cd back (2)
cd back (2)
cd back (2)
d)* *Explain the following loops with example.* - *While loop:* Repeats while a e)* *How to add multiple elements at the end of a list?*
Corrected code: ,, python ,, check1 = ['Learn', 'Quiz', 'Practice', 'Contribute'] condition is true. ,, python,, i = 0,, while i < 5:,, print(i),, i += 1 Use the extend() method. Python,, lst = [1, 2, 3],, lst.extend([4, 5, 6])
check2 = check1 ,, check3 = check1[:] ,, check2[0] = 'Code' ,, check3[1] = 'Mcq' - *For loop:* Iterates over items in a sequence. print(lst) # Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
count = 0 ,, for c in (check1, check2, check3): Python,, for i in range(5):,, print(i) f)* *Explain the remove() method.* The remove() method removes the first
if c[0] == 'Code': ,, count += 1 ,, if c[1] == 'Mcq': *e)* *How to perform input-output operations? Explain with example.* occurrence of a specified value from a list.Example:,, python,, lst = [1, 2, 3, 2]
count += 10 ,, print(count) # Output: 11 - *Input:* input() to read user input. lst.remove(2),, print(lst) # Output: [1, 3, 2]
b)* *Program to update Counter.* python ,, Counter = {} - *Output:* print() to display output. *g)* *Write a lambda function to add 10 to a given integer.*
def addToCounter(country): ,, if country in Counter: ,, Counter[country] += 1 Example: ,, python,, name = input("Enter your name: "),, print(f"Hello, {name}!") Python,, add_ten = lambda x: x + 10,, print(add_ten(5)) # Output: 15
else: ,, Counter[country] = 1 ,, addToCounter("USA"),, addToCounter("India") a)* *Reverse a string and eliminate the letter ‘s’.* python,, s = input("Enter a a)* *What is a package? Explain with example how to create a package.*
addToCounter("USA") ,, print(Counter) # Output: {'USA': 2, 'India': 1} string: "),, reversed_s = s[::-1].replace('s', '').replace('S', ''),, print(reversed_s) A package is a collection of Python modules organized in directories with an
a)* *What are the advantages of Python?* - Easy to learn and use. *b)* *Raise an exception if age is less than 18.* file. *Example:*1. Create a directory mypackage.
- Extensive library support. - Platform-independent. - Strong community support. Python,, class AgeException(Exception): ,, pass ,, age = int(input("Enter your age: 2. Inside mypackage, add and modules like
- Dynamic typing and memory management. *b)* *List out main differences ")),, if age < 18: ,, raise AgeException("Age is less than 18."). Python,, # In,, def greet():,, print("Hello from module1!")
between lists & tuples.* - *Lists*: Mutable, defined with square brackets []. - *d)* *Demonstrate list slicing.* 3. Import and use:,, python,, from mypackage import module1
*Tuples*: Immutable, defined with parentheses ().*c)* *Python is a scripting lst = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] .. print(lst[1:4]) # Output: [20, 30, 40] module1.greet()
language. Comment.* j)* *What is lambda function? Give example.* e)* *A tuple is an ordered collection of items. Comment.* Yes, tuples maintain
A lambda function is an anonymous function defined using the lambda keyword. the order of elements, and the elements can be accessed via indices.
Python:,, square = lambda x: x * x:,,print(square(4)) # Output: 16
a)* *Recursive function to display the sum of digits until a single digit.* a) What is dry run in Python? - A dry run is the process of manually walking a) Write a Python program to check if a given number is Armstrong.
def sum_of_digits(n):,, if n < 10:,, return n through the code to understand how it works and to check for any logical errors, def is_armstrong(n): ,, num_str = str(n) ,, length = len(num_str)
return sum_of_digits(sum(int(digit) for digit in str(n))) without actually running the code. sum_of_powers = sum(int(digit) ** length for digit in num_str)
num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) ,, b) Give the purpose of selection statements in Python.* return sum_of_powers == n
print("Single-digit sum:", sum_of_digits(num)) - Selection statements like if, if-else, and if-elif-else are used to make decisions in b) Write a Python program to display power of 2 using an anonymous function.
b)* *Compute sum of squares of list integers.* the program, allowing different paths of execution based on conditions. => power_of_2 = lambda x: 2 ** x print(power_of_2(5)) # Output: 32
n = int(input("Enter number of integers: ")) c) List the types of type conversion in Python. => The types of type conversion in c) Write a Python program to print even-length words in a string.
lst = [int(input()) for _ in range(n)] Python are: 1. Implicit type conversion (Automatic) 2. Explicit type conversion def even_length_words(text):,, words = text.split() ,, for word in words:,,
print("Sum of squares:", sum(x**2 for x in lst)) d) What is the use of pass statement? - The pass statement in Python is used as a if len(word) % 2 == 0: print(word)
c)* *Count occurrences of "India" and "Country" in pledge.txt.* placeholder for future code. It allows the program to run without any errors if a # Example even_length_words("This is an example string")
with open("pledge.txt", "r") as file: block of code is empty, especially in class or function definitions. a) Write a Python program to check for Zero Division Error Exception.
text = e) Explain the function enumerate().:- The enumerate() function in Python adds a try: a = 5 / 0 ,, except ZeroDivisionError: ,, print("Error: Division by zero.")
print("India:", text.count("India")) counter to an iterable and returns it as an enumerate object, which can then be b) Write a Python program to find gcd of a number using recursion.
print("Country:", text.count("Country")) used in loops. It is useful when you need both index and value in a loop. def gcd(a, b): if b == 0: ,, return a,, else: return gcd(b, a % b)
b)* *Output of the second code snippet:* f) Explain the extend method of list.* - The extend() method adds all elements of # Example print(gcd(56, 98)) # Output: 14
The code raises an error because the decorator @f is applied incorrectly, leading to an iterable (like another list or tuple) to the end of the list. For example:
a recursive call that violates the decorator's logic. list1.extend([4, 5]) will add 4 and 5 to list1.