physics file
physics file
physics file
I also cannot forget to thank my parents & friends who helped me a lot
to complete this project in the time frame. I would like to thank the
internet for all the services it provided me in the completion of this
Chadwick discovered neutron and after discovery of neutron Enrico
Fermi found that new radioactive elements are produced, when
neutron bombard various elements. Uranium nucleus broke into two
nearly equal fragments when a neutron was bombard on a uranium
target and great amount of energy was released. Various examples of
such reactions are-
It is relevant to mention here that the energy evolved is almost the
same in all the cases. Nuclei produced in fission are stable and highly
neutron-rich. They emit beta particle in succession, until each reaches
a stable end product.
The energy released in the fission of a single 𝑈 is about 200 MeV.
This is estimated from mass defect in the reaction.
This energy first appears as the kinetic energy of the fragments and
neutrons and is transferred to the surrounding matter appearing as heat.
Nuclear fission is the source of energy in nuclear reactors, from which
electricity is produced. An atomic bomb is uncontrolled nuclear fission
in which enormous energy is released. In next section we are going to
discuss how a nuclear reactor functions.
A nuclear reactor is based upon controlled nuclear chain reaction.
When 𝑈 undergoes a fission after bombarded by a neutron. More
Neutron on an average 2 neutrons per fission of uranium nucleus are
produced, raises the possibility of a chain reaction with each neutron
that is produced triggering another fission. First time such a possibility
was suggested in 1939 by Enrico Fermi.
Soon it was discovered that neutrons liberated in fission unless slowed
down will escape from the reactor without interacting with the
uranium nuclei. Unless a very large amount of fissionable material is
used for sustaining the chain reaction. Also it was found that slow
neutrons have a much higher intrinsic probability of inducing fission in
𝑈 than fast neutrons. Therefore to slow down the fast neutrons
elastic scattering with light nuclei is used (based on conservation of
momentum in collision).
Light nuclei in reactor is called moderators. The moderators
commonly used are water, heavy water (D2O) and graphite.
Water is used as moderator in Apsara reactor at the Bhabha Atomic
Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai.
Heavy water is used as moderator in other Indian reactors
The chain reaction once started will remain steady, accelerate or retard
will depend upon neutron reproduction factor or multiplication factor
(k) which is defined as
K = Rate of production of neutrons
Rate of loss of neutrons
The operation of the reactor is said to be critical for k = 1 and which is
for steady power operation. If k < 1 the chain reaction gradually comes
to a halt. The reactor power increases exponentially for k greater than
one. Unless the factor k is brought down very close to unity the reactor
will become supercritical and can even explode Such accidents in
nuclear reactor can be sudden great disaster Such accidents has taken
place in 1986 in Ukraine in the chrenobyl reactor.
Therefore to reduce k less than unity control-rods made out of neutron-
absorbing material such as cadmium is used. Further to reduce k
rapidly to less than unity in addition to control rods, reactors are
provided with safety rods, which required can be inserted into the
On capturing a neutron, 𝑈 isotope which does not fission, leads to
the formation of plutonium, reactions are as under.
(1) Fuel: Usually, U235 or Pu239 is used as the fuel in a nuclear reactor.
We know that natural uranium contains only 0.7% of uranium. The
remaining 99.3% being U238 which is not fissionable by thermal
neutrons. Hence, enriched uranium in which U235 is increased from
0.7% to about 3% is used as the fuel in the reactor.
(2) Moderator: The neutrons produced by fission are fast with kinetic
energies of the order of 2MeV. But, fission is induced most effectively
by thermal neutrons with kinetic energies of about 0.04eV. The
substance used to slow down the fast neutrons to thermal neutrons is
called moderator.
A moderator should have the following properties.
(a) Low molecular weight
(b) It should not absorb neutron
(c) It should undergo elastic collision with neutrons and reduce their
(4) Coolant: The energy released inside the reactor in the form of heat
is removed by coolant. For this purpose air, ice cold water, molten
sodium or CO2 is circulated around the reactor core area which
withdraws the heat produced in the core. This heat is utilised for
producing steam which is then used to drive turbines for generating
(5) Shielding Wall: Various types of harmful intense rays are emitted
from the reactor. To protect the human beings from these rays, the
reactor is surrounded by 7 to 6 ft thick concrete walls.
The reactors which can produce fuel more than they use, are called
“breeder reactors”. We have known that not U236 but Pu240 is also
highly fissionable. Pu240 is obtained by bombarding Pu239 with thermal
But Pu239 is not a naturally occurring isotope. However, U238 can
capture a neutron to produce Pu239 which can be used as fuel.
If more than one neutron can be absorbed by U238 rods per fission, then
we produce more fuel in the form of Pu239 as we consume in the form
of U235. Thus, apart from nuclear energy, these reactors give us fresh
nuclear fuel which often exceeds the nuclear fuel used.
The value of this Coulomb barrier depends on the charges and the radii
of the two interacting nuclei. This barrier height is 400 keV for two
protons. To overcome the Coulomb's barrier of protons in a proton gas
the temperature required is given by kT = 400 keV is about 3*109 k.
The first three reactions must occur twice for the fourth reaction to
Summing up 2(i) + 2(ii) + 2(iii) + (iv), we obtain
However elements more massive than those near the peak of the
binding energy curve cannot be produced by further fusion.