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Years of the Syrian civil war has seen multiple players fighting each other and
competing for influence. The four major players are the Bashar al Assad
government and his allies; the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS);
the Islamic front, including Jabhat al Nusra; and the Kurdish People’s
Protection Units (YPG). The dynamics of the competition among the four key
players and its implication for Syria, is the focus of this article.
The first major player in the Syrian civil war is the ruling coalition led by
Bashar al Assad. Assad is an Alawite, a splinter sect of Shiite Islam. The
Alawites, which make up 10% to 15% of the Syrian population, have been
supporting Assad since the start of the civil war. Druzes are another minority
tribe in Syria that are believed to have been providing significant support in
the form of manpower to Assad until recently when Druze leaders announced
that they would cease support for the Assad regime and protect themselves
against any assault by the rebels (Hassan 2015). Assad is also supported by
Iran, which provided weapons and sent some of its top military personnel
including General Qassim Suleimani, to Syria’s battlegrounds (Filkins 2013).
The Assad regime is also backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah led by Hasan
Nasrallah. The Lebanese Hezbollah provides fighters to Assad, due to a
shared sectorial identity (the fact that Alawites are a sub-sect of the Shiites)
and due to Assad’s support to Hezbollah in the past, especially during the
Israel-Lebanon conflict in 2006.
Turkey has now allowed its airbases for use by Road Ahead
other countries, especially the U.S., which could
change the dynamics of the overall fight against Under present conditions, the fight in Syria is
ISIS. On 14 August 2015, the Pentagon expected to continue for years. The fall of Assad
announced the first wave of U.S. airstrikes on continues to be illusive and unfortunately it is not
ISIS and other rebel groups from Incirlik Air Base an immediate priority as ISIS is seen as the most
in Southern Turkey. Washington has already dangerous threat in Syria and to the rest of the
sent a fleet of combat aircrafts and started air world. Nevertheless, the continued use of barrel
strikes on ISIS positions with better outcome bombs, chlorine gas, and collective punishment
than before due to the shorter distance and by Assad against rebels is still a matter of
availability of more time to remain on the air to serious concern for the international community.
seek and destroy ISIS targets (CNN 2015). The support of the U.S.-led coalition is the most
important factor for defeating ISIS. Aerial and
There are a number of moderate groups in Syria ammunition support by the U.S.-led coalition to
whose aim is to replace the Assad regime with a YPG and its allies has yielded important gains,
secular democratic system. However, at present including the retaking of territories and oil
these moderate groups do not have that much resources, and the cutting off of ISIS’ supply
support inside Syria. Moreover, as foreign lines in the last few months.
If this support continues, the front could be able to prevent ISIS’ advances by destroying
its military machines, slowing down its mobilisation, exterminating its convoys of ammuni-
tion and keeping it on the defensive. At the same time, urgent action is required to allevi-
ate the humanitarian crisis in the region due to the prolonged civil war.
Mekki Uludag is a Research Analyst with the International Center for Political Violence
and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
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