EU Legislation in Progress
On 28 July 2023, the Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation on the safety of toys, repealing
Directive 2009/48/EC. Whilst the evaluation of the directive conducted by the Commission
substantiated shortcomings, such as a significant share of unsafe toys placed on the EU market, the
proposed overhaul of EU product safety and sustainability legislation also represents an opportunity
to update the legislation more generally.
The Commission explains the choice of a regulation to achieve these goals by the need to ensure the
uniform application of specific new provisions for timely and uniform implementation throughout
the single market, such as the proposed toy passport, and the related customs verifications. A
regulation also neutralises the risk of Member States creating supplementary obligations (gold
plating), and improves the legal certainty for stakeholders, not least manufacturers.
Existing situation
Toys belong to the 'harmonised products' category, which defines those goods subject to Union
harmonisation legislation (Annex I of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance and
compliance of products provides a list of such legislation). This means that the relevant provisions
for toys are laid down in by the Toy Safety Directive, (pursuant with the requirements set in
Decision 768/2008 on a common framework for the marketing of products). In addition, the relevant
provisions of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and Regulation (EU) 2023/988 on general product safety
also apply.
Toy safety regulation
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Toy safety
Article 5 on product requirements defines two additional sets of compliance criteria:
• essential safety requirements, defined in Article 5(2). This provision includes an
obligation to ensure that the proper and foreseeable use of toys does not present a
risk to the safety or health of users and third parties. Health includes children's
psychological and mental health, well-being and cognitive development. The
assessment of the risk should take into account the users' ability, not least due to their
specific age group.
• particular safety requirements defined in Annex II to the proposal. These
requirements refer to six specific properties: physical and mechanical; flammability;
Toy safety regulation
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Market surveillance
The proposal contains specific provisions regarding the market surveillance of toys, in addition to
the rules laid down in Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance. Article 45 on Commission
action concerning toys that present a risk, empowers the Commission to adopt implementing acts
setting out measures concerning toys compliant with the particular safety requirements but
nevertheless presenting a risk to individuals' health and safety. Such measures would include market
withdrawal or product recall.
Delegated powers and committee procedure
The proposal provides for significant delegation powers to be awarded to the Commission, under
Article 46 on delegated powers and Article 47 on the exercise of delegation. Under Article 46(1), the
Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts to adapt the information contained in the
product passport, to reflect the scientific and technological developments. Under Article 46(3) and
Article 46(4), the Commission is empowered to adopt a delegated act to determine the information
and verification to be scrutinised by the custom authorities. Under Article 46(6) and Article 46(7),
the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts to permit derogations to the ban on
substances listed in Annex II of the proposal, provided among other conditions that the European
Chemical Agency has found the use of such a prohibited substance or mixture in toys to be safe.
Entry into force
Article 56 provides for the legislation to enter into force on the twentieth day following that of the
publication of the adopted regulation. It would apply for 30 months following the date of entry into
force. The proposal also provides for a specific entry into application of Article 17(10), Articles 24
to 40, and Articles 46 to 52, without setting a date. Article 54 provides for transitional provisions, in
particular for toys placed on the market in conformity with Directive 2009/48/EC, which could
continue to be made available on the market until the first day of the month following 42 months
after the entry into force of the regulation.
Advisory committees
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted an opinion on the revision of the
Toy Safety Directive (Directive 2009/48/EC) on 13 December 2023 (rapporteurs: Ileana
Izverniceanu de la Iglesia (Diversity Europe – GR III/Spain) and Tymoteusz Adam Zych (Diversity
Europe – GR III/Poland)). While expressing its support for the proposal and its objectives, the
opinion stresses points of concern related to the digital product passport. On the one hand, the
EESC considers that the digital passport 'cannot balance (...) the price difference' between
compliant and non-compliant toys, which means that it does not expect it to reduce the presence
of non-compliant toys on the EU market. On the other hand, the EESC highlights the specific
situation of the economic operators of traditional and personalised non-serial toys, which should not
be 'disproportionately' negatively impacted by the new provisions.
