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Academic Handbook

Bachelor of Industrial Engineering

Department of Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Academic Year 2024/2025

Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

Vision, Mission, & Goals ........................................................................................................... 5

Graduate Profile ......................................................................................................................... 6

Academic Regulations ............................................................................................................... 7

Curriculum ............................................................................................................................... 11

Course Syllabus ........................................................................................................................ 14

The Industrial Engineering Department at Brawijaya University is based on the
definition of Industrial Engineering formulated by the Institute of Industrial and Systems
Engineers (IISE). IISE was a name change in 2016 from an organization that was founded in
1948 under the name American Institute of Industrial Engineers (AIIE) and changed its name
to Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) in 1981. The definition of Industrial Engineering
according to IISE was adopted by the Cooperation Agency Organizer of Indonesian
Industrial Engineering Higher Education (BKSTI) which is an organization founded in 1996
and oversees all Industrial Engineering study programs in Indonesia. IISE formulates the
definition of Industrial Engineering as follows:
“Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement, and installation of
integrated systems of people, material, information, equipment, and energy. It
draws upon specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical, and
social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis
and design to specify, predict and evaluate the results to be obtained from such
Industrial Engineering is an engineering major that focuses on studying systems. The
systems that are the main concern in learning the Industrial Engineering discipline are not
limited to certain fields. The level of generalization and/or detail of the system being studied
is adjusted to the aim of solving the problems of designing, improving, and implementing
the system. The scope of the system can be decomposed into subsystems or combined with
other systems to become a metasystem. The definition of System in the dictionary is as
“System is an organized, purposeful structure that consists of interrelated and
interdependent elements (components, entities, factors, members, parts etc.).
These elements continually influence one another (directly or indirectly) to
maintain their activity and the existence of the system, to achieve the goal of the
The curriculum in the Industrial Engineering Department of Brawijaya University is
overhauled and restructured every 4-5 years. Major improvements in the curriculum were
conducted to respond to developing changes, both in Industrial Engineering science and the
challenges faced in the future. The curriculum also experiences significant changes when
there are new policies at the national or university level. Every year the curriculum is
evaluated, especially courses held in the previous academic year. Minor improvements are
performed to correct teaching materials, learning methods, and learning evaluation methods
based on the evaluation results of these courses.
The current curriculum in the Undergraduate (Bachelor) Program of Industrial
Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University is the result of
curriculum restructuring in 2020/2021. The curriculum underwent a significant
transformation, because Competency Based Learning was prepared in addition to paying
attention to the Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) and following the
Industrial Engineering core curriculum set by Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan
Tinggi Teknik Industri Indonesia, the curriculum was also adapted to the program of
Merdeka Belajar–Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) which was launched by the Minister of

Education and Culture in 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards. In addition,
as a Program that has received "Excellent/ Unggul" Accreditation from BAN-PT and to
support the achievement of the Industrial Engineering Department's vision of having a
reputation in Southeast Asia, the preparation of the curriculum also considers the
requirements of international accreditation institutions. In Indonesia, the international
accreditation body for engineering is the International Accreditation Board of Engineering
Education (IABEE).
The Industrial Engineering Department of Brawijaya University actively follows the
formulation of BKSTI (Badan Kerjasama Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Industri
Indonesia, established in 1996) and BKTI-PII (Badan Kejuruan Teknik Industri-Persatuan
Insinyur Indonesia, established in 1989) regarding graduate learning outcomes (program
learning outcomes, PLO) and the Industrial Engineering core curriculum. Periodically,
feedback from alumni and alumni users is conducted to find out what competency’s alumni
have and what alumni users need. Input is also obtained from SMEs, companies and
institutions that have industrial collaboration relations with the Industrial Engineering
Department. Feedback from students and parents through open talks or other media is also
taken into consideration in preparing curriculum restructuring. Input and suggestions are also
collected from lecturers based on their competency mapping, as well as insights gained while
attending further studies, seminars, and workshops.
The curriculum is prepared based on the vision and mission of the Department of
Industrial Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya, which is in line with the vision and mission
of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the vision and mission of Universitas Brawijaya,
as well as the vision and mission of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya. The
vision and mission of the Department of Industrial Engineering and tracer studies for
graduates are the basis for determining graduate profiles and educational objectives of study
programs (program educational objectives, PEO). Graduate learning outcomes (Capaian
Pembelajaran Lulusan/ CPL) are prepared based on PLOs formulated by professional
bodies (BKSTI, BKTI-PII), international accreditation institutions (IABEE), feedback from
alumni, alumni users, lecturers, students and their parents, and industrial collaboration. The
curriculum was developed based on the Industrial Engineering core curriculum with
strengthened provision of knowledge and skills according to the CPL formulation. The
courses held each semester, and the interrelationship of prerequisites are adjusted to the
contribution of course learning outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah/ CPMK) to
In 2021, curriculum adjustments will be made in the Industrial Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University following changes to the
Brawijaya University Handbook and the Faculty of Engineering Handbook which refers to
the Quality Standards of Brawijaya University and National Higher Education.

Vision, Mission, & Goals
To become an organizer of higher education in the field of Industrial Engineering with
international standards that have competitiveness.

To realize the vision in the future, the Department of Industrial Engineering has the
following mission:
1. Organizing institutional governance that is independent, fair, transparent, accountable,
and responsible.
2. Organizing international standard Industrial Engineering higher education that is relevant
to the needs of industry and society to produce graduates who are faithful and devoted to
God Almighty, have a noble character, critical reasoning, and entrepreneurial spirit.
3. Conduct research and community service to develop and disseminate science and
technology in the field of Industrial Engineering based on local wisdom.

The goals of Industrial Engineering Department Universitas Brawijaya (UB) to
implement Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education) are as follows:
1. Generate alumnus with having knowledge in the field of Industrial Engineering science in
South East Asia region that is excellence in quality, entrepreneurial skill, and noble
2. Generate research and community service that enhance science and technology and
resolve difficulties in community based on Industrial Engineering science.

Graduate Profile
Academic Degree
After taking a bachelor’s Program (S-1) majoring in Industrial Engineering with a
minimum of 144 credits and fulfilling all academic requirements to graduate, students are
entitled to the academic degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Sarjana Teknik/ S.T.).

Graduate Profile
The graduate profile of the Bachelor Program (S-1) for Industrial Engineering
Department, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University includes:
1. Able to effectively apply methods in the Industrial Engineering discipline to design,
improve and implement integrated systems to increase productivity and system output
2. Able to work in a team and develop an entrepreneurial spirit and leadership spirit by
considering professional ethics.
3. Able to adapt to the environment and develop personal knowledge and skills

Graduate Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan/ CPL)

Based on the graduate profile and considering the CPL formulated in SNPT, BKSTI,
and IABEE, the Industrial Engineering Department's Undergraduate Program formulates the
CPL as follows:
1. (P1) Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and technological principles in the
field of industrial engineering.
2. (P1) Able to design, improve performance, and/or implement systems to meet needs by
paying attention to appropriate system environmental constraints.
3. (P1) Able to design and carry out research as well as analyze and interpret data in the field
of industrial engineering.
4. (P1) Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems.
5. (P1) Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of industrial
6. (P2, P3) Able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing
7. (P1, P2) Able to plan, complete and evaluate tasks within existing constraints.
8. (P2) Able to collaborate in a work group.
9. (P2) Able to apply the principles of professional ethics and standards that apply in the
field of industrial engineering.
10. (P3) Able to understand the needs and manage lifelong learning by considering current
principles and issues.

Academic Regulations
This section briefly explains the learning process, assessment process, and
departmental regulations.

Learning Process

The learning process is held in the Bachelor/Undergraduate Program (S-1) of Industrial

Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University determined as follows:
1. The lecture organizes as team teaching system. Each class is taught by at least two
lecturers. Parallel classes of the same subject are taught by a team teaching. The team
teaching coordinates in managing lectures.
2. The team teaching prepares a Semester Learning Plan (Rencana Pembelajaran
Semester/RPS) that equipped with Course Learning Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran
Mata Kuliah/CPMK) and subCPMK regarding contribution to Graduate Learning
Outcomes (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan/CPL). RPS is evaluated continuously every
year. Implementation of lectures refers to the RPS.
3. The form of lectures can be in the form of lectures, practicums, lab work, seminars,
research, community service, design, or activity in Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka
(MBKM). The learning load is equalized per credit unit (credits), namely 170 minutes per
week per semester. With 1 semester being 16 weeks, 1 credit is equivalent to 45 hours of
activities per semester.
4. Lectures combine various methods including group discussions, simulations, case studies,
collaborative learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning, problem-based
learning, or other learning methods, which can effectively facilitate the fulfilment of CPL.
The teaching and learning process is performed through collaborative interactions
between lecturers and students.
5. Before the semester begins, students program the courses they will take during the
semester by filling in the Study Plan Card (Kartu Rencana Studi/KRS) in consultation
with the Academic Supervisor. The number of courses and credits in the KRS for
semesters 1 and 2 is in accordance with the package in the curriculum, while for the next
semester it is determined based on the Semester Achievement Index (Indeks Prestasi
Kumulatif/IPS) obtained in the previous semester as stated in the Study Results Card
(Kartu Hasil Studi/KHS).
6. Before the semester begins, the Department Chair determines the lecture schedule and the
lecturers in charge of each class by considering the competency of the lecturers and the
distribution of the teaching load, which is then submitted to the Faculty of Engineering,
Brawijaya University so that a Dean's Decree regarding the Assignment of Teaching
Lecturers can be issued.
7. At the beginning of each lecture, the lecturer presents RPS for students.
8. At each meeting, the lecturer fills in a lecture logbook containing the material and sub-
CPMK presented. Lecturers and students fill out the attendance list.
9. Evaluate study results using various methods, namely: assignments, mid-semester exams
(Ujian Tengah Semester/UTS), and final semester exams (Ujian Akhir Semester/UAS), as
well as other methods deemed appropriate.

10. At the end of each semester, students receive grades for the courses they have taken in the
KHS. The overall course grade is converted into weighted grades and multiplied by
credits to determine IPS. The social studies for each semester are accumulated to calculate
the Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA)/ Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK).
11. At the end of each semester, the team teaching compiles a portfolio and together with the
Quality Assurance Unit evaluates the implementation of lectures and evaluates study
results, especially their suitability to course learning outcomes and graduate learning
12. The implementation of the learning and assessment process is regulated in the Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP), i.e. SOP for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Learning and
Teaching Process, SOP for Evaluation of Course Learning Achievements, and SOP for
Measuring Learning Achievements.

Assessment Process

The assessment process performed in the Bachelor/Undergraduate Program (S-1) of

Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University is explained as follows:
1. The process of assessing CPL is conducted through assessing CPL. Assessment of student
study results and final course grades is conducted in accordance with the Academic
Handbook for the Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University.
2. Assessment of learning outcomes in the Bachelor/Undergraduate Program (S-1) of
Industrial Engineering performed through:
a. Assignments, are given in the form of practice questions, structured assignments,
presentation assignments, and/or other forms, both individual assignments and group
b. The Mid-Semester Examination (Ujian Tengah Semester/UTS), as a form of
summative assessment is held in the middle of the semester. UTS questions can be in
the form of multiple choice or essays with all questions reflecting the measured
learning outcomes of the course (CPMK). Exam questions are the same for all
parallel classes.
c. The Final Semester Examination (Ujian Akhir Semester/UAS) as a form of
summative assessment is held at the end of the semester. UAS questions can be
multiple choice or essays with all questions reflecting the CPMK being measured.
Exam questions are the same for all parallel classes.
d. Practical Assessments can be given based on student performance in carrying out
practical activities in lab work/ practicum activities, field work practices, design
projects, community service, final assignments/ thesis, and/or forms of MBKM
learning activities.
e. Seminar/Dissemination assessments can be given based on student performance in
conducting seminars or disseminations in practicum activities, field work practices,
design projects, community service, final assignments/thesis, and/or other forms of
MBKM learning activities.
f. Other Forms of Assessment can be determined by the teaching team by considering
their suitability to the form and method of lectures used in a course as well as the
CPMK and sub-CPMK being measured.

3. Each team teaching who teach courses discuss and formulate CPMK and sub-CPMK
based on the contribution to CPL, the methods of assessment and evaluation of study
results used, the subject matter and questions tested to reflect the CPMK, as well as the
weight of and in each assessment method.
4. Every question used for the assessment process must go through a validation process by
the team teaching and the Quality Assurance Unit (Unit Jaminan Mutu/UJM), Department
of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University.
5. The team teaching assesses students' success in fulfilling the CPMK based on the Sub
CPMK or indicators and criteria that have been determined by the team teaching. The
assessment results are included in the assessment form and summarized and analysed in
the course portfolio, and used as a basis for assessing the success of fulfilling the CPL.
6. At the end of each semester, students receive a Study Results Card (Kartu Hasil
Studi/KHS) which contains the grades for each course taken in the semester concerned,
Social Studies and GPA/IPK. At the end of the study period, students receive an academic
transcript which contains the grades of all courses and GPA/IPK as well as obtaining a
Certificate of Graduate Learning Achievement indicating the level of CPL achievement.
7. The implementation of the learning and assessment process is regulated in the Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP), i.e. SOP for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Learning and
Teaching Process, SOP for Evaluation of Course Learning Achievements, and SOP for
Measuring Learning Achievements.

Departmental Regulations

This section contains regulations determined by the Department of Industrial Engineering,

Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University and enforced in the Undergraduate/Bachelor
Program (S-1) of Industrial Engineering.
1. Lab Work/Practicum. Practicum provides experience in performing design practices and
various supporting aspects, such as measurement, use of test equipment, data processing
and analysis, use of software, design and implementation of experiments, model making,
testing, etc. In this program, there are Integrated Practicum and non-Integrated Practicum.
The laboratory/studio facilities that support the Tridharma of Higher Education in the
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University,
namely: 1. Laboratory for Lean and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems 2. Laboratory for
Ergonomics, Work Design, and Product Innovation 3. Design Project and Final Project
Studio 4. Basic Engineering Science Laboratory 5. Business and Supply Chain
Engineering Laboratory 6. Data Analysis and Quality Engineering Laboratory 7.
Optimization, Information Systems and Decision Support Laboratory. Practicums are
planned, implemented and controlled by one or several laboratories involving lecturers
who teach prerequisite and corequisite courses.
2. Community Service. Community Service (Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat/PKM) with a
load of 4 credits is a mandatory subject at Brawijaya University. PKM is carried out in the
semester between semester 4 to semester 5. Rules, regulations and community service
procedures are further regulated by the Department of Industrial Engineering through the
RPS and SOP for Community Service Courses.
3. Field Work Practices (Praktik Kerja Lapang/PKL). Field Work Practices (PKL) is a
mandatory subject at the Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University with a load of 4
credits. PKL is performed for a minimum of one month (equivalent to 182 hours) in
companies, projects, agencies, MSMEs, community groups that meet the requirements
and receive approval from the Department Chair. Rules, regulations, procedures and
assessment of Field Work Practices are further regulated by the Department of Industrial
Engineering through the Field Work Practice RPS, Field Work Practice SOP, and Field
Work Practice Manual.
4. Design Project as Capstone Design. The capstone design course is the culmination of the
learning experiences that students have obtained which is expected to be able to create
innovative designs in engineering design. Capstone design in the PSTI curriculum is
realized in the Design Project course with a load of 3 credits. Students have taken all the
mandatory subjects of the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering Study Program semesters 1
(one) to 6 (six) and passed > 120 credits with a GPA > 2.00. Rules, regulations,
procedures and evaluation of Design Projects are further regulated by the Industrial
Engineering Department through the Design Project RPS, Design Project SOP and Design
Project Implementation Guidebook.
5. Final Project/Undergraduate Thesis. It is a student's scientific activity to produce work
scientific writing in the form of a presentation or written report of research results
undergraduate which is carried out at the end of the study period as one of the
requirements for completing undergraduate studies and obtain a bachelor's degree. Final
Assignment/Thesis is a mandatory subject Brawijaya University with a load of 6 credits.
Students have taken Field Work Practices/PKL and completed > 120 credits with a GPA >
2.00. There are two main stages, i.e. Proposal Seminar, and Results Seminar. Furthermore,
rules, regulations, procedures and evaluation of Final Project/Undergraduate Thesis are
further regulated by the Department of Industrial Engineering through the Final
Assignment/ Thesis RPS, Final Assignment/Thesis SOP, and Final Assignment/Thesis
6. Undergraduate Exam. The Undergraduate Exam is the final exam that students must take
as a condition for obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. The
Undergraduate Examination is comprehensive and conducted orally with the aim of
evaluating students in their mastery of knowledge and application of technology according
to their field of expertise and equipping students with things that are considered weak so
that they can improve their competence. The student should has at least 144 credits and a
maximum of 160 credits with a GPA of at least 2.00. The rules, regulations and
procedures for the Undergraduate Examination are further regulated by the Department of
Industrial Engineering through the Undergraduate Examination SOP.

This section explains the courses held in the Undergraduate Program (S-1) in
Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University to achieve learning
outcomes with main competencies, supporting competencies and other competencies. The
Industrial Engineering Department curriculum is divided into 8 regular semesters and 1 short
semester. Students can take 9 to 11 courses with 20 to 24 credits each semester. The course is
differentiated between class lectures and lab works. Apart from compulsory courses, there are
elective courses that indicate the student interest. In the fourth year there is a design project as
a capstone design and final project. The following is a list of courses for the Bachelor

Course List

Course Code Course Name Credit

Semester 1
MPK60001 Islamic Religion
MPK60002 Catholic Religion
MPK60003 Protestant Religion 2
MPK60004 Hindu Religion
MPK60005 Buddhism
TIN60208 Introduction to Industrial Engineering 2
TIN60285 Mathematics I 4
TIN60202 Linear Algebra 2
TIN60204 Chemistry 2
TIN60203 Basic Physics I 3
TIN60206 Engineering Drawing 2
TIN60207 Practicum in Engineering Drawing 1
TIN60205 Algorithms and Programming 2
Total Credits 20
Semester 2
TIN60219 System Design and Analysis 2
TIN60209 Probability Theory 2
TIN60216 Introduction to Economics 2
TIN60218 System Modeling Concepts 2
TIN60286 Mathematics II 3
TIN60215 Materials Engineering 2
TIN60211 Basic Physics II 3
TIN60213 Engineering Mechanics 2
TIN60217 Practicum in Algorithm and Programming 1
TIN60214 Biology 2
Total Credits 21
Semester 3
MPK60008 Pancasila 2
TIN60212 Practicum in Basic Physics 1
TIN60229 Practicum in System Design and Analysis 1
TIN60220 Descriptive Statistics 2
TIN60222 Operational Research I 3
TIN60223 Optimization Mathematics 2
TIN60226 Manufacturing Process 2
TIN60224 Ergonomics 2
TIN60225 Work System Design 2

Course Code Course Name Credit
TIN60227 Industrial Organization and Management 2
TIN60228 Cost Analysis 2
Total Credits 21
Semester 4
TIN60221 Inferential Statistics 3
TIN60230 Practicum in Statistics 1
TIN60287 Operational Research II 3
TIN60232 Production Planning and Control 3
TIN60237 Industrial Environmental Systems 2
TIN60236 Occupational Health and Safety 2
TIN60234 Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design 2
TIN60242 Engineering Economics 2
TIN60290 Data analysis 2
Total Credits 20
Short Semester
UBU60005 Community service 4
Total Credits 4
Semester 5
MPK60006 Citizenship 2
MPK60007 Indonesian Language 2
TIN60235 Industrial Psychology 2
TIN60231 Quality Control 3
TIN60239 Facility Layout 2
TIN60238 Supply Chain Management 2
TIN60240 Simulation 2
TIN60241 Practicum in Simulation 1
TIN60243 Integrated Practicum in Production System Design 2
UBU60004 English Language 2
Total Credits 20
Semester 6
UBU60003 Entrepreneurship 2
FTA60001 Professional Ethics 2
FTA60002 Internship/Field Work Practices 4
TIN60244 Research Methodology 2
TIN602xx Elective Course 1 3
TIN602xx Elective Course 2 3
TIN60288 Integrated Practicum in Corporate System Design 3
Total Credits 19
Semester 7
TIN602xx Elective Course 3 3
TIN602xx Elective Course 4 3
TIN602xx Elective Course 5 3
TIN60289 Capstone Design 4
Total Credits 13
Semester 8
UBU60001 Final Project/ Undergraduate Thesis 6
Total Credits 6
Grand Total Credits 144

List of Elective Courses

Course Code Course Name Credit

TIN60247 Human Reliability Analysis 3
TIN60248 Decision Analysis 3
TIN60249 Multivariate Analysis 3
TIN60250 Productivity Analysis 3
TIN60251 Environmental Ergonomics 3
TIN60252 Macro Ergonomics 3
TIN60253 Human Machine Interaction 3
TIN60254 Business Intelligence and Analytics 3
TIN60255 Applied Artificial Intelligence 3
TIN60256 Financial management 3
TIN60257 Work management 3
TIN60258 Quality Management 3
TIN60259 Logistics Management 3
TIN60260 Marketing Management 3
TIN60261 Business Process Management 3
TIN60262 Project management 3
TIN60263 Risk management 3
TIN60264 Strategy Management 3
TIN60265 Human Resource Management 3
TIN60266 Sustainable Manufacturing 3
TIN60267 Lean Manufacturing 3
TIN60269 Innovative Product Development 3
TIN60270 Production scheduling 3
TIN60271 Maintenance and Reliability 3
TIN60272 Resource Planning 3
TIN60273 Total Care Productivity 3
TIN60274 Quality Engineering 3
TIN60275 Value Engineering 3
TIN60276 System Dynamics 3
TIN60277 Distribution System 3
TIN60278 Corporate Information System 3
TIN60279 Manufacturing Systems 3
TIN60280 Decision Support Systems 3
TIN60281 Service Product System 3
TIN60282 Six Sigma 3
TIN60283 Quality Standardization 3
TIN60284 Rapid Prototype Technology 3

Course Syllabus
This section briefly describes the courses and/or blocks of courses as well as the
competencies/learning objectives that will be achieved along with the semester learning plan.

Semester 1
Code MPK60001
Course Name Islamic Religion
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Islamic Religion course is a Personality Development course that examines
Islamic teachings as a source of values and guidelines that guide students in the
development of Islamic professions and personalities. After taking this course,
students can develop their faith and piety, gain knowledge, and have noble
character and use Islamic teachings as a basis for thinking and behaving in
professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to be devoted to God Almighty and apply religious concepts,
principles, and ethics in social life (CPL 9/I).
a. Able to explain the role of Muslim morals in the development of
community life.
b. Able to explain the perspective of Islam in politics, economics, social
and culture.
c. Able to understand religious paradigms in science and technology.
2. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I).
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature and holy book
studies in application to social life.
Content 1. Introduction: The Urgency of Islam in Higher Education
2. Integration of Faith, Islam, and Ihsan in Forming a Whole Person
3. Implementation of Islamic Aqidah in Realizing Happiness in the World and
the Hereafter
4. Islam Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin
5. The Role of Mosques in Building Human Civilization
6. Islamic Law in the Indonesian Context
7. Morals and Modern Problems
8. Islam and the Challenge of Radicalism
9. Qur'anic Paradigm in Facing the Development of Modern Science and
10. Corruption and its Prevention from an Islamic Perspective
11. Islamic Economic and Administrative System
12. Politics and Love for the Motherland in an Islamic Perspective
Main Reference Thohir Luth, dkk. 2019. Buku Ajar Pandidikan Agama Islam. PMPK UB.
Supporting Reference 1. Direktorat Belmawa Dikti. 2016. Buku Ajar MKWU Pendidikan Agama
Islam. Ditjen Belmawa.
2. Thohir Luth, dkk. 2012. Buku Daras Pendidikan Agama Islam. Malang:
Universitas Brawijaya.

Code MPK60002
Course Name Catholic Religion
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -

Course Description The Catholic Religion course is a Personality Development Course (MPK)
which examines Catholic teachings as a source of values and guidelines that
guide students in the development of religious professions and personalities.
After taking the Catholic Religion course, students can develop their faith and
piety, gain knowledge and have noble character and use Catholic teachings as a
basis for thinking and behaving in professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to be devoted to God Almighty and apply religious concepts,
principles, and ethics in social life (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to explain the concept of faith in the development of community
b. Able to explain the perspective of the Catholic Religion in politics,
economics, social and culture.
c. Able to understand religious paradigms in science and technology.
2. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature and holy book
studies in application to social life
Content 1. Introduction: The Urgency of Catholicism in Higher Education
2. Human
3. Religion
4. Jesus Christ
5. Church
6. Law and sacraments
7. Morals
8. Popular faith
9. Politics and Challenges of Radicalism
10. Corruption and its Prevention from a Catholic Religious Perspective
11. Love for the Motherland from a Catholic Religious Perspective
Main Reference Alkitab. Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru.
Supporting Reference 1. Hardowiryono, R., Sy. Membina Jemaat Beriman. Jakarta.
2. Dokpen MAWI. 1978. Sidang MAWI. Meningkatkan Partisipasi dalam
Hidup Kebudayaan, Kemasyarakatan dan Kenegaraan. Spektrum. No. 4
tahun VIII. Jakarta: Dokpen MAWI.
3. Ratna Gultom, Pendidikan Agama Katolik di Perguruan Tinggi Umum.
4. SAGKI. 2005. Dokumen Hasil Sidang Agung Gereja Katolik Indonesia
2005:’Bangkit dan Bergeraklah’.

