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Self-Locking & Self-Sealing

Fasteners Handbook
AS 9100 Certified ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Custom Solutions to Special Problems

in Fastener Engineering
Long-Lok Fastener Corporation
“Every Which Way But Loose ”
Long-Lok Fasteners Corp.
From Missiles to Skateboards... Laundry
Equipment to Coffeepots... Precision Instruments
to Heavy Machinery
Thank you for looking to Long-Lok! We’ve been solving
fastener problems for engineers and buyers for more than
40 years. And you’ll find we’re ready today to fill any re- Contents Page
quirement you have for self-locking and self-sealing fas-
teners or threaded components.
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners
Today, Long-Lok fasteners are found around the world and
What They Are and How They Work 3-4
even above it. We’re securing and sealing the appliances in
our homes, the cars and trains that get us to work, the Basic Types of Self-Locking Fasteners 4-5
satellites that allow us to communicate, and the vehicles Application Problems, Solutions & Considerations 6 - 8
that mine the Earth and explore her ocean’s depths.
Installation Data 8
Now we want to be on your project! This handbook pro-
Glossary of Terms 9
vides you with a good overview of our products. In most
cases you will be able to order with the information con- Torque Calculations 10-11
tained on the following pages. But keep in mind our ability Guide to MS and NAS Self-Locking Fasteners 12
to develop custom fastening products and to work directly
Manufacturing Specifications and Standards 13
with your specialty components. So, if you don’t see it us; most likely we can make it! Selection Guide 14
You’ll find at Long-Lok a group of individuals dedicated to Special Thread Locking Applications 15
seeing your project succeed. You won’t find another fas- Self-Locking Fasteners
tener company with the capability, the array of locking and
sealing methods offered, or the determination to be the Material Additive Types
standard of excellence for locking and sealing fasteners. Poly-Lok® Patch 16-17
So, contact us today and leave it to Long-Lok! ®
Long-Lok Strip 18-19
Long-Lok Fasteners Corp. Tek-Lok Pellet 20-21
14119 Chadron Avenue, Dual-Lok™ 22
Hawthorne, CA 90250
310/675-9500 Omni-Lok™ 23
Fax: 310/675-9100
All-Metal Type
Dyna-Thred® II 24-27
Chemical Additive Type
Dri-Loc® Pre-Applied Adhesive 28-29
Self-Locking Inserts
T-Sert® Inserts 30-33
Self-Sealing Fasteners
Self-Seal® O-Ring Type 34-41
Vibra-Seal Pre-Applied Coating Type 42-43
10630 Chester Road, Part Number Selection for...
Cincinnati, OH 45215
513/772-1880 Poly-Lok, Long-Lok & Tek-Lok Fasteners 46 - Inside
Fax: 513/772-1888 Back Cover
©1993-2003 Long-Lok Fasteners Corporation. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
The following tradenames are used in this catalog. They belong to their respective owners: Poly-Lok,
Long-Lok, Self-Seal, Dyna-Thred, Tek-Lok, Hot-Lok, Dual-Lok, Omni-Lok – Long-Lok Fasteners
Corp.; Loctite, Dri-Loc, Vibra-Seal – Loctite Corp.
Corp.; Viton, Teflon, Kalrez, Vespel – DuPont Co.
Co.; Kel-F
Co.; Inconel, Monel, K-Monel – Inco Alloys Internat.
– 3M Co. Internat.; StalGard – Elco Ind
Ind.; SermaGard –
Sermatech Internat.
Internat.; 17-4PH – Armco Materials Co.
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

What They Are and How

They Work
Threaded parts have a great...
Advantage: Parts which have been joined by threaded (b) Minimum.
fasteners can be disassembled and reassembled when The lowest reading indicated by a torque measuring de-
they must be serviced or replaced. vice while the screw or nut is being backed off through-
Disadvantage: Threaded fasteners unintentionally back out the first 360 degrees of rotation after the axial load is
off when the assembly is in use, and the consequences reduced to zero after breakaway. (NOTE: The use of a
are usually inconvenient, costly and may present serious memory device on the torque wrench makes it easy to
legal implications for product warranties. record the maximum prevailing torque, but the indicator
must be watched carefully in order to record the mini-
Definitions mum prevailing torque.)
Prevailing Torque Type — Threaded fastener friction- An additional Glossary of terms is found on Page 9.
ally resistant to rotation due to a built-in wedge. This
type of fastener retains its locking ability independent of How they work
axial tension or pre-load. The self-locking fastener was developed to retain the
Seating Torque — Sometimes referred to as “Loading advantage of reusability while preventing the problems
Torque”. Typically measured in “inch pounds”, a value of of accidental disassembly when pre-load is lost. Self-
torque applied to a fastener to induce a compressive locking fasteners virtually eliminate the possibility of a
load under the head bearing surface. Results in creating bolted assembly coming apart during operation. To
an axial load (pre-load) that imparts tension or a stretch- achieve this benefit, the self-locking fastener has to to be
ing/elongation characteristic to a male threaded part. properly designed, engineered and installed.
Breakaway Torque — The torque necessary to start When pre-load is lost, as shown in the chart below, a
relative rotation between a locking fastener and its mat- standard fastener quickly vibrates out, causing the as-
ing thread with no axial load on the screw. This will sembly to loosen. The self-locking fastener’s primary
change with reuse and be referred to as the “1st Off”, function is to prevent backing off when the initial axial
“5th Off” torque and so forth. This is the torque due to tension is lost.
the locking element only.
Breakloose Torque — The amount of torque required
to start disassembly of an axially loaded fastener. The 5000
torque due to clamp load only.
Installation Torque — The highest reading indicated by 4000 Poly-Lok Patch Bolt

a torque measuring device while the screw or nut is be-

ing fully engaged but prior to any axial loading 3000 No locking device

Split lockwasher
Locking Torque — The resistance to rotation. A mea-
sure of the performance of the self-locking device. Does External tooth lockwasher
not include the torque necessary to induce or remove
any axial load in the fastener.
Prevailing “Off” Torque —
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
(a) Maximum.
The highest reading indicated by a torque measuring
device while the screw or nut is being backed off Time to vibrate out after pre-load loss.
throughout the first 360 degrees of rotation after the
axial load is reduced to zero after breakaway.

Long-Lok Fasteners 3
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

What They Are and How They Work –



By doing so, self-locking helps maintain a tight joint and

also helps prevent fatigue failure in the joint. Self-locking
fasteners resist rotation on the first installation and on
subsequent installations and removals. In addition, self-
locking fasteners also decrease the tendency of the fas-
tener to fatigue by reducing the vibration transferred to
the fastener.

The Common Alternatives

Jam nuts, cotter pins, lock nuts, lock washers and simi-
lar devices also prevent the loss of the bolt or nut by Further, the insecurity of conventional mechanical locks
back off but they result in added weight, inconvenience are reason enough for most designers to reject them.
and cost. They do not reduce the tendency to fatigue Such insecurity arises from the frequency of split-type
when loose. washers breaking, damage to surface areas caused by
external locking devices, and the ineffectiveness of such
devices when adjustments are needed.

Basic Types of Self-Locking

Fasteners time is required to coat the fastener with the additive.
Chemical Additive Type Downtime, application errors and contamination of other
assembly parts are all inherent risks with in-place appli-
cation of chemical additive fasteners.
Pre-applied chemical additive fasteners are manufac-
tured with the adhesive coating pre-applied via a sophis-
ticated micro-encapsulation process. The adhesives are
usually an anaerobic type, or a two part epoxy, with the
material positioned in a band around the threads and dry
to the touch. When the fastener is rotated against its
mating part the capsules of adhesive burst, releasing the
This type involves two alternative methods of applica- material in and around the thread flanks, which then
tion, pre-applied and applied-in-place. These fasteners cures and forms the locking bond.
have a lower assembly torque than that achievable from
Since the adhesive coating is pre-applied, the assembly
prevailing torque type fasteners. Additionally, high
time for these fasteners is substantially less than for
breakaway torques are achieved due to the solid fill from
applied-in-place coatings. The bond also is more consis-
the adhesive coating after full cure.
Both pre-applied and applied-in-place chemical adhe-
Multiple reuse of a pre-applied chemical locking fastener
sives offer the locking reliability characteristics of most
is unlikely, since the relocking action depends upon the
other self-locking fastener types.
amount of reusable adhesive left on the bolt after the
In-place chemical application, however, of chemical ad- first installation. Most engineers design for a maximum
ditives offer just “one-time” use and additional assembly of one installation before the bolt must be recoated.

4 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

2B thread. Note the space between the male threaded fastener
and its mating part.
Prevailing Torque Type
Figure 2 shows what hap- Figure 1
pens when a plastic wedge
is added making the fas-
tener a prevailing torque-
type . Note how the plastic
forces the opposite side of
the male threaded fastener
to wedge tightly against the Ordinary Threaded
previously open thread Fastener
Figure 2 Plastic Wedging Material
The material additive, usu-
ally in the form of a patch,
The prevailing torque-type fastener is the only fastener that
pellet, or strip on the fas-
retains its locking torque independent of an axial load. When
tener itself, tends to fill the
pre-load is lost, the prevailing torque fastener can prevent
open thread spaces be-
loosening of an assembly subjected to continued shock or vi- Prevailing Torque
tween two coaxially ori- Type Self-Locking
ented parts. The longer the
Prevailing torque fasteners are of two primary kinds - the locking feature, the greater the fastener assembly locking
deflected or distorted thread type and the material additive torque due to engaging more threads of the locking device.
type. Both require additional installation torque to assemble Also, the overall length of the locking element can assist in
the fastener before engaging the bearing surface. situations where various degrees of engagements are re-
quired for adjustment purposes.
Deflected or Distorted Thread Type (All-Metal): Once the design engineer specifies the fastener material (ten-
The deflected or distorted thread type fastener provides some sile strength), the acceptable limits of the installation torque
reuse. However, most do not share the high reuse character- and the required prevailing “off” torque, the locking fastener
istics of the material additive types. Additionally, since dis- engineer determines what type of additive and how much
torted thread locking fasteners are designed to lock via an must be applied to achieve the desired results. So that Long-
irregularity of thread conformity, they are highly sensitive to Lok engineers can do this, the design engineer must answer
hole size. the following questions:
The design engineer must carefully specify the mating hole a. What material is the bolt? From this, the Long-Lok engi-
and the class of thread fit as defined in ANSI-B 18.2.2. Fur- neers determine its tensile strength.
ther, sizes above .312 frequently experience galling because
of the masses of metal involved as the distorted thread meets b. What is the acceptable on-torque (installation torque)?
the mating thread flanks. The answer should always be lower than the maximum torque
of an automatic tool if used to install the fastener.
For these reasons the design engineer has to provide a rigor-
ous and tight specification for the mating hole and factory c. What torque is required to keep the assembly to-
quality control has to ensure meeting that specification when- gether? This must be calculated based on the particular ap-
ever using deflected or distorted thread type fasteners. plication.
To assist in establishing these requirements, commercial and
Material Additive Types: military standards are available. Refer to the latest revisions
Material additive fasteners work by wedging the fastener into of IFI 124 if a commercial item is used, or to MIL-DTL-18240
close proximity with the mating thread, causing a metal-to- if a military fastener is required.
metal drag in the circumferential direction directly opposite to In axially loaded applications, the externally threaded fas-
the material locking device. The material used to produce the tener must contain a self-locking feature having a minimum
wedge customarily is an engineered plastic. A metal wedge of two complete threads beyond the hole, slot, or groove
can be used for highly demanding applications. used for the locking feature engaged with the mating part.
Figure 1 shows an ordinary threaded fastener with a Class 2A or This rule does not apply to patch-type self-locking fasteners.

Long-Lok Fasteners 5
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Application – Problems and


This section deals with some specific fastener applica- ing torque Poly-Lok is best suited for the job. The Poly-
tions. When explaining a solution to an application prob- Lok fastener maintains torque performance through tem-
lem we have suggested certain types of Long-Lok fasten- peratures as high as 400° F and as low as
ers. This is not to suggest that the fastener mentioned is -100° F, and is not affected by hydrocarbons.
recommended only for that specific application or that, in Problem: Engine cycling requires a self-locking part that is
some cases, other fastener types could not be used. capable of withstanding cycling from ambient to 500° F
The following examples incorporate the use of Long-Lok and still meet multiple reuse requirements.
products as suggested solutions to commonly encoun- Solution: The Dual-LokTM plastic additive fastener is used
tered fastening problems. They are offered as suggestions to meet this requirement. In this application high-tempera-
only since your own experience, unique set of application ture Vespel® engineered plastic is captured in a unique,
conditions, and use of Long-Lok’s extensive experience patented manner. With Dual-Lok, two locking surfaces are
will solve your specific problem. Other companies may exposed to better maintain required torques under severe
offer similar products, but only Long-Lok provides “Cus- conditions.
tom Solutions to Special Problems in Fastener Engineer-
ing.” The Dual-Lok method can be used with a wide variety of
insert materials depending upon the application require-
Problem: An outside truck mirror vibrates loose after a ments. This dual locking element means of capturing the
limited amount of rough driving. insert material eliminates strip fall out and is just one more
Solution: Either Poly-Lok® or Long-Lok® can be used to of the unique products developed by Long-Lok engineers
solve this type of problem. for special requirements.
Reliability of assembly in a high vibration environment is Problem: A steel fastener has to be used to attach an elec-
required. The resilient insert or patch type fastener is ide- tronic assembly to a cast aluminum housing.
ally suited since it does not rely on axial tension in the Solution: A T-Sert® thin wall self-locking insert supplies a
assembly to insure staying in place. strong locking support in the soft metal. The T-Sert is in-
In general, the resilience of the plastic holds the fastener serted into the soft metal hole and locked in place by its
in place without adhesives or thread distortion, and pro- prevailing torque value. When the fastener is installed, it
vides locking action in the thread instead of at the bearing too is locked in place by the insert plastic so that the entire
surface. The resilient nature of the locking plastic main- assembly becomes a prevailing torque assembly. The one-
tains fastener lock due to its vibration dampening charac- piece, solid wall construction of T-Sert provides the ulti-
teristics. mate in both torque and tensile strength, exceeding the
Problem: Carburetor adjustment screws that must be able requirements of MIL-N-25027 and MIL-I-45932.
to operate in a high temperature environment vibrate out The design of the T-Sert self-locking insert reduces its
of adjustment. cost to substantially below other types of inserts. Further,
Solution: The Poly-Lok plastic additive fastener is best because of the ease of installation, the T-Sert has lower
suited to solve this problem. installed cost than all other types of insert devices. T-Sert
installation can be made from either end resulting in addi-
Here the requirement is for the plastic insert to be able to tional savings in time. No special drills, taps or gauges are
operate at 380° F. Nylon inserts cannot be used because required for installation.
nylon is limited to 250° F. Only Poly-Lok, made of polyeth-
ylene terephthalate (a Long-Lok patented exclusive), meets Because it does not require swaging or driving of rings the
the requirement of unusually high temperature, multiple T-Sert causes no undue stresses due to installation and
reuse characteristics in accordance with MIL-DTL-18240 edge distances are not critical.
and IFI 124, and economical purchase characteristics. Problem: Small lock washers used in the assembly of an
In general, when optimum torque is necessary plus the electronic part work loose after the product has been sold.
ability to withstand an unusually high temperature range, It is identified that the normal expansion and contraction
plus a relatively low cost of purchase, self-locking prevail- of the assembly resulting from component heating is
causing the problem.

