q1 w4 Dlp Etech Ursaga
q1 w4 Dlp Etech Ursaga
q1 w4 Dlp Etech Ursaga
S.Y. 2023-2024
TVL – ICT SESSION 1-4 (August 19-23, 2024)
DEPARTMENT Session No./ STEM 6-10 Week No./
Teaching Date/ Time: Quarter No.: WEEK 4/QUARTER 1
II. CONTENT Main: Online Safety and Ethics Main: Online Safety and Ethics Main: Long Quiz of Unit 1 and Main: Word Processing Skills
(Subject Matter) Sub.: Netiquette Sub.: Performance Task #2: Unit 2 Sub.: Getting to Know Word
Poster on Do’s and Don’ts when Processing
using the Internet
B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation: Presentation of Objectives: Presentation of Objectives: Motivation:
lesson Critical Question The teacher will present the The teacher will present the Critical Question
The teacher will ask a though target learning competency and target learning competency and The teacher will ask a thought
pondering question to the objectives for the day. objectives for the day. pondering question to the
students. students.
“Is your brain ready for Social “Given that you understand
Media?” computer fundamentals,
Follow-up Questions: what is the first important
1. At what age did you start computer skill
using social media? How that a student should learn?”
much time do you
usually spend on it? ““Composing, editing, and
What are your usual formatting text can be both your
activities? tool and your weapon in the
2. Do you think having an world.”
age limit in using social
media is important? If
yes, what do you think is Presentation of Objectives: The
the appropriate age for teacher will present the target
youths to have access to learning competency and
social media? Why? If objectives for the. day
no, why?
3. Do you think having an
age limit in using social
media is important? If
yes, what do you think is
the appropriate age for
youths to have access to
social media? Why? If
no, why?
Presentation of Objectives:
The teacher will present the
target learning competency and
objectives for the day.
V.REMARKS These lessons were carried over from last week due to the CLAD ASIA and Word Teachers’ Day Celebration.
VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who requires
additional activities for remediation
and who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation