky surface using straight pieces of wire or solder. . Select MANUAL mode, LARGE focal spot ‘exposure, Set the KV to 22 kV and the time t00.6. seconds. Step behind the radiation shield, and make the exposure. 3. Remove the cassette and develop the film. Compare the edges ofthe image area with the white marks ade by the pieces of wire or solder. The total misalignment of the edges of the ight field with respect to the exposure field, along either the length or the width, shall not exceed 2% of SID (1.2 em). If the Light Field, in either the length or width, does not match the x-ray field's length or width within 2% of SID, adjust the Light Field as per Section 7. Figure 4-6: Light Field Alignment Check Mill Mammography System Revision - 15, 5 7._COMPLIANCE CHECKS: 71 Performance Check - Bucky Device ‘Mount the 18cm x 24cm Bucky Device on the image receptor support device. Be sure the Bucky's electrical connection is made. This procedure requires exposing and developing films. It will be necessary to place attenuation between the tubebead and the Bucky for these tests. ———_—_— WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making X-Ray exposure. a emposuro. ——— ‘Note: Use the same Bucky Device and film type for all exposures. 1. Rotate the C-arm to the -90 position (grid travel in the direction of gravitational pull). Set the unit for an Auto-Time, 25 kV exposure, Large focal spot, Density 0. Set the FILM TYPE data line to reflect, the type of film being used. 2. Place a loaded cassette in the Bucky Device. Place 2 centimeter of breast equivalent material (or acrylic attenuation) on the Bucky Device. Hold the attenuation in place with the compression device. ‘8. Step behind the radiation shield and make the exposure. Verify that the mAs reading falls between 12mAs and 20mAs. If the mAs reading is above or below the specified range, add attenuation to increase MAS, or remove attenuation to decrease mAs. 4. Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure. Verify that the mAs falls within the specified range. If it does, remove the cassette and develop the film. Verify the absence Of grid lines inthe developed film. 5. Place 4 centimeters of breast equivalent material (or acrylic attenuation) on the Bucky Device, Hold the attenvation in place with the compression device. Reload the same cassette with the same type of film, then insert the cassette into the same Bucky device. Section 4: Compliance Checks Step behind the radiation shield and make another exposure using the technique factors froin step #1. ‘Verify that the mAs reading falls between 250mAs and 350mAs. If the mAs reading is above or below the specified range, add attenuation to increase mAs, or remove attenuation to decrease mAs. 7, Reload the Bucky (using the same cassette and film type), and repeat the exposure. Verify that the mAs falls within the specified range. Ifit does, remove the cassette and develop the film, Verify the absence Of grid lines in the developed film. 8. Repeat steps #1 through #7 with the C-arm rotated to +90 (grid travel agains the direction of gravitational pull). Verify the absence of grid lines on the developed film for all exposures. Repeat the entire procedure for the 24cm x 30cm Bucky Device. If {rid lines are present on any exposure, refer tothe Bucky Calibration procedure in Section 7. 7.2 Performance Check - Maximum mAs in Auto-Time Mode —————————_—_—— ! WARNING f Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. ee 1. Place a lead shield on the image receptor support so that it blocks the AEC Sensor in the front center of, ‘the image receptor support. 2, Select Auto-Time exposure mode, 5.0 Backup Time, Large focal spot, and the Film Type to the type being used. Set KV to 22 kV and Density 10 +5. 3, Make an exposure and read the mAs value from the screen. The mAs value should be 400. 4, The error message: “Calculated Exposure Time Exceeds Maximum “ should appear at the bottom of the screen. Press the X-RAY button and verify that it is impossible to conduct another exposure before resetting the unit using the Enter key. 5. Repeat the test with the kV set to 34, Make sure that the same error message appears at the bottom of the sereen, M-Iil Mammography System Service Manual Revision - 15 Page 4-11 Section 4: Compliance Checks 6. Remove the lead shield over the AEC Sensor. Select ‘Auto-Time exposure mode, 5.0 second Backup Time, and set the appropriate Film Type. Set the kV to 25 KV and Density t0 5. 