Sap configuration, gl, ap,ar
Sap configuration, gl, ap,ar
Sap configuration, gl, ap,ar
FS00- gl creation
FB50- gl posting without posting key
F-02- gl posting with posting key
OB41- field status group at posting key level
FB03- gl document display(if you know the document number enter other wise go to
document list)
SE16N- see the table details
BKPF- accounting document header data will store in this table
BSEG- line items data stored in this table
SKA1- master data at COA level
SKB1- master data at C.CODE level
SKAT- master data at CENTRAL LEVEL
SE11- abap dictionar- enter table name to see table fields and characters
SE93- enter tcode to see the program of that tcode
SE38- enter program code to see the programs coding
Pre-requisites of document reversal: maintain reverse document & number ranges
FB08- individual reversal
F.80- mass reversal or go to FB08 click on mass reversal, For non sequential click
on multiple selection button and enter the document numbers which need to be
reverse(test run)
FB03- gl document display
FAGLB03/FS10N- Gl account balance display- {sap manu-accounting -Financial
accounting -General ledger - account -FAGLB03 DISPLAY BALANCES (NEW)}
FBL3N- gl account line items display
BSIS- due item or open item display
BSAS- cleared item display
F-07- out going payments(clearing open items)
F-06- incoming payments (clearing open items)
we forgot open item management box, we posted the entry in this situation we need
to reverse the entry first then goto
FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP-activate open item management ( enter code, gl number, document
type, tick on perform posting, click on program- click on execute in background-
output device is LP01 then enter- click on immediate & enter(save) then see the gl
account in FS00 to see the open item management is activated
Activation of line item management after posting - first you need to select
(change) line item management in fs00, block the gl account, go toSE38- program
equal to RFSEPA01 click on execute then BSIS table verification to see the line
item displayed or not , then unblock the gl account
1. OBD3-Define vendor account groups with screen layout(vendors) [classification of
{Click on new entries - give group name- double click on c.code data - double click
on account management - reconciliation account is required then enter and save}
2. XKN1- create number ranges for vendor accounts {click on change intervals , give
number range name and give to number and from number & save}Z1,Z2
3. OBAS- Assign number ranges to vendor account groups {click on position give
account group then assign Z100-Z1, Z200-Z2
4. OBA3- define tolerance for customers and vendors {click on new entries give
details and save}
5. OBA7- maintain vendor document types and FBN1- number ranges
{KR,KG,KZ,KA(17),ZP(20) already created in gl}
6. Create raw material account in FS00
7. Create accounts payable recon account in FS00 (liability, balance sheet, don't
select only balances in local currency, reconciliation account for account type is
VENDORS) Sort key 012, field status group G067
8. XK01- Create vendor master data at Central level, reconciliation account is
accounts payable account, sort key 012, cash management group A1, payment terms
9. XK02- change vendor master data, XK03- display vendor master data(check vendor
10. Vendor master data tables: general data- LFA1, company code data- LFB1,
purchasing data- LFM1
11. FB60- Vendor invoice posting, F-43- vendor invoice with posting keys/double
12. OBB8- payment terms select document date
13. FB03- document display {in this code first it shows sub ledger entry then click
on general ledger view to see main ledger entry}, FK10N- vendor balance display,
FBL1N- vendor line item display(open or cleared)
14. FB65- vendor credit memo, F-44 TO CLEAR THE OPEN ITEM STATUS
15. Vendor outgoing payment - it is two types (A)manual payment (B)automatic
payment program
In manual payment manual check is created, in automatic payment program two types
of payment ways is there CHECK & BANK TRANSFER, in automatic payment CHECK process
cheque is printed and send to vendor, but in BANK TRANSFER again two types i)DME
ii)EDI, in DME payment file is created and send to house bank , in EDI Idoc is
created and send to house bank
16. FI12- Creation of house,
17. FCHI- cheque lot Creation
18. F-53 vendor outgoing payment
19. FCH5- manual check creation, FCH6- CHECK ENCASHMENT
20. FCHN- Check register
void without reversing of payment document after encashment and then inform bank to
stop the payment(signature miss match, stolen, text not matched) (FCHN status of
checks, display check register to check the issued check was cancelled or not, if
it cancelled then issue the new check)
22. FCHV- define check void reason
23. FCH8- Check void with reversal of payment document(insufficient funds)(give
details and click on cancel payment
24. FCH3- voiding of unssued checks (series of checks damaged or voided or
destroyed or unused
25. FBRA- payment/incoming document reversal (give document number, and company
code click on save then click on reset and reverse then double click to reverse the
27. CASH MANAGEMENT GROUP -> Spro - FSCM - Cash and Liquidity Management - Cash
Management - master data -Subledger accounts - Define planning groups.
