Computer Networking and the Internet (1)
Computer Networking and the Internet (1)
Computer Networking and the Internet (1)
Information resources gain in value if they can be shared. The suitable technology that would
facilitate efficient access and sharing is computer networking. This is the technology used to
connect computers together to enable exchange of information, communication and sharing of
resources. Computer networks can be as simple as one connecting two computers in a room or
building, or extending to more computers in building close by or expansive and complex setup
that links smaller networks around the globe. This lesson is intended to help students understand
the basics in computer networking and how its structuring facilitate sharing of information.
Computer network is a set of technologies that include hardware, software, and communication
channels connected together for data exchange, communication and resource sharing. Such
networks can be simple setup linking two computers in a room or a complex one that connects
several computer servers around the globe. Networks can be established to share resources
such as databases, printers and to enable internal communication.
Usually networks have been established for some of the following reasons:
Sharing of data and programs
Sharing of computer peripheral devices such as printers, scanner, DVD/CD writers, high
capacity storage devices, backing facilities, etc.
Remote control of equipment e.g. control backup processes from remote terminal
Sharing and distribution of work
Communication within the organization as well as to the external world through electronic
mail or video conferencing
Remote access to data and information e.g. electronic journal articles, online services
There are other emerging applications for the network and they keep adding up the list. Some or
the recent developments include:
To meet these objectives, networks are structured in various ways. Some of the common types of
networks include Local area network, Wide area network, Metropolitan area networks and the
Whenever these types are installed, most of them do have a central computer server while a few
others do not. The arrangement depends on the kind of service and resources supported.
This is a global network of computer servers that use a standard protocol (TCP/IP). Internet is a
public service that has emerged as one of the greatest information source and an important
communication tool. The resources are organized using hypertext language, which is able to link
resources wherever they hosted. One uses a web browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
to locate and use the resources. Over the last few years Internet has grown tremendously in
terms of number of users as well as electronic resources. It offers several services, some of the
most popular are: email, mailing list, video conferencing, file transfer/download, e-commerce.
This is a private network usually a LAN that uses the Internet standards such as TCP/IP, HTTP
and web browsers. They offer similar services like the Internet but they are a private setup. Some
of the common services are:
Email within the organization
Access to organization databases, publications and general notices because they can be
hosted on the server.
Mailing list, discussion group and online chat services within the organization.
Intranets can run very well on both WAN and LANs and they are increasingly becoming
important. Modern business organizations are setting up Intranets to allow communication and
sharing of information both internally and with the outside world.
Network Components
The major components that make up a local area networks are:- servers, client workstations
(terminals), networks interfacing cards, transmission cables, network operating system and
networking accessories.
LAN configuration.
(a) TOPOLOGY – A network topology refers to the way in which the workstations are
interconnected. There are four basic topologies commonly used:
Bus Topology – With the bus topology, all devices on the network are connected to a single
continuous cable called bus. Transmission from any station trails the length of the bus, in
both directions, and can be received by all other stations.
Advantages of bus topology:
- Easy to set up
- If one station fails, it does not affect the other stations
Ring Topology – In ring topology, workstations are connected in a closed loop. This means
that every network transmission passes through all the devices on the LAN. Data is
transmitted in one direction only. The data packet circulates along the ring in either clockwise
or anti-clockwise direction.
Disadvantages of ring topology
- Quite difficult to set up in a building
- The break down of any one station can disable the entire LAN
- Adding or removing devices affects the network operation.
Ring Topology
Star Topology
Tree (Hierarchical) network topology
Most Local area networks, Wide area networks and Intranets include workstations and server(s)
workstations are computer terminals connected to a network where users access to the
resources available. Such workstation may be exclusively for authorized people who update and
maintain resources on the network or may be for the general user who want to search the
catalogue or download some electronic journals. Servers on the other hand are used to control
the network and provide certain shared resources. As such servers may play the role of file
server, network server, application server or proxy server. This arrangement is known as the
client/server configuration as contrasted with the peer-to-peer arrangement where computers on
the network are on equal relationship.
Whenever security and control of network has to be enhanced client/server network arrangement
is the popular choice. This is because the server, that controls the network and hold some of the
shared resources, can be physically and logically secured. Thus it can be kept in a secure room
where it is protected against physical risks such as fire and theft. For logical control, servers are
used to:
Store usernames, group names and passwords
Allocate IP address for the network workstations
Provide backup facilities such as CD Writers and tape drives
Control printing in the network
Maintain an audit trail of activities within the network
Provide rights and privilege to services
Act as the proxy server
Provide other server services e.g. database server, or application server
The level service as we\\ as the user location will probably determine how the network will be
structured. Technology is now available to allow access from local area networks to other kinds of
network. Thus existing small setups would require enhancements to allow to connection to
public/international networks.
What is Internet?
Internet is a worldwide computer network linking countless thousands of computer networks. Its
component networks are individually run by government agencies, universities, commercial and
voluntary organizations.
Speedy communication
Internet communication is instantaneous. However, speed at which e-mail is send depends on: -
- The speed of your modem.
- The processing speed of your PC.
Inexpensive communication
The greatest benefit for using Internet is the fact that it is relatively cheap compared to other
means of communication.
Convenient communication
Unlike telephones, e-mail messages can be send even when the addressee is absent. The
addressee can pick up their mail any time they wish.
To get connected to the Internet the following basic items are required: -
Internet protocols.
What is a protocol?
- Protocol is a medium by which computers use to communicate with each other over
the Internet. Computers must use the same protocol („language‟) to communicate
with each other in the internet/ network.