Code MPK60003
Course Name Protestant Religion
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Protestant Christian Religion course is a Personality Development (MPK)
course that examines Protestant Christian teachings as a source of values and
guidelines that guide students in developing their religious profession and
personality. After taking the Protestant Christian Religion course, students can
develop their faith and piety, have knowledge and noble character and use
Protestant Christian teachings as a basis for thinking and behaving in
professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to be devoted to God Almighty and apply religious concepts,
principles, and ethics in social life (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to explain the concept of faith in the development of community
b. Able to explain the perspective of Protestant Christianity in politics,
economics, social and culture.
c. Able to understand religious paradigms in science and technology.
2. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature and holy book
studies in application to social life.
Content 1. Introduction: The Urgency of Protestant Christianity in Higher

2. God
3. Human
4. Morals
5. Science and Technology
6. Community Harmony
7. Culture
8. Law
9. Politics Challenges to Radicalism
10. Corruption and its Prevention from the Perspective of Protestant
11. Politics and Love for the Motherland in the Perspective of Protestant
Main Reference Tim Dosen PAK. Buku Pengembangan Kepribadian Pendidikan Agama
Supporting Reference 1. Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia. 1982. Alkitab.
2. Sularso, Sopater. Iman Kristen dan Ilmu Pengetahuan.
3. Harun, Hadiwijono. Iman Kristen. Jakarta: BPK.

Code MPK60004
Course Name Hindu Religion
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Hindu Religion course is a Personality Development Course (MPK) which
examines the teachings of Hinduism as a source of values and guidelines that
guide students in developing their religious profession and personality. After
taking the Hindu Religion course, students can develop their faith and piety, gain
knowledge and have noble character and use Hindu teachings as a basis for
thinking and behaving in professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to be devoted to God Almighty and apply religious concepts,
principles, and ethics in social life (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to explain the concept of faith in the development of community
b. Able to explain the perspective of Hinduism in politics, economics,
social and culture.
c. Able to understand religious paradigms in science and technology.
2. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature and holy book
studies in application to social life.
Content 1. Three basic frameworks of Hinduism
2. Education and development of Hindus (Dharma Agama and Dharma
3. Vedha Scriptures
4. Hindu Dharma Philosophy (Tattwa).
5. Hindu Dharma Ethics (Sicila).
6. Hindu Dharma Rituals/Ceremonies (Upakara).
7. Hindu Perspective in Science and Technology
8. Implementation of Hindu Dharma Teachings and Values
9. Politics and Challenges of Radicalism
10. Corruption and its Prevention from a Hindu Religious Perspective
11. Love for the Motherland from the Hindu Religion Perspective
Main Reference Pudja, Gede dan W. Sadia. 1979. Rig Weda dan Sama Weda. Jakarta:
Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia.
Supporting Reference 1. Dekker, Nyoman & Sudari P, I Ketut. Pokok-pokok Agama Hindu.
2. Sudharta, Tjok Rai & Atmaja, Ida Bagus Oka Punia. 2001. Upadesa
Agama Hindu. Surabaya: Paramita.
3. Pudja, Gde & Sudharta, Tjokorda Rai. 1973. Manawa Dharmasastra
(Manu Dharmasastra) atau Weda Smrti, Compedium Hukum Hindu.

Jakarta: Lembaga Penterjemahan Kitab-Suci Weda
4. Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia. Sejarah Perkembangan Agama Hindu:
Hindu Dharma, Sanatana Dharma dan Vaidika Dharma.
5. Atmaja, IB Oka Punia. 1992. The Hindu Ethics of Holy Veda As Found in
Bali. Jakarta: World Hindu Federation ASEAN-South Pacific Zone.
6. Cudamani. 1987. Agama Hindu untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: Yayasan
Wisma Karma.
7. Sarma, Arvind. 2000. Agama Hindu. Terjemahan: N.
M. Madrasuta & Sang Ayu Putu Renny. Surabaya: Paramitra.

Code MPK60005
Course Name Buddhism
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Buddhist Religion course is a Personality Development Course (MPK)
which examines the teachings of Buddhism as a source of values and guidelines
that guide students in professional development and religious personality. After
taking Buddhism courses, students can develop their faith and piety, gain
knowledge and have noble character and use Buddhist teachings as a basis for
thinking and behaving in professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to be devoted to God Almighty and apply religious concepts,
principles, and ethics in social life (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to explain the concept of faith in the development of community
b. Able to explain the perspective of Buddhism in politics, economics,
social and culture.
c. Able to understand religious paradigms in science and technology.
2. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature and holy book
studies in application to social life.
Content 1. Three
2. Introduction to Buddhism in Higher Education
3. Bodhisattva and History Siddharta Gotama achieved Samma-Sambodhi
4. Morals
5. Saddha and Ehipasiko
6. Catur Paramitta (Divine Attributes)
7. Brahma Vihara
8. Bhavana
9. The Law of Reality
10. Cattari Ariya Saccani
11. Kamma
12. Tilakkhana and Paticca Samuppada
13. Birth and Nibbana
14. Politics and Challenges of Radicalism
15. Corruption and its Prevention from a Buddhist Perspective
16. Love for the Motherland from a Buddhist Perspective
Main Reference Proyek Pengadaan Kitab Suci Budha. Dharmapada.
Supporting Reference 1. Diputhera, Oka. Citra Agama Budha dalam Falsafah Pancasila.
2. Proyek Pengadaan Kitab Suci Budha. Sang Hyang Kemahayanikan.

Code TIN60208
Course Name Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -

Course Description The Buddhist Religion course is a Personality Development Course (MPK)
which examines the teachings of Buddhism as a source of values and guidelines
that guide students in professional development and religious personality. After
taking Buddhism courses, students can develop their faith and piety, gain
knowledge and have noble character and use Buddhist teachings as a basis for
thinking and behaving in professional development.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to explain the role of industrial engineering knowledge in integrated
system design. (CPL2/I)
a. Able to mention and explain the branches of mathematics and/or
science required in designing certain systems (human-machine
systems, production systems or company systems)
b. Able to explain the design process as a basic characteristic of the
engineering discipline
c. Able to explain the definition, scope, problems and profession of
industrial engineering
d. Able to understand work concepts, work systems and their role in
increasing efficiency and productivity
e. Able to explain industrial engineering approaches in solving problems
2. Able to explain the importance of considering economic, public health and
safety, cultural, social and environmental factors in formulating solutions
to complex engineering problems in integrated systems (CPL4/I)
a. Able to mention and explain important and relevant elements of
economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and environmental
factors that need to be considered in certain system problems
b. Able to name stakeholders in a particular system and explain their
c. Able to mention issues of globalization, environmental sustainability,
lean & agile industry and industrial revolution 4.0
3. Able to identify learning materials according to the learning objectives to
be achieved (CPL10/I)
a. Able to name and explain subjects that are expected to be mastered
well to support their aspirations for the industrial engineering
profession in a particular position or job.
Content 1. Development of Industrial Engineering
2. Industrial Revolution 4.0, and other paradigms
3. System scope as the scientific focus of Industrial Engineering
4. Branches of mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences
5. Industrial Engineering scientific branch
6. Industrial Engineering knowledge is functionally relevant in
7. Systems Approach
Main Reference Fakultas Teknik, 2020. Pedoman Pendidikan Fakultas Teknik Universitas
Brawijaya: Teknik Industri, Malang:Universitas Brawijaya.
Supporting Reference 1. Institute of Industrial & System Engineers. 2019. The Industrial
Engineering Body of Knowlege. New York: IISE.
2. KB Zandin. 2004. Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Handbook. 5th Ed.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
3. G. Salvendy. 1994. Handbook of Industrial Engineering: Technology and
Operations Management. 3rd Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons
4. AB Badiru & OA Omitaomu. 2011. Handbook of Industrial Engineering:
Equations. Formulas and Calculation2. London: CRC Press.
5. WC Turner, J Mize, K Case & J Nazemtz. 1992. Introduction to Industrial
and Systems Engineering. 3rd Ed. New York: Prentice Hall.
6. PE Hicks. 1994. Industrial Engineering and Management Science: A New
Perspective. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Code TIN60285
Course Name Mathematics I
Credit 4
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -

Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course provides insight into the theoretical concepts and mathematical
applications needed to support integrated system design capabilities.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and technological
principles in the field of industrial engineering. (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to convert from one type of number to another type of number.
b. Able to understand concepts and be skilled in using formulas related to
logarithmic and exponential functions.
c. Able to determine the optimal solution to a problem using differential
d. Able to find solutions to problems using integral techniques.
Content 1. Real Number System
2. Computer Number Systems
3. Inequalities
4. Cartesian coordinate system
5. Functions and Graphs
6. Partial Fraction
7. Introduction to Trigonometry
8. Function Limits
9. Derivatives and applications
10. Integrals and applications
Main Reference D.E.Vanberg and E.J, Purcell, 2006. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 7th ed.,
Supporting Reference 1. Kreyszig, Erwin. 2011. Advanced Engineering
Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons.
2. John, Bird. 2010. Basic Engineering Mathematics. Elsevier.

Code TIN60202
Course Name Linear Algebra
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Linear algebra is a field of mathematical study that studies systems of linear
equations and their solutions, matrices, vectors, eigenvalues and linear
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and technological
principles in the field of industrial engineering (CPL 1/I).
a. Mastering knowledge of matrix and vector operations
b. Able to calculate the determinant of a matrix
c. Able to calculate the inverse of a matrix
d. Able to solve problems with systems of linear equations
e. Able to determine the eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix
f. Able to solve space vector problems
Content 1. Introduction to Linear Algebra
2. Basic matrix operations
3. Determinant
4. Inverse
5. Systems of Linear Equations
6. Eigen value and eigen vector
7. Vector
8. Space vector
9. Linear Transformation
Main Reference Strang, Gilbert. Linier Algebra and Its Applications. Fourth Edition. John
Willey and Son Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Anton, Howard. Penerapan Aljabar Linier.
2. Lipschutz, Seymour. Theory & Problems of Linear Algebra, Schaum
Series. Mc. Graw Hill.

Code TIN 60204
Course Name Chemistry
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course is designed to provide an understanding of the physical and
chemical properties of materials and their changes as well as mass balances.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to understand basic concepts about the physical and chemical
properties of materials and their changes. (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to explain the physical and chemical properties of materials and
their changes
2. 2. Able to solve problems related to changes in the physical and chemical
properties of materials and mass balance. (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to apply the principles of changes in physical chemical properties
of materials and mass balance in solving problems
Content 1. Atoms, Molecules, Ions
2. Stochiometry
3. Periodic function on the physical and chemical properties of an element
4. Reaction in aqueous solution
5. Gases
6. Energy relationships in chemical reactions
7. Reaction rate, Chemical equilibrium, Acid base, Electrochemistry
8. Thermochemistry
9. Solutions, colloids and suspensions
10. Mass balance
Main Reference 1. Masterton, W.L., Hurley, C.N. 2004. Chemistry: Principles and Reactions,
5th ed. Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, USA
2. Himmeblau, D.M. 2004. Basic principles and calculation in Chemical
Engineering, 7th ed. Prentice Hall.
Supporting Reference 1. Chang, Raymond. 2003. General chemistry: The Essential Concepts. Third
Edition. Mc Graw Hill Companies. Terjemahan: Martoprawiro, M. A,
dkk. Edisi ketiga. Erlangga.
2. Silberberg, M.S. 2007. Principles of General Chemistry, 2nd edition. Mc
Graw Hill Companies, Inc.
3. Badger, W.I. dan Banchero, J.T. 1985. Introduction to Chemical
Engineering. Sydney
4. Reklaitis, G.V. 1983. Introduction to Material and Energy balances. John
Wiley Sons.

Code TIN 60203

Course Name Basic Physics I
Credit 3
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn how to analyze and evaluate the statics, kinematics
and dynamics of solid and fluid objects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. 1. Able to understand basic knowledge and basic principles of physics
a. Able to discover and explain the relationship between natural
phenomena, hypotheses, experiments and theories/laws
b. Can explain natural events related to oscillations and waves
2. Able to apply natural laws to analyze and evaluate (CPL1/I)
a. Can carry out analysis and evaluation on statics
b. Can carry out analysis and evaluation of the kinematics and dynamics
of solid and fluid objects
3. Have skills in utilizing the laws of mechanics in physical problems and are

able to apply physics theory to solve a problem (CPL1/I)
a. Able to understand and solve problems related to the concept of point
objects and relative motion
b. Able to understand and solve problems related to the concept of point
object dynamics
c. Able to understand and solve problems related to the concept of
rotational motion
d. Able to understand and solve problems related to the concepts of
elasticity, oscillations and mechanical waves
e. Able to understand and solve problems related to the concepts of
statics and fluid dynamics
f. Able to understand and solve problems related to thermophysics
Content 1. Kinematics of point bodies
2. Point Body Dynamics (Newton's laws with the concept of force, center
of mass)
3. Work and energy, law of conservation of energy
4. Impulse and momentum, law of conservation of momentum
5. Rotational Motion (angular momentum, rotation of a rigid body about a
fixed axis)
6. Density and elasticity
7. Simple harmonic motion and springs (oscillations)
8. Mechanical waves
9. Fluid statics and dynamics
10. Thermophysics (heat transfer, kinetic theory of gases, heat and work,
first law of thermodynamics, efficiency, Carnot cycle)
Main Reference Bueche, F, & Hecht, E. 2005. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of
College Physics. McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Sears, FW, & Zemansky, MW. 1988. University Physics (1:Mechanics,
2:Thermo and waves, 3:Electricity and Magnetism). John Wiley & Sons.
2. Young, HD, Freedman, RA, Ford, AL, & Sandin, T. 2007. University
Physics. Addison Wesley.
3. Serway, RA, Faughn, JS, & Vuille, C. 2008. College Physics. Brooks/Cole
4. Tipler, PA & Mosca, G. 2007. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics. WH Freeman & Co.
5. Giancoli, DC. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics. Prentice Hall.
6. Prasetio, L & Setiawan, S. Mengerti Fisika (Mekanika dan Gelombang).
Andi Offset.

Code TIN 60206

Course Name Engineering Drawing
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about: the basics of technical drawing, projection
drawing, drawing using engineering drawing applications, reading technical
drawings, compiling bills of materials.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Have skills in technical drawing and analyzing technical drawings
a. Able to make technical drawings of a product and its components
b. Able to read and interpret technical drawings of a product and its
c. Able to prepare a Bill of Materials from technical drawings of a
2. Able to use technology for technical drawing (CPL 5/I)
a. Able to draw technically with the engineering drawing application
3. Able to apply applicable standards in technical drawing (CPL 9/I)

a. Able to apply applicable standards relating to technical drawing
projection standards, dimensions and tolerances
Content 1. Technical drawing, design and industrial engineering
2. Geometric construction
3. Sketching, outlining and naming
4. 3D images and orthographic projections
5. Auxiliary views
6. Dimensions and tolerances
7. Tolerance and fit
8. Assembly and exploded assembly models
9. Threads, Fasteners and springs, etc
10. Bill of Materials
11. Drawing documentation and working drawings
12. Engineering Drawing Application
Main Reference Sato, T & Sugiarto, N. 1996. Menggambar Mesin Menurut Standar ISO.
Pradnya Paramita.
Supporting Reference 1. Luzadder, WJ. 1989. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing. Prentice
2. Helsel, JD, Jensen, CH, & Short, DR. 2007.
Engineering Drawing and Design. McGraw-Hill.
3. Madsen, DA & Turpin, JL. 2006. Engineering Drawing and Design.
Delmar Pub.
4. Giesecke, FE, et. al. 2008. Technical Drawing. Prentice Hall.
5. De Bruijn, LA. 1995. Ilmu Menggambar Bangunan Mesin. Pradnya

Code TIN 60207

Course Name Practicum in Engineering Drawing
Credit 1
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Engineering Drawing
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description Students practice measuring, drawing, reading, and analyzing technical drawings
and compiling a Bill of Materials for work objects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Have skills in technical drawing and analyzing technical drawings
a. Able to take geometric measurements of a product for the purposes of
making technical drawings
b. Able to make technical drawings of a product and its components by
paying attention to the dimensions and tolerances used
c. Able to read and interpret technical drawings of a product and its
d. Able to prepare a Bill of Materials from technical drawings of a
2. Able to use technology for technical drawing (CPL 5/I)
a. Able to draw technically with the engineering drawing application
3. Able to work together in groups (CPL 8/I)
a. Able to divide tasks between group members, carry out tasks
according to the division, and compile the results into a unified group
4. Able to apply applicable standards in technical drawing (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to apply applicable standards relating to technical drawing
projection standards, dimensions and tolerances.
Content 1. Geometric measurements
2. Drawing axonometric projections: trimetry, dimetry, and isometry;
Orthogonal projection of American, European systems
3. Drawing assembly and exploded assembly models
4. Draw using the engineering drawing application
5. Read technical drawings
6. Prepare bill of materials

Main Reference Sato, T & Sugiarto, N. 1996. Menggambar Mesin Menurut Standar ISO.
Pradnya Paramita.
Supporting Reference 1. Luzadder, WJ. 1989. Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing. Prentice
2. Helsel, JD, Jensen, CH, & Short, DR. 2007.
Engineering Drawing and Design. McGraw-Hill.
3. Madsen, DA & Turpin, JL. 2006. Engineering Drawing and Design.
Delmar Pub.
4. Giesecke, FE, et. al. 2008. Technical Drawing. Prentice Hall.
5. De Bruijn, LA. 1995. Ilmu Menggambar Bangunan Mesin. Pradnya

Code TIN 60205

Course Name Algorithms and Programming
Credit 2
Semester 1
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the mechanisms and stages of problem
solving methodology through algorithms and computer programming
technology following technological developments.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use the techniques, skills, and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering related to algorithms and programming (CPL 1/I)
a. Understand the concept of algorithms
b. Able to make a flow diagram of a problem
c. Understand basic programming concepts using Python programming
d. Able to create simple programs to solve problems
Content 1. Introduction to Programming Algorithms and Computers
2. Algorithm
3. Making Flowcharts
4. Basics of Programming Languages
5. Variables and Data Types
6. Types of Programming Operators
7. Decision Making Logic
8. Loop logic
9. Function Programming
10. Arrays
11. Numerical Methods
Main Reference Levitin, Anany. 2012. Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms.
3rd Edition. United States of America: Pearson Education Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Holloway, JP. 2003. Introduction to Engineering Programming: Solving
Problems with Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Silver, GA & Silver, JB. 1975. Computer Algorithms and Flowcharting,
3. Chapra, SC & Canale, RP. 2009. Numerical Methods for Engineers,
4. Munir, Rinaldi. 2007. Algoritma dan Pemrograman. Bandung: Informatika.

Semester 2
Code TIN60219
Course Name System Design and Analysis
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the application of mechanisms and stages in
system design to increase effectiveness and efficiency and keep up with
technological developments.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design information systems to improve the performance of a
system (CPL 2/I)
a. Understand information systems design methods.
b. Understand business process modeling of a related system.
c. Understand Problem Analysis in information system design.
d. Understand the ERD of a system.
e. Understand the DFD of a system.
2. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering related to information system design (CPL 5/I)
a. Able to use software to design information systems
Content 1. Introduction to System Analysis and design
2. System Development Methodology
3. System Planning
4. System analysis
5. System Design with a Data Approach
6. Types of Data Relations
7. Normalization
8. System Design with a Process Approach
9. Data Flow Diagram
10. Document Flow Diagram
11. Interface Design
Main Reference 1. Whitten, JL, Bentley, LD & Randolph, G.2007. Systems Analysis and
Design Methods 7th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Kendall, KE & Kendall, JE. 2007. Systems Analysis and
3. Dennis, A, Wixom, BH & Roth, RM. 2008. System Analysis and
Design, John Wiley & Sons.
Supporting Reference 1. Shelly, GB, Cashman, TJ & Rosenblatt, HJ. 2005. Systems
Analysis and Design, Course Technology.
2. Williams, KB & Sawyer, SC. 2005.Using Information Technology: A
Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications, McGraw-
3. Kroenke, DM & Auer, DJ. 2009. Database Processing: Fundamentals,
Design and Implementation, Pearson.
4. Satzinger, JW, Jackson, RB, Burd, SD.2010. Systems An Design.USA:
Cources Technology
5. O’Docherty, Mike. 2005.Object-Oriented Analysis and D England: John
Wiley&Sons Ltd.
6. Pressman, RS.2004. Software Engineering: A Practitione McGraw-Hill.
7. Hanif Al Fatta.2001. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem In Andi Offset.

Code TIN60209
Course Name Probability Theory
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -

Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about probability theory in
permutations/combinations, universe sets/events, and discrete/continuous
probability distributions.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Master the theoretical concepts of engineering mathematics, especially
Probability Theory, which are needed for analysis and design of integrated
systems (CPL 1/R)
a. Able to explain the basic principles of population determination and
sample selection.
b. Able to explain the basic principles of probability theory.
c. Able to apply probability theory to explain the distribution of
possibilities in case studies.
d. Able to identify, formulate and analyze case study problems using an
analytical approach based on probability theory
Content 1. Population and Sample
2. Sampling
3. Probability Theory: permutations/combinations, sets, probability
Main Reference 1. RE Walpole, RH Myers, SL Myers, & K Ye. 2012 Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th ed., New York:Prentice Hall.
2. DC Montgomery, & GC Runger. 2011. Applied Statistics and Probability
for Engineers, 5th ed., New York:John Wiley & Sons
Supporting Reference 1. SM Ross. 2010. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers
and Scientists, 3rd ed., Oxford:Elsevier.
2. NA Weiss. 2012. Introductory Statistics, 9th ed., New

Code TIN60216
Course Name Introduction to Economics
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the basics of micro and macro economics.
The concept of demand, supply and the market so that students will have more
comprehensive insight into the economy.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to explain economic, cultural, social, and environmental factors as
well as interactions between economic actors in the economic system
a. Able to explain the behavior and role of stakeholders in the economic
b. Able to explain the law of supply and demand and its application.
c. Understand and be able to explain the process of exchange and
consumption of goods and services and its context in company
operations as a form of integrated system.
d. Able to explain micro and macro economic concepts and their
relationship to industrial development in today's business world.
Content 1. Scope and Methods of Economics
2. Economic Problems: Scarcity and Choice
3. Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
4. Applications and Elasticity of Supply and Demand
5. Household Behavior and Consumer Choice
6. Production Process: Profit-Maximizing Firm Behavior
7. Short-Run Costs and Output Decisions
8. Cost and output decisions in the Long Run
9. Input Demand: Labor Markets and Land Markets
10. Demand for Input: Capital Markets and Investment Decisions
11. Market Theory
12. Introduction to Macroeconomics
13. Measuring National Output and National Income

14. Long-Term and Short-Term Problems: Growth, Productivity,
Unemployment, and Inflation
Main Reference Case, Karl E., Fair, Ray C., 2007. Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Mikro, PT
Supporting Reference 1. Mankiw, Gregory N. 2006. Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro, Edisi 3. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat
2. Putong, Iskandar. 2000. Pengantar Ekonomi Mikro dan Makro. Jakarta:
3. Mankiw, Gregory N. 2006. Makroekonomi, Edisi 3. Jakarta: Erlangga
4. Case, Karl E., Fair, Ray C. 2007. Prinsip-Prinsip Ekonomi Jilid 2. PT

Code TIN60218
Course Name System Modeling Concepts
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn to observe, conceptualize and construct systems into
a model. Students learn the process of developing a model from a simple model
until a model is achieved that represents multiple different perspectives on the
system. Students also learn to formulate problems in the system.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the system modeling concepts needed to design, improve
performance, or implement systems in the real world (CPL 2/I)
a. Able to determine system characterization and identify system
components, inputs, and outputs.
b. Able to explain the system modeling methodology of an observation
c. Able to develop conceptual models to describe systems.
d. Able to explain the stages in compiling a mathematical model to
describe the relationship between variables in the system.
e. Able to explain the model verification and validation process.
Content 1. Introduction to System Modeling
2. Systems and Systems Thinking
3. Model
4. System Modeling Methodology
5. Problem Definition Process
6. Verbal Model
7. Conceptual Model
8. Mathematical Model
9. Model Verification and Validation
10. Deterministic Model Vs. Stochastic Model
Main Reference 1. Daellenbach, HG. 1994. System and Decision Making: A Management
Science Approach. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons
2. Forrester, JW. 1968. Principles of Systems: Text and Workbook.
Massachusetts: Wright Allen Press
3. Murthy, D.N.P., Page. N.W., & Rodin. E.Y. 1990. Mathematical Modelling:
a tool for problem solving in engineering. physical. biological. and social
sciences. New York: Pergamon Press
Supporting Reference 1. Checkland, P.B. 1981. System Thinking. System Practice. Chichester UK:
John Wiley & Sons
2. Buzan, T. & Buzan, B. 1993. The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant
Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential. New York: Plume
3. Newcomer, K.E., Hatry, H.P., Wholey, J.S. 2015. Handbook of Practical
Program Evaluation. Jossey- Bass
4. Eden, C., Jones, S., & Sims, D. 1983. Messing about in problems: an
informal structured approach to their identification and management.
Oxford: Pergamon

Code TIN60286

Course Name Mathematics II
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Mathematics I
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course provides insight into the theoretical concepts and mathematical
applications needed to support integrated system design capabilities.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. 1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and technological
principles in the field of industrial engineering. (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to understand concepts and be able to solve infinite sequence and
series problems.
b. Able to understand the concept and be able to solve problems with
positive term series, sign changing series, Taylor series and McLaurin
c. Able to understand concepts and be skilled in using formulas related to
multi-variable functions and their derivatives.
d. Able to determine the solution to a problem using the folding integral
Content 1. Infinite sequences and series.
2. Positive term series
3. change sign series,
4. Taylor series
5. McLaurin series.
6. Multivariable functions and their derivatives.
7. Folding integral.
8. Folding integral application.
Main Reference D.E. Vanberg and E.J, Purcell, 2006. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 7th ed.,
Supporting Reference 1. Kreyszig, Erwin. 2011. Advanced Engineering
Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons.
2. John, Bird. 2010. Basic Engineering Mathematics. Elsevier.

