This document provides updates on several EU topics relevant to the dental profession, including:
1) The European Commission is seeking comments on a report regarding implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
2) The EC has launched a public consultation on potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices.
3) Italy assumed the six-month presidency of the European Council on July 1st, and the new European Parliament began its term.
This document provides updates on several EU topics relevant to the dental profession, including:
1) The European Commission is seeking comments on a report regarding implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
2) The EC has launched a public consultation on potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices.
3) Italy assumed the six-month presidency of the European Council on July 1st, and the new European Parliament began its term.
This document provides updates on several EU topics relevant to the dental profession, including:
1) The European Commission is seeking comments on a report regarding implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
2) The EC has launched a public consultation on potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices.
3) Italy assumed the six-month presidency of the European Council on July 1st, and the new European Parliament began its term.
This document provides updates on several EU topics relevant to the dental profession, including:
1) The European Commission is seeking comments on a report regarding implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.
2) The EC has launched a public consultation on potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices.
3) Italy assumed the six-month presidency of the European Council on July 1st, and the new European Parliament began its term.
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SECTION I EU TOPICS RELEVANT TO THE DEN- TAL PROFESSION IMPLEMENTING MINAMATA CONVENTION ON MERCURY On 7 July, the European Commis- sion (EC) organised a stakeholder consultation workshop to present the preliminary report by ICF Inter- national on the EU Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury. This report intends to as- sist the EC by identifying measures that need to be taken at EU level in order to comply with the Conven- tion. Comments to the draft report are expected by 31 July and the CED is drafting its response. More information can be found here. SCENIHR CONSULTATION ON NANOMATERIALS IN MEDICAL DEVICES On 18 July, the EC launched a Consultation on the potential health effects of nanomaterials used in medical devices to comment on the SCENIHR Preliminary Opinion on the Potential Health Effects of 14 Nanomaterials Used in Medical De- vices adopted by written procedure on 17 July. The CED is analysing the preliminary opinion and intends to reply to the public consultation by the 3 rd October deadline. TRANSPARENCY MEASURES ON NANOMATERIALS On 30 June, the EC organised a workshop to discuss the preliminary results of a study supporting the EC on the preparation of an impact as- sessment aimed at identifying and developing the most adequate means to increase transparency and ensure regulatory oversight on nanomaterials on the market. A public consultation is undergoing until 5 th August and the CED is pre- paring its response. EUROPEAN PROFESSIONAL CARD (EPC) The EC continues to assess which will be the professions that will par- ticipate in the first phase introduc- tion of the EPC process among the list of seven proposed by the EC in April (nurses, doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists, engineers, moun- tain guides & real estate agents). It is likely that the EC will start at least with nurses and mountain guides due to the significant mobility of these professionals. The implement- ing act(s) is expected in autumn and it is being discussed in the so-called Focus Group on the EPC whose meeting reports are available here. GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION During its meeting on 5 6 June, the Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council reached a partial general approach on specific issues of the draft Regulation, among others, the territorial scope and the transfer of personal data to third countries. In its press release, the Greek Presi- dency stressed that the agreement did not exclude future changes to the text nor mandate the Presidency to engage in informal trilogues with the European Parliament. The Ital- ian Presidency will continue to work on drafting the Councils first read- ing position. CROSS-BORDER DIRECTIVE On 10 July, the EC urged 12 mem- ber States to notify full implementa- tion of cross-border healthcare rules. To date, these Member States have not or not fully turned this Directive into national law, de- spite being required to do so by 25 October 2013. These countries have two months to inform the Commission of measures taken to implement Directive 2011/24/EU. Failure to notify adequate measures could lead to the Commission refer- ring the cases to the EU Court of Justice. 