6 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Solution: Prevailing torque type fasteners are a popular Problem: A borescope plug cap has to be fastened on the
solution to this problem. All lock washers require mainte- hot side of a jet engine with multiple reuse and multiple
nance of the pre-load to maintain positive locking perfor- rework capabilities.
mance. Unfortunately, even normal temperature changes, Solution: Omni-Lok
Omni-Lok™ solves this problem.
in addition to shock or vibration, can cause pre-load loss
which, in turn, eliminates any locking action. Omni-Lok is a patented process in which a longitudinal
hole is drilled and a metal pin is installed in such a fashion
Self-locking fasteners are designed to put the locking ac- that the pin extends above the root diameter of externally
tion in the thread, where it is needed. Since the locking threaded parts but still is contained wholly within the ma-
action is in the thread, prevailing torque remains even as jor diameter. The pin provides an effective wedge which
the pre-load changes with temperature. provides the prevailing torque feature.
Problem: A mechanical assembly must be fastened on the Omni-Lok is especially suited for those threaded compo-
hot side of a gas turbine. nents which require a prevailing torque locking element
Solution: For applications up to 1200° F Dyna-Thred® II, which has one or more of the following characteristics:
an all metal lock is called for. The Dyna-Thred II lock is It has high prevailing torque and can be used in unusual or
achieved by forming a close tolerance hole axially into the non-conventional configurations. It withstands (1) very
bolt end of a standard thread form. Then a controlled area high (1200° F or more) or very low (cryogenic) tempera-
of the cavity is dilated to expand the periphery of the con- tures, (2) greater than normal stress and vibration condi-
trolled thread area. The pitch diameter of the first thread is tions, and (3) severe corrosion conditions. It conforms to
left unchanged for starting ease. MIL-F-8961 requirements.
The result is an easily installed, highly reliable, self-locking Problem: An aircraft panel requires over 300 reuses of a
fastener that meets all performance requirements of MIL- self-locking prevailing torque type fastener.
Solution: Poly-Lok® II meets this requirement. Poly-Lok II
Problem: A mass produced toy that will take very hard use not only provides high temperature capability but can
must be fastened at the lowest possible cost. The relatively achieve more than 300 reuses and still meet the MIL-DTL-
light weight components, and the speed of application, 18240 and the IFI 124 minimum torque requirements.
require low driving torque type fasteners. High breakaway
torque is needed to stand the rough use. Engineers should be particularly interested in specifying
Poly-Lok II where the application calls for multiple reuses
Solution: Dri-Loc®, a chemical additive self-locking fas- above the minimum of 15 called out by MIL-DTL-18240. A
tener, is called for. Dri-Loc fasteners are coated with a number of military applications can now be handled by a
micro-encapsulated anaerobic adhesive. When the fas- simple fastener that previously required complex mechani-
tener is rotated in the mating part, the inert micro-encap- cal locks or locking assemblies.
sulated adhesive is released and forms a bond which,
when it hardens, both locks and seals the assembly. Addi-
tionally, since Dri-Loc fasteners require very low on-
torque, assembly is faster and more economical. See
specification IFI 125 for torque performance requirements.
Problem: In place fastener cost reduction is required to
See for Yourself
relieve rising inventory and assembly costs. Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a
Solution: Replace bolts and lock washers with one piece description of its application and performance require-
self-locking fasteners. A self-locking fastener is, in effect, ments, and we’ll process it using the most appropriate
a lock washer and bolt all in one piece. That means you Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to sample
inventory fewer items. a standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us with a
A self-locking fastener is easier and faster to install. The Part Number. Samples are provided free of charge. Call
result is less assembly time and lower assembly costs, your nearest Long-Lok facility for assistance.
and no margin of error. It adds up to savings in-place.

Long-Lok Fasteners 7
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Application Considerations

Consideration of the following factors will eliminate the when used properly, the tensile strength of Long-Lok strip
majority of application problems encountered when using and pellet type fasteners are not adversely affected by the
self-locking fasteners. Review them carefully and consult milled slots or drilled holes used to accommodate their
the factory for any unanswered questions. respective locking elements.
1. Use only self-locking devices which are MIL-Spec and/ Sizes of 1/4” diameter and smaller may exhibit a very
or Q.P.L. approved and manufactured by a qualified Long- slight reduction directly in the slotted or drilled hole area.
Lok facility. However, similar test data has shown that a high tensile
2. Control quality and design of both self-locking and mat- strength margin remains; all parts still meet minimum
ing parts within the limits of applicable standard thread specification requirements. Torsional strength for these
specifications. parts is only affected in sizes smaller than #8, and then
only when tightened beyond yield strength. Shear strength
3. Countersink the female mating part or chamfer the is not lost in any size; high shear bolt grips are not altered.
male mating part end point as described in the installation For strip type parts the ends of the insert slot are radiused
data. to prevent “notch effect” or stress risers.
4. Mating parts must be clean and free of all foreign mate- 8. Torsional resistance to turning (prevailing “on” torque)
rial. is greatest at the initial installation of the self-locking com-
5. Use of self-locking elements in mating parts with key- ponent with the mating thread form. This results from the
way, slots, cross holes, or other thread form interruptions thread form being worked into the locking feature, along
are not recommended and can adversely affect locking with burnishing of the surface roughness of the threads.
torque performance and reusability characteristics. The second and third installations continue these actions
to a lesser degree. The resulting torque value through sub-
6. Manufacture of some commercial strip type fasteners sequent repeated cycling will be reduced much more
may produce a very slight metal burr at the engagement gradually, the degree of which will depend on the wear
end of the longitudinal slot. These parts are usually ac- factor of the mating materials and resilience of the locking
ceptable for 90% of self-locking applications. By adding feature used. This is demonstrated by the graph on Page 25.
the suffix “E” to the part numbers when ordering Long-Lok
strip type fasteners, end burrs will be removed. (See “Op- 9. For externally threaded parts, tap drills should be sized
tions”, Page 46; also see definition of Burr Free in “Glos- to develop a 65% to 75% theoretical thread height in the
sary of Terms”). mating hole. All holes should be tapped with a cut thread
and not a rolled thread tap to insure quality of the mating
7. Extensive, independent test data demonstrates that thread and optimum prevailing torque performance.

Installation Data
Applicable to material additive type locking screws (Poly-
Lok Patch, Long-Lok Strip, Dual-Lok and Tek-Lok Pellet
fasteners) pre-applied adhesive type (Dri-Loc fasteners)
and thread sealing type (Vibra-Seal fasteners).
Countersink Clearance Hole Chamfer

To maximize prevailing torque performance Locking elements on externally threaded For locking features applied to internal thread
and prevent potential shearing of the locking components typically protrude to .003 over forms use of a mating fastener or component
material at installation in the mating thread the maximum major diameter; they pass with a chamfered end point is recommended.
form, the tapped hole should be counter- through normal clearance holes with finger
sunk. pressure. Consult factory if flush installation
is required.

8 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners
Empirical Torque Adders

The Empirical Torque Values shown below approximate the Example: If a non-locking No.10 screw requires 30 inch
additional prevailing torque developed by Material Additive pounds of torque to develop desired tension: a Long-Lok
type fasteners when compared to non-locking fasteners. Add No.10 screw requires the same torque plus 6 inch pounds or
these values to standard non-locking fastener seating torque 36 inch pounds to develop the same tension.
values to calculate the torque required to develop a given
tension (pre-load) in the assembly. Values do not apply to all-
metal types (Dyna-Thred II). Consult factory for appropriate
values or alternative design considerations for all-metal types.

Size Empirical Value Size Empirical Value Size Empirical Value Size Empirical Value Size Empirical Value
#0 2.0 Inch-Oz. #4 1.5 Inch-Lbs #10 6.0 Inch-Lbs. 3/8” 32.0 Inch-Lbs. 5/8” 120.0 Inch-Lbs.
#1 4.0 Inch-Oz. #5 2.0 Inch-Lbs. #12 8.0 Inch-Lbs. 7/16” 40.0 Inch-Lbs. 3/4” 160.0 inch-Lbs.
#2 9.0 Inch-Oz. #6 3.0 Inch-lbs. 1/4” 12.0 Inch-Lbs. 1/2” 60.0 Inch-Lbs. 7/8” 240.0 inch-Lbs.
#3 1.0 Inch-Lbs. #8 4.0 Inch-Lbs. 5/16” 24.0 Inch-Lbs. 9/16” 80.0 Inch-Lbs. 1” 320.0 Inch-Lbs.

Glossary of Terms Installation Torque: Also known as “On-Torque”. Highest

Breakaway Torque: Also known as “Off Torque” or “Re- value of prevailing or running torque exhibited by a part
moval Torque”. Torque required to begin relative rotation while installing or engaging to the mating thread form
between the part and mating thread absent an axial load. prior to start of any axial load (pre-load).
Subject to change with usage cycling. Considered the criti- Locking Torque: A measure of the performance of a self-
cal performance characteristic of a self-locking component. locking device, i.e. resistance to rotation. Typically in the
Breakloose Torque: Amount of torque required to over- “off” direction, not to include torque required to induce or
come the axial load of a seated fastener (pre-load), reliev- relieve a parts axial load (pre-load). See Breakaway Torque.
ing the tension, initiating movement in the off direction. A Permeability — The rate at which a liquid or gas, under
value unrelated to prevailing torque. pressure, passes through a solid material by diffusion and
Burr Free: In the context of self-locking components, this solution. As related to elastomers, it is the rate of gas flow
reference applies to the milled area of strip and pellet in- expressed in atmospheric cubic centimeters per second
stallation areas. MIL-DTL-18240 allows for, “Burrs in the (ATM CC/CM2/CM/SEC).
area of the locking feature not adversely affecting torque Pre-Load — A measure of the axial load imparted on a
performance”. Long-Lok Fasteners offers a higher quality fastener. A result of the amount of the applied seating
standard that provides an absence of significant burrs in torque, typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi)
the region of the milled slot or drilled hole feature as to create tension in the fastener. Commonly accepted to be
viewed under five power magnification. Additionally, the 80-85% yield strength.
mechanical verification of this condition is the thread’s
ability to freely accept a “Go” ring gage after removal of Prevailing Torque: Also known as “Running Torque”.
the locking strip or pellet insert. This higher standard is Unique to self-locking fasteners or components. A mea-
specified by adding the suffix code “HQ” to the Long-Lok sure of the inherent ability of a part to produce frictional
part number when ordering. resistance to rotation in a mating thread form. Exists inde-
pendent of clamp load, inclusive of both installation and
Clamp Load — A measure of compressive force in a joint removal torque
or assembly, resulting from the existing pre-load of a fas-
tener. Typically measured in “pounds”, a value of clamping Running Torque: Typically an average measure of a parts
force imparted by the elastic tension of the fastener in the prevailing torque characteristic in either the installation or
assembled mating parts. removal cycle, independent of clamp load. See “Prevailing
Cold Flow — Continued deformation of a material under
stress. S eating Torque — Sometimes referred to as “Loading
Torque”. Typically measured in “inch pounds”, a value of
Elastomer — Any synthetic or natural material with a re- torque applied to a fastener to induce a compressive load
silience characteristic or “memory” sufficient to cause it to under the head bearing surface. Results in creating an
return to its original shape or form after major or minor dis- axial load (pre-load) that imparts tension or a stretching/
tortion. elongation characteristic to a part.
Long-Lok Fasteners 9
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Torque Calculations

The concept of “Seating Torque” is typically a primary Seating Torque (Without locking element)
design consideration in any given fastener application. Seating Torque is calculated using the following formula:
Any designated value for seating torque will have a direct T = KDFby (No locking element)
affect on the resulting amount of fastener pre-load (ten-
sion) and associated desired clamping force in the as- Where: T = Torque (in.-lbs.).
sembly. D = Nominal diameter of bolt (in.).
Seating Torque
K = Coefficient of friction factor.*
Force Fby = Tension in bolt at yield (Preload in.-lbs.)

*K Factor
The pre-load value results from the amount of applied
seating torque. The torque coefficient of friction factor
(K) is measure of the lubricity of a fastener. As such, it
must be considered for compensation of numerous de-
sign variables such as configuration, size, surface tex-
ture, etc. For example, since cadmium plating adds lu-
bricity, it has a smaller “K Factor” than plain steel.
Preload (Tension in Bolt)
Therefore, to develop the same desired pre-load value, a
Following are commonly applied formulae used to derive cadmium plated part would require less applied seating
specific seating torque values associated with design torque than the same part in plain finish.
pre-load requirements. Please note that these are offered Note: The following “K Factors” are averages offered for
for example purposes only. As such, they should not be example purposes only. The accuracy of any selected “K
used as the sole basis for specific design criteria of a Factor” is subject to many application variables not dis-
given application or assembly. cussed here.

Desired Preload
Preload is calculated using the following formula: Finish K Factor
Fby = SybAs Plain Steel .20
Where: Fby = Tension in a bolt at yield (lbs.). Zinc .21 to .33
Syb = Yield strength of the bolt (psi). Cadmium .15 to .20

As =Cross sectional area of the tensile stress Black Oxide .16 to .19
area of the threaded portion of a bolt (in2). Dry Film Lube, Grease, Oil or Wax .12

As for steels up to 100,000 psi Seating Torque (With locking element present)
π 2 Seating Torque for fasteners incorporating a locking
As =
4 [D
n ] element is calculated using the following formula:
(T = KDFby) + x
As for steels over 100,000 psi Where x = Empirical Torque Adder (See page 9)
As = π pe
] As discussed on Page 9, the average prevailing torque
value produced by the presence of a self-locking element
Where: D= Nominal diameter of bolt. must be added to the non-locking seating torque value
to achieve the desired pre-load value.
N = Number of threads per inch.
Dpe = Min. pitch diam. of ext. threads.

10 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Example Seating Torque Calculation: Fastener Torque Ranges
1. Calculate Preload: Fby = SybAs No lubrication on threads. Torque values are based on
Where:Fby = Tension in a bolt at yield (lbs.). friction coefficients of 0.12 between threads and 0.14
between nut and washer or head and washer, as manu-
Syb = Yield strength of the bolt (psi).
factured (no special cleaning).
As = Cross sectional area of the tensile stress area
of the threaded portion of a bolt (in2). Size Root area, Torque range
in.2 (Class 8, 150 ksi, boltsa)
If: Syb = 100,000 PSI.
2 10-24 0.0145 23 to 34 in.-lb.
As =
π Dpe
n ]
for steel over 100,000 10-32
29 to 43 in.-lb.
54 to 81 in.-lb.
psi. 1/4-4-28 .0326 68 to 102 in.-lb.
Dpe = Minimum pitch diameter of external threads. 5/16-18 .0454 117 to 176 in.-lb.
5/16-24 .0524 139 to 208 in.-lb.
n = Number of threads per inch.
2 3/8-16 .0678 205 to 308 in.-lb.
As = π
[ .2243
n ] = .0355 in2. 3/8-24
230 to 345 in.-lb.
28 to 42 ft.-lb.
7/16-20 .1090 33 to 50 ft.-lb.
Then: Fby = (100,000 psi) (.0355 in2) = 3,550 lbs. 1/2-13 .1257 42 to 64 ft.-lb.
1/2-20 .1486 52 to 77 ft.-lb.
2. Calculate seating torque value required for desired 9/16-12 .1620 61 to 91 ft.-lb.
tension (pre-load) for non-locking fastener: T = KdFby 9/16-18 .1888 73 to 109 ft.-lb.
Where:T = Torque in.-lb. 5/8-11 .2018 84 to 126 ft.-lb.
5/8-18 .2400 104 to 156 ft.-lb.
d = Nominal diameter of bolt. 3/4-10 .3020 b
117 to 176 ft.-lb.
Fby = Tension in bolt at yield (preload in pounds). 3/4-16 .3513 139 to 208 ft.-lb
7/8-9 .4193 184 to 276 ft.-lb.
K = Coefficient Factor. 7/8-14 .4805 b
213 to 320 ft.-lb
Then: T = (.08) (.250) (3,550) = 71 in.-lbs. 1-8 .5510 276 to 414 ft.-lb.
1-14 .6464 323 to 485 ft.-lb.
3. Add Empirical Torque Adder for self-locking fastener: 1 1/8-7 .6931 b
390 to 585 ft.-lb.
[T = (.08) (.250) (3,550)] + x 1 1/8-12 .8118 b
465 to 698 ft.-lb.
1 1/4-7 .8898 559 to 838 ft.-lb.
Where:x = 12.0 in.-lbs. b
1 1/4-12 1.0238 655 to 982 ft.-lb.
Then: 71 in.-lbs. + 12 in.-lbs. = 83 in.-lbs.
The values given are 50 and 75 percent of theoretical yield
Total Seating Torque = 83 in.-lbs. strength of a bolt material with a yield of 120 ksi. Correspond-
ing values for materials with different yield strengths can be
obtained by multiplying these table values by the ratio of the
respective material yield strengths.
Bolts of 0.75 in. diameter and larger have reduced allowables
Ultimate Tensile Strength of Fastener Material (75 percent of normal strength) owing to inability to heat treat
this large a cross section to an even hardness.
Reprinted with permission from MACHINE DESIGN, Nov.19, 1987. A Penton Publica-

Yield Strength of Fastener tion.