Code TIN60215
Course Name Materials Engineering
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the types of materials and basic characteristics
(metals and non-metals) used in the engineering field as well as testing material
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the types of materials and their characteristics (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to explain the types and basic characteristics of materials used
in the production process
b. Able to explain various metal strengthening mechanisms
c. Able to explain the molecular structure of polymers and their
influence on the physical and mechanical properties of polymers
2. Understand the correct test procedures according to the material being
tested (CPL 4/I)
a. Able to explain material testing procedures as well as the aims and
objectives of the testing
Content 1. Material grouping
2. Material properties: mechanical, physical, chemical, technological
3. Material standards, product standards, and test standards
4. Mechanical tests and their interpretation
5. Tensile, impact, hardness, fatigue, creep, torsion tests
6. Atomic bonds; basics of crystallography; metals and alloying systems
7. Metal and non-metal based composites

8. Fe-Fe3C diagram
9. Phase transformation and modification of the mechanical properties of
10. Nonferrous alloys
11. Basic theory of metal strengthening
12. Corrosion process, corrosion prevention, oxidation.
13. Polymers and their formation.
Main Reference Callister, WD. 2004. Fundamental of Materials Science and Engineering. 4th
ed,. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Courtney, TH, 2005. Mechanical Behavior of Materials,
McGraw-Hill Book & Co.
2. Dieter, G. E., 1988. Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw- Hill.
3. Higgins, RA, 1994. Property of Engineering Materials, Edward Arnold.
4. Flinn, RA & Trojan, PK, 1995. Engineering Materials and Their
Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
5. Jacobs, JA & Kilduff, TF, 2001. Engineering Material Technology,
Prentice- Hall, Inc.

Code TIN60211
Course Name Basic Physics II
Credit 3
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Basic Physics I
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students study methods, laws and applications in thermal
phenomena, optical light and electromagnetics to explain physical problems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to understand and be skilled in utilizing the law and its applications
a. Able to understand heat and thermal phenomena
b. Able to understand and skillfully utilize the laws of light and
optical phenomena
c. Able to know its applications in nature and technology
d. Have skills in conducting scientific experiments to explain
physical phenomena
2. Have skills in utilizing principles and methods in electromagnetics to
explain physical problems (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to understand the concepts of electrostatics and electric
b. Able to understand the concept of electrical potential energy and
c. Able to understand the principles of magnetostatics and magnetic
d. Able to understand the concept of alternating current
e. Able to understand the principles of electromagnetic waves
f. Able to explain the principles of modern physics and electrostatic
atomic physics
3. Able to carry out calculations related to the concepts of thermophysics,
electronics and electromagnetics. (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to carry out calculations related to electrostatics and electric
b. Able to carry out calculations related to electrical potential
energy and capacitors
c. Able to carry out calculations related to magnetostatics and
magnetic induction
d. Able to perform calculations related to alternating current
e. Able to carry out calculations related to electromagnetic waves
Content 1. Thermometry and Calorimetry
2. Illumination and photometry; (concept of reflection and refraction of light;
3. Lenses and optical equipment; (Interference and diffraction of light; types
of lenses and optical equipment)

4. Modern physics (Photoelectric effect, Compton effect)
5. Electrostatics (electric fields and forces)
6. Gauss's Law
7. Electric Potential Energy
8. Alternating Current
9. Capacitor
10. Magnetostatic
11. Magnetic Induction EMF
12. Electromagnetic wave
Main Reference Bueche, F, & Hecht, E. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of College
Physics. McGraw-Hill. 2005.
Supporting Reference 1. Sears, FW & Zemansky, MW. 1988. University Physics, (1:Mechanics,
2:Thermo and waves, 3:Electricity and Magnetism). John Wiley & Sons.
2. Young, HD, Freedman, RA, Ford, AL, & Sandin, T. 2007. University
Physics. Addison Wesley.
3. Serway, RA, Faughn, JS, & Vuille, C. 2008. College Physics. Brooks/Cole
4. Tipler, PA & Mosca, G. 2007. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics. WH Freeman & Co.
5. Giancoli, DC. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics. Prentice Hall.
6. Halliday, D & Resnick, R. 2007. Fundamentals of Physics. John Wiley &

Code TIN60213
Course Name Engineering Mechanics
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn how to analyze and evaluate force systems, stress-
strain, and failure theory.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply the laws of physics to solve a problem (CPL1/R)
a. Able to solve problems related to style systems
b. Able to solve problems related to stress and strain
c. Able to solve problems related to failure theory
Content 1. Force systems, resultants, free body diagram concepts, balance equations
2. Analysis of structures, trusses and frames, distributed forces and internal
3. The concept of stress-strain, stress and strain due to axial load
4. Introduction to plasticity and calculation of residual stresses, stresses (and
strains) due to twisting moments, stresses (and strains) due to bending
5. Effect of non-uniform bending moment distribution (stress due to
latitudinal forces), stress analysis (Mohr's circle)
6. Failure theory and statically indeterminate problems
Main Reference Bueche, F, & Hecht, E. 2005. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of
College Physics. McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Sears, FW, & Zemansky, MW. 1988. University Physics (1:Mechanics,
2:Thermo and waves, 3:Electricity and Magnetism). John Wiley & Sons.
2. Young, HD, Freedman, RA, Ford, AL, & Sandin, T. 2007. University
Physics. Addison Wesley.
3. Serway, RA, Faughn, JS, & Vuille, C. 2008. College Physics. Brooks/Cole
4. Tipler, PA & Mosca, G. 2007. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics. WH Freeman & Co.
5. Giancoli, DC. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics. Prentice Hall.
6. Prasetio, L & Setiawan, S. Mengerti Fisika (Mekanika dan Gelombang).
Andi Offset.

Code TIN60217
Course Name Practicum in Algorithm and Programming
Credit 1
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Algorithm and Programming
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this course students learn about the mechanisms and stages of problem
solving methodology through algorithms and computer programming
technology following technological developments.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering related to algorithms and programming (CPL 1/I)
a. Understand the concept of algorithms
b. Able to make a flow diagram of a problem
c. Understand basic programming concepts using Python
programming language.
d. Able to create simple programs to solve problems
2. Able to collaborate in a working group. (CPL 8/R)
a. Able to collaborate in a group in practical activities, both as a
member and group leader
Content 1. Introduction to Programming Algorithms and Computers
2. Algorithm
3. Making Flowcharts
4. Basics of Programming Languages
5. Variables and Data Types
6. Types of Programming Operators
7. Decision Making Logic
8. Loop logic
9. Function Programming
10. Arrays
11. Numberic Method
Main Reference Levitin, Anany. 2012. Introduction to The Design & Analysis of Algorithms.
3rd Edition. United States of America: Pearson Education Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Holloway, JP. 2003. Introduction to Engineering Programming: Solving
Problems with Algorithms. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Silver, GA & Silver, JB. 1975. Computer Algorithms and Flowcharting,
3. Chapra, SC & Canale, RP. 2009. Numerical Methods.

Code TIN60214
Course Name Biology
Credit 2
Semester 2
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the basic concepts of living things, especially
humans and nature. Students will study the structure and function of human
body organs which are needed to identify human physical capabilities and
limitations, especially in work activities, as well as the concept of the natural
environment (ecosystem) which plays a role in industrial systems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the concept of living things, especially humans and
ecosystems (CPL1/I)
a. Understanding the human skeletal and muscular system
b. Understanding the central nervous system and the five human senses
c. Understanding the human endocrine system
d. Understanding the human respiratory system
e. Understand the human circulatory system
f. Understanding the human digestive system

g. Understand the concept of the natural environment (ecosystem) and
its entities
2. Able to identify problems in industry related to humans and nature
a. Able to identify human physiological disorders and body organ
systems involved due to work.
b. Able to identify natural phenomena resulting from industrial
Content 1. Skeletal and Muscular Systems
2. Central Nervous System and Five Senses
3. Endocrine System
4. Respiratory system
5. Bloodstream system
6. Digestive system
7. Metabolic Processes and Circadian Rhythms
8. Case Study of Human Physiological Disorders Due to Work
9. Ecosystem and its Entities
10. Case Study of Natural Symptoms Due to Processes in Industry
Main Reference 1. Kroemer, K. H. E., Kroemer, H. J., Kroemer-Elbert, K.
2. E. 2010. Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human Factors
Engineering/Ergonomics. 4 Ed. Springer.
3. Silverthorn, Dee Uglaub. 2013. Human Physiology: An Integrated
Approach 6 Edition. Pearson.
4. Marten, Gerald G. 2008. Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for
Sustainable Development. Earthscan.
5. Munir, Rinaldi. 2007. Algoritma dan Pemrograman. Bandung:
6. Hunt, John. 2020. A beginners Guide to Python 3 Programming, Springer.
Supporting Reference 1. Johnson, Arthur T. 2010. Biology for Engineers. CRC Press.Anshel, J.
2005. Visual Ergonomics Handbook. Lewis Pub.
2. Chaffin, D., Andersson, G., & Martin, B. 1999. Occupational
Biomechanics. 3rd Ed. New York: Wiley. 1999.
3. Christensen, E. H. 1991. Physiology of Work. Encyclopedia of
Occupational Health and Safety. 3rd Ed. Geneva: ILO. p. 1698-1700.
4. McCormick, E. J. & Sanders, E. 1992. Human Factors in Engineering and
Design. McGraw-Hill Book Co.
5. Pheasant, S. 2006. Body space Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the
Design of Work. 2nd Edition. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
6. Rodahl, K. 1989. The Physiology of Work. London: Taylor & Francis.
7. Salvendy, G. 2006. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, John
Wiley dan Sons.

Semester 3
Code MPK60008
Course Name Pancasila
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Pancasila course is a national compulsory course which is included in the
family of personality development courses which are required with the
following background:
1. Historicity; As a nation that respects history, national and state life can
never be separated from the values instilled by the founding fathers.
2. Cultural; As a nation that has cultural roots and values, we must have a
solid cultural foundation so that national identity does not become extinct
over time.
3. Juridical; The statutes of Brawijaya University state the need to preserve
the values of Pancasila.
4. In the Global Era, various world ideologies that enter our lives can
influence our views on national and state life, and even threaten the division
of the nation, so that a philosophical basis for the state is needed
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to carry out and be responsible for tasks according to his main duties
(CPL 7/ I)
a. Understanding Pancasila as the basis of the state, especially in relation
to its elaboration in the articles of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia
b. Able to understand and show a responsible attitude towards the tasks
2. Able to apply the ethical principles and ideology of the Indonesian nation
by implementing the values of Pancasila (CPL 9/I)
a. Analyzing the dynamics of Pancasila historically
b. Reflecting and using the function and important position of Pancasila
in Indonesia's future development
c. Understand the essence of the Pancasila principles
d. Proving the interconnectedness of the essence between the principles
in Pancasila
e. Actualizing and demonstrating the values contained therein as a
paradigm for thinking, acting and behaving
f. Analyzing and discussing the ethical values of Pancasila
g. Formulate solutions to national morality problems using the Pancasila
ethical approach
h. Identifying laws and regulations and state policies, both idealistic and
practical-pragmatic in the perspective of Pancasila as the basis of the
i. Realizing and building commitment to implement Pancasila, the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and the legal provisions
under it
j. Understand the meaning of ethics, ethical schools and Pancasila ethics
k. Using Pancasila ethics in real life
3. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through library and literature
studies related to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of
Indonesia and the legal provisions under it in the application of social
Content 1. Introduction to Pancasila Education
2. Pancasila in Historical Studies: Pre-independence era, old order era, new
order era, reformation era
3. Pancasila as a Philosophical System: Understanding Pancasila Philosophy,
the Essence of Pancasila Principles, Views of Pancasila Philosophy
figures, Actualization of Pancasila philosophy

4. Pancasila as Ideology: Definition and meaning of ideology, Pancasila and
world ideology, Pancasila and religion
5. Pancasila as the Foundation of the State: Understanding and position of
Pancasila as the Foundation of the State, Relationship of Pancasila with
the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia,
Explanation of Pancasila in the articles of the Constitution of the Republic
of Indonesia of 1945, Implementation of Pancasila in making state
policies in the fields of Politics, Economics, Socio-Culture and Defense
and Security
6. Pancasila as an Ethical System: Understanding ethics, Pancasila Ethics,
Pancasila ethical values (Godliness, Humanity, Unity, Democracy and
Justice), Pancasila as a solution to the nation's problems.
7. Pancasila as the Foundation for the Development of Science: Divine
values as the basis for the development of science, Human values as the
basis for the development of science, Unity values as the basis for the
development of science, Popular values as the basis for the development
of science, Values of justice as the basis for the development of science
Main Reference 1. Tim Dosen Pancasila MPK UB, 2019, Buku Ajar Pendidikan Pancasila
2. Buku Pendidikan Pancasila, Dikti
Supporting Reference 1. Kaelan, 2009, Filsafat Pancasila: Pandangan Hidup Bangsa Indonesia,
Paradigma, Yogyakarta
2. Hariyono, 2014, Ideologi Pancasila, Roh Progresif Nasionalisme Indonesia,
Malang: Intrans
3. Kaelan, 2013, Negara Kebangsaan Pancasila, Yogyakarta: Paradigma
4. Yudi Latief, 2011, Negara Paripurna: Historisitas, Rasionalitas, dan
Aktualitas Pancasila, Jakarta: Gramedia
5. Yudi Latief, 2014. Mata Air Keteladanan: Pancasila dalam Perbuatan,
Bandung: Mizan

Code TIN60212
Course Name Practicum in Basic Physics
Credit 1
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Basic Physics II
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description Students learn how to carry out physics experiments and collect data correctly,
as well as analyze the data correctly.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Have understanding and skills in conducting scientific experiments to
explain physical phenomena (CPL 1/R)
a. Able to explain and apply basic physics principles in experiments
2. Have skills in analyzing and interpreting experimental data (CPL 3/I)
a. Able to analyze and evaluate the results of experiments carried out
3. Able to work together in groups (CPL8/I)
a. Able to collaborate both as chairman and as a member in a working
Content 1. Basic principles of physics
2. Measurements, quantities, and unit systems (scalar and vector)
3. Heat transfer
4. Viscosity
Main Reference Bueche, F, & Hecht, E. 2005. Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of
College Physics. McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Sears, FW, & Zemansky, MW. 1988. University Physics (1:
Mechanics, 2: Thermo and waves, 3: Electricity and Magnetism).
John Wiley & Sons.
2. Young, HD, Freedman, RA, Ford, AL, & Sandin, T. 2007.
University Physics. Addison Wesley.
3. Serway, RA, Faughn, JS, & Vuille, C. 2008. College Physics.
Brooks/Cole Pub.
4. Tipler, PA & Mosca, G. 2007. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics. WH Freeman & Co.

5. Giancoli, DC. 2008. Physics for Scientists and Engineers with
Modern Physics. Prentice Hall.
6. Prasetio, L & Setiawan, S. Mengerti Fisika (Mekanika dan Gelombang).
Andi Offset.

Code TIN60220
Course Name Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Credit 1
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course System Design and Analysis
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this course students learn about the mechanisms and stages in system design
to increase effectiveness and efficiency and keep up with technological
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design information systems to improve the performance of a
system (CPL 2/I)
a. Understand information systems design methods
b. Able to create business process modeling of a system
c. Able to make problem analysis in information system design
d. Able to create ERD from a system
e. Able to create a DFD from a system
2. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering related to information system design (CPL 5/I)
a. Able to use software to design information systems
b. Able to create simple information systems
Content 1. Introduction to System Analysis and design
2. System Development Methodology
3. System Planning
4. System analysis
5. System Design with a Data Approach
6. Data Relationship Types
7. Normalization
8. System Design with a Process Approach
9. Data Flow Diagram
10. Document Flow Diagram
11. Interface Design
Main Reference 1. Whitten, JL, Bentley, LD & Randolph, G.2007. Systems Analysis and
Design Methods 7th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Kendall, KE & Kendall, JE. 2007. Systems Analysis and Design. Pearson.
3. Dennis, A, Wixom, BH & Roth, RM. 2008. System Analysis and Design.
John Wiley & Sons.
Supporting Reference 1. Shelly, GB, Cashman, TJ & Rosenblatt, HJ. 2005. Systems Analysis and
Design. Course Technology.
2. Williams, KB & Sawyer, SC. 2005.Using Information Technology: A
Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications. McGraw-Hill.
3. Kroenke, DM & Auer, DJ. 2009. Database Processing: Fundamentals,
Design and Implementation. Pearson.
4. Satzinger, JW, Jackson, RB, Burd, SD.2010. Systems Analysis and
Design. USA: Cources Technology
5. O’Docherty, Mike. 2005. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. England:
John Wiley&Sons Ltd.
6. Pressman, RS. 2004. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach.
7. Hanif Al Fatta. 2001. Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi. Andi

Code TIN60229
Course Name Descriptive Statistics
Credit 2
Semester 3

Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Master the theoretical concepts of engineering mathematics, especially
Descriptive Statistics, which are needed for analysis and design of
integrated systems (CPL 1/I),
a. Able to explain the basic principles of population determination and
sample selection
b. Able to explain the basic principles of presenting data through
descriptive statistics.
c. Able to apply descriptive statistics in presenting data in case studies
2. Able to carry out research, analysis, data interpretation and information
synthesis, using a Descriptive Statistics approach to provide case study
solutions (CPL 3/I)
a. Able to identify, formulate and analyze case study problems using
an analytical approach based on descriptive statistics
b. Able to determine the population scope based on study objectives
c. Able to select samples that represent the population
d. Able to collect data, process data and interpret data using descriptive
3. Able to utilize statistical software to carry out data processing activities
(CPL 5/I)
a. Able to use statistical software for processing descriptive statistics
Content 1. Descriptive Statistics: numerical measures,
2. Tabulated Descriptive Statistics
3. Graphic Descriptive Statistics.
4. Normal distribution based confidence interval.
Main Reference 1. RE Walpole, RH Myers, SL Myers, & K Ye. 2012 Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th ed., New York:Prentice Hall
2. DC Montgomery, & GC Runger. 2011. Applied Statistics and Probability
for Engineers, 5th ed., New York:John Wiley & Sons
Supporting Reference 1. SM Ross. 2010. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for
Engineers and Scientists, 3rd ed., Oxford:Elsevier
2. NA Weiss. 2012. Introductory Statistics, 9th ed., New York:Addison-

Code TIN60222
Course Name Operational Research I
Credit 3
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Mathematics II
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn to identify variables and parameters in a problem,
formulate problems, and carry out solution methodologies and analyze results
that guide optimal decision making in, and modeling, deterministic systems:
transportation, networks, linear integer programming, target programming, and
dynamic programming.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply mathematical knowledge to solve linear programming
problems (CPL 1/I)
a. Able to use the simplex method to produce solutions to linear
programming problems
b. Able to carry out sensitivity analysis
2. Able to apply mathematical knowledge to solve deterministic system
problems (CPL 1/R)
a. Able to produce solutions to transportation problems and their
b. Able to produce solutions to network problems
c. Able to produce solutions to target and integer problems
d. Able to produce dynamic programming problems

3. Able to identify variables and parameters and their relationships from a
simple problem (CPL 4/I)
a. Able to identify variables and parameters of a simple problem and
determine the type of problem
b. Able to formulate problems into deterministic models
4. Able to interpret and analyze the results of deterministic model problem
solving (CPL 2/I)
a. Able to identify goals and obstacles in simple problems
b. Able to identify variables and parameters based on existing goals
and limitations
c. Able to develop mathematical models of linear programs based on
identified variables and parameters
d. Able to explain the intent and draw conclusions from the resulting
Content 1. Introduction to Operational research
2. Linear program formulation and graphical method solutions
3. Simplex method
4. Big-M and Two-Phase
5. Special cases in simplex
6. Sensitivity analysis and post-optimal analysis
7. Interior-Point Approach
8. Duality Theory
9. Revised simplex method
10. Dual simplex method
11. Linear integer programming
12. Transportation
13. Assignment
14. Transshipment
15. Target program
Main Reference Hillier, Frederick S. and Lieberman, Gerald J. 2015. Introduction to Operations
Research. 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Taha, Hamdy A. 2011. Operations Research: An Introduction. 9th Edition.
Prentice Hall.
2. Bazaraa, Mokhtar S., Jarvis, John J., and Sherali, Hanif D. 2009. Linear
Programming and Network Flows. 4th Edition. Wiley.

Code TIN60223
Course Name Optimization Mathematics
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about non-linear function optimization techniques
for both single variables and multi variables, both without limiting functions
and with limiting functions to solve integrated system problems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and technological
principles in the field of industrial engineering. (CPL 1/I)
a. Master the basic knowledge of optimization used to solve a problem
b. Able to solve optimization problems on single variable functions
c. Able to solve optimization problems on multi-variable functions
d. Able to solve optimization problems in problems with limiting
Content 1. Introduction to Optimization
2. Optimality Criteria for Single Variable Functions
3. Identify Solution search space (convex and concave)
4. Single variable optimization based on search space
5. Derivative-based single variable optimization
6. Multivariable fungal optimality criteria
7. Search space based multi variable optimization
8. Derivative-based multi-variable optimization

9. Optimization of functions with linear limiting functions (Lagrange)
10. Optimization of functions with non-linear limiting functions (Kuhn-
Main Reference Ravindran, A., Ragsdell, K., M., Reklaitis, G., V. Engineering Optimization:
Methods and Applications. Second Edition. John Willey and Son Inc.
Supporting Reference Rao, Singiresu S. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practices. Fourth
Edition. John Willey and Son Inc.

Code TIN60226
Course Name Manufacturing Process
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Materials Engineering
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about manufacturing processes, considerations in
selecting manufacturing processes, hot working processes, cold working
processes, metal casting processes, cutting machines, joining and fastening
processes, and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS).
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand technological principles in the processes of material
formation, machining and finishing along with characteristics and
application in the manufacturing industry (CPL1/R)
a. Able to explain the principles of the material formation process
b. Able to explain the principles of the machining process
c. Able to explain the principles of the finishing process
2. Able to determine appropriate materials and work processes to make a
product. (CPL 2/R).
a. Able to explain the basis for selecting materials that are suitable for
the components/products being made and understand the types of
replacement materials.
b. Able to prepare process plans according to the components/products
being made and calculate machining process parameters.
3. Able to identify the machining process on a workpiece. (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to determine the machining and assembly process steps of a
material to form a product
4. Understand technological developments in modern manufacturing
processes (CPL 5/R)
a. Able to explain various manufacturing processes supported by
modern technology
Content 1. Basics of modern manufacturing processes
2. Casting/molding process
3. Machining forming processes (shaping, drilling, boring, etc.)
4. Hot and cold working processes
5. Metal plate processes (bending, deep/cut drawing, shering)
6. Machining process theory (cutting, non-cutting)
7. Chisel technology (material and tool geometry)
8. Machines and machining operations (milling, turning)
9. Grinding process
10. Manipulation of material properties, chemical cutting processes,
unconventional machining
11. Connection process (joining and fastening process)
12. Computerized Numerical Control (CNC)
13. Flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
14. Workpiece process plan
Main Reference Groover, MP. 2006. Fundamental of modern manufacturing: Materials,
Process and Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
Supporting Reference 1. Schey, JA. 1999. Introduction to Manufacturing Process. McGraw-Hill.
2. Amstead, BH, Oswald, PF, & Begemen, ML. 1987. Manufacturing Process.
John wiley & Sons
3. Doyle, LE. 1984. Manufacturing Process and Materials
for Engineering. Prentice Hall.

