Definition Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and chemical disintegration of rocks which may or may not contain organic matter The soil is non-homogeneous, porous and extremely variable in its composition as well as in properties. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Composition of Soil The soil may also contain air, water, organic matter consisting of more or less decomposed remains of plants and animal organism and other substances which remain dispersed throughout the mineral particles of the soil. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Properties ➢Mineralogical Composition – tells about the minerals present in the soil. ➢Color of Soil – tells something about the plant nutrients that are found in the soil ➢Texture of Soil – determined by the size of particles in the soil ➢Bearing Capacity of Soil – determines the bearing capacity of a particular soil Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Soil Color ➢The most obvious property when looking at soil is its color. ➢Geologist officially recognize over 170 different soil colors. ➢But the most common color of soils are shades of black, brown, red and gray. ➢Generally speaking a darker color often indicates an increase in decomposed organic matter known as humus while red soil may indicate a lack of nutrients. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Soil Texture ➢Soil texture is an important physical property of the soil. As it will provide information about: ➢Size of the particles That distinguishing characteristics of three type of soil formed by weathered rock (Sand, Silt and clay) is the size of their particles. ➢How easily water flows through it ➢ Its water holding capacity and thereby sustain plant growth. ➢The size of particles that make up each type of soil determines the size of the pores between the particles. The pores in the soil hold air and water. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 1. Gravel and shingle ➢This type of soil consists of particles of coarse material resulting from the disintegration of rocks and often transported by water from their original source. ➢Size of particles varies from 3mm to 200mm. ➢The stone particles having size more than 200mm are termed as boulders. Characteristics ➢Gravel or shingle does not swell when wet and does not shrink when dry. ➢It has great strength to bear the loads coming over it and does not settle, under the load. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 1. Gravel and shingle Suitability ➢Gravel and shingle provides a good foundation surface. ➢It is suitable for foundation of all types of structures. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 2. Sand ➢ Angular or rounded grains of silica ➢ Particles visible without microscope Characteristics ➢Sand is cohesion less i.e. does non stick together in a mass unless it is very wet. ➢It is not affected by the action of frost. ➢It does not swell when moist nor shrink when dry and don’t allow water to rise up by capillary action. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 2. Sand Suitability ➢Coarse sand provides a good foundation surface provided it is prevented from slipping or escaping from the under surface of the foundation concrete. ➢But the fine dry sand or that saturated with water, is not good for foundation. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 3.Silt ➢It is a finer variety of soil often formed by erosion of glaciers. ➢Particles not visible without a microscope. Characteristics: ➢Silt is relatively impervious. ➢It has slight tendency towards swelling and shrinkage; feels smooth when wet that is have slower drainage than sand. ➢It is not as superior as sand and is found in beds of rivers, canals, reservoirs etc. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 3.Silt Suitability ➢Silt is used for under floor filling. ➢Silt is not considered as a good foundation material. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 4.Clay ➢It is composed of microscopic and sub-microscopic particles of weathered rocks. Characteristics: ➢Clay is very powdery when dry while very sticky and slippery when wet. ➢Clay swells and becomes heavy when water is added while becomes hard, shrinks and cracks when the water evaporates. ➢It is a cohesive type of soil and can be molded into any shape. ➢It consolidates under loads and may cause settlement of the structure. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 4.Clay Suitability ➢This soil should be carefully studied before providing foundation of the structure over such soil because clay is very difficult to excavate when it is dry or very heavily saturated. ➢However it is suitable for foundation of ordinary and light buildings. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 5. Alluvial Soil ➢This is a transported soil which is carried away by forces of water e.g. river deposits. ➢Soil particles get mixed with soils of different origin. When velocity of water is reduced, the large sized particles start settling down. On further reduction of velocity of water, still smaller fraction separates out. ➢Thus the alluvial soils are usually sorted out according to grain size before being finally deposited. Characteristics ➢Alluvial soil is plastic but consolidates under loads. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 5. Alluvial Soil ➢It is a cohesive soil. ➢It cracks on drying. Suitability This type of soil is also suitable as a foundation bed for light structures. Unconsolidated Mineral Material of Earth Crust Types of Soil 6.Reclaimed soil ➢This is also known as made up soil. ➢This type of soil consist of ballast ,ashes, refuses, old iron pieces etc. used for filling the low lying areas. Characteristics ➢Reclaimed soil is usually porous in nature. ➢Its bearing strength is very low. Suitability ➢This type of soil is not suitable for laying or constructing structures over it. Soil Exploration Definition The field or laboratory investigation of the strata lying below ground level to obtain the necessary data of ground for the safe and economical design of foundation of different structures is called subsurface investigation. ➢The design of a foundation system requires professional analysis and design by a qualified structural engineer. ➢When designing anything other than a single family dwelling on stable soil, it is also advisable to have a geotechnical engineer. ➢Geotechnical engineer undertake a sub surface investigation in order to determine the type and size of foundation system required for the building system. ➢Bearing capacities for different types of subsoil may be obtained directly from soil investigation results. Soil Exploration Objectives ➢To know the thickness and variation in composition of soil strata with depth at the site. ➢To find the level of ground water table and its effect on the soil strata. ➢To know the depth and composition of the rocky base expected to support the foundation. ➢To find the engineering properties and composition of the soil strata that affect the design of foundation. Soil Exploration Types of Subsurface Investigation Preliminary investigation can be of two types: ➢Shallow exploration usually used for light structures, highways, railways etc. ➢Deep exploration used for dams, bridges, tall buildings, heavy industrial structures etc. Methods of Subsurface Investigation 1. Probing /Sounding Method 2. Test Pit Method 3. Auger Borings 4. Geophysical Method 5. Deep Boring Method Capacity of Soil to Support The Load Definition ➢The maximum load which the soil can take per unit area without yielding or displacement is called ultimate bearing capacity of the soil. ➢The stability of a structure depends upon the strength of soil, which is expressed as bearing capacity usually in terms of tonne/sqm. ➢Each soil has its own bearing capacity. ➢The working bearing capacity of the soil, which is considered for design is known as safe bearing capacity of the soil. ➢Safe bearing capacity = Ultimate bearing capacity/ factor of safety ➢Factor of safety may be 2 or 3 For Your Patience And Strength