National parliaments
The deadline for the national parliaments to submit reasoned opinions on the grounds of subsidiarity
was 2 November 2023. The Portuguese Assembleia da República submitted a written opinion stating
that the proposal did not raise any concerns from the perspective of subsidiarity and proportionality.
On 22 November 2023, the EU Policies Committee of the Italian Senate adopted a resolution stating
that the proposal respected the principle of subsidiarity, but highlighting some critical issues relating
to the principle of proportionality.
Toy safety regulation
Stakeholder views 1
The Commission published a call for feedback on the proposal, with a deadline of 31 October 2023.
Following the consultations on and the Commission's adoption of the proposal, stakeholders already
shared their views on the new propositions. The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), and the
European consumer voice in standardisation (ANEC) adopted statements on 28 July 2023,
welcoming the proposal, not least by praising the extension of the generic ban on endocrine
disruptors. The organisations consider the ban to be a 'milestone to protect the health of children'.
Industry stakeholders convey more nuanced opinions. In an interview on 18 September 2023,
European toy industry representatives approve the choice of the legal instrument, considering that
a regulation would limit divergences of interpretation between national authorities. However, they
voice concern over the transition costs associated with the extension of generic bans on substances.
They also flag the need for the digital passport to safeguard trade secrets. The interview largely
reiterates the early assessment of the proposal, published by Toys Industries of Europe earlier in
On 19 September 2023, the IMCO committee organised a public discussion with the Commission
and stakeholder representatives on the state of play on toy safety legislation. Beyond the
stakeholders mentioned above, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), two of the three European
standardisation organisations, provided their views on the proposed regulation. They stressed
standardisation should remain the primary solution to defining harmonised technical specifications,
whereas the adoption of common specifications by EU implementing act should be exceptional, and
Legislative process
Council of the EU
In the Council, the Working Party on Technical Harmonisation began its examination of the proposal
on 3 October 2023. A negotiating mandate was approved by Coreper I on 15 May 2024.
The Council's mandate aligns the obligations of economic operators more closely to the GPSR and
to the new realities of the growing volume of online sales. The Council adds a new provision, Article
10b, which defines toys which are not in conformity with the proposed regulation as illegal content
for the purposes of the Digital Services Act. Furthermore, the Council's position provides that any
toy that does not comply with safety requirements, or that otherwise poses a risk to the health and
safety of children and other persons, shall be considered a dangerous product for the purposes of
the GPSR. In this way, the toy-specific obligations of providers of online marketplaces added by the
Council's position are an addition to the existing legal framework.
The Council aligns the digital product passport provided for under the proposed regulation to the
final text of the Ecodesign Regulation.
The Council removes risk to mental health as a mandatory element of the general safety
requirement. Instead, risk to mental health is to be taken into account as a type of health risk for the
purposes of the safety assessment undertaken to demonstrate that a toy complies with the essential
safety requirements under the proposed regulation. This is a non-binding requirement.
The Council extends the transitional period during which toys placed on the market in conformity
with the current Toy Safety Directive may continue to be made available on the market to up to
5 years from the date of application of the proposed Regulation, i.e. 9.5 years from the date of its
entry into force. Under the Commission proposal, it was 3.5 years from the date of entry into force.
EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
As regards chemicals, the ban on the use in toys of CMRs and certain other hazardous substances is
limited to substances that have been subject to harmonised classification under Regulation (EC) No
The Council also introduces a ban on skin sensitisers category 1A in toys. Skin sensitisers category
1A are substances showing a high frequency of occurrence in humans or a high potency in animals
which can be presumed to have the potential to produce significant sensitisation in humans.
In the Council's position, bans on substances in toys is clarified from the Commission proposal for a
ban on 'use' to a ban on the 'presence' of such substances.