Ultimate When Torquing
Yield When Torquing


Long-Lok Fasteners 11
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Guide to MS and NAS Self-Locking Fasteners


Print No. Description Print No. Description
NAS 608 .................... SHCS NAS 5100-5106 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) Pan Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - A-286
NAS 662 .................... 100° Flat Hd. NAS 5200-5206 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) Pan Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - Titanium
NAS 1081 .................. Setscrew NAS 5300-5306 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) Flat Fillister - Tri-Wing Recess - Alloy
NAS 1161-1168 ......... 100° Flat Hd. - Torque Set NAS 5400-5406 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) Flat Fillister - Tri-Wing Recess - A-286
NAS 1171-1178 ......... Pan Hd. - Torque Set NAS 5500-5506 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) Flat Fillister - Tri-Wing Recess - Titanium
NAS 1181-1188 ......... Flat Fillister Hd. - Torque Set NAS 5600-5606 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) 100° Flt. Hd. Tri-Wing Recess -
NAS 1189 .................. 100° Flat Hd. - Full Threaded Alloy
NAS 1190 .................. Pan Hd. - Full Threaded NAS 5700-5706 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - A-286
NAS 1191 .................. Flat Fillister Hd. Full Threaded NAS 5800-5806 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - Tita-
NAS 1216 .................. Pan Hd. - Hi Torque Recess Full Thread nium
NAS 1217 .................. Pan Hd. - Hi Torque Recess Short Thread NAS 6203-6220 ......... (Short Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - Alloy
NAS 1218 .................. Pan Hd. - Hi Torque Recess NAS 6303-6320 ......... (Short Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - A-286
NAS 1219 .................. 100° Flush Hd. Hi Torque Recess Full Thread NAS 6403-6420 ......... (Short Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - Titanium
NAS 1220 .................. 100° Flush Hd. Hi Torque Recess Short Thread NAS 6500-6506 ......... (Screw-Full Thread) 100° Oval Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - A-286
NAS 1221 .................. 100° Flush Hd. Hi Torque Recess NAS 6603-6620 ......... (Long Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - Alloy
NAS 1223-1235 ......... Hex Hd. Bolt, Shear NAS 6703-6720 ......... (Long Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - A-286
NAS 1351 .................. SHCS NAS 6803-6820 ......... (Long Thread) Hex Hd. Bolt - Titanium
NAS 1352 .................. SHCS NAS 6900-6906 ......... (Full Thread) Pan Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - A-286
NAS 1578 .................. Bolt, Flat Pan Head NAS 7103-7116 ......... (Long Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed - Alloy
NAS 1635 .................. Pan Hd. - Full Thread NAS 7203-7216 ......... (Long-Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed - A-286
NAS 1741 .................. 100° Flat Hd. Full Thread - Patch Type NAS 7303-7316 ......... (Long Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed - Titanium
NAS 1741 .................. Pan Hd. Full Thread - Patch Type NAS 7400-7416 ......... (Short Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed - Alloy
NAS 1743 .................. Flat Fillister Hd.Full Thread - Patch Type NAS 7500-7516 ......... (Short Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed -A-286
NAS 4104-4116 ......... (Bolt-Long Thread) 100° Hd. - Tri-Wing Recess - Alloy NAS 7600-7616 ......... (Short Thread) 100° Flt Hd. Phillips Recessed - Titanium
NAS 4204-4216 ......... (Bolt-Long Thread) 100° Hd. - Tri-Wing Recess - A-286 NAS 7700-7706 ......... (Short Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed - Alloy
NAS 4304-4316 ......... (Bolt-Long Thread) 100° Hd. - Tri-Wing Recess - Titanium NAS 7800-7806 ......... (Short Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed -A-286
NAS 4400-4416 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) 100° Hd. - Tri-Wing Recess - Alloy NAS 7900-7906 ......... (Short Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed - Titanium
NAS 4500-4516 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) 100° Hd. - Tri-Wing Recess - A-286 NAS 8000-8006 ......... (Full Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed - Alloy
NAS 4600-4616 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) 100° Hd.- Tri-Wing Recess - Titanium NAS 8100-8106 ......... (Full Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed - A-286
NAS 5000-5006 ......... (Bolt-Short Thread) Pan Hd. Tri-Wing Recess - Alloy NAS 8200-8206 ......... (Full Thread) Pan Hd. Phillips Recessed - Titanium
NAS 1283 .................. Self-Locking Male Fastener Specification which relates
back to MIL-DTL-18240 and MS 15981 (limitations of use)

Print No. Description Print No. Description
MS 3212 .................... Pan Hd. Screw, CRES, Self-Sealing, Silicone O-Ring MS 21099 .................. 12 Pt., Hex Hd., Cres.
MS 3213 .................... Pan Hd. Screw, CRES, Self-Sealing, Fluorosilicone O-Ring MS 21262 .................. SHCS, Alloy Steel
MS 18153 .................. Hex Hd. Capscrew, Gr. 8, UNF MS 21295 .................. SHCS, Cres
MS 18154 .................. Hex Hd. Capscrew, Gr. 8, UNC MS 51021 .................. Setscrew, Cup Pt., Cres-UNC Threads
MS 18063 .................. Setscrews, Cup Pt. - Alloy MS 51023 .................. Setscrew, Cup Pt., Cres-UNF Threads
MS-18164 ................. Setscrews, Cup Pt. - 18-8 MS 51029 .................. Setscrews, Flat Pt., Cres-UNC Thread
MS 18065 .................. Setscrews, Flat Pt. - Alloy MS 51031 .................. Setscrews, Flat Pt., Cres-UNF Threads
MS 18066 .................. Setscrews, Flat Pt. - 18-8 MS 51038 .................. Setscrews, Cone Pt., Cres.
MS 18067 .................. Setscrews, Cone Pt. - Alloy MS 51095 .................. Hex Hd. GR. 5 UNC Thds.
MS 18068 .................. Setscrews, Cone Pt. - 18-8 MS 51096 .................. Hex Hd. GR 5 UNF Thds.
MS 21090 .................. Pan Hd. Screw, Steel MS 51963 .................. Setscrew, Cup Pt. Alloy UNC Thds.
MS 21091 .................. 100° Flush Hd., Bolt Steel MS 51964 .................. Setscrew, Cup Pt. Alloy UNF Thds.
MS 21092 .................. 100° Flush Hd., Bolt, Cres. MS 51965 .................. Setscrew, Flat Pt., Alloy UNF Thds.
MS 21093 .................. 100° Flat Hd. Screw, Steel MS 51966 .................. Setscrew, Flat Pt., Alloy UNF Thds.
MS 21094 .................. Hex Hd. Bolt, Steel MS 51973 .................. Setscrew, Cone Pt. Alloy UNC Thds.
MS 21095 .................. Hex Hd. Bolt, Cres. MS 51974 .................. Setscrew, Cone Pt., Alloy UNF Thds.
MS 21096 .................. Pan Hd. Bolt, Steel MS 90727 .................. Hex Hd., GR 8 UNF Thds.
MS 21097 .................. Pan Hd. Bolt, Cres. MS 90728 .................. Hex hd., GR 8 UNC Thds.
MS 21098 .................. 12 Pt. Hex Hd., Alloy Steel

12 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners


MIL-DTL-18240: Performance specification for prevailing MIL-F-8961: Design and performance standard for high tem-
torque type fasteners performing to +250°F — both external perature (450°F + 1200°F) externally threaded self-locking
and internal threads. Defines patch, strip, and pellet type con- fasteners. Offers 15 cycle reusability and torque performance
figurations and offers 5 cycle reusability and torque perfor- requirements.
mance requirements.
MIL-I-45932: Design and performance standard for thin wall,
IFI 124: Industrial Fastener Institute commercial performance self-locking screw thread inserts. Includes design, perfor-
standard and test procedure for prevailing torque type fasten- mance and torque requirements for integral locking device
ers using non-metallic locking elements. Offers 5 cycle reus- type, both metallic and non-metallic.
ability and torque performance requirements.
MIL-S-82496A: Procurement specification for integral O-
IFI 524: Same as IFI 124, but for metric size thread forms. ring, self-sealing machine screws. Offers design, performance
NAS 1283: Design standard for male threaded self-locking and test requirements for self-sealing fasteners including
fasteners. Incorporates MIL-DTL-18240 performance stan- reusability and minimum pressure sealing capability.
dards and test requirements by reference. IFI 125: Industrial Fastener Institute commercial performance
MS 15981: Design standard for design and usage limitations and test procedure for chemically coated (pre-applied and
of externally threaded self-locking fasteners. Incorporates assembly-applied adhesive) lock screws. Offers prevailing
MIL-DTL-18240 performance standards and test require- and breakaway torque performance criteria
ments by reference. IFI 525: Same as IFI 125, but for metric size thread forms.

Manufacturing Standards
Following are industry accepted manufacturing stan-
dards for the commercial fastener types listed. In lieu of
MS, NAS or customer specifications, these can be used
for inspection/acceptance criteria:
Category (Head Styles) Long-Lok Style Code Mfr. Standard
Machine Screws-includes Round, Pan, Oval, Flat, Binder, Fillister, Truss & Hex A,D,F,G,J,M,N,T,V, ANSI B18.6.3
Socket Screws-includes Button, Socket Cap, & Flat Socket B,G,J,U,X ANSI B18.3
Finished Bolts-includes Hex Cap W ANSI B18.2.1

Cage Code for Long-Lok Fasteners

Cincinnati — 16941
Los Angeles — 03038 Long-Lok, over the years, has worked closely with the
Federal stock code, Self-Locking Fasteners — 5305, 5306 U.S. Military, the Industrial Fastener Institute and the Na-
tional Aerospace Standards Committee to insure that our
If you wish to use a Long-Lok self-locking element in a products meet, or exceed, the stringent requirements of
fastener that, under the AN, MS or NAS part number is these technical bodies. Not all manufacturers can meet
non-locking, simple substitute the desired Long-Lok insert these requirements.
prefix for the AN, MS or NAS prefix.

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a brief description of its application and performance require-
ments, and we’ll process it using the most appropriate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to sample a
standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of charge. Call your
nearest Long-Lok facility for assistance.

Long-Lok Fasteners 13
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Selection Guide

Self-Locking Fasteners Locking
Chemical Material O-Ring Coated
Material Additive All-Metal
Additive Additive Seal Thread
Product Name Poly-Lok Long-Lok Tek-Lok Dual-Lok Omni-Lok Dyna-Thred Dri-Loc T-Sert Self-Seal Vibra-Seal
Page Number 16 18 20 22 23 24 28 30 34 42
Locking Element Material
Stainless Steel   
Fastener Material 
Custom Alloys 
Anaerobic Resin 
Sealing Material
Ethylene Propylene 
Acrylic Coating 
Applicable to...
Straight Male Threads         
Straight Female Threads     
NPT Male Threads     
NPT Female Threads   
Operating Temperatures
Minimum -100° F -320° F -320° F -450° F Limited Only by -65° F -320° F -400° F -65° F
Maximum +400° F +1200° F +500° F +500° F Fastener Material +400° F +390° F +1200° F +300° F
IFI 124/IFI 524     
IFI 125/IFI 525 

14 Long-Lok Fasteners
Introduction to Self-Locking Fasteners

Special Thread Locking

“Custom Solutions to Special Problems
in Fastener Engineering”

Not every thread form is part of a fastener. And no one Exclusive, Poly-Lok® Polyes-
knows this better than Long-Lok! ter Patch — Precise, consis-
Every year we process some very sophisticated compo- tent and controlled application
nents... large and small. What they all have in common is a of our exclusive resilient poly-
thread form that must stay secured when assembled. ester material. Excellent tem-
perature and
With our Poly-Lok® Patch, Long-Lok® Strip, Tek-Lok® Pellet
reusability characteristics.
and our Dri-Loc® Adhesive, we are confident we can live up to
our motto, “Custom Solutions to Special Problems in Fas-
tener Engineering.” Our strip and pellet inserts are available in
a variety of materials including Kel-F® and Vespel®. For even
The original Long-Lok® Strip
more control over prevailing or locking torque loads, Long- — Nylon, Kel-F®, Vespel®,
Lok can custom formulate both Poly-Lok patch material and or stainless steel insert.
Dri-Loc adhesive resins. This broad range of locking options
combined with our unmatched fastener engineering experi-
ence enable us to offer capabilites unavailable from any other
So don’t think of Long-Lok only when considering common
locking fasteners! As you can see from the components pic-
tured here, we can apply a thread locking method to an end- Tek-Lok® Pellet — Ny-
less variety of thread forms. These include internal thread lon, Kel-F® or Vespel®
forms ranging from standard hex nuts to specially designed
internally threaded components. In many cases we can manu-
facture the entire component, but we welcome you to send
your components to us for self-locking processing only.
With the aid of a sketch, drawing or, better yet, an actual
sample part from you, a Long-Lok sales engineer will gladly
assist you in determining the locking method best suited to
your component’s application requirements.
Long-Lok Fasteners 15
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Material Additive Types

Poly-Lok Patch Type


• -100°F to +400°F
• Reusability greater than IFI 124, IFI 524 and
• Made of polyethylene terephthalate

Poly-Lok® is today’s most advanced, most reliable pre- tently from part to part. This exclusive Poly-Lok patch
vailing torque type self-locking fastener. And it’s all due area control capability allows us to produce non-stan-

to the unique polyester patch material that is more resil- dard torque values custom tailored to your require-
ient, has higher strength, and can be reused more often ments; a control not attainable with spray-on patch
with higher retained torque values than any other patch methods. It all adds up to extra-reliability and depend-
material. ability in almost any threaded fastening application.
Even the Poly-Lok manufacturing process is unique. The The versatility and locking characteristics of the Poly-
patch material is applied by a patented process of con- Lok patch open up a whole new range of fastener appli-
sistent amount, controlled as never before possible with cations. From the aerospace to automotive market, engi-
this type of locking method. Thanks to this engineered neers everywhere are finding out how well Poly-Lok
proprietary control of patch size and location, depend- self-locking fasteners can solve their assembly prob-
able prevailing torque performance is achieved consis- lems.

What Makes Our Polyester Patch Superior hydraulic pressures and offer effective sealing properties
with most liquids.
Vibration and Shock Resistance.
The Poly-Lok self-locking principle incorporates a polyes- Low Sensitivity to Thread Fit Variations.
ter patch permanently bonded to the fastener threads. In any mass assembly operation, a Poly-Lok patch offers
When mating threads are engaged, the polyester patch is the best of both worlds. Poly-Lok fasteners lock whether
compressed. The coefficient of friction and modulus of the seated or not, and the resiliency and strength of the lock-
material as well as the patch volume controls the prevail- ing polyester patch is insensitive to thread fit variations.
ing torque value achieved. The added prevailing torque They conform to all 2A-2B and 3A-3B thread fitting toler-
keeps the parts locked together. Poly-Lok fasteners won’t ances within IFI 124, IFI 524 and MIL-DTL-18240 and
work loose even under extreme shock and vibration condi-
NAS1283 torque requirements.

