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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,629,723 B2

Bollwerk et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 8, 2009
(54) DETECTION OF THE AMOUNT OF WEAR 3,746,930 A * 7/1973 Van Best et al. .............. 361.86
ON AMOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM 4,024.525 A * 5/1977 Baumgartner et al. ....... 340/648
4,058,804 A * 1 1/1977 Sawada et al. .............. 340,635
(75) Inventors: Andre Bollwerk, Freiberg A.N. (DE): 4,163,227 A * 7/1979 Sawada et al. .............. 340.662
Wolfgang Reeb, Ottersweier 4.334,188 A * 6/1982 Dudley .......... ... 324f133
Hatzenweier (DE); Reiner Fellmeth, 4,394,648 A * 7/1983 Mattson ......... ... 340.679
Besigheim (DE) 4,451,786 A * 5/1984 Sawada et al. .... ... 324f772
4,528,556 A * 7/1985 Maddox ..................... 340,648
(73) Assignee: Robert Bosch GmbH. Stuttgart (DE) 4,542,374. A * 9/1985 Kollmannsberger et al. .340/648
5,729, 145 A * 3/1998 Blades ....................... 324,536
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,507,797 B1 * 1/2003 Kliman et al. ................ 702/75
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,993,439 B2 * 1/2006 Grosjean .......... ... 702/66
U.S.C. 154(b) by 346 days. 7,161,493 B2 * 1/2007 Itou et al. ................... 340,648

(21) Appl. No.: 11/636,194 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

(22) Filed: Dec. 8, 2006 DE 19923 689 11, 2000
DE 10 2004 035318 2, 2006
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2007/O138899 A1 Jun. 21, 2007
* cited by examiner
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner Burton Mullins
Dec. 16, 2005 (DE) ....................... 10 2005, O60 324 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Kenyon & Kenyon LLP
(51) Int. Cl. (57) ABSTRACT
HOIR 39/58 (2006.01)
GSB 2L/00 (2006.01) A method and a device, respectively, for detecting the amount
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 310/248; 310/242: 324/522; of wear on the carbon brush drive system of an electrically
340/648; 340/679 commutated d.c. motor which is used, for example, in the
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 310/248, form of a pump motor in a motor vehicle. The d.c. motor is
310/242: 340/648, 660-664, 679; 324/522, driven by at least two carbon brushes and includes means for
324/772, 538 detecting the generative follow-up Voltage. The amount of
See application file for complete search history. wear on at least one carbon brush is derived from the time
(56) References Cited behavior of the generative motor voltage and displayed to the
3,653,019 A * 3/1972 Barton et al. ............... 340,659 16 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2009 Sheet 1 of 4 US 7,629,723 B2

a. t. w

Fig. 1a

Fig. 1b

Fig. 1c
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2009 Sheet 2 of 4 US 7,629,723 B2



U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2009 Sheet 3 of 4 US 7,629,723 B2