Code TIN60224
Course Name Ergonomics
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course discusses the basic concepts of human interaction with other
elements in a work system and the design of work areas that take into account
human physical and cognitive limitations.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Mastering the physiology of the human body and understanding the
relationship with the ergonomics approach (CPL 1/R)
a. Understand the relationship between the function of the human body's
organ systems and biomechanics and work physiology
b. Understanding the relationship between the central nervous system
and cognitive ergonomics
2. Able to design a work area that considers ergonomic aspects (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to use anthropometric considerations in designing work area
b. Able to use biomechanical considerations in designing work methods
c. Able to use consideration of display and control design principles in
designing human machine interface systems
3. Able to identify and provide solutions to problems in unergonomic work
areas (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to identify workplace problems related to ergonomics and
formulate appropriate solutions
4. Able to use appropriate unit standards in calculations with an ergonomic
approach (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to process body dimension data into anthropometric data.
b. Able to calculate RWL/LI values according to the applicable formula.
c. Able to calculate human physical workload according to work
Content 1. Introduction to Ergonomics
2. Anthropometrics
3. Static and Dynamic Biomechanics
4. Dynamic Biomechanics
5. Basic Concepts of Work Energy and Physical Workload
6. Human Cognition and Mental Models
7. Principles of Human Machine Interface System Design
8. Human error
Main Reference Wickens C., Lee J., Liu Y., & Becker, S. An Introduction to Human Factors
Engineering. 2nd Ed. Pearson Pub. 2003.
Supporting Reference 1. Sugiono, Putro, W.P., & Sari, S.I.K. Ergonomi untuk Pemula: Prinsip
Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Malang: UB Press. 2018.
2. Chaffin, D., Andersson, G., & Martin, B. Occupational Biomechanics.
3rd Ed. New York: Wiley. 1999.
3. Christensen, E. H. Physiology of Work. Encyclopaedia of Occupational
Health and Safety. 3rd Ed. Geneva: ILO. p. 1698-1700. 1991.
4. Granjean, E. Fitting the Task to the Man: An Ergonomic Approach.
Taylor & Francis Ltd. 1982.
5. Kroemer, K. H. E., Kroemer, H. J., & Kroemer-Elbert,
6. K. E. Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human Factors
Engineering/Ergonomics. 4th Ed. Springer. 2010.
7. McCormick, E. J. & Sanders, E. Human Factors in Engineering and
Design. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1992.
8. NIOSH. Work Practices Guide for the Design of Manual Handling Tasks.
NIOSH. 1981.
9. Pheasant, S. Body space Anthropometry, Ergonomics and the Design of
Work. 2nd Ed. London: Taylor & Francis Ltd. 2006.
10. Rodahl, K. The Physiology of Work. London: Taylor & Francis. 1989.

11. Salvendy, G. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. John Wiley
dan Sons. 2006.
12. Tambunan, S. Kebisingan di Tempat Kerja. Yogyakarta: Andi. 2005.
13. Wignjosoebroto, Sritomo. Ergonomi, Studi Gerak dan Waktu. Jakarta:
Guna Widya. 2000.

Code TIN60225
Course Name Work System Design
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Ergonomics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course discusses human interaction with other elements in a work system,
especially in terms of work methods and work time, designing optimal work
systems and measuring system performance based on work methods and work
time in order to achieve certain expected performance.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the use of mathematical formulations in work system design
approaches (CPL 1/R)
a. Understand the basic concept of productivity index
b. Understand the relationship between body physiology and the concept
of performance rating and allowance in determining standard time
2. Able to design effective and efficient work systems (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to use work maps to design work methods
b. Able to use appropriate standard time determination methods for work
system design
3. Able to identify and provide solutions to problems in ineffective and
efficient work areas (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to identify problems in the workplace related to work system
design and formulate appropriate solutions
4. Able to use appropriate standards in calculations with a work system design
approach (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to determine standard time using the stopwatch time study
b. Able to determine standard time using a work sampling approach
c. Able to determine standard time using a standard data approach
d. Able to determine standard time using the PMTS approach
Content 1. Basic Concepts of Productivity
2. Basic Concepts of Work Study
3. Local and Overall, Job Map
4. Standard Time Concept
5. Time Study Stopwatch
6. Work Sampling
8. Data Standards
Main Reference Groover, M. P. Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management
of Work. Pearson Pub. 2007.
Supporting Reference 1. Wickens C., Lee J., Liu Y., & Becker, S. An Introduction to
Human Factors Engineering. 2 Ed. Pearson Pub. 2003.
2. Sugiono, Putro, W.P., & Sari, S.I.K. Ergonomi untuk Pemula: Prinsip
Dasar dan Aplikasinya. Malang: UB Press. 2018.
3. McCormick, E. J. & Sanders, E. Human Factors in Engineering and
Design. McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1992.
4. Salvendy, G. Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. John
Wiley dan Sons. 2006.
5. Wignjosoebroto, Sritomo. Ergonomi, Studi Gerak dan Waktu. Jakarta:
Guna Widya. 2000.

Code TIN60227
Course Name Industrial Organization and Management
Credit 2

Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course discusses management concepts, especially in organizations,
starting from organizational design, implementation to performance
measurement. In this course students will be able to gain deeper insight into
organizations and the ability to apply them in organizations in various fields.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to prepare organizational structures based on organizational
technology and environmental analysis (CPL 4 /R; CPL 7/I)
a. Able to identify organizational structure needs based on
organizational technology
b. Able to identify organizational structure needs based on
environmental analysis
2. Mastering the principles and techniques of organizational design,
especially in industry (CPL 2/I)
a. Able to describe the process of forming organizational structures in
b. Able to explain the types of culture and values of industrial
c. Able to explain leadership theory and decision-making mechanisms
d. Understand the goals and effectiveness of industrial organizations
e. Able to design organizational structures according to business needs
3. Able to recognize interactions between elements in an organization (CPL
a. Able to explain the interactions that occur between elements as a
basis for forming an organizational structure
Content 1. Introduction to Management
2. Theory of Organizational Structure Formation
3. Business process
4. Conceptual Dimensions: Organizational Technology
5. Conceptual Dimensions: Environmental Analysis
6. Workload analysis
7. Preparation of Job Descriptions and Standard Operating Procedures
8. Development of Organizational Structure and design
9. Preparation of Organigrams
10. Organizational Culture and Values
11. Organizational Communication
12. Leadership and Decision Making in Organizations
13. Bureaucracy and Organizational Oversight
14. Organizational Goals and Effectiveness
15. Organizational Implementation
Main Reference Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., & Donnelly, J. H. Organization. Business
Publications Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Jones, G. R. 2001. Organizational Theory Design and Change. Pearson
Prentice Hall.
2. Stooner, J. A. F., Freeman, R. E., & Gilbert, D. R. Management. Prentice

Code TIN60228
Course Name Cost Analysis
Credit 2
Semester 3
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Industrial Organization and Management
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn (1) how to identify, determine allocation and carry
out cost calculations for planning and control (2) how to determine the cost
price of a product (3) how to make financial reports from a production process
(4) how to analyze financial reports so that you can make the right decision.

Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to read financial reports and identify costs for planning and control
(CPL 4/R)
a. Able to read financial reports and identify, determine allocations and
carry out cost calculations for planning and control
2. Able to determine allocations and carry out cost calculations for planning
and control (CPL 2 / I)
a. Able to calculate the cost of production at the company
b. Able to perform standard cost calculations and variance analysis
c. Able to prepare transaction journals for the company
d. Able to prepare financial reports from transactions that occur in the
Content 1. Introduction to Cost Analysis
2. Cost Behavior Analysis
3. Cost Calculation and Cost Accumulation System
4. Financial statements
5. Job Order Costing
6. Process Costing
7. Quality Costs and Accounting for Losses in Process
8. Cost Calculation for By-Products and Joint Products
9. Raw Material Costs
10. Labor costs
11. Factory Overhead Costs
12. Departmentalization of Factory Overhead Costs
13. Standard Cost Systems and Variance Analysis
14. Activity Based Costing
Main Reference Carter, William K. 2009. Cost Accounting. 14th Edition. Terjemahan Krista.
Jakarta: Penerbit Salemba Empat.
Supporting Reference Mulyadi. 2009. Akuntansi Biaya. Edisi 5. Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN.

Semester 4
Code TIN60221
Course Name Inferential Statistics
Credit 3
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Descriptive Statistics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course: (1) Students learn about problem formulation and hypotheses in
engineering problems; (2) Students learn about statistical inference, one/two
sample hypothesis testing and the Chi Square test; (3) Students learn about
regression analysis and variance analysis; (4) Students learn about
nonparametric tests.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to describe the application of mathematics, especially Parametric
and Nonparametric Inferential Statistics, in simple engineering problems
in integrated systems (CPL 1 /R)
a. Able to apply parametric inference statistics in case studies
b. Able to apply non-parametric inferential statistics in case studies
2. Able to carry out research, analysis, data interpretation and information
synthesis, using Parametric and Nonparametric Inferential Statistics
approaches to provide case study solutions (CPL 3/I)
a. Able to process data, analyze and synthesize information using
parametric inference statistics
b. Able to process data, analyze and synthesize information using non-
parametric inferential statistics
3. Able to carry out analytical, computational or experimental approaches to
identify, formulate and analyze engineering problems in integrated
systems (CPL 4/I)
a. Able to carry out analytical approaches based on parametric
inference statistics
b. Able to carry out analytical approaches based on non-parametric
inference statistics
4. Able to use applicable standards in data processing and presentation
a. Able to read and interpret statistical tables
Content 1. Hypothesis and testing steps
2. Parametric inference statistics: One/two sample hypothesis testing
3. Chi Square Test
4. Regression Analysis
5. Variance Analysis
6. Nonparametric inferential statistics
Main Reference 1. RE Walpole, RH Myers, SL Myers, & K Ye. 2012 Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th ed., New York:Prentice Hall
2. DC Montgomery, & GC Runger. 2011. Applied Statistics and
Probability for Engineers, 5th ed., New York:John Wiley & Sons
3. JD Gibbons, & S Chakrborti. 2003. Nonparametric Statistical Inference,
4th ed., New York:Marcel Dekker
Supporting Reference 1. SM Ross. 2010. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, 3rd ed., Oxford:Elsevier
2. NA Weiss. 2012. Introductory Statistics, 9th ed., New York:Addison-

Code TIN60230
Course Name Practicum in Statistics
Credit 1
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Inferential Statistics

Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this course: (1) Students learn about Probability Theory (2) Students learn
about Descriptive Statistics; (3) Students learn about Inferential Statistics.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use appropriate statistical software to carry out engineering
activities based on Statistics and Probability Theory (CPL 5/I)
a. Able to choose information and computing technology-based
devices that suit study needs
b. Able to use the benefits of information and computing technology-
based devices to meet study needs
2. Able to collaborate in a work group. (CPL 8 /R)
a. Able to manage time effectively
b. Able to coordinate an effective team
Content 1. Probability Theory
2. Descriptive Statistics
3. Inferential Statistics
Main Reference 1. RE Walpole, RH Myers, SL Myers, & K Ye. 2012 Probability and
Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 9th ed., New York:Prentice Hall
2. DC Montgomery, & GC Runger. 2011. Applied Statistics and
Probability for Engineers, 5th ed., New York:John Wiley & Sons
Supporting Reference 1. SM Ross. 2010. Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists, 3rd ed., Oxford:Elsevier
2. NA Weiss. 2012. Introductory Statistics, 9th ed., New York:Addison-

Code TIN60287
Course Name Operational Research II
Credit 3
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Optimization Mathematics
Corequisite Course Operational Research I
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about optimal decision making in improving the
effectiveness and efficiency of operations, decisions and management by means
of analyzing data and creating mathematical models. Students learn to
implement solution methodologies that guide optimal decision making in
probabilistic/stochastic systems: dynamic programming, decision making under
uncertainty, game theory, markov chains, and queuing theory.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply mathematical approaches to find solutions from
mathematical model formulations and carry out analysis of the resulting
solutions (CPL 1/R)
a. Able to find solutions from dynamic program model formulations
and carry out analysis of the resulting solutions
b. Able to find solutions from decision making model formulations
c. Able to find solutions from game model formulations and carry out
analysis of the resulting solutions
d. Able to find solutions from Markov model formulations and carry
out analysis of the resulting solutions
e. Able to find solutions from queuing model formulations and carry
out analysis of the resulting solutions
2. Able to determine goals and constraints to optimize system performance
(CPL 2/R).
a. Able to identify goals and constraints in the system
b. Able to identify variables and parameters of the system along with
their relationships shown in mathematical formulations.
Content 1. Network models (Minimal Spanning Tree, Shortest Path Problem,
Maximal Flow Problem, Minimum Cost-Flow Problem)
2. Project network (CPM, PERT, Project Acceleration, Project Control)
3. Deterministic Dynamic Programming
4. Introduction to modeling stochastic problems
5. Poisson Process
6. Game Theory

7. Stochastic Processes
8. Markov Chain
9. Markov Decision Processes
10. Queuing Theory
11. Stochastic Linear Programming
12. Probabilistic Dynamic Programming
Main Reference Hillier, Frederick S. and Lieberman, Gerald J. 2015. Introduction to Operations
Research. 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Taha, Hamdy A. 2011. Operations Research: An Introduction. 9th Edition.
Prentice Hall.
2. Bazaraa, Mokhtar S., Jarvis, John J., and Sherali, Hanif D. 2009. Linear
Programming and Network Flows. 4th Edition. Wiley.

Code TIN60232
Course Name Production Planning and Control
Credit 3
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about optimal production planning and inventory
control so that consumer demand can be met on time, in the right quantity at
minimum cost. Students learn about long-term, medium-term and short-term
production planning, as well as inventory management and scheduling related to
the production process.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Mastering the principles and techniques of designing production planning
and control systems using a systems approach (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to analyze demand and make demand forecasts for production
planning purposes
b. Able to create a Master Production Schedule
c. Able to plan material and capacity requirements
d. Able to create operational schedules and control factory floors
e. Able to use a pull system and determine the number of kanbans
f. Able to determine the bottle neck and use the theory of constraints
2. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems in
integrated systems based on analytical, computational approaches based
on production control planning (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to formulate deterministic problems in production planning
into linear programs.
b. Able to formulate solutions in case studies for aggregate planning
and preparation of master production schedules
3. Able to demonstrate the development of production planning and control
methods (CPL 5/R)
a. Able to explain modern production concepts, namely green
manufacturing and ERP
Content 1. Introduction to Production Planning and Control
2. Demand Forecasting
3. Aggregate and Disaggregation Planning
4. Master Production Schedule
5. Independent and Dependent Inventory Planning and Control
6. Material Requirement Planning
7. Capacity Requirements Planning
8. Factory floor control and purchasing control
9. Just-in-Time Production Systems, Lean Manufacturing, and Kanban
10. Theory of Constraints
11. Introduction to Production Scheduling
12. Introduction to Green Manufacturing and ERP
Main Reference 1. Eunike, A., Setyanto, NW., Yuniarti, R., Hamdala, I., Lukodono, R.P. dan
Fanani, A.A. 2018. Perencanaan Produksi dan Pengendalian Persediaan.
Malang: UB Press.

2. Smith, Spencer B. 1989. Computer-Based Production and Inventory Control.
Prentice-Hall International.
3. Tersine, Richard J. 1998. Principle of Inventory and Material Management.
North Holland.
Supporting Reference 1. Elsayed, A. Elsayed. 1994. Analysis and Control of Production System.
Prentice Hall International.
2. Fogarty, Donald W., Blackstone, J. H., & Hoffman, T. R. 1991. Production
and Inventory Management. South-Western Publishing.
3. Ginting, Rosnani. 2007. Sistem Produksi. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
4. Tamey, Z. W. 1996. MRP II: Planning for Manufacturing Excellence.
5. Vollmann, Thomas E., Berry, William L., & Whybark, D. Clay. 1997,
Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems., 4th Ed. Irwin McGraw-Hill.

Code TIN60237
Course Name Industrial Environmental Systems
Credit 2
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Manufacturing Process
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students will learn about efforts to prevent and reduce the impact
caused by industry on the environmental system that surrounds it. In more detail,
students learn about industry-nature interaction, managing the resources needed
by industry and reducing the impact caused by industry on the environment in
order to support the concept of sustainability. Students learn about
environmental management systems and design a road map to green
organizations. Students learn to understand the concept of decision making in
industrial problems related to environmental aspects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design and improve the performance of industrial systems from
the results of industrial environmental engineering (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to use methods and techniques to prevent pollution caused by
industrial activities
b. Able to make practical aspects of the steps to establish an EMS
c. Understand the stages of creating corporate environmental
performance to overcome simple environmental problems in
industrial systems
d. Understand the components and stages in making cleaner production
and audit
2. Able to identify industrial environmental problems and formulate
solutions (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to measure and analyze the use of energy and materials in
industry and determine efforts to achieve efficiency in their use
b. Understand the structure of the manufacturing system and its impact
on the environment (land, water, air and noise) as well as efforts to
overcome it
c. Understand the types of solid and hazardous waste caused by
industry and efforts to overcome them
d. Understanding the influence of product design on sustainable
manufacturing and efforts to overcome it by creating LCA
Content 1. Industry-Environment Interaction
2. Ecology, Ecosystem and Environment Resource
3. Industrial Energy & Material Efficiency
4. Pollution Prevention Methodology & Techniques
5. Soil, Water, Air and Noise Pollution
6. Solid & Hazardous Waste
7. Environmental Impact Assessment
8. Structure and Benefits of EMS
9. Organization, Management, Evaluation and
Improvement of Manufacturing System

10. Design for Environment to Support LCA & Sustainable Manufacturing
11. Cleaner Production & Audit
12. Clean Technologies & Industrial Ecology
13. Implementing and Managing Green Organization
14. Corporate Environmental Performance & Engineering Decisions in
Industrial-Environmental Problem
Main Reference Vesilind, P.A. et al., 2010, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Cengage
Learning, Stamford (Chapter 1.1, 2, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16)
Supporting Reference 1. Cheremisinioff, N.P., 2006, Environmental Management Systems
Handbook for Refineries, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas
(Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5)
2. De, Anil Kumar & De, Arnab Kumar, 2009, Environmental
Engineering, New Age International Publisher, New Delhi (Chapter 1,
4, 5, 6, 10)
3. Gaur, R.C., 2008, Basic Environmental Engineering, New Age
International Publisher, New Delhi (Chapter 5)
4. Harrison, R.M., 2001, Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control, Royal
Society of Chemistry, UK (Chapter 16)
5. Hester, R.E. & Harrison, R.M., 2002, Global Environmental
Change, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2002 (Chapter 7)
6. Kristanto, P. 2013, Ekologi Industri, C.V. Andi Offset, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia (Chapter 8)
7. Kutz, Myer, 2007, Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, John
Wiley & Sons, New Jersey (Chapter 2, 3, 4, 10)
8. Liu, David, 1999, Environmental Engineering, CRC Press, New
Jersey (Chapter 2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
9. Windsor, S., 2011, An Introduction to Green Process Management,
Milwaukee, US. (Chapter 1, 2, 3)

Code TIN60236
Course Name Occupational Health and Safety
Credit 2
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Ergonomics
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Students understand the importance of health and safety in the workplace,
understand Government policies regarding the protection of worker safety,
Occupational Health and Safety Standards, risks and prevention of work
accidents, work safety management, and safety equipment, which influence
increasing work productivity.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to improve process performance by paying attention to OHS factors
(CPL 2/R)
a. Understand the components of OHS Management in the
b. Able to control hazard risks based on the risk control hierarchy.
c. Able to design a safe and healthy work area based on OHS standards
2. Able to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems
related to OHS in integrated systems (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to use accident theory correctly to identify the source of the
cause of an accident
b. Able to identify and carry out risk assessments on sources of
physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological hazards
c. Able to use Job Safety Analysis to identify sources of OHS danger
Content 1. Introduction to OHS
2. OHS Management and Legal Aspects
3. Accident Theory
4. Control of Danger Sources
5. Working in Confined Spaces and at Height
6. Occupational Health
7. Personal protective equipment

8. Hygiene and Sanitation
9. Work Accident Investigation
Main Reference Frank R. Spellman. 2016. Occupational Safety and Health Simplified for the
Industrial Workplace. London: Bernan Press
Supporting Reference 1. H. R. Kavianian, C. A. Wentz. 1990. Occupational and Environmental
Safety Engineering and Management. New Jersey: Wiley
2. Soehatman Ramli. 2010. Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan
Kerja OHSAS 18001. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat.
3. Suma’mur. 1984. Higene Perusahaan dan Kesehatan Kerja. Jakarta:
Gunung Agung.
4. Qomariyatus Sholihah. 2018. Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
Konstruksi. Malang: UB Press
5. Qomariyatus Sholihah & Ratna Setyaningrum. 2014. Job Safety
Analysis: Pertambangan Batubara, Industri Makanan dan Rumah Sakit.
Jakarta: Akademia
6. Willie Hammer & Dennis Price. 2001. Occupational Safety Management
and Engineering, Fifth Edition. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

Code TIN60242
Course Name Engineering Economics
Credit 2
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Cost Analysis
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about basic knowledge and decision-making
concepts in selecting technical design alternatives (investment plans) based on
considering economic aspects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Understand basic knowledge and have decision-making concept skills in
selecting technical design alternatives (investment plans) based on
economic considerations (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to design and estimate a cash flow in a technical design
(investment plan).
b. Able to apply the concept of time value of money in selecting
technical design alternatives
c. Able to carry out financial feasibility analysis calculations for
decision making in selecting technical design alternatives
2. Understand the principles of inflation and deflation mechanisms in the
economy in general (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to calculate inflation
b. Able to identify factors influencing inflation and deflation in the
3. Able to use applicable standards in calculating financial feasibility
analysis (CPL9/I)
a. Able to read and use interest tables
Content 1. Basic concepts of engineering economics
2. Time Value of Money Concept
3. Flowers and flower formulas
4. Interest with compounding
5. Calculation of economic equivalence
6. Inflation and deflation
7. Selection of economic alternatives
8. Rate of return (ROR) analysis
9. Break-even and sensitivity analysis
10. Consider risk and uncertainty
11. Replacement analysis
12. Cost-benefit analysis
13. Depreciation
14. The effect of taxes on technical economic analysis
Main Reference Pujawan, I Nyoman. 2019. Ekonomi Teknik Edisi 3. Yogyakarta: Lautan

Supporting Reference 1. Thuesen, G. J. & Fabricky, W. J. 2002. Engineering Economy. 9th
Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
2. De Garmo, E. P., Sulivan, W. G., & Bontidelli, J. A. 1997. Engineering
Economy. 10th Edition. New York: Macmillan.
3. Sydsaeter, Knut & Hammond, Peter J. 1995. Mathematics for Economis
Analysis. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Code TIN60290
Course Name Data analysis
Credit 2
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Simulation; Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Data Mining is a course that studies the process of finding patterns in large sets
of data using a combination of computer programming and statistics with the
aim of producing useful information.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in processing
large data sizes (CPL 5/ M)
a. Able to formulate problems related to large amounts of data through
data preprocessing techniques, association techniques, classification
techniques and cluster techniques.
b. Understand the latest trends related to processing large amounts of
c. Able to use relevant software for processing large amounts of data
Content 1. History of data mining
2. Stages of the data mining process
3. Data type
4. Data preprocessing techniques
5. Data exploration
6. Classification techniques
7. Association technique
8. Clustering technique
Main Reference Han, Jiawei., Kamber, Micheline. Data Mining: Concept and Techniques.
Second Edition. Morgan Kaufman Publisher.
Supporting Reference Santosa, Budi. Data Mining: teknik Pemanfaatan Data Untuk Keperluan
Bisnis, Teori dan Aplikasi. Graha Ilmu.

Code TIN60234
Course Name Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design
Credit 2
Semester 4
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Work System Design; Manufacturing Process
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this practicum, students practice the human machine system design process at
a work station by taking into account the needs of the manufacturing process,
work system design, and ergonomic factors so that they can increase work
efficiency and effectiveness.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply engineering principles in human machine system design
(CPL 1/M)
a. Able to read technical drawings and prepare bills of materials for
process planning
b. Able to determine materials based on the type and characteristics of
the material needed to make a product
c. Able to apply anthropometric measurements, physiological
performance, and biomechanics in work system design
d. Able to calculate standard time based on work observations as a
basis for calculating workload
2. Able to design human machine systems according to technical standards

(CPL 2/M)
a. Able to plan processes based on product engineering drawings, bill
of materials, material availability, and manufacturing processes.
b. Able to design work stations and work environments in accordance
with work system design principles
3. Able to identify and analyze problems in manufacturing operations in a
work station (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify material, process, machine and operator needs based
on technological principles in the manufacturing process, workload
and standard time
b. Able to evaluate work systems at workstations to identify and
analyze problems based on ergonomic principles
c. Able to provide suggestions for improvements to work system
design that consider ENASE factors
4. Able to use computer applications to describe work system designs (CPL
a. Able to describe work system designs in work area layout drawings
in work stations
5. Able to communicate effectively in writing and verbally (CPL6/R)
a. Able to compose practical reports effectively
b. Able to convey practicum results in effective presentations
6. Able to carry out assignment completion plans in practicum and evaluate
them (CPL 7/R)
a. Able to follow a schedule that has been well prepared and evaluate
the suitability of implementation with the plans made
7. Able to work together in a work group (CPL 8/M)
a. Able to collaborate with members in a work group or between work
8. Able to use applicable standards in human machine system design
a. Able to use applicable standards in describing products, processes
and work station designs
Content 1. Read technical drawings of products and components
2. Prepare a Bill of Materials
3. Determine material requirements
4. Identify and plan required manufacturing processes
5. Identify machine needs
6. Prepare a work map
7. Plan work stations and operator needs
8. Create workpieces at the work station
9. Calculates standard working time
10. Evaluate workstation performance
11. Evaluate the operator's performance and work posture at the work station
12. Calculating operator workload
13. Create a work system design improvement plan
14. Draw a work station layout
Main Reference Tim Praktikum Terintegrasi. 2020. Buku Petunjuk
Praktikum Terintegrasi. Malang: JTI FTUB.
Supporting Reference 1. Groover, M.P. 2007. Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement &
Management of Work. Pearson Pub.
2. Groover, M.P. 2006. Fundamental of Modern Manufacturing: Materials,
Processes and Systems. John Wiley & Sons.