Elevated Temperature Capability. Poly-Lok Patch is Non-Toxic.

Unlike other patch type locking methods Poly-Lok is non-
Other plastic additive type self-locking fasteners have lim-
ited temperature range capabilities. The Poly-Lok patch toxic. This allows its use in applications where toxicity is a
has changed all that. It can maintain torque and clamp- problem, such as food processing equipment.
load performance through a temperature range of -100° to
+400°F. Superior Outgassing Performance Capability.
Poly-Lok products have been approved by NASA for space
Built-In Thread Seal. and vacuum environment applications requiring low out-
The Poly-Lok patch acts as a dam to prevent liquid leakage gassing characteristics. They have been tested and proven
along the thread helix. It provides excellent sealing proper- to meet and exceed the requirements of ASTM-E-595-93
ties between the load bearing and non-load bearing flanks and NASA SP-R-0022A test specifications.
of the mating threads. The Poly-Lok patch formulation is
impervious to most chemical solutions, acids, solvents, Extended Reusability Feature
oils, brake fluid, and anti-freeze solutions. It can withstand Use of the specially processed Poly-Lok II patch provides
extended reusability characteristics far exceeding those
16 Long-Lok Fasteners required by IFI 124 of MIL-DTL-18240. Under ideal condi-
Poly-Lok Material Additive Types
Custom Applications and Internal Thread Forms.
Its unique application process enables the Poly-Lok patch to mating part characteristics can be specified.
solve almost any type of thread locking problem, including Whatever your special needs are, a Poly-Lok patch can pro-
internal thread forms. In fact, Poly-Lok is widely used on hex vide the solution. It’s the most versatile self-locking fastener
nuts to provide the special torque, high temperature, or out- available today. Only Poly-Lok, made of polyethylene tereph-
gassing properties required. In addition, special lengths of thalate, (A Long-Lok patented exclusive) meets all require-
the polyester locking material ... special thread fit tolerances ments. For special application considerations, see Page 15.
... special torque requirements or clamp loads ... or related

Patch Material
Material Color Code Operating Temperature Range Material Specification
Polyester Green -100° F to +400° F AMS 3612


How to Specify
Please turn to the inside back cover of this catalog for stan- 3. If patch length “L” is to be greater than the lengths for
dard product selection and Part Number specification. standard parts, specify as length “E”. It is not necessary to
specify “L” if standard patch
For application of Poly-Lok® patch type locking material to
length is satisfactory (See E P
special threaded components, please follow the recommen-
“Standard ‘L’ Dimensions”
dations below. Remember, Long-Lok Fasteners can manu-
tabulated below).
facture the complete fastening component, or if you prefer,
send your parts for processing. 4. If patch is to be placed in a
special location, specify “P”
1. Specify “Poly-Lok Patch.” Add to drawing notes: “to be
Dimension, where P = Distance from thread-engagement
installed by Long-Lok Fasteners Corporation.”
end of part to start of locking insert.
2. If part could be
5. If patch must be located diametrically in
engaged from ei- Engage this X
thread with relation to another point, this location
ther end, note
female thread should be dimensioned as in “X”.
intended direction
of engagement. ®
Poly-Lok Patch 6. If special torque is required, please consult
with factory.

Standard “L” Dimensions

Thread Size #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #8 #10 1/4
"L" Patch Length 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 1/4 5/16

Thread Size 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1
"L" Patch Length 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 3/4
The locking element dimensions shown are approximate and for engineering information only. Consult factory for patch lengths on fasteners with diameters
greater than 1 inch.
Design Notes Aerospace Stan-
NAS5000-5006, NAS5100-5106, NAS5200-5206,
NAS5300-5306, NAS5400-5406, NAS5500-5506,
1. Applicable Standards: continued: NAS5600-5606, NAS5700-5706, NAS5800-5806,
Military Specifications: MIL-DTL-18240 NAS6203-6220, NAS6303-6320, NAS6403-6420,
NAS6500-6506, NAS6603-6620, NAS6704-6720,
Military Standards: MS15981, MS16995-16998, MS18063-18068, NAS6804-6820, NAS6900-6906
MS18153, MS18154, MS21090-21099, MS21262,
MS21295, MS51021, MS51023, MS51029, Commercial Standards: IFI 124, IFI 524 (Metric)
MS51031, MS51095, MS51096, MS90727, MS90728 Test Specifications: ASTM-E-595-93, NASA SP-R-0022A, NASA MSFC-
Aerospace Standards: NAS662, NAS1081, NAS1161-1168, NAS1171-1178, HDBK-527
NAS1181-1188, NAS1189, NAS1190, NAS1191, 2. See page 8 for hole preparation and other installation information.
NAS1223-1235, NAS1283, NAS1351, NAS1352,
NAS1635, NAS1741, NAS1742, NAS1743, NAS4104-
4116, NAS4204-4216, NAS4304-4316, NAS4400-
4416, NAS4500-4516, NAS4600-4616,
Long-Lok Fasteners 17
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Material Additive Types

Long-Lok Strip Type ®

• -320°F to +500°F
• Reusability per IFI 124, IFI 524 and MIL-DTL-18240

The Long-Lok strip fastener is a universally accepted, pre- screw, and compressing a special locking material in the
vailing torque type self-locking fastener, with excellent slot. The resiliency of the locking insert holds it in place
vibration resistance. Over 35 years of use in thousands of without adhesives or thread distortion, allows it to recover
proven applications attest to the wide acceptance of the slightly when disengaged, and provides vibration resis-
Long-Lok strip. These fasteners are available in a wide tance on re-installation. This prevailing torque characteris-
range of sizes — from miniature eyeglass screws to fas- tic can provide re-usability performance in excess of 5
teners for the heaviest of highway equipment. installation/removal cycles.
Long-Lok strip fasteners are manufactured by forming a Several insert materials are available for operating tem-
narrow longitudinal slot long enough to assure engage- peratures ranging from -400°F to +500°F. Long-Lok also
ment with the female thread in an otherwise normal bolt or offers a specially designed stainless steel, rolled-tube in-
sert for temperature requirements in excess of 1200°F.
Strip Materials
Materials Color Code Operating Temperature Range Material Specification
Polycap Nylon Green -60° F to +250° F ASTM-D-4066
Kel-F ® * Blue -320° F to +390° F AMS 3650

Vespel ® Brown -450° F to +500° F —

Hot-Lok TM * (Stainless Steel Tube) Silver -400° F to +1200° F —

*These inserts are not recommended for reuse. Consult factory for technical details.

How to Specify
Please turn to the inside back cover of this catalog for Do not cut this surface 3. If there are any sur-
standard product selection and Part Number specification. faces which should not
Engage this end be cut by Long-Lok
For application of Long-Lok strip type locking inserts to with female
special threaded components, please follow the recom- thread slotting mills, denote
mendations below. Remember, Long-Lok Fasteners can same on drawing.
Long-Lok Polycap insert
manufacture the complete fastening component, or if you a. Normally maximum
prefer, send your parts for processing. depth of slot is 0.020 below thread minor diameter. If
1. Specify “Long-Lok [Polycap, Kel-F®, or Vespel®] Insert.” depth must be less than this amount, contact
Add to drawing notes: “to be installed by Long-Lok Fas- Long-Lok.
teners Corporation.” 4. If insert length “L” is to be greater than the lengths for
2. If part could be engaged from either end, note intended standard parts (See “Standard ‘L’ Dimensions” tabu-
direction of engagement. lated on next page), specify as length “E”. It is not nec-
essary to specify “L” if standard length is satisfactory.

18 Long-Lok Fasteners
Long-Lok Material Additive Types

How to Specify — continued

5. If insert is to be placed in of locking insert . X
a special location,
6. If insert must be located diametrically in
specify “P” Dimension,
relation to another point, this location
where P = Distance
should be dimensioned as in “X”.
from thread-engage-
ment end of part to start 7. If special torque is required, please consult with fac-
8. No dimensions are to be specified for the width and
Standard “L” Dimensions depth of slot, or for the size of insert.
Thread Size #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #8 #10 1/4
"L" Insert Length .125 .125 .185 .185 .240 .285 .320 .320 .355


Thread Size 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1
"L" Insert Length .420 .480 .530 .562 .562 .625 .750 .750 .75
The locking element dimensions shown are approximate and for engineering information only. Consult factory for insert lengths on fasteners with diameters
greater than 1 inch.

Design Notes
1. Long-Lok strip type, self-locking fasteners have been tested and approved to 3. Manufacture of some commercial strip type fasteners may produce a very
the following standards and specifications: slight metal burr at the engagement end of the longitudinal slot. These parts
Military Specifications: MIL-DTL-18240, QPL-18240 are usually acceptable for 90% of self-locking applications. By adding the
suffix “E” to the part numbers when ordering Long-Lok strip type fasteners,
Military Standards: MS15981, MS16995-16998, MS18063-18068, end burrs will be removed. (See “Options”, Page 46; also see definition of Burr
MS18153, MS18154, MS21090-21099, MS21262, Free in “Glossary of Terms”).
MS21295, MS51021, MS51023, MS51029,
MS51031, MS51095, MS51096, MS90727, MS90728 4. Extensive, independent test data demonstrates that when used properly, the
tensile strength of Long-Lok strip type fasteners are not adversely affected by
Aerospace Standards: NAS662, NAS1081, NAS1161-1168, NAS1171-1178, the milled slots used to accommodate the locking element.
NAS1181-1188, NAS1189, NAS1190, NAS1191,
NAS1223-1235, NAS1283, NAS1351, NAS1352, Sizes of 1/4” diameter and smaller may exhibit a very slight reduction directly
NAS1635 NAS4104-4116, NAS4204-4216, NAS4304- in the slotted area. However, similar test data has shown that a high tensile
4316, NAS4400-4416, NAS4500-4516, NAS4600- strength margin remains; all parts still meet minimum specification require-
4616, NAS5000-5006, NAS5100-5106, NAS5200- ments. Torsional strength for these parts is only affected in sizes smaller than
5206, NAS5300-5306, NAS5400-5406, #8, and then only when tightened beyond yield strength. Shear strength is not
NAS5500-5506, NAS5600-5606, NAS5700-5706, lost in any size; high shear bolt grips are not altered. Ends of the insert slot are
NAS5800-5806, NAS6203-6220, NAS6303-6320, radiused to prevent “notch effect” or stress risers.
NAS6403-6420, NAS6500-6506, NAS6603-6620, 5. See page 8 for hole preparation and other installation information.
NAS6704-6720, NAS6804-6820, NAS6900-6906
Commercial Standard: IFI 124, IFI 524 (Metric)
2. Plating: Users should consider the following in planning plating or replating of
Long-Lok strip type fasteners or threaded components after locking device is
a. Locking devices must never be removed by the end user. Removal and
replacement of the insert destroys its effectiveness.
b. Locking inserts can be damaged by some plating process or surface
treatments. As such, they should never be applied after insert installation.
Consult the factory for appropriate processing procedures.

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a brief description of its application and performance require-
ments, and we’ll process it using the most appropriate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to sample a
standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of charge. Call your
nearest Long-Lok facility for assistance.

Long-Lok Fasteners 19
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Material Additive Types

Tek-Lok Pellet Type ®

• -320°F to +500°F
• Reusability per IFI 124, IFI 524 and MIL-DTL-18240

Tek-Lok® self-locking threaded fasteners obtain locking the metal-to-metal friction opposite the locking pellet.
action from an engineered plastic pellet compressed into The pellet acts as a wedge and creates a counter-thrust
a hole drilled in the threaded region of the fastener, to a when deformed, while the inherent memory of the pellet
depth slightly below the root of the thread. Pellet size strives to regain its original shape, causing positive lock-
and location are standard but can be altered to meet ing. And since the lock action exists at all times, Tek-Lok
special requirements. fasteners are ideal for “adjusting” applications, when it’s
The locking action, partly produced by friction developed essential that the fastener stays in a specific position
between the pellet and the mating thread, results from without being seated. Tek-Lok fasteners are produced in
both military and commercial grades, and are offered in
Pellet Materials a variety of insert materials for cryogenic to high tem-
perature applications.
Materials Color Code Operating Temperature Range Material Specification
Polycap Nylon Green -60° F to +250° F ASTM-D-4066
Kel-F ®* Blue -320° F to +390° F AMS 3650

Vespel ® Brown -450° F to +500° F —

*These inserts are not recommended for reuse. Consult factory for technical details.

How to Specify
Please turn to the inside back cover of this catalog for 2. If pellet is to be position fur- E
standard product selection and Part Number specifica- ther from the end of the part
tion. than standard “L” Dimen-
For application of Tek-Lok locking pellets to special sion indicates (see “Stan-
threaded components, please follow the recommenda- dard ‘L’ Dimensions”, following
tions below. Remember, Long-Lok Fasteners can manu- page), specify as length “E”. It is not
facture the complete fastening component, or if you pre- necessary to specify “L” if standard
length is satisfactory. X
fer, send your parts for processing.
3. If pellet must be located diametrically
1. Specify “Tek-Lok [Nylon, Kel-F®, or Vespel®] Pellet.”
Add to drawing notes: “to be installed by Long-Lok in relation to another point, this location
Fasteners Corporation.” should be dimensioned as in “X”.
4. If special torque is required, consult with factory.

20 Long-Lok Fasteners
Tek-Lok Material Additive Types
Standard “L” Dimensions
Thread Size #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #6 #8 #10 1/4

"L" Pellet Location .06 .07 .08 .09 .14 .16 .17 .19 .24

Thread Size 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1
"L" Pellet Location .27 .30 .31 .33 .38 .41 .47 .52 .52

Note: The locking pellet location dimensions are approximate and are for engineering information only

Design Notes
1. Applicable Standards:
Military Specifications: MIL-DTL-18240
Military Standards: MS15981


Commercial Standards: IFI 124, IFI 524 (Metric)
2. All standard nuts and most female threaded items can be made self-locking by
drilling through the wall of the part and installing and swaging in place a nylon
pellet. In some applications the pellet can be installed from the inside without
drilling through the wall. Contact Long-Lok prior to specifying this design.
3. Special parts can be produced with Tek-Lok pellets. Contact Long-Lok’s engi-
neering group for unusual thread sizes, materials, thin wall conditions, short
parts—where standard pellets do not appear applicable.
4. The locking element in Tek-Lok commercial fasteners can protrude above the
crest of the thread, to approximately .010” over the maximum major diameter
of the fastener. Therefore, a clearance hole of about .015” larger than the
maximum major diameter of the fastener is recommended to allow for passage
of the locking element, and the mating thread should be chamfered .020/.030
over the major diameter to insure good compression and locking action of the
insert. Consult factory for special clearance hole or chamfer requirements.
5. Ideal performance of Tek-Lok commercial fasteners is obtained when the
locking element has engaged the mating thread for five revolutions
(threadpitches) or more. However, in many applications excellent performance
is obtained with considerably less engagement. In general, the minimum
length standard Tek-Lok fastener readily obtained can be determined by noting
that two full pitches of thread should exist beyond the locking element (L
dimension) for either proper performance or manufacturing ease.
6. Extensive, independent test data demonstrates that when used properly, the
tensile strength of Tek-Lok pellet type fasteners are not adversely affected by
the drilled holes used to accommodate the locking element.
Sizes of 1/4” diameter and smaller may exhibit a very slight reduction directly
in the drilled hole area. However, similar test data has shown that a high
tensile strength margin remains; all parts still meet minimum specification
requirements. Torsional strength for these parts is only affected in sizes
smaller than #8, and then only when tightened beyond yield strength. Shear
strength is not lost in any size; high shear bolt grips are not altered.
7. See page 8 for hole preparation and other installation information.

