Class 12 Business Study Sample Paper Set 1
Class 12 Business Study Sample Paper Set 1
Class 12 Business Study Sample Paper Set 1
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Business Studies
1. Mr Abeer Dahiya is a production manager in Nidhi Automobiles Ltd. The Board of Directors of the company [1]
has fixed a target of producing 5,000 units in a month at a cost of ₹1,000 per unit. Abeer was able to achieve the
target of production but at a cost of ₹1,200 per unit. Abeer as a production manager is _________.
a) RBI b) SEBI
a) Delegation b) Development
c) Decentralisation d) Training
9. Which of the following statement is false? [1]
a. Marketing is not merely a business phenomena or confined only to business organisations.
b. Marketing activities are equally relevant to non-profit organisations.
c. Physical distribution includes the decision regarding channels of distribution or the marketing intermediaries
(like whole salers, retailers) to be used only.
d. Grading is particularly necessary for products which are not produced according to predetermined
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct b) Both A and R are true but R is not the
explanation of A. correct explanation of A.
a) iv and i b) i and ii
a) Both the Statements I and II are not correct. b) Both the Statements I and II are correct.
c) Statement I is correct and Statement II is not d) Statement II is correct and Statement I is not
correct. correct.
14. Match the following: [1]
a) (i) - (b), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (c) b) (i) - (a), (ii) - (b), (iii) - (c), (iv) - (d)
c) (i) - (b), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (d), (iv) - (a) d) (i) - (c), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (d)
15. Which of the following options explains the Standardisation and Grading function of marketing? [1]
a. It affects the success or failure of a product in the market.
b. It refers to designing and developing the package for the products.
c. It helps in achieving uniformity and consistency in the output and classifies products into different groups
based on their size.
d. It reduces the need for inspection of products.
a) social b) economic
c) political d) legal
18. Lexi Ltd launched Buddyline, an exercise book and comprehensive stationery brand name comprising of ball [1]
pens, gel pens and geometry boxes after identifying the target market and understanding the needs and wants of
the consumers of that market. All their products were of good quality and eco-friendly but expensive. They
wanted to distinguish their product from that of their competitors. They spent lot of effort, time and money in
creating the brand name, as they knew that without a brand name, they can only create awareness for the generic
product and can never be sure of the sale of their products. The effort paid off and the demand for the products
started growing. The customers liked the brand and became habitual to it. They did not mind paying a higher
price. Over a period of time, it became a status symbol to buy Buddyline brand because of its quality. The
consumers felt pride in using them. Identify the marketing philosophy followed by Lexi Ltd.
a) iv and i b) only i