7. Make an x-ray exposure. The post mAs must be less than SmAs. 7.3. Performance Check - Exposure Counter ‘To obtain the total number of exposures taken with the unit, perform the following steps. 4. While the units in the normal operating mode, press the “I” key and the KV UP key simultaneously. 2. The unit’s exposure count appears in the lower right ‘comer of the screen. Press the Enter key to resume normal operation. 7.4 Shielding-Check - Image Receptor Support [Lead shielding in the x-ray tube housing, and in the lower tubehead enclosure, minimizes scater radiation. The mage receptor support and the space behind the AEC ‘sensor also incorporate lead shielding. The following procedure checks the shielding performance. ————— WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. —_—_ 4. Connect a 100 square centimeter radiation scatter probe to the readout/logic module of a radiation ratemeter, Select EXPOSURE in MILLIROENTGENS as the operating mode. Place the probe on a lead-covered adjustable stand beneath the image receptor support. Place the readout/logic module so it ean be read from behind the protective radiation shield 2. Mount an 18cm x 24em cassette holder to the image receptor support. Place a 1/16-inch (1.6 mm) sheet of lead with a S-inch (12.7 cm) diameter hole in it on the image receptor support. Slide this lead sheet 10 position the hole at the position marked “A” in Figure 4-7, Illuminate the light field and collimate the x-ray field to closely correspond to the hole in the lead. Position the probe beneath the image receptor suppor relative to the center of the hole in the lead sheet. Raise or lower the support stand until the probe is, exactly 5 centimeters (1-31/32 inches) below the bottom of the tray structure. Face the probe's detector surface toward the x-ray source. Apply power to the unit. Set the system for Manual ‘exposure mode, Large focal spot. Set the technique factors to 34 KV, 3.0 seconds. “Make an exposure and record the mR reading. If the reading exceeds 0.10 mR, corrective action is indicated. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for positions “ “D" in Figure 47. ",C", and ‘Mount a 24cm x 30cm cassette holder on the image receptor support. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for positions “E”, “PF”, “G" and “H’” in Figure 4-7. Replace the cassette holder if there are any readings above 0.10 mR. Figure 4-7: Probe Positions - Image Receptor Shielding Check Service Manual ‘M-lll Mammography System Page 4-12 Revision - 15 5 7.5 Shielding Check - X-Ray Tubehead ——_—— ! WARNING ! Observe all safety precautions while making an X-ray exposure. —— 1. This procedure requires the use of the 100-square ‘centimeter radiation scatter probe and radiation ratemeter describe in the previous check. Change zatemeter mode to mR/Hour. Set up an adjustable stand to hold the probe in position with relation tothe tubehead as shown in Figure 48, 2. Position the probe at location “A” (as shown in Figure 4-8). Make sure the distance between the ‘probe and the tubehead cover surface is exactly one meter. Section 4: Compliance Checks 3. Apply powerto the unit. Set the system for Manual exposure mode, Large focal spot. Set the technique factors to 34 KV, 3.0 seconds. Make an exposure and record the mR reading. : 4. Make exposures, using the same technique factors, for positions “B” through “H” as shown in Figure 4 8. Record each mR reading. For position “H”, route the C-arm to position the probe directly behind the tubehead. Be sure the distance between the probe and the tubehead surface remains exactly one meter for each measurement position. 5. Any reading above 90.0 mR is unacceptable. Figure 4-8: Probe Locations - Tubehead Shielding Checks Mull Mammography System Revision - 15 Service Manual Page 4-13 Section 4: Compliance Checks ‘THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK ‘THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Service Manual Mill Mammography System Page 4-14 Revision - 15, Section 5: Maintenance INTRODUCTION Only LORAD-authorized, trained technicians can service this mammography system. The unit is designed for module level repair. When a defective module is identified, the technician replaces it with a new one, and the defective module is shipped back to the factory for repair. ——__— 1 WARNING | Even when the circuit breaker is OFF, dangerous voltage levels exist within the interior of the unit. ee ———_ ! WARNING | BE'SURE that the system is disconnected from the AG line before performing any removal or replacement procedures. ee BACK VIEW att en" SS 1.1_Parts Identification - Control Console 1 Aatts Wdentification - Control Console Below is the Control Console Legend. Figure 5-1 shows the location of these parts or assemblies. 