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a brief description of its application and performance require-
ments, and we’ll process it using the most appropriate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to sample a
standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of charge. Call your
nearest Long-Lok facility for assistance.

Long-Lok Fasteners 21
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Material Additive Types

Other Self-Locking Designs

Dual-Lok ®

• Vespel® Locking Insert

• High Temperature Capability
• Dual Locking Surfaces

Totally New–Totally Unique

First, what is it? The patented Dual-Lok process is a
newly developed self-locking feature designed specifi-
cally for use in higher temperature applications. Using
Vespel® inserts as its locking element, Dual-Lok fasten-

ers have the capability to withstand high to low tempera-

ture cycling (-450°F to +500°F) throughout at least 15 Off Center
Locking Element Dual Locking
removals. Dual-Lok fasteners meet all of the require- Contact Points
ments of IFI 124, IFI 524 and MIL-DTL-18240. A

The Dual-Lok design incorporates a specially formed

locking element pressed into an off-center through-hole
prepared in the threaded section of an externally
A Section A-A
threaded fastener. This unique design provides these
• Positive insert retention and no glue required.
• Advantage over pellets due to smaller drill hole and
element diameter required to develop torque due to
having two locking surfaces exposed.
• Prevailing torque performance meeting the require-
ments of MIL-DTL-18240 Enlarged top view reveals the off-
center, dual Vespel® locking nodes.
• Withstands high temperature requirements for non-
metallic self-locking elements.
• Withstands high vibratory and stress conditions
placed on external threaded parts.
Every project is special. After discussions between
Long-Lok Technical Service personnel and your engi-
neers, a torque requirement specification will be estab-
lished and a formula developed for your company’s indi-
vidual needs for the Dual-Lok process.
See for Yourself
Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a
brief description of its application and performance re-
quirements, and we’ll process it using the most appro-
priate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to
sample a standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us
with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of
charge. Call your nearest Long-Lok facility for assis-

22 Long-Lok Fasteners
Other Self-Locking Designs Material Additive Types

Omni-Lok ®

• Temperatures to 1200°F
• Ideal for short thread engagements
• Wide range of locking element materials

Designed to Improve Product Integrity.

The Omni-Lok process is a patented method to make bolts
and nuts stay in place, regardless of the extent of vibration
or temperature stress. Omni-Lok fasteners meet all specifi-
cations of MIL-DTL-18240, including those requiring as


many as fifteen reuses.
Omni-Lok fasteners incorporate single or multiple pins,
fully contained in holes located within the thread, and held
parallel to the longitudinal axis. The pin is precisely lo-
cated in such a manner that the O.D. of the pin extends
above the root diameter of external threads–and below the
minor diameter of internal threads–at a controlled height.
This provides the required torque, creating an effective
wedge in the threaded assembly for frictional resistance to
rotation, i.e. prevailing torque.
The Omni-Lok process is well-suited for special threaded
components which require a locking element but have one
or more of the following difficult-to-deal with situations; Omni-Lok Bolt
• Withstand high temperature (up to 1200° F), or low
temperature (cryogenic) requirements.
• Withstand high vibratory and stress conditions placed
on external and internal threaded parts.
• Conforms to MIL-F-8961 requirements.
• Enable parts with a short thread engagement to utilize a
self-locking feature.
• High prevailing torque requirement.
• Unusual and non-conventional configurations
• Severe corrosion environmental conditions.
• Omni-Lok pins can be fabricated from an almost end- Omni-Lok Nut Configura-
less list of materials such as high temperature resisting tion
alloys and soft ductile materials in order to provide a
controlled and consistent torque for severe applications.
Every Omni-Lok project is special. After discussions be-
tween Long-Lok Technical Service personnel and your
engineers, a torque requirement specification will be es-
tablished and a formula developed to control the Omni-Lok
process. One or more holes are then formed longitudinally
in the bolt at a specified distance inward of the major di-
ameter. One or more pins of proper diameter to fit the hole
are then inserted.

Long-Lok Fasteners 23
All Metal Types

Dyna-Thred II All-Metal Type®

• -400°F to +1200°F
• Reusability per IFI 124 and MIL-F-8961

The unique, all-metal Dyna-Thred II design is a technological Typical Applications


breakthrough in reliable self-locking fasteners. Extensive tests Use Dyna-Thred II fasteners whenever extreme heat and
prove that the locking action of Dyna-Thred II fasteners main- punishing vibration loosen or destroy other fasteners.
tains minimum torque requirements after more than 15 re-uses. • Airborne turbo-prop engines
The patented Dyna-Thred lock is formed of the fastener itself • Ground-based turbines
and requires use of no additional locking element materials. • Commercial appliances such as restaurant coffee
Locking action takes place in a full hoop, 360° around the urns, etc.
thread, providing an equal load on all sides. • Commercial and military aircraft braking systems
The useful temperature range of Dyna-Thred II fasteners is lim- • Auxiliary power units
ited only by the physical characteristics of the parent bolt mate- • Rapid transit and rail subsystems
rial. From cryogenic applications to sustained high tempera-
tures, Dyna-Thred II fasteners stay locked in. And, of course,
Dyna-Thred II fasteners are available in a wide variety of head
styles, materials, finishes, and sizes.

The Dyna-Thred II Principle

The Dyna-Thred II lock is made by forming a close toler-
ance hole axially into the threaded end of a fastener. A Dilation Zone Controlled Cavity
controlled area of the cavity is dilated to expand the pe-
riphery of a controlled thread area. The pitch diameter of Standard Thread O.D
the first thread is left unchanged for starting ease. The
result: an easily installed, highly reliable, self-locking Expanded Thread
bolt or screw. Dyna-Thred II bolts meet all the perfor- (Exagerated to Illustrate Principle)
mance requirements of, and is qualified to, Specification
Dyna-Thread II Materials and Finishes
Materials Tensile Strength, PSI Maximum Temperature Finishes Maximum Temperature
Grade 5, Alloy Steel 125,000 Minimum 450° F Cadmium 450° F
Grade 8, Alloy Steel 150,000 Minimum 450° F Silver Plate 1200° F
A-286 CRES 160,000 - 170,000 1200° F Dry Film Lube —
Mild Carbon Steel 55,000 Minimum 450° F Passivate —
300 CRES 75,000 Minimum 800° F Plain —
Inconel ™ 185,000 Minimum 1200° F
24 Long-Lok Fasteners
Dyna-Thred All Metal Types

Laboratory Tests were independently conducted.*
Static Tensile Strength Specimen Nom. Dia. & Ult. Tensile Load Results Ult. Location of Test
Part Type
Tests No. Thread 3A Req't Lbs. Min. Tensile Test Lbs. Failure Temp. ° F
Dyna-Thred engagement was
affected 2 threads above the 1 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 5150 6360 Bolt Thread 74
cavity area. Comparisons were
made between standard NAS1004 2 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 5150 6240 Bolt Thread 74
and Dyna-Thred at room tempera-
ture and Dyna-Thred alone at
3 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 5150 6540 Bolt Thread 75
1200°F. Tests proved that essen- 4 NAS1004 1/4-28 5150 6580 Bolt Thread 74
tially no tensile strength differ-
ence existed between NAS1004 5 NAS1004 1/4-28 5150 6540 Bolt Thread 74
bolts and Dyna-Thred bolts.
6 NAS1004 1/4-28 5150 6380 Bolt Thread 75


7 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 — 4395 Bolt Thread 1200
8 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 — 4425 Bolt Thread 1200

Tension-Fatigue Tests Stress PSI Fatigue Loading Lbs.

Number of
Specimen Nom. Dia. & Location of
Dyna-Thred was tested with the Part Type † High Ten. Low Ten. High Ten. Cycles to
essentially comparable NAS1004 No. Thread 3A Failure
Load Load ± 2% Load ± 2% Failure
bolt to determine their strength
characteristics. No appreciable
strength difference between the 1 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 83,100 271 2710 65,000 Bolt Head
two types of bolts was noted.
2 NAS1004 1/4-28 83,100 271 2710 58,000 Bolt Head
3 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 61,350 200 2000 176,000 Bolt Head
4 NAS1004 1/4-28 61,350 200 2000 189,000 Bolt Head

Stress Rupture Tests Specimen Nom. Dia. &

Test Load Tensile Rupture Location of
Dyna-Thred bolts were positioned Part Type † Stress Area
No. Thread 3A Lbs. Strength PSI Life Hours Failure
so that 1-1/2 threads protruded Sq. In.
through the end of the nut. The
bearing face of the nut was within 1 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 0.03553 2310 65,000 23.0 No Fail
approximately 3 threads of the
runout. The Dyna-Thred bolt and 2 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 0.03553 2310 65,000 23.0 No Fail
nut assembly was heated to
1200°F during the test period of 3 Dyna-Thred 1/4-28 0.03553 2310 65,000 23.0 No Fail
23 hours. All test bolts satisfacto-
rily met stress rupture test re- † All Dyna-Thred bolts were corrosion-resistant steel fabricated from A286 and silver plated. Unplated hexagon A286 nuts
quirements of Specification AMS were used in accordance with dimensions specified in MIL-F-18240D.

15-Cycle Locking Torque

Tests** Torque Tests after 1200° F Bake
Tests described were run at room

temperature and after 1200°F

bake for six hours, in accordance 40
with military specification MIL-F- Torque Tests at room temperature
8961. All bolts tested were manu-
factured from A-286 CRES, and 20
were Dyna-Thred part number 10
DTF1004-21A, which has a
1/4-28 UNF-3A thread. Results 0 1 5 10 15
indicated are minimum breakaway Installation and Removal Cycles
values measured in inch-pounds.

* Laboratory tests were conducted by Almay Research & Testing Corporation,

Los Angeles, California. Complete certified test results available on all tests.
** Meets MIL-F-8961 Torque Requirements.

Long-Lok Fasteners 25
All Metal Types

How to Specify — Dyna-Thred II All Metal Type

Dyna Thred II bolts and screws may be ordered using Commercial Part Numbers
AN, MS or NAS specification numbers by using the part Follow the structure shown below to construct a com-
number scheme below. All other types may be specified plete Part Number for commercial grade Dyna-Thred II
by constructing a commercial part number using the self-locking bolts and screws.
tables at right. Either method is simple.
Options Note: Part Numbers here are spread apart for clarity. Please do not add
spaces between codes when constructing your Part Number.
Long-Lok offers optional Headmarking (six or more dots
raised or recessed 0.010”, maximum, in a circular pat- DT 4 3 U 083 J 16
tern) at a nominal additional cost. Add the letter “M” at Dyna-Thread II Prefix Length (1/16
(1/16” Incre-
the end of the part number to order this option. Please Screw Material
16 = 1 inch
consult with factory for other special requirements. 4 = A286 CRES
Recess or Drive Style

Screw Finish J = Internal Hex

Metric Sizes 3 = Dry Film Lubrication
Screw Size — Diameter
Though not cataloged here, metric size equivalents for Head Style and Thread Specification
U = Socket Cap
most of our self-threaded fasteners are available. Please 083 = 1/2-13, UNC
call Long-Lok if your application calls for metric dimen-
sioned parts. We are prepared to handle your require-
Screw Material Screw Finish
AN, MS and NAS Part Numbers
Description Code Description Code
1. Add a “DT” prefix in place of the “AN”, “MS”, “NAS”
or other specification callouts of basic screws or bolts. Steel Grade 5
Cadmium per
1 QQ-P-416,Type II, 1
2. Add the following after DT when applicable: (125M psi Minimum)
Class 2
F = Dry lubrication finish per MIL-L-46010, Type 1
A = Silver plate per AMS 2411 Steel Grade 8
Silver Plate per
C = Cadmium plating per QQ-P-416, Type II, Class 2 2 AMS 2411 2
(150M psi Minimum)
(1200° F)
3. Add the following to the end of the part number when
applicable: Dry Film
M = Headmarking - six or more dots raised or de- 3 Lubrication per
MIL-L-46010, 3
pressed 0.010 max.
Type I
Passivate per
Note: Part Numbers here are spread apart for clarity. Please do not add A-286 CRES 4 4
spaces between codes when constructing your Part Number. QQ-P-35
1. DT A 21280-10 M Steel, Mild Carbon
5 Plain, No Finish* 5
Dyna-Thred II Prefix (55 psi Minimum)
Dyna-Thred Self-Locking *While available with no
Male Threads 300 CRES 6
finish, application of a lubri-
cating coating is recom-
Screw Finish Inconel ™ 8 mended to prevent part
A = Silver Plate per
seizure in the mating thread
AMS 2411 (optional) form at time of installation.
12 Point Hex Bolt (“MS” Prefix is Dropped)
See for Yourself
M = Headmarking
Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along
with a brief description of its application and perfor-
2. DT 1005-8A M mance requirements, and we’ll process it using the
Dyna-Thred II Prefix most appropriate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing
NAS1005-8A method. Or, to sample a standard Long-Lok fastener,
Hex Head Bolt simply supply us with a Part Number. Samples are
Headmarking provided free of charge. Call your nearest Long-Lok
facility for assistance.
26 Long-Lok Fasteners
Dyna-Thred All Metal Types

Design Notes
1. Applicable Standards: As shown in Figure 1 below, the standard drilled cavity depth of a typical Dyna-
Military Specification: MIL-F-8961 Thred fastener is approximately 7 thread pitches. For this reason, mating thread
engagement of 9 threads minimum is required to ensure tensile strength perfor-
Commercial Standards: IFI 124, IFI 524 (Metric) mance consistent with test results on Page 25. Prevailing torque performance,
2. Additional Materials and Finishes are available upon request. however, can be achieved with thread engagement of 7 threads, minimum.
3. Not all Material/Finish combinations are available for every head style.
4. Consult factory for minimum thread lengths.
5. Consult factory for additional details. Figure 1
6. Note: Unless otherwise specified, thread fit classes and configuration envelope Minimum Mating
dimensions are per the applicable head style ANSI/ASME commercial stan- Thread Engagement
dard. See Appendix. 9 Threads, Approx.) Dilation Zone
7. Studies have shown that the greatest percentage of tensile load of a fastener is
(5 Threads, Approx.) Standard Thread Engagement
carried in the first two threads of engagement in the mating thread form. As
evidenced by the static tensile test described on Page 25, DynaThred fasteners (2 Full Threads, Approx.)
easily meet minimum tensile strength requirements when used in this way.
Drilled Cavity


DT 4 3 U 083J 16

Head Style Screw Size Recess or Drive Style Length

Description Code Coarse Fine Description Description Code
Thread Thread (Applicable Head Code
Round A Size Code Size Code Style Codes)
Lengths in
6-32 62 6-40 60 increments of 1/16";
Cruciform tolerances per
Button B 8-32 82 8-36 86 (A, D, F, G, P applicable
J, M, N, T) specifications.
10-24 04 10-32 02
Pan Consult Long-Lok
D for applicable
1/4-20 040 1/4-28 048
Spline minimum thread
5/16-18 058 5/16-24 054 K lengths.
Oval F Socket (B,
3/8-16 066 3/8-24 064 U, )
7/16-14 074 7/16-20 070 Examples:
100° Flat G Slotted
1/2-13 083 1/2-20 080 Recess (A, 1/4" 4
D, F, G, J, 5/16"
82° Flat 9/16-12 092 9/16-18 098 5
J M, N, T, V,
5/8-11 101 5/8-18 108 W, ) 3/8" 6

Binder M 3/4-10 120 3/4-16 126

External Hex H
7/8-9 149 7/8-14 144 (V, W)
Fillister N 1-8 168 1-12 162

Truss T J
Internal Hex
(B, G, J, U, )
Cap U

Off-Set T
Hex Tap Cruciform
Bolt V
(A, D, F, G,
J, M, N, T)
Hex Cap
Screw W

Long-Lok Fasteners 27
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Chemical Additive Types

Dri-Loc Pre-Applied Adhesive


• -65°F to +400°F
• Reusability per IFI 125 and IFI 525 (Single Use Only)

Long-Lok is proud to offer Dri-Loc® adhesive coatings Dri-Loc adhesives are designed for applications where
for standard fasteners and other threaded components. specific shear strengths, temperature range and sub-
Dri-Loc adhesives (from Loctite Corporation), applied to strate types are necessary. All Dri-Loc adhesives harden
threaded parts, form a unique coating that converts ordi- in the absence of air on ferrous and nonferrous metals
nary fasteners into self-locking fasteners. Dry to the without primer, activators or heat.
touch, Dri-Loc adhesives become an integral part of the They exhibit controlled lubricity, low on torque and are
fastener and stay inert until parts are used. During the dry to touch for ease of assembly with automatic or
assembly process, Dri-Loc adhesive is activated by as- hand tools.
sembly forces, releasing anaerobic adhesive which locks
parts securely. For convenience, coatings are color coded to indicate
strength range and for easy inspection. Bolts with diam-
Dri-Loc adhesives are applied to the full circumference eters of 1/16” through 3/4” and with shank lengths of 3/
of the fastener. Resin fills all voids in the threads when 8” to 6” can be coated with our specially developed
installed, and cures to form an excellent seal to both equipment.
liquids and gases. (For pre-applied non-locking thread
sealant, see Vibra-Seal® information beginning on Page 42.)