Figure 5
U.S. Patent Dec. 8, 2009 Sheet 4 of 4 US 7,629,723 B2

Figure 6

Figure 7
US 7,629,723 B2
1. 2
DETECTION OF THE AMOUNT OF WEAR the contact between the carbon brushes and the motor rotor
ON AMOTOR DRIVE SYSTEM has the greatest influence on the motor Voltage during the
startup phase.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION An embodiment of the present invention enables the
amount of wear on a single carbon brush to be selectively
The present invention is directed to a method and a device detected.
for detecting the amount of wear on the drive system (drive One of the carbon brushes used to drive the d.c. motor may
circuit) of an electric motor. be advantageously designed to be shorter than the other
brushes. Although this limits the total operating time of the
BACKGROUND INFORMATION 10 d.c. motor, due to the shortening, operation may nevertheless
be maintained for a certain period of time (residual operating
In the case of electrically commutated motors, in particular time) via the 3 still commutating brushes, depending on the
d.c. motors, electrochemical, electrical and/or mechanical degree of shortening of the one carbon brush. Due to Such a
processes may result in wear on the carbon brushes of the shortening, the amount of wear at a preset abrasion may be
commutator. In extreme cases, this wear may cause the elec- 15 detected by reducing the generative motor Voltage.
trically commutated motor to fail, since, in the case of corre Another way to selectively reduce the generative motor
sponding critical abrasion of the carbon brushes, current is no Voltage upon reaching a preset abrasion and thereby to detect
longer able to be conducted through the armature windings of amount of wear is to inhibit one carbon brush via a corre
the electric motor. sponding limit stop in the brush holder. At a preset amount of
In particular, if an electrically commutated d.c. motor of wear on the carbon brush, this automatically interrupts or
this type is used in a brake system, for example as the pump reduces the contact to the commutator and thus lowers the
motor, critical wear on orabrasion of the carbon brushes must generative motor Voltage. The inhibition may be produced,
be detected at an early stage. A variety of methods may be for example, by designing the carbon brush to have a specific
used to detect wear of this type in good time, for example in 25 contour. It is therefore conceivable to provide a recess (lug)
an electrohydraulic brake system, as described in German which, however, is inserted only partially into the carbon
Patent Application No. DE 19923 689. For example, it is brush. This may prevent the carbon brush from being pushed
possible to estimate the amount of wear on the carbon brush farther in the direction of the commutator following the preset
in a pump motor of the hydraulic portion of the brake system
on the basis of the number of brakings during vehicle opera 30 In a particular embodiment of the present invention,
tion. amount of wear is detected while driving an electric motor on
A further method and a device, respectively, for detecting aprogram
pump motor in an antilock system, an electronic stability
or an electrohydraulic brake system of a vehicle.
the amount of wear on the drive system of an electric motor The present invention enables the actual motor brush
are known from the non-pre-published German Patent Appli
cation No. 10 2004 035318. amount of wear to be detected more precisely so that the
35 motors or carbon brushes do not have to be replaced prema
In this case, the abrasion of the carbon brushes of an elec
tric motor is detected as wear using a wear variable. This wear turely. This has substantial economic advantages.
variable is determined as a function of a speed variable rep BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
resenting the rotational speed of the electric motor. With the
help of this speed variable, a measure of the number of revo 40 FIGS. 1a and 1b show two typical voltage characteristics
lutions completed by the electric motor is derived. Assuming which are detectable during driving on an electrically com
a corresponding amount of wear, the abrasion of the carbon mutated d.c. motor.
brushes is thereby detectable. FIG.1c shows the reduction of the motor voltage of the d.c.
motor in the case of a substantially reduced contact between
one carbon brush and the rotor of the d.c. motor.
FIG. 2 shows a schematic representation of the system for
The present invention describes a method and a device, detecting the generative motor Voltage and displaying the
respectively, for detecting the amount of wear on the carbon amount of wear on the carbon brushes, based on a block
brush drive system (drive circuit) of an electrically commu diagram.
tated d.c. motor, used for example in the form of a pump so FIG. 3 shows a flow chart illustrating the detection of the
motor in a motor vehicle. The d.c. motor is driven by at least amount of wear on at least one carbon brush via the mean
two carbon brushes and includes means for detecting the value of the generative motor Voltage.
generative follow-up Voltage. According to the present inven FIG. 4 shows the amount of wear via a comparison between
tion, the amount of wear on at least one carbon brush may be the (absolute) motor Voltage and a stored value.
derived from the time behavior of the generative motor volt-iss FIG. 5 shows an arrangement in which one carbon brush is
age and displayed to the driver. shorter than other carbon brushes.
The use of such a system for detecting the amount of wear FIG. 6 shows an arrangement in which a carbon brush has
on or abrasion of a carbon brush needed for operating the d.c. a contour that can press against a limit stop of a holder.
motor enables the timely detection of a motor failure, in FIG. 7 shows an arrangement in which a carbon brush a
particular if the motor is used as a pump motor in the brake 60 Stranded conductor can press against a limit stop of a holder.
system of a vehicle. The driver may thereby be alerted to an
impending loss of pump power so that he may proceed to a DETAILED DESCRIPTION
repair shop in good time before a pump failure may become
hazardous. In the following exemplary embodiment, the application of
In a refinement of the present invention, the amount of wear 65 the present invention is described on the basis of a pump
on the carbon brushes is detected during motor startup. This motor used, for example, in an electrohydraulic brake system
has the advantage that the abrasion of the carbon brushes or of a vehicle. However, the present invention may also be used