1. High Voltage Generator 2. Low Voltage Power Supply 3. Power Control Board 4. X-ray Tube Control Board 5. Microprocessor Board 6. Exposure Contr Keyboard 7. Petipheral Interface Board 8. Monitor Input Power Panel 10. Printer Power Supply 1. Isolation Transformer 12. Filter Driver Board ~ Tk Figure 5-1: Parts Identification - Control Console M-lil Mammography System Revision - 15 Service Manual Page 5-1 Section 5: Maintenance 1.2. Parts Identification - C-arm & Vertical Column Below is the C-arm Legend. Figure 5-2 shows the location of these parts or assemblies. AEC Position Detector Board Accessory Detect Board Localization Tray Sensor Bd. & Potentiometer ‘Compression Thickness Sensor Xeray Tube, Light Field Lamp ‘Auto-Mirror Assembly Magnification Tray/Stereo Detector Board eae a eRe Service Manual Page 5-2 10. IL 12, 3B 14, 15, 16, 11 Beam Limiting Assembly Compression Clutch Assembly AEC Board Compression Motor Assembly Rotation Brake Detent Position Microswitch Rotation Angle Potentiometer LED Angle Display Board Dual Filter Assembly y| Figure 5-2: Parts Identification - C-Arm & Vertical Column Well Mammography System Revision - 15, 1.3 Location Of Fuses The following describes the types and locations of fuses oon the mammography unit. Figure 5-3 illustrates fuse locations. Microprocessor & Bl Low Voniage Logic Power Supply: FI 2.0(120VACy/1.0 Amp (208VAC), Slow Blow 250VAC Maximum Line Voltage. Low vontage Power Supply Fuse Block: F101 5.0 Amps Slow Blow, +5VDC to Microprocessor F102 1.0. Amp Slow Blow, -ISVDC to Microprocessor. F103 1.0 Amp Slow Blow, +15VDC to Microprocessor. [El Tube Contro! Board: FA. 4 Amps, Slow Blow - X-ray Tube Filament. F2_8 Amps, Normal Blow - Rotor Drive AC Input 3.8 Amps, Normal Blow - Rotor Drive AC Input F4 8 Amps, Normal Blow - OVAC Common, F5_3 Amps, Normal Blow - Aperture Motor. Section 5: Maintenance Di Power Controt Board: FA 3 Amps, Slow Blow - AC Input to 490V Power Supply. 3 Amps, Slow Blow - AC Input to 490V Power ‘Supply. 15 Amps, Slow Blow - AC Input to V,, Supply & Collimator Lamp 2 Amps, Slow Blow - DC Input to Comp Drive 5 Amps, Slow Blow - V,, Output to Filament Supply ‘on Tube Control Board ind V,, to Auto-Aperture Board, 7 Amps, Slow Blow - AC for Actuator. High Voltage Generator Power Board: F115 Amps, 600V Fast Blow - 300VDC Bus. F2 1/32 Amp, Slow Blow - AC in to +15V Bias Power ‘Supply. F310 Amps, 600V Slow Blow - 200VAC Input to High Voltage Generator. F4_ 10 Amps, 600V Slow Blow - 200VAC Input to Voltage Generator. F2 F3. Fa FS Fe input Power Panel Board: F1 1/32 Amp, Slo-Blo - AC input to input power panel onboard power supply. F2_ 1/32 Amp, Slo-Blo - AC input to input power panel ‘onboard power supply. = SS | BACK VIEW Ea] | Mammography System Revision - 15 Service Manual Page 5-3 Section 5: Maintenance 2._ SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS ‘The system messages in the following list will appear on the monitor sereen under the conditions listed. The terminal designation listed in parenthesis is the input port to the Microprocessor PC Board. When a “Source” is listed it signifies the subsystem or assembly, external to the Microprocessor PC Board, originating the signal. ‘When no source is listed, it indicates thatthe condition is ‘generated on the Microprocessor PC Board itself. FIXED APERTURE NOT IN PLACE Description Signa “FIXED_AP" (204-14) is low. Source ‘Ato- Aperture PC Box causes): 4) Aperture nt installed or fly seated in wbebead sho. {@) An optical sensor in the Beam Limiting ‘Assembly may be faulty. AUTO-APERTURE ERROR Descriptions Signals “AP_OUT" (204-9) or “AP_IN” (1204-10) ‘ot indicating correct state in response t0 “Microprocessor PC Boart's assertion of aperture motor driv signals “APDR1™” (1204-12) or * APDR2" (2204-1) Source: ‘Auto-Aperure PC Board Caneel (1) The Auto-Apertue Motor may have failed, (@) The