Resin (anaerobic) Dimethacrylate F = Tension or clamping force, lbs. (N)
Flashpoint (Cleveland open cup) Above 200°F (93°C) K is a universal constant for all sizes which can be estab-
On-Part Life at 68°F (±20°F and 50% RH) Four Years lished empirically.
Toxicity Low (You can find safe stresses for bolts in manufacturers’
fasteners specifications or tool engineers’ handbooks.)
Specific Gravity 1.05 to 1.15
Cure Speed @ 70°F 10 Minutes Fixture: K Values for Dri-Loc® Adhesives
Full Cure in 72 Hours
K Value
On-Torque 25% of IFI 124 and Lower
than IFI 125 Zinc Phosphate/oil 0.11
Dri-Loc 200 0.12
Torque Tension Dri-Loc 201 0.15
The tension in the fastener can be reasonably controlled Dri-Loc 202 0.13
by controlling the torque. For any given fastener the Dri-Loc 203 0.11
torque tension relationship can be stated as follows:
Dri-Loc 204 0.18
(Example: Dri-Loc 200 on 3/8”-16, Grade 5, Zinc Phos-
where T = Torque, lb.-in. (N•m) phate bolt: T = 0.12 x .375 x 5000 = 225 lb.-in.)
D = Nominal bolt diameter, in. (m)

28 Long-Lok Fasteners
Dri-Loc Chemical Additive Types

Listed below are the standard Dri-Loc adhesive formuli. ments for locking and sealing performance. These spe-
In addition, Long-Lok can formulate custom Dri-Loc cial formulations are created in response to your specific
adhesives to meet your application’s particular require- requirement.
Sample Breakaway/Prevailing Torque Value (lb-in.)
Color Strength
Formula Strength Temperature Range Fastener Size
Code Range
(psi shear)
1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 5/8-11
-65° F to +300° F
200 Yellow High 2400 80/25 190/95 220/105 470/200 860/350 1140/520
(-54° C to +150° C)
-65° F to +400° F
201 Yellow High 2700 60/45 190/95 245/130 415/265 685/380 1200/900
(-54° C to +204° C)


202 Green Medium 2200 63/45 160/65 200/105 385/160 600/300 820/380
-65° F to +300° F
203 Silver Mild 1800 50/30 120/60 160/75 280/130 480/140 540/340
(-54° C to +300° C)
204 Red High 3100 80/60 220/180 280/250 470/340 860/600 1500/1400
Notes for Breakaway Torque, Shear Strength, and Prevailing Torque Data:
1.Values are typical of batches; individual components may vary as much as ±25%. Values listed are meant for comparative purposes only; consult with Long-Lok
Fasteners before designing, specifying or purchasing Dri-Loc fasteners.
2.Values obtained on Grade 5 bolts with phosphate and oil finish; Dri-Loc adhesive coating was cured for 72 hours @ 70°F.
3.For test data on other fastener sizes and finishes, please contact Long-Lok Fasteners.

Solvent Resistance % Retention How to Specify

Test Temperature 200 201 202 203 204 Dri-Loc coated fasteners are
Air Reference 188° F 100 100 100 100 100 produced to order by Long-
Lok Fasteners Corp. Long-
Glycol/Water 188° F 100 100 95 40 100 Lok processes your sup-
Isopropyl Alcohol 188° F 100 100 100 65 95 plied parts, or we can
Gasoline 188° F 100 95 100 70 100 supply complete products,
including the basic fastener.
10W30 Oil 188° F 100 90 100 55 90 To order Dri-Loc coated
Phosphate Ester 188° F 100 90 100 100 100 fasteners, or to request a
Toluene 188° F 100 95 100 60 100
quote, please call Long-Lok
and speak
Air Refence 75° F 100 100 100 100 100 directly with one of our
Water 75° F 100 100 100 100 100 Sales Engineers.
10W30 Oil 300° F 80 100 90 30 80
Automatic Transmission Fluid 300° F 75 100 85 35 80

Design Notes Breakloose Torque

1. Applicable Standards: 600

Commercial Standards: IFI 125 (Meets IFI 124 for On-Torque) 201 60
500 200
2. Second use of a Dri-Loc coated fastener gives approximately 30% of original 204 202
strength. 50

3. Sample tests are recommended for fastener surfaces other than those listed. 209 40
4. Normal loosening of a UNC bolt will be about 70% of the torque to which it 300
has been tightened (UNF = 80%). The application of a threadlocking com- 30
pound adds to or augments the normal loosening torque. The amount it does 200
this is called the torque augmentation. This is shown in the shaded area. 20
5. Dri-Loc adhesives are slightly acidic and may stain or discolor some metals. 100 Data obtained on 3/8”-16, Grade
However, the effect on performance of the adhesive has been shown to be 5, phosphate and oil nuts and
inconsequential. Dri-Loc adhesives are not recommended for use on copper or 0 bolts, cured for 72 hours at
brass. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 room temperature.
6. Excessive or repeated skin contact with the liquid anaerobic resin squeezed PRE-TORQUE, Inch-Lbs.
from Dri-Loc treated fasteners may cause dermatitis in sensitive persons. In 10 20 30 40 50 60
case of skin contact, remove promptly by washing with mild soap and water. NEWTON-METRE
In case of skin reaction, discontinue contact with product. If skin reaction
persists, see a physician. KEEP MATERIAL AWAY FROM CHILDREN.
Long-Lok Fasteners 29
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Material Additive Types

T-Sert Self-Locking Inserts


• Additional joint strength in low tensile materials
such as aluminum, magnesium and plastics.
• Self-locking internal threads.
• Wear-resistant internal threads in soft

T-Sert® inserts require no locking rings or other separate

locking devices. An integral, self-locking element extends
longitudinally through the wall of the insert, and provides Typical mating fas-
tener: common bolt or

simultaneous locking action for both internal and external screw

threads in accordance with MIL- I-45932. The torque de-
veloped by the T-Sert locking element provides approxi-
mately twice as much torque on the external as on the Tight, metal-to-
metal thread fit
internal diameter, precluding the possibility of uninten- Single locking opposite of
tional rotation after installation. insert acts as insert provides
wedge on both the prevailing
During installation of the mating fastener the T-Sert self- insert and mating torque to keep
locking element flows into the thread root, forcing the fas- fastener. Pres- assembly locked.
sure is exerted on
tener threads into metal-to-metal contact with the threads opposite side of
of the T-Sert insert, thus holding it securely. Because the assembly.
T-Sert locking action is prevailing, and does not depend
upon the seating of the mating fastener, it does not loosen 2:1 torque distribution assures that
with severe vibration or shock. Mating fasteners need no the bolt or screw will break loose
lockwashers, adhesives or lock wiring or any other expen- before T-Sert insert when disassem-
sive additional devices.

What Makes T-Sert Inserts Superior to Other

Threaded Inserts?
Economical High Strength
Because of inherent simplicity of design, T-Sert inserts One piece, solid wall construction gives T-Sert inserts the
cost substantially less than all other types of solid wall, ultimate in both torque and tensile strength.
self-locking inserts. And with easy installation the installed
cost of T-Sert inserts is less than that of all other inserts; Excellent Corrosion Protection
particularly wire-type inserts. Either-end installation means T-Sert inserts do not break the surface coating on the par-
that T-Sert inserts can be installed more quickly than other ent material as do key, ring, swage-locked or self-tapping
insert types since they do not have to be oriented, permit- inserts.
ting additional economy in time-saving. All this makes T-
Sert inserts the most economical insert available. Easier, Quicker To Install
T-Serts inserts require no special hole preparation, no
Reusable special counterbores, tapes or gages, no indexing or refer-
T-Sert inserts internal thread lock can be reused a mini- encing operations. The inserts are installed by utilizing the
mum of fifteen times. Extremely low cold flow and excep- internal thread of the insert and a simple driving tool. And,
tional memory in the T-Sert locking element assures reus- because they do not require a swaging or ramming home
ability that meets the requirements of MIL-I-45932. of keys or rings, T-Sert inserts cause no undue stresses
due to installation.

30 Long-Lok Fasteners
T-Sert Material Additive Types

Locking Element Material

Material Color Code Operating Temperature Range Material Specification
Polycap Nylon Green -60° F to +250° F ASTM-D-4066
Kel-F® Blue -320° F to +390° F AMS 3650

Size Variations
For each thread size offered, T-Sert inserts are available
in the three variations illustrated here.
Variation Standard Heavy Wall Short
T-Sert Prefix* T TH TS



T-Sert Form

MIL-I-45932 100 200 400
Series Number
*These prefixes are seen in Table 2, and used in the final Part Number.

Installation Procedure
It’s easy as one-two-three. Drill, countersink and tap the
mating hole. Then use recommended T-Sert driver to
install the T-Sert quickly and easily.

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a
brief description of its application and performance re-
quirements, and we’ll process it using the most appro-
priate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to
sample a standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us
with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of
charge. Call your nearest Long-Lok facility for assis-

1. T-Sert insert is threaded onto the driver.

2. The T-Sert driver installs T-Sert flush to .010-.020
below the surface of the parent
3. Driver is backed off, leaving the insert permanently

Long-Lok Fasteners 31
Material Additive Types

How To Specify

Use the material tabulated in Tables 1 below, and Table 2 Example: T02 117 P 5 9
opposite, to build complete Part Number for T-Sert inserts
per the example shown here. Please do not use spaces or Size and Variation Finish
T02 = Standard T-Sert; 9 = Dry Film Lube
dashes. 10-32 Internal Thread
Insert Material
MIL-I-45932 5 = 303 Stainless Steel
Locking Element Material
P = Polycap Nylon

Table 1
T02 117 P 5 9

Size and MIL-I-45932 Locking Element

Code Insert Material Code Finish Code
Variation Reference Material
Polycap Nylon P 303 CRES In Accordance Cadmium per QQ-P-416, 5
See Table 2 See Table 2 with FED. STD. No. 66 5 Type II, Class 3
Kel-F® L
17-4 CRES per AMS 5643 7 Plain 7
Dry Film Lube per

Hole Preparation
Hole preparation for T-Sert inserts is accomplished with Figure 1 100°
standard drills and taps. For added wall strength, how- 82° Countersink T
ever, T-Sert inserts are manufactured with a modified B
external minor thread diameter. To ensure proper fit and
function use the drill and tap sizes specified in Table 2 for
each T-Sert insert size.
1. Locate and drill with standard drill to “A” Dia.
2. Countersink with standard countersink (82° - 100°), to “B” Thru Hole Allowable
Dia. Installation Thread
Blind Hole Runout
3. Tap with standard unified thread series tap, “T” dimen- Installation
T-Sert Driver
Hand- or power tool-operated, T-Sert Drivers are simple
and trouble free. Made of heat treated steel.
How To Specify: Recommended driver number for each T- Handle
Sert size is shown in Table 2.



32 Long-Lok Fasteners
T-Sert Material Additive Types
Table 2
T-Sert Sizes Hole Preparation (See Figure 1)

T-Sert B Minimum Drill Depth T-Sert

Internal MIL-I-45932 A T Driver
Length Size and C'Sink C
Thread Type A Tap Drill Bottoming Plug Thread Tap Part No.
±.010 Variation Dia. x 90° Min. Full
UNJ-3B Reference Dia. Tap Tap Size UN-3B
Code ±.010 Thd. Depth
.19 T26 104 .112-.117 .178 .220 .280 .340 .138-40
.086-56 .19 TH26 204 .139-.144 .204 .220 .300 .360 .164-32 TSDR-26
.15 TS26 404 .112-.117 .178 .180 .240 .300 .138-40
.19 T40 108 .139-.144 .204 .220 .300 .360 .164-32
.112-40 .19 TH40 208 .165-.170 .230 .220 .320 .381 .190-32 TSDR-40


.15 TS40 408 .139-.144 .204 .180 .260 .321 .164-32
.21 T62 112 .165-.170 .230 .240 .320 .381 .190-32
.138-32 .21 TH62 212 .190-.195 .256 .240 .330 .401 .216-28 TSDR62
.15 TS62 412 .165-.170 .230 .180 .260 .321 .190-32
.25 T82 114 .190-.195 .256 .280 .370 .441 .216-28
.164-32 .25 TH82 214 .220-.225 .290 .280 .370 .446 .250-28 TSDR82
.21 TS82 414 .190-.195 .256 .240 .330 .401 .216-28
.29 T04 116 .220-.225 .290 .325 .410 .486 .250-28
.190-24 .29 TH04 216 .280-.285 .372 .325 .430 .510 .3125-24 TSDR04
.21 TS04 416 .220-.225 .290 .240 .330 .406 .250-28
.29 T02 117 .220-.225 .290 .325 .410 .486 .250-28
.190-32 .29 TH02 217 .280-.285 .372 .325 .430 .510 .3125-24 TSDR02
.21 TS02 417 .220-.225 .290 .240 .330 .406 .250-28
.38 T040 118 .280-.285 .372 .415 .519 .602 .3125-24
.250-20 .38 TH040 218 .342-.347 .435 .415 .519 .602 .375-24 TSDR040
.25 TS040 418 .280-.285 .372 .280 .389 .472 .3125-24
.38 T048 119 .280-.285 .372 .415 .519 .602 .3125-24
.250-28 .38 TH048 219 .342-.347 .435 .415 .519 .602 .375-24 TSDR048
.25 TS048 419 .280-.285 .372 .280 .389 .472 .3125-24
.47 T058 120 .342-.347 .435 .505 .609 .693 .375-24
.3125-18 .47 TH058 220 .403-.408 .497 .505 .630 .730 .4375-20 TSDR058
.31 TS058 420 .342-.347 .435 .345 .450 .530 .375-24
.47 T054 121 .342-.347 .435 .505 .609 .693 .375-24
.3125-24 .47 TH054 221 .403-.408 .497 .505 .609 .730 .4375-20 TSDR054
.31 TS054 421 .342-.347 .435 .345 .450 .530 .375-24
.375-16 .56 TH066 222 .467-.472 .560 .595 .720 .820 .500-20 TSDR066
.375-24 .56 TH064 223 .467-.472 .560 .595 .720 .820 .500-20 TSDR064
.500-13 .75 TH083 226 .577-.582 .685 .795 .889 1.035 .625-18 TSDR083
.500-20 .75 TH080 227 .577-.582 .685 .795 .890 1.035 .625-18 TSDR080

Long-Lok Fasteners 33
Call 1-800-LONG-LOK for Free Samples
Head Sealing Types

Self-Seal O-Ring Sealing


• Positive Sealing–Pressure and Vacuum
• Cold-Formed for Superior Strength and
• High Re-Usability
• Optional Self-Locking Capability
Self-Seal® fasteners, manufactured exclusively by Long-
Lok, are designed to provide the optimum combination of
sealing and fastening in one complete unit. They are cold
formed for strength and uniformity, and then assembled Typical Applications
with O-rings capable of sealing almost any fluid or gas.
• Motors
With Self-Seal fasteners, these resilient O-rings are posi- • Cabinets and enclosures
tioned under the head in a precision-engineered groove, • Sensors and instrumentation
and are affected little by repeated assembly and disassem- • Internal combustion engines
bly. They provide a superior degree of sealing and re-us- • Gear pumps
ability to the common alternative techniques of chemical • Fuel tanks
coatings or plastic washers that attempt to seal the • Transmissions
threadform. And, unlike these common alternatives, with • Gear boxes
Self-Seal fasteners you’re not limited to a few compatible • Air cylinders
finishes or hampered by extra parts that need stocking,
• Pressure gauges
inventory and assembly.
• Computer disk drives

Long-Lok offers a wide selection of materials, finishes and • Motion control valves
O-rings to configure an endless variety of Self-Seal Fasten- • Missile tank
ers and custom components capable of withstanding oper- • Wet wings
ating temperatures from -300°F to +500°F.

