You Are the Teacher Procedure Project Instructions 24-25
You Are the Teacher Procedure Project Instructions 24-25
You Are the Teacher Procedure Project Instructions 24-25
Use this project sheet as a checklist before you submit. Your chosen project must be your own
original work. DO NOT USE K12’s worksheets or assignment instructions. Use these instead.
Grade = 18 points (see rubric on the last page).
Due Monday, October 7 to Tools Assignments “You Are the Teacher” Procedure Project
Due Monday, October 7 to English Tools Assignments “You Are the Teacher”
Procedure Project
You Are the Teacher Procedural Project Rubric:
Grade = 18 points. This rubric will be used to assess your project. Please use it as a guide or checklist to make sure
your project contains all requirements.
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 0 points
Introductory Introduction Introduction Introduction is Introduction may Project does
Paragraph contains a contains a hook missing one of the contain one or not include
relevant and that connects required two required an
engaging hook readers to the elements: a elements but introductory
that connects topic. relevant hook, or lacks cohesion paragraph.
readers to the At least two has fewer than 2 and may be
topic. sentences of sentences of confusing for the
3 or more relevant background reader.
sentences of background information, or
interesting and information. the thesis
relevant A thesis statement.
background statement.
A clear thesis
Procedure Procedure is easy Procedure has at Procedure may Procedure has Procedure
Steps to follow. least 5 steps that have 5 steps. fewer than 5 does not
More than 5 are mostly easy to Steps are difficult steps. include
steps are follow. to follow Steps are difficult steps.
included. Steps include Transition words to follow and
Transition words some transition do not help the Transition words
help the reader words that help reader do not help the
move through the the reader move Irrelevant reader or are
process with from one step to information may missing.
ease. the next. be included. Irrelevant
Each step Steps are mostly The reader may information may
contains detailed clear and precise. have difficulty be included.
and precise Some information reaching the The reader will
wording to may be irrelevant. desired outcome. have difficulty
ensure a great The reader will reaching the
result. likely reach the desired outcome.
The reader will desired outcome.
successfully reach
the desired