fae F5 onthe Tube Contol PCB tas blown, {G) The opucal sensor on Auto-Aperture PCB may be fay C-ARM SAFETY SWITCH ERROR: Deserptoa: _ Signal“ACT_OK" (213-4 is low. Source: (1) Carm botom pane microswitch Cansei) (0) The C-arm bit an obstruction causing the intemal safety swich to open. {@) The C-arm Safety Switch s open due to component aire. Service Manusl Page 5-4 FILAMENT SUPPLY ERROR DDeserption: Filament Check at power up more than 2.8 arnps or less thn 22 amps. Filament Check in pre-exposure routine more than 2.8 aps or less than 22 amps. Filaent Check in boost routine not within 412 55 of adaptive table “DAC” value. Flamest Check in [ostexposure routine more than 2.8 amps or less than 22 amp. Filament Check performed by ‘monitoring "FIL SENSE" signal 0206-7). Source ‘Tube Conrol PC Boar Causet (1) Component failure onthe Tube Contot PCB. X-RAY SHIELD NOT IN PLACE Deseription: Signal "DOOR_INT" (1213-5) ow. Source! ‘Door Interlock switch Causets (1) The Radiation Protection Shield is open causing the intelock switch 0 open (@) A Radiation Protection Shield itelock switch failure bas occurred. PRINTER ERROR Description’ Signal “BUSY” (Peripbeca Interface PC Board 46-21) high, NOTE: Peripheral lerface PC Board imerfaces direiy with Microprocessor PC Board data bus, Source: Prine. Cansete: (1) The Pritt is not ON or is OFF-LINE, (@) The primer isnot responding duc to power or sda loss (check cables), (G)A Printer failure has oecured PRINTER OUT OF PAPER Description; Signal "PE" (Peripheral Inerface PC Board 16-23) high. NOTE: Peripheral Imerface PC Board interfaces directly with Microprocessor PC Board data bos, Source: Panter Cause(s: (1) The paper supply w the Primer has Been depleted oc imerrpte. M-ll Mammog! Revision - 15 Section 5 Maintenance eee natal PRINTER OFF LINE C-ARM SWITCH ERROR Description: Signal “SLCT" (Peripheral ieiace PC Board Description: One or more ARM keys (214) ave igh 1625) low. NOTE: Peripher nerface PC Box dang power wy. imtaces diel wits Microprocessor PC Boned dua bs some: Cam Switch FC Boards Soure Printer Causes): (1) A ey on oe ofthe Carm switch panels re sack down (Causes): (1) The Printers not ON oi OFF-LINE {Q)A key on one ofthe Cam sitch panes aed (honed), ‘CLOCK ERROR CONTROL ERROR: Dessiption: On bond rea ime cock west ales ierups at | ther than second cra Description: Signal “KV._SENSE” (207-3) not within #125 of seting ding exposure Caneis (1) Cac batey power my below (2) Problem on he Miroprcessr PCB Source: High Volage Generator Control PC Bow Camels) (1) mA ovenbont. RAM ERROR 2) kV range owt of specification (0) Harare back-ap timer Desesion: File of onboard RAM sta power uf. Cause(s): (0) RAM Chip failure. ‘TUBE CURRENT FAULT Deseision: —_ Signal"MA_SENSE" C2075) ot win #125 of ROM ERROR setting during exposure, Descripion: Failure ofonoard ROM clecsum a ower wp. «Soc: High VottageGenerntor Control PC Board Cause): (1) ROM Chip fire Cause); Improper lane calibration causing fay ANALOG INTERFACE ERROR Description; Signal “KV_SENSE" (207-3) ie preter than 80 millivolts dating pre-exposure check. Source: High Voltage Generator Control PC Board Causes) (1) The KY sense line signal fom the high voage feneratoris not at 0(2er0) FRONT PANEL SWITCH ERROR Description: One or more exposure contol panel keys J211) active (high) during power up, Source: Keyboar. Canse(): (1) One or more keys on the Front Panel are stuck down, (2) One of the Front Pane! keys filed (shored), ll Mammography System Revision - 15 comput FAULT DETECTED plntsinblinhed L=in/BESSEEESESSEEEEEEEERESEIESESS Desciption: —_Sigral “HV_FAULT™ (0207-11) high: Source: High Voltage Generator Contr PC Based. Causes): (1) An are ovcumed in the high voltage generator @) The high voluge generator sustained an (G) The high voltage generator sustained an overvoltage TUBE ROTOR FAULT eee eee Description: Signal “ROTOR_OK" (1207-12) ow. Source: High Voltage Generator Control PC Besed, Cause): (1) The x-ray tbe thermal switch filed (opened). (2) A winding on the tube rotor motor opened (G) The x-ay tube is improperty wire. Service Manual Page 5-5 Section 5: Maintenance a X-RAY BUTTON FAULT FILTER ERROR Desrpion Premature lene ofthe Exports Switch Description: The ryt fled 0 properly make the fier change source: Keyboard source Filter Poston Detect Boa Cawse(s): (1) The Exposure Release Switch was not pressed