***bank ac( c.asset, 001,g005, relevant to cash flow, incoming and outgoing gls
select open item management)
1. OBD2- Define account groups with screen layout(customers){Click on new entries -
give account group and meaning name- double click on c.code data - double click on
account management - reconciliation account is required then enter and save}Y100,
2. XDN1- create number ranges for customer accounts{click on change intervals ,
give number range name and give to number and from number & save}Y1,Y2
3. OBAR- Assign number ranges to customer account groups {click on position give
account group then assign Y100-Y1, Y200-Y2}
4. OBA7- maintain customer document types and FBN1- number ranges {DR,DG,DZ,DA
already created in gl}
5. Create sales account in FS00, sort key 001, field status group G001.
6. Create accounts receivable recon account in FS00 (asset, balance sheet,don't
select only balances in local currency, select line item display, reconciliation
account for account type is CUSTOMERS) Sort key 031, field status group G067
7. XD01- Create customer data at Central level, company code data,reconciliation
account is accounts receivable account, sort key 031, cash management group A1,
payment terms 0001
8. XD02- change customer master data, XD03- display customer master data( check
customer list)
9. Customer master data tables: general data- KNA1, company code data- KNB1,
customer masters sales organization data- KNVV
10. FB70- Customer invoice posting, F-22 customer invoice with posting keys/double
11. FB03- document display {in this code first it shows sub ledger entry then click
on general ledger view to see main ledger entry}, FD10N- customer balance display,
FBL5N- customer line item display(open or cleared)
12. FB75- Post customer credit memo
13. F-28- Customer incoming payments
1. OBB8- click on new entries to create new payment term give payment terms Id,
default for baseline date tab select one(from where to calculate credit days), in
account type tab select vendors or customers or both to whom we need to apply that
payment term, give number of days in payment terms tab to specify the credit days,
after the given days the transaction become over due(if we select no default in
baseline for default date tab then user need to enter baseline date manually at the
time of invoice posting)(upto credit days it shown in open items but status shows
not due after credit days it shows over due , and shows net due date in FBL1N or
2. After posted vendor or customers invoices according to business requirement we
are able to change payment terms(A.goto FB02 give document details and double click
on vendor line item and change payment term according to requirement & save B. Goto
FBL5N or FBL1N double click on vendor/customer line item, click on change option
then change payment terms according to requirement)
Payment terms with cash discount:
3. Create gl accounts in FS00(cash discount rec-income, cash discount allowed-
expenses )
4. OBXU- Automatic account assignment for cash discount received, give chart of
accounts and enter and click on save then give cash discount received gl number
5. OBXI/OBXV- Automatic account assignment for cash discount allowed, give chart of
accounts and enter and click on save then give cash discount allowed gl number
6. Create payment terms with cash discount give number days with percentage of
cash discount received in payment terms tab
7. Create vendor master data with payment terms including cash discount received
then post vendor payment invoice if we don't know the amount of discount received
then give any amount in vendor payment document click on process open item see the
amount difference then click on overview then double click on line item and adjust
the amount according to the document then click on process open items
Installment payment terms
Payment terms for installment:
8. First Create one payment term without adding days and click on installment
payment &save create 1st installment payment term add installment days &save,
create 2nd installment payment term add installment days &save, create 3rd
installment payment term add installment days &save, then OBB9- define terms of
payment for installment payment-- click on New entries give main payment term Id in
terms of payment give number of installment in inst then give percentage then give
created install payment terms in pmnt terms to link& save, then create vendor
master data with created installment payment terms then post one vendor vendor
invoice before save click on simulate to see the installments entry &save, FBL1N