5 TH MEETING OF EHEALTH NETWORK On 13 May, the eHealth Network held its 5 th meeting in Athens. The members discussed new multi- annual work plan, continuation of services piloted under the epSOS project, Connecting Europe Facility, Commissions Green Paper on mHealth, general eHealth affairs, ePrescription guidelines, as well as SNOMED CT and electronic health records. More information can be found here. Next meeting of the eHealth Network is planned on 18 November in Brussels. EHEALTH FORUM The eHealth Forum took place on 12 14 May in Athens. The Forum gives the opportunity to discuss how technology can bring positive CED EU INFO Issue 3 July 2014 Introduction Welcome to the 3 rd issue of CED EU Info of 2014. This issue is divided in two sections: the first section provides updates on EU topics relevant to the dental profession and the second section contains more general information regarding EU policy. 2 / 2 changes into healthcare systems and how it can tackle todays health and ageing challenges. This year the main objective of the Forum was to demonstrate how the successful use of eHealth tools, developed as a result of EU research and innova- tion funding could be an inspiration for other EU countries. The partici- pants also discussed the issues of ePrescription, innovation partner- ships and mHealth. ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE On 25 June, the EC published an updated road map of its Action Plan Against the rising threats from An- timicrobial Resistance. Currently WHO has launched a consultation until 1 September to develop a global action plan on antimicrobial resistance. The CED Board Task Force on Antibiotics is monitoring these developments. EU STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK ON HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK 2014 - 2020 On 6 June, the EC adopted a Communication on an EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2014 2020, identifying seven strategic objectives and pre- senting key actions and instruments to address these. One of the strate- gic objectives is to address the age- ing of the European workforce and improve prevention of work-related diseases to tackle existing and new risks such as nanomaterials. More information can be found here. EXPERT PANEL ON EFFEC- TIVE WAYS OF INVESTING IN HEALTH Established by Commission Deci- sion 2012/C 198/06 to provide sound and timely scientific advice on effective ways of investing in health, this Expert Panel published on 15 July its final opinion on the definition of a frame of reference in relation to primary care with a spe- cial emphasis on financing systems and referral systems. PATIENT SAFETY PACKAGE On 19 June, the European Com- mission published a patient safety package. The package high- lights how the Commission and the EU Member States address the challenges of patient safety, pro- gress made since 2009 and barriers to overcome in order to improve pa- tient safety as foreseen in the Council Recommendation of 2009. The package consists of the follow- ing documents: the Commissions second implementation report on the 2009 Council Recommenda- tion, results of the public consulta- tion on patient safety and quality of care, Eurobarometer survey on citizens perception of quality of care and patients experience with healthcare, the Commissions Work- ing Group on Patient Safety and Quality of Care (PSCQWG) reports on education and training of health professionals on patient safety (with CED contributions) and on reporting and learning sys- tems for patient safety incidents. All the documents are available here. SCENIHR FINAL OPINION ON NANOSILVER On 16 June, SCENIHR published its final opinion on the safety, health, environmental effects and the role of nanosilver in antimicrobial resis- tance. The aim of the opinion was to assess whether the use of nanosilver in medical care and in consumer products could result in additional risks compared to more traditional uses of silver and if the use of nanosilver to control bacterial growth could result in resistance of micro-organisms. SECTION II GENERAL EU POLICY NEW EUROPEAN PARLIA- MENT On 1 July, the new and re-elected Members of the European Parlia- ment (MEPs) took up their duties and held their first plenary session. They re-elected Martin Schulz as President of the European Parlia- ment. Mr Schulz is the first Presi- dent in the history of the Parliament to be re-elected for a second two and a half year term. The Parlia- ment also approved the composition of its committees. The full list of members of each committee is available here. EPSCO COUNCIL MEETING On 19-20 June 2014, the Employ- ment, Social Policy, Health and the Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) held a meeting in Luxembourg. The Council discussed the future work on two draft regulations concerning medical devices and in vitro medical devices with a view to agreeing on a position in autumn. The Council also adopted conclusions on economic crisis and healthcare. The conclu- sions outline the impact of the eco- nomic crisis on the healthcare sys- tems across the EU and suggests ways of making them more resilient. ITALIAN PRESIDENCY OF EU COUNCIL On 1 July, Italy took over the presi- dency of the EU Council for the next 6 months. The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi presented the presi- dencys priorities to the European Parliament. The Programme of the Italian Presidency is available here. Comments, questions and con- tributions please contact:
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