Canse(s): (1) The filter stopped between detectors after filter forthe ene exporure tne change wat cae (@) The Exposure release switch has shorted. (2) One oF both of the detectors on the Filter Detect Boudis detective (3) The fier solenoid othe fier solenoid ver is SYSTEM ERROR defective. Deseipion: On-board watchdog uimeoat MIRROR FAULT Casts, (1) Faire of one o more component on the ‘Microprocessor PCB. Description: “The mirror faited to move from beneath the x-ray tube por prior the expo BACK-UP TIMER Source: Auto-Miroc Bose came 1) The mor topped between detector ater Descriptor: —‘Exponrtmeexcodethe programmed bck-ep EEE wpeomstmiede EE sine (2) One orboth of the deers onthe Auto Mor Detect Boards defective Causeis: (1) Back-Up Time too low for the application. G) The mirror motor is not receiving power, or is (2) improper tecique factor for Ussve densi and oa tickness. (3) Component fare onthe Miropocesor PCB INCOMPATIBLE AUTO 1D FLASHER BUCKY FAULT Description: The micopocestr di not esive te proper eam signal andsake) from te Auto Fl 1D ui. Description: Signal "HOME” (1203-6) or “END” (1203-7) not Pressing Enter clears the fault and disables the Auto detected. Film ID function if selected. Source: Bucky devi: Soure Microprocssor Board covet 1) The Aso Fil ID has been selected inthe U Causes): (4) Bucky offset voltage impropety set. » pics Mearns eaateet sae {2)"Hone opal senor win the Bucky be {@) lncompsie fare onthe Auto Fi 1D it (@) Loose or otherwise improper Bucky connection. EXPOSURE TIME EXCEEDED AUTO-KV TIME Description: arse: ‘Duration of exposure was longer than the elected AUTO KY window. (1) Exporare ime exceeded the user set Auto-kY Window. Note: ‘The message “EXPOSURE TIME EXCEEDED AUTO-KV TIME is a warning, not an error. Service Manui Page 5-6 jill Mammography System Revision - 15 3,_ REMOVING COVERS 3.1_Removal - Control Console Covers tis not necessary to remove the console’s rear cover (pushbar panel) for normal service. Access to the interior ‘of the Control Console is gained by removal of the top, left, and right side panels. The printer assembly and printer assembly mount are lifted from the pushbar handle and slid off the handle. 1. The left side panel (patient left) must be removed before the right side panel. Gently pry off the two decorative hole plugs on the left side panel, then release the two 1/4-turn screws beneath, Mull Mammography System Revision - 15, 2 Section 5: Maintenance Tilt the top of the left side panel away from the unit, then pull up to lift it off the locating pins on the unit base. Set the panel aside. Locate the two 1/4-turn fasteners inside the left side ‘cabinet - above the High Voltage Generator cage. ‘These fasteners extend through the console to secure the right side panel, Turn the fasteners 1/4-turn counterclockwise to release the right side panel Move around tothe right side of the unit, it the top ‘of the right side panel away from the unit, then lift the panel off the locating pins on the unit base. Set the panel aside. Figure 5-4: Cover Removal - DATAPORT Control Console Manual Page 5-7 Section 5 Maintenance 3.2_ Removal - DATAPORT Keyboard Panel Remove the DATAPORT Keyboard Panel to access the Keyboard, the Mieroprocessor Board, the Peripheral Interface Board, and the Low Voltage Power Supply fuse block 1. Lift he front edge of the DATAPORT Keyboard. panel and carefully slide it toward you. 2. ‘Two books on the inside top edge of the pane! make it easy to hang the panel on the front molding for servicing the Microprocessor Board, the Peripheral Interface Board, or the Low Voltage Power Supply Fuse Block, 3.3 Removal - Vertical Column Covers 1. To remove the rear Vertical Travel Assembly (VTA) panel, first release the two 1/4-turn fasteners - one at each side of the panel near the top, then slide the single-piece cover panel up and off the 2. To remove the upper front Vertical Travel Assembly ppanel release the two 1/4-turn fasteners - one at each side ofthe panel near the top. Lower the C-arm, then rotate it 90°, Slide the panel up approximately one inch, stretch the sides outward, then slide the panel away from the console in the direction of the C-arm. to clear the inside components. 3, To remove the lower front Vertical Travel Assembly panel, first remove the upper front VTA panel a8

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