Experiment 8
Experiment 8
Experiment 8
A. Execution (5) 3 4 5
C. Understanding (10) 8 9 10
Objective: To understand the operation of a ripple carry adder, specifically how the carry
ripples through the adder.
1. examining the behavior of the working module to understand how the carry ripples
through the adder stages
2. to design a ripple carry adder using full adders to mimic the behavior of the working
3. the adder will add two 4 bit numbers
Theory: Arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division are basic
operations to be implemented in digital computers using basic gates like AND, OR, NOR,
NAND etc. Among all the arithmetic operations if we can implement addition then it is easy
to perform multiplication (by repeated addition), subtraction (by negating one operand) or
division (repeated subtraction).
Half Adders can be used to add two one bit binary numbers. It is also possible to create a
logical circuit using multiple full adders to add N-bit binary numbers. Each full adder inputs a
Cin, which is the Cout of the previous adder. This kind of adder is a Ripple Carry Adder,
since each carry bit "ripples" to the next full adder. The first (and only the first) full adder
may be replaced by a half adder. The block diagram of 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder is shown
here below -
The layout
of ripple carry adder is simple, which allows for fast design time; however, the ripple carry
adder is relatively slow, since each full adder must wait for the carry bit to be calculated from
the previous full adder. The gate delay can easily be calculated by inspection of the full adder
circuit. Each full adder requires three levels of logic. In a 32-bit [ripple carry] adder, there are
32 full adders, so the critical path (worst case) delay is 31 * 2(for carry propagation) + 3(for
sum) = 65 gate delays.
Design Issues:
The corresponding Boolean expressions are given here to construct a ripple carry adder. In the
sum = A ⊕ B
half adder circuit the sum and carry bits are defined as
carry = AB
In the full adder circuit the the Sum and Carry output is defined by inputs A, B and Carrying
Carry=ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
Having these we could design the circuit. But, we first check to see if there are any logically
equivalent statements that would lead to a more structured equivalent circuit. With a little
algebraic manipulation, one can see that
Sum= ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
= (A ⊕ B) C + (A ⊕ B) C
= (AB + AB) C + (AB + AB) C
=A ⊕ B ⊕ C
Carry= ABC + ABC + ABC + ABC
= AB + (A ⊕ B) C
= AB + (AB + AB) C
Procedure to perform the experiment: Design of Ripple Carry Adders
1) Start the simulator as directed. This simulator supports 5-valued logic. 2) To design the
circuit we need 3 full adder, 1 half adder, 8 Bit switch(to give input), 3 Digital display(2
for seeing input and 1 for seeing output sum), 1 Bit display(to see the carry output), wires.
3) The pin configuration of a component is shown whenever the mouse is hovered on any
canned component of the palette or presses the 'show pin config’button. Pin numbering
starts from 1 and from the bottom left corner (indicating with the circle) and increases
4) For half adder input is in pin-5,8 output sum is in pin-4 and carry is pin-1, For full
adder input is in pin-5,6,8 output sum is in pin-4 and carry is pin-1
5) Click on the half adder component(in the Adder drawer in the pallet) and then click on
the position of the editor window where you want to add the component(no drag and
drop, simple click will serve the purpose), likewise add 3 full adders(from the Adder
drawer in the pallet), 8 Bit switches, 3 digital display and 1 bit Displays(from Display
and Input drawer of the pallet, if it is not seen scroll down in the drawer)
6) To connect any two components, select the Connection menu of Palette, and then click
on the Source terminal and click on the target terminal. According to the circuit
diagram connect all the components, connect 4 bit switches to the 4 terminals of a
digital display and another set of 4 bit switches to the 4 terminals of another digital
display. connect the pin-1 of the full adder which will give the final carry output.
connet the sum(pin-4) of all the adders to the terminals of the third digital
display(according to the circuit diagram shown in screenshot). After the connection is
over click the selection tool in the pallet.
7) To see the circuit working, click on the Selection tool in the pallet then give input by
double clicking on the bit switch, (let it be 0011(3) and 0111(7)) you will see the
output on the output(10) digital display as sum and 0 as carry in bit display.
Circuit diagram of Ripple Carry Adder:
Components required:
The components needed to create 4 bit ripple carry adder is listed here -
⮚ 4 full-adders
⮚ wires to connect
⮚ LED display to obtain the output
OR we can use
⮚ 3 full-adders
⮚ 1 half adder
⮚ wires to connect
⮚ LED display to obtain the output