Types of protocols
(I) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)- used for sending and receiving electronic mail
across a network of systems.
(II) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
(III) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - used for transferring files through the Internet.
(IV) Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)- used to carry news group traffic on the
Internet Address
Sample internet address will look like this
The World Wide Web is the part of the Internet. The web consists of a huge collection of
documents stored on computers around the world.
Web site – Web site is a collection of web pages maintained by the college, university,
government agency, company or individual.
Web page - A web page is a document on the web. Web pages can include text, pictures,
sound and video.
Popular web sites – some web sites are popular and can get busy. You may find that it takes
longer to view the information on a busy web site. If it is taking a long time to view a web site, try
connecting again later.
Home page – The Home page is the page that appears each time you start your web browser.
You can choose any page on the web as your home page. Make sure you choose a home page
that provides a good starting point for exploring the web.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – Each web page has a unique address, called the Uniform
Resource Locator (URL). You can instantly display any web page if you know its URL. All web
page URLs start with http (Hypertext transfer protocol).
Hypertext – Web pages are hypertext documents. A hypertext document contains highlighted
text that connects to other pages on the web. You can instantly jump from one web page to
another by selecting the highlighted text. Selecting the highlighted text can take you to a page
located on the same computer across the city, country or world.
A web browser is a program that lets you view and explore information on the web. Examples of
notable web browsers are; Internet explorer, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox etc.
The Internet Explorer – Internet explorer is a popular web browser from Microsoft. The latest
version of Internet explorer has the following features:
- Can browse the world wide web efficiently
- Includes Outlook Express, which enables you to exchange electronic mail. Outlook
Express allows you to enhance your messages with images, animation and
- Participate in news groups
- Internet explorer includes NetMeeting which allows you to easily communicate with
other people through conferences. You can chat with a colleague, exchange files and
work together on the same document.
Menu bar
Tool bar
Web browser features:
History list – Most web browsers include a history list that keep track of the locations of pages
you have visited previously.
Turn off images – Images or pictures, may take a while to appear on the screen. You can save
time by turning off the images.
Favorites (Bookmarks) – This feature lets you store the addresses of web pages you frequently
visit. This saves you from having to constantly retype your favorite web page addresses.
Search tips – The search feature allows you to search for specific group of words in the Internet.
To begin searching, click the „search’ button on the toolbar.
Home – Takes you to your home page
Stop – Whenever a web site or a web page takes long to open, you can stop it any tome by
clicking the „stop‟ button on the tool bar.
Back – Takes you to the previous web page
Forward – Takes you to the next web page after the current page.
1. Surfing – This is a term used refer to from one side to another in the World Wide Web.
2. Online – This is a term used to describe a state when a computer is connected to the
internet or network and the user is able to use resources from the network or internet
3. Offline – This is a state whereby the user is not practically connected to the Internet or
4. Protocols – Protocols are rules for exchanging data using computers in a network.
5. TCP/IP – This is the standard protocol used in the internet.
6. ISPs – These are organizations which offer access to internet to for a fee. Local ISPs in
Kenya include;, e.t.c
7. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) – This is an address of a web resource. It normally
comprises of the protocol and the domain name.
8. Bandwidth – This is a speed at which a transmission channel transmits data. Bandwidth
is measured in bits per second.
9. Intranet – Intranets are private networks within an organization that resembles the
Internet. Their web resources are available only to those within the organization.
10. Extranet – Extranets are similar to intranets except that extranets connects more than
one organization. E.g. producers and suppliers may get connected using extranets.
11. Firewalls – This is a security system to protect an organization against external threads.
With firewalls, all communications into and out of an organization pass through a special
security computer called a Proxy server.
12. HTML – This is a short for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is a system development
tool used in designing web browsers.
1) The header – The header appears first and normally include the following information:
a. Address: This include the address of the sending person(s), the receiving person(s),
and anyone else who is to receive copies.
b. Subject: This is a one line description of the topic of the message
c. Attachments: You can attach files such as worksheets and documents on your e-
mail. If the e-mail message has an attachment, the file name(s) appears on the
attachment line.
2) The message – this is the letter or the actual message being delivered. It is typically short
and to the point.
3) The signature – the signature line provides additional information about the sender. This
may include the sender‟s name, address, and telephone/fax/e-mail number.
The E-mail Editor Window
E-mail Exercises
1. Assuming that you are applying for a job, create curriculum vitae (CV) in Microsoft Word
and save it as “MY CV” in drive C:\ of your computer.
Using Microsoft Outlook send an application to the manager using the following address; and a copy to
Attach your CV file and save the e-mail file as Apply (your name) with file type message
format or mail format.
2. You have seen ad advertisement in one of the daily newspapers requiring somebody to
design a good logo for a company. You being an expert in logo design, send an e-mail
application to the advertiser using the following addresses; and Let the human
resource manager get a copy through this address:
Attach a sample logo you have designed using paint. Save your e-mail file as Design
(your name) on the desktop of your computer.
3. Assuming you are the executive secretary in a company called Aggregate Inc. Ltd.
During the last annual general meeting, you were involved in recording the minutes of the
proceedings. Prepare these minutes in Microsoft word and save as minutes.
Using Microsoft Outlook, compose an e-mail to the director of the company and the
general manager using the following addresses: and respectively. Let
the chairman and the Treasurer receive a copy of the same mail. Their addresses are: and respectively.
Save your e-mail file as minutes (your name) on your desktop.