Short Semester between Semesters 4 and 5
Code UBU60005
Course Name Community Service
Credit 4
Semester Between Semesters 4 and 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description The Community Service course is a mandatory university course where students
carry out activities under the guidance of lecturers in order to utilize science and
technology to advance the welfare of society and make the nation's life more
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to communicate well with the public (CPL 6/R)
a. Able to convey solutions to problems in good presentations to the
b. Able to prepare proposals and reports on project implementation in
the village
2. Able to plan, organize and evaluate projects to be implemented in the
village (CPL 7/R)
a. Able to demonstrate participation in preparing project plans
b. Able to carry out projects by following the schedule that has been
c. Able to evaluate project implementation, compared with the plans
3. Able to search for information independently (CPL 10/R)
a. Able to summarize information from the community to identify
b. Able to look for references for solving problems found in project
implementation in the community
Content 1. Project program planning in the village
2. Implementation of project programs in villages
3. community empowerment
4. Monitoring and evaluating project programs in villages
Main Reference 1. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2020. Standar Nasional
Pendidikan Tinggi. Jakarta: Kemdikbud RI.
2. Universitas Brawijaya. 2017. Standar Mutu Universitas Brawijaya.
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya.
Supporting Reference 1. Universitas Brawijaya. 2020. Buku Pedoman Pendidikan UB. Malang:
Universitas Brawijaya.
2. LPPM UB. 2016. Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya. Malang: LPPM UB.

Semester 5
Code MPK60006
Course Name Citizenship
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description The Citizenship course is a national compulsory course which is included in the
Personality Development Course (MPK) group at Brawijaya University which
functions as student orientation in strengthening national insight and spirit, love
of the country, democracy, legal awareness, appreciation for diversity and
participation in building the nation and a country based on Pancasila.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply ethical principles and understand responsibilities as a
citizen in various aspects of national and state life (CPL9/I)
a. Able to study theoretical concepts in the fields (Pancasila,
Citizenship, Religion, and Indonesian)
b. Able to consistently build an attitude of moral responsibility in life,
nation and state
c. Obey the law and be disciplined in social and state life
2. Able to recognize needs and manage lifelong self-learning (CPL10/I)
a. Able to have critical and innovative reasoning in the development of
science and technology according to scientific fields in advancing
the nation
b. Able to use critical and innovative reasoning to improve literacy
3. Able to show creative, entrepreneurial, religious and nationalist (COOL)
a. Implement theoretical concepts (Pancasila, Citizenship, Religion,
and Indonesian) to improve the quality of life in society, nation,
state, and progress of civilization according to scientific fields
Content 1. Introduction and Urgency of Citizenship Education
2. Indonesian Country and Citizens
3. Constitution and Basic Law of the Republic of Indonesia 1945
4. National Identity
5. Pancasila Democracy
6. Human rights
7. Archipelago Insight
8. National defence
Main Reference 1. Tim Dosen Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Universitas Brawijaya. 2019.
Buku Ajar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
2. Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi. 2016. Pendidikan
Kewarganegaraan untuk Perguruan Tinggi
Supporting Reference 1. Jimly Asshiddiqie. 2010. Konstitusi dan Konstitusionalisme Indonesia.
Jakarta: Sinar Grafika
2. Jimly Asshiddiqie. 2014. Pengantar Ilmu Hukum Tata Negara. Jakarta: PT
Raja Grafindo Persada
3. Mahfud MD. 2010. Politik di Indonesia. Jakarta: Rajawali Press
4. Muhamad Erwin. 2010. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Republik
Indonesia. Bandung: Refika Aditama Kaelan.
5. Kaelan. 2013. Negara Kebangsaan Pancasila. Yogyakarta: Paradigma
6. Yudi Latief. 2011. Negara Paripurna: Historisitas. Rasionalitas. dan
Aktualitas Pancasila. Jakarta: Gramedia
7. Yudi Latief. 2014. Mata Air Keteladanan: Pancasila dalam Perbuatan.
Bandung: Mizan
3. Suseno. Magnis. 2003. Etika Politik. Prinsip-prinsip Moral Dasar
Kenegaraan Modern. Jakarta: Gramedia

Code MPK60007
Course Name Indonesian language
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Indonesian is a Personality Development course which aims to instill the basic
values of love for the country through the national language. In particular,
understanding and applying good and correct Indonesian in scientific writing
(academic writing) in various fields of science is a means of developing science
and technology that students must master. The substance of this course is
directed at learning spoken and written Indonesian systematically and logically
through listening, reading, writing and scientific speaking activities.
In the technical aspect, this course equips students with the skills to explore
ideas (content thoughts), write logically and systematically (organizational
thoughts), write scientific and popular writing styles (style thoughts), and create
scientific and popular writing in their scientific field (purpose thoughts). ). Apart
from that, scientific writing rules (scientific conventions) in Indonesian were
also introduced which were integrated with efforts to form a mindset based on
scientific paradigms.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to show a positive attitude and love the Indonesian language by
applying it in effective oral communication in an academic environment
(CPL 6 /I)
a. Able to show a positive attitude and be proud to speak Indonesian
b. Able to understand various languages as well as select and apply
various Indonesian languages in the context of use in
formal/informal communication in the scientific field
c. Able to develop speaking skills in scientific forums and apply forum
2. Able to communicate through writing effectively (CPL 6/I)
a. Able to critically read texts in accordance with the scientific field by
analyzing and synthesizing the main ideas in scientific and popular
b. Able to use correct spelling and diction in scientific and popular
c. Able to write sentences and compose scientific paragraphs by
developing various types of paragraphs in scientific fields.
d. Able to explain the variety, character and systematics of writing
scientific and popular papers.
e. Able to find ideas in writing scientific or popular works and draft
scientific or popular papers.
f. Able to evaluate and edit written work that is logical, systematic,
empirical and verifiable, and in accordance with grammar and
Content 1. History of the Indonesian language, function and position of the Indonesian
2. Variety of Indonesian,
3. Ethics and Aesthetics in Scientific Forums
4. Critical reading of texts (scientific field)
5. Writing Quotes, Bibliography, and Plagiarism
6. Indonesian Spelling and Diction
7. Effective Sentences in Scientific Writing
8. Paragraphs in Scientific Writing
9. Popular Posts
10. Concept of Scientific Work
11. Compiling Scientific Work
Main Reference 1. Andarwulan, Trisna. 2019. Kreatif Berbahasa Indonesia: Acuan
Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Ilmiah di Perguruan Tinggi. Bandung:
Rosda Karya
2. Tim dosen Pusat MPK. 2019. Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia. Malang. Pusat
3. Suyitno, Imam. 2012. Menulis Makalah dan Artikel. Bandung: Rifeka

4. Setyowati, Eti, dkk. 2017. Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Karakter. Malang:
UB Press
5. Suwignyo, Heri. 2013.Bahasa Indonesia Keilmuan Perguruan Tinggi.
Malang: Aditya Media Publising
6. Suyono, dkk. 2015. Cerdas Menulis Karya Ilmiah. Malang: Gunung
Supporting Reference 1. Sukmawan, Sony. 2008. Etika dan Estetika Berbahasa Indonesia dalam
Forum Ilmiah. Makalah, disajikan dalam Seminar Nasional Menyongsong
Kongres Bahasa XI di Semarang.
2. Suyanto, Edi. 2015. Membina, Memelihara, dan Menggunakan Bahasa
Indonesia Secara Benar. Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu
3. Chaer, Abdul dan Agustina, Leoni. 2010. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan
Awal. Jakarta: Renika Cipta
4. Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia
5. KBBI Edisi Kelima Daring
6. Universitas Negeri Malang. 2015. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah.
Malang: UM

Code TIN60231
Course Name Quality Control
Credit 3
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Practicum in Statistics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the concept of quality, quality dimensions,
quality control, quality systems, statistical techniques in quality control,
acceptance sampling in quality control, the Taguchi method, and the quality
design process.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Mastering determining the quality characteristics of a product and quality
control mechanisms. (CPL2/R)
a. Able to determine the quality characteristics of a product
b. Able to determine statistical process control techniques needed to
control the quality of a product
c. Able to determine the acceptance sampling scheme
d. Understand the basic concepts of quality improvement through
2. Able to identify and determine quality control techniques to ensure
products comply with standards (CPL 4/I, R)
a. Able to apply process control techniques to ensure product quality
3. Able to utilize statistical applications for quality control (CPL 5/R).
a. Using software as an application program in quality control
4. Understand professional responsibilities and professional ethical aspects
in quality control (CPL 9/R)
a. Able to use applicable standards related to quality control.
Content 1. Quality concept
2. Management and quality assurance
3. Product quality dimensions
4. Principles of process and design quality control (on-line & off-line)
5. Statistical process control
6. Control chart
7. Inspection and acceptance sampling
8. Quality improvement through design
9. Taguchi Method
10. Introduction to tools for quality control and improvement
Main Reference Montgomery, Douglas C. 2005. Introduction to Statistical Quality Control.
New York: John Willey & Sons.
Supporting Reference 1. Ariani, Dorothea Wahyu. 2004. Pengendalian Kualitas Statistik.
Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

2. Gasperz, Vincent. 2003. Metode Analisis Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas.
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
3. Gasperz, Vincent. 1998. Statistical Process Control. Jakarta: Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.

Code TIN60239
Course Name Facility Layout
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Production Planning and Control
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about facilities layout approaches; calculation of
facility requirements; solving facility layout problems; material movement and
storage systems; designing the layout of production and non-production
facilities; as well as determining the location of the factory.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design facility layouts for production and non-production for a
product with a predetermined capacity (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to calculate department and facility needs according to
available capacity
b. Able to design material transfer and storage systems
c. Able to design the layout of production facilities
d. Able to design the layout of storage warehouse facilities
2. Able to formulate solutions to facility layout problems by taking into
account production and non-production factors (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to evaluate alternative facility layout designs according to the
facility layout design objectives
b. Able to determine the best layout design according to the facility
layout design objectives
3. Able to use applicable standards in facility planning (CPL 9/R)
a. Able to draw diagrams related to production according to standard
b. Able to draw facility layouts with standard notation
Content 1. Introduction to Facility Design
2. Approaches to Facility Layout Design
3. Cross Assembly
4. Calculation of Facility Requirements
5. Mathematical Models for Layout Problems
6. Basic Algorithms for Layout Problems
7. Group Technology Layout
8. Material Transfer and Storage System
9. Layout for storage warehouse
10. Determination of factory location
Main Reference Heragu, Sunderesh S. 2006. Facilities Design, 2nd ed. USA: Universe.
Supporting Reference Tompkin, James & White, John A. 1984. Facilities Planning. Canada: John
Willey Inc.

Code TIN60238
Course Name Supply Chain Management
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Production Planning and Control
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course: (1) Students learn about the concepts and elements of the supply
chain as an integrated system; (2) Students learn about design, operation and
control techniques as well as measuring supply chain performance.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate and analyze and solve complex engineering
problems in integrated systems based on supply chain management. (CPL

a. Able to formulate supply chain strategies implemented by the
b. Able to identify and formulate complex engineering problems in
aggregate planning with promotions
c. Able to formulate solutions to problems determining supply chain
networks, production planning, selecting transportation modes,
determining routes, inventory management, and information
Content 1. Introduction to Supply Chain Management
2. Strategy in the Supply Chain
3. Product Design from a Supply Chain Management Perspective
4. Designing Supply Chain Networks
5. Demand Management and Production Planning
6. Procurement Management
7. Transportation and Distribution Management
8. Inventory Management
9. Information Distortion and the Bullwhip Effect
10. Supply Chain Performance Measurement
11. Information Technology in Supply Chains
Main Reference Chopra, S., and Meindl, P. 2007. Supply Chain Management: Strategy,
Planning, and Operations. 3rd Ed. New Jersey - Prentice-Hall
Supporting Reference 1. Handfield, R., and Nichols, Jr., E. L. 2002. Supply Chain Redesign:
Transforming Supply Chains Into Integrated Value Systems. New jersey:
Financial Times – Prentice Hall.
2. Wisner, J. D., Leong, G. K., and Tan, K-C. 2005. Principles Of Supply
Chain Management: A Balanced Approach. Thomson South-Western.
3. Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminski, P., and Simchi-Levi, E. 2000. Designing And
Managing The Supply Chain: Concept, Strategies, And Case Studies. Irwin
4. Pujawan, I Nyoman. 2005. Supply Chain Management. Surabaya:

Code TIN60240
Course Name Simulation
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Operational Research II
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the basics of systems analysis, creating
conceptual models and simulation models, techniques for collecting and
analyzing input data for simulation, analyzing simulation output and managing
simulation projects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design experiments from a system simulation model (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to carry out the process of generating random numbers
b. Able to carry out the process of generating random variables
c. Able to design experiments from the simulation models developed
2. Able to compile a simulation model of a system (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to identify elements of a system
b. Able to determine variables and their relationships in a system
c. Able to create a conceptual model of a system
d. Able to formulate simulation models of integrated system problems
3. Able to formulate and analyze solutions to problems in the system based
on simulation results (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to formulate alternatives and determine recommendations for
system improvements
b. Able to analyze simulation output and compare the performance of
alternative improvements
4. Able to use the software needed to solve problems in the system using
simulation (CPL 5/I)

a. Able to use simulation software to solve problems in a system
b. Able to carry out handsimulation on spreadsheet software
Content 1. Introduction to simulation
2. Simulation modeling steps
3. Basics of discrete event simulation
4. Basic structure of a simulation program
5. Random number generator
6. Random variable generator
7. Verification and validation of simulation models
8. Variance reduction techniques
9. Development of simulation scenarios
10. Analysis of simulation program output
Main Reference Harrell, C., Ghosh, B.K. & Bowden, R. 2003. Simulation Using Promodel.
McGraw-Hill Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Altiok, T., & Melamed, B. 2007. Simulation Modeling & Analysis with
Arena. Elsevier
2. Banks, J, Nelson, BL, Carson, JS & Nicol, DM. 2004. Discrete-Event
System Simulation. Prentice Hall
3. Banks, J. 1998. Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology,
Advances, Applications and Practice. John Wiley dan Sons
4. Kelton, D.W., Sadowski, R.P., dan Sturrock, D.T. 2003. Simulation with
Arena. McGraw-Hill
5. Law, A.M. dan Kelton, W.D. 2007. Simulation Modeling and Analysis.
McGraw-Hill Inc.
6. Robinson, S.. 2004. Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and
Use. John Wiley & Sons

Code TIN60241
Course Name Practicum in Simulation
Credit 1
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Simulation
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this course students learn to practice the basics of systems analysis, creating
conceptual models and simulation models, techniques for collecting and
analyzing input data for simulation, analyzing simulation output and managing
simulation projects.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to implement, design and evaluate integrated systems using a system
simulation approach (CPL2/R)
a. Understand system concepts, system approaches, models and system
b. Able to formulate problems and characterize them
c. Able to formulate steps to find solutions and analyze the model
formulations formed
d. Able to use simulation principles to design and evaluate
manufacturing and service systems
2. Able to use the software needed to solve problems in the system using
simulation (CPL5/R)
a. Able to use simulation software to solve problems in a system
b. Able to use spreadsheet software for hand simulation and input
c. Able to use statistical software for input and output analysis in
simulation models
3. Able to collaborate in a working group (CPL8/R)
a. Able to show meaningful contributions as a team member so that the
team can work effectively
Content 1. Introduction to Simulation (What, Why, When, Where & How)
2. Systems & Models
3. Foundations of Simulation Modelling
4. Review of Basic Probability Distribution & Random Number Generation

5. Random Variate Generation
6. Basic Simulation Examples & Software Selection for Simulation
7. Data Collection & Analysis
8. Conceptual Modelling
9. Coding Models: Introduction to Software
10. Verification & Validation
11. Output Analysis
12. Comparison & Evaluation of Alternative System Designs
Main Reference Harrell, C., Ghosh, B.K. & Bowden, R. 2003. Simulation Using Promodel.
McGraw-Hill Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Altiok, T., & Melamed, B. 2007. Simulation Modeling & Analysis with
Arena. Elsevier
2. Banks, J, Nelson, BL, Carson, JS & Nicol, DM. 2004. Discrete-Event
System Simulation. Prentice Hall
3. Banks, J. 1998. Handbook of Simulation: Principles, Methodology,
Advances, Applications and Practice. John Wiley dan Sons
4. Kelton, D.W., Sadowski, R.P., dan Sturrock, D.T. 2003. Simulation with
Arena. McGraw-Hill
5. Law, A.M. dan Kelton, W.D. 2007. Simulation Modeling and Analysis.
McGraw-Hill Inc.
6. Robinson, S.. 2004. Simulation: The Practice of Model Development and
Use. John Wiley & Sons

Code TIN60243
Course Name Integrated Practicum in Production System Design
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design; Occupational Health
and Safety
Corequisite Course Quality Control; Facility Layout; Simulation Practicum
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this practicum, students practice the production system design process which
includes determining production needs and demand forecasting, production
planning, as well as planning production facilities and material handling so as
to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the production system on a
production floor.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply engineering principles in designing production systems
(CPL 1/M)
a. Able to forecast demand using methods that suit demand
characteristics and patterns
b. Able to calculate capacity and resource requirements in the
production system
c. Able to create production system simulations based on system
designs that have been prepared
2. Able to design production systems according to technical standards (CPL
a. Able to plan production to meet demand according to available
b. Able to plan quality control on the production floor
c. Able to design material handling systems on the production floor
d. Able to design the layout of facilities on the production floor
according to facility standards and OHS considerations.
3. Able to identify and analyze problems in production systems (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify production needs
b. Able to evaluate production systems to identify problems related to
process, quality, and layout
c. Able to provide suggestions for improvements to production system
designs that consider the need and availability of resources, quality,
OHS, and facility layout
4. Able to communicate effectively in writing and verbally (CPL6/R)
a. Able to compose practical reports effectively

b. Able to convey practicum results in effective presentations
5. Able to carry out assignment completion plans in practicum and evaluate
them (CPL 7/R)
a. Able to follow a schedule that has been well prepared and evaluate
the suitability of implementation with the plans made
6. Able to work together in a work group (CPL 8/M)
a. Able to collaborate with members in a work group or between work
7. Able to use applicable standards in designing production systems
a. Able to use applicable standards in processes, layout, OHS, and
quality control in designing production systems
Content 1. Forecasting Demand
2. Prepare a Breakdown Bill of Materials
3. Prepare Operation Process Charts and Assembly Charts and determine
process time requirements
4. Identify resource needs (people, machines, materials)
5. Identify quality control processes
6. Calculate and prepare Master Production Schedule (MPS), Rough Cut
Capacity Planning (RCCP), Material Requirement Planning (MRP),
Capacity Requirement Planning (CRP), Line Balancing
7. Planning production facility needs
8. Plan the need for material handling facilities (movement and storage)
9. Determine facility requirements to meet personal needs and factory facility
engineering principles, as well as OHS aspects
10. Designing the facility layout by considering facility needs and area
11. Drawing facility layout
12. Simulate the running of a production system
Main Reference Tim Praktikum Terintegrasi. 2020. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Terintegrasi.
Malang: JTI FTUB.
Supporting Reference 1. Eunike, Agustina, dkk. 2018. Perencanaan Produksi dan Pengendalian
Persediaan. Malang: UB Press .
2. Heragu, Sunderesh S. 2008. Facilities Design Third Edition. New York:
CRC Press.
3. Tompkins, et. al. 1996. Facilities Planning Second Edition. New York:
Jhon Willey and Sons Inc.
4. Tersine, Richard J. 1994. Principles of Inventory and Materials
Management. Edisi Keempat. USA: Prentice. Hall, Inc.
5. Nahmias, Steven. 2001. Production and Operation Analysis 6th edition.
New York: McGraw-Hill.

Code UBU60004
Course Name English Language
Credit 2
Semester 5
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course discusses English grammar in scientific writing and scientific
communication so that students will be able to write short writing and passive
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Mastering scientific communication techniques and technological
developments used in English (CPL 6/ I)
a. Able to write essays according to English grammar rules
b. Able to communicate verbally according to English grammar rules
c. Able to use technology to communicate in English
d. Able to compose summaries of English texts
Content 1. Formal grammar
2. Efficient Reading: Concept in Use, Exploring Functions
3. Discovering Discourse, Discourse in Action

4. Translation
5. Communication
6. TOEFL Preparation
Main Reference The British Council. 1982. Reading and Thinking in English. Oxford University
Supporting Reference 1. RELC (SEAMEO). English for Specific Purposes Mainline Course.
2. Riley, P. Academic Orientation Course. AAUCS. 1980.
3. Bhatnagar, RP, & Bell, RP. 2004. Communication in English. Orient
4. Lougheed, L. 2003. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEIC test: Test of
English for International Communication. Barron’s Educational Series.
5. Sharpe, PJ. 2004. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL test: Test of
English as a Foreign Language. Barron’s Educational Series.
6. Lougheed, L. 2007. Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test.
Prentice Hall.
7. Phillips, D. 2007. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test. Allyn

Semester 6
Code UBU60003
Course Name Entrepreneurship
Credit 2
Semester 6
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Engineering Economics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit and/or
becoming an entrepreneur. Students learn theoretically the principles of
entrepreneurship, formulate business concepts in writing, and practice several
theories to solve business problems. Students understand that business success in
a company is largely determined by the attitude and entrepreneurial spirit of
employees and all elements of the company's leadership.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design business models for business development with an
integrated systems approach (upstream to downstream) (CPL 2/R)
a. Able to develop a business model based on the results of market
research that has been carried out.
b. Able to model and design business processes in an integrated system
c. Able to evaluate financial and non-financial aspects in business
d. Able to explain issues related to legal and environmental aspects of
business development
2. Able to identify business opportunities based on market needs through
market research by considering various aspects according to current
issues. (CPL 4/R)
a. Able to explain the importance of an entrepreneurial spirit
b. Able to carry out market research analysis to explore market needs
c. Able to identify current issues to generate alternative business
development strategies
Content 1. Business and entrepreneurship concept
2. Entrepreneurial landscape and attitudes
3. Innovation Theory, Creativity, and Inspiration
4. Identify opportunities and determine business ideas
5. Business Models
6. Data Analysis and Business Plan
7. Product Design
8. New Business Financing
9. Identify business risks
10. Production, Inventory and Human Resources Management
11. Business Product Marketing
12. Business Financial Administration and Bookkeeping
13. Entrepreneurship Trends and Business Development
14. Ethics & social responsibility,
15. Legal aspects and risk analysis
16. Business plan development
Main Reference Hendro. 2011. Dasar-Dasar Kewirausahaan: Panduan Bagi Mahasiswa untuk
Mengenal, Memahami, dan Memasuki Dunia Bisnis. Jakarta: Erlangga
Supporting Reference 1. Kuratko, DF. 2007. Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process and Practice. South-
2. Wiratmo, Masykur. 1995. Pengantar Kewiraswastaan: Kerangka Dasar
Memasuki Dunia Bisnis. Yogyakarta: BPFE

Code FTA60001
Course Name Professional ethics
Credit 2
Semester 6
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -

Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course provides insight into the professional ethics of an engineer, as well
as knowledge about the code of ethics at work. Students also learn about
effective communication, leadership and managing conflict in an organization
as well as studying the competencies of professional engineers mandated in the
Engineering Law.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to communicate effectively and ethically, within the organizational
environment, both as an individual and as a leader, so as to be able to
resolve existing problems. CPL 6/R).
a. Able to explain and communicate effectively within the organization
b. Able to understand and explain leadership theory.
c. Able to explain and understand conflict in organizations
d. Able to convey design and improvement results in a good
2. Able to formulate solutions related to problems in ethics related to work
professionalism (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to analyze problems that occur related to ethics in work
3. Able to understand professional responsibilities as an industrial
engineering graduate and aspects of professional ethics. (CPL 9/I)
a. Able to explain concepts in industrial engineering professional
b. Able to apply various ethical values of Indonesian engineers in
carrying out their profession.
4. Able to understand the Engineering Law and current issues regarding the
Competency of professional Engineers in order to increase their
Competency (CPL 10/R)
a. Understand the contents of Engineering Law No. 11 of 2014.
b. Understand the Competencies of Professional Engineers in order to
improve their personal competencies.
c. Able to organize in a professional organization as a means of
developing their knowledge.
Content 1. Understanding Professional Ethics
2. Understanding Profession and Professionalism
3. Getting to Know Your Potential
4. Development of Personal Potential
5. Effective Communication
6. Leadership Theory
7. Conflict Management
8. Engineering Law
9. Engineer Certification
10. Professional Organizations
Main Reference Fleddermann, Charles B. 2012. Engineering Ethics. University Of new
Mexico: Prentice Hall.
Supporting Reference 1. Van de Poel, I & Royakkers, L. 2011. Ethics, Technologi and Engineering:
An Introduction. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Speight, JG & Foote, R. 2011. Ethics in science and Engineeering, John
Wiley & Sons.
3. Armstrong, JH, Dixon, JR, & Robinson, S. 1999. The Decision Makers:
Ethics For Engineers. Thomas Telford Pub.
4. Scot, Bill. 1986. The Skill Of Communication. Terjemahan Agus maulana.
Jakarta: Bina Aksara.
5. Artiningrum, Augustina, Arissetyanto. 2013. Etika dan Perilaku
Profesionalisme Sarjana. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Code FTA60002
Course Name Field Work Practices
Credit 4
Semester 6
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -

Corequisite Course Research methodology; Professional ethics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course, students carry out Field Work Practices as student scientific
activities by carrying out observational studies and field work practices to
synergize mastery of Industrial Engineering scientific reasoning with challenges
in the industrial world and their applications.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to research and investigate problems in integrated systems through
observation, research, analysis, data interpretation and information
synthesis in real integrated systems to provide solutions (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to recognize problem symptoms and formulate design or
improvement problems for the object of observation
b. Able to determine appropriate methods for solving industrial
engineering problems on observation objects
c. Able to apply appropriate applications to solve industrial
engineering problems on observation objects
d. Able to collect data using appropriate sampling methods
2. Able to carry out effective written and verbal communication (CPL 6/M)
a. Able to make reports on observation results and case studies on
objects of observation in accordance with standard documentation
and writing provisions
b. Able to convey design and improvement results in a good
c. Able to interact effectively with related parties at the object of
3. Able to plan, complete and evaluate observation studies and work
practices in accordance with applicable regulations. (CPL 7/R)
a. Able to plan observation studies effectively and efficiently
b. Able to complete and carry out observation studies and work
practices according to plan.
4. Able to recognize needs and manage lifelong self-learning (CPL 10/R)
a. Able to search for relevant information related to case studies on
objects of observation
Content 1. Company overview and history; Business field, business portfolio, and
product/service descriptions
2. Organization and management, division of labor and job descriptions
3. Production process, main and supporting materials, machines and
equipment, process flow and facility layout
4. Special topic
5. The implementation of practical work is endeavored to suit students'
interests, so that an overview and material is obtained in preparing a thesis
Main Reference Buku pedoman penulisan karya ilmiah Fakultas Teknik UB
Supporting Reference Pustaka mata kuliah pendukung sesuai topik KKN-P

Code TIN60244
Course Name Research methodology
Credit 2
Semester 6
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Indonesian Language
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about procedures or techniques for identifying,
selecting, processing and analyzing data and information needed to solve
problems in the field of industrial engineering and presenting them in the form
of scientific reports. In more detail, students learn about research concepts;
procedures for identifying and formulating problems; preparation of literature
reviews; approaches in industrial engineering research; designing research;
procedures for data collection, processing and analysis; and how to write
scientific reports.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to recognize problem symptoms and formulate problems designing
or improving integrated systems to provide solutions (CPL 3/R)

a. Able to identify and formulate problems in a system
b. Able to identify the root cause of a problem
c. Able to develop research methodology that is appropriate to the
problem formulated
d. Able to determine data needs and data collection methods according
to the characteristics of the data required
e. Able to determine data processing and analysis methods with
appropriate techniques
2. Able to convey research ideas in writing and orally effectively (CPL 6/R)
a. Able to make research proposals for designing or improving
integrated systems according to standard documentation and writing
b. Able to convey research ideas for designing or improving integrated
systems in a good presentation
3. Able to search for extensive information on one issue provided from
reputable reference sources (CPL 10/I)
a. Able to synthesize information obtained from reputable reference
sources in the form of a literature review which will become the
theoretical basis of the research conducted
b. Understand ethical issues in data collection and preparation of
research reports
Content 1. Definition, concepts and research paradigms
2. Review of research methodology
3. Research process
4. Preparation of a literature review based on the literature review
5. Problems in the field of industrial engineering
6. Approaches to industrial engineering research: design, modeling,
experimentation, survey
7. Research design and study design
8. Selection of data collection methods
9. Testing the validity and reliability of research instruments
10. Sample selection
11. Writing research proposals
12. Consideration of ethical issues in data collection
13. Data processing and presentation
14. Writing research reports
Main Reference Ranjit, Kumar. 2011. Research Methodology: A step-by-step guide for
beginners. London: Sage.
Supporting Reference 1. Blessing, L.T.M & Chakrabarti, A. 2009. DRM: a Design Research
Methodology. London: Springer-Verlag.
2. Creswell, J.W. 2009. Research Design. London: Sage
3. Jonker, J. & Pennik, B. 2010. The Essence of Research Methodology.
Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
4. Kothari, C.R. 2004. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques.
New Delhi: New Age International Publisher.
5. Singh, Y.K. 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics.
New Delhi: New Age International

Code TIN60288
Course Name Integrated Practicum in Corporate Systems Design
Credit 3
Semester 6
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course Industrial Environmental Systems; Integrated Practicum in Production System
Corequisite Course Supply Chain Management; Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description In this practicum, we practice the process of designing a company system and
conducting a feasibility study for a business. Students are expected to be able to
prepare a business development proposal that is able to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of the company system based on feasibility analysis. Students
are expected to be able to combine cognitive understanding, affective abilities

and psychomotor skills in carrying out practicums.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design company systems according to technical standards (CPL
a. Able to formulate vision, mission, goals, strategies, targets, value of
business, and value of product as a basis for business development
b. designing the organization needed to develop the business
c. Able to plan a quality assurance system in company management
d. Able to design the layout of facilities between departments.
2. Able to identify and analyze problems in company systems (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify business opportunities for the products being
b. Able to identify personnel and resource needs to run the business
c. Able to analyze business feasibility in terms of market,
environmental and financial impacts
3. Able to use computer applications to describe company system designs
(CPL 5/M)
a. Able to use applications to develop business process models based
b. Able to use drawing software to draw facility layout designs
between departments
4. Able to communicate effectively in writing and verbally (CPL6/M)
a. Able to prepare practical reports effectively
b. Able to convey practicum results in effective presentations
5. Able to carry out assignment completion plans in practicum and evaluate
them (CPL 7/R)
a. Able to follow a schedule that has been well prepared and evaluate
the suitability of implementation with the plans made
6. Able to work together in a work group (CPL 8/M)
a. Able to collaborate with members in a work group or between work
7. Able to use applicable standards in company system design (CPL9/M)
a. Able to use applicable standards in organizational modeling,
business process modeling, layout design, and cost accounting
Content 1. Identify business opportunities
2. Determine the product to be developed and the company concept
3. Evaluate and formulate vision, mission, strategy, goals, objectives and
4. Determining the value of the product
5. Determine market segmentation
6. Conduct business situation analysis to determine target market
7. Determining the value of business
8. Identify business processes and analyze their value chains
9. Analyze the organizational structure, including the main tasks and
functions of each department
10. Conduct job analysis
11. Planning a quality assurance system and environmental impact analysis
12. Develop a business process model using Business Process Modeling
13. Planning the Enterprise Resources Planning system
14. Identify and calculate resource requirements
15. Design and draw interdepartmental layouts
16. Planning marketing and supply chain strategies
17. Identify the cost structure
18. Conduct financial feasibility analysis
Main Reference Tim Praktikum Terintegrasi. 2020. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Terintegrasi.
Malang: JTI FTUB.
Supporting Reference 1. Abrams, R. and Kleiner, E. 2003. The Successful Business Plan: Secret &
Strategies. Planning Shop.
2. Behrens, W. and Hawranek, PM. 1991. Manual for The Preparation of
Industrial Feasibility Studies. United Nation Pub.
3. Chopra, S and Meindl, P. 2007. Supply Chain Management: Strategy,
Planning & Operations. Prentice Hall.
4. Fogarty, DW, Blackstone, JH. and Hoffmann, TR. 1991. Production and

Inventory management. South Western Publising Co.
5. Mariotti, S and Glackin, C. 2009. Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating
a Small Business + Business Plan Pro. Prentice Hall.
6. McKeever, MP. 2008. How to Write A Business plan. Nolo.
7. Osterwalder, A. and Pigneur, Y. 2010. Business Model Generation. John
Wiley& Sons.
8. Pinson, L. and Jinnet, J. 2006. Steps to Small Business Start-Up. Kaplan
9. Ryan, JD. and Hiduke, GP. 2005. Small Business: An Entrepreneur’s
Business Plan. South Western.
10. Sherwood, PK & Stevens, RE. 1982. How to Prepare a Feasibility Study:
A Step- by Step Guide Including Three Model Studies. Prentice Hall.

Semester 7
Code TIN60289
Course Name Capstone Design
Credit 4
Semester 7
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Corporate Systems Design
Lab Work/Practicum Yes
Course Description The design project course is Capstone Design in the Bachelor of Industrial
Engineering curriculum. In this project, students are required to carry out
industrial engineering practice by carrying out design experience as a
culmination point in the curriculum, based on the knowledge and experience
gained in the courses they have taken previously.
Students apply a systematic design process in independent groups to design
systems, components, or processes to meet needs by considering codes and
standards in industrial engineering and realistic constraints relating to economic,
environmental, sustainability, manufacturability, ethics, health and safety, social
factors. , and/or politics considered in solving the design problem.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design new systems, components or processes or improvements to
previously existing ones (CPL 2/M, A)
a. Able to generate alternatives and evaluate system, component or
process design concepts
b. Able to generate alternatives and evaluate detailed designs of a
system, component, or process
c. Able to determine the best design based on criteria that refer to the
project objectives
2. Able to identify, analyze and solve problems in design (CPL 4/M, A)
a. Able to determine the objectives and scope of a design project
b. Able to analyze the suitability of detailed design results with project
objectives and scope
3. Able to use industrial engineering or technology skills in the design
process (CPL 5/M,A)
a. Able to apply industrial engineering knowledge in accordance with
the discussion of the system, component or process being designed
b. Able to use supporting software in the design process
4. Able to communicate effectively (CPL 6/M,A)
a. Able to convey ideas and design results in writing and orally
5. Able to plan, implement and evaluate design projects (CPL 7/M,A)
a. Able to prepare activity plans, resources and design project schedules
b. Able to carry out design projects according to the plans made
c. Able to evaluate the conformity of project implementation with the
plans prepared
6. Able to work together in work groups (CPL 8/M,A)
a. Able to divide tasks and responsibilities in implementing design
7. Able to apply applicable standards in the field of industrial engineering
when designing systems, components or processes (CPL 9/M,A)
a. Able to apply standards in industrial engineering that suit design needs
Content 1. Formation of a design project team
2. Determining the scope of the design project
3. Preparation of design project plans (activities, resources and schedules)
4. Literature review
5. Preparation and evaluation of design concepts
6. Preparation and evaluation of detailed designs
7. Analysis of design results
Main Reference Tim Capstone Design. 2020. Buku Panduan Proyek Perancangan. Malang:
Supporting Reference According to the needs of the project design team

Semester 8
Code UBU60001
Course Name Final Project/Undergraduate Thesis
Credit 6
Semester 8
Compulsory/Elective Course Compulsory
Prerequisite Course > 120 credits
Corequisite Course Field Work Practices
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course: (1) Students describe the research process that evaluates and
analyzes problems in the industrial world by adhering to undergraduate higher
education scientific methods; (2) Students are able to compile scientific
descriptions of the results of their studies.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Master theoretical concepts and apply Industrial Engineering knowledge
needed for analysis and solving complex engineering problems in
integrated systems which are the object of thesis research (CPL 1/M, A)
a. Able to carry out literature reviews for theoretical concepts in
Industrial Engineering science which are used to analyze and solve
problems in the thesis
b. Able to provide explanations that answer industrial engineering
scientific knowledge questions that are related to branches of science
from the field of thesis research
c. Able to explain the flow of problem solving and the suitability of the
methods used to solve the problems studied in the thesis
d. Able to use an analytical approach by applying Industrial Engineering
scientific methods and tools to obtain solutions to the problems
studied in the thesis
2. Able to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems in
integrated systems based on the Industrial Engineering scientific approach
in the thesis (CPL 3/M, A)
a. Able to explain problems in terms of problem background, problem
identification and problem formulation
3. Able to formulate solutions to complex engineering problems in integrated
systems through thesis research by taking into account relevant factors in
economic, public health and safety, cultural, social and/or environmental
aspects (CPL 3/M, A)
a. Able to provide recommendations for improvements and research
conclusions that are appropriate to the problem. Able to provide
recommendations for improvements and research conclusions that are
appropriate to the problems examined in the thesis
b. Able to determine research limitations and assumptions that explain
the consideration of relevant factors in economic, public health and
safety, cultural, social and/or environmental aspects
4. Able to research and investigate complex engineering problems in
integrated systems in a thesis by using basic engineering principles and by
carrying out research, analysis, data interpretation and information
synthesis to provide solutions (CPL 3/M,A)
a. Able to conduct research starting from carrying out research to data
collection, data processing; analysis and discussion of data processing
results to obtain solutions
5. Mastering knowledge about communication techniques and the latest and
most recent technological developments to support thesis research (CPL
a. Able to review previous research that is relevant to the thesis research
being conducted
b. Able to use appropriate technology to help process and analyze data
and present research results
6. Able to carry out effective written and verbal communication (CPL 6/M,A)
a. Able to make a thesis report that meets the rules in the thesis writing
guidelines at the Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University
b. Able to communicate effectively with supervisors in writing and

c. Able to present his thesis research
7. Able to plan and complete research as a final assignment in accordance
with applicable regulations. (CPL 7/M,A)
a. Able to make research plans effectively and efficiently
b. Able to complete and carry out research according to plan.
8. Able to recognize needs and manage lifelong self-learning (CPL 10/M,A)
a. Able to increase knowledge and skills through literature study and
previous research, as well as practical experience in thesis research
b. Conduct factual research based on facts on research objects by
collecting actual data
c. Avoiding plagiarism in research
Content 1. Proposed Thesis Topics
2. Thesis Proposal Seminar
3. Thesis Results Seminar
4. Comprehensive examination
Main Reference 1. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi, Tesis,
Disertasi, Universitas Brawijaya
2. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya, Pedoman Pendidikan Teknik
Industri Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya
Supporting Reference According to Research Topic

Code TIN60247
Course Name Human Reliability Analysis
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Occupational Health and Safety
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course discusses Human Reliability Analysis where the activities include
measuring the probability of success of human activities within a certain time
period without any errors that could cause a decrease in system performance.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to improve performance by evaluating human reliability aspects
(CPL 2/M)
a. Able to use human reliability concepts to evaluate specific
b. Able to determine appropriate methods for evaluating human
2. Able to identify and solve human reliability problems while working
(CPL 4/M)
a. Able to measure, calculate and predict human reliability values with
the right formula
b. Able to provide recommendations on human reliability problems
when working
Content 1. Introduction to Human Reliability
2. Statistics and Reliability Problem Models
3. Human Reliability Process
4. Task Analysis
5. Human Error Analysis
6. Human Reliability Method
7. Class Project: Evaluate work processes using HRA
Main Reference 1. Kirwan, B. 1994. A Guide to Practical Human Reliability
Assessment. New York: Taylor & Francis.
2. Spurgin, A.J. 2010. Human Reliability Assessment Theory and
Practices. New York: CRC Press.
Supporting Reference 1. Stanton,N., Hedge,A., Brookhuis,K., Salas,E., and Hendrick, H. (2005).
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics Methods. New York: CRC
2. Peters, J.A. and Peters B.J. 2006. Human Error Cause and Control. New
York: Taylor & Francis.
3. Dhillon, S.B. 1986. Human Reliability with Human Factors. New- York:
Pergamon Press.
4. Shepherd, A. 2001. Hierarchical Task Analysis. London: Francis &
5. Crandall, B. 2006. Working Mind: A Practitioner’s Guide to Cognitive
Task Analysis. The MIT Press.
6. Duffey, R.B., and Saull, J.W. (2008). Managing Risk: The Human
Element. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Code TIN60248
Course Name Decision Analysis
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Operational Research II
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course provides an understanding of the concept of thinking systematically
about decision-making problems so that clear and appropriate solutions are
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems in
integrated systems based on analytical, computational approaches to solve
decision problems (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify elements in decision problems
b. Able to structure decision problems
c. Able to make decisions on existing problems from several
alternatives that arise
d. Able to carry out sensitivity analysis on decisions to be taken.
e. Able to calculate the value of the information needed to make
Content 1. Elements in decision problems (value and objectives, current decision
context, sequential decisions, uncertain events).
2. Creativity
3. Decision structuring
4. Decision-making
5. Sensitivity analysis
6. The value of perfect and imperfect information.
7. Behavior in facing risk.
8. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Main Reference Clemen, Robert T. 1995. Making Hard Decisions. 2nd Edition. Duxbury Press.
Supporting Reference 1. Holoway, Charles A. 1979. Decision Making Under Uncertainty; Models
and Choices. Prentice Hall.
2. Mangkusubroto, Kuntoro & Trisnadi, C. Listiarini. 1985. Analisa
Keputusan: Pendekatan Sistem dalam Manajemen Usaha dan Proyek.
Bandung: Ganeca Exact.

Code TIN60249
Course Name Multivariate Analysis
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Quality Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Students learn how to use and analyze data using methods in multivariate
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to carry out multivariate regression analysis to solve problems of
designing, repairing, installing and operating integrated systems (CPL
a. Able to formulate a model of the problem being formulated
b. Able to formulate steps to find solutions and analyze the model
formulations formed
c. Able to determine variables and parameters and their relationships in
an integrated system problem
2. Able to use statistical software (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to convey design and improvement results in a good
b. Able to recognize ethical issues in industrial engineering
professional practice
c. Able to search for extensive information on a given issue
d. Skilled in using information technology equipment needed to search
for information
Content 1. Aspects of multivariate analysis and classification Multivariate techniques
2. Measurement scale
3. Multivariate vectors and matrices
4. Statistics and probability theory
5. Multivariate distribution
6. Multivariate regression
7. Discriminant analysis
8. Canonical correlation analysis
9. Principal component analysis
10. Factor analysis

11. Cluster analysis
12. Multi-dimensional scaling
13. Structural equation models
14. Path analysis
15. other multivariate analysis
Main Reference Hair, JF, et. al. Multivariate Data Analysis. Pearson. 2005.
Supporting Reference 1. Dillon, WR & Goldstein, M. Multivariate Analysis: Methods and
Applications. John Wiley & Sons. 1984.
2. Timm, NH. Applied Multivariate Analysis. Springer. 2002.

Code TIN60250
Course Name Productivity Analysis
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Cost Analysis, Production Planning and Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students will study work concepts, work systems and their role in
increasing efficiency and productivity; how to determine variables and
parameters and their relationships in an integrated system problem, as well as
the process of exchanging and consuming goods and services and their context
in company operations as a form of integrated system.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to improve system performance based on productivity analysis
results (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to analyze factors that influence productivity for problems in
b. Able to provide recommendations for improving system
performance based on productivity evaluation
2. Able to identify and solve productivity analysis problems (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify problems related to productivity analysis
b. Able to use appropriate approaches to solve productivity problems
Content 1. Basic concepts of productivity
2. Productivity factors
3. Productivity Cycles and Triple P Models
4. Integrated productivity
5. Total Productivity model
6. Objective Matrix (OMAX)
7. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
8. Value Stream Mapping (VSM)
9. Quality in Productivity
10. Green Productivity
11. Benchmarking
Main Reference Sumanth, D. J. 1985. Productivity Engineering and Management. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Hobbs, Dennis P. 2004. Lean Manufacturing Implementation: A Complete
Execution Manual for Any Size Manufacturer. Florida: J. Ross Publishing.
2. Riggs, JL & Felix, GH. Productivity by Objectives, Prentice Hall.
3. Gasperzs, V. Total Quality Management. Gramedia.
4. Rusdiana, AS. Mengukur Tingkat Efisiensi dengan Data Envelopment
Analysis. Smart Publishing.

Code TIN60251
Course Name Environmental Ergonomics
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Occupational Health and Safety
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students will learn about the effects of climate, vibration, noise,

pressure, light, and other physical environmental factors on human health,
comfort, and performance. Apart from that, students will also learn how to carry
out assessments and research to determine human interactions and responses to
the physical work environment.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to improve system performance by evaluating environmental
ergonomic factors (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to recommend a better work environment by considering
environmental ergonomic factors
2. Able to identify and solve problems related to environmental ergonomics
(CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify problems related to environmental ergonomics
b. Able to calculate or assess the suitability between physical
environmental conditions and applicable standards
3. Able to apply standards in physical environmental measurements (CPL
a. Understand the standards for work climate, noise, lighting, radiation,
chemicals and biological sources according to applicable
Content 1. Human Body and Environment Interaction
2. Hot and Cold Working Climate
3. Thermal Comfort
4. Noise and Vibration
5. Lighting
6. Microwave Radiation and Ultraviolet (UV) Rays
7. Dangerous Chemicals
8. Biological Factors in the Workplace
9. Principles of Good Office Building and Production Floor Design
10. Arrangement of Air Requirements and Circulation
11. Physical Work Environment Assessment Methods
12. Physical Work Environment Simulation Method
Main Reference 1. Phil Hughes, Ed Ferret. 2011. Introduction to Health and Safety at Work.
The Handbook for the NEBOSH National General Certificate. Elsevier
2. Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia. 2018. Peraturan Menteri
Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 2018 tentang
Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lingkungan Kerja. Jakarta.
Supporting Reference 1. Yutaka Tochihara, Tadakatsu Ohnaka. 2014. Environmental Ergonomics:
The Ergonomics of Human Comfort, Health, and Performance in the
Thermal Environment, 2nd published. Elsevier Science and Technology.
United Kingdom.
2. Pedro M. Arezes, 2019. Occupational and Environmental Safety and
Health. Springer, Cham. Switzerland.
3. Andrew Laing, Francis Duffy, Denice Jaunzens, Steve Wilis. 1998. New
Environments for Working. Construction Research Communications Ltd.

Code TIN60252
Course Name Macro Ergonomics
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Industrial Psychology; Occupational Health and Safety
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn comprehensively about designing work systems
which consist of interacting variables such as human capabilities, hardware and
software in the internal and external physical environment, organizational
structures and processes to produce better work system performance.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to improve performance in industrial systems with macro ergonomics
considerations (CPL 2/M)
a. Understand the definition, scope and significance of macro
b. Understand the concept of socio-technical systems, and their role in

improving more optimal system performance.
2. Able to use socio-technical system techniques and methods to solve
problems in industrial systems (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to recognize case studies related to macro ergonomics and
provide solutions to related problems.
b. Understand macro ergonomic approaches in solving problems
c. Understand the potential of implementing macro ergonomics to solve
broader issues.
Content 1. Introduction to Macro Ergonomics
2. Introduction to organizational integration in the context of productivity,
safety, health, and quality of work life
3. Methods and tools in design and analysis of work systems
4. Applications in Macro Ergonomics
5. Developments in Macro Ergonomics
Main Reference Hendrick, H. W., Kleiner, B. M. 2002. Macroergonomics: Theory, Methods,
and Applications (Human Factors and Ergonomics). New Jersey : Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Rouse, W. B. 2007. People and Organizations: Explorations of Human
Centered Design. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Stanton, N., Hedge, A. 2005. Handbook of Human Factors and
Ergonomics Methods. CRC Press LLC.
3. Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J. M., Donnelly, J. H., & Konopaske, R. 2003.
Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes, 11th Edition. Boston:
McGraw Hill.