Self-Seal® Method and Advantages

To understand why Long-Lok Self-Seal® fasteners are the rate with reuse. Also, coatings are not compatible with all
most complete answer to combined fastening and sealing finishes.
operations, it helps to know where the alternatives fall Plastic Washers also get their sealing properties through
short. The two main alternatives are thread coatings (liq- direct interaction with the threadform. Like thread coat-
uids or tapes), and external plastic washers. ings, they are prone
to deterioration due Standard
Conventional Sealing Techniques to the cutting action Fastener
Coatings, such as Vibra-Seal®, which we also offer (fol- of the thread it’s try- Backup
lowing this section) are cost-effective for ing to seal, thus lim- Washer
moderate performance Standard iting their re-usabil-
applications... especially Fastener
ity. Additionally, Sealing
for common fluid fittings sealing washers, Washer–
where repeated disassem- prone to cold flow, Seals
bly is uncommon. But, are separate compo- Thread
since the coating is applied nents that must be
directly to the thread form, assembled onto the
sealing properties deterio- fastener (typically with other washers), and calculated into
the assembly dynamics and measurements; a consider-
ation to factor into your actual installed cost.
Thread Sealant Coating–
Seals Against Thead
34 Long-Lok Fasteners
Self-Seal® Head Sealing Types
Self-Seal® Sealing Technique
Self-Seal® Fasteners overcome all these limitations by
placing an O-ring under the head for sealing. With this
elegant solution, Self Seal fasteners offer these unique Precision-
advantages: Engineered
• Assemble mating components using standard torque Groove

values. All Common

Materials and
• Specify any common surface finish. Finishes
• Metal-to-metal contact.
• High re-usability.
• Positive sealing from either side of the assembly. O-Ring — Wide Variety of Materi-
alsElement — Strip,
Optional Self-Locking
Self-Seal fasteners are designed and manufactured with
Pellet or Patch Types Available (Poly-
a cold-formed groove beneath the head of the fastener. Lok® Pictured)
As the fastener is tightened, the O-ring is compressed,
squeezing the O-ring between the groove and mating
surface to complete the seal. The design of the groove
controls the amount of compression to the O-ring. And
because O-rings retain their elastic memory, Self-Seal Installed
fasteners are reusable time after time.
Self-Seal® Seals Both Sides of the Self-Seal Pan Head Fastener
Before Installation Assembly From Each Other with Specially Formed O-Ring Groove

O-Ring Metal-to-Metal Contact

Relaxed O-Ring Compressed O-Ring
Seals in the Head–
Complete 360


Clamp Load

Laboratory Tests were independently conducted.*

Pressure Failure Test Helium Mass-Spectrometer Leakage Test

Each size 10-32 Self-Seal test specimen was installed Results: Using a Buna-N O-Ring there were no indica-
into a test fixture and torqued to 23 inch-pounds. The tions of helium leakage in excess of 5.0 x 10-5 SCC/Sec.
assembly was then slowly pressurized until rupture or
failure. Test specimens utilized silicone O-Rings. MIL-S-82496A Test
Twelve MS3212-43 Self-Seal specimens were subjected
to the series of consecutive performance tests as speci-
Specimen Failure Pressure Specimen Failure Pressure
No. (PSIG) No. (PSIG)
fied in MIL-S-82496A.

1 25,000 7 20,000 Test Parameter Time Results

2 24,000 8 19,000 Installation 23 In./Lbs. — Complied

3 20,000 9 22,500 Proof 1,500 PSIG 1 Minute No Leakage

4 20,000 10 20,500 Soak 200°F 70 Hours Complied

5 22,500 11 20,000 Leakage 1,000 PSIG 5 Minutes No Leakage

6 25,000 12 27,000 Reverse Leakage 1,000 PSIG 5 Minutes No Leakage

Average Failure Pressure = 24,136 PSIG. Endurance 15 Cycle* — Complied

* Laboratory tests were conducted by ITL Independent Testing Laboratories, Costa Both Leakages 5,10,15 Cycle 5 Minutes No Leakage
Mesa, California. Complete certified test results available on all tests.
Summary: Self-Seal fasteners complied with no leakage.
Long-Lok Fasteners 35
Head Sealing Types

Self-Seal O-Ring Materials

Materials Description Key Uses Range Color
(Dry Heat Only)
Most common seal material. Excellent resis- • Oil resistant applications.
tance to petroleum-based oils and fuels, • Low temperature military uses.
Buna-N (Nitril) silicone greases, hydraulic fluids, water and -40°F to +250°F Black
• Automotive, marine, aircraft fuel systems.
alcohols. Low compression set, high tensile
strength, and high abrasion resistance. • Can be compounded for FDA applications.

High temperature resistance and outstand- • Aircraft engine sealing.

ing chemical resistance. Low gas perme- • Automotive fuel handling systems.
Viton® ability and high resistance to swelling in • Hard vacuum service.
(Fluorocarbon) gasoline and gasoline/alcohol blends. Re- -20°F to +400°F Black
• Wide chemical exposure situations.
sists ozone and U.V. light. Perhaps the • High temperature/Low compression set
“ideal” O-ring material. applications.

Made from silicone, oxygen, hydrogen and • Static seal in extreme temperatures.
carbon. Excellent retention of flexibility and
Silicone • Medical devices. -75°F to +450°F Red
low compression set characteristics. One of
the widest temperature ranges for elastomers. • Meets FDA regulations.

Ethylene/propylene copolymer (EPM),

sometimes combined with a third comono- • Outdoor weather resistance.
mer (EPDM). Excellent ozone and chemical • Hydraulic and automotive brake systems.
resistance characteristics. Provides effec- -60°F to +300°F Black
Propylene • Automobile cooling systems.
tive resistance to steam (400°F) hot water,
silicone oils and greases, dilute acids and • Water appliances.
alkalies, alcohols and automotive brake fluids.
Combines the good high and low temperature

stability of silicone with the fuel, oil, and sol- • Aerospace fuel systems.
Fluorosilicone vent resistance of fluorocarbon (Viton®). • Fuel emission control systems. -70°F to +400°F Blue
Suitable for exposure to air, sunlight, ozone, • Static sealing applications.
chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons.

One of the earliest of the synthetic materials

to be developed as an oil resistant substi- • Components in transportation industry.
Neoprene tute for natural rubber. A homopolymer of • Recommended for exposure to weathering. -45°F to +250°F Black
(Chloroprene) chloroprene (Chlorobutadiene). Good resis- • Preferred material for refrigeration industry.
tance to ozone, sunlight and oxygen aging; • FDA approved for food and beverage industry.
low compression set.

36 Long-Lok Fasteners
Self-Seal® Head Sealing Types

How to specify
Self-Seal® fasteners are available in both standard and
custom configurations. Ordering part numbers are com-
piled using the codes for standard Self-Seal fasteners
tabulated on the following pages. Below you’ll find infor-
mation on custom Self-Seal products, and how to order
them from Long-Lok Fasteners Corp. Captivated Screws

Custom Self-Seal Products

It doesn’t have to be exotic to be custom. Self-Seal
“customs” simply may be basic fastener types manufac- Hand-Operated
tured in a material or finish not offered as standard. Or, Wing Head
Self-Seal “customs” may be highly engineered, non- Sealing Flanges
for Oversized
fastening, multi-piece components of your design, Through Holes
manufactured by Long-Lok. Whichever of these descrip-
tions fit your custom requirements, remember: If it
needs to seal tight and seal right, each and every time, Tamper-Proof Spline Socket
Head Head
Self-Seal products are your best choice.
In addition to the materials and finishes listed in the
ordering tables on the following page, Long-Lok can
Specialty Sealing
manufacture Self-Seal® fasteners and components us- Fluid Monitoring
Dip Sticks Components
ing most other common materials and finishes; just let
us know if you need something not listed. Most com-
mon thread forms, including metric, can be supplied.
For materials, finishes or threadforms not referenced,


please consult with Long-Lok engineers.
Finally, listed here are items for consideration when
thinking of specifying custom Self-Seal fasteners or
components. Review these, and then call Long-Lok with Self-Locking Options for Self-Seal® Fasteners
your application requirements. When shock or vibration are present in your application,
consider specifying Self-Seal fasteners manufactured
• Type of joint to be sealed
with one of Long-Lok’s self-locking methods. In addition
• Fastener length and grip
to strip and pellet type locking devices, your options
• Clearance hole size
include Long-Lok Fastener’s exclusive Poly-Lok® patch
• Cyclic fatigue stress
and Dyna-Thred® II all-metal process. Descriptions of
• Fastener material
these self-locking options are all within this catalog.
• Fastener finish
• Corrosive conditions
• Shear and tensile strengths Poly-Lok Patch
• Head style Type – Page 16
• Drive style
• Self-locking requirement Long-Lok Strip
• Captive capability Type – Page 18

• Thread class and style

• Environmental conditions for seal Tek-Lok Pellet
Type – Page 20
• Fluid to be sealed
• Temperature extremes
• Internal and external pressures Dyna-Thred II All-
Metal Type – Page 24

Note: Some self-locking methods may be limited by fastener size.

Long-Lok Fasteners 37
Head Sealing Types

How to specify — Standard Self-Seal Fasteners

Use the tabulated material on these two pages to build Example 1:
part numbers per the examples shown below. Please do Note: Part Numbers here are spread apart for clarity. Please do not add
spaces between codes when constructing your Part Number.
not use spaces or dashes.
SS 1 440 B C 7
Self-Seal Prefix Length (1/16” Increments)
7 = 7/16 inch
Head Style
1 = Pan Head with Cruciform Screw Material
Recess C =CRES per ASTM A493,
Type 302HQ
Screw Size
Diameter and Thread Specifica- O-Ring Material
tion B =Buna-N (General Purpose)
440 = 4-40 UNC-2A

Head Style Screw Size O-Ring Material

Description Code Material Specification Code

Coarse Fine
Pan with Threads Threads Buna-N General Purpose B
Cruciform 1 Size Code Size Code Ethylene
ASTM D2000/SAE J200 EP
Recess Propylene
2-56 256 2-64 264 Buna-N MIL-P-25732 H
Pan with 2
SlottedRecess 4-40 440 4-48 448 Silicone FDA Approved I

6-32 632 6-40 640 Fluorosilicone MIL-R-25988 K

External Ag/Ni Silicone MIL-G-83528 M

3 8-32 832 8-36 836
Hexagon* Buna-N MIL-R-6855 N
10-24 1024 10-28 1028
Buna-N MIL-R-7362 R
100° Flat with 1/4-20 1/4-28
1420 1428 Silicone AMS3304 S
Recess* 5/16-18 51618 5/16-24 51624 Buna-N FDA Approved Y
Button with Viton®
MIL-R-83248 V
Cruciform 6 Call Long-Lok for larger diameters. (Fluorocarbon)

Captive Pan
with Slotted 71
Captive Pan
with Cruciform 72

Round Head 81

Flat Head Rivet 82

*Supplied with Teflon washer as standard.

Teflon washer is optional on all others.
38 Long-Lok Fasteners
Self-Seal® Head Sealing Types

Clearance Holes and Installation Torque

Example 2: Maximum Seating
SS 3 1032 V A Z 11 PL Nominal Screw Size Clearance Hole Torque
Self-Seal Prefix Optional Processes (Inches) (In-Lbs.)
PL = Poly-Lok Self Locking
Head Style #4 .112-40UNC-2A .128 5
Patch Appli-
3 = External Hex cation
Screw Size #6 .138-32UNC-2A .149 9
Length (1/16” Increments)
Diameter and Thread Specifica- 7 = 7/16 inch
tion #8 .164-32UNC-2A .177 20
1032 = 10-32 UNF-2A Screw Finish
Z = Zinc Plate per QQ-Z-325, #10 .190-32UNF-2A .201 23
O-Ring Material
Type 1
Viton per MIL-R-83248 1/4 .250-20UNC-2A .266 75
Screw Material
A =Allow Steel per MIL-S- Notes: 1. Do not chamfer holes. Break sharp edges 0.010 inches maxi-
6049, Type mum.
SS 3 1032 V A Z 11 P 8740 2.Please contact Long-Lok Fasteners for details on other sizes.

Screw Material Screw Finish Length Optional Processes

Description Code Description Code Added
Description Code Description
Zinc Plate per Lengths in increments of
CRES* per ASTM C QQ-Z-325, Type 1 Z 1/16"; tolerances per Poly-Lok®
A493, Type 302HQ (Clear) applicable specifications. Patch Type
Polyester PL
Consult factory for Self-Locking
Zinc Plate per Element
Alloy Steel per QQ-Z-325, Type 2 ZZ
minimum thread length
MIL-S-6049, Type A requirements.
(Gold) Nylon LP


8740 Examples: Long-Lok®
Cadmium Plate per Kel-F® LL
QQ-P-416, Type 1, Strip Type
400 Series CRES* L C 1/8" 2 Vespel® LV
Class 3 (Silver) Self-Locking
1/4" 4 Element Stainless
Low Carbon Steel Cadmium Plate per Steel
S 5/16" 5
per ASTM-A-108 QQ-P-416, Type 2, CC
Class 3 (Gold) 3/8" Tek-Lok® Nylon TA
SAE Grade 5 G5 Pellet Type
Kel-F® TL
Black Oxide per Self-Locking
SAE Grade 8 G8 MIL-C-13924 Etc. Etc. Element Vespel® TV
Passivated per Dyna-Thred®
*All CRES will be passivated AMS-QQ-P-35 or P
per AMS-QQ-P-35 or MIL- All-Metal
MIL-STD-171E — D
STD-171E (ASTM A493, Type Self-Locking
302HQ and 431).
N Process
No Plate*
Head Drill — H
*All CRES will be passivated
per AMS-QQ-P-35 or MIL- Add Teflon®
STD-171E (ASTM A493, Type — W
302HQ and 431). Washer

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a
brief description of its application and performance re-
quirements, and we’ll process it using the most appro-
priate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to
sample a standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us
with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of
charge. Call your nearest Long-Lok facility for assis-
Long-Lok Fasteners 39
Head Sealing Types

Dimensional Data
To accommodate the O-ring groove, Self-Seal fasteners Reminder: Length is specified in 1/16” increments. Con-
incorporate heads slightly larger than common bolts and tact Long-Lok for minimum thread lengths and special
screws. Tabulated here are dimensions for six of the most grip requirements. Unless otherwise specified, Self-Seal
commonly specified Self-Seal fasteners. For dimensional fasteners are provided with a full-length thread.
data on styles or sizes not shown here, please contact Long-Lok.

