AMAF 30 ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen Final
AMAF 30 ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen Final
AMAF 30 ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen Final
In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances
allowed, the mangosteen must be:
- whole
- pedicel intact and with or without calyx;
- sound, produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make
it unfit for consumption is excluded;
- clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter;
- practically free of pests affecting the general appearance of the produce;
- practically free of damage caused by pests except netted skin fruit;
- free of abnormal external moisture , excluding condensation following
removal from cold storage;
- free of any foreign smell and/or taste 1;
- fresh in appearance, have a shape, colour and taste characteristic of the
- free of pronounced blemishes; and
- practically easy to be cut open.
This provision allows for smell caused by conservation agents used in compliance with corresponding
The total area affected shall not exceed 10% of the total surface
Yellowish latex stains on the fruit surface shall not exceed 5% by number or
weight of the delivered lot.
2.2.2 Class I
Yellowish latex stains on the fruit surface shall not exceed 10% by number or
weight of the delivered lot.
2.2.3 Class II
This class includes mangosteen which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher
classes, but satisfy the minimum requirements specified in Section 2.1 above.
The following may be allowed, provided the mangosteen retains their essential
characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:
- defects in shape;
- defects on the peel such as bruising, scratches or other mechanical
damage. The total area affected shall not exceed 30% of the total
Yellowish latex stains on the fruit surface shall not exceed 20% by number or
weight of the delivered lot.
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ASEAN Stand 10:2008 – ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen
Size is determined by the weight or the diameter of the equatorial section of the
fruit, in accordance with the following table:
Tolerances in respect of quality and size shall be allowed in each package (or in
each lot for produce presented in bulk) for produce not satisfying the
requirements of the class indicated.
4.1.2 Class I
4.1.3 Class II
For all classes, 10% by number or weight of mangosteens not satisfying the
requirements as regards sizing, but falling within the size immediately above or
below those indicated in Section 3.
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ASEAN Stand 10:2008 – ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen
The contents of each package (or lot for produce presented in bulk) must be
uniform and contain only mangosteen of the same origin, quality and size. The
visible part of the contents of the package (or lot for produce presented in bulk)
must be representative of the entire contents.
The containers shall meet the quality, hygiene, ventilation and resistance
characteristics to ensure suitable handling, shipping and preserving of the
mangosteens. Packages (or lot for produce presented in bulk) must be free of all
foreign matter and smell.
In addition to the requirements of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling
of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985, Rev. 1-1991), the following
specific provisions apply:
If the produce is not visible from the outside, each package shall be labelled as to
the name of the produce and may be labelled as to the name of the variety
and/or commercial type.
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ASEAN Stand 10:2008 – ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen
Each package must bear the following particulars, in letters grouped on the same
side, legibly and indelibly marked, and visible from the outside, or in the
documents accompanying the shipment. For produce transported in bulk these
particulars must appear on a document accompanying the goods.
6.2.1 Identification
Name and address of Exporter, Packer and/or Dispatcher. Identification code
Mangosteen shall comply with those maximum residue limits established by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission and/or by authority for this commodity.
Mangosteen shall comply with those maximum levels for heavy metals
established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and/or by authority for this
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8.2 The product should comply with any microbiological criteria established in
accordance with the Principles for the Establishment and Application of
Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997).
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ASEAN Stand 10:2008 – ASEAN Standard for Mangosteen