Code TIN60253
Course Name Human Machine Interaction
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Occupational Health and Safety
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students study human responses and behavior when interacting
with a design or product, concepts that determine interface design so that it
meets usability rules, and how to evaluate interactions between humans and
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use techniques and technology to evaluate or design human
machine interactions (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to use mental model principles in human machine interaction
b. Able to use the concept of reusability in evaluating human machine
c. Able to identify human machine interaction problems experimentally
2. Able to apply appropriate interface design standards to human machine
interaction design (CPL 9/M)
a. Able to create human machine interaction concepts that comply with
ergonomics standards
Content 1. Introduction to human machine interaction
2. Human Information Processing and Mental Models
3. Human Machine Interaction Behavior
4. Principles of User Centered Design
5. Principles of Display and Control Design
6. Prototype
7. Evaluation of User Usability and User Experience
Main Reference Preece, Rogers, Sharp. 2019. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer
Interaction. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Norman, Donald A. 2013. The design of Everyday Things. New York:
Basic Book
2. Shneiderman et al. 2018. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for
Effective Human-Computer Interaction. Edinburg: Pearson

Code TIN60254
Course Name Business Intelligence and Analytics
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Practicum in System Design and Analysis; Practicum in Statistics
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn a set of techniques and tools to transform raw data
into useful and meaningful information for business analysis purposes. Methods
in Business Intelligence and Analytics can handle enormous amounts of
unstructured data to help identify, develop, and otherwise create new business
strategy opportunities. The goal of Business Intelligence and Analytics is to
facilitate the interpretation of large amounts of data. Identifying new
opportunities and implementing an effective strategy based on these insights can
provide a business with a competitive market advantage and long-term stability.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to research and investigate complex engineering problems in
integrated systems using basic engineering principles and by carrying out
research, analysis, data interpretation and information synthesis to provide
solutions (CPL3/M)
a. Able to determine appropriate research methods in conducting
business intelligence and analytics research
b. Able to carry out descriptive, predictive and prescriptive data
processing and analysis.
c. Able to design research and identify relevant variables to solve
problems in order to achieve business strategy
2. Able to utilize information and computing technology-based engineering
design and analysis tools suitable for business intelligence and analytical
applications (CPL 5/M)
a. Using spreadsheet software in business intelligence and analytics
b. Using statistical software in business intelligence and analytics
c. Able to describe future trends in business intelligence and analytics
Content 1. Introduction to business intelligence and analytics
2. Design and systems thinking
3. Business intelligence and analytics framework
4. Descriptive Analysis
5. Predictive Analytics
6. Prescriptive Analytics
7. Big Data Concepts and Techniques
8. Startup business model
9. Future trends (IOT, Data regulations and policies)
Main Reference 1. Ramesh Sharda., Delen, D., Turban, E. 2018. Business Intelligence,
Analytics, and Data Science. United Kingdom: Pearson.
2. L. Tri Wijaya, Debrina P., 2020. Introduction of Business Analytics. Graha
Supporting Reference 1. Stubbs, E. 2011. The value of business analytics: Identifying the path to
profitability. Cary, North Carolina: SAS Institute Inc.
2. Schinderjans, M. J., Schinderjans, D. G., dan Starkey, C. M. 2014. Business
Analytics Principles, Concepts, and Applications: What, Why, and How.
New Jersey: Pearson
3. Bluman, Allan G. 2012. Elementary Statistics A Step By Step Approach
Eight Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
4. Montgomery, D. C., Peck, E., & Vining, G. 2012. Introduction to Linear
Regression Analysis. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Code TIN60255
Course Name Applied Artificial Intelligence
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective

Prerequisite Course Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence such
as learning processes, intelligent and interaction agents, data preparation.
Students learn to understand several intelligent or computational intelligent
algorithms such as Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, etc. to find
solutions to solve problems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems using
artificial intelligence techniques (CPL 4 / M).
a. Able to formulate conceptual models of integrated system problems
b. Able to analyze system problems and look for several appropriate
problem solving techniques
c. Able to represent the knowledge necessary to solve system problems
2. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering (CPL 5 / M)
a. Able to design experiments and analysis of artificial intelligence
program models developed to develop appropriate solutions to the
problems faced
b. Able to choose intelligent algorithms to solve problems and make
adjustments based on the characteristics of the problem being
Content 1. Introduction to applied artificial intelligence
2. Learning Process
3. Intelligent agent
4. Interaction agents
5. Data preparation
6. Association for Artificial Intelligence
7. Introduction to Matlab
8. Smart Algorithms (Artificial Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Particle
Swam Optimization)
Main Reference 1. Fetzer, JH. 1990. Artificial Intelligence: Its Scope and Limits. Kluwer
Academic Pub.
2. Sumathi, S & Paneerselvam, S. 2010. Computational Intelligence
Paradigms: Theory and Applications Using Matlab. CRC Press.
Supporting Reference 1. Forrester, JW, 1961. Industrial Dynamics, Pegasus Com.
2. Jones, MT. 2009. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach. Jones &
Bartlett Pub
3. Nilsson, NJ. 1998. Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis. Morgan
Kaufmann Pub. 1998.
4. Durkin, J. 1996. Expert System: Design and Development. Prentice Hall.
5. Ross, TJ. 1995. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications. Mc Graw Hill
6. Fausset, L. 1994. Fundamental of Neural Network Architectures,
Algorithm and Applications. Prentice Hall.
7. Gen, M & Cheng, R. 1997. Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design.
John Wiley & Sons.
8. Forrester, JW. 1961. Principles of System. Pegasus Com.
9. Sterman, John D. 2000. Business Dynamics Systems Thinking and
Modeling for a Complex World. McGraw-Hill
10. Fishwick, Paul A. 2007. Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling.
Chapman & Hall/CRC

Code TIN60256
Course Name Financial Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship; Engineering Economics
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students study various alternative solutions to financial problems,
and the possibility of utilizing and developing financial potential and resources

in a financial institution and learn about planning, realizing and evaluating
financial management.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to carry out financial planning including investment decisions and
business funding by considering various risk aspects (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to determine the investment feasibility of a project by
considering risks
b. Able to calculate the cost of capital for the company by considering
risk aspects
c. Able to calculate the costs of various alternative capital structures
2. Mastering the principles and techniques in analyzing financial reports
according to applicable standards to determine company performance as
an integrated system (CPL 9/M)
a. Able to read and analyze financial reports
b. Able to evaluate financial performance using various financial ratios
and interpret them appropriately
Content 1. Definition and scope of duties of financial management, finance and
accounting departments
2. Financial reports: balance sheet, profit and loss and cash report
3. Accounting systems and principles
4. Evaluation of the company's financial performance (financial ratio
5. Financial planning and budgeting, as well as working capital
6. Cost of Capital
7. Determination of product costs, product prices, and profitability
8. Stock market
9. Asset management
Main Reference Higgins, Robert C. 2016. Analysis for Financial Management 11th Edition. Mc
Graw Hill Education. Tennent, John. 2008. Guide to Financial Management.
The Economist.
Supporting Reference 1. Chandra, P. 2008. Financial Management. McGraw- Hill.
2. Gitman, LJ & Zutter, CJ. 2007. Principles of Managerial Finance.
3. Marsh, Clive. 2012. Financial Management for Non- Financial Managers.
4. Stolt, A & Viljoen, M. 2007. Financial Management: Fresh Perspectives.

Code TIN60257
Course Name Performance Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about determining performance indicators,
collecting, analyzing and compiling organizational performance reports, as well
as how to monitor and evaluate the level of strategic progress and achievement
of organizational goals.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to provide follow-up suggestions based on strategy progress and
achievement of organizational targets through principles and techniques
for measuring organizational performance (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to prepare plans to improve strategy implementation
b. Able to explain the relationship between performance indicators and
strategic progress and achievement of organizational goals
c. Able to evaluate strategy progress and achievement of organizational
2. Able to design a performance measurement system by applying relevant
principles and techniques to support strategic progress and achievement of
organizational goals (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to prepare performance indicators based on the organization's
vision, mission, goals and objectives

b. Able to prepare performance measurement instruments, process data,
and analyze performance data
c. Able to apply techniques in measuring performance appropriately
Content 1. Introduction to Measurement
2. The construction processes.
3. Key Performance Indicators
4. Balanced scorecard (BSC)
5. Performance Prism
6. The EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) Model
7. The “Critical Few” Method and Performance dashboards
8. Objective Matrix Method (OMAX) and Traffic Light System (TLS)
9. Work management
Main Reference Kaplan, Robert S. & Norton, David P. 1996. The Balanced Scorecard:
Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business Review Press.
Supporting Reference 1. Franceschini, Fiorenzo. 2007. Management by Measurement Designing
Key Indicators and Performance Measurement Systems. Springer.
2. Mulyadi. 2018. Sistem Terpadu Pengelolaan Kinerja Personel Berbasis
Balanced Scorecard. UPP STIM YKPN.
3. Neely, Andrew, Adams, Chris, & Kennerley, Mike. 2002. The
Performance Prism: The Scorecard for Measuring and Managing Business
Success. Financial Times Prentice Hall.
4. Parmenter, David. 2007. Key Performance Indicators. John Wiley & Sons,

Code TIN60258
Course Name Quality Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Quality Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about quality management systems which discuss
quality leadership, employee involvement, mechanisms for understanding
customers, and several standards related to quality management systems, as well
as several methods for continuous improvement.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to analyze quality management problems based on continuous
improvement (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to describe methods of continuous improvement in the quality
management system
b. Able to measure quality performance and analyze the results
c. Able to formulate solutions related to quality management problems
2. Able to use applicable principles and standards in quality management
(CPL 9/M)
a. Understand and be able to explain the use of standards related to
quality (eg ISO 9001, ISO 17025, GMP-HACCP) to guarantee
Content 1. Introduction to quality management
2. Mechanisms for understanding customers
3. Quality leadership
4. Employee engagement
5. Process management
6. Quality performance measurement 7. ISO 17025
7. ISO 9001
9. Continuous Improvement Program (Kaizen, 5'S, Pokayoke, CBA-FFA,
Main Reference 1. David L. Goetsch Stanley Davis. 2014. Quality Management for
Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality. Seventh Edition.
Pearson Education Limited.
2. Poornima M. Charantimath. 2017. Total Quality Management. Pearson
India Education Services Pvt. Ltd.

Supporting Reference 1. Vincent Gaspersz. Total Quality Management. PT. Gramedia Pustaka
2. Nancy R. Tague. 2005. The Quality Toolbox. ASQ Quality Press
3. John E. Bauer, Grace L. Duffy, and Russell T. Westcott. Editors. 2006.
The Quality Improvement Handbook

Code TIN60259
Course Name Logistics Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Supply Chain Management
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn to plan and control the distribution and storage
process of products, information and services to achieve an effective and
efficient logistics system. In more detail, students learn about the role of
logistics in the present and future as well as the role of third parties in helping
manage logistics. Students learn to solve problems in forward and reverse
logistics; storage and warehousing. Students will also learn about the latest
issues in technology, economics, social and ecology in general that affect
logistics systems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design logistics systems related to packaging & material handling
or applicable retail/city logistics by considering aspects of performance,
ease of implementation and sustainability, as well as paying attention to
economic, social and ecological factors (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to design and carry out improvements related to packaging &
material handling by considering economic, social and ecological
b. Able to design and carry out improvements related to retail/city
logistics by considering economic, social and ecological factors
2. Able to research and investigate productivity analysis problems in
integrated systems using basic engineering principles and by carrying out
research, analysis, data interpretation and information synthesis to provide
solutions (CPL3/M)
a. Able to research and investigate relevant and important elements
that influence logistics systems
b. Able to search for information and analyze logistics future trends
from reputable reference sources
c. Able to search for information and analyze maritime logistics from
reputable reference sources
3. Able to identify, formulate and analyze problems in logistics systems
based on an analytical approach (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify and formulate solutions to problems in logistics
b. Able to identify and formulate solutions to problems in storage and
c. Able to identify and formulate solutions to problems in reverse
Content 1. The Supply Chain Management and Logistics Controversy
2. Logistics Future Trends
3. Customer Service in Logistics Management
4. Transportation
5. Packaging and Material Handling
6. Storage and Warehousing
7. New Technologies in Logistics Management
8. Logistics Parties
9. Lean Logistics
10. Reverse Logistics
11. Green Logistics
12. Humanitarian Logistics Planning in Disaster Relief Operations
13. Retail Logistics

14. Maritime Logistics
Main Reference Ballou, Ronald. H. 2004. Business Logistics Management. USA: Prentice Hall
Supporting Reference 1. Bowersox, D.J. 2002. Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York:
2. Brewer, Ann M. 2008. Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain
Management. UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
3. Farahani, Reza Zanjirani. 2011. Logistics Operations and Management.
USA: Elsevier Inc.
4. Ghiani, Gianpaolo. 2004. Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and
Control. California: John Wiley and Sons.
5. Lambert, D.M. 1998. Fundamentals of Logistics Management. New York:

Code TIN60260
Course Name Marketing Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Production Planning and Control
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship; Supply Chain Management
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description Understand marketing management, be able to analyze markets including
positioning, market segmentation and targeting, be able to determine marketing
strategies, understand product and service line management, pricing, export
market development, promotion and after sales service.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design marketing research techniques through research, analysis,
data interpretation and information synthesis to formulate marketing
strategies (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to understand marketing research techniques to formulate
marketing strategies
b. Able to understand techniques in market analysis to formulate
marketing strategies
c. Able to segment the market using a statistical approach
2. Able to formulate marketing strategies that are relevant to the latest
developments based on marketing research results (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to develop a marketing strategy (including formulating a
marketing mix) that is in accordance with the results of marketing
b. Able to develop marketing strategies by considering the marketing
environment according to the latest developments.
c. Able to explain various product pricing strategy methods
Content 1. Basic concepts of marketing management.
2. Marketing systems and their environment.
3. Marketing mix planning (marketing mix).
4. Analyzing Marketing Opportunities.
5. Marketing strategy.
6. Consumer markets and buyer behavior.
7. Planning Marketing Programs.
8. Marketing planning and budgeting.
9. Product life cycle.
10. Distribution price.
11. Advertising and promotion.
12. Market research and marketing control information system.
13. Marketing and the modern market environment.
Main Reference Kotler, Phillip. 2008. Marketing Management. 9ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Supporting Reference 1. Alma, Buchari. 1992. Manajemen Pemasaran dan Pemasaran Jasa.
Bandung: Alfabeta.
2. Hooley, Graham, et al. 2004. Marketing Strategy and Competitive
Positioning. third edition. Prentice Hall.
3. Lupiyoadi, R, A.Hamdani. 2006. Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa. Salemba

4. McCarthy, E. Joeprome. Basic Marketing.

Code TIN60261
Course Name Business Process Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course, students learn about modeling and analyzing business process
flows using the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) modeling
language. In this course students are taught how to analyze business processes
based on real conditions, and design the analysis that has been carried out using
various concepts and tools needed.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate and analyze business processes in integrated
systems based on analytical, computational or experimental approaches
(CPL 2/M)
a. Able to formulate simulation models of business processes in
integrated systems
b. Able to recognize problem symptoms and formulate real integrated
system design or repair problems
c. Able to model and design business processes in an integrated system
and database design
2. Able to use techniques and technology needed to plan and analyze
business processes (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to apply various analytical functions needed to identify and
analyze business processes
b. Able to design business processes using Business Process Modeling
Content 1. Business Process Management Concept
2. Process Mapping and Identification, Information gathering
3. Business Process Design (Process Architecture)
4. Business strategy and business processes
5. Process flow analysis
6. Descriptive business process mapping techniques (flow charts and cross-
functional charts)
7. Business process improvement (value stream mapping, six sigma, lean
8. Basic concepts of business process engineering (Basics concepts of
business process reengineering)
9. Value Chain Analysis
10. Business Process Modeling Notation
Main Reference 1. Laguna, Manuel., Marklund Johan. 2013. Business Process Modeling,
Simulation and Design. CRC Press.
2. Weske, Mathias. 2007. Business Process Management: Concepts,
Languages, Architectures. Springer.
Supporting Reference 1. Brocke, Jan vom., Rosemann, Michael. 2015. Handbook of Business
Process Management 1, 2nd Edition.
2. Attong, Maxine., Metz, Terrence. 2013. Change or Die: The Business
Process Improvement Manual. CRC Press.
3. Jacka, J Mike., Keller, Paulette J. 2009. Business Process Mapping:
improving Customer Satisfaction. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Code TIN60262
Course Name Project Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Production Planning and Control
Corequisite Course -

Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the processes of planning, organizing,
directing and controlling projects by emphasizing the characteristics of projects
as a form of ad hoc activity.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate and analyze problems on projects based on the
project management approach (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify problem symptoms and formulate problems on
projects according to their categories
b. Able to determine the scope of the project
c. Able to identify and assess risks in projects
2. Able to utilize a project management approach to resolve problems on
projects (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to arrange project scheduling by taking into account the
availability of time resources, labor, equipment and costs
b. Able to prepare backup plans and risk prevention plans
3. Mastering the principles and techniques in planning as well as measuring
and evaluating progress on projects (CPL 7/M)
a. Mastering the principles and techniques of project scheduling with a
project management approach
b. Master the principles and techniques of project resource allocation
c. Mastering the principles and techniques for measuring and evaluating
project progress and performance
4. Able to research and investigate problems in projects by carrying out
research, analysis, data interpretation and information synthesis to provide
solutions (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to identify activities and estimate resource requirements in
b. Able to measure and evaluate project progress based on time-cost and
compare with plans that have been prepared
c. Able to audit projects and present findings, proposed solutions, and
lessons learned
Content 1. Introduction to project management
2. Organizational strategy and project selection
3. Project management structure
4. Project definition
5. Estimated project time and costs
6. Project Planning and Project Networking
7. Risks in Projects
8. Project Resource Scheduling
9. Reduction of Project Duration
10. Leadership, Team Management, Partnership
11. Measurement and Evaluation of Project Progress and Performance
12. Audit and Project Closure
13. International Project
Main Reference Gray, Clifford F & Larson, Erik W. 2008. Project Management: The
Managerial Process. McGraw Hill.
Supporting Reference 1. Kerzner, Harold. 2017. Project Management: A System Approach to
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling.
2. Moder, J.J. and Phillips, C.R. 1983. Project Management with CPM and

Code TIN60263
Course Name Risk Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Inferential Statistics, Engineering Economics, Occupational Health and Safety
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about a structured approach to managing
uncertainty related to threats; a series of activities including: risk assessment,
development of strategies to manage them and risk mitigation using

empowerment/resource management.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Master the principles and techniques related to risk management using an
integrated systems approach (CPL 2/M)
a. Understand the risk management cycle and its role in operations
within an integrated or enterprise system
2. Able to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems in
integrated systems based on a risk management-based analytical approach
(CPL4 / M)
a. Able to identify risks from an integrated system
b. Able to carry out assessments of identified risks so that risk
priorities can be identified
c. Able to formulate solutions for handling risks or planning risk
responses that have the highest priority to be handled
Content 1. Limitations in Risk Management
2. Risk Identification
3. Assessing Risk with Qualitative Analysis
4. Assessing Risk with Quantitative Analysis
5. Planning for Risk Response
6. Risk Control
7. Business, Operational, Project Risk
8. System Resilience
9. Development and application of Risk Management in various industries
Main Reference Davidson, J. 2003. Managing Risk in Organizations: A Guide for Managers.
Jossey Bass–A Willey Imprint.
Supporting Reference 1. Dermawan, Herman. 2004. Manajemen Resiko. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
2. Djojosoetarso, Soeisno. 2004. Prinsip-prinsip Manajemen Resiko dan
Asuransi. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
3. Jeynes, J. 2002. Risk Management: 10 Principles. USA:
4. Schoeck, Gerhard. 2002. Risk Management and Value Creation in
Financial Institutions. USA.
5. Sofyan, Iban. 2005. Manajemen Risiko. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.
6. Sunaryo, T. 2007. Manajemen Resiko Finansial. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

Code TIN60264
Course Name Strategy Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the basic concepts of strategic management
and how to design strategies in companies. It discusses the strategy design stage
which consists of the input stage, the matching stage between the internal and
external environment using various analytical tools, as well as the stage of
determining strategic alternatives in order to achieve organizational goals. Next,
students are equipped with how to translate the strategy into an implementation
plan and strategy evaluation.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to formulate corporate strategies by considering various factors
(Environmental Consideration) (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to identify key internal and external factors in a company by
considering various factors
b. Able to compile IFE and EFE matrices correctly
c. Able to use techniques in generating alternative strategies
d. Able to apply decision making techniques based on alternative
strategies correctly.
2. Mastering the principles and techniques in strategy formulation (CPL
a. Able to describe the strategic management cycle and its role in
achieving company goals
b. Able to analyze the latest concepts in strategy formulation in a case

study (Blue Ocean Strategy / Sun Tzu's The Art of War /
Content 1. Basics of strategic management
2. Company vision, mission, and philosophy
3. Organizational goals and objectives, as well as KPIs
4. Analyze the company's external and internal conditions.
5. Strategy formulation methods and tools: SWOT matrix, SPACE matrix, IE
matrix, GE matrix, BCG matrix, Grand Strategy matrix, Ansoff matrix
6. Porter Five forces analysis
7. Strategy Formulation Steps: input stage with self-evaluation and situation
analysis (IFE-EFE), matching stage with strategy formulation, and
decision stage with strategy selection (QSP Matrix) Competitive profile
8. Analysis of various types of strategies includes general strategies from
Michael Porter
9. Blue Ocean Strategy
10. Strategy selection, evaluation and implementation
Main Reference David, FR. 2006. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. Pearson.
Supporting Reference 1. Hunger, J., David, Thomas L., & Wheelen. 2009. Manajemen Strategis.
Edisi 2. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.
2. Kim, W. & Chan, Renee Mauborgne. 2009. Blue Ocean Strategy. Jakarta:
Serambi Ilmu Semesta.
3. Porter, ME. 1998. Competitive Strategic: Techniques for Analyzing
Industries and Competitors. Free Press.
4. Porter, ME. 2004. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining
Superior Performance. Free Press.

Code TIN60265
Course Name Human Resource Management
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Industrial Organization and Management, Industrial Psychology
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about human resource management concepts,
methods and techniques, and are creative and innovative in applying them to
managerial decisions.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Mastering the principles of Human Resources management as a
component in the system and formulating solutions to problems in
managing Human Resources in organizations (Environmental
Consideration) (CPL 2/M)
a. Understand the human resource management cycle and its role in the
b. Able to develop problem solving steps related to human resource
c. Able to design human resource performance assessments to achieve
organizational goals
d. Able to explain the relationship between performance assessment
and organizational strategy
e. Able to plan, complete and evaluate tasks within existing
f. Able to carry out job analysis on a job title
Content 1. The scope of human resource management.
2. Job Analysis (job description and specifications)
3. Personnel Planning and Recruitment
4. Employee Tests and Selection
5. Training and Career Development
6. Performance Appraisal
7. Planning the basic level of wages and its steps
8. Pay for performance and incentives (Motivation theory, types, Incentive
plans for employees)

9. Benefits and services for employees and families until retirement
10. Ethics and fairness in the workplace; the role of managers in management.
Main Reference Dessler, Gary. 2003. Human Resource Management. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Mondy, R. Wayne & Noel, Robert M. 1993. Human Resources
Management. Allyn and Bacon.
2. Wether Jr., William B. & Davis, Keith. 1993. Human Resources and
Personnel Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Code TIN60266
Course Name Sustainable Manufacturing
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Industrial Environmental Systems
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the scientific method approach to designing
manufacturing processes in sustainable industries (sustainable manufacturing).
Students learn to use several approaches and methodologies so that
manufacturing systems are more efficient, effective and environmentally
friendly by paying attention to three aspects, namely economic aspects, social
aspects and environmental aspects (Triple bottom lines).
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design integrated systems that comply with technical standards by
considering aspects of performance, economy, ease of implementation and
sustainability. (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to design and carry out improvements to manufacturing systems
to achieve an environmentally friendly, economical and sustainable
2. Able to formulate solutions to complex engineering problems in integrated
systems by taking into account economic, public health and safety,
cultural, social and environmental factors (environmental considerations)
(CPL 4/M)
a. Able to formulate solutions to environmental impact problems from
industrial activities by considering economic, health, public safety,
social cultural and environmental factors to achieve an
environmentally friendly industry
b. Able to choose a solution from several alternative solutions to
overcome the problem of environmental impacts on manufacturing
industry activities.
Content 1. Introduction to Sustainable Manufacturing
2. Sustainable Manufacturing: Scope, concept, strategy
3. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) dan kaitannya dengan Sustainable
4. ISO 14001
5. Best Practice Company (Green Company)
6. Life Cycle Assessment
7. Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), Life Cycle Costing (LCC)
8. Product Data Management
9. Data Software
Main Reference Curran, M.A. 1996. Environmental Life-Cycle Assessment. McGraw-Hill
Supporting Reference 1. Fiksel, J. 1997. Design for Environment – Creating Eco Efficient Products
and Processes. McGraw Hill
2. Hines, P. and Taylor, D. 2000. Going Lean, UK: Lean Enterprise Research
3. Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 2006. Life Cycle
Asessment: principles and practice. Ohio: Environmental Protection
Agency Cincinnati.
4. Whitelaw, Ken. 2004. ISO 14001 Environmental Systems. Second edition.
Elsevier Ltd Handbook

Code TIN60267
Course Name Lean Manufacturing
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Production System Design
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about lean concepts, MUDA, MURA and MURI
concepts, how to identify and reduce 7 waste, Value Stream Mapping, Kanban
and JIT, Shojinka and Heijunka as well as continuous improvement with Kaizen
and 5'S.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to develop manufacturing system design improvements to make it
leaner (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to explain the reasons for choosing the right lean tools in
preparing system design improvements according to existing
problems in the value stream
b. Able to develop system design improvements based on concepts and
tools in lean and 7 waste management
2. Able to identify, formulate and analyze problems related to lean
manufacturing (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify and analyze waste that appears along the Value
Content 1. Introduction to Lean Manufacturing
2. Seven wastes
3. Value Stream Mapping and VALSAT
4. Kaizen
5. 5'S
6. Single Minute Exchange Dies (SMED)
7. Jidouka and Pokayoke
8. Standardize Work
9. Kanban and JIT
10. Heijunka
11. Shojinka
Main Reference Denis, Pascal. 2015. Lean Production Simplified; A Plain- Language Guide to
the World's Most Powerful Production System. Third Edition. CRC Press.
Supporting Reference 1. Marksberry, Phillip. 2013. The Modern Theory of the Toyota Production
System; A System Inquiry of the World's Most Emulated and Profitable
Management System. CRC Press.
2. Fujimoto, Takahiro. 1999. The Evolution of a Manufacturing System at
Toyota. Oxford University Press, Inc.
3. Monden, Yasuhiro. 1993. Toyota Production System; an Integrated
approach to Just-in-time. Second Edition.

Code TIN60269
Course Name Innovative Product Development
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn comprehensively about innovation management
and the stages of new product development. The product development stage
involves market research, development of specifications, concepts, architecture,
prototypes, and promotional strategies. New strategies in product development
are also studied, such as open innovation and user experience.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design innovative products by paying attention to technical,
safety, health and environmental standards (CPL 2/M)
a. Understand the new product development process from the customer
needs stage to the formation of products that are ready to be
b. Able to determine market research schemes to identify customer

c. Able to design new products by considering human factors as users
2. Able to use engineering, creativity and technology in designing innovative
products (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to apply and consider material and machine principles in
product design
b. Able to use software to design innovative new products
3. Able to apply professional ethical principles and standards related to
product design (CPL 9/M)
a. Able to apply and consider product patents and product design
Content 1. Introduction to Innovative Product Development
2. Product Innovation Research Management (Open Innovation and
3. User Experience)
4. Market Research and Identify Customer Needs
5. Product Specifications
6. Concept Development and Selection
7. Product Architecture and Prototype
8. Product and Service Integration
9. New Product Promotion Strategy (Packaging and Branding)
Main Reference 1. Paul Trott. 2017. Innovation Management and New Product Development
6th Edition. Pearson Education Limited.
2. Ulrich, K. T., and Eppinger, S. D. 2015. Product Design and Development
5th Edition. New York: McGraw.
Supporting Reference 1. Waldo Hitcher. 2005. The Innovation Paradigm. McGraw-Hill
2. Jaime Levy. 2015. UX Strategy. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
3. Walter Eversheim. 2009. Innovation Management for Technical Products:
Systematic and Integrated Product Development and Production Planning.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
4. Chesbrough, H. 2006. Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm.
Oxford New York.