Pan Head – SS1

B Length +.000

Recess Note: Pan head Self-Seal®
fasteners with cruciform recess
are also available under MS3212/

O-Ring Groove
Size 4 6 8 10 1/4
A .238-.228 .294-.282 .347-.335 .403-.391 .517-.497
B .080-.075 .097-.092 .115-.109 .133-.126 .175-.170

Pan Head – SS2

T Length +.000


O-Ring Groove
Size 4 6 8 10 1/4
A .220-.210 .271-.256 .323-.306 .374-.357 .493-.473
B .070-.065 .083-.076 .097-.090 .113-.100 .148-.133
M .030-.023 .039-.031 .048-.039 .054-.045 .060-.050
T .030-.023 .037-.030 .045-.038 .050-.043 .067-.050

Hex Head – SS3

Length +.000


A B O-Ring Groove

Size 8 10 1/4 5/16 3/8

A .312-.305 .440-.428 .502-.490 .565-.553 .627-.615
B Ref. .120 .155 .180 .212 .248
C Ref. .340 .510 .580 .650 .720

40 Long-Lok Fasteners
Self-Seal® Head Sealing Types

100° Flat Head – SS4

Length -.030




A O-Ring Groove
Size 4 6 8 10 1/4
A Ref. .279-.267 .334-.323 .410-.400 .510-.496 .666-.648
A Min. .231 .287 .362 .452 .600
B Ref. .041 .042 .045 .073 .097
L L Seat .164-.162 .226-.222 .274-.268 .286-.278 .388-.380

Button Head – SS6

B Length -.030




A O-Ring Groove

Size 4 6 8 10 1/4
A .285-.270 .370-.350 .385-.365 .440-.420 .580-.555
B .080-.070 .100-.090 .115-.105 .135-.125 .160-.145

Long-Lok Fasteners 41
Thread Sealing Types

Vibra-Seal Pre-Applied

Thread Seal
• -65°F to +300°F
• Non-Curing — Stays Flexible
• Reusable Up to 5 Times
• Inhibits Corrosion — Excellent Solvent
• 503, 516, 517, 503HV

Vibra Seal® Preapplied Thread Sealant is a tough, non- coat entire parts (frequently done on smaller fasteners)
hardening sealant engineered to be preapplied to parts. or can apply Vibra-Seal sealant to a limited band of
Vibra-Seal is designed to provide an instant seal on ta- threads, which is typical of larger fasteners and fluid
pered pipe threads against most fluids, fuels and lubri- fittings.
cants but can also be used on straight threads. Vibra-
Seal performs to the demanding requirements of the Typical Applications
automotive, truck and agricultural equipment manufac- • Rear Axle Filler Plugs • Brake Fittings
turers. It provides lubricity superior to Teflon® — at a • Bearing Adjuster Nuts • Compressor Pipe Plugs
lower cost! • Overhead Fire Sprinklers • Shower Heads
Available in white or burnt orange colors, Vibra-Seal • Pressure Gauges/Sensors • Pipe Fittings of all Kinds
coatings are highly filled water based liquids that are • Cable Connectors • Adjustment Screws

non-toxic and non-sagging. When dried, they become a • Door Closure Hardware • Screws for Plastic Assembly
resilient, tight clinging and non-curing sealant. Vibra-
Seal coated parts also resist loosening because of the
prevailing torque created by the coating. Long-Lok can

Resin Coating Acrylic K is a universal constant for all sizes which can be estab-
lished empirically.
Colors White or Burnt Orange
On-Part Life 4 Years, Minimum (You can find safe stresses for bolts in manufacturers’
fasteners specifications or tool engineers handbooks).
Toxicity None

Torque Tension K Values for Vibra-Seal® Sealants*

The tension in the fastener can be reasonably controlled K Value
by controlling the torque. For any given fastener the Dry Zinc Phosphate 0.13
torque tension relationship can be stated as follows:
Zinc Phosphate/Oil 0.11
T = KDF Vibra-Seal on dry Zinc Phosphate 0.11
where T = Torque, lb.-in. (N•m) Vibra-Seal on Zinc Phosphate/Oil 0.09
D = Nominal bolt diameter, in. (m) *3/8”-16 Grade 5 bolts with Grade 2 as received nuts.
F = Tension or clamping force, lbs. (N) (Example: Vibra-Seal on 3/8”-16, Grade 5, zinc phos-
phate bolt:
T = -.11 X 375 X 5000 = 206 lb.-in.)

42 Long-Lok Fasteners
Vibra-Seal® Pre-Applied Thread Seal Thread Sealing Types

Pressure Resistance Lubricity
1. Pipe Threads NPT joint assembly is made quicker and easier because
Pipe Burst Test Test Results (Test Fluid of the lubricating ingredients in Vibra-Seal products
Size Rating Pressure –10 wt. Motor Oil) which resist thread galling. Line-up adjustments can be
made several hours after assembly without loss of seal-
10,400 psi 10,000 psi Test discontinued with no ing quality. Joints can be easily disassembled with regu-
1/2" NPT
(72 MPa) (69 MPa) sign of leakage
lar tools even after years of service.
5,200 psi 4,000 psi Test discontinued with no 3
2" NPT

(36 MPa) (28 MPa) sign of leakage VIBRA-SEAL SEALANT
5,000 psi 3,000 psi Test discontinued with no CONTROL (UNCOATED)
3" NPT
(35 MPa) (21 MPa) sign of leakage 1

2. Straight Threads 10 20 30 40 50
In addition to NPT joints, Vibra-Seal products can also
be used to seal straight threads. Test performed on 3/8- 0 100 200 300 400
16 straight threads, torqued up snug, exhibited excellent TORQUE (Lbs.-Inch.)

sealing characteristics at oil pressures up to 600 PSIG Reuse

(4.14 MPa). Vibra-Seal products have exhibited the ability to be re-
used five times on 1/2” NPT fittings which are torqued
Steam Pressure Resistance up snugly. After five uses, these fittings still maintain
Tests performed on 1/2” cast iron National Pipe Threads 300 psi (2.0 MPa) hydraulic pressure without recoating.
(NPT) assembled with 24 lb.-in. (2.7 N•m) seating
torque yielded the following results. Breakloose and Prevailing Torque Characteristics
Vibra-Seal coated parts will resist loosening because of


Steam Pressure Steam Temperature Test Results
the prevailing torque characteristics shown below:
Test discontinued after 1,000
12 psi (.014 MPa) 200° F (93° C) Specimens:
hours with no sign of leakage
Bolts - Grade 5, 3/8”-16 x 1-1/2” zinc phosphate and oil finish.
Test discontinued after 1,000 Nuts - Grade 2, 3/8”-16 zinc phosphate and oil finish.
30 psi (.207 MPa) 250° F (121° C)
hours with no sign of leakage

Solvent Resistance Typical Strength Values

Seating Breakloose
Tests performed on 1/2” cast iron National Pipe Threads @ Room Temperature Torque –
Torque Torque
(NPT) at 100 PSIG (.69 MPa) hydrostatic pressure after Test Specimen 180°
30 days immersion in solvents indicated. 360 lb-ins 243 lb-ins 0 lb-ins
Control (No Coating)
(40.7 N•m) (27.5 N•m) (0 N•m)
Solvent Solvent Temperature Test Result
360 lb-ins 175 lb-ins 21 lb-ins
10 Weight Motor Oil 300° F (149° C) No Leakage Vibra-Seal Products Coating
(40.7 N•m) (19.8 N•m) (2.4 N•m)
Water 200° F (93° C) No Leakage
Gasoline 77° F (25° C) No Leakage How to Specify
Air @ 98% Relative Humidity 100° F (38° C) No Leakage Vibra-Seal coated fasteners and components are pro-
duced to order by Long-Lok Fasteners Corp. Long-Lok
50% Glycol and Water 188° F (87° C) No Leakage processes your supplied parts, or we can supply com-
plete products, including the basic fasteners or fluid
Design Notes: fittings. To order Vibra-Seal coated fasteners or compo-
1. Vibra-Seal coatings are slightly basic and may stain or discolor some metals,
especially those containing copper. However, the effect on performance of the nents, or to request a quote, please call Long-Lok and
sealant and staining of the metals is inconsequential. speak directly with one of our Sales Engineers.

Long-Lok Fasteners 43

44 Long-Lok Fasteners

Long-Lok Fasteners 45
Standard Product Ordering

Part Number Selection for...

• Long-Lok Strip Type

• Poly-Lok Patch Type


• Tek-Lok Pellet Type


Self-Locking Bolts and Screws

Use the tabulated material, at right, to build complete Options:

Part Numbers per the example shown here. Please do
not use spaces or dashes. Long-Lok offers the following standard options at nomi-
nal additional cost. Add one or more of the option codes
Example: to the end of the basic part number. Please contact us
PL 1 9 W 066 H 16 for special requirements not listed.
M = Head Marking. Six or more dots raised or re-
Locking Type and Material cessed 0.010” maximum in a circular pattern.
PL = Polyester Patch X2 = Provide 2 threads minimum lead before engage-
ment with locking material.
HQ = Burr-Free (See “Glossary of Terms”, Page 9).
Screw Material
E = End Burr Removed.
1 = Steel, Grade 5
For Military Applications:
Screw Finish 1. Part number code to be used when a Military or Na-
9 = Zinc tional Aerospace Standard basic screw is desired.
2. Replace “AN”,“MS” or “NAS” with the desired Long-
Head Style Lok® insert materials code tabulated here; LP, LL, LH,
W = Hex, Cap Screw LV, PL, TA, TL or TV.

For More Information

Screw Size – Diameter
Descriptions of the self-locking fasteners tabulated to
and Thread Specification
the right are found on the following pages:
066 = 3/8-16
Fastener Page
Recess or Drive Style Poly-Lok Patch Type .................................................. 16

H = Hex Long-Lok Strip Type .................................................. 18


Tek-Lok Pellet Type ................................................... 20


It is recommended that product details described on these pages be re-


viewed before ordering.

Length (1/16" Increments)
16 = 1 inch
Part number selection for other Long-Lok products may
Note: Unless otherwise specified, thread fit classes and configuration enve- be found on the following pages:
lope dimensions are per the applicable head style ANSI/ASME commercial
Fastener Page
Metric Sizes
Dyna-Thred ................................................................ 24

Though not cataloged here, metric size equivalents for

most of our self-threaded fasteners are available. Please Dri-Loc ....................................................................... 28

call Long-Lok if your application calls for metric dimen- Self-Seal .................................................................... 34

sioned parts. We are prepared to handle your require- Vibra-Seal .................................................................. 42



46 Long-Lok Fasteners
PL 1 9 W 066H 16

Screw Size and “L” Dimension (See definition below)

Locking Type and Screw Material* Screw Finish* Head Style Recess or Drive Style Length
Material Coarse Threads Fine Threads
“L” Dimension* (Ref. only) “L” Dimension* (Ref. only)
Tek-Lok Pellet Tek-Lok Pellet Description
Type Material Code Description Code Description Code Description Code Size Code Long-Lok Poly-Lok Size Code Long-Lok Poly-Lok (Applicable Head Code Description Code
Strip “L” Strip “L”
Patch Dia. Patch Dia. Style Codes)
±.040 Dim. ±.040 Dim.

Steel, 00-90 09 .095 — — 0-80 00 .06 .02

Green 1 Round A
Grade 5 .125 Cruciform
Polycap LP Cadmium 2
Recess Lengths in incre-
Nylon 1-64 14 .125 .07 .03 1-72 12 .07 .03 (A, D, F, G, P
1/8 1/8 ments
Steel, J, of 1/16”; tolerances
2 Button B ±1/32 ±1/32 M, N, T)
Mild Carbon per applicable
2-56 26 .08 .03 2-64 24 .08 .03 specifications.
.185 .185 Consult factory for
Anodized 3 minimum thread
Blue Kel-F® LL Aluminum 3 Pan D 3-48 38 .09 .04 3-56 36 .09 .04 length requirements.

4-40 40 .240 .14 .06 4-48 48 .240 .14 .06 Spline

Socket K
Brass 4 Oval F ( B, U, X)
Plain 4 3/16
6-32 62 .285 .16 .08 6-40 60 .285 .16 .08 Examples:
Hot-LokTM LH 3/16
300 CRES 5 100° Flat G 8-32 82 .17 .09 8-36 86 .17 .09
.320 .320 Slotted
Cadmium, 1/4 1/8” 2
5 10-24 04 .19 .09 10-32 02 .19 .09 Recess
Gold Iridite ±1/16
Steel, (A, D, F, G,
6 82° Flat J S
Grade 8 J, M, N, T,
Vespel® LV V,
1/4-20 040 .355 .24 .11 1/4-28 048 .355 .24 .11
W, X)
A286 CRES 7 Black Oxide 6 Binder M 1/4
5/16-18 058 .420 .27 .14 5/16-24 054 .420 .27 .14 1/4” 4

Poly-Lok 3/8-16 066 .480 .30 .16 3/8-24 064 .480 .30 .16
Polyester PL ±1/16 External
Patch MonelTM 8 Fillister N Hex H
7/16-14 074 .530 .31 .16 7/16-20 070 .530 .31 .16 (V, W)
Passivate 7
5/16” 5
316 CRES 9 Truss T 1/2
1/2-13 083 .33 .16 1/2-20 080 .33 .16
Nylon TA .562 .562
Phosphate 9/16-12 092 .38 .19 9/16-18 098 .38 .19
8 Socket ±3/32 Internal
400 CRES A and Oil U
Cap Hex Socket
J 3/8” 6
5/8-11 101 .625 .41 .19 5/8-18 108 .625 .41 .19 (B, G, J, U,
5/8 X)
Tek-Lok Hex ±3/32
Kel-F® TL Titanium B V
Pellet Tap Bolt 3/4-10 120 .47 .22 3/4-16 126 .47 .22
Zinc 9

Silicone Hex 7/8-9 149 .750 5/8 ±1/8 7/8-14 144 Off-Set
C W Cruciform
Bronze Cap Screw .52 .22 .750
1/2 Recess Etc. Etc.
1-8 168 3/4 ±1/8 1-12 162 .52 .22 T
±3/32 (A, D, F, G,
Vespel® TV Zinc, J,
TM Gold Iridite Headless M, N, T)
K-Monel D X [ X]
Set 1-14 164

Select point style for use on set screws. Code letter for point follows the “X” in the completed part number. “L” Dimension Exampl “L” Dimension *Notes:
“L” Dimension refers to the length 1.Not all Material/Finish combinations are available for every head style .
A-Flat B-Cone C-Full Dog D-Cup E-Oval F-Half Dog of the locking element in both Long-Lok 2.Additional finishes are available upon request.
Strip 3.Consult factory for detailed information.
Long-Lok and Poly-Lok versions,
or to the distance from screw tip to DIA.
the “head” side of the pellet in Tek- Tek-Lok
Lok versions. In the case of set Pellet
screws the “L” measurement is Poly-Lok
made from the start of the thread Patch
region, not the end of the part.

Long-Lok Fasteners 47
Long-Lok Fasteners
National Sales: 1-800-Long-Lok (1-800-566-4565)
10630 Chester Rd. • Cincinnati, Ohio 45215
513-772-1880 • Fax 513-772-1888
14119 Chadron Avenue • Hawthorne, California 90250
310-675-9500 • Fax 310-675-9100

See for Yourself

Send us a sample of your part or fastener, along with a
brief description of its application and performance re-
quirements, and we’ll process it using the most appro-
priate Long-Lok thread locking or sealing method. Or, to
sample a standard Long-Lok fastener, simply supply us
with a Part Number. Samples are provided free of
charge. Call your nearest Long-Lok facility for assis-

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