US 7,629,723 B2
3 4
in any type of commutated (d.c.) electric motor, even beyond repair shop. Upon detection of a mean value exceeding
the scope of automobiles, the drive system of which is subject threshold value SW, which, however, differs substantially
to wear due to current transmission via carbon brushes. from the maximum possible mean value, the carbon brushes
Increased safety requirements with regard to availability may be replaced at an early point in time.
and reliability are indispensable when using electric motors Alternatively, the absolute value of the motor voltage may
in hydraulic brake systems. As the operating time of or load be used instead of the mean value of generative motor Voltage
on the systems increases, however, the fact that the motor U to detect the amount of wear. As shown in step 400 of the
meets the limits of its service life must be taken into account. flow chart in FIG. 4, the instantaneous value of generative
When this limit is reached, the operation of the motor, and motor voltage U is likewise initially detected. Moreover, a
thus also the brake system, may fail unexpectedly, without the 10 comparison value U, which represents the maximum gen
driver receiving prior warning. Via the detection of the erative motor Voltage in the case of newly installed and per
amount of wear on the carbon brushes used to drive an elec fectly functioning carbon brushes, is read from memory 230.
trically commutated d.c. motor, as described below, the motor In Subsequent step 420, detected generative motor Voltage U.
failure is detectable in good time during vehicle operation and is compared with value U. If the difference according to
unnecessary road traffic hazards are avoided. 15
A device which detects the amount of wear on the carbon
brushes of a d.c. motor and provides the driver with a corre lies below a second preset threshold value SW, the program
sponding warning is explained schematically on the basis of ends and is restarted in the next clock cycle, for example
FIG. 2. For this purpose, a computer unit 210, which detects within the same generative cycle of the motor. However, if the
generative Voltage U of a (pump) motor 220, is provided in
a control unit 200. In computer unit 210, this generative difference exceeds threshold value SW, the amount of wear
Voltage U is directly comparable with a Voltage value U. on the carbon brushes is detected, and the vehicle driver is
which is to be expected in the case of new carbon brushes. notified in step 440 according to step 340. If the absolute
Alternatively, however, the mean value of generative Voltage value of the generative motor Voltage is compared, it is also
U may also be formed before this mean value is compared 25
possible to store the currently detected values in the memory
with a threshold value SW. Both voltage value U and for service purposes later on.
threshold value SW may be stored in a memory 230 which is Both programs illustrated may be started manually or auto
accessible by computer unit 210. Both values may also be matically at presettable times. However, it is advantageous to
stored or read externally 240, using a suitable interface 260, start the programs after detection of generative operation, it
for example when replacing motor components during a visit 30 being possible to carry out the program multiple times, in
to the repair shop. If corresponding wear is detected, the particular to form the mean value within a generative cycle.
driver may be notified by an acoustic and/or optical signal Threshold values SW and SW may also be individually
250. It is also possible to provide information regarding the adapted to the motor characteristics or to the replaced carbon
amount of wear to a service technician during a visit to the brushes and stored in memory 230. As mentioned above, it is
repair shop via corresponding information in memory 230. 35 also possible to store the values Subsequently, for example, by
FIG. 1a shows a typical Voltage characteristic over time at a service technician during the course of replacement.
the motor when using new carbon brushes. FIG. 1b, on the The programs according to FIGS. 3 and 4 may also be used
other hand, shows Voltage dips resulting from the lifting to selectively determine the amount of wear on a single car
action or from an insufficient contact between the carbon bon brush. In a further exemplary embodiment, it is therefore
brushes and the motor. If one of the carbon brushes is abraded 40 conceivable to deliberately design one of the carbon brushes
to the extent that there is no longer any contact at all with the to be shorter for deliberate generation of a voltage dip follow
motor, a Voltage dip of approximately 30% occurs, as shown ing a presetamount of wear. For example, FIG.5 (which is not
in FIG. 1c. While all 4 carbon brushes of a d.c. motor are drawn to scale) schematically shows four carbon brushes 500,
operating in region 100, the motor is being operated by only 502,504, and 506, where all of the brushes other than carbon
3 carbon brushes in region 120. Although motor operation 45 brush 506 are indicated to have a length X. Carbon brush506
may still be maintained, the power which the motor is able to is indicated to have a length that is less than X. In the
generate is nevertheless limited. It is therefore highly advis program according to FIG. 4, for example, threshold value
able to replace the carbon brushes to avoid total failure. SW may be set to a typical value of approximately 20% to
The flow chart in FIG.3 shows a first program which may 30% of the value Of U to reliably detect a voltage dip of
run in computer unit 210. After the program starts, generative 50 this type upon reaching the preset amount of wear (see, inter
motor Voltage U is detected in a first step 300, and a mean alia, FIG. 1c as well).
value is derived from values for U. occurring in the past, for Another way to selectively produce a Voltage dip following
example via time weighting. A threshold value SW, which a preset amount of wear is to provide the holder of the carbon
represents the mean value of the voltage when the carbon brushes with a limit stop for a single brush. This likewise
brushes are still fully functional, is read from memory 230. If 55 interrupts the contact between one carbon brush and the
the mean value exceeds threshold value SW, the program motor so that a Voltage dip is detectable. In this alternative, it
ends and is restarted during the next clock cycle, for example is conceivable, for example, to provide the carbon brush with
within the same generative cycle of the motor. However, if the a contour which enables the brush to move only a preset