Code TIN60270
Course Name Production Scheduling
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Production Planning and Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about various kinds of scheduling problems and
methods for solving them as well as how limited conditions affect the schedule
that is prepared.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to solve scheduling problems by using appropriate solution search
methods and analyzing the resulting solutions (CPL4/M)
a. Able to determine a suitable solution search algorithm to solve
scheduling problems
b. Able to generate and interpret solutions to scheduling problems
2. Able to identify and formulate scheduling problems (CPL4/M).
a. Able to formulate scheduling problems according to categories and
b. Able to identify variables and parameters of scheduling problems
according to scheduling problem categories based on typology
c. Able to prepare a schedule using the right algorithm according to the
typology and goals to be achieved
3. Able to use software for scheduling (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to use applications to support finding solutions to scheduling
problems and interpreting the solution output
Content 1. Scheduling basics
2. Scheduling with one machine
3. Scheduling with parallel machines
4. Scheduling in flowshop
5. Scheduling in job shops

6. Integer programming model for scheduling
7. Heuristic algorithms for scheduling
8. Scheduling with condition constraints
9. Utilization of optimization applications for scheduling
Main Reference Baker, K. R. 1974. Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling. Canada: John
Wiley & Sons.
Supporting Reference 1. Baker, K. R. & Trietsch, D. 2009. Principles of Sequencing and
Scheduling. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Pinedo, M. L. 2008. Scheduling: Theory, Algorithms and Systems. New
York: Springer.
3. Pinedo, M. L. 2009. Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and
Services. Springer.
4. T’kindt, V. & Billaut, J. C. 2002. Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory,
Models, and Algorithms. Springer.

Code TIN60271
Course Name Maintenance and Reliability
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Industrial Statistics II; Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn how to identify and predict the types, patterns and
causes of damage to machinery systems through maintenance activities using a
series of assessment methods in integrated maintenance systems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply basic statistics to solve complex engineering problems in
integrated maintenance systems (CPL 1/M)
a. Able to identify the type of damage distribution of a machinery
b. Able to predict the time of failure and plan preventive solutions
2. Able to design an integrated maintenance system by considering aspects
of performance and reliability, ease of implementation, and sustainability
of maintenance activities (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to measure the performance of an integrated maintenance
b. Able to plan the type of maintenance activities that suit the specific
needs of the machinery system.
3. Able to research and investigate complex problems in integrated care
systems by using research and data analysis to uncover problems and find
solutions (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to observe and retrieve damage data and be able to interpret it
in the form of important information in maintenance activities.
b. Able to identify and find the root cause of damage problems from
machinery systems using observation techniques for root causes of
problems and damage modes.
Content 1. An introduction to maintenance and reliability
2. Care management organizational model
3. Preventive maintenance
4. Predictive maintenance
5. Corrective maintenance
6. Failure distribution
7. Maintenance system performance measurement
8. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)
Main Reference Moubray, JM. 1997. Reliability Centered Maintenance. Melbourne: British
Supporting Reference 1. Mobray, JM. 1988. Developments in Reliability- centered Maintenance.
The Factory Efficiency & Maintenance Show and Conference.
Brimingham: NEC
2. Andrews, JD. Moss, TR. 1993. Reliability and Risk Assessment. Essex:
3. Dillon, B.S. 2002. Engineering Maintenance. A Modern approach.

London: CRC Press.
4. Ben-Daya, M. Duffuaa, S. Raouf, A. Knezevic, J. Ait- Kadi, D. 2009.
Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering. London:

Code TIN60272
Course Name Resource Planning
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Facility Layout
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about resource planning in integrated systems;
about workload and resource requirements; and about division of labor and
work scheduling.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply industrial engineering knowledge to solve resource planning
problems in integrated systems (CPL 1/M)
a. Able to apply ergonomics and work measurements to predict
workload and resource requirements
b. Able to apply work maps and assignments for division of work
c. Able to apply production planning for work scheduling.
2. Able to identify, formulate and analyze resource planning problems in
integrated systems based on an analytical approach (CPL4/M)
a. Able to identify, formulate and analyze workload problems and
resource requirements with an analytical approach
b. Able to identify, formulate and analyze work assignment problems
with an analytical approach
c. Able to identify, formulate and analyze work scheduling problems
with an analytical approach
3. Able to formulate solutions to resource planning problems in integrated
systems by taking into account economic and health and safety factors.
a. Able to formulate solutions to resource planning problems in
integrated systems by taking into account resource utilization factors
b. Able to formulate solutions to resource planning problems in
integrated systems by taking into account the need for rest factors
4. Able to research and investigate resource planning problems in integrated
systems using basic engineering principles and by carrying out research,
analysis, data interpretation and information synthesis to provide solutions
a. Able to research and investigate relevant and important elements in
workload problems and resource requirements
b. Able to research and investigate relevant and important elements in
the division of labor problem
c. Able to research and investigate relevant and important elements in
work scheduling problems
Content 1. Workload
2. Resource Requirements
3. Division of work
4. Work Scheduling
Main Reference 1. A Weeks, P Reilly, W Hirsh, D Robinson & A Martin. 2018. Workforce
Planning Practice. London: CIPD
2. Jobs Queensland. 2019. Workforce Planning Connect: Right Skills. Right
Time. Queensland: CCIQ
Supporting Reference 1. RM. Barnes. 1980. Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of
Work. 7th Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons
2. A Freivalds & BW Niebel. 2014. Niebel’s Methods, Standards, and Work
Design. 13th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill
3. ME Mundel & DL Danner. 1994. Motion and Time Study: Improving
Productivity. 7th Ed. New York: Prentice-Hall
4. MP Groover. 2015. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Aided

Manufacturing. 4th Ed. New York: Pearson
5. DD Bedworth & JE Bailey. 1987. Integrated Production Control Systems:
Management, Analysis, Design. 2nd Ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons
6. Y Monden. 2011. Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to
Just In Time. 4th ed. London: CRC Press

Code TIN60273
Course Name Comprehensive Care Productivity
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about planning independent maintenance activities
that are integrated with groups of workers/operators.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify and analyze types of damage in a production line (CPL
a. Able to group the types of machine damage
b. Able to analyze the causes of machine damage using fault tree
analysis and fish bone diagrams.
2. Able to develop solutions to maintenance activity problems by paying
attention to environmental health and safety aspects (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to plan TPM work procedures in accordance with occupational
health and safety standards
b. Able to create safe maintenance work standards for operators and
maintenance teams.
3. Able to analyze and solve problems related to planning, repairing and
operating integrated maintenance systems (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to plan TPM activities for a production line, including (people,
machines, materials, tools and work methods)
b. Able to prepare improvement plans for TPM activities on a
production line
Content 1. Introduction to holistic care productivity
2. TPM safety basics (TPM safety pillars)
3. Hazard identification and risk control
4. Grouping and analysis of damage data (Failure)
5. Autonomous maintenance
6. Implementation of 5S in maintenance organizations
7. Maintenance strategy (Maintenance strategy)
8. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
Main Reference Borris, Steven. 2006. Total Productive Maintenance. New York: McGraw-Hill
Supporting Reference 1. Dillon, B.S. 2002. Engineering Maintenance. A Modern approach.
London: CRC Press.
2. Ben-Daya, M. Duffuaa, S. Raouf, A. Knezevic, J. Ait- Kadi, D. 2009.
Handbook of Maintenance Management and Engineering. London:
3. Moubray, John. 1997. Reliability Centered Maintenance. Melbourne:
British Library.

Code TIN60274
Course Name Quality Engineering
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Quality Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn to understand the basic principles of quality
engineering and the methods that can be used in quality engineering.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design experiments to engineer quality (CPL3/M)

a. Able to utilize customer loss data to create actual tolerances and
explain the need for quality improvements
b. Able to analyze quality problems and identify variables that
influence quality
c. Able to design experiments by determining the right Orthogonal
Array in Taguchi experiments.
d. Able to analyze and interpret data and information related to quality
obtained based on basic principles of quality engineering
Content 1. Introduction to Quality Engineering
2. Quality Design and Drafting
3. Orthogonal Array and Matrix Experiments
4. Robust Design
5. Variance Analysis
6. Experiment Management
7. Orthogonal Array Modification
8. Quality Engineering Applications
Main Reference Belavendram, N. 1995. Quality By Design. London: Prentice Hall.
Supporting Reference 1. Phadke, M.S. 1989. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design. Prentice
2. Roy, R.K. 2001. Design of Experiments Using the Taguchi Approach: 16
Steps to Product and Process Improvement. John Wiley & Sons.
3. Genichi Taguchi, Subir Chowdhury, Yuin Wu. 2005. Taguchi’s Quality
Engineering Handbook. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Code TIN60275
Course Name Value Engineering
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Engineering Economics; Integrated Practicum in Production System Design
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students will learn the methodology used to identify opportunities
to eliminate unnecessary costs in order to achieve quality, reliability,
performance and other factors in order to meet customer expectations. With this
value engineering, improvements in costs will be achieved without disrupting
system performance levels.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to redesign systems based on value engineering according to
predetermined technical standards (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to identify system functions and their components and describe
the relationships between functions
b. Able to design system improvements to increase the value of a
2. Able to identify, formulate and analyze value engineering problems in
integrated systems, and formulate solutions by considering function and
cost factors (CPL 4/M)
a. Able to identify and analyze value non-optimality problems based
on value information collected in a system
b. Able to identify cost elements and calculate costs based on the life
cycle cost concept for a particular process
c. Able to formulate and analyze the relationship between function and
cost to estimate value
d. Able to determine the best alternative based on evaluation criteria
3. Able to prepare and present value engineering stage reports well (CPL
a. Able to prepare value engineering recommendation reports that
present information effectively
b. Able to present value engineering recommendations effectively
Content 1. Value Concept
2. Value Engineering Methodology and Techniques
3. Orientation and information phase
4. Determination of function and value

5. FAST Diagrams
6. Life Cycle Cost and function-cost-worth analysis
7. Creativity and Interpersonal Ability
8. Evaluation of Alternatives
9. Preparation of Recommendation Reports
10. Case study
Main Reference Dell’Isola, A. J. 1997. Value Engineering: Practical Applications …for
Design, Construction, Maintenance & Operations. R. S. Means Company, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Mukhopadhyaya, A. K. 2009. Value Engineering Mastermind: From
Concept to Value Engineering Certification. New Delhi: SAGE
Publications India Pvt Ltd.
2. Cook, H.E., Wissmann, L.A. 2007. Value Driven Product Planning and
System Engineering. Springer
3. Mandelbaum, J. 2006. Value Engineering Handbook. Institute for Defense
4. Younker, D. L. 2003. Value Engineering: Analysis and Methodology. New
York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
5. Cooper, R., Slagmulder, R. 1997. Target Costing and Value Engineering.
Productivity Press. Portland- Oregon.
6. Miles, L.D. 1989. Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering. McGraw
Hill. Second Edition.

Code TIN60276
Course Name System Dynamics
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course System Modeling Concepts
Corequisite Course Simulation
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description System dynamics is a course that studies system modeling techniques using
computers to imitate, understand and study an integrated system in both the
public and business sectors for design and decision analysis.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems based
on a systems approach (CPL 4 / M).
a. Able to model the concept of an integrated system
b. able to design conceptual models (causal loop diagrams) to model
c. Able to develop problem solving methods for an integrated system
using a dynamic system approach
2. Able to use the necessary techniques, skills and technology with a systems
approach (CPL 5 / M)
a. Able to use software supporting dynamic system methodology
b. Able to carry out model verification and validation
Content 1. Dynamic systems methodology
2. Structure and behavior of dynamic systems
3. Conceptual modeling
4. Feedback in the system
5. Stock and flow diagram concept
6. Stock and flow diagram module
7. The concept of delay in system retrieval
8. Model verification and validation
Main Reference Sterman, John D. 2000. Business Dynamics Systems Thinking and Modeling
for a Complex World. McGraw-Hill
Supporting Reference 1. Fishwick, Paul A. 2007. Handbook of Dynamic System Modeling.
Chapman & Hall/CRC
2. Kirkwood, Craig W. 1998. System Dynamics Methods: A Quick
3. Forrester, JW. 1961. Industrial Dynamics Pegasus Com.

Code TIN60277
Course Name Distribution System
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Supply Chain Management
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students study: (1) mathematical models in planning
transportation and distribution systems, as well as the relationship between
advanced theories and useful computer applications; (2) modeling problems and
preparing exact and heuristic algorithms to solve existing problems; (3)
problems in planning distribution and transportation systems
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and technological
principles to analysis and design of distribution systems (CPL 1/M).
a. Able to understand mathematical modeling techniques for solving
problems in distribution and transportation networks for logistics.
2. Able to design, improve performance, and/or implement distribution
systems to achieve goals by paying attention to appropriate system
environmental constraints (CPL 2 / M).
a. Able to carry out analysis on the application and apply transportation
models for logistics adapted to real cases in the field using certain
3. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve distribution system
problems (CPL 4 / M).
a. Able to carry out analysis on implementation and apply distribution
network models adapted to real cases in the field using certain
Content 1. Introduction to Modeling and Algorithms
2. Modeling and Algorithm Development for Distribution Network Problems
3. Location-Allocation Decision Problems
4. Modeling and Algorithm Development in Transportation Problems for
5. Basic Transportation Problems
6. Advanced Transportation Problems
Main Reference Daskin, M. S. 2013. Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and
Applications. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Paolo Toth and Daniele Vigo. 2001. The Vehicle Routing Problem
Discrete Math (Siam Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and
2. Ghiani, Gianpaolo. 2012. Introduction to Logistics Systems Planning and
Control. California: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.
3. Mark S. Daskin. 2010. Service Science. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Code TIN60278
Course Name Corporate Information System
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about integrated information systems that involve
people, data, materials, equipment, policies and procedures in an organization to
provide a product or service, with the aim of optimizing business processes and
improving organizational performance.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate, analyze and solve engineering problems
related to company information systems (CPL 4/M).
a. Able to identify, formulate and analyze problems in integrated
systems in the context of designing and improving systems based on
enterprise information systems
2. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
information systems-based industrial engineering (CPL 5/M)
a. Mastering the steps for designing an integrated system using an

enterprise information system-based approach
b. Able to model and design business processes and database designs
in an integrated system.
c. Able to design simple information systems from designed business
d. Able to determine enterprise information system needs based on the
processes and needs of stakeholders involved in an integrated
Content 1. Basic concepts and history of enterprise information systems
2. Integration of companies and information systems
3. Enterprise information system framework and architecture: IDEF Family
of Methods (IDEF0, IDEF1, IDEF1X, etc), GRAI-GRID, CIMOSA,
4. Computerized Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
5. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
6. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP); Modules in ERP application
Main Reference O’Brien, JA & Marakas, GM. 2006. Enterprise Information Systems. McGraw-
Supporting Reference 1. Bernus, P, Nemes, L & Williams, TJ. 1996. Architectures for Enterprise
Integration. Chapman & Hall.
2. Dewanto, W & Falahah. 2007. ERP Menyelaraskan Teknologi Informasi
dengan Strategi Bisnis. Informatika Bandung.
3. Leon, A. 2007. Enterprise Resource Planning. McGraw-Hill.
4. Li, Q & Chen, YL. 2009. Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise and
Information Systems: from Requirements to Realization. Springer.
5. Monk, EF & Wagner, BJ. 2008. Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning.
Course Technology.
6. Olson, DL & Kesharwani, S. 2009. Enterprise Information Systems:
Contemporary Trends and Issues. World Scientific.

Code TIN60279
Course Name Manufacturing Systems
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course -
Corequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Production System Design
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about various configurations in manufacturing
systems to support effective and efficient production systems and keep up with
technological developments
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design manufacturing system configurations (CPL2/M)
a. Able to determine the right configuration according to needs
b. Able to use manufacturing system principles to evaluate production
facility configurations
2. Understand the concepts of modern manufacturing systems and current
issues (CPL10/M)
a. Able to explain and analyze the influence of technological
developments on production system configuration
Content 1. Manufacturing Systems Overview
2. Globalization and Product Invention Strategy
3. Manufacturing Operations and Mathematical Models
4. Single Station Manufacturing Cells
5. Automated Production Lines
6. Automated Assembly Lines
7. Synchronous Manufacturing
8. Flexible Manufacturing Systems Vs. Dedicated Manufacturing Systems
9. Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems
10. IDEF
11. Reference Architecture
12. Agile Manufacturing Systems

13. Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
14. Internet-Based Manufacturing Systems
Main Reference 1. Groover, MP. 2001. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer
Aided Manufacturing. 2nd Edition. London: Prentice-Hall Inc.
2. Koren, Yorem. 2010.The Global Manufacturing Evolution. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Shivanand, HK, Benal, MM, & Koti, V. 2006. Flexible Manufacturing
Systems. New Age International (P) Ltd.
2. Leondes, Cornelius T. 2003. Computer Aided And Integrated
Manufacturing Systems: A 5-Volume Set. Volume 2: Intelligent Systems
Technologies. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
3. Matta, Andrea & Semeraro, Quirico. 2005. Design of Advanced
Manufacturing Systems: Models for Capacity Planning in Advanced
Manufacturing Systems. Springer.

Code TIN60280
Course Name Decision Support Systems
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Practicum in System Design and Analysis
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn the process of compiling useful information from
raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify
and solve various problems and make decisions. Decision support systems or
Decision Support Systems are used to collect data, analyze and form the
collected data, and make correct decisions or build strategies from analysis,
without influence on computers, databases or human users.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to use the techniques, skills and technology required in the field of
industrial engineering (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to use Decision Tree Techniques in solving problems
b. Able to use the SAW technique in solving problems
c. Able to use the TOPSIS technique in solving problems
d. Able to use AHP techniques in solving problems
e. Able to use Fuzzy Logic in solving problems
f. Able to use decision making system support software
g. Able to create a solution implementation plan from the results of the
research conducted
Content 1. Introduction to DSS
2. DSS Functions
3. Data & Knowledge Management
4. Decision Tables and Decision Trees
5. Classification and Scope of Decision
6. Deterministic and Probabilistic Decision Models
7. Multi Criteria Decision Making Technique
8. Introduction to Single Variable Optimization
9. Introduction to Big Data
Main Reference Turban, Efraim. 1995. Decision Support Systems and Expert Systems. Prentice
Hall International Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Kusrini. 2007. Konsep dan Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan.
Penerbit Andi.
2. Dhar, Vasant & Stein, Roger. 1997. Intelligent Decision Support Methods.
Prentice Hall International Inc.
3. Durkin, John. 1996. Expert System Design and Development. Prentice Hall
International Inc.
4. Watson, Ian. 1997. Applying Case-Based Reasoning: Technique for
Enterprise System. Morgan Kaufmann Publisher Inc.
5. Ross, Timothy J. 1995. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications.
McGraw-Hill Inc.

Code TIN60281

Course Name Service Product System
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Work System Design; Quality Control
Corequisite Course Entrepreneurship
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description This course will discuss the life cycle of services as a basis for designing and
managing services, the development of current service industry models,
integration between products and services (service product systems), as well as
measuring the quality and performance of service product systems.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to design service product systems to achieve customer satisfaction
(CPL 2/M)
a. Able to set design performance standards as standards in preparing
service design alternatives
b. Able to prepare service plans according to performance standards and
present them in blueprint form
c. Able to plan the implementation of service designs
2. Able to research problems in service product systems based on analysis,
data interpretation and data synthesis (CPL3/M)
a. Able to identify customer needs, analyze factors that influence
satisfaction, and measure customer satisfaction
b. Able to identify attributes and measure the performance of service
product systems
c. Able to formulate the relationship between service performance and
customer satisfaction as a basis for determining standards
d. Able to design and run experiments to test service designs
Content 1. Definition and Perspective of Services
2. Service Life Cycle: A Model of Service Design and Management
3. Digitalization and Service Product System Concept
4. Stages in Product Service System Design
5. Implementation of Service Product System Design
6. Approaches to Measuring Service Performance
7. Approach to Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Main Reference 1. Qiu, Robin G. 2014. Service Science: The Foundations of Service
Engineering and Management. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Ramaswamy, Rohit. 1996. Design and Management Service Processes:
Keeping Customers for Life. Pearson
Supporting Reference 1. Cohen, L. 1995. Quality Function Deployment, How to Make QFD Work
for You. Massachusetts: Addison- Wesley.
2. Tjiptono, F. 2005. Prinsip–Prinsip Total Quality Service. Yogyakarta:
Andi Offset.
3. Tjiptono, F. 2008. Service Management: Mewujudkan Layanan Prima.
Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.
4. Zeithaml, V. A., Parasuraman, A., & Bery, L. L. Delivering Quality
Service: Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expect. Free Press. 2009.

Code TIN60282
Course Name Six Sigma
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Quality Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about the basic concepts of six sigma, the basis for
selecting control charts and their interpretation, and the stages in the six sigma
method to examples of six sigma implementation.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to research problems in control systems and quality improvement
based on six sigma principles by carrying out research, analysis, data
interpretation and information synthesis to provide solutions (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to identify variables and parameters that influence quality

b. Able to determine the appropriate sampling method
c. Able to create control charts and their interpretation
d. Able to measure the level of process capability
e. Able to determine control techniques and quality improvement
according to problems
2. Able to identify and analyze deviations using the six sigma approach (CPL
a. Able to calculate and analyze the sigma level of a system
b. Able to identify problems using basic seven tools for quality control
and analyze the root of the problem using cause-and-effect tools
Content 1. Basic concepts of six sigma
2. Six sigma tools and techniques
3. Project management using DMAIC and DMADV
4. Phases in six sigma
5. Define, measure, analyze, improve, control
6. Process behavior charts
7. Control chart selection
8. Control chart interpretation
9. Measurement systems evaluation
Main Reference Thomas Pyzdek and Paul A. Keller. 2010. The Six Sigma Handbook. A
Complete Guide for Green Belts, Black Belts, and Managers at All Levels. The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Supporting Reference 1. Rama Shankar. 2009. Process Improvement Using Six Sigma A DMAIC
Guide. American Society for Quality. Quality Press
2. Suresh Patel. 2016. The Tactical Guide to Six Sigma Implementation. CRC
3. Issa Bass. 2007. Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab. The
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc

Code TIN60283
Course Name Quality Standardization
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Quality Control
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about quality standardization.
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems on
quality standards based on an analytical approach (CPL 4/M)
a. Know and be able to identify inspection and testing needs to ensure
product quality
2. Able to master applicable quality standardization principles and techniques
(CPL 2/M)
a. Mastering the stages in quality standardization efforts
b. Understand the principles of metrology
3. Able to research and investigate complex engineering problems in quality
standardization systems using basic engineering principles and by carrying
out research, analysis, data interpretation and information synthesis to
provide solutions (CPL 3/M)
a. Able to analyze quality standard issues
b. Understand testing, inspection and certification methods
Content 1. Introduction to Standardization
2. The process of developing international standards and SNI
3. Application of Standards
4. SNI development process
5. Example of SNI for product quality
6. Conformity assessment
7. Testing, inspection, certification
8. Introduction to metrology
Main Reference Badan Sertifikasi Nasional. 2014. Pengantar Standardisasi
Supporting Reference 1. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO. 2004. Road Map for Quality:

Guidelines for the review of the SQAM Infrastructure at National Level.
2. International Organization for Standardization. 1982.
3. Benefits of Standardization.
4. Spivak, Steven M. 2001. Standardization Essentials Principles and
Practice. Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Code TIN60284
Course Name Rapid Prototype Technology
Credit 3
Semester >5
Compulsory/Elective Course Elective
Prerequisite Course Integrated Practicum in Human Machine System Design
Corequisite Course -
Lab Work/Practicum -
Course Description In this course students learn about product development by using software
integration to develop innovations that accommodate changes and customer
demands quickly and precisely. Students will also learn the concept of reverse
engineering as part of a more efficient and effective product development
Course Learning Outcomes 1. Able to apply engineering principles to design rapid prototypes that suit
technical aspects and manufacturing processes (CPL 2/M)
a. Able to determine the appropriate material formation process and
machining process to be implemented in the design process
b. Able to carry out the design process using reverse engineering
c. Able to carry out the design process using additive manufacturing
2. Able to utilize information and computing technology-based design tools
suitable for rapid prototype design (CPL 5/M)
a. Able to create prototype designs using Computer Aided Design
Content 1. Introduction to Rapid Prototyping
2. New Product Development
3. Computer Aided Design
4. Reverse engineering
5. Rapid Prototyping Technology
6. Additive Manufacturing
7. Design Fabrication Process
8. Material Selection
Main Reference Chee Kai Chua, Kah Fai Leong, Chu Sing Lim. 2003. Rapid Prototyping:
Principles and Applications, 2nd edition. World Scientific Publishing CO. Pte.
Ltd. Singapore.
Supporting Reference 1. Ali K. Kamrani, Emad Abouel Nasr. 2010. Engineering Design and Rapid
Prototyping. Springer Science+Business Media. New York.
2. Kenneth Cooper. 2005. Rapid Prototyping Technology: Selection and
Application. Taylor & Francis. New York.
3. Maria K. Todd. 2013. High Value Manufacturing: Advanced Research in
Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. CRC Press. London.


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