enter different dates to see the document due or not
Withholding tax:
7. Check withholding tax countries path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global settings(n)-
withholding tax-extended withholding tax-basic settings-check withholding tax
countries.(Give country code and enter &save)
8. Define withholding tax keys path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global settings(n)-
withholding tax-extended withholding tax-basic settings-define withholding tax
keys.(give country code then enter&save)
9. Define reason for exemption path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global settings(n)-
withholding tax-extended withholding tax-basic settings-define reason for
exemption.(give country code and enter click on new entries, give exemption reason
code and text, enter &save)
10. Define withholding tax type for invoice posting path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a
global settings(n)-withholding tax-extended withholding tax- calculation-
withholding tax type-withholding tax type for invoice posting.(give country code
and enter, click on new entries- country IN- withholding tax type Z1 give
discription,take gross amount as base amount, rounding rule-withholding tax common
rounding then enter &save)
11. Define withholding tax type for payment posting (advance amount) path- Srpo-
img-f.a(n)-f.a global settings(n)-withholding tax-extended withholding tax-
calculation- withholding tax type-define withholding tax type for payment posting.
(give country key and enter click on new entries give withholding tax type Z2 and
give description,take gross amount as base amount, rounding rule-withholding tax
common rounding then enter &save)
12. Define withholding tax codes path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global settings(n)-
withholding tax-extended withholding tax- calculation- withholding tax code-define
withholding tax code.(give country key and enter click on new entries give
withholding type Z1 withholding tax code Y1 give description and give base amount
on how much %tds is calculated, give withholding tax rate{tds%}, posting indicator
1 and enter &save), create tax code for payment postings(click on new entries give
withholding type Z2 withholding tax code Y2 give description and give base amount
on how much %tds is calculated, give withholding tax rate, posting indicator 1 and
enter &save)
13. Assign withholding tax types to company codes path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global
settings(n)-withholding tax-extended withholding tax-company code-assign
withholding tax types to company codes(click on new entries,give company code,
withholding tax typeZ1, select withholding tax agent, give withholding tax
obligated from and to date[to date take 9999 as yea])
14. Activate extended with holding tax path- Srpo-img-f.a(n)-f.a global
settings(n)-withholding tax-extended withholding tax-company code-activate extended
withholding tax(click on position give company code then enter and select extended
withholding tax, enter &save
15. Automatic account assignment for withholding tax/tds postings
Create tds payable Gl account (liabilities) sort key 001, g001
Create advertisement expense account (expenses)sort key 001, g001
16. OBWW- Define accounts for withholding tax to be paid over(give chart of
accounts, enter select debit/credit, withholding tax code and withholding tax type
click on save and give withholding tax typeZ1/Z2, withholding tax code Y1/Y2, give
tds payable Gl num in debit/credit, enter &save)
17. Withholding tax mandatory settings
A) OMT3E- activation of vendor account settings(double click on user screen
reference- click on new entries give name user id and give reference name, enter
B) maintain company code settings path- spro-img-logistics general-tax in goods
movements-india-basic settings-maintain company code settings-click on new entries
(give f.year 1st month then enter &save)
18. XK01- Create vendor master data with TDS details(click on cin details, click on
withholding tax, give pan& validity of the card and click on back then create
normal vendor master data after payment terms enter two times then give type
and code and select liable press enter &save),
19. FB60- post one vendor invoice(adv a/c...dr to vendor, system automatically pick
tds payable, if you want tds on partial amount click on withholding tax on FB60 and
give amount) if vendor have exemption certificate then change vendor master data
select withholding tax tab and exemption details , if you want to manual TDS
without tax percentage give manual amount in tax amount fc