mean value drops below threshold value SW, a certain wear distance toward the motor before reaching a limit stop. For
or lifting of the carbon brushes is inferred. In step 340, the 60 example, FIG. 6 schematically shows a carbon brush 600 in a
driver is Subsequently notified by an acoustic and/or optical holder 602 having a limit stop 606. The carbon brush 600 is
display 250 that the power supply to the pump has been shown to have a contour 604 that enables the carbon brush
impaired and a trip to the service station is advisable. At the 600 to move only a preset distance toward the motor before
same time, corresponding information may also be stored in reaching the limit stop 606. In addition, the stranded conduc
memory 230 for retrieval during a visit to the repair shop. It is 65 tor representing the electrical connection with the carbon
also conceivable to additionally store the mean values of brush may be designed in Such a way that, while the carbon
generative motor Voltage U for checking during a visit to the brush in the holder is being pushed in the direction of the
US 7,629,723 B2
5 6
motor, the stranded conductor reaches a limit stop at a preset wherein one of the carbon brushes used for drive purposes
amount of wear on the carbon brush and thus inhibits the is prevented from continuing operation at a preset
carbon brush. For example, FIG.7 shows a carbon brush 700, amount of wear.
where a stranded conductor 704 and a limit stop 702 of a 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the motor is a
holder are arranged such that, while the carbon brush 700 is 5 pump motor in a motor vehicle.
pushed in the direction of the motor, the stranded conductor 7. A device for detecting an amount of wear on a drive
704 reaches the limit stop 702 at a preset amount of wear on system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor, the d.c.
the carbon brush 700. motor being driven with the aid of a plurality of carbon
Generally speaking, generative motor Voltage U is brushes, the device comprising:
intended to be measured at motor startup, during pulse-width 10 means for detecting a motor Voltage; and
modulated operation and/or upon shutdown. A deterioration an arrangement for detecting an amount of wear on at least
of the carbon brush contact due to wear and abrasion results in one of the carbon brushes as a function of a time behav
an inconstant commutation current or to a current chopping. ior of the motor Voltage;
The associated Voltage dips indicate a lifting of the brushes. wherein the amount of wear is detected during a motor
However, if the carbon brush contact is completely worn so 15 startup.
that this carbon brush has no or very little contact with the 8. The device according to claim 7, wherein the motor is a
motor, a state of wear is also ascertainable on the basis of the pump motor in a motor vehicle.
associated Voltage dip. 9. A device for detecting an amount of wear on a drive
Due to the reduced commutation when the carbon brushes system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor, the d.c.
are worn, the motor starting torque is reduced, which results motor being driven with the aid of a plurality of carbon
in a reduced startup dynamic. The greatest influence of car brushes, the device comprising:
bon brush wear is therefore observed during the motor startup means for detecting a motor Voltage; and
phase, which is why the aforementioned detection of the an arrangement for detecting an amount of wear on at least
amount of wear is preferably carried out at that point. one of the carbon brushes as a function of a time behav
25 ior of the motor Voltage;
What is claimed is: wherein a single carbon brush is shorter than at least one
1. A method for detecting an amount of wear on a carbon other carbon brush for detecting the amount of wear on
brush drive system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor, the carbon brushes.
the drive system having a plurality of carbon brushes, the 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein the motor is
method comprising: 30 a pump motor in a motor vehicle.
detecting an amount of wear on at least one of the carbon 11. A device for detecting an amount of wear on a drive
brushes as a function of a time behavior of a motor system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor, the d.c.
Voltage; motor being driven with the aid of a plurality of carbon
wherein the amount of wear is detected during a motor brushes, the device comprising:
startup. 35 means for detecting a motor Voltage;
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the motor is a an arrangement for detecting an amount of wear on at least
pump motor in a motor vehicle. one of the carbon brushes as a function of a time behav
3. A method for detecting an amount of wear on a carbon ior of the motor Voltage; and
brush drive system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor, a holder for the carbon brushes, wherein the holder of a
the drive system having a plurality of carbon brushes, the 40 single carbon brush is designed in Such a way that an
method comprising: operation of the carbon brush is hindered at a preset
detecting an amount of wear on at least one of the carbon amount of wear on the carbon brush.
brushes as a function of a time behavior of a motor 12. The device according to claim 11, wherein the carbon
Voltage; brush has a contour which presses the carbon brush against a
wherein a single carbon brush is shorter than at least one 45 limit stop of the holder at the preset amount of wear.
other carbon brush for detecting the amount of wear on 13. The method according to claim 12, wherein the motor
the carbon brushes. is a pump motor in a motor vehicle.
4. The method according to claim3, wherein the motor is a 14. The device according to claim 11, wherein a stranded
pump motor in a motor vehicle. conductor which produces an electrical contact to the carbon
5. A method for detecting an amount of wear on a carbon 50 brush presses against a limit stop of the holder at the preset
amount of wear.
brush drive system of an electrically commutated d.c. motor,
the drive system having a plurality of carbon brushes, the 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein the motor
method comprising: is a pump motor in a motor vehicle.
detecting an amount of wear on at least one of the carbon 16. The method according to claim 11, wherein the motor
brushes as a function of a time behavior of a motor
55 is a pump motor in a motor vehicle.
Voltage; k k k k k

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