The Council introduces a ban on toys that have a biocidal function and a ban on the treatment of
toys with biocidal products, except for toys that are intended to be permanently placed outdoors.
Finally, the Council introduces restrictions for the use of preservatives in toys. A preservative can
be used in toys only if it is allowed for use in cosmetics as listed in Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009
on cosmetic products, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Annex V to that Regulation.
European Parliament
In Parliament, the file was referred to the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer
Protection (IMCO). Marion Walsmann (EPP, Germany) was appointed as rapporteur. The Committee
on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) was associated pursuant to Rule 57, and
adopted its opinion. The IMCO committee adopted its report unanimously on 13 February 2024, with
37 votes in favour. The amendments provided in the report aim to a) improve further children's
protection, and b) achieve a level playing field for economic operators.
To optimise children's protection, the report amends Article 6(3) to specify that warnings on the toy
packaging (or affixed to the toy or to its label in the absence of packaging) should be immediately
visible and also readable online. The report includes an amendment to Articles 7(3) and 17(2)
specifying that the digital product passport should be kept available for a period of 10 years after
the last item has been placed on the market. Then, an amendment to Articles 7 and 18 would ensure
that the digital passport includes a link to the Safety Gate Portal, to enable consumers or economic
operators to signal a risk to the Commission, in line with Regulation (EU) 2023/988. An amendment
to Article 46(6), in line with the opinion voted by ENVI, restricts the possibility for the Commission
to adopt delegated acts to permit the use of prohibited substances or mixtures pursuant to Part III,
point 4, of Annex II. The report provides for such delegated acts to be adopted only for a 'specified
period of time'. In addition, the scope of such prohibited substances or mixtures defined in Annex II
is extended to six more categories, including 'skin sensitisation category 1', polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFAS), and bisphenols.
To enhance legal certainty, the report includes targeted amendments to support transition efforts
by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as amendments to mitigate the transition
costs for economic operators. On the first point, a new Article 20a on assistance for SMEs would
require the Commission to support them in establishing digital product passports. On transition
costs, an amendment to Article 17(10) on the digital product passport requires the Commission to
adopt the delegated acts on the basis of the technical requirements to be adopted for such a
passport, 12 months after the entry into force of the proposed regulation. This is to be read together
with the amended Article 56 on entry into force and application, which specifies that – while Article
17(10) would enter into application at the same time as the proposed regulation enters into force –
the entry into application would be set at 30 months after the entry into force. In addition, Article 54
on transitional provisions is amended to allow toys placed on the market under
Directive 2009/48/EC to be available on the market until 50 months after the entry into force of the
proposed regulation.
On 13 March 2024, Parliament adopted its first reading position with 603 votes in favour, 5 against
and 15 abstentions. The plenary vote modified the IMCO report in certain respects. Parliament's first
reading position proposes a ban on the use of cadmium, chromium VI, lead and mercury in toys,
Toy safety regulation
unless their presence is technically unavoidable in accordance with good manufacturing practice.
Parliament's first reading position also proposes to extend the ban on nitrosamines and nitrosatable
substances to cover all toys, while not amending the migration limits 2 proposed by the Commission.
The Commission's empowerment to amend the proposed regulation in order to permit the use of
CMRs and certain other hazardous substances is limited in time, and indeed any exemption from the
prohibition on the use of such substances is to be time-limited. The Commission is constrained to
adopt delegated acts specifying the time limit for the permitted use of nickel within 6 months of the
entry into force of the proposed regulation.
European Parliament, General Product Safety Regulation, Legislative Observatory (OEIL).
This section aims to provide a flavour of the debate and is not intended to be an exhaustive account of all different
views on the proposal. Additional information can be found in related publications listed under 'European Parliament
supporting analysis'.
'Migration limit' is the amount of an element that can be released from a toy material when (ingested and) present in
the stomach. The Commission uses this definition in its evaluation of the current Toy Safety Directive.
Third edition, based on an earlier briefing by Clément Evroux. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are
updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.